How on earth did this dangerous, mentally disturbed woman ever get into a psychiatry training program, let alone graduate from one? She spews forth a toxic word salad about her fantasy of committing a mass shooting along racial lines, her resentment about not getting some vacation time years ago and her rage about people's gluten free diets. I once spent time with a woman who was having a psychotic breakdown, and the resemblance is striking. What was Yale thinking?

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Yale apparently is all in with grievance.

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Yale seems to be a mess all over and over - today's WSJ has an op-ed by Dem operative Lanny Davis, "The Darkness at Yale" - about Board malfeasance. Dumpster fire stuff.

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I am a Yale graduate (1975). I am sickened by how Yale has collapsed.

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Refuse to donate. We have stopped all donations to colleges our family has attended (Ivy League and Seven Sister) until they get some sense knocked back into them. No President or Dean of any of them has shown much of any leadership when it comes to this insane period, especially, President Katherine McCartney of Smith. She should be fired for her recent caving into the woke but the Trustees are just as woke.

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Unfortunately, the Ivy League colleges has such massive endowments that "stop donations" is not going to do anything.

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I don't agree. Of course, they have huge endowments. However, any falloff in donations would be noticed and set off alarms.

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I don't disagree, but after 40 years we've managed to earn 'millions', none of which they will see.

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CC, Based on what I have read, McCartney (Smith) is a true believer

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Even if we stop donating, these endowments could care less. The money is in hedge funds and most recently reported over 100% return.

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I don't disagree - it's symbolic at the very least - but these institutions should be discouraged about their totalitarian impulses at every turn.

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And, donations from Alumni reflect your sentiment, not just at Yale but at most universities.

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I feel there is a trend here...whenever an institution or company is getting bad rep, they embrace CRT as a way to get some quick PR points. Hence, it is so hypocritically embraced and disguised as “inclusion” by the most historically elitist schools and universities. Yet, I doubt the intention is to actually change and become less elitist.

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This is what happens when money totally rules.

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This is what happens when these institutions are run by cowards. That seems to be the most important qualification. It is beyond mind ken that parents would entrust the minds of their children to these loathesome, odious universities. Someone should tell them the world needs plumbers and electricians too. If this is what higher education provides, I'm happy with my little 2 year Assosicate's degree.

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The following is a quote from George Will's latest column which I am copying from National Review today. I hope I don't get in trouble with copyright stuff since I have no clue how that works. Anyway, I thought it applied to today's discussion:

"Rutgers University’s chancellor and provost, who are weathervanes in human form, lack the courage of their convictions, which they also lack".

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Cowards, loathesome and odious institutions indeed. Well said. What's happening now, if there's a happy end to it and a restoration of 'Common Sense,' will make the McCarthy era look tepid. Here's what I want to know though. I voted for Obama twice only to see him become the divisive cop hating, racism is in white people's DNA Marxist that he was hiding for 4 years. Then I refused to vote for either Hillary or Trump because I disliked both of them. I voted a write in candidate instead, Sheriff David Clarke, because I was sickened by the Democratic Party inspired lawlessness and their support of anti white racism which is exactly what CRT/DEI is. Notwithstanding Trump's significant flaws, I was disgusted more by how the Democrats behaved during his presidency and reluctantly voted for him in the last general election. I do not want him to run again and will vote for someone else in the Republican Primary. I do not believe he is electable and it is essential that a Republican wins in 2024. Since Biden's election, the Democratic Party's deceit and extremism has reached new heights and has continued to imperil our country in ways I have never seen during my 65 years. But here's the question I have? How many of the people who are expressing the outrage I see in these comments about the indoctrination camps that colleges and now secondary and primary schools have become, about the cancel culture and the suppression of free speech; how many of these people are willing to vote for a Republican? I have Democrat friends who say to me, "how are we going to end this insanity," and I reply, STOP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS; and some of them look at me like I'm asking them to give me one of their children. I'm actually interested in hearing Bari answer the question: "Are you willing to vote for a Republican over a Democrat in the next presidential election and under what conditions would you do this? My wife voted for Biden and I said, "Why are you voting for these radical leftist ideologies he is going to implement?" She assured me that he was a "moderate." I'm interested in hearing what others have to say about these questions. God Bless America, and no I'm not a White Supremacist for saying that!

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Apparently, this is true. A moderately important point is that this is at least partially a consequence of racial quotas (politely called affirmative action). Quotas bring large number of unqualified people onto campus. Predictably they don't do well. Rather than blaming themselves (or the quota system), the go off the deep end and blame 'racism' in spite of the fact that the ivies are probably the least racist environment in history of humanity.

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They will book anyone who hates white people. It’s in vogue right now if you haven’t noticed

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Sanity is not a requirement for being a psychiatrist. I'm surprised I need to point this out.

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Or a job at Yale!

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The NY Post has just published an article exposing the truth about Dr. Khilanani. I know we all want to thank Bari and Katie for making this possible.


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The New York Post? Gasp! Hie thee hence and get my smelling salts lest I go into a swoon, I must away to my fainting couch. Just kidding.

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The New York Times reported it, too. But the Post beat them to it by one day. So far, WaPo is silent. The British based The Sun also covered it. The more this story spreads, the better. And it's got everything to capture the people's interest including a protagonist who looks like she takes makeup and fashion lessons from the Kardashian sisters.

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So I saw her picture - she could pass for white, for sure. I’m not telling anyone their race, but if I just saw a photo and knew nothing else, I’d think she was Hispanic (maybe). My point being, she is clearly of a mixed race background, which makes her “white-hate” even more interesting.

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A beneficiary of half-white privilege.

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When you realize the answer to your question you will know how bad it is. She was taught this…..on purpose.

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Critical Theory was hot when she was an undergrad at Chicago I guess.

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U of Chicago is one of THE most elitist institutions there is

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It is truly, truly astounding. I have little faith that Yale will act nor the two pathetic Senators of the State. More disturbing is the silence of anyone regardless of political affiliation to intervene. Shameful!

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It boggles the mind that Yale "Lux et Veritas" sponsored a continuing medical education course that encouraged medical doctors to violate the Hippocratic Oath. Certainly a new low.

If enough people put pressure on Yale, they would have to act. What does Yale have to justify its $81,000 annual tuition except a gold plated reputation. And this incident trashes it.

Bari, Katie, Nicholas Christakis, Jonathan Haidt, Steve Pinker, Sam Harris, John McWhorter, Coleman Hughes, Bret Weinstein,, Joe Rogan. They could all spread the truth about these bogus "training programs."

Yale screwed up big time, and they can't be allowed to get away with it.

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I believe the folks you mentioned are doing the best they can considering the environment they have to work in. I cannot believe for the life of me that there are no congressional hearings on this. What is working (and it's tough) parents and some grassroots efforts are staring to push back using the legal system but to your point, we must scream louder. I'm in one of the poorest congressional districts in the country so while elite northeast insanity is not on the radar down here, it does trickle down to our Maoist la La land where the Zapatistas run with it. Wouldn't surprise me if that sadistic lunatic ends up on a T-Shirt with Che Guevara.

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Yes. I can see her on a photoshopped tee shirt flanked by Che and AOC. Perhaps after Congress receives their UFO report, they'll have time to investigate the Aruna Phenomena.

The "screaming" is starting to have an effect. Today, the NY Times published an article that was pretty good considering how insufferably woke that paper has become. Earlier today the story appeared on their list of their most read articles, so the word seems to be spreading.

There was even an article in The Sun, which is fitting considering how deranged she is and looks in her photos. I didn't see anything in WaPo or The Atlantic, and there are only a few amateur youtube videos, but give it a little more time.


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Well, this Yale/Aruna Khilanani story finally caught fire on WaPo -- though the article was very slanted in favor of Khilanani. There are now exactly 1,200 comments and the number grows by the minute. Almost every comment criticizes Khilanani or Yale. The tide may be turning. People have finally had enough of the hateful, woke CRT madness inflicted on us in our schools and places of work.


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Lets hope

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Dude chill. It was pretty funny.

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Maybe to you, but she was dead serious and that doesn't make it "funny."

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I guess, if you're into gallows humor.

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One can probably come up with one for each letter of the alphabet. I'm at work now, but I'll try a little later on today.

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Kudos to Katie Herzog for being able to conduct this interview in a serious manner. I would have either insulted this fool or started laughing.

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It really seemed like the ramblings of a person having a psychotic episode. Katie Herzog drew her out effortlessly.

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So true. Very professional!!

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"I don't generalize. The fact that you think I'm generalizing is your whiteness defense mechanism."

*5 seconds later*

"White people don't eat bread!"

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"you called me out for generalizing, so I'm going to make it about your skin color."

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Real people eat quiche.

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Or was it "Real men don't eat quiche" ? : )

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Yes. That was it. Real men don't eat quiche. In penance, I will now have to bake and consume an entire loaf of high-gluten bread.

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Hey, it's your intestinal villi..

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Bread is the staff of life - Jonathan Swift (Tale of a Tub)

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: )

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Yep. So funny!!

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Great book!!

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Lots of bizarre thoughts being spewed. She truly seems mentally unstable. Can you imagine if a white male/female made statements about wanting to kill people with a revolver who were of a certain race. She is the racist.

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She's also a misogynist. It's specifically white women she hates. For anyone who thought that intersectional "feminism" was actually feminist, think again.

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"Intersectionality" is the rationalizing of cognitive dissonance. That's always been its definition.

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A mass murderer wanna be.

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I wouldn't be surprised. She talks about hating blonde women the way Elliot Rodger talked about hating blonde women.

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And the thing is, it doesn't even matter. For every person who likes one sort of man or woman, there's another that likes something else. I like thin men with thick, dark hair, and you know what? There's women out there who like bald, chubby dudes. De gustibus and all that.

Yet popular culture has brainwashed this idiot that these arbitrary ideals actually mean something to anyone. She subscribes to them more thoroughly than anyone else. Deep down, I'm pretty sure she also knows it's all a bunch of mean girl bullshit, which is why she's straining so hard to cast it as a political struggle when it's nothing of the sort.

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You are kidding yourself if you think this “brainwashed idiot” is a one off and done. She and her followers are increasing useful tools for the pathological elite.

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Violent racist

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the problem here isn't her - it's that Yale gave her a platform. She's actually pretty funny, and has misdirected her rage towards white people when she actually hits on a few key points - she's really angry at the BS hyperacademic snobs who run the media - it's the white progressives she's really after, which on some level many of us can agree with and we all know they can be of any race. She's also a raging hypocrite and racist, as completely goes to the extreme in every sense - I can't deny that but I do agree with her that the way progressives talk about race is totally BS. I do think she'd be fun to have a conversation with. Again, it's really Yale that bugs me here. She's just a casual lunatic. She's also dangerous to have come speak at a university - the mind boggling hypocrisy of progressives.

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"Ever since I was a little kid, since I’ve interacted with people who are white, and especially white women ... "

Of course. White women, the most evil creatures in all of human history.

This is nothing more noble than internecine, catty chick-on-chick middle school bullshit dressed up as noble struggle against oppression. Reminds me of one of Alice Walker's books where she went off about one of her characters having fantasies of chopping blonde women's heads off. Not white people's heads. Specifically blonde women. I remember her going on about how she couldn't forgive Hillary Clinton's "white face." (She forgave Bill's, though -- voted for his philandering ass without a second thought.)

Seriously -- white men get a pass from these types, and the only reason they have such a powerful hate-on for white women is because they hate all women who are competition. This is the opposite of a raised consciousness, the opposite of feminism, the opposite of progressivism. This is a catty, nasty backstabber who can hide her childishness under her pigment and act like her middle-school meanness is some noble blow against the oppressor. To hell with her.

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I'm all on on that, except she's got an exponentially growing zombie horde coming up behind her and a mass of uber-"educated", guilt ridden white Liberals clearing the path for them. Ignore that fact at your own children's peril.

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Well said.

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DW, I too was struck by her obsession with white women and yes extreme jealousy/envy occurred to me as possible causes

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The target audience for this was child psychiatrists. Think about that.

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...just think about her patient 'targets' - egads!

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I used to not like blonde kids either because they teased me for my "ethnic" looks. And then, one day, middle school ended. What a sad case of arrested development. That she has a platform to spew such nonsense would be funny, if it weren't so scary.

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Hahaha that's great. The perpetual airing of middle school grievances is becoming the new sport amongst those with their heads wedged firmly in their asses.

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It's called being "woke."

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A fascinating interview, particularly the part about white people not bread and Katie's amusing responses. I was waiting for a discussion of what equips someone who is of Indian origin or heritage to speak on behalf of black people in America.

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I was also trying to figure out if Khilanani is a Brahmin name. Just curious. Since we're all talking about privilege.

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Doesn't seem to be so...but in researching that surname, 83 % of them in the USA are Republican affiliated. #funfact : )


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I wondered the same.

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This inspired me to immediately fire of an email to the Yale Board of Trustees. Wonder if I will get a reply? Doubtful, but this is maybe the most incredible hate propaganda I have seen...far worse than video game violence or misogynistic/violent rap lyrics. This is a doctor, a professional psychiatrist, being elevated by one of our nation's historically finest universities...this is real.

Email to Yale Board of Trustees:

Are you kidding me? https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/the-psychopathic-problem-of-the-white

I was fortunate to attend a top university for undergrad and grad school and always believed that these schools represent the finest in higher learning. However, over the years, I have become stunned to see the utterly toxic teachings and flimsy work that these schools produce.

Far beyond shameful, this is utter racist hate. As a school with such a hallowed history, you have a much greater responsibility to insure that your work is both helpful to the world as well as excellent. Forget climate change, you have become the biggest existential threat to the US by allowing such toxic garbage to be dumped into the atmosphere-- from the Yale School of Medicine -- in the child study center, no less. It's just outrageous and incredibly damaging.

If you value equity, peace and human dignity at all, you should issue a press release formally and harshly condemning this call to racism and violence. You should apologize to the world for your role in promoting racist hatred and violence.

Truly repulsive.

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I think it’s better to ask Yale to host a speaker with a countering point of view. If we want to support free speech, we shouldn’t cancel this women or her presentation. We should fight for a range of differing view points to be heard so one viewpoint is not dominant.

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Someone who wants to murder blacks? Someone against murder? Someone who eats bread??

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Maybe for starters 😀. But seriously, someone who could push back on CRT in medicine or CRT in general.

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I disagree. Allowing people to use a platform like Yale to promote shooting people in the head because of their race seems to cross a line. Likewise, I would object to any college, much less a prestigious one, give a platform to KKK members who describe violent acts they want to commit against blacks, Jews etc. It's hate speech and shouldn't be dignified with a platform.

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Ever wonder why the woke kids on university campuses 'disrupt' speakers who have a differing viewpoint with air horns, loudspeakers, and shouting? It is so 'no one' can hear any but the opposing view. Campus security do not stop them. Administration does not penalize the actions. At best, they will cancel the speaker or lock them in a room with the children, hopefully, on the outside.

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By opposing I mean the view of the children using the airhorns, the woke viewpoint is the only permissible view.

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Email Yale's Board of Trustees yourself insisting they condemn this. Take some action and hold them accountable. Make them do their jobs.


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Equality not equity. I hope

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Equity was used intentionally, but, yes, understand your point.

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It must be my white privilege, but I couldn't find one cogent argument in the interviewee's responses.

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Woof, that is really tinfoil hat, bark at the moon level nonsense. Katie is saint for being able to get through this conversation without any seeming acrimony.

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Katie was definitely the true psychoanalyst in this conversation.

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And Yale booked her

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I am imagining Vox headline:

Shooting white people in the head may actually be good policy. Here is why.

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Followed by "Hating Women Whom Society Arbitrarily Deems More Attractive Than You Is Actually Feminist. Here's Why."

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Followed by "Feminists Who Claim That Women Must Be Equal To Men Are Spreading Transphobic Hate Speech And Should be Arrested" (this actually happened in Scotland yesterday)

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Oh, the trans bullshit is plucking my last nerve, I tell you.

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1. She's a racist.

2. She's obsessed with "bread".


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3. She's insane.

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PLOT TWIST? She's actually a white woman. (Seriously, check out her TikTok. Listen to her voice. Whatever her "ethnicity" this is what the kids call a "Karen"). Fucking insane.

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I finally opened my wallet today and paid $50 to be an official subscriber to Bari after reading Katie Herzog's last two articles. Bari, you are providing an invaluable public service. Thank you for exposing how racist garbage is allowed to infect the medical profession and gets a respectful hearing at a formerly great institution like Yale. If Dr. Khilanani were not a BIPOC herself I'm sure she would never have gotten through any reputable psychiatry residency (I am a physician myself). I can imagine how her mentors and colleagues were terrified of publically criticizing her crazy rants for fear of being labelled racists. To have a person like this treating vulnerable patients is unconscionable.

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She's a nuclear powered drama queen who has everyone walking on eggshells. Add some BLM/CRT propaganda and a New York State medical license, and you've got a teflon coated, 21st century Mengele.

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The more I thought about this article yesterday, the more I came to the same conclusion. My sister and I were reading the interview thinking, “This is so insane it’s almost laughable until you realize that she’s being given serious attention from respected institutions, which makes it actually horrifying.” As I reflected on it, it occurred to me that her lecture title is like a relic from a 1930s eugenics doctor. I thought our society was far beyond this sort of charlatan nonsense.

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You guys must be quite insulated and comfortably numb. This stuff is making rapid advances to your own front door.

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Not sure what about my comment read as “insulated.” I’m acutely aware of the tenets of CRT and the pervasive nature of it. I was stating that crackpot rhetoric like this was, until recently, dismissed with an incredulous laugh, and I did indeed guffaw a couple times at her commentary. But the bemused feeling of “What a wackadoo!” has been replaced with horror since she and her ilk are now being given credence by esteemed institutions.

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I just love the way you articulate salient points. Kudos for always capturing thoughts with such illumination!

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Oh, you're much too kind, but thank you!

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1) It is literally (and I use that term literally) unbelievable that anyone could talk like that nowadays. It reminds me of Byron De La Beckwith's defense of his bombing black children by saying that "little rattlesnakes just grow up to be big rattlesnakes." Where are normal people's outrage? How can anybody listen to such stuff and not get up and walk out?

2) Unload a revolver into a white person's head, eh? All I can say is that she'd better make her first shot count. I am well and truly disgusted with this kind of behavior, and I never miss.

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I would assume now that if any white person dies, especially a patient, they'd charge her with conspiracy to commit murder....

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fuck that bitch

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