Hate to break it to you Eli & Oliver, but this first paragraph probably ain't gonna age well.

If we could jump in our time machine back to 2020 I'm thinking this story would read:

'Tucker Carlson wasn’t always right. He has always had a conspiratorial side, indulging half-baked theories that COVID19 originated from a lab in Wuhan and the vaccinations don’t appear to be safe and effective.'

Its totally plausible that the CIA murdered John F. Kennedy or at least had knowledge of it. You might want to ask RFK Jr about it as well as many others who've gone down the JFK assassination rabbit hole and have uncovered some pretty disturbing things about what happened on November 22, 1963 and who might actually be involved. The governments probably keeping much of the 60+ year old investigation documents classified for hoots and grins.

And on the point of the FBI perhaps setting up the January 6 rioters. There's about a 110% chance that there were feds embedded with the protesters that day. I'd wager a few hundred of them. Representative Clay Higgins has spoken openly about it. Not to mention the PR piece 60 minutes did on Ray Epps. Bill Whitaker sounded like he was doing an infomercial for the George Foreman grill in that piece. It was laughable and Epps should have been wearing a cap that read FED on it.

I watched the piece with Larry Sinclair who claimed he smoked crack with Obama. Sounds crazy for sure and I've got no clue if he did or he didn't.....but guess what.....neither do you. Wasn't all that long ago people were saying crazy stuff about giant burning owls at Bohemian Grove only to find out......well......you know.

As for Marjorie Taylor Greene.....yep.....she's said some crazy shit, but lets not forget that Adam Schiff was on 4 news channels a day for two years stating that he's seen first hand evidence that Trump was colluding directly with Russia, so its not like MTG has the market corned in spouting nonsense.

But why don't we be honest here for a minute. The real reason for this sorta hit piece on Tucker is the fact that he had someone on his show that might just possibly have thrown some shade on Israel and that just won't do. If he was interviewing any number of the 'pro Israel no matter what, until the end of time and if you don't agree you're an antisemite' talking heads out there, this story would be in a million pieces on cutting room floor.

With all this 'we're going to focus on honest reporting' stuff that everyone likes to carry on about, how come Eli, you didn't actually reach out to Tucker to have a one on one interview with him and challenge his positions and thoughts directly? I mean, I thought that was what hard nosed reporting was supposed to be all about.....at least that's what I understood was a cornerstone of The Free Press.

Tucker can be a little much at times I'd agree, but the guy is fairly on point with most everything he covers.....but hey Eli.....you keep reporting on those crazy conspiracy theorists. Hate to break it to you though.......right now they're batting about .850

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At least Tucker is willing to have conspiracy theories for those of us that question the media. He's had a few flops, but for the most part, he’s not as extreme as many think. It’s those people that aren’t willing to think differently. His podcasts are great. He allows his guests to talk on and on. Listen to liberal Naomi Wolf on an episode last week. Her whole life changed because she dared to question things, especially Covid and vaccines. It was an excellent interview.

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Naomi Wolf podcast was 🤯🤯🤯 !!! She is brilliant and undergoing a massive shift - the FP should interview her too. But again, that wouldn’t support their narrative I guess.

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She’s a perfect example of one of the few from the left thats been able to recover from the progressive mind virus.

That said, you literally have better odds of a monkey flying out of your ass than The Free Press ever doing an interview with Ms Wolf.

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Want to see an interesting even handed piece on Carlson from a mainstream/liberal leaning media outlet? Much better reported than this FP piece with interesting analysis of political polarization:


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Look at the other Prokop Tucker pieces linked in that one. The guy is a three faced git.

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No way would the free press question the dogma that is vaccines or the military industrial complex. I’ve noticed that both of those things are persona non-grata. The Free Press is basically run by old school neocons.

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That was an excellent interview.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Yes the Naomi Wolf interview was def mind blowing....

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

So interesting how it ended with the topics of evil and how she’s renewed her faith after all she had been through.

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She mentioned Naomi Wolf, not Naomi Watts. Who is Naomi Watts? Or are you getting Naomi Wolf and Katherine Watts confused? Both are well worth the listen, imho.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Typo. Corrected.

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Where can I find this interview?

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It is worth being a paid subscriber just for the interviews. No matter if you like Tucker or not, he does some very interesting interviews. My favorite is a recent interview with Bret Weinstein just after he returned from his trip to the Darien Gap.

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I completely agree. After one of his interviews, I liked the interviewed a little more and actually liked Tucker a little less. 😜 You never know and you have to be open. And some people are just not good interviewees...

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At least he picks a lot of interesting people to interview.

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Go to Tucker’s podcast.

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Note that the podcast interview with Naomi Wolf is truncated unless you become a paid subscriber to Tucker's channel.

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TCN or there are usually links on his X feed

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Tucker Carlson network or Google it I bet you will find it on YouTube

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Speaking of Covid and vaccines are you familiar with the case of Brook Jackson? She worked for a subcontractor of Pfizer in charge of testing the new vaccine. She blew the whistle on the unethical testing procedures they used and was summarily fired. Her case is in the courts now. https://www.iambrookjackson.com/

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Speaking of Covid, one of Tucker's most important recent interviews was with pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory (March 13). Prior to the vaccine, Dr. Kory pleaded with the Senate to allow doctors to use repurposed medicines to treat covid rather than helplessly watch their patients die. Dr. Kory discusses the current unexplained rise in excess deaths among young people and employed, white collar workers who are usually the least likely to die. What could be causing it? And what is the role of the vaccine? Is there such a thing as a vaccine injury? What are its symptoms? How is it treated?

Dr. Kory was on the front lines from the beginning and risked his job (and lost it, and then rebuilt his practice) to place the care of his patients first. Essential listening IMO.

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Yes, I listened to that one as well. Dr. Kory…yet another “conspiracy theorist” according to msm, throughout the covid ordeal. He and others, like Drs. Bhattacharya and Atlas, were spot on the whole time…yet we were forced to listen to Fauci (cannot use the title Dr along with his name). It sickens me what happened to these doctors and to all of humanity at the hands of everyone involved in that sick game.

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Well said. Yes, they were right from the start, because they were the senior physicians, the experts in critical care, and they were prohibited from doing their jobs. It’s hard to believe that profits and social control were(are) more important than saving lives, but that’s what happened. Dr. Paul Marik, Kory’s colleague, also lost everything, including his marriage…but their commitment to practicing medicine remained intact. These doctors are heroes, IMO.

I don’t have to agree with all of Tucker’s guests to recognize how important his platform is.

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Yes! On all points.

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If you follow the link where the author claims Marjorie Taylor Greene talked about Jewish space lasers, you will discover Ms. Greene did no such thing.

Just another case of leftist bullshit

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MTG has been calling out republicans for their unwavering support of endless Ukraine war/corruption funding and so has Carlson. That's Lake's real beef. She did an interview with Carlson that made it clear that it's all about the money both sides of the aisle get from the war lobby. Lake is little more that a warmongering, never Trumper neocon who's terrified Trump, with Carlson's support, will win re-election and end their gravy train.

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Nor did she say that Mike Johnson is being blackmailed. What she said was he has changed his position so dramatically that she WONDERS why and cannot help but WONDER if he is being blackmailed. Carlson even followed up with “so Johnson is being blackmailed?” and she responds “I don’t know if he is or isn’t but it makes you wonder considering his drastic change in positions.” (Not exact quotes but close). Just like the press to spin things like Eli does here. I hate the FP is so unreliable anymore. So dang frustrating.

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As idiotic as the ‘good people’ hoax.

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She doesn't mention Jewish people at all. What's your point?

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“Rothschild” is a way of saying a Jewish.

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“Rothschild” is a way of saying a Jewish. 🤣🤣🤣. I almost wrecked my truck reading this.

Richard Jaffee, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting 74 antisemites. At this point it’s comical.

Have a great day bro.

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The Rothschild banking family, both the French and British branches, are notoriously Jewish and have been the subject of “Jews run the world” conspiracy theories for over a hundred years. To blame anything on “the Rothschilds” is an antisemitic dog whistle familiar to both antisemites and to Jews. To be ignorant of this is to be ignorant of history, especially European history.

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You read stuff whilst driving? Big tsk-tsk, sir.

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Isn't he like those old men who would to someone as "a Gay?"

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The smugness is something else.

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Tucker's or Eli's?

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Both, to be honest. I liked some of Tucker's early stuff after he went independent but not so much lately.

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He does most of the listening in his podcast which is how he was on Fox. He lets his guests do the talking. Listen to the episode from last week with Naomi Wolf. It’s excellent.

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That is why I like his interviews. He actually lets people talk at length about their dividing interests and he doesn't interrupt them often. And he had very interesting people that he interviews. My recent favorite was Naomi Wolf. Before that it was Bret Weinstein.

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Absolutely Eli & Olly!

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Oh please. Providing a platform for someone to spout lies and not challenging them is not only bad journalism, it’s dangerous. It’s propaganda. Tucker Carlson doesn’t have guests of every opinion on an issue like Piers Morgan, for example; he has those who push his isolationist agenda. Unfortunately, he does have an influential platform where people tune in and don’t challenge the bullshit; they lap it up with confirmation bias.

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Hearing opinions you don’t agree with is dangerous? You must have a very low opinion of your fellow citizens. Personally, I thinks it’s much more dangerous to have our “elites” believing the “safe and effective” conspiracy theory than some random people think Obama gobbled some cock in the 90’s.

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Yes, I do have a low opinion. “News” has devolved into propaganda and people read or watch what reinforces their bias. So someone who feeds off of conspiracy lies peddled as truth can certainly find a “news” program or “journalist” to get their daily red meat.

Tucker is a clown who has carved out a profitable niche. His offline texts to his fellow Fox journalists about how much he hated Trump while talking online about how much he loves him spoke volumes.

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"“News” has devolved into propaganda "? Holy shit, dude, did you just wake up? Its been this way forever. Including The Free Press.

We see you are auditioning for a position in the Stanford censorship group. You made it past the first hurdle.

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Like many, MANY of us, he loathes the man but backs his policies.

Certainly a person of your intelligence can differentiate the two. Maybe?

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In fact, I voted for him. Yes, I backed almost all of his policies. He lost me with the election denying bullshit. Violated our democracy: the peaceful transition of power.

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I volunteered for a local candidate (State's Attorney in Cook County) in 2020. I personally witnessed election tampering and fraud. You don't know me from Adam, or Eve, and like others I have no reason to lie. I, like millions of others am an election denier. (How come there were no polls closed in the dark of night that had Biden ahead, only to see Trump win?)

Am I full of BS in your eyes simply because we disagree?

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

The first actual denial of the peaceful transition of power came in 2016 and was orchestrated by Hilary Clinton, the FBI/DOJ, Mueller and the rest of the Democrats (Adam Schiff, etc.). They were able to hamstring the duly elected President and deny him the ability to govern as he saw fit. You may have missed that little gem from Time where a shadowy left wing cabal came together to ensure the election went their way in 2020. https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

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What are some of the lies you are referring to?

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Here’s a good starting point. Click on any of them and you’ll read the explanation: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=tucker-carlson

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Politifact? Seriously? You probably subscribe to Snopes, too.

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Politifact has zero credibility left.

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Dude politiclfact is a lying group with deep ties to the democrat parties the fact that would even mention them shows us how out touch you are.

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I’m fairly certain that “Richard Jaffee” is just the pseudonym of Compost2.0. Compost trying to get from under his troll reputation. I doubt Richard Jaffee is gonna last very long. He seems to lack the intellectual capacity for reasoning. He thinks gotcha commenting is credible.

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I’ve found when idiots have nothing constructive to say or facts to rebut with; they shift to insults and diversions off topic. Congrats, you fit the bill.

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Running, THAT exact thought crossed my mind!!

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So Tucker has opinions, we have opinions too. Comments section on the FP is the best.

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Tucker has a platform.

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You are trying to establish one but no one is buying your shit, dude.

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I’m not trying to do anything but call it the way I see it. Facts count. Bullshit, insults, etc. don’t. Happy to hear any facts.

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Yes. On X.

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So why didn't Eli do a one on one with Tucker instead of a half assed hit piece? My guess is that Tucker would mop the floor with him. The reason he doesn't have many people on that challenge him is that they won't come on. He's talked many times about people he's invited on his show to discuss opposing views and they won't go. Just like many ideologs won't go on with Joe Rogan or any number of long format shows.

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The long format separates the men from the boys, you can't just repeat 3 talking points for 8 minutes until the segment is over and it's time to sell pharmaceuticals.

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The show with the Bethlehem church person, was Tucker Carlson sowing hatred between Jews and Christians. There are many in the Israeli Christian community who would have gladly been on the show if he has asked .TC had a large following in the large and growing right leaning Jewish world. He alienated , angered and even shocked many of them.Evangelical Christians ( many who have travelled to Israel) were also appalled

It was a deliberate move to present a clearly biased and false picture of how Christians are living in Israel.

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Well, there’s at least one Christian that doesn’t seem to see it that way.

Is it your contention that Tucker found the only Christian and all of Israel that has this viewpoint? The AP link below may alter that viewpoint.

This sounds more like if one doesn’t agree 100% with, is the slightest bit critical, or has a different perspective concerning Israel = Antisemitic.

Glad we’ve clarified that.


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The person he had on was presented as though he was in Israel. He is in Bethlehem which is under the PA, that has purged the Christian community. Tucker deliberately misled the audience. There are many Christian clerics in Israel ( some critical of Israel’s policies);but who know they are protected to say whatever they want as are all Israelis. Criticizing Israeli policies is the norm in Israeli society. Not so in the West Bank and Gaza where dissenters are jailed, tortured and killed ( with no due process ) if suspected of collaboration with Israel

You clarified nothing

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Wait wut???? We’re not even talking about Gaza and the WB. Everyone knows how they treat people with opposing views.

Did you read the AP article? They just making this up?

Look….. you obviously see things the way you see them and I see things the way I see them so we can respectfully disagree. Keep in mind that disagreeing doesn’t mean someone is an antisemite.

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"It was a deliberate move to present a clearly biased and false picture of how Christians are living in Israel."

I think you're right, Disa, which is why I have no interest in watching it. I've tried to listen to many different viewpoints from people in Israel and Palestine (Jew, Christian, secular) to get a better perspective. There were definitely better options. If he was really interested in giving people a voice, he should have opposing voices on his show, but I don't think that's his point. Wish he would do better

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Thank you for this. It is bizarre and deeply unsettling to see so many defending blatant antisemitism.

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As though antisemitism is a legitimate opinion. This is what Jews experienced in Thelma’s 1920s in Germany. The ones who recognized it as more than a passing trend, escaped the hell and horrors of The third Reich. If we are no longer welcome in our country of America, we must Thank God and the people of Israel that we have a beautiful place to go this time. One with a strong IDF , that is a liberal and tolerant country.We have nothing to be ashamed of in the fight against Hamas who massacred so many, or against the Ayatollahs. We have nothing to be ashamed of in America either. We work hard and contribute to our communities , to science to The Arts.The Shame is on our politicians who refuse to stand up to the mobs Shame on the haters. Am Yisrael Chai

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You’ve got it backwards. The question is why doesn’t HE challenge his guests when they spout bullshit. He either is lazy and doesn’t do his research, or he is platforming them and wants them to air their views. This is called propaganda not journalism.

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The All-In podcast had him on for an hour long “interview”. It was more like one of his own interviews — not a single question challenging him. They then took heat after their show about why they didn’t. They did the same with quack RFK, Jr.

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Calling RFK Jr a quack is a very quick way to tell people you have never listened to him speak for more than the 15 seconds MSNBC gives him.

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Unfortunately, I have.

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You don't like TC. We get it. How many times are you going to wash this topic?

Time to move on, sport.

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One of my favorite philosophers is Mark Twain. he said, "Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see." Also said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed."

Words to live by.

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Even if true, are you as vehemently bitter about CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, WAPO, NYT and the rest of the Progressive bandwagon? And no this is not whataboutism. It is a witty, or snarky, take your pick, way of explaining why the "conspiracy theories" gain traction.

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Yes. I’d be called a conservative in most circles, though I consider myself a pragmatist. Can’t stand MSNBC, CNN, WPO, and NYT. I look for facts to guide me and when I smell bullshit, call it out. Russia influence on election: bullshit. Stolen election: bullshit. mRNA death and serious adverse effects: bullshit. Conspiracy advocacy without facts to back them up: bullshit.

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But that is nonresponsive. My point was that the failures of traditional media is why conspiracy theories gain traction. To the extent that the meme about today's conspiracy theory is tomorrow's verified news is pretty accurate. Which means the entire conspiracy theory brouhaha is tedious. When the experts are unreliable - and presently they are - then people should not be afraid think for themselves or share information. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact there is much right about that.

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Good post. I believe very little on the world's landscape happens without cause, intent, or reason....so we ascribe the label 'conspiracy theory' (which can have a disparaging definition) when we cannot explain things.

JFK assassination, Covid origin, Biden's messy relationship with Ukraine, these all are complications we cannot explain because someone is hiding the truth. Therefore we need journalists, like Tucker, who is right so many more times than he is not, that we can trust.

What I find terribly bothersome is when people name-call, belittle, and ridicule intelligent people simply because they disagree with their viewpoint.

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234, you are 100% correct!

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Ditto. And thank you for the kind words.

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Backing up claims with facts are fine. Spouting bs without them and presenting them as fact is opinion/conspiracy.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Interesti g that you equate opinion and conspiracy. The TFP comment section is strictly opinion with the occasional link to corroboration. Plus at this point we are pretty far down the what-are-the-facts-? rabbit hole. I think all this opinion sharing, even the cray-cray stuff, is how we find our way back to reason. We have worshipped at the (faux) expert altar too long and paid a heavy price for having done so. I think it is a fairly recent circumstance and has been caught in time. Fortunately.

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"Tucker Carlson doesn’t have guests of every opinion"

I suspect that an invitation for Eli Lake to appear on Tucker's show will be extended shortly. Any bets on whether he will accept?

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Mr. Jaffee, you address an interesting insight. What part does opinion commentary play in "journalism?" Unbiased news reporting with appropriate skills is definitely "journalism."

As a former journalist, I'd suggest commentary is only an entertainment side-show: a one-sided opinion to start an unbridled conversation with readers/listeners in an effort to understand human motives and responses. It can be helpful and dangerous, since people tend to merge "commentary" with "news" - sometimes with sinister motives.

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Precisely. Then throw in the fact that Jon Stewart, and to some extent SNL, caricature of news became accepted as news.

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Well that’s what messNBC and CNN do everyday with their panels and their nutjob “hosts” like joyless Reid and Rachel Maddow. They spout the most bizarre of opinions, are echoed by the guests but that’s okay? And they never have a guest on that challenges their warped world view.

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Like NPR?

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Obviously, Richard, you have not listened to, or watched Tucker’s podcast.

That’s part of the propaganda problem with the Left. Preconceived beliefs.

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When you mention the name of Piers Morgan and put him forward as presenting all sides… It’s impossible to take you seriously.

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The sad thing about your well-written defense of Tucker is this:

People like Eli will read this and just brush it off as people drinking to Kool-Aide defending Tucker.

But they WON'T reflect on the fact that there has been a long list of issues where Tucker has been 100% right about issues, while the MSM screaming in our faces has been 100% wrong. And I suspect Eli is one of those whose been on the 100% side of the ledger a lot.

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Eli lost me as soon as he referred to the CIA's involvement in JFK's assassination as half-baked. If that is to set the tone for his creds (bias) I am not even sure if I will read the rest of his post.

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Please don’t compare MTG to Adam Schiff. MTG by spout ‘nonsense’… but Adam Schiff knew he was lying.. and did it every day for years! They aren’t remotely comparable.

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Very well said. I immediately turn off when someone points out a conspiracy theorist. It shouldn’t mean anything anymore. I think Eli is trying to get hired by the NYT.

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To be fair though, the section you’re taking issue with was written by Eli Lake, not Wiseman.

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Pretty clear that Wiseman agrees with Lake. A pox on both of them. They could not be more annoying.

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Corrected. Thx!

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He just “approved this message”.

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You make a lot of good comments, EW, but I have to disagree on this one. My own view is that speculating on TFP’s Zionist machinations is too simplistic. I’ve listened to a few Tucker Carlson pieces. He has shown the courage to broach unpopular topics and sometimes appears well-prepared. But most of the time he wails like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. He is sometimes way off on his understanding of issues (energy comes to mind) yet his level of conviction is always 110%. Overall, his style emphasizes mostly emotional indignation and adds little to durable public discourse. He will fade like a pair of jeans that has been washed one too many times.

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Fair enough man. Right now I’m not betting he will fade but you never know. The next 5-10 years will tell.

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Clarence Jones not exactly a conservative says the same thing about the Kennedy assassination in his recent autobiography. Mr. Jones was Martin Luther Kings speechwriter. He is a brilliant man and was there .

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Totally agree, Eli’s credibility has sunk to below 0

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YES! I would l love to see TFP take on Tucker and ask him about all this?!

If he will have Chris Cuomo on, surely he will talk to you.

Or would you just rather call him names?

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Oliver didn't write the article, he just did the news summary. Eli Lake wrote it.

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corrected. thx.

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Of all the lunacies that the “new right”, including its shining exponent Tucker Carlson, indulge in these days the “persecution on Christians” in Ukraine is one of the most idiotic red herrings. Apparently some Americans not only love tyrants but are incapable of understanding that the Kremlin is systematically using the Moscow Patriarchate as a political weapon. They seem to be too lazy to google the issue and learn about the two Christian Orthodox churches in Ukraine, one autocephalous (led by an independent patriarch, just like the rest of national orthodox churches in E Europe), the other under the rule of patriarch Kiril of Moscow, the trustworthy servant of Putin (and former subordinate in the KGB). This type of blatant lies veer from deep ignorance and stupidity to absolute dependency on Putin’s propaganda. The “new right” in America is going full woke, going from borrowing the from the “new left” principles such as moral relativism to actually supporting the same idiocies, such as anti-semitism.

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I think you nailed it Evans W

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

The story on the ALA's lies about book banning is appreciated. The vicious intellectual dishonesty of the ALA should be called out everywhere. No books are being banned in the USA and especially not in Florida.

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Drives me crazy when I see liberals I know buy the book ban smear hook line and sinker without even questioning what's in the books. It's always "the Republicans are banning books!"

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Also bear in mind that their propaganda push about Republicans banning book started as a response to news stories that California Democrats were removing books like Tom Sawyer from the library because of offensive stereotypes. But they're fine with graphic gay sex acts.

As always, what the leftist propagandists are blaming on the other side is exactly what they themselves are doing.

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Ironic also because it's OK to give movies a PG or PG-13 rating, but not books. There just is no logic with the progressives.

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Do they buy it? or are they just supporting the team?

I'm not sure which is worse

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They don't even know what books are at issue. They "buy it" in the sense that they buy the narrative that crazy religious homophobic Republicans are banning LGBTQ books. I think if they actually see what's in those books they won't buy it and will not let their kids read them either. Makes sense?

They buy the narrative that Republicans harbor homophobic Christian Nationalists. (TBF I also do fault Republicans for not denying this enough. Same as DeSantis letting the Left brand his law as "Don't Say Gay" which was entirely a misnomer. But the GOP does treat their own crazies with a light touch, much like Biden treating the crazy unhinged "Pro-Palestine" mobs. Both parties are afraid to upset their own lunatic fringes. In the Republicans's case, they always end up letting the Left brand them as racist homophobes. But I digress.

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A slight quibble. Okay a big one. The left's lunatic fringe is larger and obviously coordinated. It can change signs at the drop of a new faux outrage. To the point where fringe is an inappropriate label.

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Can't disagree with you there!! The lunatic fringe on the Left has gotten dangerously large, disruptive, and influential. And I've said before, the lunatic fringe on the right are laughingstocks to everyone including all people on the right who are not them.

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I think some wholeheartedly agree. I had to hold my tongue talking with a friend the other day. It’s so sad to see how MSM is propagandizing everything and people just eat it up. They only listen to a sound bite or two

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Same scenario with abortion. I was in a conversation with a commenter yesterday about abortion and got to looking around for info on which states have which laws. The mis-, mal-, and disinformation distributed by the pro-abortion sites (which are all that pop up) was incredible. And of course that is regularly relied on by the ADHD journalist set.

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And contrary to popular reporting, you can say gay in Florida.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

The lies the media and the White House told about the Parental Rights In Education Act are inexcusable. The law doesn't mention gay (or trans, or queer, or two-spirit, or nonbinary, or furries, or straight). It is angering that most of America believes to this day that the law is anti-gay. It is disappointing that DeSantis and his communications team did such a poor job defending a law that 99% of American parents would agree with if they understood what the law says.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

I agree. I see that poor communication complaint often. Lately about Republicans and abortion. I do not know what the solution is, but I think the failure to engage is twofold. First, contrary to what the faux media says, there is no all powerful Republican leader. That very thing is antithetical to the Republican respect for individuals. Second, Republicans tend to be proof is in the pudding types. The problem now is that the pudding is being poisoned and how to address that. Fox News genuinely tried originally and all it got was demonized for sounding the alarm. Rogan and now Carlson, demonized, by people on both sides for daring to platform opposing views. What do you suggest?

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Republicans need more principled, articulate and persuasive spokespeople. Trump, for example, only spoke up against FISA being used against US citizens (without warrants) when he realized he had been a target. His justification for why it shouldn't be renewed was that it has been weaponized against him. Wrong Donald, the reason it shouldn't have been renewed was because it had been used against many thousands of innocent American citizens, including you, whose constitutional rights were abridged. If Trump could articulate that, he might win over converts. But it's always about the Donald, isn't it? DeSantis, he just doesn't have the persuasive skills at the lectern or in an interview to explain clearly and passionately why his positions are just and why all Americans benefit from them. He let the woke industrial complex brand an excellent, utterly commonsense law as "Don't Say Gay". Signing the bill into law won the battle, but he lost the war of perception because he let his enemies own the narrative.

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I think that illustrates the old saw that it takes a certain type yo win on the campaign trail and a different type to govern effectively. At this point I do not think either party has an yone who can effectively articulate the party's positions. In part I think this is because debate is disavowed. And the ones of the past few years have certainly been shitshows. Not because of Trump either but because the media hosts can't get out of the way. I also think the Republican party is in transition so it is hard to make a stand. Republicans I find compelling are Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

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Pinocchio joe spoke about the “don’t say gay” act last week

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I had expected that section to discuss the Left's not-bans: cancelling books and their authors, and bookstores dropping books, due to interal and external activist pressure.

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That's a story TFP should definitely cover.

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Agreed. I was shocked when I heard James Lindsay’s piece on the head of the ALA. If anything, she’s the book banner. Skewing history to fit her Marxist/queer theorist agenda.

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I agree. And people should physically read a few of those books before they jump to conclusions. I'm a retired school librarian. In my day, you would have had to go to the adult book store to buy some of those books!

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Explore their website; dig down deep into their committees and blogs. What you'll find is an idealogical chameleon rather than educational resource.

Just go to alsc.ala.org and read how insidious their indoctrination has become; under the guise of promoting readership. Like so many other things IDENTITY takes precedence over education or perspective.

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I did recently after reading a post like yours - I don’t really understand their vocabulary but from what I could garner - you are right on

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For context [possibly] consider https://open.substack.com/pub/ayaanhirsiali/p/restoration?r=1w0isj&utm_medium=ios.

The Subversion Process has become all to familiar; whether something as [seemingly] benign as ALA, including sub committees and blog, to behemoths like UC system...now subservient to "ideology first"

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Just throwing this out there, but the CIA likely played a role in the killing of JFK. And, sorry to burst your bubble, but it was FBI informants that started the riots in Jan 6 while most everyone else there were simply political tourists amazed by the capital, the idea that Jan 6 was an “insurrection” is this generation’s political lie

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I absolutely agree calling Jan 6 an "insurrection" is ridiculous but saying they were just political tourists is more than a bit of an understatement. It was a mob that got out of hand in the heat of the moment and some did commit trespassing.

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There surely were agent provocateurs inciting the protestors to go into the capital there is little to no doubt about that.

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Yeah but we all have agency. People don't have to follow agent provocateurs. You and I aren't out there blocking bridges to the airports.

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It was entrapment on J6.! that should be abhorrent to all citizens .

The majority protesters who are funded by Iran and Qatar are not being punished at all. The few that are arrested are out the next day with no charges and no punishment. They are back the next weekend protesting in everyone’s spaces .

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They tried to do that to the recent members of the border convoy too. That bait was not taken.

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I no longer recognize this country. The government has turned against the citizenry.

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Eh, I'm just not big on excusing people for their own behaviors on the excuse of entrapment. There are people around us every day manipulating us all to do things. We're still responsible for our own action, and no entrapment can work unless someone willingly takes the bite.

Government entrapment is not per se wrong. The FBI runs sting does it all the time with pedophile rings. Yes I agree entrapping citizens to commit treason is highly problematic. But then I don't think what the J6 people did was treason either. So it gets muddy here. Did they entrap the mob to break law (in which case it's no different than entrapping pedos)? Or did they entrap the mob to commit treason (in which case you'd have to accept the premise that what they did was treason and insurrection)?

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There is no comparison between a pedophile ring and the people who have been hunted down arrested, charged and sentenced for long jail times and huge fines. Those individuals were not criminals. Pedophile rings are composed of groups of people already engaging in criminal behaviors often for years. Infiltrating the ring and arresting them is just to my mind.

There is a great grandmother who was recently fined a fortune and sentenced to a year in jail for being at the Capitol. She has never engaged in criminal activity.There are many similar stories from that awful day.

I am an Independent who did vote for either Trump or Biden, albeit for different reasons. For me this is not a partisan issue at all, but rather an issue of the utter corruption of this Biden administration. It is quite clear( from testimony from the Capitol police chief on duty at the time) that Pelosi and Schumer and minions, enabled and wanted this to happen. Then they apply a standard of tracking and punishing these citizens that they can’t be bothered to do for repeat offenders of violent crimes in cities all across the country.

The mobs blocking access to airports yesterday are another example. This was partisan lawfare and it is destroying the country.

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Re: did they "break the law"? - IMO, "trespassing" in a government building is an oxymoron; the building belongs to the people, it is impossible for us to trespass in something that is ours! Damaging and stealing things from that building would still be illegal, but that is not what the overwhelming majority of people did that day.

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I didn’t say all of them were, but most obviously were based on the videos. Most folks were pointing, taking pictures, looking at artifacts within the capital. Heck, the security guards were giving tours! Just another day in the capital if it weren’t for the dozen or so “riotous” people

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Trespassed on to their house.

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I was actually talking about trespassing into individual Congress members' offices. Those aren't public areas without invitation.

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Point taken.

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accurately stated.

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I used to call Jan. 6th a "self guided tour", but now seeing some of the video's realize that was wrong - in so many cases, they were guided - by the Capital Police! This is the PEOPLE's building - that whole "consent of the governed" thing. They had more agency to enter into that building than the looters who were breaking down doors stealing from Target and Nike.

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Representative Clay Higgins made a very salient argument that there was NO WAY protesters could have found Pelosi's office without a guide -- HE doesn't even know where it is or how to find it.

I've toured the Austin capitol building, and it has a MASSIVE underground compound of offices, several levels beneath the ground, with hundreds of corridors and elevators and would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to have found my way around it without a guide. Honestly, I was unsure of how to find the way OUT of the building once I was down there. I imagine the US Capitol is far more vast (I've never been past the rotunda). These protesters who trespassed in various offices must have had a guide in the form of capitol police, or undercover feds. No other possible explanation in my mind.

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I won't disagree with that.

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Because the news is just in Katharine Birbalsingh's insistence on secularity in her Michaela school has been ruled as lawful -- the school has not discriminated against Muslim pupils by not providing a prayer room and the student in question admitted that she had made up for the missed prayers at home and had gone to the school knowing it was secular. Thus the takfiri movement to force prayer rooms in schools has been stopped. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/16/michaela-community-school-prayer-ban-high-court-ruling-live/

Also yesterday, saw the Cass Report debated in the House of Commons. All the Adult Clinics are now cooperating. Doctors who prescribe PB in England will be struck off (the only permitted prescription in the PB trial) and they will be closing the overseas loophole. It is good to watch the adults return to the room. Atkins putdown of Russel-Moyle complaining about toxicity is brilliant. https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2024-04-15/debates/AFE3A39A-3333-4790-AE30-776A474188C4/CassReview

The courage to say no has been something which was lacking the debate. It is good to see it return.

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Yet here in the States, the Leftists who control the Democrat Party, including their feeble, brain addled President, continue to flack the "Trans" lie, wrapping it in the cloying rhetoric of "gender affirming care." Lunatics mandating insanity.

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The silence from American medical associations( pediatrics, endocrinology, surgery, psychiatry etc) and from Congress since the WPATH files and The Cass report publications is ominous and unacceptable. Biology is the same on both sides of the Atlantic(and Pacific) The evidence of medical fraud is irrefutable. To protect these troubled kids , this must be addressed NOW.

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How far away is the class action lawsuit? Ten to fifteen years?

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There are several ongoing ones. Both in the US and in the UK.

The evidence to medically transition children in the way they did simply is not there --Cass proves this. The medical establishment allowed ideology to triumph over the need for robust and rigorous evidence.

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The same is true of their performance during Covid and in their mad embrace of DEI. The medical profession has lost our trust. And the fault is entirely theirs. I say this with great sadness.

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Charles Moore did a v good op ed in the Telegraph at the weekend on this very issue.

It is about what happens when experts confuse opinion for expertise and allow personal belief to masquerade as something much more solid. The whole -- 'we know a lot and therefore are good people and therefore can do no wrong' fallacy.

Time and again you are seeing this play out -- both in the US and in the UK.

I agree that it is a great sadness that this has been allowed to happen.

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/12/cass-disaster-professionals-confuse-opinion-expertise/ or https://archive.is/MK9eX

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The fault may not be entirely on doctors. They were threatened in many ways (Oh, 80% of the kids in your pediatrics practice didn't get the jab? You just lost your admitting privileges or other hospital privileges. If 80% of them did, you get a BIG bonus. Stories like these in every medical field.) or incentivized. The few who spoke out lost their jobs, their research funding, and were black balled.

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The phrase "medically transition" is propaganda. There is no "medical transition" or any other kind of "transition." The Mengeles have successfully rammed this garbage into the language. I refuse to go along.

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Medically transition involves drugs, surgery etc in order to 'pass as the opposite sex'. Social transition involves name changes, insisting on pronouns, dressing in a perceived styles etc. It was argued that social transition did no harm, but evidence now shows that it is a severe psychological intervention and may do grave harm Cass reports. In fact there is v little evidence about the psychological harm children suffer if compelled to go along with another's transition. The vast majority of the medical evidence has not examined this important point. There is anecdotal evidence that they do suffer harm.

Both are supposed to relieve the extreme discomfort and depression that some people endure when they suffer from some of form of gender non contentedness. The evidence is weak that either work effectively in the long term. This has been suspected for awhile and while Cass has confirmed this for children and adolescents, a further independent review is needed for adult (post 25) treatment of gender dysphoria.

The vast majority of children who experience gender non contentedness outgrow it (particularly if the gender identity trajectory is not interrupted -- both medical and social transition appear to disrupt the trajectory). In short, children go through phases which they outgrow if left alone...

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They are probably all consulting with lawyers. Risk management is all they know. Not truth

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Thanks for this wealth of information about the steps England I’d taking to address this Transing of minors scandal.

Thus far I don’t see anyone questioning how and why did an an explosion of gender troubled youth occur starting in the early 2010s. This sudden appearance of majority young girls( with other psych problems, hx of abuse, often in groups from the same school or community) must be studied. The trans cultists want you to believe that there have always been this many “ trans. kids” only recently did they feel “ safe “ coming out of the closet” . This is false. Most clinicians know this is simply not true based on decades of clinical experience over decades.

This is important because the exaggeration presupposes the need for. pediatric gender clinics in the first place, as though the medical community was derelict in finding and treating these thousands of kids that were out there and struggling that no one ( even parents) knew about.m

This is a sociological phenomenon that was created by queer theorists and propagated onto a new generation of kids glued to social media.This means “ peds gender clinics “ are not only NOT the proper response , but are in fact encouraging and growing this population of damaged kids- into damaged adults( and lifelong patients) . It is also a big business$$$ for those clinicians who have flocked to this “ field” they helped create in the first place

There have always been the rare gender dysphoric child M to F) and many are now mature happier adults( many are opposed to this trans activist cult and it’s tactics ).:These are the kids and adults who deserve support, care and acceptance

The new cohort needs the psychological support to deprogram as from any other extremist cult

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People are and they have. Miriam Cates and Rosie Duffield have been at the forefront of calling for an inquiry. Thus far Atkins is resisting and merely wants to enforce Cass.

Kemi Badenoch is also looking into this as she is the Minister for Women and Equality (she really pushed for Cass).

It seems like the Dept of Education is going have far stricter rules (ie that teachers will get struck off) following Cass. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/27304302/polly-carmichael-clinic-boss-gender-young-kids/ this has a snippet about the proposed move at the end (The Sun is a tabloid but occasionally has good scoops)

It is going to be interesting to see what the independent review of the Adult Clinics turns up -- hopefully they were better at record keeping.

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And don’t forget that, at least in an investigative journalism front, Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage” drew a lot of attention to the “social contagion” component of the Trans movement.

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That’s good to know. The US is light years behind England in addressing the growing scandal. The leftists are hoping it will all blow over and business will continue on this dangerous trajectory. I would love to see TFree Press interview some of the new crop of drs and surgeons who have completed” fellowships” in these interventions. They invested heavily in a field that is growing and have everything to lose when it is shut down. There are pediatric gynecology and urology fellowships, reconstructive surgery fellowships etc. There reaction to the evidence would make an important contribution to the public discourse on this scandal

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That is partly because of the devolved nature of US medicine. But it is a huge medical scandal -- Cass searched the world for robust evidence and there was none. Everything has been built on shaky foundations. I do think there are some v caring people and hopefully now the actual high quality studies will be done and best practice can be determined.

It is this relying on one small study to create a new field of medicine which seems to cause problems. Once upon a time, the FDA had people like Frances Kelsey who stopped thalidomide in its tracks, now...

The other angle for the FP is to look at how certain beliefs become 'Universally Acknowledged Truths' and how Spirals of Silence develop to the detriment of society.

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The whole thing needs to be taken down:

"Children’s Hospital Gender Program Navigator Touts Uterine Transplants for Trans Men from 'Live Donors'"


"The speaker, Alicyn Simpson, who is transgender, is a “community navigator” for a youth gender program at the University of Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital,"

How can any of this be legal? How can the US be so distracted that we are not demanding the removal of HHS "Admiral" Levine?

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We should not have allowed voices like those of Dr. Paul McHugh and Dr. Kenneth Zucker to be shouted down down/canceled. They are very experienced in their field, follow evidence based medicine, and are caring people.

The Western World went the wrong direction. And, from here we get to things like "breast feeding" men (good for baby?) and work on live womb transplants and "male eggs". The transing of young women makes them fodder for the live womb transplant doctors. After all, why let those parts go to waste. Those girls who are men don't need their healthy breasts or their wombs!


“What If Men Could Make Their Own Egg Cells?”



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It is a massive problem through out the Western world and also a scandal. The question is why was this allowed to happen. Why was this unevidenced/weakly evidenced method of treating v vulnerable children and young people allowed to gain such prominence when it would not have been permitted in any other field of medicine?

We would not allow people to inject chlorine bleach into their veins simply because they were convinced it would cure COVID, would we? There are reasons for proper scientific trials.

Safe Schools Alliance in England is trying to get a proper public inquiry into how this ideology infiltrated.

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The extent to which the doctors and activists involved have IGNORED the fact that most of the patients were introduced to the idea of "gender transition" online suggests that this practice is driven entirely by ideology, not by science.

My best friend and I, at age 13, pretended to each other that we were secretly aliens from other planets. Our correspondence is rife with such wild tales that a psychologist would wonder if we were genuinely delusional! But we weren't; it was just a way of socializing (and only with each other, because it was "a secret") that suited us. And within a few years, we had quietly outgrown it.

Imagine if we had had the internet back then, and there were people intent on convincing us that our "alien" status was real....

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It’s very obvious to anyone looking at this critically.

The Cass report made it clear that it was not addressing the discussion of what is “ a trans kid”. That was smart for this phase of the inquiry.

However what we are pointing out is at the crux of the question “ what is a trans kid.

The cult activists deliberately hijacked the term gender dysphoria( that until early 2010s meant one thing and applied it to an entirely different cohort that they themselves created.

This bought them time because most people including trans adults and gays were caught off guard not wanting to hurt these “ trans kids”. This gave the cult time to entrench themselves into the government and the school systems ( to generate more of these new troubled kids). Obama sneaking Trans care into ACA as a covered service opened the money spigot to create all the clinics, training programs and pay for the PBS and CS hormones an$ surgeries. The Pritzker family ( one governor of Illinois, one head on board of governors at Harvard) and other billionaires are also funding much of the spread of the ideology in ways that will probably never be made public.

It’s a house of cards built on a lie for its foundation.

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Important win for K Birbalsingh and her school. She is a true role model.

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Extremely important win. Otherwise, you would have seen schools having to provide prayer rooms etc and a real expansion of Islamist extremism aka takfiri (accusing others of being blasphemers) as a method of control. It is why yesterday's Policy Exchange report -- Tehran Calling was so interesting as Iran in the guise of the Islamic Centre for England appears to behind much of blasphemy protesting at schools.

Katharine Birbalsingh is a true role model and what she has done with Michaela is astonishing.

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"Anti-Israel protesters blocked the road to Chicago’s O’Hare airport and Seattle’s airport on Monday, forcing travelers to drag their suitcases along the highway to catch their flights. Protesters also blocked the Golden Gate Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge. (ABC)"

And also, of all places, the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge, which I was near last week.

Nowhere's safe to get from one place to another without encountering the tantrums of misled spoiled young people.

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I really can't understand why everyone is treating these deranged overgrown children with kids' gloves. Call them out for what they are already. Antisemitic anti-democracy lunatics.

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I know. I am all for tear-gassing them and then shoveling them into trucks, to be deposited elsewhere.

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Perhaps deposit them at the day care center and give them some diapers.

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No. Then we have to pay for their care. They need to be sent somewhere so they can learn that life is hard and is work.

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Did you see this? I have to cite Fox News because liberal MSM won't tell us the moron cried like a baby the minute she was being treated like an adult.


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I had not, but I am not surprised. Most of the young doing this are just swept up in a social contagion. They don't really understand the impact of what they are doing and how it can hurt others. And when that comes back to bite them it is a wake up call. No more playing protestor. Now you are being taken seriously and it sucks.

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Pour gasoline around them, and show them a book of matches.

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A bit much, sorry! I'd like them to wake up and mend their ways.

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"mend their way" Really? You must believe in unicorns.

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Retired schoolteacher. I have to.

Have been pruning ivy and dead roses and sweeping up the debris of urban dysfunction from my narrow driveway. I heard the sound of phlegmy hocking several houses down and thought, Please not on my sidewalk.

Sure enough, the young woman disgorged her throat right in front of me.

"Oh, thanks!" I exclaimed.

"It's public property!" she retorted.

"Not for spitting," I replied.

"Get a life!" she shouted as she walked away,

LOL, she's probably on her way to block a bridge. She knows her rights but not her responsibilities.

But i have no hope for her at all.

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I said, SHOW them the matches. Nothing focuses the mind better. I think they need to feel threatened to mend their ways.

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Um, sorry but, if you actually do that IRL, you will get arrested.

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Are you ok?

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It seems that every generation has its useful idiots...

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And parasites.

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And charge them criminally to the full extent.

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This is way more than tantrums of spoiled young people. This is an Iranian ( and Qatar) funded, coordinated ongoing push to continue to divide and destroy America from within. It’s also meant to put pressure on politicians to abandon Israel.

We underestimate the enemy at our own peril

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The undereducated energetic young people throwing tantrums are indeed led by Marxist and Islamist forces who know exactly how to manipulate them. That is certainly true. But i think probably the bulk of these stupid energetic young people are just that -- stupid. And their shenanigans need to be stopped pronto.

We have a national interstate system of highways and bridges for a good reason.

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I would like to think that but no longer do. This is not organic. There is obvious coordination.

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San Francisco Taxpayers Funded the Bay Bridge Protests

a look into AROC, the organization that billionaires and the city of san francisco are paying to stage protests blocking the bay bridge


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Yes. No doubt there are SDS-like factions at work. But for there to be thousands? Give me time, though, Lynne. I've come around to a lot of things.

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Yes, there are:

San Francisco Taxpayers Funded the Bay Bridge Protests

a look into AROC, the organization that billionaires and the city of san francisco are paying to stage protests blocking the bay bridge


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They're actually overeducated ... by leftists, progressives and Islamist revolutionaries we've insanely allowed to infest the public education system in America.

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As a retired old-time schoolteacher, I can say that these protestors are not "educated"; they are indoctrinated, not educated at all in the things that matter. It's very different.

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Overeducated, in what?

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I meant "overeducated" ironically, which I thought the rest of the sentence explained. In other words, it's not that (IMO) these students have spent too little time over the course of their young lives in classes, it's that they've spent too much soaking in anti-American, anti-Israel garbage peddled by professors and teachers who exploit the students' naivety.

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Ohhh, now I see it. Sorry, I'm so old I sometimes fall asleep in the middle of things. And what you wrote is so true, so true.

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Exactly!!! People will not wake up until buildings start exploding and the jihadists are dancing in the streets over it.

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It was mostly peaceful, and their feelings are what matter. So, A-OK!

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It is not happening anywhere near me. But as I saw the footage yesterday all I could think was "[I]t is time to open a can of whoop a$$." Who would let these cretins touch their car?

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What would have happened if all the cars had laid on their horns all at once!! And not let up until the morons disbursed?

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I just wanted to see one big man in a baseball cap and boots step out of his vehicle and approach them with a menacing look on his face and watch them scatter like cockroaches when the lights come on. You know cops used to use those looks very effectively. So did my parents for that matter. And no I was not beaten as a child. Now parents and cops are supposed to let the world stop spinning and sing kumbaya as a deterrent.

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But I think we are now where I prefer the big man to have a baseball bat, instead of the baseball cap.

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Ain’t ‘freedom’ grand?

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I don’t get the Tucker Carlson hate if anyone hasn’t noticed he doesn’t always agree with the people who are on his show he simply provides them with a platform to espouse their ideals or sides of the story. Until about 10 mins ago that was considered journalism.

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Journalism does involve interviewing people with controversial opinions. But it also involves asking tough, skeptical questions of those people - not uncritically accepting their position.

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I think you're generally right about journalism, but I'll just point out that Joe Rogan has the biggest audience in the world, mainly because he mostly gives his guests the chance to talk. He does ask questions and push back, but usually not in an adversarial way. He's just interested in hearing why people think the way they do, and that appeals to a lot of people.

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That's an interesting point. The criticism of Tucker is basically that he is not acting like a good journalist. That's only a valid criticism if Tucker believes himself to be or claims to be a journalist. Do you think that he no longer considers himself a journalist?

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I do not think he or Rogan are journalists. More like talk show hosts in the old Nightline style.

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I think he certainly does think of himself that way. I'm not a huge Tucker fan, nor a big detractor. I'll watch interviews he does with people I think are interesting. But it seems that Tucker has intuited that the "traditional" way media and journalism has been done for the past 20-30 years or so is going the way of the dodo, and therefore something new will arise to take its place. Substack I think is at the forefront for written content, and X is leading the pack for multimedia. But both seem to show that heterodox opinions and people are more widely accepted than ever, and much that we thought was axiomatically true is not so. He has hit some home runs, and he's whiffed some too, but at least he's at the plate swinging.

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No argument here. The MSM has earned its extinction. But what I am looking for - I think - is someone who is willing to talk to the Putins of the world but also ask them tough questions. Someone who can acknowledge that the subways may be safe compared to New York's, but also that political opponents are disappeared and murdered. Doing less is serving as a propagandist - akin to those useful idiots in the 1930s who ignored the forced famines, gulags, and show trials to report glowingly about the workers' paradise that was the USSR under Stalin.

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Listening is not the same as accepting. Interviewing is not the same as endorsing. The last thing media needs is another journalist who thinks they have a monopoly on truth to curate interviews so that we know what are the acceptable opinions that we are allowed to hold. And why does it seem at bottom that there is just an overpowering censorious urge in all the Carlson haters that they just don’t have the self awareness or honesty to admit?

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I don't hate Carlson. When Portland, Seattle, and New York were mostly peacefully burning, I admired his willingness to push back against the insanity.

But I don't understand the reflexive instinct to attack those who criticize Carlson for choosing not to turn that same critical eye toward everyone.

If you are a journalist (and many "journalists" seem not to be), your job is to cross-examine when you are confronted with implausible statements. If you are merely an entertainer who wants to make a lot of money asking questions that imply unprovable answers, you may be a lot of things, but you are not a journalist.

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I feel like I’m reading the New York Times today. Make it stop. There is so much more behind Tucker. I’m not defending everything or everyone he interviews, but he has produced some excellent content this year (Sage Steele, Naomi Wolf most recently) and he dares to go where no other ‘journalist’ will go. The NYT called. They want their reporting back.

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Naomi Wolf! Ha, no wonder you like Tucker. She’s a conspiracy nut. “Dr.” in philosophy Wolf with her coming off like an expert on Covid even though she’s ridiculed as a quack by the medical community.

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The medical community? You mean the one telling us getting the jab would prevent us from getting covid, 100%? bwahahaha

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No, it was to help reduce death and severe illness, which it did remarkably well.

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Nope. Not how it was advertised. Remember how we were told covid was a pandemic of the unvaxxed? We were lied to that it would prevent spread. That if we didn’t vax we would kill grandma. THAT medical community sold us a huge lie. Now we count the cases of adverse effects

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Being ridiculed by the "medical community" isn't as damaging as once was, in some cases you could take it as a badge of honor.

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Also, ridiculing a PhD demonstrates ignorance of what is required, or used to be required in some places to obtain a PhD.

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Exactly. The good stuff was buried at the bottom.

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I didn't even bother to read TFP today because as I 1st scrolled to see the "10 things were reading" - ABC, CNN, WaPo, NPR(really?) etc. & I just can't anymore.

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My complaint too.

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The good stuff is at the bottom. Give it a peek.

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I'll say one thing in their defense, modern SEO requires cross-linking with other reputable organizations in your industry to be recognized as reputable yourself. Doing this regular round up of left wing propaganda outlets helps to boost TFP search rankings.

But it would be nice if they didn't act like those are respectable news.

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Agree - we all need to watch what is on the MSM feed, otherwise we miss what the majority of Americans are being told. Also, it keeps me comfortable with hearing things that are in direct conflict with my own opinions and exercises my BS meter.

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But that just means TFP is chasing clicks. Which is not what I am here for.

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Speaking of NPR. Uri Berliner has been suspended for 5 days and given a "final warning."

"NPR suspends veteran editor Uri Berliner, who called out left-wing bias"


"NPR’s new chief executive Katherine Maher defended NPR’s journalism, calling Berliner’s article “profoundly disrespectful, hurtful, and demeaning,” " Maher has never worked in journalism or in media before. I guess NPR will not be doing any self reflection and improvement.

I am not expecting to see any reporting on the Cass Review in the UK or anything but cheering for the child mutilation industry in the US. Instead, bigots are against people's rights! It is so against the rights of children to protect them and insist that doctors "do no harm".

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Note that her 3 "descriptives" of the article- disrespectful, demeaning, hurtful- are all EMOTIONALLY based. His article none the less was FACTUAL & SUBSTANTIVE. She has the emotional & intellectual equivalency of a toddler. And so does NPR. Govt must stop funding.

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"My feelings are hurt!!" is a weak rebuttal.

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Bari - please re-think inflicting Wiseman on your readers. We have been with you since Common Sense. All united in the pursuit of truth and the freedom to speak it. Liberals and conservatives, together. But the drift to snarky, leftist commentary is not appreciated. And Wiseman is the worst offender of all.

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Referring to the judge's decision to not allow Trump to attend Barron's high school graduation as a "quibble" is just one example of the breezy, lazy, snarky style of OW's writing. I can't think of a parent in the world that would consider such a punitive decision a quibble.

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Yes. I had the same reaction. Inhumane and odd.

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But like "The Five" agreed, it will help him get elected.

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I think it’s necessary, actually. I want to hear opposing viewpoints and not just one sided-conversation. If I want to hear continued reaffirmation of one’s beliefs, then I’ll go to church. Snarky commentary and smug condescension is the leftist journalists’ bailiwick, but then again journalism itself, and its standards has sunk so low that it’s no surprise that it’s that very snark and condescension that appears to be heralded. So while I don’t always agree with Wiseman, i also want to read what he writes. There is also the very smallest hope that he reads these comments and gains some insight into what he purports to demean.

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I don't necessarily disagree with you but the problem is the lack of conservative voices on the Free Press, although we abound in the comments. So Wiseman, without a counterpoint, is unacceptable.

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All true. But-baby steps. Bari et al are still liberals, after all.

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It has been three years of TFP, formerly Common Sense. And months of Oliver Wiseman and he seems to be veering decidedly left. I do not regularly read Progressive media. I used to. For the very reason you state. But no longer do so as they are so utterly predictable. An IYKYK thing. If this is the new Free Press thanks but no thanks.

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The game plan for TFP includes Wiseman as an integral part. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/16/free-press-raise-bari-weiss

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I agree. I don't want someone who is preaching to the choir that is what the MSM does. The MSM preaches to their choir the left wing loons.

Different ideas are healthy. You may not agree with them but they make one think or puke as the case may be.

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Mostly puke.

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Just curious, Bruce, what exactly did Oliver do today that upset you? I'm not seeing much to pick on today (I'm just talking about today.)

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His entire tone. His flacking of the comical Lake and Kawaller. The snarky, elitist NY Times drift. He needs to go. Or Bari needs to hire some conservatives for balance.

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I'm with you, QX. I don't see it either. I believe this is the first time since I subscribed to Common Sense, I have disagreed with Bruce.

We are usually on the same page.

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That's OK, Cat, I still love ya. But I don't love Wiseman. I find him a snarky jackass.

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It really does have a high school paper vibe.

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The game plan for TFP includes Wiseman as an integral part. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/16/free-press-raise-bari-weiss

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Good find.

Thanks for sharing. The girl is going places, for sure. Just hope her love of truth and free speech remains intact.

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small detail missed about the stabbing of a priest in Australia—the assailant was shouting Allah Akbar. I’m sure it just an oversight.

Will Australia ban knives now?

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What next, cork screws and fingernail clippers?

How about banning Muslims instead?

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Don't, don't, don't....mess with my cork screw.

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Probably for the best to ban all knives.

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lets just start with the assault knifes, the sharp pointy ones made of steel

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

All knives including butter and steak. You can never be too careful. Then they can move on to pointy things with prongs.

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Tucker lives in Oliver’s and Nellie’s head. Wonder if there’s a secret crush.

The truth can often start as a conspiracy. Yet people jump on the ridicule train pretty quickly. Maybe the truth hides where people don’t want to look.

Like the conspiracy that Slow Joe has become incompetent and Cackles slept her way to the top; oh wait, that’s been proven. My bad!

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The CIA invented the term conspiracy theory as a way of mocking people in order to obfuscate the truth

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But Eli Lake wrote the article, not Ollie or Nellie. I don't think this new summary embedding articles format is working. People keep attributing the embedded articles to the person summarizing the actual articles in an intro. I've seen that happen multiple times now. Maybe they should go back to just publishing the articles direct.

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Yeah, FP should cater to the lowest common denominator.

Or..posts could refute the ideas and stop attacking the author (person).

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I've noticed that the summaries used to make it clear that there was an excerpt from a linked article. Now the format is very unclear. What used to be a preview of the articles of the day (with an occasional comment on a news item not long enough for its own article) has turned into a sort of blog post filled with links that may or may not be TPF articles.

It's confusing and not very useful.

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Problem is, Tucker is almost always right, I'm old enough to remember when replacement theory sounded nutty, now Democrats admit its true.

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Where, when and how did the Democrats admit this?

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A book is banned when it’s sale is prohibited by law. Any other description is political BS.

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If you can legally purchase or possess a book, it is not "banned." It is incredibly disingenuous to refer to a book deemed inappropriate for children as banned.

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There was a reason the playboy and penthouse magazines were behind the counter at the corner store. This is not book banning but parents watching out for their children. Maybe, just maybe, there’s, little too much grooming going on today.

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No, no, no David! Parents are so 1950s. The Village is responsible for the child now. Said in dripping sarcasm lest it not be obvious.

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I question why we even bother with movie ratings. Kids can't get in to see PG, PG-13, or R movies, but they can see far more tantalizing things in the school library and their parents won't even know! What could be better! Are parents somehow fooled by this?

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Tucker has gotten many things right over the years.

He was however always a poorly closeted hater of Jews.Since his ouster from Fox News( which must have kept him somewhat in check) his hatred has been obvious. This does not diminish his intelligence or his “ good calls” but it does not make him immune from the ancient durable and inexplicable hatred that is antisemitism.

By interviewing a known anti Israel mouthpiece from Bethlehem , without mentioning that since Palestinian takeover of that city Christian’s went fro over 80% to less than 20% ( as is typical in Muslim rules countries in the Middle East ) and that only in Israel the Christian community is growing and thriving and is protected, was simply disingenuous and malign. It certainly wasn’t journalism

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