Mar 18, 2023Liked by Noah Rinsky

FP: "Here's a light-hearted story about dogs that are popular and their owners are savvy enough to leverage that to have a fun and fulfilling career."

FP Commenters: "I don't enjoy entertainment. This is obviously evidence that society has collapsed and we'll all starve to death in the next 2 years."

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I found it light hearted and informative. I have wondered how so-called influencers made money. It never occurred to me that I was watching an unfolding apocalypse or to worry about the empty, meaningless lives of these young entrepreneurs. I’ll have to have a long chat with my cats about this.

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I read the article to my kids, dogs, cats, and fish. My dogs and cats were infuriatingly indifferent to our plight, and my kids were so inspired by the influencers that they renounced their genders.

The fish took the opportunity to lay more eggs and attempt to over populate the aquarium. However 30 seconds later they ate the eggs.

We are doomed.

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I just did with mine. He told me to chill.

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My wife and I (parents, duly employed, highly educated, with intact nuclear families of our own, and a great durable friend circle of other families) follow three of these four dogs and find them delightful. What kind of people don’t want to smile at dogs when winding down in the evening?

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I was thinking that, too. Usually I enjoy the FP comment feed, but today it's a bunch of buzz kills. I mean, dogfluencers are harmless. Of all the things to worry and complain about in the modern world, this is at the bottom of my list.

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I have a different take. This site is mainly about freedom of expression but it is also an eclectic take on our culture. Am I wild about every FP post? No, but I like its format and the people who frequent this BBS. That is why I keep coming back.

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My comment was only half serious. I spend more time on the comment feed here tan anywhere else for exactly that reason. 😀

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You took the words right out of my thumbs

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The world is full of people who hate free enterprise, and who express their hatred by comparing the plight of the poor to that of people who are rich because they are captains of industry, leaders of men, et al.

Those same people are NOT unhappy about others who are rich because they make dog videos. There is something to be said about that.

The dog video people themselves are not necessarily the problem. The people who love the dog video people but hate those who produce more material value? Very concerning.

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However, Kent, had the article been cynical and more probing as to what this kind of endeavor reflects of the shallowness of our culture in the age of social media, and how ridiculously little it takes to entertain people today - then this story would have been far more interesting.

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A few points:

1) Cynicism is too easy a take on this (as evident from the myriad of cynical comments). I’d get bored three lines in and move to something else. Normal people bringing a modicum of joy to millions and how they work to maintain that joy for a profit is much more captivating a take than, “Ugh. Some Things I Hate About This”

2) I don’t believe our culture overall is shallow. I think the “problem” with social media is it has exposed and exacerbated conflicts between cultures and beliefs. But that’s not a problem of depth.

3) Easily entertained by silliness is definitely a luxury I am proud to be able to partake of. If you’re taking entertainment that seriously, you aren’t really having fun.

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I respect your response.

I’ll only respond to your #1:

You assert that cynicism is too easy a take on this funny dog story since so may commenters here express it.

But it’s not because cynicism is easy - it’s because it’s obvious…

This is a story asking to be ridiculed.

And I own a dog, who is (at the moment at least ..) one of my best friends..

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Now a story about how dog influencers and cat influencers don’t get along and have beefs with each other like other entertainment artists do, but they both hate bird-themed influencers. That would be a more dynamic take.

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That’s next week!

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Wait. Can we do FP fan-fic?

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Good one, Kent!

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Am I alone in finding this cringy?

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No Bruce. You are special, but you are not alone. Pets are great but the substitution of pets for children is IMNSHO creepy.

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Have you seen dogs in strollers? Like pet strollers? Saw a few last summer when out with my daughter. I love my dog...but just bizarre.

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The cats in strollers though, that’s the next level if bizarre. Imagine becoming an apex predator just to be pushed around in a stroller.

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My pet has a stroller. He’s also disabled. The stroller allows us to take him with us when we go for a walk. Don’t judge before you know the circumstances.

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I regularly took a disabled dog out for walks in a wagon before she died. So again, I say, imagine becoming an apex predator only to be pushed around in a stroller. It’s a either a depressing necessity or a depressing shackle.

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No. It’s kind of repellent.

It’s weird, like killing and eating the bunny you got as a pet for your 7 year old ... and getting paid to so it.

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I love corgis. They are so tasty.

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I didn't find it cringy. The dog didn't care as long as it was loved, got fed and scratched behind the ears. It's better than looking at a Kardashian's Butt.

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Did you have to set the bar that low, Cat?

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Have you seen the ass on those wimmin? I have never watched the Karamians on TV but have seen pictures. Personally I don't see the alure of "reality" TV.

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I can't watch those shows but there is something oddly compelling about trashy behavior. Like a slo-mo car crash.

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Trashy doesn't cover it. It is far beyond trashy.

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You're not alone. It is very cringy. And Just Sad.

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It's a sad commentary when a people is more focused on its animals than its children. If Westerners don't figure out - and fix - their low birth rate, the cute Maxines of the world will starve to death, since there won't be anybody here to feed them.

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In San Francisco, there are more pet dogs than school aged children. More drug addicts than high school children. Our cities are literally dying. Here is what the streets look like: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-visit-karenland-fupaz-part-36c

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Kill all the dogs and have more children? That will decrease the drug addicts? I think not.

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That's what you got from that comment! Read it slowly. Yuri makes a profound and concerning point.

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I was being sarcastic. That said, I don't really see the correlation between owning animals and the increase in addicts on the streets.

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Perhaps those addicts or homeless don't have families/children to help get them off the street. Perhaps they don't have anyone to care for so they can waste away in their own skin. Perhaps their mother cared more for their dog than they did for them. Ok, a step too far.

Point is there doesn't have to be a direct correlation to make a great point on the decay of large American cities whose priorities seem quite askew.

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Let's just agree to disagree.

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I'm pretty sure the planet will do just fine with less population.

My pets are my children:)

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I know. Psychologists refer to them as "child substitutes."

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Societies can do okay - up to a point - with a gradual decline in population. But when one generation is drastically smaller than the generation before them, or the generation before that, you run into big problems.

I’m sure you’re a fantastic human for your pets, and they love you as much as any animal can. But they’re not children, and they never can be.

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Exactly....taking care of an aged mother now. Her pet died a loooooong time ago.

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Really? I had no idea that animals were not children.

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Deidre, wait, Isn’t that what this topic is about? I’m confused- didn’t the filmmaker say dogs ARE children and stop having babies and stop all your very serious pursuits of humanitarian causes that will change and save the world and watch my one minute funny video?

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Children are human. Dogs are canine.

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A dog will never do drugs, rob a liquor store or betray you. It will give unconditional love and will do so no matter what you look like. You could look like Quasimodo and you dog will love you.

Studies show, people who have pets live longer than those who don't and heart attack victims who get a dog have lower instances of a second heart attack.

Pets give so much yet ask so little, love, food and a place to sleep.

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Totally agree, Lonesome P!

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

"Studies show, people who have pets live longer that those who don't..."


Sort of the point of many of the responses, right? That this selfish trend of decline birthrate is all about 'ME'?? [read: you living longer]

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So having a dog means you won't procreate.

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Uh oh.

Me and all my family members, somehow have pets and lots of kids. What’s wrong with us? Oh dear... Besides having lots of kids, and productive jobs, we consider our pets to be part of our family unit. And... gulp, we occasionally watch funny dog videos. We’re doomed.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Lonesome, you're soooooo far off field from the purpose and the intended discussion points of this piece. It's not a fluff piece about having or not having dogs, being raise by/with dogs..... [Sigh] Whatever. I'm sure you and your dog are very happy and will live a looooing life. Moving on.

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Well I was raise with dogs and cats so I am biased.

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"Lonesome", this story is not about having, loving, living with, being raise with or by.... pets.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Where does it say that the guy is more focused on his pet than his children. As a parent and with a dog and a cat, my kids always come first but in my family we all enjoy our animals. It's a bit of a stretch to accuse all animal lovers of contributing to the low birth rates-- I mean, it's a huge leap to accuse all animal lovers of contributing to the low birth rates.

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For all we know some of these influencers do have kids or will be able to have kids in the near future thanks to the financial success they've achieved. I'd much rather people made this kind of content about their pets than about their kids, anyway! Family influencers who exploit their children for content are much, much worse.

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I couldn't agree more. Good thing nobody said that.

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Jim, Didn't you write this?

"It's a sad commentary when a people is more focused on its animals than its children."

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"a people" is a collective term - like "a species" or "a culture." And, as a species and a people, humanity is turning away from childbearing and toward less-demanding housepets than children. The pope said in the early 'sixties that the hormonal birth control pill would change the world. It has. Once women get control of their fertility, the temptation to choose the easier path is overwhelming - and the more advanced the society, the more its women choose to severely limit their childbearing. It's not a formula for homo sapiens to Live Long And Prosper.

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I agree that we need to continue as a species and have children. However, I do not see the connection you are making. In fact, most people I know have animals AND children.

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Yep, me too. Having one does not negate the possibility of having the other, and many have both. In those families the pets assume a very much subordinate role and are usually referred-to as, well, pets. In homes with only child substitutes, the animals assume a much more significant place. My childless 45 year-old niece, for example, treats her brace of standard poodles considerably better than she does her husband. That's the whole point of the "child substitute" appellation. When my sons were small, we had dogs AND cats. They lived outside.

My subsequent wife insisted we give her dogs free rein (reign, really), that they slept in our bedroom, etc., and learned to scratch the door facings (ruined) when they wanted to come inside. Unsurprisingly they turned out to be as undisciplined as she was. That was my second wife. I'm a slow learner.

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I'm a bit surprised at the negative , ponderous reaction to what clearly seems to me to be a lighthearted story (much appreciated after the bludgeoning reports of gender mutilations, violent protests and lab leaks ). I see plenty of young couples here in Chicago with pampered pets and pampered children ; I enjoy the antics of silly dogs, they are a generous gift from our Maker to delight, distract and defend. Now , off my high horse and finish that Instagram post for my dowager pug Viola @lady.waddles

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Great post. Say hi to Viola for me.

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Viola sends her best.

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During my outdoor walks from 2020 to 2022 , surrounded by surly or masked humans (or both), I made a point of averting my eyes and looking only at the cute dogs, establishing little connections of happiness and warmth along the way. It kept me sane and reminded me of abiding universal joy in life and goodness, apparently lost by so many humans meanwhile.

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We should be cheering someone whose ingenuity, wit and talent has allowed him to pull himself out of the grind of 12 hour soul numbing work days. He’s an entrepreneur video director who works with animals. What he’s doing is the 21st century version of Lassie, Flipper, Mr. Ed, et al. with Madison Avenue as sponsors.

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What about "My Mother the Car"?

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That was a great show, intellectually stimulating. It was a crime that they canceled it.

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As long as it's not soul numbing. 😉

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Lighten up people. You’re comments are morose and depressing. This is fun and happy!

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Yes, Rosemarie!

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I have dogs. Live in the country alone, so they are pretty good companions. But they are dogs. Just my dogs. I wouldn't care to whore them out so I didn't have to work.

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Wow, all these negative comments. Here’s a concept: why can’t it be both? Why does it have to be either or? I love my family deeply and my kids were everything to me, but my pets were prominent in our lives too. Is it too difficult to assume that because one enjoys the antics of a silly pet that everything else in one’s life is neglected? How narrow And negative! Maybe you need to watch a few more dog videos to lighten your perspective.

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There are a LOT of younger folks these days who are choosing pets over kids. My own cousin is one. I just feel sorry for her, she’s missing out on a lot of joy. Children bring 1000 fold the joy of a dog.

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I don't know about that biker. Children can be a nightmare. Many turn into sociopaths during their teen years. A well loved, behaved dog will never do that.

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I have a child with a mental illness, I wouldn’t trade him for any dog (and I love dogs as you can see from that < picture over there!)

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

"A well loved, behaved dog will never do that."

A well loved, behaved child won't do that either. None in my family of nine kids and thus for neither of my adult children are sociopaths. Cousins who were not well behaved are nightmares. Love = structure. Without structure, they will likely be very ill behaved.

"Many" don't turn into sociopaths...and they might even care for you when you're old.

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I’m going to assume you don’t have children. No one I know with children would call them a nightmare or sociopaths.

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Sociopaths have parents.

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In most cases they don't stay sociopaths. Their frontal lobes finally grow together, they mature and become adults.

My nephew used to apologize to my sister for being such a jerk. She would tell him don't beat yourself up. I was worse than you at your age.

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Your nephew is a gem. But I meant real sociopaths. Psychopaths too. Neither should be diagnosed as such as children but it is not like they suddenly are same at 18. They are not created in vacuums. At least not yet.

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While that is true, it is not the standard outcome.

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You have never met my niece, have you?

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An added plus is that kids grow up and move out! Well, MOST of the time...

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My three did! Success! The last time they ever lived at home was the freshman summer break. After that, no more living at home (well the NYC based kid escaped the hell that was that city for 18 months during Covid and finally relocated to the great free state of WI.)

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The sad thing is she will never understand this....until she becomes a parent. It's like a light bulb turns on when you become a parent. And until you're a parent, you just don't/can't understand.

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Over the years, I've known several couples who did the pet thing and swore up and down they wouldn't have kids. Then eventually did have kids. And the pets took a back seat at that point.

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The dark side is that the Chinese Communist Party knows every little detail fo these dogs’ lives

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So does the FBI.

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Best comment of the day!

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Writes LonesomePolecat’s Newsletter

1 min ago

Social media is flat out crazy. It is for people who don't have lives.

Is FP social media? If so, I am crazy. However besides FP, I have no social media accounts.

Face it, if you had a 12 inch pecker and put it on social media, you too could have 2 million followers. Those idiots will follow anything and anybody. Thing Kardashians.

Have I gone too far with the 12 inch thing? Should I have said "male appendage"?

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No, the 12” thing was just fine..

my first laugh of the day..

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We live in weird times. You can make more as a dog than a man who works hard and actually makes something tangible.

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Am I the only one sick of the dog-ification of this country? Airplanes. Grocery stores. Restaurants. Theaters. Museums. Grow up and leave Fido home, damnit!

Judging by their panting and tucked tails, these pooches themselves would just as soon curl up in their crates at home than trot through crowded airports and soar to 35,000 feet just to comfort their owners. And who’s the sadist who thought Spot would just love balling himself up into a backpack so he could careen through congested streets on a Vespa?

Pet ownership, like parenting, requires a level of maturity that forces you to think of someone or something other than self. Oh, right, we’re talking about 21st Century Americans. Never mind.

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You're not alone and I'm personally sick of it too

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Faith, you are not alone! Dog people make me crazy! Every time I’m out (places you named) and see a dog, I think, “it’s a damn dog. Not a child.” I have NO desire to see, smell, pet or be jumped on by your friggin’ dog. Leave them at home!

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you know if you leave you dog at home all of the time your dog will never be accustomed to the outside world..a well behaved dog is not the same as a loose dog ..call me crazy but I prefer a well behaved dog over a screaming child on a plane ( for hours) or one running amok in a restaurant. put a leash on the child

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Back in 2012, I remember people claiming Mitt Romney was a cruel animal-abuser because he once drove with his dog in a crate in the top of his car. Now apparently it’s cool to drive with your dog on your back.

(To be clear, both sound like bad ideas to me.)

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personally I prefer a dog as. seat mate on an plane to the person who took off their socks and clipped their toenails.. o the woman who changed a diaper on the FOOD tray or a smelly person who has not bathed in weeks and never heard of the thing called deodorant. or the halitosis of the person next to you who wants to "chat" at least "dog breath" is expected. and they sleep most of the time and not on your shoulder service dogs are important.. I guess you think a blind person should not have a dog on the plane.. or a restaurant. perhaps you are a Petaphile. those vile people who dont want any animal to be domestic.. want you to be a vegan ( maybe you are) and KILL over 98% of the animals they claim to "shelter"

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I agree totally on the inconsiderate seat mates you describe. But I never said anything about guide dogs. Big difference between a dog serving as the eyes for his blind master and the mutt on a Petco leash. And perhaps no I’m not a “petaphile.” I grew up with them, loved them all dearly, and mourned deeply when they passed. I also made sure when I traveled, they were safely cared for — at home where they were happy. It’s not healthy to make assumptions about people. Just saying.

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that is correct. you said "dogs". in general..that includes service dogs

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When I see an article like this I try to focus on the upside -- which is WOW and WOW what an incredibly wealthy and privileged country we live in where not only can people make their living doing totally peripheral and pretty useless things but that millions of other people have the time to watch and appreciate those things. Of course it could become a complete house of cards if everyone were to take this path -- and maybe I’m just a teeny bit jelly.

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I didn’t read this as a choice between dogs and children: I read this another symptom of an economy I can’t make sense of. At some point, the music from the social media money has to stop and someone will be left with a chair...right?

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That’s what I keep wondering. Like, someday these people are going to have to get real jobs.

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The trailblazer of this all was actually a cat. Grumpy Cat. May the sweet girl RIP. (Or look down at these copycat dogs from the rainbow bridge and snort.)

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Or was it Fat Freddy's Cat?

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Okay the world has gone bat shit crazy. Please people, get a life!

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