To paraphrase the late William F. Buckley Jr., I’d rather be governed by the Chicago Black Women’s Expo than by the Democratic Socialists of America.

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I loved them! They’re friendly, happy entrepreneurs! That other group? They had no solutions!

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The other group was populated by inarticulate, dysfunctional, idiots. Did you notice how none of them could actually tell Ben what they believed in?

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Well, there was a belief in a "Star Trek utopia."

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That's why I always rooted for the Ferengi.

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If he answered, "I believe in the tooth fairy utopia." Would that have been a valid belief also?

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I had a friend who believed we should be in a STU. I could never get him to understand that the reason the STU existed was lack of scarcity. You have machines that can materialize whatever you need out of thin air and power is easy to obtain. In the real world we are FAR from that.

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Did you ask your friend who built the Starship Enterprise? Or who supplied their food, uniforms and prophylactics?

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He assumes that someone (not him) will do those jobs.

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where they pooped. what they did with their s^^T..

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By the standards of anyone living 500 years ago, we are already far beyond post-scarcity.

And yet we have new scarcity, because our standards have increased.

Plainly, in your "STU", every low level flunky should wonder why he doesn't have his own Enterprise to be captain of.

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Yes! They had nothing to say!

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I left out an adjective. Besides "inarticulate, dysfunctional, idiots", I left out nincompoops.

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The other group is populated by the people the video editor chose to show you. Are you really that easily manipulated?

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Dear FREE PRESS: When you present videos, you should include a short textual, editorial comment giving the viewer summary information about editing that you would want to know if you were a viewer.

*** But, with that said, Hazel...

Is it your best guess that selective editing is the reason for the contrast?

These were two very different gatherings. What would you expect if you went to ANY political gathering and started to question people's basic ideas? And, what would you expect if you walked into ANY trade-show where people were trying to sell you a product?

Far from being surprising -- a situation where one might suspect selective editing -- the reactions were pretty predictable. The only selective editing that one might expect is that he showed the worst of the bad in the first case, and the best of the good in the other.

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Yes, they were 2 very different gatherings for very different purposes. It's stupid to try to compare them to begin with. That should have been another indicator of the bogus nature of the editor's agenda.

"The only selective editing one might expect "is my point. He could have shown the most favorable of the first group and unfavorable of the second group and ended up with a very different video. That's why videos like these have very little value, they are always heavily biased toward whatever the editor's agenda is, which in this case is clearly to make the socialists look as stupid as possible.

Think critically, don't let yourself be led by the nose.

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The other group didn't force him to leave. They seemed to be a genuinely happy and engaging group of capitalist women.

Are you a socialist?

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“They seemed.“

Selectively edited videos should be taken with a boulder-sized grain of salt.

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How do you know this was selective editing?

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Are you socialist?

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Did you notice that the “socialists” were drinking Starbucks coffee? That tells you everything you need to know. LMAO.

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Have you noticed that "socialists" are always consuming "slave-labor" products? Nike and Apple products made in Chinese factories. Electric cars, which run on lithium batteries, the materials for which are dug up by enslaved children and other exploited workers in Africa.

"Socialists" always expect that they will be members of the elite class in their utopia, not the poor slobs who work for no wages and get only the barest living from the utopian government in return.

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They think they'll be the ones holding the clipboards, when in actuality they'll be prodded back to work by the ruthless ones with the guns.

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They also expect that others will serve as cannon fodder for the (violent) revolution they call for. Some socialists need to moderate the subreddits and produce the video essays, and personally overthrowing capitalism is beneath them in particular.

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There's a talking point for that, it's "no ethical consumption under capitalism". They hold strong to that belief as it allows them to live without making any sacrifice to live as they believe. They are completely powerless victims of capitalism, and the only thing that can be done is lecturing others and voting Blue™ (eyeroll).

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This made me laugh!

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No. They have solutions. They just can’t tell you their solution because it is either a final solution or it involves them putting you in prison and having sex with your kids.

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The video brings back fond memories of my Ivy League struggle sessions: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-groom-commissars-maoist-struggle-session

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Socialists always kick you out when you disagree with them which is more of a problem when they control society and you are kicked out of society.

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Nooo, I disagree Kev. You don't get kicked out. History shows you are either executed or imprisoned.

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Those are two of the methods they use for kicking you out of society.

The reason it will be worse this time is they can prevent you from buying or selling by clicking a button so there will be no labor camps as a visceral restraint and so everyone will go along with it indefinitely until they also kill themselves.

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Or reeducated.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

The summer of 1988, I went to the Soviet Union as a student ambassador with 30 other high school students from the State in which I live. It was with an organization called People to People International. The United Soviet Socialist Republic had their control on their people. It would take too much space to list all of the oppressive things we saw...we went to 6 different cities. Leningrad had parasites in the water so we could not drink it. People waited in long lines for simple things such as milk. We toured a hospital and it was filthy...dirt and dried blood on the operating room floor. This was when you listened to music on cassette tapes with your walkman. A Russian guy I met asked if he could have my cassette because he liked my mix of music and they could only buy music on the black market. Someone had given him a walkman. He had to buy cigarettes on the black market. I asked this guy if he believed in God and he told me Lenin was their god. We had a Russian guide who would point out various prison camps around Leningrad. I wish some of these socialist fools could witness what I did. The government controlled everything.

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There should be side by side comparisons of the photos of the Chinese struggle sessions with what’s been happening on college campuses.

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Yes Maureen...And also what happened to the women's college coach who dared to say that biological men shouldn't compete against women. It was exactly like one of Mao's shaming sessions.

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Maoist struggle sessions included students forcing a physics professor wear a heavy hat made of rebar and beating him to death in front of his children. Why? He would not denounce Albert Einstein's bourgeois physics.

A high school principal was roasted on a spit and partially eaten.

Red guard gangs a little older shot and killed younger red guard gangs occupying schools.

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What has been happening?

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Amen. If AOC is the standard bearer for the Socialists, that tells you everything you need to know.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

AOC's pretty capitalist. And she knows darn well she gets a lot of votes because she's hot, smart, and a fighter. Her district likes smart mouth fighters. She's quietly pro-nuclear too. Social democracy with basics like national health care do well.

Most of politics is performative bullcrap. Yes, even Donald Trump is.

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She also supported Ukraine military aid which under DSA orthodoxy is a no-no. Her friendliness to Biden's policies (like on the rail strike) has disillusioned lots of leftists

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Yeah. She's very smart, and she horsetrades. In politics, you can't fight every battle, even if you want to. You have to save that for battles that really matter that you have a chance of winning.

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When I see AOC , I don’t see anything “ hot” (OK kinda cute ) though it’s humorous watching an adolescent mature as she make her way through the New Democratic Party like a well crafted ,cut throat socialist with delusions of grandeur!

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To understand why people might join DSA, I would hope for a bit more depth. Let's not forget that the Federal Reserve policy on interest rates has the PURPOSE of forcing people into unemployment. When less than 1 in 20 people that want to work, are working, that's the main signal to raise interest rates. So, when our government policy is to INTERFERE with the free market by FORCING people out of work? Is that really all their fault?

Note that this Fed policy is NOT a required part of capitalism. Japan doesn't do that. Japan lowers rates when unemployment goes past 2% or so. Japan also has very strong unions. So does Germany, and this stabilizes their industrial base.

It's not really about capitalism, it's about how capitalism is run. China is capitalist as f*@k. So is Vietnam. So is England. In lots of ways China's doing better than we are these days.

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China's economy is a basket case. And Japan in the last 30 years is a textbook on how not to manage an economy.

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Japan is going to be just fine—at least, they will be if they can keep their youth from being brainwashed by degenerate western influences. American economists and media would have us believe Japan is economically doomed due to low birthrates and strict immigration policies- that it isn’t possible to continue existing without infinite population growth via mass influx of impoverished, uneducated, unskilled foreigners. Japan has bet on their ability to weather some short term economic disruption while getting birthrates back up to replacement levels—using tax breaks that incentivize marriage, childbirth and families—while also remaining Japanese and ensuring their culture is preserved. Their leaders aren’t overcome by greed and therefore aren’t willing to destroy the social fabric of their country just to drive down wages and buy votes.

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That’s an interesting theory, but suffers from the fact that Japan shows no signs of getting its society anywhere near replacement level despite all government attempts to correct it. And I think Japan has no need for the West to expose its youth to “degenerate influences”- I can suggest a couple things you can google to illustrate this point.

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If the population decreases then so be it. I simply can’t buy into the idea that that scenario is somehow more economically catastrophic (for the average person) than importing tens of millions of impoverished people with high birth rates who rely on middle class taxpayers to subsidize their lives and the lives of their children from cradle to grave.. to say nothing of the impact on housing prices, public schools, hospitals, etc.

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Ok. Evidence? You know, things like trajectory, growth, industrial capacity?

They're both doing just fine.

We, on the other hand, are not.

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In fact, a couple thousand Chinese citiznes are now flying each month into Ecuador, where they plan to hike the perilous Darien Gap and then through Central America on their way to seeking asylum in the US.

People in China, Japan and South Korea appear to have lost interest in having babies, which is hard to understand. Raising kids is not easy, but is possibly the most satisfying experience humans can have.

I know at least two immigrant Chinese couples who now live in the US Midwest, where they are raising three children each. The kids and parents seem pretty darned happy.

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Notice how one group lives in masked fear and the other lives with broad smiles on display. Tells me everything visually.

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They are angry, envious losers. How dare someone else be successful!

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Amen. Nothing like being a victim to explain your inability to function in society.

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Yeah, especially BLACK WOMEN! Don’t they know they’re victims?

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Socialism feeds on envy and anger

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...and greed, which they attribute only to non-socialists.

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...and rejection.

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You are onpoint. I find it humerous when all the media talks about white supremacy but if you ran these two groups against each other in the deepest Trump country, the Black women's group would win in a landslide. I know I would vote for them.

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Curious, would the Black Women's Group win against a Trump group's vision in deep Trump country? I mean, I get what the BWG are about and its awesome, they are actually doing something to improve their lives and situation. What's the Trump's group vision? What are they doing to improve their lives and situation? If not voting for someone and rather voting for something, I would vote for the BWG too.

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Exactly. The visuals here perfectly illustrate which group is which. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

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you can tell they follow the "science" don't know how as I bet 3/4 can't read

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Great point!

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Excellent point! It jumped right out at me about the difference in mask wearing.

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My biggest take away from that video 😁

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Notice how the video editors are pulling your strings.

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I’ve been reading FP since it was Common Sense but never had the courage to comment, too many smart folks. However, this story compelled me to over come my fears. What a contrast! Masked, angry and inarticulate people at the DSA convention and open, smiling, smart funny women at the Black Expo. Gives me hope…common sense is still alive in America, just have to look for it.

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Welcome to the public square, Lee! You’re a natural.

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Humility is a virtue but don't overdo it. Great first comment. Keep it up.

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Welcome to the comments section! Here are your gloves, helmet, and informative pamphlet on what to do if you spot Kevin D (back away from your computer and try to look as big as possible)

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Gotta say... that's one of the funniest comments I've ever read on this forum.

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Great comment!

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Great post. I hope we hear more from you. Please come back!

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Lee, keep commenting - it's our space to express freely! Welcome!

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Welcome !

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Great comment! And I agree, there are some very smart people on here, but remember "I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow." — Woodrow Wilson

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Welcome Lee, we are always interested in what you have to say. Thanks for your hope, we all need it.

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I know the feeling Lee...it's scary!

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The DSA would be funny if they weren't so pathetic. These people look like they sit in their parents basement playing Fortnite and eating cheetos. The only time they choose to mask up and come out is to meet up with their comrades at events like this. Is there a way we can keep the Dreamer immigrants and deport these clowns? Asking for a friend....

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How bout we deport both?

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I don't know man......I was just dreaming about where my life would be today if I had a few of those "bitch be gone" candles around the house when I was married to my first wife......

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Candles? I bought some in a spray can. Works like a charm.

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Dying!! 😂 😂

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I have been an advocate for some kind of citizen swap for a while now. Instead of trying to force change on countries that don't want it or the country was not founded on those principals, lets find you a country that matches your values and we will trade them for some of their people who appreciate what ours has to offer.

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In the citizen swap, give them both the same starting point and check on them 1 year later.

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I think it would be completely legitimate to demand that countries be required to take one of ours in exchange for one of their citizens being allowed to immigrate here.

The biggest bonus would be that America-hating Leftists would be put in the position of having to put their words into action. They want to allow immigrants in (although why they want people to come to what they consider a horrible country is a question they never seem prepared to answer), then THEY should go live in that person's country to give them the opportunity of doing so.

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IMHO the *main* reason why they deserve to go over there, and try (actually) LIVING IN country X, Y, or Z, is ... : because they supposedly believe in ... the IDEAS behind ... how they [supposedly] run things in such countries.

"SEE ALSO": ... the "Wikipedia" article about "Eating your own dog food":

at: . . . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_your_own_dog_food

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Yep. I'm getting major 'Reddit mod' vibes from this video

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This gave me a good laugh and also hope for the future- I love small businesses and I have mad respect for those ladies and anyone who takes a risk on themselves!

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They were just so un-bitchy, if you will.

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Of course, because...they have the candles!

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Yea, so proud of those women putting themselves out there being the best version of themselves.

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The great virtue of Socialism is that it sound good. Its great failing is that it doesnt work. Thomas Sowell, approximately.

Anyone trying to sort this out who is a decent human being and not a thumb sucking bed wetter would do well to read the work of Thomas Sowell, Friedrich Hayek, and Henry Hazlitt. There are many more, but that is a goid start.

Socialism is a creed for those trying to solve their own emotional problems by displacement, not a method to solve the actual economic problems of actually living human beings. In nearly all cases, Socialism in fact makes economic problems worse, progress impossible, and substituted an immovable and corrupt hierarchy for the constantly evolving and largely merit based one it criticized.

It is the creed of fools and charlatans.

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Socialism ignores a simple element of human nature: We will work for the betterment of ourselves and our families. But not someone else’s family. They ought to take work for themselves, too.

Another great book is “Heaven on Earth”, by Muravchek (could be wrong on spelling). It’s a compilation of attempts at socialism over history and their adject failures. There were even a couple attempts in the US in the 1830s.

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Now, now Maureen. It is all about the greater good. You are soooo selfish thinking about YOUR family like that! But seriously woe be unto us if they can successfully overcome that aspect of humanity. And I fear they are. All that village raising the child BS and all.

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I don't mind the village raising a child. The thing is, those villages are usually of like minded people with similar values who choose to be a part of the village. A family if you will. Now, someone who shares none of my values and hates me or wants to see me fail...not really a part of my village.

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I think the parent(s) raise the child. Now if the village is supportive, great. But the parent has the responsibility.

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I don't disagree per se...and I certainly don't think the parents should have to share any part of raising their child that they don't want. I just think that historically humans had family and friends around and shared in raising children. I mean, my folks primarily raised me, but so did my aunts and uncles and grandparents. But also my friends parents and my parents friends to various degrees.

Anything that we humans did for a considerable amount of time should be looked at as something that may have value.

But ultimately I think we agree that the people who tend to use that slogan are using it so they can usurp power through children. The exact opposite of the kind of person a parent should abdicate any parental responsibility to.

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Exactly. You state it far more accurately.

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In my opinion, here is the right ("unselfish") way to think of "selfishness":

The welfare of society depends on the welfare of all its inhabitants, and people usually (admittedly not always) know what is good for themselves and their families better than the rest of society does, including the government. So a good way for people to maximize society's welfare is to start by maximizing their own. People usually also know how they can best contribute to the welfare of others, whether through their chosen jobs, volunteer work, charitable contributions, etc.. So society benefits when people are trusted to use their resources pretty much as they see fit, as long as they don't prevent others from doing the same.

Unfortunately, socialists tend to claim that ordinary citizens, except for maybe those in the oppressed victim classes, don't legitimately own any resources with which to do anything at all, for themselves or anyone else.

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For the “oppressed” it teaches helplessness; and for the “helpers” it teaches that the game is to get other people to provide charity, with other peoples money, and that virtue consists in forcing this to happen by force of law, which in the final extremity manifests at the point of someone elses gun.

It is profoundly lazy. Marx himself was a fat lazy slob in every domain of his life outside his obsessive (and historically falsified) pontificating.

Several of his kids died of preventable causes, and he blamed The System rather than his own unwillingness to do man’s work and provide for his family.

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That idea that people know what is good for them better than the government's "experts" do is what distinguishes you from Democrats.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

I was being sarcastic about the selfish thing. But I really, really like your POV. I will incorporate it. I value the human individual and think all things societal flow therefrom.

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Maureen, I'll look for that book. Thank you!

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“The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” Margaret Thatcher

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Yes, I was riffing on that. I just added other peoples charity and other peoples guns. The ideal for someone like AOC is to get a law passed where she gets credit and other people do the work, which of course frees her up for cocktail parties in $2,000 dresses, where she still feels empowered to tell everyone else how morally superior she is.

Basic common sense is all that is needed to see through the charade, but the allure of easy money dies hard.

Sancho Panza knew Don Quixote was insane but his greed kept getting the better of him. The world is littered with people like that. That is how these ridiculous ideas survive.

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“The allure of easy money dies hard.”

Indeed. I know a guy living in Austin who would call himself a capitalist. His degree is in hotel management, and he’s worked for Hyatt and at a celebrity spa, among other places. But the job is never “perfect,” so he will move on and is currently drawing unemployment, in no hurry to look for the “perfect” blend of salary, hours, and working environment. That “easy” unemployment money of $2,200/month keeps this capitalist comfortably on his arse, instead of working in his field.

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I do get this sense that in the puerility—and quite often vacuity and soullessness—of these “Utopians” (read dystopia with a clever billboard concealing it, as in a great scene from the movie Brazil) there lurks a lingering sense that they should not have to work to enjoy life, that both money and life SHOULD come to them on their couches, and that pain and effort are equally abhorrent in a world which should be easy.

Any politician who panders to this madness will get their vote; and of course any politician or party who wins votes this way will sooner or later dispense with voting. Then the billboards come down, but nobody is allowed to speak what they see, so publicly, they in effect remain up, and people either learn to live by lies, or disappear in the middle of the night and nobody saw anything.

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I will add that there IS a Party of War, and of the Fed and Bankers, and of Big Pharma, and of Big Business generally, but until Trump they largely existed in both parties.

Republicans for a ling time WERE the party of Big Business, but were anti-war. Kennedy and Johnson got us into Vietnam, but Nixon got us out with dignity (until he was taken out in an apoarent CIA coup, which is another story).

But really there is a party of the 1% of the 1%, and everyone else. They have the money and agility to make more money by funding and feeding and leading the masses, to and fro, fir war and against war, for “freedom” and for “fairness”, but they are laughing to the bank all the way.

Trump in my view is partially but not fully compromised, and he is the first thing to come along in a long time that threatened to expose the apple cart—and these people count their apples carefully—and exposure can lead to tipping.

Joe Biden does nit belong in the White House. This was always painfully obvious. But he has one great merit for the elite: he is reliable. Morality and patriotism and fellow feeling simply do not exist in him. He has always been a glad handing shell.

So all these sorts of arguments nearly always go off track. Socialism is not tge answer, but neither can we say we are doing a proper job as a society in orotecting our weak and ailing.

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I'd say your friend is the perfect capitalist. He receives the greatest reward with the least expenditure of effort.

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And I’d say that your definition describes nearly all of humankind, not merely capitalists.

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As I think about it, Panza showed great wisdom in governing his “insula”, but never quite realized he was Don Quixotes superior in judgement.

Likewise, many uneducated people assume the “educated” know what they are doing. They don’t. They are in general stupid, but pay no price for their stupidity and are thus insulated from true learning.

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I will add though that it is the banks who really run the world. The whole system requires stable money to function optimally; and money creation, which leads eventually to inflation, is a form if legalized theft.

I’ve pointed this out to the bed wetters and sociopaths on the Left, and the core reality is they really dont care about solving problems and never have. It is all about resentment and revenge.

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Interesting authors but one doesn't need to be a towering intellectual to understand the foibles of socialism. Just get a bunch of kindergartners together and tell some of them to work to earn an ice cream sundae while others can play and have fun and be rewarded. Those forced to work wail "NOT FAIR!!!" Simple. Socialism is a joke. And in the hands of the psychopaths who flack it, a cruel and murderous one.

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They just want to control the printing presses and at this point they do.

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I think the Socialists are just useful idiots in that domain.

If it is true, as some wise person once said—Voltaire perhaps—you can discover who REALLY rules you by looking at who you are not allowed to criticize, I am going to suggest we are ruled by the unnamed banks who comprise tge Fed, and in recent years by Big Pharma.

Being Socialist is fine and criticizing socialism is also relatively fine. It is a fight between relatively dumber and relatively smarter people over the wrong prize.

Our goals should be stable currency—full reserve banking and an end of the Fed—and eliminating the AMA, FDA, CDC, and NIH, at least as currently constituted.

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I agree. Particularly about the financial industry.

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Capitalism has lifted millions out of poverty around the world. The Communist/Socialist always discounts human nature. When someone owns their own little piece of farmland, they always will produce more. Che Guevara (the guy on all the T-shirts) had small farmers shot.

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Uncle Che sent children to the firing squad.

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I have posted this before. There has never been nor ever will be a democratic socialist state. So far all socialist states have been brutal, murderous dictatorships.

I saw a video a while back that call socialism a race to the bottom which describes it perfectly.

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At root, Collectivism is in my view based on failed individuation. It is literally and clinically childish, and the world turns into a place people in power lack the insight and delf control to recognize the rights and individuality of others, because they literally conflate, at. deep emotional level, what they want and what they think the world needs. This leads directly to violence against all people who think differently, and to simply lying every time they try something stupid and it fails.

We’ve all known kids like this. And we all hated them. Well guess what? Those kids get smarter over time and their lies evolve, and they become harder to spot.

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has anyone been reading seeing the latest clap-trap about how IQ's are lowering for the first time, but saying this is because we are developing a "collective IQ" like a hive mind? Can't remember where I just saw it celebrated. I'm sure the NYT, but maybe also the WSJ. More Pravda being shoveled on us!

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The main reason, to me, that DS can't work is that in short order, people will vote it away once they realizes it sucks. So you need to force it on people, which is not democratic.

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That will never happen, As soon as DS is in place, the first elected president will become just another brutal dictator. Besides socialism steals all of the private enterprises which now become government owned. This destroys the economy.

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"When I went to Chicago last month to cover the Democratic Socialists of America convention, my main worry was that some brilliant socialist would run circles around me."

Wow Ben, two oxymorons in one sentence? But no surprise given your family history steeped in the poisonous cant of Uncle Karl. How hard is it to understand that every leftist is, at their little evil core, a totalitarian? The only mystery is that, sometimes, it takes a little more scratching to get them to reveal that nasty trait.

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A person wiser than me once said: The problem with capitalism is capitalists. The problem with socialism is socialism.

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Welcome to the walkways. Obama betrayed America to Monsanto and Wall Street, and now AOC teams up with Gates and globalist to attack cows and compel humanity to eat synthetic corporate meat. Their utopia is famine, like Mao and Stalin before them. They must slay all humanity to save the world....

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When people so ardently hate you, your family and all you've accomplished in life, one has to wonder why they are not taken seriously as the enemy. Do not be fooled by their clownish antics.

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Exactly! Bernie and Pocahontas are both millionaires and scream tax the rich. Rich in most cases (not the Kennedys) means the productive. If they hate the rich so much, why don't they lead by example and donate all of their wealth to the "poor" and live under a bridge in a cardboard box.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

Here's the thing, Bruce - in Chicago, 6 of the 50 aldermanic slots in the City Council are DSA members, and 5 of them are black or Latino. And they are uniformly nasty bigots against white people. They are quite open about their hate and their intent to get their pound of flesh.

(Oh, and I enjoyed this: "equitable distribution of resources... sustainable growth... gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.” Of course, there must be oppression to make sure that the "equitable distribution" and restricted "growth" are achieved, but that's the good type of oppression.)

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That is part of the manipulation I think - it is some type of -ism to realize you have an enemy, much less identify or name it.

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One advantage of synthetic meat, for males, is that is reduces testosterone, which, in turn, reduces aggression. It's the perfect food for male prisoners. One of the side effects of low testosterone is an enlarged prostate, but if you're in prison that shouldn't be a problem.

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That is wicked funny.

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In their minds, they didn't likely betray anyone...because they know better. they are doing this for your own good.

Or they know darn well what they are doing, and just want power. So even then they didn't betray anyone really, since they were never really on their side. More of a Con than a betrayal.

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You remind me of Dostoevsky's "The Possessed." Some of the revolutionaries are true believers, manipulated by self-promoting agitators.

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I love these women! Their joy and laughter comes from having and fulfilling aspirations.

Someone get that socialist woman at the podium a candle!

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A candle?

She needs an enema.

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What candle could you give a socialist that did not represent some sort of oppression and would the giver acknowledge the culture that was appropriated to create the candle?

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Giving a candle is violence.

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and lighting a candle would be an assault! (-;

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What if these guys ran on a platform for a nationalized version of socialism?

Great idea. Very original.

I still think TFP owes the families of 9/11 victims some sort of apology. I’m still pissed about that

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The people who owe us an apology are those turds Biden and Blinking who chose yesterday to announce their $6 BILLION ransom payment to Iran.

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It’s the guy behind the curtain, Obama, who is the turd.

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I really do not think so. None, and I mean none, of those elected officials are cunning and consistent enough to do this. I think it is the career bureaucrats.

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You have the answer.

None of those elected officials are cunning and consistent enough to do this.

Enter Obama.

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I do not think he is that intelligent. Or sophisticated. Jarrett maybe. I do not know enough about her. But I do not think Obama is THE puppetmaster.

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You are entitled to your opinion. On US policy towards the Middle East, Israel, Saudi and Iran, there is no doubt in my mind that Obama is the puppet master here. He also owns a home in Washington DC and has a foundation to peddle influence.

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Obuma is just a relay station

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I agree.

Obama is the puppet master.

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The person owing an apology is NY's pathetic and groveling Mayor Eric Adams - responsible for the Satanic Call to Prayer being played on loudspeakers over the city that suffered the worst act of Islamic terrorism only 22 years ago yesterday.

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Switzerland banned the call to prayer about 20 years ago.

If you play you music too loudly every day, you can be arrested for disturbing the peace.

In a left wing city or state only the religion of peace can disturb the peace and get away with it. After all no leftist swine wants to be called an Islamophobe for fear the PC/Woke assholes would destroy them.

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I had heard about that but I did not snap to that implication. If ever one needed proof that the elected leadership does not give a damn about its citizens, this is some.

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What “call to prayer”?

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Muslim calls to prayer are being broadcast over loudspeaker in NYC. Sharia coming to your neighborhood soon.

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Get out of here. Seriously, this is not happening. Is it? Maybe from the mosques. But not generally? Call to prayer from a mosque seems not that different from bells from a church, though if 5 times a day it could get annoying. But, whatever is happening, it cannot be coming from City-owned facilities. That is a pretty clear First Amendment Entanglement problem.

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Oh no, they are totally different. I lived in Casablanca for a month and the daily prayers were a reminder of why all the young people I met insisted they were Definitely Muslim and then changed the subject immediately and never spoke of it again. Americans haven't the slightest idea of what true religious oppression is like.

Imagine if the Catholic churches in your area explicitly sung their liturgical prayers from loudspeakers so that everyone was forced to hear them five times a day. Not nice-sounding bells, I mean a priest who can barely hold pitch singing straight into a mic, amped for the entire city, directly reading liturgy.

It's extremely invasive, it's a massive power move, it's totally unnecessary given modern technology, and it's not "inclusive" to all the people who don't want public areas to be dominated by a specific religion.

And again, it's five times a day, not once or twice a week.

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It is going to start on Friday (not sure how many times) and at sunset. But you know the slide down the slope is started.

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It is being broadcast from the mosque. Adams favors inclusivity. But can you imagine hearing that if you are a 9/11 survivor?


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I agree and would like to see an apology from Bari.

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I don't understand. Why is an apology owed?

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Read yesterdays TFP article on the “art work” of Guantanamo prisoners. Published 22 years to the day of 9/11.

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Passed on it because could give a .....about those vicious Islamists. But now that you mention it... WTF? Tone dear. Like NYCs idiot mayor.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

It was horrific. Maybe had some validity on another date but not yesterday. But given your reminder about the call to prayer, Biden's absence at any 9/11 remembrance, perhaps 9/11 is to be memory holed. Ironic given it was the Patriot Act which set much of our current existence in motion.

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Yeah, what happened?

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See my comment to previous poster b

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Oh, yes. I thought that was odd, too. Thanks for the reference back to that.

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I see what you did there, lol.

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I remember Ben at the Iowa State Fair, and it is interesting to see he is the same there as with these two groups. I love watching how the two groups answer questions and then thinking about who I want as community members. I vote for the Black Women entrepreneur. That would shock those who believe that racism is at the root of everything, but I would wager that many in the black intelligence would tell us that those women are not really black. What I hate about the current GOP is that none of the candidates speaks to the BWE and goes after their vote. They treat Black voters as an entire group rather than the traits that they share with everyone else. They play by the old playbook rather than creating a new one. But this was awesome and memorable. Thanks, Ben!

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I thought Ben’s Iowa State Fair video was hilarious, just as this one was. I do seem to remember, however, that some of the TFP commenters didn’t like that video and thought Ben was being mean to the farmers. My impression is that Ben basically treats everyone the same…hysterically.

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If you listen to podcasts, Bridget Phetasy's latest episode with guest Tamika Hamilton explained why it is that GOP has not gone after the black votes. Hamilton was a GOP Congressional candidate. She gave a deep dive into what happens behind the scene with running for office. It seems like it's not that the GOP machine doesn't go after the black votes, but it's that they don't give support to anyone at all and expects everyone running to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. She also explained that the GOP as a whole just hasn't organized on the ground like the Dems are, and that's why the Dems are able to win elections by votes harvesting. Mind you she wasn't complaining. She was very positive and hopeful (amazing given she's in CA). She was just explaining the mechanics of everything.

Here's link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3dr8AwxVQIjYw6dBjKB0LV?

It's kind of sad and eye-opening to realize that the GOP loses votes and elections not because of public opinions and support, but because they're just not organized the way the Dems are at the grassroots. So we can debate till the cow comes home, but even if they have more popular support, nothing matters unless the votes and ballots get to the voting booths, or mailed in or whatever (the voting fraud controversy aside).

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I don't think that's true. Remember Trump "What have you got to lose?"?

After his 4 indictments many blacks feel he's unjustly charged and can relate.

I wonder why Trump isn't capitalizing on that.

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This video encapsulates with humor and insight why socialism's Eat the Rich died in the 20th century. The left wing academics saw this happening and developed Critical Theory and Identity politics to replace it. Racism to fight racism and gender ideology is the result.

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Never forget: We have over a hundred years' history as an example. It's all fun and games until they get control of your life. Then it's jackboot-on-the-neck time.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

The Gov of NM just revoked some Constitutional Civil Liberties - by executive order. Leftists are totalitarians at heart, some show it more than others.

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Please indulge a little pedantry. She did not revoke anything. It is not within her purview to overrule the US Constitution. As we speak, thousands - I am told - are descending on Albuquerque with their firearms either in hand or strapped on their sides. And excuse a little swearing. IT'S ABOUT GODDAMNED TIME.

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Fair point and agreed. The mere attempt to do so is outlandish.

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Hilarious. ❤️😂

PS Ever bootstrapped your own company and built value other people want out of nothing but an idea, your own capital, whatever hustle and appetite for risk you have in you, and 15 hour days? Trust me, founders deserve every single penny they earn, and trust me, they won't bother when anything they earn is taxed and given away.

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Remember how some of you went nuts with the way he treated conservative America at the Iowa State Fair? Here is your proof he's actually a pretty fair person.

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Yeah. But his questions were pretty weak. That they kicked him out for such incredibly simple questions said more than anything.

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The video made the difference. His wit falls flat in written form. I would have had the same reaction to this written blurb but that video is great. He needs to replace one of those late-night faux funnymen.

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My thoughts exactly. Apparently it’s okay to make fun of socialists, but not Iowa farmers.

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