Laughter is the best medicine. What do you and the Israelis think of last weekend’s SNL cold open? Instead of punching up and mocking the embarrassing antisemitic university presidents, they chose to punch down at congresswoman Elise Stefanik. They have performed cringe clapter over genuine comedy for years. SNL is another institution that has fallen from glory like Harvard and the Demoralizd DIEvy League.

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I believe you said everything I was thinking, only better.

Well done, I tip my hat sir.

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Every few years I'm surprised to find that SNL is still airing.

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SNL is unwatchable. It has been for forty years.

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Poking at a Congressman, one of only 537 people elected to national office to govern over 340 million, is down?

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It's not who. But why.

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Yes. It is in this case.

How is it hate speech to mis-gender a person but not to call for the death of another?

“From the River to the sea” is a call to eradicate the Hebrew ppl from Israel. They were there for THOUSANDS of years. Their calendar is the oldest continuing one on earth.

They lived under Roman occupation, Ottoman occupation and still persevered though largely as Sephardic peoples. The Arabic world didn’t seem to be interested or concerned until the reestablishment of Israel as a Jewish state. 21% of Israel is comprised of Muslim (Arabic) ppl.

They do not tax them for not being Jewish like the Muslims do in Muslim countries.

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That popping sound you often hear are clues zipping past your head.

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How are the university presidents antisemitic.

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You're right, they aren't. And I'm sure if they said guys on campus in white sheets holding up signs calling for lynching blacks might not be in violation of university speech guidelines ('cause it depends on context, you see), you'd understand that they're not racists, either.

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LoL. Brilliant reply. Thank you.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Was anyone calling for the lynching/killing of Jews, Blacks, or anyone, Stan?

Actually, what we've discovered since Oct. 7th is saying things like "No government has the right to commit genocide" is "antisemitic"

Calling to "end the occupation" is "antisemitic"

Calling Israel an "apartheid state" is "antisemitic."

Discussing Nakba is "antisemitic."

Calling for a ceasefire is "antisemitic."

Discussing the living conditions of Gazans is "antisemitic."

Not saying the attack was completely unprovoked and occurred for absolutely no reason at all is "antisemitic."

Sending a tweet or making a statement of concern for Palestinian civilians is "antisemitic."

Explaining the distinction between Zionism and Judaism is "antisemitic."

Reminding that Netanyahu was giving cash directly to Hamas to fund them, so he could always have an enemy to maintain his political power and keep Gazan subjugation in place is "antisemitic."

Pointing out the genocidal language, used for years, against Palestinians by Israeli political leaders is "antisemitic."

Discussing the fact that Netanyahu and his cabinet were repeatedly warned by Egypt and others, that his policy of encouraging settlers to rampage through Palestinian areas was escalating things/would cause a major response is "antisemitic."

Actually, Stan - ANY criticism of Israeli policy is "antisemitic."

It depends on context, you see. And that is the "context" that people are now being bullied and threatened into agreeing with, although that's really always been the case. Has just escalated.

So....this is what happens when you spend the last 3-4 years, grabbing minute outliers to try and gin up a false moral panic about institutions. When the time comes when you feel your ox is getting gored, no one cares, because they were never dealing with any issues re: your ginned-up, false moral panic to begin with.

So, spare me the nonsense about colleges/universities being overrun with people calling for the execution of Jews.....especially when people are running around claim things like "end the occupation" or having a Palestinian flag on your backpack means "Kill the Jews."

"Words aren't violence." - Bari Weiss, Founder of The Free Press.

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Your first line is irrelevant. That was not the question asked of the university heads, it was the question of calling for genocide that was asked, and they couldn't even give a straight answer to that.

The rest of your screed is pure deflection and straw-man accusations.


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Clearly you don’t get it, Stan. Comprof is a genius and everything s/he says is irrefutable — even when contradictory, completely illogical or nonsensical. Sheesh. I hope you’ve learned your lesson.

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Don’t talk to it

Let it die alone

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

That was such a meatball down the middle of the plate that I couldn't resist. Sorry, I'll try to do better.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Who was calling for genocide, Stan?

Nah. The rest of my comment is 100% on point and irrefutable.


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Actually, most of your points ARE antisemitic, but you can't see it because you believe Jews should be held to a different standard than all other people, and Palestinians don't even need to be civilized.

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 16, 2023

Lol. Look forward to providing evidence of that.

Actually, it's the exact opposite, Howard.

It is the historical pathological lying and the coordinated Hasbara political/social gaslighting that Israel/IDF are "the most moral army in the world" - and Israel is a constant victim - when they are not.

They are not morally superior to anyone and have always engaged in the targeting of civilians, war crimes, rape/sexual assault of of prisoners - including children, assaulting unarmed people, indiscriminate bombing, targeting of journalists, illegal settlement/stealing land, etc. -and lie about it relentlessly - just like every other military/country engages in. None of that is very "civilized" is it, Howard?

Wanna run an apartheid system then have the audacity to complain about the manner in which people choose to resist? Lol.

But no.....we gotta go with their victimhood ideology and identity politics. Things TFP discussion board hates, right?

Actually, you're the one who believes they should he held to a different standard. Put on a pedestal, and shall NEVER be criticized under any circumstances. So, your little "anTiSemITe" nonsense doesn't work anymore.

Your grandparents/parents didn't own any slaves or murder Civil Rights workers, did they?

Well, none of my family worked at Auschwitz.

Go try your "Gentile Guilt" somewhere else.

They've always been held to different standard: "Innocent Victim That Never Harms Anyone." Yeah, it's about time they finally got held to the same standard - and start paying for their own damn national defense while they're at it. Instead of always sticking their hand out for money to keep their ethnic/religious supremacists nation running.

Let 'em fight and stay out of it.

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Was Israel occupying Gaza? Nope, Hamas was.

Are Gaza and the West bank not apartheid states also?

Without criticism of Hamas' positions/policies of Israel must be erased and Oct 7 will happen and again and again, yes it is.

What you miss, on purpose?, is context. Something the left is very good at when it destroys their narrative.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Israel used to. Now they've moved outside the fence.

Just because guards don't live in the cells with prisoners, doesn't mean they aren't incarcerated.

Yes....the same Hamas that was being financed by Netanyahu. I wonder why?

That's why I prefer "apartheid" to "occupation." More accurate. So yes, Gaza and the West Bank live under an ethnocratic Israeli apartheid system. That is the "context." That is the "narrative" that cannot be destroyed.

So, it seems that pro-Zionists are really upset that those under their boot are not resisting in a manner they approve of. As Bari Weiss said, "This isn't resistance. This is barbarism." Which is a pretty typical take for racial/religious supremacists around the world.

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Is Egypt an apartheid state? They won’t allow the Palestinians in their country. What about the other 50+ Arab states that refuse to take them in as refugees? The Arab states treat the Palestinians worse than Israel so your accusations are hollow. Is Ukraine an apartheid state for keeping the Russians or Belerusians out of their country? When you play the victim card, you should be able to prove you are a victim of someone else and not your own people or government. They elected Hamas, the other Arab states supported Hamas knowing they weren’t taking care of the citizens. None of that is Israel’s fault nor responsibility. Nor could Israel have stopped Qatar from giving them money. Just like Joe and Iran, Chamberlain and all others who believe peace can be bought. Bibi did nothing more than approve what he could not stop. The Palestinians have had more than ample opportunities and very good offers given to them, they refused. Actually, their leaders refused. That would be leaders who are now rich beyond belief and living else where in luxury. Look to your own and hold them accountable before crying wolf about others. When Hamas stops saying they are going to wipe Israel off the map or Hamas is neutralized, then Palestinians will have a better life. 250 years ago, the oppressed people of this country, oppressed by their own government who didn’t reside here, decided not to be victims. Out manned out gunned the stood up to the most powerful army in the world and defeated it. Just like Hamas is oppressing the Palestinians. If Israel wasn’t there their lives would be even worse. You’re a victim only because you chose to be a victim and refused to stand up to your real oppressor. A false narrative never has a good ending. Neither will yours if taken to the end. Ask the Afghans how the Taliban is working out for them. If the Middle East can’t clean up it’s own mess, Israel will be forced to do it for them. Your “victims” brought their woes on themselves. They should have solved them themselves.

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How about, not using a proper pronoun is considered harassment without any further discussion needed. Compare their actions towards the different groups. How many who have broken the school code, protesting or supporting Hamas/Palestinians have been disciplined? In fact, at MIT, discipline was forestalled, justice denied?, becasue of fears the offenders would be deported. So they don't have to follow school rules or American laws. What about no one is above the law. Except non citizens.

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And straight, Caucasian, Christian’s and conservatives of any color.

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Partisan rhetoric is so boorish and childish.

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How about, that was never a major issue for 99.9% of Americans.

Still waiting on what school codes have been broken.

Still waiting on evidence of those "Kill All the Jews" rallies. Were there signs or something?

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It's called research. Just Google your post.

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Well, that's a very self-aggrandizing way of saying "I don't have shit."

C'mon....just give me one "Kill all the Jews" rally that happened. I want to see signs, video, etc.

There was plenty for Charlottesville.

Just Google my post? Are you implying my comments are the same as "Kill all the Jews?"

Hope not. Because that would be proving my point.

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This exemplifies the strength and resilience of the Jewish people and why they must prevail for the good of humanity.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Polina Fradkin, Suzy Weiss

I stopped watching SNL decades ago. In fact I pretty much ceased watching any political comedy ages ago because propaganda is just not funny - it's sad and it's stupid. So wonderful to hear of comedys return with this show. May your example be a beacon to the idiots purporting to do 'comedy' here in America. Well Done!

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You are right on! The cardinal sin of comedy is not being funny. SNL jumped the shark decades ago.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Polina Fradkin, Suzy Weiss

I guess this was ready before last night’s new episode. Roasts the Congressional hearing - Hogwarts style, with Michael Rappaort as Dumbledore. Recommended, especially in light of some of Bari’s reporting.


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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Polina Fradkin, Suzy Weiss

That’s a riot!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing that.

I remember SNL’s beginnings and how it made me laugh too. Of course I was much younger, only borderline conservative and did not have my own children.

I’ve changed much but always thought that humor was good medicine. It is so much so that it’s effects, though not understood, have been clinically documented in more than one study.

Laughing at myself is the only way I can get passed some fears, grief and like others have noted above, it has indeed gotten me into a good deal of trouble.

It’s good for the soul and the body.

God created us with the capacity to laugh for a reason.

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Absolutely. What a great post.

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Yes, they TORE UP SNL with this. Real comedy about real issues here.

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For SNL I honestly didn’t know when I was supposed to laugh

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If only SNL could be that funny. The sketch mocking Elise Stefanik was just sad. Jordan Peterson says "sin" is derived from a word meaning missing the target, and that sketch missed being funny by a mile.

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Yes. They say comedy needs truth to be funny. There was no truth here. Just an attempt to spin in their way. Even the audience didn’t know when to laugh.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Polina Fradkin, Suzy Weiss

I’m not surprised that comedy is alive in Israel. Our Jewish comedians of the “ borscht belt” era would have been all canceled now here.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Polina Fradkin, Suzy Weiss


And in case you missed it, Eretz Nehederet strikes again! With apologies (I assume) to J.K. Rowling. This time it's the Hogwarts Code of Conduct. Not surprisingly, it's all a matter of context. SNL should take note.

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Why does anyone bother with SNL?

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I firmly believe that there is no situation so serious it cannot be laughed at. It has gotten me in trouble more than once.

It is wonderful to find out that I am not alone in that belief and that the healing power of laughter is alive and well and walking the airwaves of Israel.

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I was scolded two nights ago by my brother and his wife

for a light comment along the lines of you bury your dead. You say your prayer and you live. I piped down but I don't see the failure in my thinking.

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The first days of the war were difficult. Against the backdrop of frequent shelling of the center of the country and the south, there were still heavy attacks and infiltrations of terrorist groups into Israel. People were busy with many things. Transportation of those called up from the reserve, equipment of protective premises, packaging of things necessary for soldiers. I saw people who were returning from kibbutzim, I talked with people who participated in the center for identifying the bodies of victims. It seemed to me that these people would never be able to smile. And they themselves thought so. All the world's media show lies and manipulate the consciousness of the crowd. Israel's voice, opinion and condition are nowhere to be seen.

And now the show Eretz Nehederet comes out. It really worked like a medicine. The humor is so thoughtful and precise. Simple in appearance, but did not hurt feelings, did not cause irritation. This speaks volumes about the level of the authors.

I think that only in Israel this is possible.

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I’m a big believer in the power of comedy. I think its great what they are doing. I also find that laughter can be the cleansing. If you are so easily parodied as “racist fluid” maybe you should reconsider your actions.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Polina Fradkin, Suzy Weiss

SNL lost its way many years ago.. I do love the links posted.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Polina Fradkin

Great piece, one must laugh through one's tears. Brings to mind the old saying, which i don't believe has a Jewish origin: "The best revenge is to live well".

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Apparently George Herbert wrote "Living well is the best revenge." He was Church of England, not Jewish.

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So was Benjamin Disraeli. One of my all time favorite Sefarditas.

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Thanks, I needed that. Now I'll have to go to You Tube for videos. Besides Woody Allen's personal philosophy, I've only listened to the music.

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The new Hogwarts “it depends on the context” meme is the latest to go viral. It’s pretty funny….

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That skit about the Columbia students was gold. SNL could take pointers on being political and funny instead of just shallowly political. I shouldn't ding SNL too hard. They are severely hampered by their self-imposed holier than thou ideological bubble.

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The creation myths of many societies are imbued with laughter and humor. And the Hebrew Bible contains several stories which are intended to inspire laughter for different reasons, e.g., satire, joy, irony. Thus, laughter is an integral, life-affirming part of Jewish culture.

A couple of years ago I wrote an essay on this topic called "God at the Comedy Club": https://thewellexaminedlife.com/god-at-the-comedy-club/

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

I've watched their English skits, they are way better than 90% of SNL. I wish the ones in Hebrew were subtitled in English. Like the one linked above where the two trendstars visit the army encampment - looks funny but I want to know what they are saying.

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