I’m very grateful for this excellent review of what’s free speech and what’s not. These distinctions have gotten completely lost since 2020, including the fundamental concept of “time, place and manner“ restrictions being legitimate under the first amendment.

I suspect that many of the 2020 “peaceful protests” had no permits or exceeded them--which would’ve made arrests simple, without getting into hairsplitting or waiting for violence to occur.

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We have allowed these outsiders to come into our country to enjoy the comforts of a free society and they are taking advantage of our hospitality. America won’t be destroyed by its foreign enemies. It will be destroyed from the inside by those who hate our pluralism and want to tear the entire edifice down. In addition crime such as muggings and shoplifting is rampant and our political leaders do nothing. Eventually the center will not hold and lunatics will take over the asylum. The 2024 election cannot come soon enough.

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This illustrates the absurdity of America’s current immigration system. If you get a higher degree from an American university, in a field in which there’s a shortage of graduates (and you respect US laws!), you face the highest obstacles to working in the US (legally). On the other hand, if you bring your ancestral hate and support of terrorism from your failure of a home country and try to spread it here, you’re protected more than an US citizen!

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We have got to vote this current administration out of power.

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We have to vote the dems out of power.

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Basically - it’s do or die that’s our slogan for 2024 “ Vote the Dems out of power” we can and must God bless America🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Do you believe they care a whit about suffrage?

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Funny...The very people who are now bitching about Biden are the same ones who voted him in!

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Yeah go figure crazy stuff now the problem being how we going to get him out?

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No happening soon enough

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I agree except I think they hate Americans. They do not want to destroy the edifice. They want to destroy the current beneficiaries and seize the apparatus.

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IMO the students on visas who participate in these vile anti-Israel, anti-semitic activities should be expelled from their schools, have their visas revoked and be deported. Their attendance at our universities is a privilege.

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But the universities charge through the nose for foreign students to attend and they don’t want to loose that money. And then there’s all the money flowing from Middle Eastern countries into Universities. Cornell received over a billion dollars. That’s a lot of zeroes.

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True, but the universities should suck it up. And we should not be allowing foreign money into our universities. They will do just fine - the privates have huge endowments.

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Agree. Have sent an email to my college president on the subject-funny-haven’t heard back from him.

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SERIOUSLY??? Our immigration system is allowing literally millions of illegal immigrants into the country (including people on the terror, watchlist), and you think they have the time, motivation, and funding to deport some “mostly peaceful” <sarc> protesters? Wishing won’t make it so.

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Totally immoral!

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I just received this:

Muslims Heritage My Ass.......

I want to shake the guy's hand that wrote this...

Have you ever seen a Muslim hospital?

Have you heard a Muslim orchestra?

Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade?

Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?

Have you shaken hands with a Muslim Girl Scout?

Have you seen a Muslim Candy Striper?

The answer is no, you have not. Just ask yourself WHY ???

Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's history."


Dear Mr. Obama:

Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.

Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.

Can you show me one Muslim signature on the: United States Constitution? Declaration of Independence? Bill of Rights? Didn't think so.

Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England? No.

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half-brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr. Obama?

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country?Not present.

There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.

Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era?

Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hijab' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they?

Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East. No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news network's that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo, Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in America.

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Muslims. And now we can add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also, don't forget the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15.2013 was done by 2 Muslim Brothers. That, Mr. Obama is the "Muslim heritage" in America

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A man was telling his buddy over coffee, "You won't believe what happened last night. My daughter walked into the living room and said, "Dad, do not pay off my college tuition loan, cancel my allowance, throw away all my clothes and take my iPhone and laptop. In addition, please take all of my jewelry to the Salvation Army. Then, sell my car, take my front door key away from me and lock me out of your house. Then, disown me and never talk to me again. And don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to anyone you choose."

"Holy Smokes", replied the friend, "She actually said that?”

The father replied, "Well, she didn't actually put it quite like that. I'm paraphrasing a little.

"What she actually said was, "Dad, meet my new boyfriend, Mohamed. We're going to work together on Biden's 2024 re-election campaign."

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That made me laugh. Thanks

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Unfortunately, Lynne, there are too many Americans who hate Americans, judging by the All-American Kidz I've seen shouting this garbage and intimidate Jews.

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I count those too. I see them as adversaries, common adversaries. I know who the problems are. I just want to know who my allies are.

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Lots of allies here, it would seem, for which I count myself fortunate and in solid company.

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Me too. But at some point it has to move to the real world.

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Whoa. I almost hate that I laughed at that but they’ve earned the rep.

It’s unimaginable that any group would place such a low value on human life but they have and do.

The only regime that rivals the depravity of Islamist terrorists is perhaps the CCP.

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On the one hand, they don’t value life. On the other hand, they sure do whine a lot when assisted on their path to martyrdom.

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Oh my stars! I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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I posted this because there is truth in this cartoon. The last time Hamas rocketed Israel the Israelis targeted the launch points which Hamas situated in densely populated areas and when the residents try to flee Hamas forced them back into their homes at gun point because they wanted a high civilian casualty rate.

Islam is the religion of death, destruction and hate.

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>> "when the residents try to flee Hamas forced them back into their homes at gun point because they wanted a high civilian casualty rate."

Polecat, where did you learn of this particular event, "the last time Hamas rocketed Israel"? What news agency reported it?

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Great analogy.

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youre not going to see this during this administration, perhaps after the 2024 elections and even then those supporting this action, will tread lightly as it is a very slippery slope,

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Gow many of these haters are immigrants vs. home-bred Americans? Many of the haters I've seen shouting those slogans and menacing Jews look as much White Euro Ancestry Born-Here American as I do. This particular brand of racism--Jew hating--knows no borders, sadly.

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I think that so many of these haters have hated the US for a long time for whatever reason. Maybe they hate themselves and/or their parents, maybe just think it's cool to be a rebel. Supporting Palestine has been "cool" for a while. The wife of a friend of mine is Jewish, has supported Palestine for years (and was also shocked by the support for Hamas by people she thought were friends).

Shane, I have always paid attention to your comments because they are generally well-considered and backed by credible information, much of it new to me. You also gave me the label I now use for myself: non-woke liberal. I have thought about you every day since the Hamas attacks. I think that most of America is appalled by the Jew-hatred in these demonstrations. That certainly is true among my friends and in the small NC town in which I live. I wish you peace,

Anne B

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Thank you so much for your kindness here, Anne, I greatly appreciate it, and return the compliment to you. I think your observation "it's cool to be a rebel" is probably the biggest reason these viruses act as they do, since I can't imagine any of them know enough about Israel-Palestine history to comment remotely intelligently. A lovely day to you.

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The cool factor seems to be so much a part of woke in general. Then add the corollaries, peer pressure and boredom, and not so hard to get a mob, I guess. Not sustainable, though. At least I don't believe such shallow thinking is sustainable. I try to keep in mind how often I was stupid when I was young.

Thanks for answering, Shane. These thoughts about motives are helping me understand and face the protests.

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Cynic (nice handle) - There are foreign students ('outsiders') in pro Hamas protests. But the majority by far are American kids. The pluralism you cite is not held sacrosanct by them nor by the (mostly American) faculty who have taught them. Sadly. But their speech is a protected right, unless there's intimidation or violence.

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The real problem is the professoriate. This includes in addition to the over (or undereducated) clowns who teach our kids both on the university level and k thru 12. These morons protected by tenure with their jobs for life think that they are doing God’s work in spewing the DEI nonsense day and night. There will never be a country like this again because the people are too damn dumb to cherish it. We are probably moving towards some form of not so nice dictatorship to attempt right this sinking ship. Unfortunately things will never be same again.

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Your last line is overly pessimistic, imo.

I believe in the dynamic cycle. Phases come and they go. DEI, ugly as it is, I believe will slowly die of its own weight. Because of pushback (across both political parties..). Like #MeToo, like BLM. Like cancel culture (though not quite yet). Teachers get replaced. New universities can challenge legacy ones.

The pendulum always swings back. It will take time, but it will happen.

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I hope you’re right and I am wrong but Ben Franklin‘s remarks regarding the Constitutional settlement of 1788-89 have never left me. We gave you a Republic if you can keep it...

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America gave birth to the one thing that can save it.


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Like you, I believe the Woke-DEI Industrial Complex will be smothered under the weight of its own bullshit and moderation will return to America. Eventually. Our nation likes to throw weird hissy fits every several decades, and we're in one now. It will end.

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I hope you are right, Shane. But, this one will take alot of work to end as so many are invested financially and politically in various aspects of DEI/DIE/WOKE/Identity Politics/Gender Cult.

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It will swing back - although not on its own. It will require work on the part of citizens. I think we all need to speak out against the "queering" (Marxist destruction) taught at school and encourage lawsuits like the kind filed against the American Academy of Pediatrics and Dr. Rafferty who was allowed to set policy.



In the meantime, our administration works hard to entrench DEI:

"Lack of ‘Affirmation’ Is Child Abuse: New Biden Rule Applies Transgender Standard to Foster Care"


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So, all the pro-Palestinian protesters are illegal immigrants? WTF. At least wait for a story about immigration to unload your biases.

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Not from what I've seen in media coverage. There seem as many Americans of Not Color--i.e., native-born White Euro Americans--in the protest ranks as anybody else. I think illegals would be hard-pressed to take the risk of being swept up by law enforcement by engaging in public protests like this. It's not impossible, but unlikely.

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Since you appear to know who is illegally breeching our borders in violation of US law maybe you should give Mayorkus a hand because every time he's asked he says I'll get back to you but never does.

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That dude's too busy monitoring the internet to control borders.

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deletedNov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023
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Since we are discussing free speech and the 1st Amendment.

Consider: There are human beings paid to manipulate the American psyche, manufacture hatred, and direct it at designated/selected groups, organizations and individuals. A key function of their employment is the distortion of truth/fact based reality and the imposition of a hyperrealistic lie. True in family situations, likewise citizens of a Republic, subjected to the continuous blasphemy of imposed falsehood people become ill. Because, it creates physical/spiritual/emotional/mental anomie and distress. No one knows what the truth is and those attempting to speak it are either banished (cancelled) or if necessary, jailed or murdered. Can a nation become mentally ill? The 20th Century seems to affirm that reality.

Looking at the Gaza hospital bombing. The psyop demanded that Israel be blamed and the MSM responded accordingly. It took several days, as the knowingly lying MSM knew it would, for the truth to emerge. By then an already emotionally battered, stressed and overwhelmed American public was being assailed with another crisis and did what all the abused do to survive. Dissociated and numb, as intended by the perps, they retreated into depression, anxiety and hopelessness and, the lie was conveniently swept under the rug. (Responsible adults, lying by omission are still lying.)

At home in America new videos of J/6 citizens (women) complaining to the guards that they were being pushed through the door of the Capitol by people wearing visible ear phones. People wearing earphones were also assaulting J/6 citizens who tried to stop them from breaking windows. What do you think the truth is and who do you think the perps are? Whoever they are, like Uncle Joe Stalin, Isn't their brazen willingness to openly manufacture crisis and lie without compunction a pretty good indication that they want you to know they're doing it?

The specious virtuosity of university professorship and the DEI commissariat all serve criminal finance. Tax dollar/corporate grants and six figure paychecks ensure their loyalty. Their exploited, uneducated and sometimes physically butchered students are simply Stalin's "useful idiots". Destroy the child and you control the future.

The Twitter file revelations, exposure of the vast repressive propagandist arm of CISA, and the CIC, is at least an indicator of where the lie is coming from. AND WHY THE NECESSITY TO LIE?

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Read and watch this video. It backs up what you are saying.

These foreign students leading the anti-Israel riots on campus would never be able to create this kind of chaos in their own countries. They would be arrested and beaten in most Muslim countries.

We need to deport these assholes.


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Fedzilla wants you 100%. They'll tell you when you're happy.

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Great job of looking around the corner to see what’s next.

Sadly, it explains a lot.

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Well, Trump did mention the other day that the US military would play a larger role in domestic issues if he is re-elected. Some are already begging for it.

So we have a choice between that and Biden's sordid internet censorship, and his willingness to use a banana republic tactic of legal charges against his strongest challenger. Not an attractive choice.

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Good point. And I think it's interesting that as most of America sees Biden's decline in real time, all of a sudden some media types are saying we shouldn't elect an old President (which would conveniently eliminate Trump also).

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Republics degenerate into autocracy

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

B S -

Re your 'permanent martial law' - there might be a candidate out there who might be only too happy to oblige. Not saying he would, of course..


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From the cited article, “The legal vehicle the president would likely hope to use is the Insurrection Act, an 1807 law that allows the president to federalize the national guard in order to “suppress” an insurrection.

Last used in 1992 in response to unrest sparked by the Rodney King verdict…”

WHY was this NOT used in the post-Floyd riots?!

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My understanding is that the state can control the National Guard stationed within as it wishes. So if you're referring to riots in Portland or Minneapolis etc..it would be the Governors you might want to look at as well, not only the President..

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Well stated, Lee. The politicos in Oregon and Minnesota were too much in love with the rioters to send in the National Guard. As much as I dislike Trump, he was correct to threaten to federalize the Guard in those states and send them into the riot zones on his own authority. I wish he had followed through, particularly in Portland and Seattle, where county and city officials committed what I consider felony-level dereliction of their duty to maintain public peace.

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Thank you, I was already aware that the “normal” route for calling up the National Guard was via each state’s governor (frankly, it needs to be renamed the State Guard).

My point was that, in the ABSENCE of such actions from the individual governors, the president should have used this law (which I didn’t know existed) — especially since it had apparently been used previously in 1992 for a VERY similar situation.

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I like your hundred buck bread loaf. So we might have a bit of time yet..

Depending on the bread.

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Agreed. This is a much needed conversation. I think everyone agrees that fair and balanced sharing of ideas is intimidated by out of control bullying . Unfortunately, the average person or underpaid journalist is not going to read all this and apply it. Is there a way to simplify? For example, intent is key. Is the intent to share/persuade or incite a reaction/violence? How do we start early by educating kids to understand the difference and how are school administrators empowered to intervene?

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For one, teach your kids to behave. College students should already know that it’s not acceptable behavior to chase a small group of students into a building while pounding on the doors and windows. Younger kids don’t need to necessarily know this as legally “stalking,” but they should know that it’s not ok to do that to anyone.

The Left has taught a generation of students that as long as they are “on the right side of history” they can behave however they want to get the outcome they want. It’s policy change by 2-year temper-tantrums. It’s got to stop. We need to teach kids that HOW they behave matters just as much as whatever ideology they hold.

We once had this idea in this country that if you had to act like the bad guy to stop the bad guy, then you were no better than him. How many movies used to iterative this concept? The good guy refuses to kill the bad guy even though he knows the bad guy wouldn’t hesitate for a second to kill him. Why? Because of this idea that HOW you behave matters. The younger generations have completely lost this idea. And the more we put up with their temper-tantrums, the more they will do it.

So, teach kids that it doesn’t matter if they think that they are fighting for good, if they behave badly and break rules and laws, there needs to be consequences. Teach them that there are better ways to fight for change than joining mobs of cancel culture, protesting violently, looting, stalking, harassing, etc. And then, as with any 2-year old, if they don’t listen and behave poorly, punish them. Let them have the full consequences.

I think school administrators know, they are just cowards about actually doing it.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Along with the necessary need for teaching of children, there also needs to be a demand for fair application of the rules/laws and punishment when the rules/laws are broken.

The president of a university, UK, stated: “As a community working wholeheartedly to prevent racist violence, we also must be committed to holding people accountable for their actions. The processes we have in place are essential,” His statement was made when in 11/22 a white female student made racial slurs and put her hands on a black female student. The just punsihment for the aggressive student was to be banned from campus and not allowed to re-enroll.

Why isn't there the same concern leveled by college administrators when Jewish students are attack? Accountability for actions, prevention of racist violence, and the belief that the process for a safe campus for all students is essential are now a little more than a year later just old fashion values? Where is the profound belief in the value of a process that supports the safety for all and punishes those who endanger the safety of others?

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Oh I hear ya.

The problem is that the Left only believes in accountability and safety and rules when it suits them. If those things serve their “struggle” for their view of supposed “justice” then they come down like a hammer on anything and anyone who doesn’t uphold the law/rules, who isn’t held accountable, etc. When caught on the other side, they move the goalpost and declare it fair to break said law/rule or not be held accountable for any small reason they can find. If caught being racist themselves, they declare that accountability is a white-supremacy concept that needs to be dismantled. If caught supporting terrorism, they say that “decolonization is violent” and has to be. If caught looting, they blame capitalism. And on and on.

The problem is that they have become convinced by a Marxist-view of the world that does not regard actions or behaviors as right or wrong in and of themselves but only the context of “what side of the fight you are on.” Anything against them and their worldview is labeled evil and they are expected and encouraged to “fight evil” in any way they can. So in their worldview, stealing to fight against capitalism is good because capitalism is evil. Racial discrimination against whites is good because whites are evil. Terrorism against supposed colonial powers is good because colonialism is evil. (Nevermind that Israel is in no way a colonial state and never has been, but facts don’t matter much to these folks either.)

The literally cannot see their hypocrisy because their worldview says that it’s good to fight what they see as evil in any way they can. They don’t believe they are supposed to fight fair against evil. And this is why this worldview is hugely problematic.

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Unfortunately, as was pointed out in the article, many/most of the perpetrators are foreign students here on visas. They were not raised by American parents.

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And they should be promptly expelled from the US, the same way any other country would do.

They have been given the privilege of a US visa for studying, not for political activities.

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Are you at least ok with American citizens practicing free speech?

Who else should be silenced, deported,...?

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They aren’t being deported for their speech, they would be deported for their behaviors. That was kinda the whole point of the article, in case you missed that.

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Of course I am OK with free speech for citizens. Same goes for green card holders.

But if one is a foreigner (read GUEST, or ALIEN, as we correctly used to call them) in this country, one should be on one's best behavior, not participate in political activities, on either side.

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The protests popped up almost immediately after October 7. Don't think for a minute that they were organic, although there is a lot of piling on due to the coordinated use of Tik Tok, etc. to manipulate these college kids.

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Fair call out. I was thinking of all the Gen Z Americans that they have rallied to join their “cause.”

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I think these thugs and hoodlums don’t have much shelf life left. The average American has learnt a good lesson since 10/7. We not going to take this B/S for much longer🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I really hope you are right!

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Consequences as part of child-rearing seems to have gone by the wayside over the last generation and a half. We are now seeing some of the fruit of this omission on college campuses (and in the K-12 education system) and many are realizing it is not good outcome. The travesty that unfolded on Oct 7th has shined a light on many problems within today's society and I am hopeful that change of hearts and behaviors will happen.

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Agreed, and I sincerely hope it changes things.

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“The right side of history“ argument is another way of saying “the ends justify the means.“ That’s the fundamental Leninist, terrorist, Maoist principle we need to fight against. There’s an underlying reason that most of our Declaration of Independence consists of reams of “in sorrow” explanations of why the king of England had left the colonists no other choice. They had tried everything else.

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Yes, well put.

Sometimes the ends justifies the means, but rarely. And good point about exhausting every other option.

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I agree but too many parents have been conditioned to think the village raises the child. And almost all believe the villiage has a say therein. This has seriously undermined the parent-child relationship IMO.

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When I was growing up, a neighbor would not hesitate to reprimand a child for misbehaving (if they knew the child and its family) and parents would be appreciative of the support. There was a social construct of acceptable behavior that was enforced by all the parents around us. Unfortunately, that social construct has completely disintegrated with the destruction of the nuclear family and neighborhoods.

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Yes and the destruction of shared values. For the village to raise children effectively, the local village needs to agree on the basic values to teach children, and our society doesn’t anymore.

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Yes, I grew up in such a neighborhood and what you are talking about works.

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Lynne, you left a word out of your comment - so I fixed it for you:

"I agree but too many parents have been conditioned to think the village IDIOT raises the child."

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Good one. I do think the concept is producing idiots. And parents are idiots for playing along. There is no more precious gift than one's child.

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Yes. And, if you are the odd parent who thinks that you should have more say regarding your child than some random teacher - you are in for a real shock when you find no support for that position.

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In days of old the village reinforced the parents. Which benefited the child because he or she knew what was expected.

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True. Very true. I think the village support is nice but I think the parents should raise the child.

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You bring up faith, a good point.

In the absence of religion, how many people would be currently dying in Gaza and Israel?

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

I understand your frustration. "Social justice" tactics erase all boundaries of respectful protest. Whether on the street or college campuses, these demonstrations are designed to intimidate, terrify, silence and injure people, and there's never accountability.

[Just the other day, in an unreported story (Bari, are you listening?), a group of feminists met in Portland, Oregon to hold a scheduled talk at a public library about the impact of transgender policies on the rights of women in sex-segregated spaces like prisons. Instead, a number of them ended up in the hospital after being sprayed in the eyes with poisonous chemicals and kicked and punched by antifa thugs. Nothing happened to the perpetrators:


Cherry on top: today we learned that over 2,000 policemen have quit the New York City Police Force this year.


Who's minding the store? Nobody.

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deletedNov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023
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You're right, waiting on the police to respond is a joke. Antifa are never arrested. They have the tacit approval of the police. I guess the thinking is: why inflame the political ire of progressives?

But if you watch the linked video, you'll see that the women understand the risks and are committed to non-violence. I used to feel that bringing bodyguards to these events was a bad look, but I believe it's time to face facts.

More involvement from men regarding women's (and children's) rights in relationship to trans policies is needed in any case, not just for the "muscle" but for the underlying principle. It's an issue that affects the entire human race.

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Fair point. Yes, I was thinking mostly about the next generation of children, as it’s too late for most of the “adult” children at college campuses. As far as what happens to them, at the very least the full weight of the law need to be brought against them. Getting kicked out of school is a good start. Perhaps when they learn that they really aren’t entitled to anything, they’ll learn to behave better. (But I’m not holding my breath.)

My husband recently visited Singapore for work and was impressed at how clean and crime-free the country was. Then he learned that public caning is still a legal punishment there. Seems barbaric, but can’t argue against its effectiveness!

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Singapore is nice and orderly and clean (because they have a regiment of foreign workers from 3rd world countries that clean the streets and public housing EVERY morning). Caning is used, only for men, and it's not public. Also, they have the ISA (Internal Security Act) where anyone deemed a threat to the country or the government can be arrested and imprisoned without charges, indefinitely. They also employ a battalion of Gurkhas (Nepalese mercenaries, as a precise term) in their police force to ensure that any orders in civil unrest will be followed obediently versus local police who might have doubts or hesitations. There is a lot to like about Singapore, but we don't want to become them.

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I don’t actually think we should become like Singapore, my comments about the effectiveness of their civil punishments was said “tongue-in-cheek” as it were. Mostly just a comparison to show that taking a hard line on things can be very effective, but I agree that I wouldn’t want the hard line to be drawn where Singapore has it.

At the same time, I think some individuals in our current society in America would have grown up to be less of they assholes they currently are if they had gotten beat up by their peers every once in a while when growing up. Just sayin’.

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deletedNov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023
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“Great minds think alike.” Cheers!

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The term bully came to mind for me too. It really is that simple.

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I am not sure everyone agrees that fair and balanced sharing of ideas is a good goal......at least not yet. There has been an overload of bullying/cancelling/shaming of people with diverse opinions (politically and socially), most noticeable over the past several years, an "us against them" mentality. Social media has been both a blessing and a curse imho.

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Won't do much good if they teach that shutting down anything you consider "hate speech" and rioting to protest anything you don't like are good things. I'm afraid half our schools are not helping civilize the students.

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They are nothing more than woke madrasas.

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Absolutely. Don’t pretend to support civility and then advocate for violent or intimidating behavior. If young ppl are given clear guidelines they should be able to discern the differences. Just as with any other aspect of life, stepping over the line should come with swift and clear consequences.

Failure to apply them undermines any meaningful semblance of a civil society as well as the one sided application. Rules and laws need to be adhered to by all individuals or groups.

Cowardly leadership encourages bad actors with ill intent.

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Two tiered justice system and freedom speech only apply to certain groups of people here in America that’s how things have changed since 2020 and Covid. We need to get back to basics the first being get these Democrats out of power.

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Yip we gotta watch this bunch here, FJB skills are seriously declining.

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I made myself very unpopular during the Trucker Protests by saying

“Hey you really can’t just block the street like that.”

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Imagine being so late to the game as to think that this started in 2020.

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😂😂. I like how you slipped this in there. Quietly.

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I appreciate this review, and hearing of the actions being taken. But this is weak tea in the face of a militant islam that seeks overthrow of all governments, everywhere.

We also have the fundamental problem unaddressed - when does a religion itself become an illegal terrorist organization? Because the hate is there in the three source texts.

Hate and overthrow of all government except islam is written in Quran in the verses about requirement to war, that say those who do not are worse than infidels, dividing up the spoils of war, etc..

Hate and blessing of war crime is written in the Ha'dith (the equivalent of biblical apostles stories) that explicitly blesses: murder of captives, torture of captives - including burning them alive, rape of captives for recreationo - including after killing their husbands in front of them, targeting of Jews specifically for hatred and slaughter, slavery - including sex slavery for captives of war, assassination - a special dispensation to paradise for them, deception of non-muslims, cease-fire & treaty as a time for rest and regroup to attack again, etc.. All of this is doctrine of this so-called religion.

Hate is written in Sira (the life of mohammed), which shares with Mein Kampf the narrative of oppression, and makes clear that mohammed really meant what he said - it's a look into the mind of a Jim Jones (People's Temple) person - small wonder that Mein Kampf has been a bestseller in mosques across the Western world.

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The specific problem I have with Islam is that it declares no difference and no separation between Church and State, so to speak. Islam IS government IS religion IS culture, which lets the most fanatical baby-burners in the religion run everything and punish anyone who dares say differently. The other two Abrahamic religions--Christianity and Judaism--do not have that mind-meld between religion and state, and it shows in Western culture.

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Yes, but islam is also different in that the other two are contradictory. For Judaism, it is a collection of stories, to be discussed. In Christianity there is the tension between the new and old testaments. One cannot obey everything. It is impossible. In islam, they brag about it not being contradictory as one of the reasons to believe in it.

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I agree that one cannot obey everything, because the texts are SO contradictory. That's why I consider all Bibles to be collections of stories that provide insight into the human condition and/or human relationships to their gods, rather than the thundering commandment of The Big Guy high on a mountaintop saying This, That, and The Other. God would not have contradicted HimHerself so many times in one text, so clearly Bibles were inspired by God--or politics, or current conditions, or wars, famines, floods, and earthquakes--but written by a series of people over centuries trying to explain the inexplicable. Thus, contradictions.

Islam may brag about the Koran not being contradictory, and I don't know if it is or isn't--I've read it, but don't remotely understand a lot of it. But my answer to "believe in Koran because it's not contradictory" is, "Mein Kampf and Mao's Little Red Book weren't contradictory, either. But I wouldn't believe in either as a guide to life."

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Mean Kampf is sold at mosques throughout the world. It's consequently a bestseller in Arabic. Why? Because the Muslim Brotherhood founder allied with Hitler, and did that because they both Haye jews by doctrine.

So keep this in mind when assessing islam. That nice neighbor probably knows this and lies to you about it.

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I imagine some similar content is in the Bible.

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The bible has stories and some admonitions, some of them accreted since the original greek, and all edited from larger discussions. There are stories of war. There are stories of coupling, jealousy, etc..

Quran is essentially a bible-length set of commandments and law. Ha'dith is near bible-length set of accounts of what happened and what mohammed said and did from others who were there. Sira is the story of his life.

Imagine if Jesus, in the sermon on the mount said, "You shall make war, and if you don't hellfire waits for you!" And the Apostles said, "I was there when Jesus told us to rape, because we needed the recreation after beheading 800 men who surrendered to us." "I was there when Jesus told a man to wash after f**king a horse before f**king his wife." Etc..

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When the world was new, my oldest and best friend was a second-year law student. We had a long discussion about "hate speech" and more specifically, "hate crime" legislation that was currently proposed.

I'll never forget his take on it: This is the worst thing ever to happen. The foundation of the law is that it regulates what you may DO, not what you THINK. These laws enhance punishments for whatever the Court thinks you might have been thinking when you committed your particular crime - say assault, for example. And since nobody can read minds, the Court can say that you were thinking anything it wants if it has already decided to lock you up, "essentially punishing you for thought-crimes."

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I am completely against hate crime laws.

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I'm for it in very limited circumstances. For example, beating up two Jews and then saying "and the rest of you are next" or any other behavior that shows a true intent to intimidate a specific group of people by committing a crime against a member or members of that group. I'm against hate crime laws that assume a hate crime just because someone is a particular race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

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That isn’t a sufficient reason to have hate crime laws.

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Indeed you cannot. Nor can you regulate the actions of criminals via laws but only punish them

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Of course you can. If you know you will hang if you come armed you don't come armed when commiting crime. Perhaps more to the point you won't come armed knowing your criminal confreres know this too, and you won't even get the benefit of a trial; you'll just be shivved where you stand.

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Already covered by extant law; some of which was itself already covered by extant law.

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I hate crime is one that puts into action an attack against a person simply because they are of a specific race, color or creed, not because they did something against you.

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The only valid criteria is the same criteria that has been used since laws were first put in place.


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And how do you prove that unless someone explicitly states it? And why should someone get punished harder for hating someone's race over other factors?

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Except that many of them DO openly and explicitly state that they targeted the person because of their race.

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That would make proving it easier...but still doesn't explain why that matters. Why does them hating some ones race (as opposed to personality or hair color or whatever) mean they should get different sentencing?

To me, if you spent a month planning to kill someone, the main issue is that you spend a month planning to kill someone. The fact that you did it because they were Asian as opposed to doing it because they cheated with your spouse is a much smaller part of the crime. And I am not convinced it needs to be a different category.

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So am I. Murder is murder, rape is rape, and there is no reason to "enhance" it by adding "hate" to the charges. The motivation to murder doesn't matter; the murder itself is the issue. When a society can declare anything a "hate crime," we're all at risk.

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Me, too.

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Agree. The concept was imported from Europe. Our assault, battery, defamation, employment discrimination etc laws were sufficient. The motivation should only pertain to “intent” to do the act. “Mens Rea”. Not be a separate element.

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All crime is hateful and hate crime designation are virtue signaling nonsense. Either amp up the punishments or not but do not make it subjective and interpreted by corrupt prosecutors.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Amp up punishments for that which Someone Else thinks that you were thinking at some time in the past? I'd rethink that, sir.

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Rush Limbaugh said this way back in the ‘90s.

Sad that only now are people waking up to what they’ve wrought with their misplaced virtues.

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Once again,that 'ol slippery slope. And here we are.

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I remember the time when hate crime legislation was one of the popular topics. Advocates would usually cite the case of Matthew Shepperd, a gay man in Wyoming who was murdered in a horrible fashion, and a Black man in Texas (sorry I have forgotten his name) who was chained to a truck and killed by dragging. The irony is neither Texas nor Wyoming had hate crime laws, yet in both cases the perpetrators were arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to execution.

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Ya mean "crime" was "crime?" Exhibit #377 (approximately) demonstrating that it takes Really Smart People to uncork the stupidest ideas.

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An unrepentant geek - and looking for some way to avoid work - I toyed with the idea of law school after med school but just couldn't afford it. Where most of my colleagues thought the law a morass of illogicality, I was fascinated by its logic and divers approach to solving problems.

But like the humanity it serves, the law doesn't always improve and sometimes even takes steps backward. I have always thought that hate-crime laws were simply one more way the elites had ginned up to extend their power, all the while beating the drum for "fairness." When the Ruling Class starts talking about fairness, we plebs should start packing our bags and put our hands over our wallets; somebody's going to lose money or go to jail.

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Hate crime laws were the responses of politicians who thought they had to do something to appease the voters.

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His name was James Byrd, Jr. It would take 5, maybe 6 seconds to find it on Google.

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The Matthew Shepherd killers were not sentenced to death, but they did get consecutive life sentences (for consecutive lives??)

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Yeah, what is it with consecutive life sentences? Are prosecutors and judges worried that someone will change the law and murderers will suddenly be freed?

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It’s to maximize time served, because someone can be eligible for parole after serving 20-25 years of a life sentence but then they have to serve time for the next “life” sentence. Also if some charges are downgraded on appeal, the consecutive sentence would stand and would have to go through appeal too.

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You’re correct. Shepherd was killed over drugs. It had absolutely nothing do with homosexuality but they never let a crisis go to waste.

Locals knew the narrative was a pile of bullshit from the beginning.

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Where did you hear it? I'm sure you'll supply the appropriate references for your big story.

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Meghan Daum is a very liberal feminist. Even she has mentioned that the conventional narrative of the Shepherd story was bogus.

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All our government agencies have been high jacked by ppl with a leftist agenda. This is true even in most state and local agencies.

Judges legislate from the bench, politicians are expected to pull a bait-n-switch or sell out to the highest bidder. Most ppl want term limits yet the ppl given the power to implement that are the very same that fight it. How is that representing the will of the ppl?

So much for a government by the ppl or for it.

You can hate all you want as long as you don’t behave hatefully or break discrimination laws, or call for violence/intimidation/vandalism all of which are illegal and immoral.

We need to be teaching history, civics, government truthfully and not the rewritten grievance version that attempts to justify racial Marxism ideology. It shouldn’t be whitewashed either. The truth will do just fine.

You can join the KKK, or be a part of the Nazi party as long as you obey all other laws. The KKK had rallies here in this state and they were spat on and poorly attended. Public opinion of such organizations has been total rejection for good reason. Trying to misconstrue every conservative voice as somehow synonymous with nazism or evil is also very off base and ignorant but that is the narrative Hollywood has been pushing for decades. No wonder young ppl don’t discern right from wrong.

The road back to sanity is long but it’s a road worth taking.

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It is also being pushed in our public schools at all levels. Everyone must consider himself a victim.

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re: term limits. The pols say that we already have term limits - elections - but to my mind at least, it's not working; the power of incumbency is too strong. It seems that while everybody wan't to throw the bums out, they LIKE their bum - and unfortunately that's the only bum they can throw out.

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deletedNov 27, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023
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Donald Trump represents an existential threat to their power...

After all, he got impeached for not accepting "agency consensus" on a foreign policy matter in spite of the fact that the president has the sole and exclusive authority to set policy.

The federal bureaucracy believes that IT is the government of the United States. They chafe mightily at the thought of control by duly elected and appointed political actors subject to accountability to The People.

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I am not a lawyer but my understanding is that intent, which is based on the perpetrator’s thinking, is often part of legal distinctions - for example degrees of murder and manslaughter. By analogy, hate can be an exacerbating factor that is reasonable to consider in sentencing, especially if it factors into the likelihood to repeat offending.

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Mens rea requires knowing what you are doing is wrong and will result in a person's harm, but you do it anyway. Distinguish from involuntary. On the civil side, fraud requires intent or, in some cases "will blindness" versus negligence.

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Usually with different intent categories, we separate based on things like "Did you kill them on purpose or accidentally" as opposed to "Did you hate the persons race when you killed them or was some other reason".

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Point well taken. I testified in a Medicare Fraud and Abuse case back in the 'nineties - for the defense. Besides being my first exposure to the FBI's lying under oath, the sentencing (the defendant lost) was informative, too.

This doctor had rocked the boat and offended the political machine in a large midwestern town, and the next thing he knew, FBI agents were in his office. He maintained his innocence throughout; my review of boxes and boxes of files indicated the same. A jury of inner-city women convicted him of one count, saying in later polling that they "didn't understand the testimony; it was too technical, but if the gub'ment charged him with thirty counts, he must be guilty of at least one." Of course, they were ignorant of the fact that even one felony causes a doctor to lose his license.

But at the sentencing, the judge enhanced the sentence because the defendant vehemently maintained his innocence, and therefore his "lack of remorse" was an aggravating factor. The Martha Stewart trial later took the same trajectory; her crime was lying to the FBI by saying that she was innocent when she wasn't. Another gub'ment travesty, IMHO.

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“Don’t these students have the same right to chant Hamas slogans as the neo-Nazis did to march in 1977 in Skokie, Illinois—a town then inhabited by many Holocaust survivors?”


There’s a legal doctrine called ‘ample alternative channels’. They did not have the right to march specifically in Skokie. That was just made up by some judges who were probably communists.

There are other neighborhoods. There are public parks. You can go there. Same with BLM and Antifa. We do not have to let you do that shit in the middle of the street.

Obviously the universities should just expel everyone with a Palestinian flag in their bio because they all 100% know they are supporting terrorism. But they won’t and we will be back to the two-state solution horseshit in a month or two and the cycle continues because everyone is a pussy.

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I am careful about proposing restricting the speech of others because I know that it will eventually be used against me. There's a great line in the movie, "The People vs Larry Flynt." Flynt (whom I've met, actually) was leaving the courthouse after his Supreme Court victory and tells the assembled press something to the effect, "You should be happy about this decision. If the First Amendment protects me, it will protect you, too, because I'm the worst."

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The thing is, the laws are not enforced equally now. Will the guy who killed a Jew on the street be given equal justice to the guy who shot three Palestinian head scarf wearers? I no longer count on it.

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In terms of the shooting, I have many many questions about anything convenient to the Democrat narrative that happens in Burlington, VT.

Let’s not forget the Muslim kid in Chicago who was killed and it turned out the guy was a child molester and not an Islamophobe.

We are in the early profiteering phase right now and if it actually turns out the guy was a right-wing racist it will be a 6 month news story. Otherwise it will disappear with the fraudulent narrative advancement being locked in.

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My daughter attends UVM in Burlington, but she is in Berlin, Germany for semester abroad. The school, UVM, sent emails to parents about this incident. I won’t repeat, but I share your skepticism about the entire narrative. I told my wife that it was probably a set up, three guys with a keffiyeh take it from one of their own, to create a byline for several days. I will put nothing past these monsters.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Where was Juicy Smollett the evening of the incident?

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Where ?


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Good observation.

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Based on CNN reporting on both of these incidents, your estimation is correct. Glaring bias.

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“The thing is, the laws are not enforced equally now”

Laws? It turns out laws are for the suckers who choose to obey them. Take the Second Amendment for example. When states and cities can neuter law abiding citizens of that, hell, it’s time to go for number 1! All you need is an administration with an enemies list, a JustUS department overseen by a vindictive Attorney General and judges who employ Orwellian legalese in their decisions. Then your right to question the validity of an election becomes insurrection, unless of course your name is Gore, Abrahms, Clinton…

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The right to discuss with your lawyer(s) legal strategy to resolve questions arising in the context of a highly irregular election. I do not think people understand the damage done to the attorney/client privilege by this. And just wait until can you no longer express your political opinions but you can no longer count on a representative defense. Re-education camps here we come.

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The re-education camps are already here in the form of DEI sessions!

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The cases are not the same. The Burlington killings of Muslims were deliberate. The somewhat elderly Jewish man was shoved. Of course he shouldn’t have been shoved (not struck as Ilya Shapiro claims) but it is unreasonable to conclude that it was reasonably foreseeable that merely shoving someone would lead to their death.

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It is a question of intent. Specifically knowing or knowingly. If you aim a gun at someone and pull the trigger you should know that the risk of death or serious bodily injury is high. Which is why just pointing one is usually criminal conduct. But I do not like the suggestion that a mere shove should be excused as having no foreseeable risk. First, my understanding is that it was not a mere shove, rather a blow/push/shove to the face with a megaphone. A megaphone, let that visual sink in. A blow to the face of a 70 something year old from a 40 something year old. With a megaphone.

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Thank you, Lynne.

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He was not shoved - he was hit in the face with a bullhorn (I live locally to the incident and it has been covered extensively here). The perpetrator had the intent of harming Paul Kessler (the victim, now dead). A bully against an almost 70 year old man.

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Just as we saw mostly peaceful protests attack the wheel chair disabled and elderly during the Summer of Hate.

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He was hit with the bullhorn!

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The Palestinians in Vermont were shot but not killed. But your general point is correct. Deliberately shooting someone is a more severe crime than pushing someone who then falls, though BOTH should be punished.

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He may be referring to a drug dealer slaying and trying to make it fit something else.

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Killings of whom?

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Context is everything. Out of context this is a discompassionate legal professional explicating the law. In context... this is a lawyer doing an apologetic defence schtick. Trouble is this isn't a court of law, and all I can see here is a mafia consigliere spouting obfuscating garblage.

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“I am careful about proposing restricting the speech of others because I know that it will eventually be used against me”


You should be careful and reasonable and discerning but definitely not for the reason you have given.

Democrats are run-of-the-mill communists and they will silence, terrorize, and dominate you no matter what.

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It's amazing how all the "Free Speech" warriors around here are suddenly getting a little wobbly on this, isn't it?

Almost like....unrestricted free speech directed at everyone....except one particular group.

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Not sure how asking the law to be upheld in cases of assault, menacing, stalking, or harassing is “getting a little wobbly” on free speech. Seems like you didn’t even read the article, because it’s saying that’s exactly what we don’t want to do. But uphold the normal laws and student rules on campus? It’s appalling that these laws haven’t been upheld with force and regulatory before now.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Oh no. I read the article. My point, however, has been the general response by all the "Free Speech" warriors on here and their sudden change of heart over the last few weeks.

Hell....Bari wrote a piece awhile back where she complained that....wait for it.....Jewish students were being demeaned!

Lol. Bari "Words aren't violence" Weiss.

Gee...if only someone would have pointed out her hypocrisy long ago.

Assault is pretty straightforward. Now as far as your "menacing," "stalking" and "harrassing"....well, gonna need to see some clear-cut examples of that. Because a " Free Palestine" rally doesn't count.

The normal laws are being upheld. People just don't like "Free Palestine" rallies.

"Decolonialization" is now violent, genocidal rhetoric.

"End Occupation" is now violent, genocidal rhetoric.

Those are the new rules apparently.

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The article gave clear-cut examples of menacing, stalking, etc.

The article showed how campus rules and laws were not being upheld to the fullest extent of the law.

So are you suuuurrrreee you read the article?

I’m glad you feel like you are contributing something meaningful by pointing out that everyone is a hypocrite. Everyone needs to feel important I guess.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Yeah. 1 each. I was lead to believe by you and others, on here that it was a nation-wide epidemic.

So, yes I'm suuuurrrreeeeee.......that is is much ado about nothing, actually. Because for every example, I can provide one from the other side.

Yep. It is major contribution. Especially when I brought up that point MANY months ago.

Sometimes it arrives next-day Amazon, sometimes it takes a bit longer, but Comprof is always eventually proven correct.

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No I’m fine with you doing your Holocaust denial shtick online because nobody is threatened or intimidated by it.

If you start marching in the streets with a green headband on or ripping down hostage posters then you should be treated like all other civil rights violators.

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Never once denied the Holocaust.

It is documemted history.

You are incapable of winning a debate so you lie about what others have said.

You a pathetic.

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Comprof2.0 (you, who should be fired)

Just as Kevin Durant? can be counted on to post something wise, you can be counted on to express your antisemitism.

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Have you ever known an actual welfare queen, T.G.G?

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Antisemitic speech is still free...for now...in this country.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

LOL! Something wise. Like "Planned Parenthood offices are castrating children."

Fired for what, exactly?

AnTisEmITIsm!! Derp!

Yeah....provide one example.

I'll wait.

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Read the article slowly please.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Read it. My point still stands and is irrefutable.

Furthermore, the article is really not the point. The point is all the "Free Speech" warriors on here who have suddenly had a change of heart.


Read the discussion board for the last few weeks slowly ;)

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It’s bird… no it’s a plane… no, it’s Comprof2.0! Our favorite super-troll flying in to make SURE we all know how hypocritical Bari Weiss is! To remind us how hypocritical we all are! For…. Something, something, free speech, something… or whatever. But the important part is that He is the sole arbitor of supposed reason and troll-like clarity that we all need! Oh please save us from hypocritical selves Mr. Hypocrisy Man!

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Today he has been engaged too long. This arouses him. I’m not sure whether he reads the articles but the point is his purpose is to troll. He has an obsession with Bari. Professor Shapiro clearly explained the difference between speech and conduct. And we don’t know anything about the Burlington shooter. Liberals were sold on the Nashville and Boulder shooters until truth prevailed. Recently a man died in Ventura County because he bumped his head oh sorry this isn’t why he died; but it was reported that way even after an arrest was made. Enough said , try to ignore him.

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Well....seems you've accepted my propostion as you have no rebuttal, but only childish blathering.

Yes. Bari Weiss is a hypocrite as well as 99% of her acolytes around here.

I tried to explain that the first day I commented here. I'm just glad to be proven right. Once again.

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I’m all for the pro-Islamists telling everyone in hearing range their plans and desires.

Knowledge is the first requirement for beating them.

Bring it on Islamists!

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Who are the pro-Islamists?

How can I identify them by what they say?

Does eye-rolling count?

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We don't even know why that man shot those students. Burlington is one of the most liberal cities in the country. Let's wait to see what the facts show.

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Let’s see what is fed to us from the reliable press.

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Yeah....ok... ;)

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Both sides don't know how to react to Israel-Hamas. The social justice warriors decrying microaggressions morphing into vile-spewing Israel criticizers. At the other end of the spectrum, conservatives who question our wasteful conduct regarding Ukraine find themselves caught up in MORE BILLIONS FOR ISRAEL!

Liberals who used to oppose war when it was waged by George W. Bush are fine with Ukraine. And Democrats used to care about free speech, until the Security State started censoring the internet, with Dems cheering them on.

There are sites where I can always find "MAGA sucks!" and "orange man bad!" And I can always come here to find conservatives calling anyone who disagrees with them a communist.

Wobbly is right. Or maybe not strong enough.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Up is down, down is up - that's for sure. Personally, I really don't have a dog in any of these fights. I just find the inconsistencey, hypocrisy and bad gaslighting to be fascinating, though. So that's what I like pointing out.

If Israel wants to wipe out everyone in Gaza, fine - go for it. Just don't say you're trying to "save" them from Hamas or you're concerned about their "suffering" under Hamas, or blame Hamas for every single civilian death. Not everybody there can be a damn human shield 24/7.

So, just do what you're gonna do and quit pretending you're more "moral" than everyone else. Especially when you were directly sending Hamas suitcases full of cash regularly to prop them up to make sure a Palestinian state never comes to fruition. Seems shady.

This place is just as much a myopic, ideological echo chamber as anywhere else.

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Two state solution?

Nah. Permanent occupation is the way to go.

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The so-called Palestinians have rejected a two State solution for 75 years. What’s needed for peace in Israel is a a 47 State solution. All of Israel for Jews and Christians and All Of The 46 Muslim Majority States For What They Want.

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The actual colonizers have completely wrecked Africa for 1500 years and continue to wreck it right now with the exact same methods slavery and genocide.

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True. Those same colonizers, in 1948, decided to settle the European Jews in Palestine. They could have chosen Bavaria, and after the Holocaust, no one would have objected (except the people of Bavaria). They could have chosen Wyoming. But the economic and political leaders of the time were mostly antisemitic, so they didn't want them in THEIR countries. So they settled them in someone else's country. Which also afforded the colonizers a very large military presence in the oil-rich region.

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Since Germany was the country they just spent years in war against, it’s interesting that you think Germany is somehow “THEIR countries.” Really abysmal logic that.

No Jew wanted to remain in Germany. As soon as they could, they left that place.

The Jews wanted to go to Israel because the Jews believe it is their home and their wish was complied with. Do muslims colonize yes or no? Do they slay anyone who is not a muslim yes or no? don’t come to me about colonizers when Africa has been utterly destroyed by muslim colonizers. And Bangladesh. And Pakistan. And

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Not "so called." - "are."

Lol! So confidently incorrect. https://www.rand.org/news/press/2021/02/10.html

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" Permanent occupation is the way to go"

After October 7, you got that right! No sense giving these people a full state to rearm more fully than ever before.

And permanent occupation does have a great track record of success: the US has not fought an Indian War for over 140 years. That is what is called a "lasting ceasefire".

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I might have preferred Germany or Japan as the example, but it is true about Indians -- so what the hell....

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Lol. That's why they're in this situation to begin with.

Now who are "these people," exactly?

Maybe Netanyahu/Israel shouldn't have been secretly funding Hamas in order to engage in perpetual warfare with them and promote rocket attacks on their own people in order to prevent the establishment of Palestinian land. Seems kind of devious.

As far as Native Americans.....seems you're going with the genocide option? Fair enough....just don't get wound up when people call it what it is.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

"who are "these people," exactly?"

The ones who live in the Gaza Strip as marked by the 1949 Armistice Line.

There are 2.2 million of them so if Hamas officials are correct that 14,000 have died, it would hardly be genocide if 99.3% survived.

Compare with the fate of Jews in Eastern Europe between 1941 and 1945 or the fate of Armenians in Anatolia in 1915. That's what true genocide looks like, not the fake "genocide" of Hamas stooges.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Well, it's still early...

Right....but is everyone in Gaza part of Hamas?

Is that what you mean by "stooges?"

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Everyone in Gaza support Hamas? You bet, that's what Palestinian polling shows:


As for your idiotic "early days" comment, Israel fully occupied and controlled Gaza for 38 years, 1967 to 2005, and there obviously was no genocide then.

Stooges... I think your replies show you're a great definition of that.

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“Maybe Netanyahu/Israel shouldn't have been secretly funding Hamas in order to engage in perpetual warfare with them and promote rocket attacks on their own people in order to prevent the establishment of Palestinian land. Seems kind of devious.”


This is the exact thing that Barack Hussein Obama did.

Killing off the Tiki Torch guys if they ever get weapons and attack civilians is not a genocide of white people. Same thing with ‘Palestinians’ which is the term for Arab Muslim Tiki Torchers.

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Lol. Obama regularly sent a car into Gaza with suitcases filled with cash directly to Hamas?

Interesting....I'll have to look that up.

Ah, yes....the "Palestinians" = "Hamas" proposition. Well, since you make no distinction between the two, I guess you're morally in the clear.

You like the Tiki Torch guys. So, spare me that nonsense.

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2023 - 1924 = 99 years not 140.

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I stand corrected: 2023 - 1890 = 133, not 140


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The same article you quote shows 1924.

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It shows the main wars as 1609 - 1890.

If after that some minor incidents happened, it doesn't detract from the key point: lasting ceasefire.

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The Mandate is clear, and nothing has changed it since. Israel, west of the Jordan River, belongs to the Jews. Jordon, east of the Jordan River belongs to the Arabs. This is what the victor, the Allied forces, imposed on the Ottoman Empire, after WWI. It’s just that certain Arabs cannot live with this decision. They don’t want to follow international law, because they hate Jews. Other Arabs were given entire countries (Egypt, Iraq, Syria, etc…) from the Allied forces as compensation for helping the Allied forces defeat the Ottomans. There was no such thing as an Arab Palestinian identity until the early 1960’s. Even the Emir of Jordan, Abdullah, admitted this during the 1948 time frame that - Jordan is Palestine. This whole “occupation” is propaganda. If you want to read about the international law aspects of this: Israel & Palestine, Assault on the Law of Nations, by Julius Stone. Published in 1981.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Wrong. There were Palestinian Arabs and Jews long before 1960. So, Golda Meir was, and will always, be wrong on that point. But she was Russian, so maybe that explains it.

And Israel doesn't want to follow international law by not stopping settlements/stealing land.

Nah. When every aspect of your life (food, water, movement, electricity, trade, airspace, maritime space, etc.) is controlled by another nation, you are occupied.

When a foreign military reserves the right to come into your community any time they please and do whatever they wish, you are occupied.

Just because guards don't live in the cells with prisoners doesn't mean they aren't incarcerated.

I'm cool with whatever. Just stop trying to argue/pretend it's something else.

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Yes, there were Arabs living in Israel long before 1948.

Please show me a historical record of “Palestinian” Arabs seeking a state of their own leading up to when Israel declared statehood in 1948.

You cannot, because there was no such thing.

It started in the early 1960’s.

What you seek is to defund the IDF.

And we only have major US cities to show how that worked out.

Left ideology is a waist land.

You don’t care about those who are marginalized.

All you care about is power.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Lol. "Defund the IDF?" Well, that's a new mishmash right there.

Interesting. Nah. I do think two things should happen after Israel is done doing whatever it is they do:

1. End dual citizenship. One country. One ID for voting. No more U.S. armchair Zionism. Go live in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem and do your Zionism over there, etc.

2. Israel should pay for their own defense.

Major cities are doing just fine, dude. Relax.

So Israelis are the "marginalized" ones in this Israel-Gaza situation?...is that what you're saying?

Because it's pretty clear that Israelis can vote for what happens to Palestinians, Palestinians cannot vote for what happens to Israelis.

Yes...and what "power," would that be exactly? Hear that talking point a lot, but no one ever explains it.

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‘Having to live near Jews’ is not what the word ‘occupation’ means, Compost.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Lol. Of course not, dummy. I never said it was.

But having every aspect of your life controlled by a another nation/military who also reserves the right to have their military enter your community whenever they wish as well as helping their citizens to illegally take your land, burn your homes and murder you without consequences is.

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As Palestine is not a recognized "country," occupation is probably not the right term. Maybe apartheid fits--"any system or practice that separates people according to color, ethnicity, caste, etc."

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Yeah, it probably does...but people have a problem with that, too.

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They certainly will have a similar problem with apartheid. But if it walks like a duck...

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Annexation and expulsion is the way to go. Let the song for centuries to come be "By the rivers of Baghdad we wept when we remembered Al Quds."

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Your ability to cleanly cut through the bullshit is refreshing. It’s so simple and well stated, iyou make me chuckle.

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Let’s get rid of all the peeps with confederate flags too. Since we are doing that already, right?

What is the alternative to a 2 state solution?

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Christian genocide by Muslims continues to be a daily event, now 15 centuries long.

October 7 gets attention only because of tribalism; more Christians are murdered, every month, every year, and for the same reason as October 7.

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That is not an alternative.

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Perhaps more because Christians don't fight back?

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Gangs breaking into schools and raping the children certainly deserves death.

England’s women are completely wrecked, entire generations

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"What is the alternative to a 2 state solution? "

A carved up set of mini-states with overall Israeli security control, so special forces can go in at will and nail anyone thinking of putting on a Hamas headband.

Or a Syrian solution, where Gaza breaks up into statelets at constant war with each other.

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Tell me you don't understand the law without telling me you don't understand the law.

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Okay fine, you actually are allowed to threaten and intimidate people based on race and religion and stuff. Good point. Shrewd analysis as always, Compost.

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No, actually you are not.

Saying "decolonize" or "Free Palestine" does not meet that standard.


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Now that I know the definition of “decolonize” I’m pretty sure it’s the same as shouting fire in a theater. Or the new version of “fighting words.”


Either way the moment the word is uttered I go hyper-vigilant and consider the speaker a high level threat that bears close scrutiny.

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1. You cited The Free Press for your argument?

2. Oh, you can be "pretty sure" of anything you want, but that doesn't make it so.

3. Oh, so if I stand up in a crowded theatre and yell "decolonize" that's the same a screaming "Fire?" Lol...

4. "Words aren't violence." - Bari Weiss

What are you going to do next? Make it illegal to not do business with Israel? Wait....never mind.

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I don’t do twitter/X but here you go:


I wonder, do you know what they’ll do to you should the people with whom you’ve allied ever gain an shred of power?

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It doesn't mean they're pro-terrorism. I have a feeling that if we stopped killing brown people, we'd have a lot less terrorism.

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Victim blaming. We did not create the Barbary pirates either. Islam and a generally shitty culture created them. if you look at Japan and Germany it is clear that the problem is we aren’t killing enough people in order to win.

Nobody is suggesting we should defeat Dubai, which is run by ‘brown’ Muslims. That’s because Dubai isn’t a Satanic shithole.

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Every time a US drone kills innocent people, new terrorists are created. I'm fine with Israel trying to defeat Hamas and you think their intelligence agency which is supposed to be fairly sophisticated, could actually try to weed out Hamas instead of trying to kill as many children and women as possible. Israel has killed 10 times as many people that Hamas killed on October 7th. You may think that's justified. I don't especially given that half of those people are women and children. You can't blame the women and children. Also now that we know that netanyahu was funding Hamas in order to undermine the the PLO and a two-state solution—seems like he got what he paid for

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The women and children are also Nazis. Look up the city by city body count of the fire bombing of Japan. Net net the end result was far fewer people dying and suffering and Japan is now awesome.

The thing about Netanyahu is propaganda. This was being planned long before he took office, it was funded by Democrat money to Iran, and the intelligence agencies are 100% opposed to Netanyahu and are controlled entirely by leftists as evidenced by the fact that they just tried to overthrow Netanyahu’s election with the astroturf ‘democracy’ protests.

The Global Democrat Left is responsible for every single aspect of this situation from Hamas existing to the intelligence failures.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

As I read this I note how much of a pass these thugs are given to harass, foment hate, harass, attack, assault and do the work so the terrorists don’t have to. Then juxtapose that with the J6 people, who themselves are harassed and imprisoned for speech, the film shows us how they were invited in, the government wants to smash them. The former are lauded by the media and the dems, the latter are political prisoners - where is their free speech?

MIT won’t expel foreign students not because they’ll be deported, as they should, but because they’ll lose the money. Yet the J6 people can’t even get legal representation or bail!


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What would you expect from the leftist democrats running this country? It's been obvious since Obama came to power and preputurated since then. Remember their slogan, "don't let a crisis go to waste!". Sounds like communism to me. My hope is that democrats ( the sane ones anyway) see and understand what they have been hijacked for. Their entire party has been infiltrated by hateful people.

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I’d put the number of sane democrats at maybe 10% and that’s most likely high. In fact, the only sane dem might turn out to be Fetterman.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

No one can claim dignity, honor, or honesty and remain a democrat. No one.

Feinstein was disgusting liar backstabbed and cheat.

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And he is suspect!

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That's why a large group of them are not running for re-election.

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I pray you are 100% right.

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I'll take any percentage I can get.

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Evil evil people from the President down.

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I am reminded of the phrase, “Silence is violence”. Seems appropriate when applied to the acquiescence to this behavior of the people who should be standing against it to protect their institutions from this decay.

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I would love to see Bari do a story on Matthew Perna - such a sad story and I'm not sure how many people are aware of what is happening to these people - I saw a video of him yesterday just walking down the hall at the capital hurting no one after congress was already dispersed - he has taken his own life. Were these people even given access to their own footage for their defense?

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A well written article that even the skulls full of mush in our current universities just might grasp. Thank you, Free Press and Mr. Shapiro.

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I’m all for more free speech to counter someone else’s awful speech, but realistically what can the Jews say? What can people like me say to a pro Hamas student tearing down posters of hostages? We are dealing with crazed, brainwashed people hell bent on violence. Call them the new KKK, call them domestic terrorists, deport them, arrest them and prosecute them under our anti domestic terrorism laws. Please, stop kowtowing to them.

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Absolutely! Thank you!

Accommodation is permission. If boundaries are being tested, set the territorial markers firmly, and enforce this. Many cultures see politeness as weakness and will not stop until vigilantes stop them - the crucial element is having a government that will act before authoritarian ‘saviors’ gain appeal.

If the adage that ‘we show people how to treat us by what we tolerate’ is true, then this is a major test.

Mere citizens should not be asked to stand up to what is clearly mob violence.

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Not surprisingly, this was excellent. Thank you.

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Isn't it time for the word microaggession to be retired and in fact removed from dictionaries other than describing it as a quaint historical word used to bully others into silence?

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Excellent work, Ilya. If you are interested in pursuing detailed links between SJP and Hamas, you might want to reach out to Jonathon Schanzer, a senior member of Federation for Defense of Democracies. He recently testified in a Congressional Committee hearing about this topic. His detailed research suggests that there is an organization, American Muslims for Palestine, that provides funding, materials, and direction to SJP along with funding to Hamas itself. Worth a phone call.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

I read an interesting article (can’t remember where) that stated that SJP is deliberately not a 501c(3) charity and chooses a fragmented approach in its organizational structure. All chapters are basically independent entities. This allows SJP to keep its donor lists private. It will be difficult to prove a connection to supporters of terror, but I do hope they are successful.

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Excellent legal case against campus Jew-haters, but laws must be enforced. Now, with the weaponization of the justice system, that enforcement will only be against those who resist the tyranny of the state or the mob, and not against those calling for the extermination, yet again, of Jews.

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I support free speech and I will use my free speech to say that leftists / progressives are a cancer on this country. Here's a recent fine example of them "just bringing awareness" :


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Where the hell were the adults? Where were the MEN?

Those idiots don’t dare pull those stunts in my area. They wouldn’t last five minutes before the MEN would shut it down.

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Yes - we have pulled all our estate donations from Michigan schools where we attended undergraduate college. We have donated it all to another university we attended in the type of area where you live Marie - one where a rude and disruptive mob would not have lasted very long.

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Men have been undermined and demeaned for at least two generations in this country.

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This is the heart of the problem. I really like the Jordan Peterson quote: And if you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.

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True. And if you want a man to be a man you have to let him.

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I suspect there are some men who don't know what to do. There are too many instances of men standing up for people and being punished for it.

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I agree. I think some are just checking out.

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Thank God my husband and sons are real men.

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Real MEN who believe in the Bill of Rights understand free speech. Dumbass hooligan MEN must live where you live.

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There’s nothing about disrupting a CHILDREN’S performance that has anything to do with free speech. That’s an example of assholes being assholes and they deserve the treatment assholes deserve. Had my family been there the assholes would’ve discovered the concept of consequences.

Glad the real men around me are capable of discerning the difference.

As long as the pseudo-men stay where you are it’s all good.

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PS--the men in my family have taken oaths to protect the Bill of Rights, have deployed and fought for it.

What have you done?

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I've tried my best not to be a he-man asshole. Your men must have forgotten their oath if they're ready to beat up protesters for exercising their first amendment rights. That kind of thinking is quite immature, like how to settle disputes in high school.

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You display an appalling leak of creativity.

Who said anything about beating anyone up? I much prefer public humiliation as a disciplinary tactic. This specific situation called for loud and assertive refutation coupled with crowd management tactics.

And as I suspected your answer to my question is, “nothing at all.”

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Thanks for posting this link. I am originally from Michigan but had not heard about this in any news. Imagine if this was a group of white people shouting down a group of black children trying to celebrate Christmas - even sleepy Joe would wake up for that one.

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A2 Indy is also a good source of info that typically gets covered up. Here's a good one to read:


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Disturbing a children's choir is pretty low on anyone's scale. But just like you are exercising your free speech, aren't those obnoxious protesters? What kind of country do you want to live in, one like Singapore?

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Where did I say I don't support their right to free speech? Just because I support free speech doesn't mean I can't find what's being said as crude and distasteful. These same people blocked traffic on the highway the day before. After reading this article, their actions clearly went beyond free speech. They should have been arrested for it.

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You didn't post a link to a story about people blocking traffic on a highway, for which they could be arrested. You posted a link about interrupting a children's choir performance, for which they should not be arrested. Maybe you could link to a story that actually involves a crime.

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Hmm, maybe if you opened the link you would see to the right of the article it lists the other story. But again, you don't really care. For whatever reason you seem intent on thinking I somehow don't believe people I find disgusting should have free speech and brought up arresting them in regards to the choir. I did not. Maybe you are just another troll who enjoys paying Bari money just to bother other readers. Toodles.

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The key phrase in this excellent article can be found in the opening paragraphs: who makes the rules. I would add one more similar notion: who enforces the rules as we have seen that those in charge at colleges , the DOJ and countless DA offices have a political bias when it comes to interpretation and enforcement. Intellectual hypocrisy at its finest.

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There are plenty of commenters here who have already decided to change the free speech rules.

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“But Columbia professor Joseph Massad can write, as he did on October 8, that Hamas’s actions were “awesome.””


We 100% do not have to allow people to use government money to give material support to terrorist organizations just because of some dipshit utopian interpretation of the First Amendment.

If you’re wondering why people are saying liberalism has failed this is why. It’s because certain people have injected utopianism into liberalism, causing it to fail, with predictable disastrous consequences.

There is no slippery slope on the right because the right is not utopian or progressive. The left by definition IS a slippery slope because it is utopian and also progressive.

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Columbia is not a public institution.

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Nobody paying tuition to that particular version of Trump University with federal student loans?

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I knew almost immediately I was reading the words of someone who would argue for the prosecution in a Nazi "Peoples Court". I'm bored already, when is it going to sink in at TFP that no amount of obfuscating drivel is going to convince me right is wrong or up is down? Evil is Evil, I have no more fucks to give, and it won't be long before the credit at my patience store runs out too.

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Disagree. What I view as “dipshit” may be different than your view. There are many Americans that believe Israel’s response to the terror attack is genocide and war crimes. I believe this is a primo example of a “dipshit” view, but they are entitled to hold this view.

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What if they are really mad about the Treaty of Versailles and they are just speaking and organizing with their free speech and association rights?

Obviously, you can’t run a society without discernment.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

I’m not sure I understand your comment. Hate speech is generally protected. Conduct such as threats, harassment or heckling during class or organized speech is not. Many of the protesters will be punished for their conduct, which I fully support. But stupid people collaborating to protest that the Treaty of Versailles was unjust is permissible. They just look really dumb (which if a crime, would mean a lot of people are guilty, haha).

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You arrest everyone and use prosecutorial discretion to deal with the people who are ‘wandering through the Capitol’ so to speak.

The useful idiots are not that important in this context except that there are far fewer of them than you might think. Almost everyone at a pro-Palestine protest is a terrorist sympathizer who is there specifically because they want to terrorize and intimidate Jews, which is prohibited by civil rights law.

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Are you even aware of the supreme hypocrisy of you writing this even as you yourself are normalizing antisemitism by being friends with an unabashed antisemite???

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Speaking of free speech, you’re a flat-out simpleton with limited reading comprehension, Mark. I already was generous enough to explain this to you in great detail.

A Muslim girl, my friend, who is friendly with Jews but also secretly believes they control banking is not the same as someone who supports Palestine (D) and Hamas (D), which she does not, you low IQ redneck.

Jews are not super concerned with people who innocuously believe a few old stereotypes right now. They are concerned about people who pose a violent threat to them.

You obviously don’t take any of this seriously since you are conflating the two and cheaply exploiting and prostituting the suffering of Jews to benefit yourself by using it cynically to attack people you disagree with on the internet. You are both a low-class moron and a pervert. Free speech.

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Lighten up, Dude. We're all trying to figure this out. I want to hear what other people think.

You might call it, "freedom of speech."

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So you got to hear Mark’s point about how I really can’t be allowed to advocate for the safety of Jews and Israel because I’m friends with a Muslim girl who believes some stereotypes about Jews.

You also got to hear my point about how Mark is a petty, dishonest, low-IQ jackass who is exploiting the suffering of Jews so that he can preen pompously and obtain an unearned position of moralizing dominance for himself.

I don’t see how my explanation of how Mark is being a manipulative disingenuous sociopath diminished your ability to hear what other people think.

Should I refrain from expressing my actual sincere belief that Mark is a cynical parasitic scumbag?

What person who is actually concerned about Jews, in the midst of a war for survival, would attack someone advocating in favor of Jews and Israel based solely on the fact that they are friends with a Muslim person who believes a few conspiracy theories? A person who is using the situation opportunistically in order to benefit themselves, that’s who would do that.

It is scumbag behavior and I will always mention it when it happens.

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I couldn't agree more - not with your assessment of the other fellow; I know nothing about him - but with the idea that your thoughts should be heard, too.

Got it - loud and clear. Brandeis was right: bright sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant.

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You make a lot of good points, KD, but they would be much more effective if not accompanied by the "simpleton/redneck/moron" jabs. The few open-minded people left usually tune out on that stuff, and you're left merely preaching to the choir. Though in TFP comments, it is a pretty big choir.

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The points I make cannot be made as if I am dealing with a legitimate counterparty. I would not even bother making these points if we weren’t dealing with atrocious perverts who are going to get millions of people killed.

The sooner people realize how dire this is, the better. It’s much better for people to think I’m the bad guy than it is for me to signal, by treating them with decency, that the other guys aren’t that bad and we can work with them.

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I am just going by what you yourself said of her, an antisemite and unabashed. Now you're trying to walk it back and minimize it. You appear to be a card-carrying member of the Do As I Say Not As I Do Crowd. What you're doing is basically justifying racist behavior by saying "at least she is not cheering on or donating to KKK". Somehow you've convinced yourself that its ok to be an antisemite as long as she is not advocating actual genocide? And how do you know she is not? And how do you know she is not on that slippery slope you talked about to being radicalized to actually supporting genocide, and then carrying it out?

It's funny how you proclaim to speak on behalf of Jews... This Jew here is not "not super concerned" as you claim. I am concerned about antisemitism, and I am calling it out.

As for the rest of your childish name-calling, I was under the impression most people left that sort of stuff in Jr. High. You are truly a special case that seems to have carried it with you into adult-life:).

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People who think abstaining from profanity and insults is a sign of intelligence and maturity have the lowest possible bar for intelligence and maturity; and this is for a reason.

You are a Cluster B narcissist and a predatory parasite aka sociopath and I’d be willing to bet you support a two-state solution as part of an overall exploitative Munchausen by proxy strategy where you use Jews who are in danger to advance yourself.

Not a single person reading this believes your virtue signaling Karpman’s drama triangle where you are just here righteously calling out antisemitism as a savior of the oppressed. You are a partisan hack with an agenda who is pimping out Jews who are in danger to fraudulently advance yourself.

Not surprising that you are engaged in this gutter-trash behavior while also being ‘deeply concerned’ about the inconsequential matter of crude language. It matches nicely with your ‘deep concern’ about my Muslim friend believing a few antisemitic tropes while Kristallnacht is happening just down the street.

“Somehow you've convinced yourself that its ok to be an antisemite as long as she is not advocating actual genocide? And how do you know she is not?”


How do I know? Because the genocidal Muslims are proudly screaming about it in the street. But you aren’t concerned about those Muslims because there’s no personal profit for you in that. Degenerate pervert.

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Kevin, that was brilliant. Reading you do your thing - it’s a pleasure.

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Wow, another word salad from you:). Do you think that throwing out every word/term that you know makes you sound competent in any way?:) Profanity is ok. Name-calling is useless as far as making a point goes, that's why most people leave it at the jr. high playground. I guess that concept was too complicated for you to absorb:).

As far as Cluster B goes, you do realize that when you've already left 20 comments 10 minutes after the article has dropped, that's you demonstrating all that exaggerated self-worth, right?

Kristallnacht starts with people telling "dirty Jew" jokes, as you've relayed she does, and other people normalizing it. You seem to have a knack for ascribing to others the behaviors your are clearly demonstrating:).

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Crude language adds emphasis and humor. It’s the exact sort of thing you might zero in on as being an issue of concern if you had an average IQ and you were trying to assert dominance with pedantry.

Simply asserting that something is a ‘word salad’ does not make it a word salad. What you mean to say is that it’s over your head. I can explain the relevance and importance of each term and each sentence.

Frequent posts means you enjoy posting. The content is what determines a personality disorder like narcissism. All of your posts are aimed at pompously declaring your own virtue and manipulatively positioning yourself as dominant through covert linguistic ploys. That’s why it is clear you’re a pathological narcissist. I would obviously drop the crude language if faux-intellectual self-aggrandizement was my goal.

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Yes, generally people resort to name-calling when they don’t have a good argument to support their point.

We can all see that.

Don’t even bother trying to get him to see his hypocrisy, he’ll just double-down on something in an effort to sound intelligent and be provocative. Most of the rest of us here see through that too. Just ignore him.

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Back in the day when we were a just barely practicing bunch of Judao-Christians, we had a saying that covered this, "Smile, when you say that, pardner."

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The answer to hate speech is more speech.

A reprimand "does not materially impair freedom of speech" Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1927. Stating further that the best way to counter speech one doesn't agree with is not with censorship but with more speech.

That said, true threats are threats that specifically target an individual or group for violence or harm. Fighting words are words that can elicit ONLY a violent response. These narrow categories leave many invoking the terms as a proxy for hate speech. But both require specific statements in a context that could lead to a specific act of violence.

It seems that academic leadership is having a hard time understanding where to draw the line for allowing students and faculty to speak openly about issues they disagree with and if/when they go to far with their messages that create a threat of physical safety & malicious harassment/intimidation (both are already illegal) to opposing groups/people. Unsurprisingly, the "safe spaces" academic leadership currently has that 'pig looking at a wristwatch' look on their face. Go figure.

Being a 1A absolutist, I'm for all speech until the speech calls for violence or is disruptive in private settings.

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The answer to communists is to stop them using whatever means possible, ethical or unethical, because they will hijack your society and kill millions of people which is obviously way worse than compromising on your own utopian free speech fantasies.

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Silent enim leges inter arma. Salus populi suprema lex esto.

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The poor babies won't feel safe if reprimanded. Maybe they should all get a "time out".

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I agree with the author on Honestly last week.

“Who are these hothouse flowers? People whose parents never hit them.”

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It sounds like you were slapped silly. I was hit twice. Neither time was justified. I was a respectful and obedient child of very good parents. Children do not need to receive corporal punishment to be raised properly.

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A trophy. Give them all a new shiny object.

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I know, right. So much whining when other people express/use THEIR free speech rights.

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Maybe the poor babies should be treated as Hamas treats babies since they are so fond. /s

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Academic leadership I fear is an oxymoron. Thirty years in academia and I have seen multiple "leaders" that are simply political animals with no backbone or ethics. They bend to the winds of the time and do whatever is politically expedient for their survival and move on. It is a sad fact we must all wake to.

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For many college administrators, every issue is "complicated", and every decision is "relative". With such a mindset is it any wonder why these people have been so indecisive? Paralysis by analysis!

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It's unfortunate they can't just do what they know is inherently humane!

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They can't even define the word, "humane"!

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Nor "woman..."

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On the overwhelming evidence of decades, they do not know that at all.

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“The answer to hate speech is more speech.”

I could not agree anymore. Great response and comment!

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This is a perfect response. People need an outlet to let passions boil over but not to the point of intimidation or violence .

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Very generous of you. Academic leadership is advocating genocide and treason; I think the evidence is overwhelming and whether others find the same we should all act as if it were so. It is certainly the outcome.

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Sorry but that "disruptive in private settings" is a steamship-sized loophole.

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"But MIT declined to take action against demonstrators who prevented Jewish students from attending class, despite warnings that they were violating university policies, precisely because officials knew that many of the harassers were foreign students subject to deportation."

Foreign students are paying full price for tuition -- in cash. What university is going to turn away that cash cow? As always, follow the money.

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Then follow institutional integrity down the toilet.

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Great article and thank you.

the Biden administration is surely loath to deport foreign students -- Can anyone say Cowards. This administration is nothing but cowards. The corruption stems from the top down. This administration is so out of their league it's actually scary. Deport people if they overstep their Visa's or permission to be here. Believe me it happens in other countries. We owe them nothing and that's exactly what most Legal Immigrants get when coming here. You have earned nothing IMHO and have no special status. You want to get hostile and all up in people's faces? Send them home to do it and guess what? They won't as they don't want to be dead or in some prison. They are also Cowards.

Our institutions of higher corrupted learning are also run by Cowards. Government can withdraw the funds given, but cowards won't do that. Everyone follow the laws or get out should be the mantra of all institutions. You want to disrupt and ruin other peoples education, then get out and no refunds sucker. Then other schools need to deny them admittance based on previous conduct.

For me, spent my entire life since 19 defending this country and free speech. But my definition of free speech is a little different. You want to get in my face and scream or threaten and disrupt my life; then my response is more likely a punch in the face. Don't care who, the skinny little rebel or the female that thinks she protected by that being a female thing. Look at the people doing it and they are not the cream of the crop and hopefully, please, please, don't reproduce.

Not until we start enforcing the laws and institutional policies will this crap stop. Send the colonizers back home and kick the ignorant having done and seen nothing of the world out, enforce your standards, and you will get real changes.

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If ever, "From your keyboard to God's eye," needed coined, it's right here.

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