There are recruitment crises in just about every western country, there are multiple reasons for this but basically people aren’t dumb & in this case why in the fuck would anyone join the military when your own government funds the fucking enemy.

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Obama promised "fundamental transformation" of America, but he never told us that meant transforming America into a republic that no one would defend.

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But most of us understood that at the time. The guy's a Communist. His father was almost certainly Frank Marshall Davis, pornographer and literal card carrying member (his actual membership number is out there somewhere) of the Communist Party.

And while I am both destroying and enhancing my credibility (depending on the reader) I will note that my support for Donald Trump began the moment that he pointed out that the birth certificate Obama provided would not have been enough to get him hired at a Burger King. This, despite the Top Secret clearance that comes with the Presidency. I am personally inclined to believe that he never formally repatriated, after having been made by his mother a citizen of Indonesia. This is why, according to many reports, his Social Security number is from a State he never lived in or had any connection with. It's fake, just like he is.

Most of our population has been indoctrinated in mute and rote compliance to our Media Complex. If they see Michael Strahan or Katie Couric on TV saying something, they assume that is the truth. So obviously all you have to do is corrupt Strahan and Couric--probably by appealing to their vanity and telling them lies about their intelligence, and of course tying their complicity to their incomes and fame--and you have a hundred million Americans doing and believing profoundly stupid things.

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Back on topic (which is a change for me.), why aren't we leaving the UN and when we leave stop subsidizing the UN?

I have said this before. Quit the UN and move it to France. the Frogs love that kind of shit and would welcome the UN to be headquartered in France. Get it out of the US.

The UN is and always has been as useless as tits on a boar hog. It has been successful in one area and that is being anti-US.

Oh, and another thing stop foreign aid. We need the money here at home. Besides, we give foreign aid to countries that hate us.

Our politicians are idiots.

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Obama is a DNA Muslim

Child follows fathers religion in Christianity and Muslim

Child follows mother in judisum

He never converted to Christianity

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I dont think he is a Muslim: he is sympathetic to anyone and everyone who wants to destroy our system. At root, I think his impulses and aims are all destructive and largely nihilistic, like Leftism generally.

His aim was and remains to break things that have been working, without any plan to replace them, much less improve them.

The Cloward-Piven plan in principle is to destroy the System generally, by metastasizing government, then bankrupting it.

What then? Well, simple: a world in flames. They havent thought through to what might replace that system, even though the orthodox answer is “a utopia devoid of greed, want and violence”.

You know, like Cuba or Venezuela.

The whole thing consists in hate, not love, and destroying without a hint of building.

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I don’t know what he was. He was not asked any questions which might have given us a clue. I do know from his policies that he was unfit.

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No, in Obama's church they don't shout "Death to America!" They shout "God damn America!"

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For those who don't know this, I will point out this is literally true: Jeremiah Wright DID say this.

I will be honest: I had forgotten Obama pretended to be Christian for a minute.

Now that I think about it, what I have not forgotten is that two very openly gay men--Donald Young and Larry Bland--in that congregation were murdered "assassination style' (the words of the Chicago PD as I remember them), and that no suspects were ever identified, nor a motive offered.

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It was on network news, for anyone who gave a rat's ass, but covered up immediately

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I always wondered; did Obama carry his prayer rug with him on AF one?

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How do you like the fact that Valerie Jarrett's daughter is now the Chief Legal Correspondent of NBC News and the co-anchor of Weekend Today?







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Yes, if I remember correctly, he had a SSN associated with Connecticut.

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That is my understanding as well. It is literally possible he is not legally eligible to work in the United States, since he was never repatriated after having become an Indonesian citizen. Or hell, maybe he WAS born in Kenya. The important point is that there is a VAST amount of things we don't know about him. There is no effing way he could have passed the Background Investigation to get even a Secret clearance in the military. Not with what is in the public domain.

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I’m with you brother/sister ( not sure if you make or female) great comment!

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At this point, anything is good enough for me.

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deletedJan 29
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I think it was his grandfather and Davis--who were reportedly friends--who did most of the brainwashing. His mother was nearly completely out of the picture by the time he was 14 or so. She dumped him on her parents in Hawaii then went back to Indonesia, and my sense is they had little contact after that.

His childhood was a mess. Most people don't know much about it, because the News sure as hell isn't going to volunteer anything that's potentially disquieting; and it is very clear there is a great deal we don't know from the time he was 18 or so until he showed up as a community shakedown artist in Chicago. Some people even claim he didn't actually go to Columbia, for the simple reason that people who had his exact major when he was there don't remember him at all.

We do know that he and Hillary both cited Saul Alinsky as their most important political influence, which itself is quite telling.

People on "the right" are not crazy. As a general rule, we are simply vastly better informed than the people who are screaming lies and half truths at us. It's frustrating, but it is what it is.

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No one asked him what he meant. That would have been racist. The world’s most overrated man got a pass for 8 years.

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Yes, the myth of his scandal free presidency 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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To my eye it is simpler. Put yourself in the place of an 18 year-old man, full of piss and vinegar and ready to go out and make a dent in the universe. Now tell him that you want him to lay his life on the line for a man in a dress.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Jim Wills

No. Your comment is silly. They are being asked to lay their life on the line for a country with open borders, rampant crime and anti-white racism.

Mayorkas brazenly claimed for 2 years that the border was closed. He may now finally be impeached

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How about charged with perjury? Wasn't he under oath when he testified to congress?

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True - God willing he is impeached

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Regardless of who's right, the effect is the same, isn't it?

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Probably most 18 year old kids would feel that way, but more and more are being conditioned to accept it as normal. And more and more kids that have a propensity towards LGBTQ/Green/Woke tendency are attracted to the military as part of "change" and "transitioning".

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Just watched another VDH video yesterday. He's a real military expert - the expert's expert - and he noted that in war, things get real in a hurry, and silly things pass by the wayside. A bit of the up-to-your-ass-in-alligators meme.

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Back in my day, The Admiral was this guy named Rickover. Now I don't know what it is,

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It’s Rachel

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That's a name. "What" remains an open question.

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Back in my day it was Bull Halsey, no Eilene Halsey.

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He retired in 1947 (in which year I was born). You must be REALLY old to have served under him!

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No, I didn't serve under him. I was just comparing the names of yesteryears leader to today's.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Obama's second term was the diversion point. While the let's call it traditional American electorate, including those who had voted for Obama, sought to course correct -the majority voted for Romney -the new coalition of identity groups plus immigration put him back in office. That was the inflection point. Trump was an unexpected response to that.

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deletedJan 29
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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

I think that was the last time that US voters could have headed off the cultural revolution. By the time Trump got in, DEI was already in government -- The National Trust for Historic Preservation, yet--and had taken over at least high ed. Then it just kept kept getting worse. I'm saying that the American mindset that had always kept us in balance was overtaken at the ballot box.

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And the transformation didn't take long: US taxpayers fund universities that place foreign, radical islamist 'students'; US taxpayers fund UN terrorists masquerading as agencies; US taxpayers pay more to NATO (only Poland pays more) than Europeans; US taxpayers pay for illegal alien invasion; US taxpayers pay for anti-American NGOs; US taxpayers pay for anti-American, anti-constitution universities, student organizations; US taxpayers paying for primary & secondary schools to teach anti-semitism, anti-Americanism, anti-biological facts, anti-nuclear families social benefits. What comes first - the halving of the Feds or the civil war?

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Well posted Jacky!

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In the same way that we should have funded the White Russians in their fight against the Communist lunatics, we never should have abandoned the Shah in his fight against the apocalyptic Millenarians and radical misogynists and homophobes that currently control Iran.

The thing about principle is that it clarifies things. It is possible both to say that the Shah was bad, AND that the mullahs who are raping and torturing and sometimes killing women who refuse to wear uniforms of submission are vastly, vastly worse; AND that a nuclear armed Iran would almost certainly result in short order in the first nuclear attacks since the only nuclear attacks in history, those used against Japan.

Emotions are important. Life without emotion is not life. But politics, particularly global politics, requires INTELLECT and the use of reason. By all means use your emotional world to guide your principles, but having chosen principles--freedom, human rights, and peace are good ones--apply them consistently.

What one sees with the Left is a bunch of children chasing colored banners being marched here and there, up and down, through tunnels and down ravines, by people whose motives we really don't understand, and to outcomes around the world that are immiserating, horrific, and COMPLETELY INVISIBLE to most of them.

It's an astonishing sight. To me it looks like hundreds of tornadoes have passed unseen and unhindered through our cultural landscape, destroying everything that didn't fight back explicitly, all in the service of the ugly and evil.

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We never should have installed the Shah in the first place. If there had been no CIA directed coup in 1953 we’d be almost certainly looking today at secular, prosperous, and democratic Iran. Blowback is a bitch. I’d say your theory works better in the case of Syria and Libya which while lead by corrupt strongmen dictators happened to be secular and vastly superior to the failed states, mass migrations, and hot beds of Islamism we are left with today. I think that I generally agree with your sentiment about where we are with the left now though…

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Mossadegh was overthrown because he was trending into the Soviet orbit. Reading up on it a bit, his policies look an awful like those of Hugo Chavez, including nationalizing the oil industry and radically increasing direct government control of the economy.

At the same time, his overthrow was certainly beneficial to the oil industry. Regardless, the FACT is that the Mullahs and their Fascistic Islamic Guards, or whatever they call themselves, are vastly worse.

And Libya was undone by Obama and Hillary. Remember "We came, we saw, he DIED, giggle giggle giggle"? I do.

In Syria Obama funded a civil war, not least through ISIS, which was a virtual proxy for US policy in that period, at least as regards Syria. But Assad is still in control.

I don't have time to get more deeply into it, but I remember the Carter years, the Iranian hostage crisis, and the abandonment of the Shah because we all knew Savak was as bad as it gets. It wasn't as bad as it gets. Not even close. He was not just "our son of a bitch", but one that was kinder, more liberal, and less intrusive than what replaced him.

Many of the fires in the Middle East today directly originate in Iran.

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Mossadegh’s sin wasn’t political leanings, it was his unmitigated gall of nationalizing the oil industry. Anglo Iranian Oil ( BP ) wasn’t going to let that happen even if they had to install a ruthless dictator * ala Assad ). Also it was literally their oil. The British claim wasn’t particularly strong considering the decline of their empire. Also funnily enough we were funding both sides in the 70s Iran in the lead up to the hostage crisis. What a mess. I also remember the Carter-Reagan era of middle east politics. Interesting times indeed.

Re: Obama and HRC: Imagine a parallel world where they had not fomented a rebellion in Syria and let Ghadaffi quash his enemies quickly . The “our son of bitch” theory would have been a much better approach in those circumstances.

Stephen Kinzer’s Overthrow is a great read on that subject in general.

Ultimately I blame the Dulles Brothers.

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I will agree that we can blame the Dulles brothers for a lot of things.

I won't go too deep on all this. I don't understand it well enough. But that intelligent foreign policy could have created a much more stable, much more peaceful world is really beyond dispute.

The Ukraine war should not have happened, and arguably had Trump been in office there would not have been an October 7 attack. Biden's White House is FILLED with people who support mass murder, torture and rape, as long as it is done by their people.

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I’m right there with you on all that.

Overthrow is totally worth a read, there’s also an interview somewhere on youtube where Tulsi Gabbard and Stephen Kinzer go deep on the roots of the middle east mess.

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I like Tulsi Gabbard. I’ll add it to my long list.

As I have aged, one thing that has become clear is that lies are being told on ALL sides. There is typically a group of self seeking sociopaths on both sides—or all sides, as the case may be—saying one thing and intending another, and quite often resulting in something nobody quite planned or expected.

I GET why so many of us are attracted by simple and comorehensive narratives, because nuanced truth is WORK, and you can never be sure what hidden factors are present that simply cannot be accounted for, but whose presence can often be inferred.

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Here’s a link to that interview if anyone is interested.


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Yeah. I could not vote for those, and I didn't. I knew way too much about them.

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The world was a vastly different place in 1953 and Soviet communism - run by a murdering psychopath every bit as demonically demented as Hitler was a real threat. Viewing it otherwise is folly. Carter was a feckless fool. Obama and his sock puppet are working against the interests of the United States.

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Thanks for skipping through the crap, Bruce.

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Blah blah blah CIA. We know the CIA are, have been and always will be incompetent and thoroughly evil. But the Shah was better than a communist Iran and miles better than the mad mullahs. Giving them money is treason Both Obama and Biden are traitors. Stop pretending otherwise.

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Again, "Thanks for...."

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Which is why we should have backed Mossedegh and pushed him into an acceptable deal with the British, bringing Iran into our sphere of influence. They would have preferred what the US had to offer more than the struggling Soviets.

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Too true. Mossedagh was never a Communist; he was a committed nationalist. Some - many! - people (including here) can’t tell the difference. It was and is their oil; get over it. The Brits in the 1950s were a fading power still consumed by their memories of imperial grandeur. Eisenhower set them (& France and Israel) straight over Suez; the Dulles brothers were to stupid and full of hubris to show restraint, and so here we are today, reaping what they sowed. The U.S. could take a page from the British 19th century playbook in the NW territories abutting Afghanistan; after fiascos invading, they simply bribed the tribes to stay quiet. It would work with the Houthis in Yemen too; they are shakedown merchants not ideologues like the Iranian mullahs, and can be bought off. Distasteful? Of course, but way cheaper and much more effective than military action.

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1953. The Soviets had just gotten nuclear weapons. Struggling?

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You seem really itching to pick a fight, apparently we disagree on some issues. I’m not going to get into pissing contest my friend. This all relatively speculative and it’s my bedtime. Have day with as little stress as possible Mr.Miller. Zzz

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You should have gone to bed earlier.

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“Giving them money is treason Both Obama and Biden are traitors. Stop pretending otherwise.”

What does that have to do with anything I wrote? Maybe you were responding to someone else, or I mixed up my threads.

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No, I was agreeing with you. They should have backed Mossedagh.

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👍I was replying to Bruce tho. I just had no clue where that sentence and sentiment came from and what it had to do with anything I wrote…

I actually think your comment was spot on.

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It was a shame that, unlike his father years before, George W. Bush decided to remove Saddam Hussein from Iraq, the only Middle East strongman to keep the ayatollahs busy and at bay. I never understood his yen for that war.

Still, in retrospect, W. was a sight better than today's politicians.

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I have not made up my mind on that war. But it's become OBVIOUS that all of our wars have be seen through the lens of the FACT that the Left will betray our troops at any and all opportunities, and that the deaths of our servicemen and women are either a matter of indifference to them, or matters of actual private and sometimes public joy.

As long as there is a Left in this country, filled with hateful and inhumane opponents of our Constitutional Republic, I personally would see no need to fight anyone anywhere who is not an explicit and immediate threat to our physical nation and its people. Hell, we are being invaded, and they are encouraging it. Why don't we start there?

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Our Left is doing its level best to degrade and destroy the fighting capacity of the US military.

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We should have just kept the current strongman ( Hussein ), gone all in to nab Bin Laden ( ALIVE ), decimate Al Qaeda then execute a quick but orderly exit and have left Afghanistan to whatever power could hold it, probably the Taliban who while they are awful they don’t meddle across their borders internationally ( well, besides Pakistan ). That would leave the Iraqis fighting the Iranians and the Taliban skirmishing with the Pakistanis.

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Carpet-bombing the cave systems of Afghanistan would have been a more effective use of resources, as well as preserving American lives.

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Bunker busters. But I take your sentiment. Rubble-i-stan. And then "buh bye."

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Perhaps, but again the Taliban while thoroughly contemptible evil, never attacked us in the first place. I still say we should have eliminated Al Qaeda, captured Bin Laden, and gotten the hell out of dodge with trillions to spend on the USA instead of getting bogged down in a useless war. But that’s just me🤷‍♂️

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The Taliban offered Al Qaeda a haven from which to strike. Striking Al Qaeda's havens was an important message that needed to be sent. But there was no need to have boots on the ground, ever. Whoever thought it was possible to set up a lasting secular democracy in Afghanistan has ZERO understanding of history.

Unless you've heard something I haven't, tracking down Bin Laden was something that took *years* to accomplish. Admittedly, all the effort and treasure spent fruitlessly in Afghanistan and Iraq would have been better devoted to that quest. But it seems all too likely that it would still have taken years.

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W was a nepo baby who took orders from people who worked for his daddy. He had exactly no intellectual input into a situation that preceded him by decades

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Those same advisors had had the sense to leave Saddam Hussein in power under George H.W. Bush.

I always put W.'s folly down to some Oedipal thing.

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Jr. Bush was the Biden of his time. The difference being that we knew who controlled him; Cheney & Rumsfelt. Those two had been plotting the takeover of the Iraqui oil fields slnce their days in the Nixon administration. Jr. is a decent person and was out of his depth. His father supplied the people in his admin.

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So beyond the Leftist talking points, is there any actual evidence of them plotting the takeover of the Iraqi oil fields? Because they were taken over by anybody and everybody, Shell, Total, Russia's Lukoil and Rosneft, so you know, those pesky little things called facts on the ground fly into the the face of that ridiculous reflexive bullshit of "they just wanted oil".

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Ever heard of PNAC?

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If you have a particular point to make, make it. Otherwise, I've heard of many things, that the moon is made of cheese, that the world is ruled over by a bunch of reptilians, and there is a billion people talking about a guy turning water into wine.

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Hmm ... then why didn' they take over the Iraqi oil fields?

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By then, Cheney was out of the oil business and Iraq wasn't going to give them up. Cheney was knowledgable about oil, not so much about how to wage and win a war. Well, he was pretty good at getting us in, and not so good at getting us out.

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Mossadegh's overthrow made it possible for the Ayatollahs to come back. Soviets would have stamped them out. Instead, Soviets held their nose and went in with them. They learned that islamist regime change didn't allow them control. But, Russia still maintains a hold over Iran.

I think Oct 7th happened because Russia said, "Ok. Do something," because Netanyahu was about to sell anti-missile tech to Ukraine and Russia has to win that war or use nukes. Not that Russia likes it, rather, a sign of how seriously they take it. And, after all, Carter used Islamists against the USSR in Afghanistan. Obama used them against Syria. And China is in the game of using Hamas---just getting their feet wet. So it goes.

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Oct 7 IMHO was more about preventing Saudi Arabia and Israel making peace and becoming business partners. Iran could not let that happen…

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Nope. It drove Saudis closer to Israel. Saud are heretics to Shia. Houthi have Saudis scared. With good reason.

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Yes and no. Officially it put the deal on hold due to populist politics of the Arab citizenry, but yes it probably did speed up the Saudis unofficial alliance with the Israelis. I didn’t say that it was good strategy for Hamas/Iran. As far as the Houthis go, we shall see. Anything can happen at this juncture.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (aka "The Shah of Iran") ascended the throne in 1941 when the previous ruler, his father Reza Shah Pahlavi, was sent into exile. In 1953 we were fighting the very real Cold War. The Soviets heavily rigged the 1953 Iranian election in favor of Mossadegh. At the time, the mullahs were 100% against Mossadegh and the "godless communists" (Soviets) who backed him. The ruling Shah Pahlavi was forced into exile for 8 days after the election. He never even had time to unpack. The idea that President Eisenhower ordered the CIA to subvert a legitimate Iranian election to pull the Shah out of nowhere and put him on a throne he had never before occupied is nothing but popular post-Cold War fiction.

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Those who lack virtue annoying try to display it.

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Thanks, Jimmy Carter.

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Well said.

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Top story today in the NY Times is the hunger in Gaza. Why doesn't Hamas solve their hunger issue instead of usi g the funds to bomb Israel?

I'm supposed to sympathize with these people. Sorry. Until Hamas is wiped out they won't get any sympathy from me.

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That story made me vomit! Perhaps they shouldn't have started a war if they don't understand the consequences. NYT is vile propaganda.

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I support a cease fire ... just as soon as the people of Gaza turn over the Hamas murderers so they can be brought to justice.

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Precisely the point I made elsewhere last night. Spot on!

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“Hillel and his colleagues have previously documented at least 150 cases of UNRWA teachers and employees inciting terrorism”


It’s time we all admit that Donald Trump probably did in fact see Muslims celebrating on rooftops on 9/11.

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AND he defunded UNWRA and then Joey and his administration of halfwit radical leftist commie America haters gave them 1 BILLION.

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"How dare you defund anti-semites who use our money to spread terrorism. This is obviously racism."

- The Democratic Party

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Yes, the UN is nothing if not antisemitic and a supporter of terrorism and conquest ideologies.

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UN Wahhabi Rapist Assassins

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Kevin Durant? Perhaps he saw the same video as I did. IIRC, the celebration took place in Patterson NJ.

The refusal of most people to read the Koran or Islamic history will have predictable results. VDH disciple Raymond Ibrahim is an excellent source, as is Robert Spencer. The next attack won’t come until after a Republican is elected POTUS.

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See what you did there

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“The UN’s Terrorism Teachers”


It’s a running gun battle right now between white Democrat women in their thirties and Muslims to see who can be the shittiest teachers.

Who will go to hell first? We’ll have to wait and see.

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Shame we don't have a president who wants to clean house at the UN, completely pull out of the WHO, and totally reform NATO.......oh wait......

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Can't have that. Mean tweets triggered too many emotionally fragile liberals.

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Thanks to the Free Press for focusing its readers of all political POV of the utter insanity of US policies in funding both sides of a conflict and putting its citizens at risk at home and abroad. I do not understand how anyone thinks Biden is “doing a great job” in supporting Israel or the US.

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People believe what they want to believe or, more commonly, what they are told to believe. The alternative is too difficult and may distract one's attention from Tay-Tay and Kelce. It has been a very long time since the media in this country was captured by the bureaucracy and modern technology has done nothing but accelerate and make more complete our submission to them. Unfortunately for us, our betters who have decided they must make our decisions for us have a rather poor track record...

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Insanity? Or treason?

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Insanity leads to treason.

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Look at Ukraine. Funding both sides of a war is what the Dems do best.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

It just seems there's no spine or brain behind the throwing away of our tax dollars, abroad and here. And in both places, we're funding the forces of our demise. It shouldn't have taken this long to address UN workers as part of Hamas. The UN is one of Gaza's largest employers. The U.S. needs a major reset. The two party system has failed and is presiding over mounting chaos. It used to work-- the pendulum would swing back-and-forth, one party correcting the excesses of the other. But the Democrats imported votes and demographics. Given their micro- management and engineering in purple state districts,it's going to take a Herculean effort to wrest power away from them at this point.

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Very important point.

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Any decent President would safely evacuate the UN building and then dynamite that shit.

Now that they are also involved in flooding our country with gangbangers who don’t speak English, we should probably treat UN employees, and anyone who likes the UN, as enemy combatants.

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Maybe NYC could use the UN building to house its "migrants," a/k/a illegal immigrants.

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It's official by the way. Everything Trump said was true

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No but it was a hell of a lot closer to true than anything Brandon and his administration have told us.

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Well well well.

You mean the UN that Trump criticized?

When will you Democrats wake the fuck up. When will out your bleeding heart emotions aside and use your brains.

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When will you wake up? The party supported by the owners of this site always prefers party over country.

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I read this morning—a great point from an article that Israel declared war against Gaza. Hamas is the legitimate ruling party of Gaza. What I have yet to see is a group of people in Gaza forming a new government, suing for peace, and turning over the Hamas fighters to Israel.

The end of this is simple, but we get wrapped up worrying about what the global progressive elite think. I, for one, don't care at all what the International Criminal Court says. I don't care what the UN thinks. I especially don't care what the college professors and the little sheep they educate on campus. ( John Fetterman waving the Israeli flag over the weekend was awesome).

Total victory is all I worry about. And after the war, I would love to see how Hamas got its funding to build the tunnel infrastructure. If it's the UN, any US dollar going forward should end until reforms are made, implemented, and verified.

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The only way to verify how money is being spent is to micromanage it. We certainly have plenty enough meddling people here to do just that. But merely giving a foreign government money is like giving alcohol and car keys to teenage boys.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

The Palestinians elected Hamas and still support it. After it was invaded, Israel had no rational choice except to invade Gaza and remove Hamas. They should stay until it is turned into fields of vegetables.

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"UNRWA is a 75 year old United Nations program that is unique. No other group of refugees has a UN organization specifically dedicated to them, and there have been countless migrations away from wars and disasters in those 75 years.

Want a list? Here's a selection of the big hitters since the formation of UNRWA in 1949:











No dedicated UN organizations for any of these people, and the reasons are obvious. First, the United Nations cares not a whit for refugees except as they can be used to generate funding from the member countries. Second, most of these people were absorbed into neighboring countries or simply returned home, so the various crises were temporary. And third and most troubling, there was no unified bloc of UN member countries dedicated to the destruction of any of these sources of refugees, except for Israel.

The Arab world was ferociously against the reestablishment of the state of Israel, and immediately started a war whose intent was its destruction. They lost, and the Arabs who had been living in the area and left, many at the direction of those Arab countries, had nowhere to go.

Why is that? Because the Arab countries surrounding the new state of Israel did not want them! So they dumped them in refugee camps and begged the world and the UN for help. Which they got. But those camps rapidly morphed into cities, with markets and malls and hospitals and all of the accoutrements of modern life, with the bonus of funding from the rest of the world.

That funding -- for schools and food and infrastructure -- was funneled through the UNRWA, which now employs almost 30,000 people, most of whom are themselves the descendants of those original refugees! How the great-grandchild of someone who left Israel in 1948 is considered a refugee is a question for the ages!

Refugee: noun: a person who flees for refuge or safety, especially to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval, war, etc.

Seems reasonable, but with the growth of those refugee camps came the opportunity for tremendous graft, and a political cudgel with which to beat Israel. So there was no impetus for resettlement of the original refugees, and in fact the opposite occurred. The "Palestinians," complete with a Soviet-inspired terrorist organization known as the "Palestine Liberation Organization" became the darlings of the unaligned world, and their plight was front-and-center at the UN. Israel became both a proxy for the developed Western nations, and a convenient focus of anti-Semitism.

The oceans of money (from the UN, the EU, and oil-rich Arab countries) pouring into these "refugee" camps was increasingly used not for the maintenance and improvement of the residents, but for the creation of a vast structure of indoctrination via education. And the primary subject was the demonization of Israel with the ultimate goal of its destruction. With so much graft opportunity, is it any wonder that much of that funding was also redirected to the various terrorist organizations that sprang up? The PLO was the progenitor of them all, stealing most of the money for its leaders pleasure. Yasser Arafat (The first head of the PLO) amassed a fortune that Israel estimated at $1.3 billion!

And the current leadership is no different. In Gaza, the Hamas leadership is fabulously wealthy, using their terrorist organization for personal gain and much of it for personal safety (some live abroad). But a lot of the money is redirected for the purchase of weapons, the construction of a quasi-military infrastructure, and the funding of a large fighting force.

And who administers those funds as they flow into Gaza? Who is employed as teachers and administrators and nurses and doctors? The descendants of the original refugees who have been indoctrinated into the cult of death whose focus is the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel. And they turn around and teach that to their children! Many of the schools in Gaza are run directly by Hamas and funded by UNRWA.

Is it reasonable to assume that UNRWA knows what is being taught in its own schools and those they fund? Is it reasonable to assume knowledge that the funds supposedly allocated for civilian construction are being redirected for the construction of a vast complex of tunnels and terror facilities? Is it reasonable to assume that huge amounts of money are used for purchase of weapons rather than food?

How can UNRWA claim ignorance when the evidence is literally all around them? Hundreds of miles of tunnels cannot be built in secret! How can UNRWA claim ignorance when there is direct evidence that their employees participated in the pogrom of October 7th? How can UNRWA claim ignorance when even the EU has criticized them for their use of educational materials in their schools that call for the destruction of Israel; when the curricula of their schools is explicitly dedicated to Jew-hate?

That the people of Gaza (and the West Bank) are rabid Jew-hating death-cultists is bad enough. But the fact that the United Nations, through its Arab-controlled UNRWA actively funds the systems that perpetuate it is even worse. Because as the world has seen since the creation of the PLO in 1964, the aim is simple...kill Jews and destroy Israel."

- CBD, Ace of Spades

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President Biden declared: “We shall respond.” Please stop pretending that Biden is anything but a imbecilic clown whose policies are nothing short of outright treason. You write correctly that “We are funding our enemy and sending our service members to be their victims.” Now square that with Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Are we living in an Alice in Wonderland world now? Biden needs to be tried, along with his entire cabal of traitors. This is insane.

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Not "Alice in Wonderland". "Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue".

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Good one.

Biden as Freddy Krueger!

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Funny, Biden scares me more.

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For comic relief how about a rebuttal from someone at MSNBC or the NYT. The UN is the tip of A spear ( there are many others on the global scene) whose mission is to create a global utopia where national sovereignty is no more. Israel is not the primary target . America is, but Israel is the easier target and has been for 60+ years. Open American borders are consistent with this objective. And global citizens are being trained every day on American schools as we have witnessed the past 4 months although it began long before that

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The thing I find strange is the people who want this “utopia” can never actually tell you how it is going to work.

Plus if you ask them if Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos will be our neighbours in our brutalist style one or two bedroom apartments blocks, (I particularly like Jeff as a neighbour, I can mind his deliveries from the socialist porch pirates) and how you are going to get them their, they have no answer. Seems like only the middle class have to down size.

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It's going to work with the Elites getting everything they want and us peons getting shit.

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If you look at the countries on some of the UN councils, you would agree with Roman’s comments. The U.S. is being sabotaged both internally and externally, all with the same goal...to destroy America. It’s hiding in plain site. But what is not as easy to see is how our gov’t agencies, cultural institutions, education system, etc., are contributing to the internal portion of the process.

It’s not just China, Russia and many middle eastern countries that are using social media and other tools to influence society, it’s the federal gov’t alphabet agencies, the media, the universities, the US based social media companies that contribute, support and carry out these actions. Censorship, election interference, anti-western views being taught, using the judiciary to harass and influence. All are being carried out by the gov’t and/or gov’t proxy organizations.

What’s different now from earlier times is that back then the gov’t supported, protected and was loyal to America and its citizens. People had faith and trust in gov’t because the people knew there was a loyalty to its citizens. Now, the gov’t many times is the enemy of the people.

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The UN thinks it's the the Tip of the Spear, but in reality is the tip of the huge pile of crap they produce. Imagine the pollution reduction if the UN went away and the global climate folks with them. Way less pollution in the world.

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I fear you are right about their mission. How blind we have been!

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Yes..... How blind we have been.

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Joe Scarborough claims Trump will kill the Generals. There are no sane people at MSNBC.

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Joe takes orders from his co.host

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Funding both sides of a conflict is a sure way of engineering a "forever" war.

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