Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

Good article but “cards on the table,” I don’t have an ounce of confidence left in our health authorities. I love the part where the FDA has commissioned Pfizer—currently banking billions from the shots—to look into a safety issue. Strangely, it has not heard back yet! Meanwhile, the shots continue, and those who have been raising questions are continuously vilified as anti-science. You know what strikes me as anti-science? Hiring a company making billions to do its own safety studies. That is just pathetic.

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Euromomo data tracks mortality across reporting EU entities. Just look at the mortality trends for people under 65. Covid correlates to zero real increase in all cause mortality. Something changes in Jan of ‘21. Something REALLY changes in mid ‘22. “Correlation isn’t causation” but it’s very difficult to have causality WITHOUT correlation , so blaming covid is VERY difficult. So where else should we look…?

A simple glance at Pfizer’s trial data shows a very easily observable difference in all-cause mortality and specifically heart related causes between the treatment and control groups. Certainly enough that in any even semi-reasonable time they would have asked for more and longer research. That they didn’t almost certainly illustrates they knew the outcome but were being pressured to take the drug live regardless.

The question isn’t “why are people who actually looked at the data concerned,” it’s “why aren’t more people looking at the data and asking questions.”

I broke this all down in absurd detail on my personal choice not to get vaccinated detailed on my substack. If you just want to understand how many of us got where we are, give it a read. It may not change your mind, but it will at least provide insight into a counter perspective

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This is an exceedingly misleading and inaccurate presentation and interpretation of this data.

If you want to tell yourself this, fine, believe what you want. But it's not supported by the evidence, which does not remotely show or say what you claim.

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You can keep taking all the annual boosters you want. But me I’m out of this 🐂💩bogus experiment

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What is misleading and inaccurate? Data please.

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*authoritative voice

“This is CNN”

(In all seriousness, the greatest achievement in the history of kleptocratic shysterdom was how all of the unvaccinated people who died were actually people who just got vaccinated but the vaccine doesn’t really start working for a few weeks so you’re considered unvaccinated…….when you just got vaccinated.


The vaccine has electrolytes. It’s what plants crave.)

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This detail is about the grossest untruth about the whole pandemic. It’s so egregious and calculating but also insanely effective to hijack the narrative in their favour.

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Paul-- If you know that it is inaccurate please cite sources that say otherwise. I have no opinion either way but I do think if you make a bold statement, follow it up with a link so we can be informed. Just my two cents.

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What are you referring to, Paul. Specifically?

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Paul. Are you going to elaborate??

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Paul speak English not Fauci.

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This article cited sources and elaborated actions that have been taken. You just shout “liar”.

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That is way too many words to say nothing. Try harder.

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I'm looking at your own data from your substack:


There's a spike in early 2020 in all cause mortality. It tapers off through the year, mostly due to lack of human contact, which -- you're right about this -- was a terrible idea. Then you get another spike in winter 2021 -- BEFORE the vaccine is rolled out! then again a tapering into spring. The summer spike could be due to a dropping away of precautions or it could be due to vaccine side effects. There is no way to tell.

CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm

Your data and CDC's basically match each other. And neither supports the idea that there has been a broad increase in al-cause mortality in parallel with the COVID vaccine rollout.

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Sound analysis.

The vaccine causation question is also directly addressed in the British mortality data. It breaks down everything for vaccinated vs not.

So, you see the overall trends observed here, including that younger people's mortality was significantly impacted by factors other than COVID. We can speculate as to the causes - maybe lockdowns were bad for folks' health as they stopped exercising and got out of shape; maybe reopening was deadly as folks came out of lockdowns somewhat loopy and less careful and so had a horrible period with auto accidents and similarly risky daily activities.

What is clear is the vaccination is not a cause of mortality among the young, at all. In every scenario folks raise in these comments and posts, when you look at vaccinated vs unvaccinated young people, it's never the case that the vaccinated are dying and the unvaccinated aren't - that, as folks proudly imply here, younger people who would otherwise be healthy are dying when they're vaccinated and living when they're not.

The entire premise of this post - to legitimate that there could be something to the #DyingSuddenly concerns, is hogwash. It's just validating the usual gangs who routinely get riled up about wrong things because they're bad at assessing threats and risks - the scared, misinformed, overly suspicious, oppositional, dim, innumerate, overly believing of anecdotes, overly believing of local "trends" (basically old-school evening news watchers), plus the cranks, contrarians, fraudsters, and evildoers.

I like Weiss' publication in many ways. But its comment section, and too many of its posts, are popular because they provide unwarranted and misleading succor and validation to these groups.

I see no reason to feed BS to other groups just because they like it (again, a reason I'll often like this publication; it's clear eyed about this tendency in other groups not like themselves). I don't think it's helpful or good to do so here either.

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Look at the 15-44 age range in Euromomo... The trendline was still trending down, despite covid, through most of 2020 (or, at the worst, was flat). Outside of 1 week, from January '21 (available "vaccines") all the way through late spring of '22 mortality exceeds the baseline. You can take this as far back as it goes and we've never seen a sustained increase like that. It stayed elevated for so long it actually changes the baseline. We are now seeing the largest spike, by orders of magnitude, that we've ever seen in that age range, currently taking place.

I'm not blaming the "vaccine," nor do I do so in my article. I claim, as I claimed above, that it's very hard to have causation WITHOUT correlation, so correlating all-cause mortality increases to covid is near-impossible. I also highlight that Pfizer's own data showed more all-cause mortality in the treatment arm than the placebo, and that the size of the increase, while not statistically relevant, certainly warrants greater analysis, especially when it's repeated at a population level. Because Pfizer included almost no one of actual threat age for the virus in their trial it's impossible to compare the data for ages over 65.

For the 45-64 age range, who knows. We see a spike, very short lived, in 2020 when covid was apparently killing everyone (that somehow lasted only 3 weeks), and then normal mortality until the following winter. So mutations, or restrictions on medical care and personal freedom, or lack of sunlight and exercise, or the introduction of an insanely poorly tested "vaccine," or who knows, killed a bunch of people, and since then the trends look more or less the same pre-"vaccine" and post-"vaccine," with an odd spike in the summer of '22 (not seen in '20 or '21) corresponding with booster campaigns.

If this is what "success" looks like, I'd hate to see what failure looks like...

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I think you're reading a lot into graphs. You'd need to run regression on this raw data to know whether your theory about flat prime demo mortality is correct. I agree with your take that the actual data (blue line) it looks like there is a slight increase throughout 2020 and early 2021 (less touching of the baseline) and a spike in late 2021. It's hard, since prime age demo mortality always appears stochastic due to the small numbers. I just don't see that you can relate that to anything. There's something going on, but what seems pretty nebulous.

If it is something nefarious about the vaccine (and I agree that's not really a correct term) why would this only show up in the 15-44 demo? An increase like this can't be due to cardiac events; that would show up big time in other data since cardiac events in this demo are rare. It seems pretty weird that the elevation has continued through today. As booster takeup has declined (as people have realized the vaccines do next to nothing), one wonders why the numbers are still elevated though.

Again, I'm not arguing with you about the vaccine itself. Sweden's strategy appears to have been correct. The vaccine does not stop transmission. Basically everything we were sold a bill of goods in late 2020; it's not snake oil, but it's not what they promised either. For what it's worth, the 25-44 CDC data (from my link above) shows the same pattern, so whatever you're seeing isn't localized. But there are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around, and in a time of plummeting institutional trust across the Western world, I think us armchair data nerds need to be careful about feeding those.

BTW: Well thought out and reasoned. You've largely convinced me that I wasn't seeing something in the data previously. I'm not sure you're right about the cause, but I agree you've got something real and somewhat weird here.

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I totally agree with you. I think the issue we're both dealing with is context. When I wrote this we had family members that literally wouldn't see us because we weren't vaccinated. I wasn't trying to argue the vaccines were a tool of the devil boiling us from the insides, I was trying to illustrate how an infinitely rational person (and everyone who knows me knows I'm rational) could very easily make the decision to skip this experiment in "warp-speed" drug testing/approvals.

In the current context, where most everyone agrees the vaccines are a net zero, at best, I realize it hits a little different.

That said, one of the points IS to illustrate how broken our medical system is. Prior to 2016 there is ZERO chance this drug is approved. I cant even fathom getting a drug approved based on a trial where total hospitalizations and total deaths were worse in the treatment arm AND the drug's pretend efficacy declined so rapidly before the end of the insanely short trial they were already arguing that "boosters" would be needed to regain initial dose efficacy. The whole thing literally reads like a bad joke.

And that part I do think is important. Everyone screams about RTC's, and it's impossible to "prove" the vaccines have increased all-cause mortality and they're right - there's no way I could make that claim. But believing that Pfizer run RTC's are, in any way, related to what we think of as RTC's, is also a joke. My simple analysis of trend line data vs introduction of new factors, and comparisons across segmentation in country's that report it accurately (the UK used to have great data before the story got so bad they had to pull it - follow donwolt on Twitter for great analysis of the UK data) is infinitely more defensible then a "RTC" for a drug where no testing was done of the actual participants in the trial.

And I don't mean this as an insult, but I can guess your age from your commentary. The biggest thing the comments section of The Free Press is helping us shake out is how much more institutional trust was born into prior generations and how much it has COMLETLEY evaporated for much of the Millennial (and more recent) generations. You, likely, had a number of what felt like positive institutional moments in your life - the end of the Cold War being huge in that regard. I did not. My entire life has been institutional failure after institutional failure. There is ZERO benefit of the doubt, and, at this point, it's probably even worse than that and I automatically assume the worse, because that's what our institutions in the US have earned.

As a quick aside - there's nothing I like more than when people scream that what's wrong with the US is because of "capitalism." We are "capitalist" in that every economy every anywhere is capitalist, but modern US market dynamics are closer to full scale socialism than maybe any macro-economy ever with the exception of modern day China. And the medical industry is the best example. There is not a single aspect of the medical industry that isn't centrally planned. The loans to get kids through college/med-school, the grants to perform research, the grants to prepare trials, the MASSIVE regulation around insurance, I could go on and on. We don't have a free market, and because we don't have a free market OF COURSE the money we spend on health care continues to sky rocker while the quality continues to crater. That's what happens when there's no impetus to match supply and demand. We supply what's fun and and easy and the government will pay for and completely ignore demand all together.

Anyway, sorry for the diatribe, but Big Pharma, and the state, frankly, are in the "Tyson Zone" for me. There's nothing you could tell me they did that on purpose, or data they ignored, or mistakes they made, that I'd dismiss out of hand. Because that's what they've earned.

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Where's the data? Because I'm looking at CDC data and it doesn't show this at all.

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Read the article. I cite every bit of data I reference. I also just literally pointed to euromomo where the macro data on all cause mortality changes , across EU reporting entities, lives.

The goal isn’t to convince you I’m right - or, as other commentators have suggested, that I’m not a horrible evil person who is personally responsible for every person on earth’s death - it’s just to illustrate the thought process of people who may have a different perspective.

As note, prior to 2020, the CDC took more than 2 full years to close the books on all cause mortality summaries. You can go find the summary analysis and look at when they were published and the year they covered. The US does not have any form of central reporting database - we aren’t universally connected to healthcare systems or local/state mortality database and we exclude all non-citizens from our reporting, a larger and larger part of the total population living in, and dying in, the US each year. US data is, at best, worthless, and at worse purposefully manipulated.

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deletedJan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023
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If they were more honest they would have changed their policies and recommendations as new information came in. They didn’t. That’s why we can’t trust them. Is not because they tried and were imperfect. It’s because they tried and didn’t change course when they were past the initial “must do something” stage.

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Sounds like you should move. And I mean this honestly. I moved during the pandemic because I believe in the importance of democracy. My old community genuinely believed schools should be closed, so they closed them. My perspective isn’t more important than theirs so their democratic decision to close schools should be honored. So I moved somewhere where the schools were open , somewhere that shared my values and perspective. I wasn’t right and my old community wasn’t wrong - I did what was right for me and those who shared my perspective, and we democratically decided the school should be open, and they did what was right for them and those who shared that perspective, and democratically decided their schools should be closed.

You want totalitarianism in the face of a virus you think might be dangerous you should move to somewhere where people agree with you. That’s the beauty of freedom - you can have what you desire… and so can I.

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Actually moving to a community where schools were reopened -- that was right, not just an opinion. And lo and behold, the CDC's own guidance from summer 2020 on said exactly that -- no reason to keep schools closed. But the teachers' unions and the illiterate media had other ideas, as did the politicians beholden to them.

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deletedJan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023
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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

COVID was always here to stay, like almost all communicable diseases, especially one so contagious. You'd need a vaccine at the level of effectiveness of the polio or smallpox shots (perfectly sterilizing) to reach a different situation.

Given the real but limited effectiveness of the vaccines, prevention of severe illness and death, and slowing the spread, were always the only realistic goals. Like the flu, this one was destined to spread until everyone had some natural immunity. This is what the real public health experts were saying from the beginning. The media and politicians tried to bulldoze them.

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Wow. It wasn’t ever going to go away. It was always here forever. I am very aware that it is painful to see one’s own experts’ faults. Doesn’t mean it’s not true.

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Trust the tobacco companies.

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Yes, the whole “ causation” red herring started there.  Strictly speakIng, under the current CDC and NIH  approaches to vaccines, even smoking would not cause cancer either because: 1.not all smokers get cancer and 2.many non-smokers also get cancer. Initial correlation makes it more likely to see some causation but follow up is needed. When authorities refuse to actually follow up, to understand the modality of the Disease (eg autopsies etc) it’s not fair to argue that “there are no follow up studies proving causation”. 

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That’s exactly what this looks like

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That’s like the SEC asking Madoff if he is doing anything illegal in 2006.

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Or asking Joe Biden’s lawyers if there are any classified documents in Joe’s house. :)

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Which it did for awhile.

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Pence has 'em too. I think they all have them. They got mixed up with the love letters from their mistresses and were taken home :)

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Think part/much of the issue is overclassification of gubmint docs

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I think they all have them.too.

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All Presidents for sure do.

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You're just a conspiracy theorist. What would companies making billions have to gain from being less than truth full or covering their eyes and ears and saying they don't see anything. Aside from all the times they have been caught and fined for doing the exact same thing and killing thousands, and the fact that governments are funneling money to them at a rate never before seen in history I can't think of any incentive for these truly altruistic organizations to lie. Pharmaceutical companies are the only companies filled with saints, not like all other greedy capitalists who are solely responsible for inflation and poverty.

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Exactly, classic fox guarding the henhouse analogy.

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Yes, Pfizer has blood on its hands for sure.

I knew Pfizer lied through its teeth when shortly after the November 2020 election (rather than before) it announced that the vaccine was ready to be released. This was political and criminal.

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Good point.

I first lost confidence in our health authorities over the promotion of Gender Ideology and "necessary life saving affirmative medicine" (drugs and mutilation) for children. There's tons of money to be made by pharma and doctors by making lifetime patients. It is now "abuse" to keep kids away from this. Who profits? Not the child who will wake up broken some day.

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This is why I pay close attention to data from Europe, Israel, et al. Also, take a look at the FDA and CDC's web sites. There are often remarkable discrepancies between public statements of senior people at both places and the content of the web sites. The latter has been reviewed and edited, usually multiple times, and is presumably more reliable. The red meat handed out to the media is almost always less reliable.

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I saw Chris Hayes last night opining on how everyone needs to run out immediately and get the booster. No mention of European countries de-recommending it for under 50. He is really just a corporate shill at this point.

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The message is clear from Dr. Bhattacharya and these two doctors: the Covid booster has been very effective in preventing death and serious illness in the elderly and in those with underlying conditions, but it’s not necessary for younger healthier people.

Because of skepticism regarding government policies like lockdown and facemasks, people are turning to unscientific, unverified, anecdotal at best, Substack quacks who fuel the flames with crazy talk for their, conspiracy-believing subscribers. But these doctors have poured cold water on the outrageous claims about serious adverse effects, sudden death, etc.

And yet, there will be many who read these highly credible doctors’ comments and with a wave of their hand dismiss them as “being in on it“. To them I ask, do you also think the moon landing was staged?

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I completely agree with the lack of accountability on this as well as the US being an outlier on pretty much all things related to Covid and children.

But one question that I haven't heard addressed is, how do we know these incidences of Myocarditis are due to the vaccines and not contracting Covid itself?

Myocarditis can occur from contracting the virus too (as well as other viruses) and these cardiac issues may be due to Covid circulating so widely now vs at the start of the pandemic when we were all on lockdown. I remember when reports of Myocarditis came out in 2020. (I had a 5 month old baby at the time, so was really paying attention to reports concerning young children). It's true that almost all of them recovered fully, so I agree that the risk to young kids is extremely low, but I don't understand how we distinguish between the 2 possible causes, especially since young kids who get Covid often don't even know that they got it and these reactions typically come after the virus is no longer detectable on tests. Am I missing something here?

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

"Why is the public turning to ominous explanations for tragedies like Damar Hamlin’s collapse?"

For the same reason that people doubt everything what MSM publicizes, years of lies and mass misinformation. That worked easily before the internet, but now system is breaking, and government and big tech is trying everything to suppress flow of information.

Turning point for many was probably Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein situation. According to Media and Politicians the largest pedophile ring in history was busted. In realty you need to be naïve to believe official story of Epstein killing himself in high security prison while guards were browsing Amazon and all cameras were broken.

Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted for sex trafficking but somehow we have no idea who were the clients, and not of actual pedophiles ended in prison????

After this stated, gee why is public turning to ominous explanations ?

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Yes but Trump is racist.

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But he does appear to enjoy their company. Just sayin..

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well it's only misinformation when it goes against the MSM. Funny thing about mis/dysinformation is the definition only goes one way.

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Raziel, Epstein killing (or not) himself doesn't have very much to do with Covid and Americans' distrust of governmental institutions, does it?

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Are you sure? The possibility that Epstein was murdered to protect certain people on his client list suggests powerful people acting in the shadows. It suggests that we cannot trust those who have power. That is very much related to the issue of both government institutions and the official messaging about Covid (and the vaccine).

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Am i sure? No one is.

Judging by the many women (and men) who pop out of the shadows after decades accusing men of sexual misdeeds, there should (or perhaps will) be dozens waiting in the wings to reveal themselves being victimized by Epstein and his pals. Killing Epstein won't stop them, imo.

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I was just thinking that she has given lists to people she trusts to be published if she bites the dust in a ‘suicide’. That could be the only thing keeping her alive.

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Unless I missed something, the media has not widely reported on the fact that Denmark and the U.K. are not recommending boosters for people under 50. To me, this seems like a major news story, especially since many colleges are not only recommending but mandating the booster. Another example, to me, of selective and biased reporting.

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I live in New Jersey and at least once a month I get a text about free boosters. I'm sure it's only a coincidence that Big Pharma is big business in the state and makes big campaign contributions to the pols pushing boosters.

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Unless the texts are coming from Medicare(they nag) this sounds like a HIPAA violation to me. And how it is determined that you even got the original vaccines as they are hawking a booster.

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Probably not. They blast the same texts to everybody, even the unvaccinated. I get texts for example to get a pneumonia vaccine even though I've already had it. I just assume I'm on a mass text blast list.

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You’re right.

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Actually, I take that back about Medicare. They send emails.

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I was double vaxed with Moderna so they have my info. It was either get jabbed or wear a mask every time I stepped out of my office.

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I only got vaccinated because my husband chose to get vaccinated so he wouldn't have to wear a mask all day. Since I have type 1 diabetes, I wasn't willing to take the chance that he would catch it at work (he deals with long-haul truckers all day) and bring it home to unvaccinated me.

Of course, we both got omicron a year ago anyway. If I had it to do over, I think I would have refused the vaccine.

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Chances are I already had Covid before the shot it and my big gripe is they didn't care if you already had immunity from exposure. The cat's out of the bag and sooner or later we're all gonna get it. Rather than chasing the last variant with a constant stream of boosters the CDC should focus on therapeutics but my guess is there isn't any money in it so I'm not holding my breath.

In any event, I'm not getting jabbed again. I read that the boosters focus your immune system on the "last" variant and weakens its response to the current one. Instead I'll rely on my immune system from now on. I think the best thing you can do is eat well, exercise regularly, practice good hygiene and avoid being in crowded close quarters.

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You are likely on to something. I am in Texas and I don't receive those texts. Perhaps others can weigh in. Who are they coming from?

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I was going to respond that I can't say who the messaging is coming from because I instantly delete them but lo and behold I just got another one. It specifically references the Moderna updated bivalent booster and lists a location to get jabbed. It also states there is no cost. At the end it says "this is a message from the NJ Dept of Health.

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We might trust government and other officials more if they came clean when they made a mistake and said three simple words:"I was wrong." And then three more:"I am sorry."

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And then three more: "And I resign."

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Yeah, "I resign." Screw being "sorry."

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If Trump had won in 2020 (some here think he did) should he have resigned in 2021? After all, he spearheaded the vaccine.

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If he and his appointees had, for example, insisted on mandating vaccines for the military after it was clear the vaccines did not prevent infection or transmission, then yes.

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Since it's all hypothetical, no one will ever know..

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The article casually mentions hundreds of thousands of deaths from lockdowns. For no benefits to anyone but the richest of the rich.

Apologies are not enough. Not for the health officials, the propagandists, or the politicians who supported these atrocities.

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That's the real story. The lockdowns have impacted a much broader audience and in a much more lethal and long lasting way than Myocarditis. My pronouns are much less nuanced than Musk's "Prosecute/Fauchi"

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I get your point and agree but myocarditis is pretty serious even to those who survived it. My question is what is that spike protein going to do long-term to those vaccinated? My instinct is this is only beginning and the nothing-to-see-here-move along crowd is at fault.

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I would submit perhaps more significantly, the lockdowns impacted a much broader audience than the virus itself. the purported cure (which wasn't a cure at all) was worse than the disease.

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The article dealt specifically with the physical impact of vaccinations and the resultant degradation of public trust in our health institutions, hence my reference to Myocarditis. I agree the overall negative impacts of the lockdowns are staggering and would add, to this date have been inadequately quantified. A point which Anthony raised and to which I responded.

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Which is why screeching for" Covid amnesty" is the height of foolishness. Unless we investigate and punish all the lies, coercion and stupidity, we will never change behavior or get accountability.

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"Unless we investigate and punish all the lies, coercion and stupidity ..."

That will never happen. However, that doesn't mean that people have to forget it all or cease to hold it against the people who made the decisions.

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Ask yourself why "it will never happen."

In fact, why isn't the entire world demanding an investigation of China for their role in developing, releasing, spreading and lying about the virus? It is literally "the crime of this century" and they, so far, have gotten away with it.

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"why isn't the entire world demanding an investigation of China"

Bruce I think a lot of us have a pretty good idea how Covid was developed and Fauci's fingerprints are all over it. We mere plebes can demand away but the Deep State has the facts locked down tighter than Fauci's sphincter will be should he ever get sent to prison.

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I have been thinking about this and I suspect the truth is that China was doing Fauci's (indirect) bidding. He was actively pursuing gain of function research by funding it in a foreign locale because he could not do it here.

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Oh man, this. When China shut down their incoming flights but kept the outbound flights open, with full knowledge of viral spread, and then publicly said, "don't close borders because racism is more dangerous than a virus" it was clear they were infecting the planet on purpose.

And they did it with the full support of the WHO and CDC who parroted their words verbatim. Because the Director General of the WHO got his position thanks to the CCP.

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And why did Fauci screech in early January 2020 that the Chinese were being "fully transparent" when they clearly were not.

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Yep, that was when I immediately knew he was lying and was politically compromised. And watching the MSM turn him into a celebrity god-figure made it that much worse. The "thank you Dr. Fauci" signs that popped up all over my neighborhood were creepy as hell.

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The Chinese have never been fully transparent on anything!

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covid... fentanyl... tiktok... there's a bit of a pattern when it comes to the CCP and we are on the receiving end of it. but nothing to see here folks!

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Fauci's finger is in covid. And I begin to suspect that American elected officials are beholden to the cartels. Nothing else makes sense.

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Bruce, you know as well as I that China will never ever be forthcoming. No one will ever know. I wouldn't be surprised if they've gutted the innards of that building. There's opaque. And then there's China.

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I sometimes ask questions like that. Then someone asks me, "What's for dinner?" or "Where are my underwear?"

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Be careful what you wish for Bruce. Removing qualified immunity from public servants will create incentives to not perform. I believe this alternative is worse than having a few useless bureaucrats.

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Nice try, no sale.

Public "servants" do not treat the populace like servants and serfs. Lying, dissembling, hectoring, demanding and punishing. If you think that behavior is acceptable, that violating our Constitution and their public duties is ok, then we do not share common ground on this.

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"...OUR Constitution..." Yep.

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Assuming a typo in line 2.

It’s unfortunate you have experienced this type of attitude from public servants. Was it firemen? Military personnel? EMS?

My point is you paint with an irrationally broad brush. We can excise cancerous cells without killing the organism. That requires some discernment on target selection.

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A “few useless bureaucrats”?

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Few. Several. A number of. A non-significant group. Whatever. It’s a figure of speech.

It has been my experience that the vast majority of folks make a good faith effort to perform their duties diligently and conscientiously.

No I do not enjoy visiting the DMV. But it’s also unfair to extrapolate from high visibility ass-covering individuals to an entire population.

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The only person that I have heard say those words, “I was wrong” and then offered an apology for not researching more carefully was Nellie Bowles in a TGIF comments section.

It was so unheard of and very refreshing!

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If I get to pick what Anthony Fauci is forced to say publicly I’m going with

🎶My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard🎶

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Maybe, but frankly it's time we all stopped being fools. Individuals in government may be great people, but the organization itself is incentivized to become evil when drawn out in every logical direction. Without strict rules, which we adhere to, which defines it's access to recourses and it's limits on power it must become diseased and sick, as it is now. Without those controls anyone who trusts a system destined to become evil is engaging in magical thinking.

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I have really been thinking about this ALOT. This is a/the/one of - the "black holes" of the human condition that history never learns from.

I wish I had an answer...

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Truth will be revealed. I don’t think this particular essay will age well. The shots don’t work, and the risks outweigh the benefits for anyone. I’ll admit it if I’m wrong.

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I'd really like to see Bari publish from someone other than Vinay Prasad on these questions. I follow Prasad on both his Substacks and have a lot of respect for his willingness to callout the public health agencies and their stupidity. But he isn't the only expert worth listening to. I'd like to see the Free Press pose this question of sudden deaths to Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a highly respected cardiologist from the UK. He was an early loud proponent of the shots and yet has followed the data and changed his mind, recently calling for a halt to the program. His review of the clinical trial data, published in a peer reviewed journal recently, showed that serious adverse events were 1 in 800—an astronomically high number given the hundreds of millions of people taking these injections worldwide.

Please Bari, let more than your go-to medical experts have a crack at this in your publication.

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Absolutely agree. Ask Dr. Aseem Malholtra or even Dr. Peter McCullough to weigh in on this topic. I am a "cut to the chase" kinda of person and I feel like Prasad is trying to soften the situation with mixed messaging.

I am not sure I believe Damar Hamlin who had an obvious near death experience is all well now, well enough to attend football games. I feel like we are being fooled on that one. I am open to all ideas though. And I can admit when I am wrong.

We are being manipulated in some unbelievable crazy ways right now and we should all be paying very close attention to what is being said and what is not being said.

I personally know several people with injuries from the vax and a few who have died suspiciously. I think at this point, we all do. They wants us to believe those real world examples don't matter or count. They want us to stay in the trance and believe them, not our own eyes. Sorry, but I am not going back to sleep now. I didn't trust pharma or most doctors before 2020 and it's not likely I will ever again.

They have outdone themselves this time;

using FEAR to gain compliance to experiment on people who under normal circumstances would have not complied.

Now, that is diabolical and if you can't see that, you have bigger things to FEAR than a virus with a 99.2% survival rate.

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Agree. Bari should know not to trust the establishment. Medical, media, education...all the same. Vinay is still entrenched.

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I think Vinay is missing the boat. People like Bret Weinstein, and now Aseem Mulhotra, have been/are way out in front because they are willing to focus on the system, and in particular its corrupt incentive structure, that inevitably put us in this situation—inevitable in the evolutionary sense: that a system that rewards behavior A and punishes behavior B will inevitably result in the outcomes downstream of behavior A. I'm only 45 minutes into their conversation, but it's much deeper and wider and more useful than this effort by Prasad and Mandrola to critique the public health bureaucrats in hopes of reviving the system that's brought us here. They need to step outside of it and ponder the bigger picture.


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Bret and Heather have been my sanity check throughout this entire saga. These are the conversations that count. IMO. ;)

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I don't believe that Vinay is entrenched as much as he's waiting on studies that support conclusions. I think many, myself included, are very skeptical that such studies are not already available.

It really a shame we don't know the real cause of all the increased deaths (drugs, suicides, heart, stroke, ete.) so we can make draw some fact based conclusions.

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I don't think he's entrenched in the sense of carrying water for Pharma, but he seems stuck on the assumption that the underlying problem is that public health and regulatory officials are terrible at their jobs.

That's true, but the bigger question is: Why?

I think Vinay doesn't recognize the scope of malfeasance, doesn't see that structural corruption is being exploited for profit while hiding behind the banner of "Science" and "medicine."

I'd think anyone running a legitimate population-wide medical experiment would have a data collection system set up to trigger an autopsy for every sudden unexplained death. But what we have is many thousands of deaths and a striking dearth of curiosity among the people tasked with public health and safety regarding why. Seriously, nobody needs to lean into conspiracy-thinking to find that odd. And suspect.

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Here is a good snapshot and a fantastic resource to follow on Twitter. He's using ICD codes from the CDCs website to map causes of deaths and has even noticed some fraud there as well. Check out his Twitter feed:


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Couldn’t say it better myself! Vinay is willing to call his side out but his side still likes every drug and every medical intervention. IMO he still doesn’t have enough humility for how complicated the systems they are interfering in are. Nor have they covered excess death or diminished birth rates. Really makes me sad that they won’t ask questions. Maybe it’s all bull shit but at least research it!

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Totally fair. I’m highly biased by his discussion of vaccines.

I’m definitely following these European deaths. It just amazes me that the answer to everything is reserve judgement until we study it and then they never study it. Great tactic I guess

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Meanwhile so many line up for Boosters. My friends 17 year old son developed petit mal seizures a few weeks after his 4th shot - the booster. She warned him not to get any and he listen to his father instead. Both the husband and the son have had terrible side effects. They don't correlate it though. Crazy times.

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I recommend John Campbell from the UK, whose YouTube series has been my best source of objective, reliable and reasonable scientific data since the beginning of the pandemic.

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Leah, your comment is interesting in that the article's message was not entirely to your liking. It wasn't to mine either (for different reasons). You apparently want to see the perspective that conforms to the narrative you already believe in. You want confirmation. (At least it appears that way..).

Your example of Aseem Malholtra is based on the premise that you already agree with what you expect him to write. The truth is out there, somewhere, but if it eventually comes from a source not preordained by either the establishment medical community, or the sources so many here want to cite - then we might want to be prepared to accept it.

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"You apparently want to see the perspective that conforms to the narrative you already believe in. You want confirmation."

Actually what I want is wider circulation of that view so that we get actual public dialogue between people who think like Vinay and those who think like Malhotra. I'd love to see what those two come up with in a debate or conversation on topics re: Covid and the shots. Since I've been following Vinay for the last couple years (first via YouTube, and then on Substack) I'm well aware of his perspective in general terms, and there is a lot I appreciate about it even though I think he doesn't get the whole picture. So yes, I definitely have a bias and Aseem Malhotra's perspective is closer to mine, but I have plenty of confirmation for my biases already. What I'd like is to have is my bias challenged by proxy—ie. by dialogue between "experts" I agree with and those I don't. I'd like to see people whose perspectives I share (mostly, if not entirely) given space in publications like this so the whole dialogue can move forward, and the truth can come to light. If I end up proven wrong by facts I don't currently see, so be it. But we need more people with deep knowledge and experience and differing perspectives talking and debating.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

Nice of you to respond, Leah.

I totally agree that differing and contrasting positions publicly debated on the efficacy, usefulness and possible danger of the vaccine(s) is warranted. We must have one. But i would humbly add that not only the mainstream medical establishment (CDC, NIH, etc..) and the growing amount of outlier medical opinions be involved - we must also include the hundreds of political actors involved from that critical month of February 2020 right up until today. From all over the world.

We often forget, now almost three years later, how mysterious and fearful this coming 'red' Covid tide emanating from China was viewed. It was practically hysterical from governments. No medical analysis now on who was right, who was wrong, was it draconian or was it not - can be complete without the point of view on the ground at that moment in time at the very beginning and the ensuing months. Because it was at that inflection point when medical opinions were changing, sometimes publicly, in real time. Fear claimed the narrative. People were dropping like flies. ER's were overwhelmed.

It was that fear that pushed governments around the world to search for a vaccine. That must be remembered when doing a post mortem on the response.

All governments saw was a pandemic on the scale of 1918-19. And that fear all but obscured what could have been other therapies as good or better.

Basically what I'm saying is that this discussion, all of it surrounding Covid vaccines, must be viewed with a historical perspective. This is much larger than the medical community, and Big Pharma, for that matter. It is emotional and political as well.

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Well, I will say you have a much kinder view of what motivated governments and their public health apparatuses (apparati?) than I do. I think the fear was deliberately stoked towards excessiveness exactly so this opportunity of a pandemic(!!) could be harnessed to advance power and profits. I think the historical perspective that would emerge if we were given ALL the surrounding facts is that while there were very many good people working within our corrupted systems, doing their best with the facts as they knew them, there were many well-positioned politicos and profiteers who had important information they withheld (and lies they fed) in order to manipulate, for their own ends, the situation they were largely responsible for creating.

The fact is, there are many people from inside the medical industrial complex who have tried to sound the alarm over recent decades (including two former editors of top journals—the NEJM and BMJ) regarding Pharma capture of peer review and regulatory agencies, but our MSM, which also should have been sounding that alarm, had meanwhile begun taking Pharma advertising $$ at alarming rates, disincentivizing (conveniently) any investigative journalism that would have exposed the corruption. The propaganda we saw in full force during Covid (that anyone who questions the authorities' Narrative is a quack/conspiracy monger) has been underway for decades, despite the fact that there are plenty of available facts to show what a fraud that is and has always been.

Doctors like Malhotra, who can be moved by curiosity and led by data to change position on Covid vaccine safety and policy, are people who deserve to be platformed because they are willing to risk torpedoing their reputations and careers in the cause of truth-seeking. If we're pursuing historical perspective, let's not forget that history demonstrates that those who censor are never on the side of truth.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

You say I have a kind view towards what motivated governments etc.. You, on the other hand, state that the fear was deliberateIy stoked. When would that have been? When the first person came off a jet in LA from China? When Trump was saying it would be only a handful of deaths, and that everything would be contained? When ER's started blowing up? Are you saying that this pandemic was blown out of proportion?

I would say that your view would constitute a very high confidence on your part in forces pulling together purposely to create a combined malfeasance, organized and abetted by not only a pharmaceutical behemoth out of control, but as well, for the first year at least, a Republican Administration (here in the States), guided by an authoritarian medical establishment which established a narrative that pushed out all others, of which a compliant mainstream media apparatus was only happy to oblige in. Never mind social media. That is one hell of a lot of complicity in favour of vaccines and orthodoxy. Don't you think?

How do you keep everybody on board? Where are all the hundreds of defections from Republicans who were part of the Trump Administration agreeing with you? Or all the politicians who bought into the lock downs? And the trillions of dollars spent?

The kind of narrative you're spinning I reject simply because, and I'm sorry in a way to say it, we as Americans are too stupid to have done it. No one can organize anything in this country, let alone some kind of opportunistic attempt for profit making and even more government overreach.

We screwed up everything because, well, we screwed up. We're idiots. I do not think there is a there there.

(Notice I did not say conspiracy theory..)

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With you 100 per cent!!! In my opinion this is the Free Press greatest challenge at this moment. We shall see if Bari and her team are up to it...I sincerely hope they will!

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Just a comment on this publication: what a masterful job of tip-toeing through the minefields. There is no way to avoid completely alienating one side or the other of the "vaccine" debate; or so I thought. Sticking to the facts and not toppling over to one side or the other was the way to go and these two managed it. I feel better informed and not too propagandized. Thanks.

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Agree, Willie. The hard anti-mRNA crowd will roll their eyes. The hard pro-mRNA crowd will, too. But a hard-nosed survey of the evidence by a person with the skills to do so responsibly lets everyone survey the situation for themselves. That’s more persuasive than any Tucker screed or Fauci bullshitting will ever be.

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It’s not really mRNA if you only use pseudouridine in the construction so that it doesn’t degrade, which is what they did.

I had to apologize to my parents because early on I told them the vaccine is probably fine because of how RNase works. Obviously I was unaware at the time that they had made the mRNA enzyme-proof.

People who continue to dose with it will all develop immunodeficiency.

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Below: mRNA is making some people's bodies spike protein factories. With terms like "hard-wired" and "immune imprinting" The mRNA experiment is destroying people's immune systems over time. People need their immune systems to be on guard.

A great example of "hard-wired" to the original stain for those that don't understand it, (I am sure this audience will, but many normies will not) What this means is the mRNA has taught the immune system to look for RED and now that is all it does. BLUE, GREEN, and YELLOW all get by without your immune system noticing them. *You can fill in disease and viruses where I used colors. It takes the P53 and the BRCA genes off the job so that some cancers get by without being stopped. And if you are someone who has had or was fighting cancer before the shot, you could be in a worse situation as a result. We have all heard of a family member who was in remission and after 2 or 3 even 4 doses their cancer accelerated and they succumb. Why are people in denial of what is happening?

It's clearly destroying some people's immune systems. This is evident in how some people 6 to 7 months after their last shot or booster often get very sick and can't seem to get well. They become chronically sick. We have all heard about family members or friends who have had up to 4 shots and are now always sick. They have crushing fatigue and seem to always have a cold. It's causing VAIDS. So many independent doctors, scientists, researchers are talking about this openly. Dr. Meryl Nass is one of them. She has website where she is sharing her research or seek out any podcast with her. She's brilliant.

Below is an excerpt from the WSJ article and the link to the actual article.

People are in absolute denial.

"The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Sunday took vaccine makers and federal agencies to task for pushing the bivalent COVID-19 boosters without having any data to demonstrate that they are either safe or effective.

Second, the vaccines have “hard-wired” people’s immune systems against the original strain, so they “churn out fewer antibodies that neutralize variants targeted by updated vaccines.”

The authors hypothesized that immune imprinting “may pose a greater challenge than is currently appreciated for inducing robust immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants,” Finley explained."


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Long term immunodeficiency has been my number one concern from the outset. There's no safety data on it whatsoever.

Just one of many reasons for my horror at seeing these shots forced upon people under duress, and shoved in toddlers and children whose immune systems are developing.

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What is the evidence, or even just the theory, behind the idea that the vaccines may cause long term immunodeficiency? Not saying this as a gotcha - I just haven't heard that claim before and I'm interested in the source.

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I'm not in any way a medical scientist, so this is only coming from my own reason and what I've learned through the pandemic. Despite that sounding weak, I can prove that I was warning people of pandemic precautions several months before the CDC announced the same things.

The mRNA vaccines use RNA to program cells to reproduce the spike protein that characterizes the Sars-Cov-2 virus. Unlike traditional vaccines, they don't introduce the inert virus itself. The concern is that this will train the immune system to attack the body's own cells, especially if they continue to produce the spike protein over the long term.

It also derives from my understanding that in recent years there has been a surge in autoimmune disorders unexplained by medical science. It's extremely hard to pinpoint a cause of something that manifests slowly over time.

To be clear, it's a concern, not an evidence-based theory. The immune system is one of the most complex and poorly understood parts of the body, and we're tampering with the development of that system in children with no safety studies on the long term effects.

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Hello Lucille,

The mRNA vaccines cause spike protein to be produced by your own cells and they are presented to your immune system as such which tells your immune system that those cells are infected and must be destroyed. Once you do that enough it tells your body that you are killing too many of your own cells.

This is why you have elevated IgG4 levels in people who have received multiple doses. Elevated IgG4 indicates your body is actively downgrading its immune response. This is found in cystic fibrosis for example.

This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the mRNA was made artificially durable by adding pseudouridines which means you have more instances of your body attacking itself.

If you took one or two shots you are probably fine. Just don’t take any more.

There is a nasal vaccine which makes more sense and also the adenovirus viral vector vaccine which doesn’t have these problems.

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There’s a lot we didn’t know then. There’s probably a lot we still don’t know. I’ve also had to revise my own previously-optimistic statements with parents and friends.

Yet, I think the point about persuasion stands. Once people awaken to the idea that the shadows on the cave wall are in fact shadows and not reality, they go searching.

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Like so many other fields, medicine has been infected by ideology. There’s no vaccine to prevent that.

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I think the problem goes deeper than ideology. The system itself is intrinsically structured to promote profit over health. I highly recommend taking 12 minutes to listen to this clip of Bret Weinstein's conversation with cardiologist Aseem Malhotra looking at *how* we've ended up in this surreal situation where a risky shot that is undeniably useless is being pushed by helath authorities on people who are more likely to be harmed than helped by it.


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This "profit over health" situation has been going on much longer than most suppose--over a hundred years. In the 1910s, the AMA engaged in regulatory capture to put homeopathic hospitals and medical schools out of business.

Think what you will about homeopathy, the reality was that it was more popular with the public because it did less active harm than the mainstream medical practices of the 19th century. Ironically, even as homeopathy was being murdered by the AMA, homeopathic doctors were saving more influenza victims in 1919.

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Amen, sister! 🙌🏻

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Covid, or any legitimate American social/political concern will be/was/is captured and exploited for political/financial gain while being weaponized for maximum obfuscation, confusion and propagandist bludgeoning of the American citizen and the suppression of the rational national dialogue that would put the solutions on the table necessary to create the brighter American future we all deserve.

American industry and the American economy were intentionally looted and gutted by international financier's with the help of Wall Street, the Clinton DNC and the Bush administration's. ("The greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history.") It's ongoing. An example: Blackrock and Vanguard capital are buying up 25 square block section's of residential properties across America to be converted into exorbitant rental's. By extension, ultimately, through supply chain manipulation, wage suppression and the subversion of American education every dollar made will belong to totalitarian capital. Total enslavement.

Our tax dollars and our personal wealth are being stolen and transferred outside of America. Our experienced chaos, disintegration and collapse of American infrastructure is intentional. Having looted and destroyed it, totalitarian finance no longer considers America a good investment. Beside's, American's and their silly sense of freedom is in the way.

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Your analysis is terrifying—and right on the money, I’m afraid. As long as up is down, black is white and virtue is deplorable it’s hard to see how we regain our strength, cohesion and pride in our national goodness.

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Do the work

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Anyone that still trust the US government has lost the plot. They lie so often on so many topics it is hard to keep track.

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And they worked with social media to control what we can know. Where has that story gone? Violating 1st amendment is now a shrug?

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They had no problem violating the First, Second, Fourth and Firth Amendments, Which makes them our implacable enemies. Unless, of course, you hate America.

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I appreciated this piece by two well-credentialed doctors.

Setting aside the issue of blatant dishonesty among public health officials and politicians pushing an agenda, to the profit of Big Pharma, my uncredentialed takeaway is that the Covid “vaccines” are simply not recommended for most people when all risks are weighed. Ask a doctor you can trust, but the advice seems to be to get vaccinated if you’re elderly or immuno-compromised; otherwise, don’t bother.

One specific note: These authors write that a claim by Tucker Carlson, repeating that of cardiologist Peter McCullough regarding a spike in deaths among vaccinated European athletes, had been “debunked.” But their link is to an AP story. AP has shown itself to be unreliably leftist. A dive into AP’s story reveals that “debunked” is too dismissive a word. “Inconclusive” would be more accurate.

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Yes, AP is part of the “trusted news initiative” (collusion being challenged in court by CHD) established in 2019 to oppose Trump and vaccine “disinformation”. They seem to get their talking points directly from the pharma industry’s public relations firms.

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Thank you! Every time I see the word "debunked" I cringe.

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I'm at the point that when i read "debunked" I believe it more. And if it's deemed "misinformation" it's probably true. After the last 3 years, i consider ithe US government to be the biggest purveyor of misinformation in my lifetime.

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Agreed -- there is a spike in athlete deaths and it is well documented. I didn't bookmark the article, but there was a chart that showed the average number of deaths per year of athletes while training or on the field and it skyrocketed in 2021. One study showed that 1 in 3000 men under 40 developed myocarditis or other serious hearth problems after the shot. Yet these are at low risk of dying from COVID. So why even risk it? Because this isn't mild -- once you have a heart condition, you have to be monitored and/or treated for life.

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The only thing that has been "debunked" (a favorite word for those looking to cover something up) is the legitimacy of the mainstream media, esp the AP.

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Thank you for the clarification.

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James Lyndsay’s fake research on “dog park rape culture” was peer reviewed and published.

Hearing that the CDC was recommending bivalent boosters for children over 6 months old was creepier than watching the planes fly into the towers.

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Rochelle Walensky's picture has been substituted for the definition of "creep" in Webster's dictionary.

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No that should be Fauci.

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Don’t know where you’ve been the last 3 years but some of us have been getting help from many of the people who have been correct all along and provided much help during this disaster. Most of these people were kicked off media a long time ago. Did you sign the Great Barrington Decleration when it was issued? If not then you are disqualified.

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Exactly. They are so entrenched in the medical establishment, they can’t even see their own biases. They will find out.

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I don't know that I agree with saying anyone who didn't sign the BGD is disqualified. Should they have signed it? I'd say yes. But if they've looked at the data in the last year and a half and changed their mind I have to give them props for it. Maybe a little late to the party but still willing to change their minds.

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Couldn’t agree more.

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"Cards on the table: We think the vaccines are an important tool for preventing severe illness and death among vulnerable people".

Every few months the narrative has changed from "you won't get covid or give it to anyone if you take this vaccine" to now "you will prevent severe illness and death". What's next, when we prove this too is a fabrication? The fact is, Pfizers own trials warned us of all the risks but they wanted those documents buried for 75 years. That alone should have tipped everyone off. Too much money has been made on the lives of others. It is time to call it.

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I think they did a good job balancing the discussion and bringing up topics for debate, but I completely agree -- if they shots don't stop infection and transmission they are not an important tool for anything. And if there is a risk (which we know there is, and it's being ignored), no one should be mandated to take them.

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I agree, Allison---they did a good job in this report. My question remains, and maybe you know this: the shots have proven to not stop infection and transmission. But do they reduce symptoms enough to keep Covid victims out of hospitals? If they do, then the shots have value. If they do not, the shots are criminal. Thoughts:

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I'll also add -- even if I grant that maybe the shots have some value to the very old, shouldn't they be allowed full-disclosure? That the virus in those over 70 (especially if they have serious co-morbidities) is dangerous and they have a 5% chance of serious illness or death if they get sick (and that 5% is high, but I like round numbers) BUT they also have a risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots with the vaccine ... a vaccine that doesn't stop them from getting the virus ... shouldn't they be able to decide what their risk factor is? Instead, we're urging FIVE SHOTS for a variant that isn't even in circulation anymore. Evidence has shown that the more shots, the more potential for adverse effects -- i.e. 2nd shot in young men, boosters in older people. And there is now some evidence that the bivalent booster may make you MORE susceptible to getting the virus because it suppresses your immune system. We don't KNOW because it was only tested on mice.

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Of course. Full disclosure of all known upsides and downsides should be mandatory.

Interesting (in a bad way) that hospitals quit reporting death data related to Covid and/or boosters. What are they hiding?

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This is the million dollar question (or, rather, the multi-billion dollar question.) I'm extremely concerned that they have hid so much of the data (as evident with the release of the Pfizer papers) that the so-called vaccines have a far worse safety profile than has been made public AND they are not releasing data even now. But the fact that they do not track the vaccinated status of people dying is part negligent and part difficult -- there is no centralized database, there were many pop-up clinics that didn't track this (just gave proof to the individual), and they don't even ask the question when people are admitted to the hospital. In the UK they DO have a centralized database, but they stopped tracking vaccine status in (I think) May of 2022 because they said that the anti-vaxxers were using the information to increase vaccine hesitancy (because the profile was that boosted people were hospitalized at higher rates than unvaccinated people.) I think Australia is still tracking and the numbers of pretty bad.

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We don't know because most hospitals have stopped reporting whether patients are vaccinated or not when they are hospitalized for COVID. Without that information, we can't possibly know. But we DO know that both vaccinated and unvaccinated have died from COVID. Thus, how can we mandate any shots on people when they don't stop transmission, don't stop you from getting sick, and people who are vaccinated still die from the virus?

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Once upon a time, this would have been called common sense:

"Cards on the table: We think the vaccines are an important tool for preventing severe illness and death among vulnerable people—particularly the elderly and those with certain underlying medical conditions. But we have been concerned that our federal officials recklessly continue to push for multiple Covid shots for everyone five years old and up, despite the growing evidence that these vaccines may not be appropriate for all. We are also concerned about the way side effects of the vaccine, particularly among young men, have been downplayed."

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It's still common sense that if you need an updated shot every year, what you are taking is not a "vaccine".

That's why Miriam Webster changed the definition of the word "vaccine".

"Make Orwell fiction again."

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" if you need an updated shot every year, what you are taking is not a "vaccine".

The annual flu shot has an efficacy is in the 30-40% range. Given the rapidity of Covid mutations, it's foolish to think annual Covid "boosters" will be even that effective. Not even the worst scumbag used car salesman could get away with selling a car that only starts 40% of the time.

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And no one is force feeding flu vaccines.

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That 30-40% disappears when you control for the difference in the populations. Said another way people who get the flu vaccine also do 30-40% better in unrelated health metrics.

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How do you know it was the shot that provided the "better" outcome? I haven't had the Flu in over 10 years and have never gotten a flu shot. So I could say that not getting a shot has been 100% effective for the last 10 years.

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I heard a commercial for the flu vaccine today. I guess it’s not a shot anymore, but a vaccine. not surprising.

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Qui bono.?

Vaccines that are used more sparingly are much less profitable. So we understand the reckless actions of Pfizer, Moderna, et. al. But why did our own government lie to us, mandate the vaccines and viciously pursue and punish those who demurred?

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Follow the money.

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Because. Their. Pockets.Were.Lined.

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I fail to see the common sense in that statement.

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Fact is the government lies so often and about everything. So trust in whatever they say is just so low.

Lies about classified, lies about Afghanistan and green energy. It’s no wonder that conspiracy theory and doubt runs rampant.

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And then they propose a Minister of Disinformation.

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Well they do need someone to write their material after all.

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I know all of the lies are dispiriting but when you get your next booster try screaming “Glory to Ukraine!!” as the needle goes in. It helps lighten the mood.

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thanks Kevin. I also find it helps to change my Facebook profile pic to the Ukrainian flag or my favorite “I got vaccinated!”

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The point is chaos.

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I can only comment for myself - healthy 65 year old male who worked out daily with a resting heart rate around 49 that didn’t change up or down more than a few bpm in the year I tracked it. Got the phizer vaccination in April after hearing over and over that my mild bought of COVID in January didn’t provide immunity; since the I have a resting heart rate that is all over the map; higher blood pressure and suffered a TIA that December. WTF!? Was it COVID? The vaccine? The combo? It’s hard being personally responsible when what you research/hear is so contradictory and no one seems honest about it.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

The minute they poo poo'd naturally immunity was the minute my antennae went up.....WAY up. I got Covid at age 57 in Nov '20. Wasn't more than a cold for me with some other weird symptoms like loss of smell/taste (healthy and work out daily like you.) I kinda wanted to get Covid, to be honest, because I knew that was the best way to get immunity. Never jabbed, never reinfected. I feel for you, RKO. Sorry.

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Recommending these shots for the covid recovered was malpractice. My brother was coerced by his employer. My niece was bullied by her OB/gyn. Thankfully, she held out. Unfortunately, I fell for the "high risk" recommendation & my elderly parents got the first 2 shots. Mom is likely injured. Dad's been sicker this year than he has in years. They've both had covid and took the meds that shall not be discussed. 89 yo and 80 yo. If they went to their establishment doctors tomorrow, their doctor would offer a booster.

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A bit older than you but a lifelong exercise addict and still surf and play competitive lacrosse. Got 2 doses of Pfizer vax followed by one booster. At Dr's recommendation got a calcium screening done last summer. Awful score in the 1000s. Told 90% risk of heart attack. Huh? Got echo/stress test done and scored in top 1% for age group. Cardiologist not too concerned but, seriously? A link? Color me suspicious.

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Dr. Aseem Malhotra is no fool. He's a well respected cardiologist in the UK. Same with Dr. Peter McCullough in the US Both are very concerned with the shots and cardiac issues and inflammation.

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Similar experience.

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I hear you. I have had a very good health history with no issues and am in my mid-50s. After the second Pfizer vaccine I endured elevated blood pressure and pulsative tinnitus in one ear for months. Its still not back to where it was before after 18 months. Although it can't be scientifically proven, I'm 100% sure it has something to do with spike proteins from these vaccines.

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And interesting on how it's the injured who have to prove it was vaccine-related.

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And who is even sure that stats are being collected and documented properly if at all. No more jabs for me. Striving each day to be on the asset side of the ledger.

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Fortunately for me, I stopped my Beastly Jabs at the first two, and I think I'll personally be OK. Hope so. Neither of my children - men near thirty years old each - has had even a single injection, so they should be fine, too. I've laid in a small supply of ivermectin for my family and neighbors.

Interestingly, the Masters of the Universe at Davos, who want us all "vaccinated," require un-vaccinated pilots for their private jets.

Several of my long-time friends went for the whole hog, though. The last I heard, Greg D. is in hospital, having suffered multiple strokes for which they have been unable to find a cause. For the vaccinated and chin-diapered sheep? Sorry, boys and girls; can't help you.

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Hey doc, what’s this I heard about pilots being allowed to have changes in their EKGs?

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Somehow my response got displaced below. Let me see if I can copy it to here. Here we go:

Often-subclinical (no symptoms) myocarditis (heart inflammation) is now a well-known sequela of "vaccination." (Quotation because it's not a vaccination.) Electrocardiograms are a requirement for first-class-physical pilot exams, required of pilots in air transport, and many are showing what's called a prolonged Q-T interval. There are detailed explanations on the Web, but suffice it to say that there are multiple problems associated with a long Q-T interval, including syncope. Not a good thing for a pilot. A news article this morning calls for the resignation of Susan Northrup, Federal Air Surgeon, who oversees pilot physicals. Apparently she did a stealth revision of EKG standards to allow pilots to pass their physical exams with EKG abnormalities.


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Thank you….and holy shit!

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God help us all. I don't see a way to reverse what's going on in this country. Or in the world, for that matter.

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Where did you hear about unvaccinated pilots forthe Davos scum

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I'm a private pilot myself, so I keep close watch on aviation news, and I scan general news every morning. It's pretty much everywhere - except of course, legacy media. Just now I just searched the terms "davos unvaccinated pilots" and pulled up dozens of references. A friend's son is an airline captain and confirmed, too.

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I did a search and pulled up articles saying the claim that Davos attendees hiring only unvaxxed pilots is not true, and the rumor started from an interview of a pilot done on Infowar (Alex Jones' site). Can you point to any aviation news source that confirms this? Your comment mentioned aviation news, but then immediately conflates with general news you scan every morning. I have no love lost for legacy media and definitely none for the Davos Masterminds. But this sounds like urban myth. Even if the vaccines don't work, what would be the point of the 1% to hire only the unvaxxed? It's not as if the vaccinated pilots would be more likely to be infected than the vaxxed ones.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

One need only to look at the title of the article for the reason why, and it's not that the pilots might infect them; however, latest reports indicate that the "vaxxed" ARE indeed more likely to be infected.

Although most of the higher-end private jets require two pilots, it is indeed true that they can always be landed by one, and the odds of two pilots slumping over at the controls simultaneously would be vanishingly rare. I suspect, though, that if happened to even one pilot, once they landed the Oh-So-Important passenger(s) might require surgery to pull the seat cushion out of their backsides.

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Saw the same info. No one wants their pilot dying mid flight

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I can't think of a scarier thing than being a passenger on a long overwater flight and having your pilot slump at the controls. The dying is probably not the worst part; it's the getting-around-to-dying.

Reminds me of the old joke: when I die, I want to go like my grandfather, quietly in my sleep.

Not screaming in terror, like the people in his car.

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"I can't think of a scarier thing than being a passenger on a long overwater flight and having your pilot slump at the controls"

Hopefully one of the passengers will have slept at a Holiday Inn the night before and can safely land the plane.

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There's a cool video out there, "Could a private pilot land an airliner in an emergency?"

Give me a nice long military runway, and I'll bet I could. Since a P.P. would be the passengers' only chance, what do they have to lose? It's got motors, don't it? It's got wings, don't it? It's an airplane.

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I feel bad for laughing at that!

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Well one thing we know for certain, it wasn’t the vaccines. Today I read that eggs cause blood clots. As long as the pilot avoids omelets, I guess it’s okay.

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A recent GrayZone ran a NATO clip that appeared at Davos outlining plans for the Ukraine to become the new center for the Davos/Blackrock/IMF/WEF/CCP utopian economic heaven. All electronic currency, total surveillance, etc. (The Zelensky family is receiving billions in Davos dollars.) The recent assault on Dutch farmers was to clear the way for building a Davos serving tri-country "city of the future". My gut was right about Covid and Twitter. It's telling me (because of the complete obfuscation of how American tax dollars are spent) that the transfer of billions to the Ukraine is prelude to the creation of a "new world reset" totalitarian expansionist model city. Before the war (Biden's involvement is interesting) the Ukraine was rumored to be the money laundering center for drug cartel and oligarchic cash. Davos openly brag's about its success in compromising elected political leadership across the world. The Republican Party is a weak vessel, but beyond the Constitution, it seems to be all we have.

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If it weren't so nauseating, it would be funny. The Left clutched its pearls about a Trump "pee tape" that didn't exist, a "Russian Collusion" that didn't exist, and a perfectly acceptable phone call, all because they made The Orange Man susceptible to blackmail that didn't exist.

In the meantime they and their RINO running dogs help Alleged President Asterisk funnel billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, which has all the blackmail-able receipts of Asterisk's and his crime-family's influence peddling to Ukraine, right down to an on-camera felony confession, "What do you know? Son of a bitch; they fired the prosecutor."

Make me the king for twenty-four hours. Just twenty-four hours. When it's over, the only shortage in America will be rope.

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"...require un-vaccinated pilots for their private jets."

Oh my. Why would that be so? There are two flight officers on 'private jets'.

Is it SPECTRE that owns all those planes and sets hiring policy for the Masters of the Universe's chauffeurs of the sky? And the Masters have no say regarding with whom they share their pressurized air?

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