“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

-Voltaire, 1765

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Exactly. If they can make you say that "trans women are women" they can get you to agree to child mutilation. That's where we are now.

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The word "Trans" means across, so, a Transgendered Woman is someone who has crossed genders from male to female or from female to male.

Before vilifying a Transgendered Woman/Man and making an assertion they are not a women or man take a moment or two to talk with a Transgendered Woman/Man

Gender deals with the head and how a person perceives themself and doesn't have anything ro do with sex.

Orientation deals with the heart and who someone loves.

Sex has to do with the genital region.

So, before anyone begins attacking a Transgendered person take a few minutes, hours, or days to research who they really are and the struggles they have endured to. Um, here is a novel suggestion, actually openly talk with a Transgendered person with no covert or overt bias. If you don't like what they have to say walk away from them though I hope that they can at least show you that they are also human and have feelings like you have feelings.

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Hi, I am not "vilifying or attacking a Transgendered Woman". I just think such a person is a man with a psych disorder, not a magic gender fairy inside of him. I am perfectly happy if he wants to wear a dress and grow his hair long. I think he deserves proper gatekeeping rather than immediate surgeries as there are too many now with regrets (like 40K in the US). That is compassion. Walter Heyer is someone who seeks to help fellas with regrets. Agreeing with a confused person that he is a type of woman is not compassion, IMO. And, the whole thing has jumped into the realm of religion. It is not science. Of course, we all have feelings :) but I do not have to agree that one's feelings or one's operations determine what one *is*. It actually helps no one. "Gender deals with the head and how a person perceives themself and doesn't have anything ro do with sex." If a person perceives himself as the opposite sex or "non-binary" the rest of society and laws do not have to be made to agree with his self perception (which is nuts). And, we must stop teaching Radical Gender Theory in the schools.

I have talked to plenty of confused people and bear them no ill will. I do think that Richard/Rachael Levine needs to be removed from office as he is doing great harm to young people in this country with his policies.

Many of the young people, especially the girls/young women are taken up with what amounts to cult religion promoted online and in the schools. See "We Lost Our Daughter to a Cult"


Great article: ""Doomed to Repeat: Gender Ideology and the Repressed Memory Movement

How bad science and good intentions can ruin people's lives."


Then there's this: https://couragerc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/TransgenderSurgery.pdf

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I don’t think most people vilify trans people. I wish no one I’ll will, including trans. Trans activists on the other hand do not show the same restraint and respect to those that think that maybe biological women should not lose hard fought for spaces, like domestic violence shelters and prisons. And maybe trans woman should not be allowed to complete in sports that require strength speed or size, at least at the highest levels. The US has gone all in on children transitions while Europe has pulled back. Maybe we can wait and see what plays out before performing irreversible medical procedures on kids. This isn’t trans hate, this is concern for biological women and kids that gets labeled hate speech.

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Yes, I agree. This is not about vilifying people. And, disagreement is not "hate". Children should be kept safe. I recommend reading the words of transsexual author Corinna Cohn, from https://corinnacohn.substack.com/p/the-medical-leash-of-hormone-replacement

"I am leashed to a medical provider. The best I can do is pick who holds the leash. The children who are being transitioned are being put on to a leash. They are typically starting the process with healthy bodies. But then our bodies are deliberately damaged. Why? For aesthetics. I'm unusual in that I'm vocal about my criticism of the system. I have heard from so many trans people that they would like to say something, but they are terrified that the people who hold their leashes will jerk on the reins.

Planned Parenthood is one of the most generous of the leash-holders. They will essentially let anyone sign up to get a leash, and they don't ask for very much from their pets. How does this sound? Maybe not so bad? What is the medical discipline that understands the endocrine system? It's endocrinology! And yet, nobody writing prescriptions at Planned Parenthood is an endocrinologist. My local gender clinic, which sees perhaps 1000 patients, has no endocrinologist on staff. Not only are we on medical leashes, but the people who hold the leashes aren't even experts in the field. They are learning about best practices and then experimenting on us. However, as someone once pointed out to me, it's not an experiment. In an experiment, someone is collecting data.

It should never be considered normal or preferable to treat problems like autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, traumas, depression, or other social disorders by placing children on puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones. It is not a treatment path. It is a collar and a chain."

Then there is the famous child abuse victim Jaron Bloshinsky (AKA Jazz Jennings) and his horrible mother. He says he never "feels like himself".

At a minimum, people should wait until they are 26 to "transition" when they have a chance of understanding how it affects their future. We need a National Millstone Act, like the one proposed in TX - about waiting until age 26.

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It is actually alot harder for a Transgendered Woman or Man to be a successful candidate for Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS). SRS is so NOT an outpatient procedure.

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This poor, poor young man who just took his life at the age of 25 probably needed real help, instead of being made a poster child for a cause.

"“As I take my final breaths and exit this living earth, I would like to apologize to everyone I let down. I am so sorry I could not be better,” reads the emotional Instagram post. “To those that I love, I am sorry I could not be stronger. To those that gave me their everything, I am sorry my effort was not reciprocated.”"

He credited United Airlines with helping him in his "transition" and they used him for some pretty slick DEI advertising. Perhaps if we had a National Millstone Act to set the age for medicalization at 26 then each individual could have a more careful assessment. Instead there's an industry rushing to profit off of those caught up in the "trans" craze. They profit politically, in advertising, virtue signaling, making great sums of money in plastic surgery medicine and pharma. Where is the "Do no harm?"

Corporations and plastic surgeons do not "care" about these people.


It seems to me that Scott was a victim of DEI Exploitation/TRAnsploitation.

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Truly tragic. I hope all these in need of love and support are able to find it. We have a mental health crisis in this country that we are not solving. For all those suffering, please reach out and find help.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

I agree. I don't think that an increased number of mental health care workers are needed so much as for them to treat each patient as an individual without being hampered by ideologies.

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This is the most accurate statement yet. The irony is that this anti freedom of speech is advocated by the Left. And their views are fueling Anti Semitism. Our world is pre WWII only controlled by Left slogans and thoughts.

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It is a myth that the left advocates for free speech. From Jim Crow to Tipper Gore to Neil Young, there’s always been a strong tendency by the left to destroy free speech.

That little window 1965-1975 closed even faster than it appeared. Nobody that advocates for more government ever has freedom in mind.

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Historically, the revolutions were undertaken waving banners of equity and progress but created the most autocratic tyrannies. The left are never pro freedom. And the main reason is that their ideas cannot withstand critique that is only possible with free speech.

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Katie Halper (Jewish) was fired for trying to report on people criticizing Zionist "apartheid", right after a pro-Zionist media executive was hired by her employer.

Not exactly an example of "leftist" anti-semitism, more like the opposite.

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Funny, how history keeps repeating itself.

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Well, history isn't being studied anymore, is it? Revisionist "studies" programs have taken over to influence thought and create jobs for party apparatchiks from academia to the corporate world to monitor who doesn't toe the party line.

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... added to my saved list of important quotes. Thank you.

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Good one. Thanks for posting this.

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My new signature line quote. Perfect.

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History does repeat itself...

Reading in original translation

Interesting (German) perspective on turn of the century modern thought; enlightenment... in addition to dostoevsky et al.


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As bad as this is, the new California law allowing physician licenses to be revoked for simple speech is far worse.

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As a native Californian, educated there from K through JD, and a resident there for the majority of my long life (but no longer), will the electorate turn this around? The recent past and my tendency for cynicism tell me 'no' but for the sake of my relatives that remain there, I hope so.

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And I just heard this week that CA’s huge budget surplus of $100B has suddenly turned into a budget deficit of $25B, likely due to smart people like you leaving the state with their tax dollars! Good for you.

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unlikely that it is anything other than the inevitable downturn in massive corporate media-tech profits that soared during the covid lockdowns

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Nah. It’s the liberal government.

Texas - surplus. Oklahoma - surplus. Missouri - surplus. Alabama - surplus. Florida - surplus.

Anytime government spending becomes too big a piece of GDP, the FAIL light flashes.

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Are you actually so ignorant of history that you don't understand that California was originally controlled by Railroad Barons, agribusiness, real estate developers (many were Neo-confederates in S. Cal.), the Defense establishment (military-industrial-complex) and other wealthy interests (both parties colluded to undermine and defeat reformers)?????

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Nah. It is a dysfunctional tax structure that relies too heavily on taxing rich people. Your dogma is absurd.

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Lol same thing. Liberal government = stupid tax policy.

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More like it I agree!

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I left too.

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It will all depend on whether or not they use the law to fine someone or revoke their license. And who they do it to.

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No, it doesn't. The very existence of the law is an implicit threat to everyone in that state. People's self-censorship happens regardless of who is or is not targeted for enforcement.

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It’s going to hard to come back or to be able to turn it around

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All I can tell Californians is, Don't Get Sick.

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No kidding! A family member who lives in CA and pays enormous healthcare premiums, is on a waiting list to have her gall bladder removed. Mind you, she has already been hospitalized and/or treated for gb attacks several times for years now. She "hopes" to have the surgery some time this year.

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A surgeon friend used to say, "People think gall bladders are no big deal. They are a VERY big deal."

Getting your gall bladder out when you are between attacks almost always goes well, especially with the 'scope. Having it out during acute cholecystitis is a harrowing experience - sometimes for the surgeon, too.

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Why can't she go out of state to get it done? I had mine out within two weeks of having the problem diagnosed. It was an outpatient surgery and I was back to work the next day.

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I anxiously await David French’s upcoming piece about how the conservative principle of federalism, along with the teachings of Jesus, require us to embrace California’s new law.

Weaponizing your own ethics and morals against you is a standard trait of the psychopath.

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British Columbia with its socialist NDP government just passed similar legislation.

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Got a link? I only heard about the Cali law.

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I wonder what this will mean for Nurse Amy Hamm who is being targeted by the BC college of nursing for saying a man cannot be a woman.

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She has trouble coming her way

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It’s called medical Lysenkoism. It will end with the deaths of 100’s of millions.

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I truly hope that Peterson can win a suit making this behavior illegal.

But after watching Canada seize the assets of protestors in the trucker strike, it seems unlikely.

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JP better have money held offshore. Next thing we see might be Trudeau freezing all his bank accounts in Canada unless he complies and be re-educated.

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Canada has really become obscene under Trudeau, hasn't it? Overt violence's delivered in a covert and insidious way.

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Yet they voted him in again.

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which can only mean that the citizens don't know the truth, that their media is as complicit as ours. or, the WEF Machine is involved.

or both. very scary, for sure.

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We live in strange times Lucy I battled with his re-election and his behavior has proved the man is insane

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Totally against Canadians

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at least their government

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In order to seize the means of production, you don’t need to march troops into all of the factories. The government just needs become aggressive in banking and energy

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Sad but true.

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That is exactly what they doing it’s disgusting

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Justin T has become tyrannical

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Correction: Jordan refused to adhere to a government mandate on pronouns (bill C-16), he never refused to use a person's requested pronouns. The mandate on language is the truly shocking story behind his rise to fame (infamy?).

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That is correct

He was against the state forcing him to use preferred pronouns.

Coerced speech.

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Thanks for clarifying.

He predicted that compelled speech is the beginning he didn’t simply refused to use people’s pronouns

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A clear cut example of how wokeness has led elite institutions to make belief in absurdities a litmus test and loyalty oath. This is a cause of great distress for those who wish to advance themselves professionally but prefer not to parrot absurdities and submit to self-righteous, censorious dogmatists who use the threat of reputational damage to impose uniformity of opinion on people during a time when careers largely depend on reputational capital.

In this way, wokeness is essentially a form of “soft” authoritarianism. It operates through social pressure and the threat of ostracism and unemployment.


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It’s more like soft nazism!

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When you have to put a qualifier in front of a thing, it is not that thing.

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Remember that the next time you hear progressives mention "social" justice or "stochastic" terrorism or "environmental" racism.

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Or point to Pol Pot and Khieu Samphan.

This is the end result of “equity” and social justice. It makes 1930’s Germany look tame.

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(Banned)Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

You're not living in 1930s Germany, Steven. Or under the Khmer Rouge.

You are not living in an authoritarian regime, "soft" or otherwise.

You are not owed a participation trophy, snowflake.

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mindless, vapid drivel

ridiculous troll

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Yeah. All pretty pointless.


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mindless, vapid drivel

ridiculous troll

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So adjectives serve a negating function? That’s a novel interpretation of the language.

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(Banned)Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

Nope. Never said negating. That's a novel display of illiteracy.

Use a thesaurus instead. Yeah, heard on the news there was a "soft" rape and murder last night.

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Maybe you need to check on the definition of “not”, as in “it is not that thing”.

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(Banned)Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

On Jan. 6th there was a "soft" shooting of Ashli Babbit.

Which, of course, I thought was awesome - but that's a different matter.

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Look everyone, the scumbag academic who gets off to making inane comments on other people's comments.

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You think police shooting unarmed women is awesome? Wow.

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On every day, your ability to think coherently goes into the toilet and gets flushed.

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This is too perfect. A perfeser shows up right on time to clown himself and send the discussion to the bottom of the ocean, because destroying things is mostly what supposed academics do these days. "Soft authoritarianism" works quite well imo, completely irrespective of "soft rape" or whatever other silliness "comprof" spews into the waters, out of spite presumably.

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(Banned)Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

There was a "soft" explosion at the refinery yesterday.

On Jan. 6th, there was a "soft" shooting of Ashli Babbitt.

Why don't you try Bari's "bottom-up authoritarianism," you're probably stupid enough to believe that is a real thing, too. So, yeah - ZERO doubt it works well in your opinion. The only one clowning themselves is you.

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incoherent, vapid drivel

ridiculous troll

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Hey perfeser. Isn't it weird how some words work well in some contexts and not in others? But, yeah, you make a great point there. Lol. I'm shur yer studints holds you in hi isteam. And bringing in events that anger other people in order to antagonize them (why?) makes you look especially impressive and not bitter at all. You're surely doing a great job in the classroom, or wherever you spend your time when you're not here trying to piss in peoples' cornflakes.

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Use a brain transplant to stop yourself from posting mindless, meaningless, vapid drivel.

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Like ‘eco justice’?

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Like anti-racist. It’s just being racist.

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(Banned)Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

Yes, some people consider being against racism to be racist.

Anti Racist = Anti White

Now, let's scratch out the "Anti" on both sides, and what are we left with?

It seems that's your argument?

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mindless, vapid drivel

ridiculous troll

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When you have to post vapid gibberish, it is mindless trolling.

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Great substack article, Brad! - LM

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Thanks! 🙂

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As Neeraja points out, this isn't about Peterson, per se. This is about sending a message to all licensed clinicians in CA ... STFU or get a new career. And this is ultimately why it's not simply good enough to speak out. Force needs to be met with force. In this case, that's political force. Maybe there are better ways than what Abbott and DeSantis (among others) are attempting by using the force of the state to push back on these censorious lunatics. Maybe. But I haven't seen it.

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Use your pocketbook (do not financially reward bad behavior), your voice - verbally or in writing (when you see injustice speak up), and your physical presence (school board meetings, parent days, commissioner and council meetings, etc.).

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Ideally there would be a real debate, in professional groups, in the public, etc.

The "woke" lunatics don't want that because most of their arguments are bogus, and most of their motives are corrupt.

Because the toxic "woke" lunatics are liars that have attempted to stop real public debate, the "right" ("conservatives") have used blunt tools to stop "woke" nonsense from spreading even further than it already has (#twitterfiles). What is actually needed is more nuanced, such as the material that fairforall.org (Bari Weiss is on their advisory board) produces.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

The College of Psychologists of Ontario are absolute fools, and not only that, they are sycophants to a current prevailing ideology, held hostage to whom they think are watching them. But they are wrong - they will turn Peterson from the hero he already is to a martyr, being figuratively burnt at the stake for repeatedly speaking his mind. Not all psychologists think the same, as it should be, but Peterson has a habit of publicly stating how different he thinks instead of keeping it safe and quiet within the confines of his own mind. That doesn't work in group think land.

It's gone berserk because the perpetrators of this narrow minded trash, all from the academic or medical establishment, as per the examples cited by the writer, believe most people watching will be receptive.

But soon they won't be, since the re education aspect of this is so chilling. It will turn off everyone. And I personally think the College will backtrack once the public pushback comes around. But, I have been wrong before..In the sense, will enough people care?

Anyone remember the re education camps of the late 1970's Cambodian Khmer Rouge?

That's what this makes me think of.

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I hope you're right that this will turn everyone off - it certainly should, regardless of political tribe. But I'm not convinced that will make the College back off. These days they are just as likely to double down on their claims of "harm". Even if they do backtrack this time, you can bet they will not have a true change of heart. They will simply lie low and wait for their next opportunity. The mindset of these people is truly chilling.

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It really is kind of circuitous. This author cites the men don't like therapy meme but in truth what reasonably rationale person would seek help from the type of therapist approved by this board? Same is true of the physical health profession. I think people are avoiding doctors because of Covid missteps and the doubling down on them as evidenced by the Cali laws. Personally I go to a doctor because I think they know what they are talking about. I am no longer sure they do.

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“living off their rapidly decaying legacies to conform to the whims of the mob.”

Literally true. Large public universities are starting to feel it where it hurts. I am hearing that donations from prominent alums at Penn State are way off, and they’re starting to back off of some of their woke initiatives because of it. We’ll know next summer when the financials come out.

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We have halted our charitable donations to Penn and UW Madison for this reason. We are also giving our kids a list of “acceptable colleges and universities they they can apply to”. Keep up the stifling of free speech and the mainstream university system will collapse. We will not pay for our kids to receive a woke education.

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There should be a Hillsdale campus in every state.

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I highly recommend their Great Reset lecture series!

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I saw a woman who escaped from North Korea, wrote a book, and ended up at Columbia University interviewed. She says Columbia is way woke, and that she told her son she will not pay for him to go there except in the sciences. She seemed to be saying it reminded her of North Korea! (And now they have just hired Hilary as well.)

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

I’m right there w her. Colleges and universities have no free speech. Any school that allows trans men to play on a women’s sports team is a hard no for us including the sciences. (And I’m a mom of boys).

The first two years of college are the “requirements” which are all woke indoctrination courses. Best to get those done at community college. And while I’m ranting, I’m seeing super smart kids w good grades only getting into so-so schools. The university system is the biggest racket going. Kinda like the subprime markets of 2008….

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Interesting. I find it outrageous that Princeton, for example, requires Covid vaccines for all students. To me it signals intellectual and moral bankruptcy as the shots do not stop transmission. Students are at low risk from Covid, but the injections have a high rate of reported side effects, no liability for the manufacturers and have no long term safety studies. I can only conclude the university is getting paid off or they are woke-obedience injections.

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I 100% agree w you. All vaccine mandated schools are automatically off the list for us!!!! Besides moral bankruptcy and lack of critical thinking, it conflicts with our family values.

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Can you share your research? Many of us are in the same spot.

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I haven’t compiled the list yet but Hillsdale is the new Harvard!

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I quit the alumni association at Michigan a couple decades ago.

I used to be proud of that degree and am now ashamed of them. I never gave enough for them to notice and have been waiting for the big money alums to finally come to their senses.

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Don’t quit - run for their board. One of the reasons we are losing is because we allow the other side to take over every institution. When I retire I fully plan to join alumni associations, run for university Senates, and bang the drum about freedom of speech and academic freedom relentlessly. It often only takes one unapologetic dissenting voice to give others the courage to speak up.

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Me too.

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Amen! I feel the same about UIUC

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Correction: Peterson didn't say he wouldn't use "gender neutral pronouns" in 2016. His beef was with proposed bill C-16, which would make refusal to use preferred pronouns a human rights violation. Peterson said he had no problem using people's pronouns if that's what they wanted, even though he did find them to be silly. His beef was with the proposed law, in that it amounted to "forced speech": a person would be required to say certain things under penalty of law. This is what he was complaining about.

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Didn't the College of Psychologists of Ontario violate its own professional standards by a) claiming to diagnose a mental disorder without having met with the subject, and b) making the diagnosis public instead of preserving professional confidentiality? If so, the organization itself should lose its accreditation.

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Excellent point, well done!

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Sadly, the ideological capture of the mental health profession here in the US continues apace. It makes sense, this is fertile ground, mental health is one of the most left-leaning professions around. I have worked in the field for 9 years (suicide prevention) and with the exception of the Veterans Crisis Line (staffed by military), I've met maybe 5 conservatives. Yup, that's it. And that's being generous. And I'm not even that conservative, I can just see it.

The Masters in Social Work (MSW) is on the most popular degrees to get on the way to being a therapist. I would like to bring everyone's attention to the growing ideological capture of MSW programs across the country.

There is a WONDERFULLY brave woman who is a student at Antioch College's graduate program who has taken a stand against this and posts youtube videos about this. Her page is as follows: https://www.youtube.com/@theradicalcenter

In addition, she has brought therapists on to speak about the problem. One among them is Christine Seifen, who actually resigned her professor position at Antioch in response to this. She has posted a video for the Foundation against Intolerance and Racism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pyb5wJGRus&t=1s

I am sharing these resources with you so as to raise awareness and perhaps FP staff could at some point reach out to them for an interview.

It BREAKS MY HEART that my profession - and the sacred space of the therapy (which saved my life and the lives of countless others) - may be corrupted by an ideology that doesn't see the individual, but groups only. It is wrong, it is immoral, and it does a disservice to those in need.

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I am concerned that confidentiality will be abandoned in the near future and statemrnts made in therapy will be used to identify those in need of "re-education." And I sympathize with your heartbreak over your profession because in years past I would be confident that all it took to prevent an erosion of therapist privilege was a good lawyer and I no longer have that confidence as my profession has been captured as well.

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Peterson's fighting back is not actually so he can keep his license. He doesn't need it anymore. He is fighting back so as to shine a light on the whole insanity of it all, and to encourage others to fight back to whom this may happen. This article in the Free Press is also a part of the fight. Thank you.

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Jan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023

If negative comments about Trudeau are not allowed I will vanish from the planet shortly as I own that patent to an extent.

Lots of discussion on Free Press and elsewhere about the true health pandemic at least in the USA, obesity, the one that leads to everything else. Most of you’re Covid deaths are actually due to obesity

So good on Peterson for not normalizing obesity with the “plus size model” (that in itself is using language as a weapon, she is fat and unhealthy), he is a health practitioner, praising obesity should be malpractice.

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We all pay attention to Jordan Peterson's public persona, but it's interesting to follow his personal trajectory, too. He is constantly at work developing himself; the latest point I have noticed in his philosophical journey is his new emphasis and insistence upon the supreme power of truth.

I'm a little concerned for him; how he and Elon handle the unreal pressures they put upon themselves is a mystery; I'd be babbling incoherently. Some say I am. In a fairly recent interview, a journalist asked Musk why he had not put any emphasis on longevity research, as have other billionaires such as Gates and Bezos. His response was telling; paraphrasing: "Frankly, I'm not interested in a very long life. In a way, death might be a relief."

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I just brought my children to Disneyland (my sons first time) and was blown away by the level of obesity there. I thought it was handicapped day because so many fat people required scooters, canes, crutches, and wheel chairs to get around. It was really sad and disturbing, but their obesity gets them to the front of the ride lines, while the able bodied average weight people wait hours in lines, unless they pay for pricey ticket upgrades.

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Another reason to never patronize a Disney business.

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Yes. After that Disney experience, our first since pre-covid, I have no intention of returning to any Disney Park.

Another interesting observation was the push for "impossible meat". It was on every menu and sponsored a holiday food fesitval with every booth offering some impossible meat concoction.

Next year the food festival will probably offer "jiminy cricket burgers" and "a bugs loaf".

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I did not see the podcast as I am not a Rogan fan, but I have to assume the comments came about in banter back and forth. IOW it is not like he made them in the context of a professional presentation at a seminar.

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I saw a couple of interviews with him. You are correct. it was ad hoc... and JP was speaking extemporaneously

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

As I posted earlier in a Nellie Bowles TGIF article Jordan Peterson has some very important things to say about our current mental and political situation in the West. I recommend anyone to watch Jordan's Youtube podcast with Chole Cole and conclude that Peterson is the one with a problem. (Transition of Minors is Malpractice | Chloe Cole | EP 319)

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What I found fascinating about the Chloe Cole interview was how Peterson turned it into a counseling session for Chloe as soon as she started recounting the issues that led her to transition. It seemed instinctive for him to not only probe and understand the deeper psychological causes of Chloe's unhappiness, but to try to help her as well, however belatedly.

His nature and experience as a clinical psychologist comes through in that interview unlike with any other of his guests.

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Yes he went into full clinical mode. I think that's the first time I've seen him do that. Extremely interesting. I felt so bad for that young woman and the pain she has gone thru in her young life. She handled herself like a champ.

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I've a Canadian friend - a very successful retired engineer - with whom I maintain close contact. He believes that for the foreseeable future, Canada is lost.

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I am a licensed psychologist in California. I have kept my mouth shut and my head down, and I feel terrible about my silence. I have withdrawn from the professional associations (such as the American Psychological Association) that have gone 100% woke. People are terrified of the boards, which are run by woke scolds and can take away your license, or put you or probation, i.e., public shaming. But we have no choice but to kowtow to them, or else. I would like to speak out , but I don't have the fuck you money to lose my license and profession. I have become quite pessimistic. Perhaps after I retire I can start speaking out. I don't feel like I can do that right now. In fact, I am worried about posting this right here!

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Check out FIRE (Freedom of Individual Rights and Expression). They started out with violations in academia but are expanding. If you know of a meritorious case have the person wronged reach out to them. They have had some success in the academic fields and this seems like a logical extension to me. FWIW your comment has confirmed my suspicions of how dangerous this type of thing is as you are a licensed therapist trained to help people with stress, anxiety and guilt (among other things) but are powerless to assuage your own. Talk about a Catch 22. I encourage you to write the Canadian Board to express the harm caused by the piticization of your profession.

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I am so sorry. I hope you did not vote for Gavin Newsom.

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No way. But here in California Newsom is very popular, because he's got great hair and a handsome face.

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Great reason to elect a governor right? The fact that he signed the bill to cancel the license of any medical doctor that is caught with opinions outside the globalist corporatist uniparty edicts should make everyone with a brain oppose him. Apparently there are few voter brains left in CA.

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It is really, really scary what is happening. And they call Republicans fascists. This is what happens when there is one-party rule, and there is essentially no pushback against the rampant authoritarianism. I think that people do tend to sort themselves out geographically, but unfortunately there are many people, myself included, who have personal and professional ties in California and simply cannot pull up stakes and leave, at least not now. I never dreamed it would go this far and I am very worried about what is going to happen in the next 10 or 15 years.

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I live in CA. It would not surprise me if

1. we didn’t lose 1/2 of our drs

2. Any forced medical opinion mandated by the state like Covid vaccines and treatments, Drs will just say “I don’t treat Covid” and refer them to an Urgent Care or another Dr. and leave it at that.

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I do worry about the great hair issue. I recall my fellow female professional colleagues voicing sexual interest in Clinton after the Monica Lewinski scandal came out. (I could only shudder & think "alleycat + STD ")... Anyway...they definitely liked his thick hair. They were literally purring. On the other hand I often think the insane level of dislike of Trump is due in good part because he truly has bad hair. Certainly expenditures on cures for baldness indicate hair is right up their in the human primal ranking system. And then remember our demographics--assuming the young people ever decide to vote. Yike. Good hair seems to be REALLY important to many social media addicted young people. Many of these days I'm really glad I'm old but I sure do fear for the youngest in my family. Our country has been assaulted on so many levels.

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“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

-Alexander Solzhenitsyn

I choose to no longer be silent.

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