Such a depressing week! And of course Queen Elizabeth's death has brought out the haters, who are blaming her for the sins of empire/colonialism that occurred long before she was born. Because that's how the global Left rolls. But her legacy as a gracious woman with a great deal of grit and a lovely sense of humor will, I hope, outlive the haters' rhetoric.

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Queen Elizabeth's detractors are staggeringly ignorant. She was a classic role model in every way.

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My personal 'detraction' (if that's what one wants to call it) for Queen Elizabeth has nothing to do with her as a person, but everything to do with her royal status.

She was a kind, gracious, honorable, and dignified figurehead for the British for sure, and likely for everyone else as well. Like you said, a classic role model.

My issue is simply this: she didn't earn any of her status and influence, she was born into it. The fact that hereditary rule (even one that is almost entirely symbolic in nature) is still alive and well in modern societies is not just archaic, but offensive to the very foundations of democracy.

One could argue that the British royals don't really 'rule' the country and are there just for pride and inspiration. Okay...but the sheer amount of opulence and wealth that these royals get to live their whole lives in is (I would think) a slap in the face to everyone else in the country who, by no fault of their own, happened to not be born into royalty.

Perhaps it's my American sentiments that are at work here, but for the life of me I can't understand why the English people have allowed the British royalty to still exist in this day and age. How has this institution not been torn down by now?

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Ironically, I think it is much healthier for people to revere an apolitical monarch like Queen Elizabeth whose power was largely ceremonial than to revere a president such as Obama or Trump (I don't think anyone really reveres Biden). If we return to viewing our leaders as civil servants rather than idols we would be much better off and feel less personally attacked when someone criticizes them.

Also, in a bit more cynical vein, the monarchy brings in billions of tourist dollars. Almost everyone who goes to London goes to see Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guard.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

I have always viewed the entirety of American governance as civil servants, from the local DMV all the way up to the oval office. So I'm not sure what you mean by that. But I would agree with you that her apparent 'apolitical-ness' was a definite boon.

As for the tourism, couldn't they just turn the Palace into a national museum and still collect tourist dollars off it? I mean are people really going there for the living royal family, or rather for the grandiose history of the place? I know I would actually go out of my way to not visit any of those things should I ever travel to London, but that's just me.

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| I'm not sure what you mean by that |

I'm referring to the current trend of many people idolizing politicians and viewing them as celebrities and stars. People put campaign signs in their yards in the past but, two years after the election, they didn't drive around town with flags and stickers and continue to cover their houses with signs. Politicians didn't go on TV shows other than to give interviews. Would JFK or Reagan have gone on Saturday Night Live to make fun of themselves? I doubt it.

Your point about the national museum is an interesting one. I know that much of the area around Kensington Palace has been opened to the public as a park which benefits the citizens of London. I may rethink my opinion on that. But, then again, it is their country, culture and customs and it's really not my place to tell them what they should be doing.

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Ah. Well I would definitely agree the celebrity and rather 'cultish' status that some American politicians seem to garner is not a good thing...to say the least. Our entrenched polarization and almost fanatical party following is a bane to democracy itself.

But I certainly don't think a toothless and somewhat apolitical royalty is a valid answer to that by any means. I don't think that's an answer to anything really, at least not in modern times.

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Our own government from the lowliest bureaucrat up is full of self-serving fools. Narcissism is frequently a trait of those who think they are somehow worthy, intelligent enough or deserving of making the rules for millions of people. “Political profiteers” are most of them…”civil servants” are actually few and far between.

Ok, I’m finished my rant now :)

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

That's precisely my point. You can vote out an elected official if needed, you can't do that with royalty. The fact that they, and all their offspring in perpetuity, are permanent royalty is the whole problem.

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been to London hundreds of times. not once to Buckingham. or to see the "crown jewels". but I did go to the wax museum and sneaked in to each exhibit I now have a picture of me and the 8 wives of Henry and one with "Queen Vic". oh and John Paul George and Ringo and the Pope ( one of them)

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“Perhaps it's my American sentiments that are at work here, but for the life of me I can't understand why the English people have allowed the British royalty to still exist in this day and age. How has this institution not been torn down by now?”

I don’t think you will ever understand because you’re American, that’s not meant to be a slight in any way. The royal family is upheld simply because the British people want it to be upheld. When they don’t, it won’t. That in itself is a form of democracy. It’s not necessary for those outside to comprehend it. That would require you to have been born British.

On the other hand, the British look at the disgusting abuse of money in American elections, and the descent into Hollywood movie star adoration of its politicians (Obama) as grotesque. It’s dude cultural differences, simple as that.

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Very well said; thank you. I am an American and I agree. Our condolences on the loss of a grand lady and queen.

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Excellent points you make. England and America have deep bonds yet we have some significant cultural differences such as the monarchy. I’m not a Royal watcher really but always felt she was a pretty amazing lady and did right by her country and those countries still affiliated with England. Truth be told I would rather our society have an adoration for someone more like her than the crazies from Hollyweird.

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I am in total agreement with you. She was someone to emulate, not the least of her attributes being her love and loyalty to her country. Some of our 'leaders' would do well to take a page out of her book. And you last sentence is 100% over the target regarding some of what 'ails' our populace.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Greed and fame are not endemic to American politics. They're not endemic to any specific thing really, they are universal human vices. Rampant corruption in an electoral political system is not an argument for a monarchy, it doesn't have anything to do with it. Might as well say driving on the left side of the road is a reason to keep the monarchy.

You're right it's difficult for an American to understand it. And the British people 'democratically' upholding the Crown...okay, that's fair I guess. Same with the cultural underpinnings involved...although I'd be interested to hear what exactly it is about being born and raised in England makes one unerringly proud of a monarchy. I mean, is it not possible to love one's country without loving its royalty?

But my initial post was in response to Celia and Naomi claiming the haters are only hating based on some centuries-old grudge against imperialism/colonialism. That may be true for some, but not nearly everyone. Being critical of hereditary royalty is not some strange outlier of human experience, nor does Britain somehow 'get a pass' on this because that very royalty has largely (and lately) been seen as a boon to the country and perhaps the world at large. I treat the British royalty the exact same way as every other royalty on earth; with general contempt and criticism, and that they are no better or worse than any other.

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Criticism is one thing. (Unnecessary in this case, as I posted before.)

Contempt? As if we didn't have enough-a that in the world?

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Contempt for a system that guarantees a tiny fraction of humanity a completely privileged life based on nothing but some DNA markers?


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Every single one of us is born into circumstances we did not earn, be them good or bad. The much more interesting question is what someone does with what they have, and in that respect I will never not admire the Queen.

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Just like one can love the soldier and hate the war, one can love the Queen and hate the monarchy.

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Why bother? America is superior in government in every way. There’s no need.

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I, on the other hand, have always thought the British people inordinately lucky to have had a royal family, especially one as solid as Queen Elizabeth. It is my fervent hope Charles is up to it. He has been more political than he probably should have been but maybe he'll take his mother's example. Prince William will, in my opinion, be an excellent monarch.

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As to William, he has a tendency to sanctimony with his "climate change" speeches, foundation, etc.. etc. Perhaps the current crisis of energy in Britain will teach the young fella some truths.

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I believe in prayer. Let’s pray and hope for great leadership in him, who has great potential for it.

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He gets it from his father, Charles.

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Elliot, I understand your argument and I agree with it.

Here is the thing though: do you think that certain Nancy from California, who according to her own account, visited JFK in the Oval Office as a teenager with her dad, a Dem big shot, do you think that said Nancy earned her 40 odd years in power because she was "the best and the brightest", or that maybe there was a little something hereditary rule like at play there? Do you think that "voters" in Nancy's district have any more agency in choosing their "representative" than the Brits had in choosing Charles?

Did I even mention Bushes, Cuomos, Cheneys, Clintons, Ronmeys (lets throw Trudeaus in the mix as well), to name a few, and then every "elected" politicians who have held their seat (owned really) for 30 + years in the mix.

While British monarchy was set up to be e hereditary rule, American shitocracy (American system as it is right now is a mockery of democracy and governance - it's legalized corruption) was meant to be the opposite. If British monarchy is , as you say, "a slap in the face", then American shitocracy is what? A rush of diarrhea in the face of every decent person with any dignity?

You said that British governance offensive to the very foundation of democracy? Like you said, British monarchs do not rule, and those that rule Britain are elected in free and contested elections in which you will find multiple candidates for every position. My ballot is 75% unopposed: that is not just offensive to democracy, but antidemocratic in every way.

Maybe by "my American sentiment" you meant your American obedience and servitude?

Lets establish something resembling democracy in the US before we criticize anyone.

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lol Fielding I wrote basically the same comment upstream, before I read yours!

Politicians use their office to enrich themselves and then become political dynasties with the money they skim off the taxpayers.

I forgot to add Romney, Cuomo and McCain. I also threw Trudeau into that witches brew of unearned power. I'll add Mitch McConnell, because of his wife. I'm sure there's many more.

Perhaps these inbred legacy politicians explain the low level of IQ and competence we're dealing with from our 'leadership'

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Looking at Mike Madigan (Speaker of the House in IL--now indicted) is a perfect example.


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AMEN!!! God, help us!!!

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I agree with you on almost everything you say here.

The winner-take-all, unlimited-campaign-financed, corporate-driven, oligarchic, gerrymandered soup-sandwich that is our 'democracy' is...also...a slap in the face to real democracy. I'd be in the front of the line supporting that sentiment.

I can and am very critical of our own way of doing things here in good 'ole USofA. That doesn't mean I can't also be critical of the way others do things on their side of the pond. It's not mutually exclusive.

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Because so many Brits revere it; and they are devoted to their country's rich history. The trend in this country among the Left is to tear down our history; statues, etc. I think the Royal family serves a need for the British people. Should that end they may be 'retired'. Your choice of words, 'torn down' says a great deal about your perspective. Building ON something instead of 'tearing it down' is the choice of a majority of people in my experience.

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'Tearing down' a system of hereditary rule, no matter how impotent that 'rule' may be, is not some weird virtue signal that I'm a wokist or something. I'm far from it, you can read any of my past posts to see that.

In my opinion, some things should be 'torn down', at least figuratively speaking. And some things shouldn't. I don't think school names should be changed, or the word female be changed, or even some old statues be 'torn down'. It all depends on the thing you are talking about, it's not an all-or-nothing idea.

One can still be very much devoted to a country's rich history without having to continue a far-too-obvious b.s. system of heredity royal status. How on earth would one 'build on' a rigid system of hereditary opulence and status in the modern age? That doesn't even make any sense. That is like Putin saying Russia should 'build on' their country's past glory by trying to force their way into Ukraine in order expand their own territory...instead of, you know, 'tearing down' the very ideas that might makes right, power is prestige, or whatever other old b.s. reason he's using to try and rebirth the Soviet Union.

Wealthy hereditary inheritance and status, no matter how benign and beloved, is simply not a good thing for humanity. I thought everyone understood that by now.

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You are entitled to your perspective.

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As narrow minded as it appears to be!

I'm no fan of British monarchy. It is anachronistic. But, hey, there are royals in Nederlands, Spain, Monaco, Jordan. Perhaps not as rich or landed as the Brit royals, but it is a single family in Britain, not an entire court and courtesans, that have the luxury. And it is funded at the pleasure of Parliament, ya know, the Peoples' representatives. Hell the Brits had a civil war, kicked the royals off the throne (beheading the then current king, Chuck the First), suffered the criminal thuggishness (I'm Irish) of Cromwell as tyrant for about 20 years, then when that turd died, they were at a loss. Invited the next in line of the old line to be king again, albeit with some restrictions.

Most of the "royals" gotta work for a living of one sort or another. Kinda like the children of American royalty, Hollywood celebs.

We fought two wars to rid ourselves of the English sovereign. Then we turned around and saved their arses from European wars. Maybe because we feared global contagion, maybe because they speak our tongue, albeit a bastardized version of our American language.

Truth is, "Elliot" harbors an ill attitude about "privilege" and seemingly inhereted wealth. He sees in the British royals something he loathes, though he can't seem to recognize the affection for them the citizens (subjects as they say) the Brits have for the institution.

I'd say, chill, Elliot, but I suspect that'd just cause a row here.

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I think though, that being “born into” something can be as much a blessing as a curse. Didn’t you see “The Prince and Me” or “The Princess Diaries”? Com’on, this is basic Adolescent Girlhood 101!

But on a deeper level, none of us has any say over how talented, beautiful, brilliant or not we are, nor how powerful, rich, influential our forebears are. We are simply “born into” whatever circumstances or gifts or shortcomings we are, and the true point is what we make of it. The democraticness of freedom is that we all have ideally the opportunity to be virtuous and grow in any circumstances. Queen Elizabeth was born into a position of great power and wealth and she made a wonderful example to follow for anyone in any state of life to imitate.

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Thank you. You presented the realities of life perfectly.

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Well yeah...it works until it doesn't. When it's a good and noble person in that role it works great. The problem is when they aren't that. There's nothing anyone can do about it but wait and hope the next one is better. Doesn't that drive you nuts?

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Sounds like the White House.

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I agree with a lot You "say," Sir Elliot.

But I gotta ask, what does the British monarchy have to do with *You??* How does it effect *You* such that it drives You nuts? You don't believe in the monarchy, You don't believe in G*d, right? One's Your right.

Yeah, right of Free Speech. To *be* right, One can often decide not to exercise it. Mebbe this here should-a been one-a them. So I'll just *recommend* to You and others of this view: Leave the British to the British. We got our own rat-killin to tend to, right?

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All royalty everywhere drives me nuts, not just England's. I would wager that's easily a majority opinion in the West.

The really strange thing I can't figure out is that the English Crown tends to get this free pass somehow. It's like they have this weird exception to criticism that others countries don't get to have. Their monarchy isn't better or worse than anyone else's.

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“My issue is simply this: she didn't earn any of her status and influence, she was born into it. “

You could not be more wrong. I’m American; I’ve been married to a Brit for 30+ years, a good many of those years we lived in England. (Windsor, specifically.) I know something of this topic.

In the 1990s, the monarchy came under extreme pressure. Republican sentiment grew stronger and stronger. (British republican, not American Republican.) The queen deemed 1992 her ‘Annus Horribilis’; that year ended with a devastating fire at Windsor castle that we watched from our back garden. 5 years later, a much beloved Diana was killed in Paris; much of the world blamed her ex husband, Charles and the palace.

Three days into the Paris crash incident, the queen literally pulled the monarchy back from the very cliff of destruction with a speech to the grieving public.

The British people DECIDED they needed their queen. Was it put to a bureaucratic “vote”? Nope. But there is zero doubt that the monarchy still exists solely because she was so well loved and respected.

The queen spent 70 years earning every bit of that love and respect. She’s been a trusted advisor for British prime ministers - not because of her privilege, but because her counsel has been incredibly valuable.

I’m not a royalist at all, just an observer. Whether Charles and William can maintain the role of the monarchy remains to be seen, and I have zero dog in that fight. But the queen’s impact came from her personal qualities, not her “privilege”.

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Monarchy is the oldest and most stable form of government on the planet. Britain is a constitutional monarchy, the best of both worlds. The monarchy in Britain is stabilizing and comforting, or it was under Elizabeth and her parents.

She gave selflessly to the British Empire because it wasn't just Great Britain. She was the leader of the Commonwealth too.

Here is Jordan Peterson talking about Queen Elizabeth and the British monarchy as an institution.


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She didn't earn the CHANCE to be that kind of leader, it was given to her.

Think about it this way: thousands and thousands of girls all over England, with the same level of character and honor that Elizabeth had, were all growing up and living their own lives at the same time the Queen was. Some were well-off, but most were your common Brit just trying to make a decent living like everyone else. They may have been cooks or teachers or bus drivers or whatever.

The one thing they all had in common, besides their character and honor, was that all of them had zero chance of having the opportunity to lead like Elizabeth had. Elizabeth didn't have to spend years trying to earn a living and reputation as a public official, all while also trying to pay the bills and feed the kids. Elizabeth didn't have to do any of the normal things people have to do to serve in public office, things that normally take a lot of time and money and dedication to do. Elizabeth didn't have to worry about much of anything normal people do for her whole life, that alone is a huge advantage over common people like you and I.

Here's the thing though: Elizabeth is not unique in her character or honor. No good leaders really are, they are just the ones that made it. There were thousands and thousands of different would-be leaders, just like Elizabeth, living and working in England in the 20th century. But none of them could ever hope to have the chance to lead like Elizabeth. Why? Because of some ridiculous anachronistic idea about bloodlines that has no bearing on common sense or even plain sanity.

If you think that Elizabeth herself could have been the only one to have possibly done what she has done over the years, in the noble manner in which she did it, you are dead wrong. There were thousands and thousands of people who could have accomplished what she did, if not done better. They just never had the chance to do so. Most were too busy with work, others had family, and some unfortunately never manage to make a decent life for themselves. That's just how it is.

Life sucks for most people man, for all sorts of shitty reasons. Most simply endure it and cherish the precious few good moments and memories they have before they depart this world. Elizabeth was born with a golden spoon in her mouth, the only thing remarkable about her would have been if she had been an abject failure as a leader. Because she had a hundred times the advantage that anyone else had.

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You can be given a leadership position that is not earned, but to keep it you must earn it. If you don't earn it, you may keep the title, but you won't be able to lead anything - see current POTUS.

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100%. The hundreds of thousands of regular people who lined the highways only to glimpse the queen’s hearse for a second stand in silent testimony of the deep respect and love she absolutely earned in her people. She was a world leader of the highest order for the past seven decades - not because she was given the anything, but because she earned that respect.

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“ Elizabeth didn't have to do any of the normal things people have to do to serve in public office”

Ahhhh, so it’s the tired trope of jealousy.

Enormous (and erroneous) assumption that she *wanted* that life - she did not; in fact, it was entirely thrust upon both her father and her by a weak, nazi sympathizing uncle, who ran from his duties.

That’s not a life of privilege - that’s a enormous burden. One she bore with grace and a lifetime of SERVICE. However she got there, she close to spend her life as a stunning model of grace, courage and stability. She earned every bit of respect and love she was shown.

She likewise had to worry about things you and I never will - far greater burdens than anything you or I will ever face. To see her life as some kind of coddled joy ride is incredibly naïve.

We also have privileges she never had - including the privilege of anonymity and personal choice about the direction of our lives. I, for one would never trade.

Regardless, *plenty* of people have extreme privilege (including many members of her own family) and I can think of exactly zero who gave as much of themselves to their duty as she did.

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Jealousy, really?

I have to say, I'd never thought I'd see someone say, in modern times at least, that the 'burden' of a royal upbringing is somehow harder for a 'commoner'.

Do you actually believe that? If so, holy crap man.

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Finally, I make no argument for (or against) the concept of a constitutional monarchy. If the people of the UK collectively decide (which they have the complete power to do) that they no longer wish to operate within that model, I have no dog in the fight. It’s not my call - I’m not a citizen of the UK (although my husband and children are.) It is the height of arrogance for an outsider to tell other nations’ people how they should organize themselves.

We are all dealt a hand in life - my only point is that Queen Elizabeth II played her very difficult hand more than admirably, as evidenced by the love and respect she garnered from her people.

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There are many people in the lime light who earned their status and influence - not to mention those who were born into it - and yet, they never managed to maintain the dignity and grace to inspire their loyal following… So, peoples thank the Queen for this contribution into this world. It was a lot and hers was a tragically rare gift.

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"My issue is simply this: she didn't earn any of her status and influence, she was born into it"

I would say the same for the Kennedys, Clintons, Bushs, Cheney, Pelosi extended family, and others. I'll include Trudeau just for fun.

We have a legacy political class here that is far more harmful than that of England.

Many of our early settlers came here to escape a monarchy and now our political system has been captured by family money and influence that's become generational, not to mention that the money they accrue that allows their dynasties comes from using their position in government to indulge in shameless self-dealing

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YES! You're absolutely right.

Can one not criticize their own house and their neighbors house at the same time with equal aplomb?

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A living monarchy is an indelible characteristic of the UK. When touring Versailles in France, the entire place feels like a stale museum, but visiting Windsor is a thrill, it’s living history, the entire vibe is different. As Americans, most of us have ancestral roots elsewhere, but the native British’s roots are tied to the isle through deep roots that stretch into the mists of time. We cannot possibly understand this, because we’ve never been in those shoes.

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Spot on. Also, she seems to have been a remarkable woman, irrespective of her titke.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

"...but the native British’s roots are tied to the isle through deep roots that stretch into the mists of time."

You mean the Celts, Vikings, and Germanic tribes? Okay, I guess. But I'm not sure how DNA would somehow make a person more friendly to a monarchy. It's the culture in Britain that does this, the genes have little, if anything, to do with it.

My entire ancestry comes from various places in the British Isles, all of my DNA from those two islands. But I certainly don't consider myself as 'from' there, nor would I claim any legitimate cultural 'inheritance' from the Isles beyond a strange fondness for a pint on a gloomy day, or thinking simple toast is the perfect snack.

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You're a fool.

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Maybe, just obtuse.

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,No, a fool.

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I would not go that far. Obtuse fits.

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excellent use of that word!

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Agreed Elliot. Frankly I think it's time they drop "Great" from Great Britain. Even as a very young person (many years ago) I've never understood how GB's citizens have tolerated the excesses of their antiquated monarcy. I'm sure it'll fade into oblivion at some point but probably ot in our lifetimes.

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So many Americans would treasure a society where ALL the rich were nouveau riche. Gag.

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Uhh...doesn't everyone?

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They are just as staggeringly jealous. This was a woman of extraordinary grace and strength. The very epitome of the feminist ideal of strong woman which they claim to aspire to, but with none of prickliness and hair-trigger judgmental eruptions.

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I’ve seen friends of mine post videos of themselves twerking in joy at the news that the Queen died. I can’t help but wonder if someday they’ll look back and Be ashamed of themselves for celebrating. If they think that the Queen was symbolic of everything wrong in the world, they are in for an unpleasant wake up call.

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I guess I have a lot to be grateful for as I have no friends that twerk and absolutely none that would twerk celebrating the demise of the queen. I would guess that I am a bit older than you.

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Very dignified response; I would definitely question my friendship with people like that. They probably wept at the death of the world's most notorious terrorist Qassem Soleimani.

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Being a 20 something in Portland, Or. I would have no social life here if I cut off social ties with lefties like this. I’ve seen so many friends just become more radicalized in the last 5 years in the name of being woke.

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Get thee from Portland stat! It’s dying anyway and since it’s always been dirty, now filthy, you’ve got enough immunity to live anywhere without catching a disease.

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Hear ya. Portland is ground-zero for dipshittedness. I live 40 miles from downtown Minneapolis and it is a completely different world; safe and productive. Maybe you could find the same outside of Portland.

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South Florida, or actually lots of places in Florida would offer a very rich social life. And you might actually converse with people of your generation who are not 'woke'. We would love to have you.

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I hope you find good friends soon, with integrity, wisdom and grace so that you can enrich each other’s lives and support each other.

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God bless you, hon.

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It's proof positive of their abysmal ignorance. I wonder you can still call them friends.

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I think this word “friend” has completely changed its meaning and indicate something else… perhaps?

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I believe the death of Queen Elizabeth will hasten the end of the Monarchy. It only survived this long because of the strength of her character. It will probably die during Charles term, and William will never see the throne.

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Don't bet on it.

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Exactly. There is a reason the words are “God save the Queen”. Whether you are a believer or not, that sentiment is woven into the fabric of Britain.

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There are many roadblocks to ending the monarchy, such as ownership of their castles and lands, the royal jewels, and beyond their various holdings the royal family is as rich as the pope.

Who would own all their 'stuff' if the monarchy was dissolved? The monarchy isn't just a figurehead family - it's woven deep into British govt and is the basis of the British ties with Australia, Canada, NZ, etc. Even Wales, Cornwall, Scotland, Ireland, and the various islands, Scilly etc are united based on centuries-old agreements similar to that of our 50 states

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I don't think most Americans appreciate the fact that a lot of the royal family's income comes from property they themselves own.

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Australia has already said they want to be independent of the monarchy.

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They might actually LIKE Harry -he’s what they call “larrikin.” Charles III and William V can have the rest.

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Well then they should have given it some time before announcing such a proclamation. I'll have to check in with my Aussie cousins.

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No, Charles will step aside before that happens and allow William bring a proper modern point of view to the Crown.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

OK. I'll bite. What is a "proper modern point of view"? Does it start with: the British Empire was evil from the start, and she should've abdicated years ago?

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I'd take someone who doesn't have a soft spot for Harry & isn't afraid to call & treat him as the spoiled brat he is, for starters.

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Well, unless William and all his kids die, Harry’s not an issue.

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Whatever Charles isn’t doing for his constituents, William will fill the void.

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Why is it you think that?

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From two different generations, plus the influence Diana had on William was profound.

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Charles is a globalist and an idiot who believes in population control for the unwashed masses so he can have his renewable energy. What part of that makes you thing he will step aside?

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British subjects rejecting him.

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I’m inclined to agree with you, unless he hands it over to the young couple pretty soon. I don’t think Charles and Camilla can relate to the youth today especially after Covid, everybody is just battling to get thru the day!

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It’s time for the youth of today to stop thinking of themselves all the time and to begin to build community & a nation.

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Dunno. These generations may be a lost cause.

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I agree but it’s a hard call - I, me and my generation don’t give a sh.. about community or nation so not expecting a turn about anytime soon

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Why did you emigrate to the UK in the first place - for the spotted dick, no doubt?.

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Thank you for your comment to Mohamed

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Wonderful woman, indeed. I wish the fine Brits would skip woke Charles and go to William.

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I don't think William is interested at this point. He's more involved with raising his kids out of the limelight for now.

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Charles may surprise. Camilla unbelievably may ameliorate his excesses.

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Tina Brown's book The Palace Papers made me see Charles and Camilla in a more kindly light.

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Well, I will trust your senses and see what happens.

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Remember that haters are always going to hate. It's a social and mental disorder. Symptoms include no life, no real friends, no career, and marked by the tell tale story of poor me and someone else is at fault. Basically future slave labor if the Socialist or Communist get power. In my mind, simply pathetic people.

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Sure there are people attacking civilization who want to try communism for the 700th time and who currently control all of the levers of power……but Matt Gaetz is the real threat.


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No... MTG is the REAL threat! :-D

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ROFL...gosh, you are all so funny.

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Matt Gaetz is a threat? If you believe that you are nuts.

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Jeez Naomi, it's Kevin.

He despises lefties. Take a breath.

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Thank you. I needed that. You are so right.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Colonialism is a thing, and it has not gone away. The new colonialism is Europeans telling Africans they have to use renewable green energy and try to deny them financing otherwise.

That is where Charles fits in.

As those same Europeans scramble to restart coal fired plants and travel the world looking for emergency supplies to stave off freezing to death this winter.

Witness the German chancellor coming to canada only to be told canada will be ready to ship said green energy to Europe in 2035, give or take 30 years.

Long after they are all dead.

Way to go canada, leading from behind as always.

We are so special.

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The US is also special because we have internal colonialism as well, coastal folks determining policies for the interior...

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Good point. It's the sort of thing that the founders specifically designed our government to prevent. And yet here we are....

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Everything you say is correct. The colonialism today is the fools like Kerry, Gore, Gates and others who never have to worry about making ends meet. What makes them so gifted is their shear intellect that says we know all. You commoners and rift raft that is society should be willing to suffer to no end as we have decided that is right. If we could only harness the gas from these fools and Brandons rear then the gas supply would increase.

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I think the Twitter response is out of step with the response IRL. Buckingham Palace cam is a moving sight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjSlI7YHUYc

and even the NYT gave her death the page-wide headline.

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Twitter? I hardly look to Twitter to gauge the mood of the masses or ordinary citizens of thsi country or the world.

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Was it Taylor Swift who said “haters gonna hate”? I ignore them.

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I'm just gonna shake it off! Exactly what the Queen would have done.

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Those haters will go down in flames and people like the queen will be lifted up!!!!

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Here’s why I dropped my NYT subscription:

This is a quote from David Leonhardt’s email this morning:

“Other Big Stories

Oberlin College will pay about $36 million to a local bakery that said it had been falsely accused of racism after a worker caught a Black student shoplifting.”

That said? That said?

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Well said Mark. I cancelled my NYT subscription about two years ago. For decades I listened to NPR always, in my car, at home, at work when it allowed. But I stopped listening completely, again about two years ago. What Bari has done with Common Sense is to offer that audience, a new way of hearing a truth that has been sadly lost. I suppose I had my eyes a bit closed to what an unbiased information source could be. I strongly believed, not that long ago, in the statement “truth has a liberal bias”. I certainly no longer believe that statement, the NYT, NPR etc have done a great job of killing that belief. Thankfully there is Bari and Common Sense now…

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Like you I was a daily listener of NPR. I stopped about 4-5 years ago, after every story was either about how orange man was bad or someone was oppressed. I realized I wasn't getting the news anymore, but rather a steady stream of ideological commentary. That may have its place, but it shouldn't be NPR

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And NPR should not be receiving public funds to produce this dreck.

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I listened to not almost religiously through college. I got into a number of podcasts and stopped listening as much, but it was still my first preset radio number in my car. Not long ago I listened to a segment about a theater production. The show was called Slave Play and mostly revolves around the supposed sexual desire for white people to enslave black folk. If that wasn’t abhorrent enough, the creator of the show was going on Admit the importance of black out nights. Or one in which no white people were allowed in the theater United they were escorted by a POC. The NPR interviewer was fawning all over the of this show. I couldn’t believe that this ridiculousness was given so much air time.

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Exactly - and they are taxpayer funded

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I was fortunate I suppose to see the extreme media bias a good while back. I too would listen to NPR and a local ‘Community radio’ station the latter held back nothing in regards to their ideology where NPR pretended and still tries to pretend that they are not biased. It was strange to me then and now that my tax dollars and those of every American (regardless of one’s own political views) would be so blatantly used to push the liberal good conservative bad nonsense. For conservatives it’s even worse since our tax dollars are being used to advocate policies that are often abhorrent to our own beliefs.

It’s pretty funny to think of the relative hysteria the 5th estate and their loyal acolytes that came with the advent of Fox News. One MSM source finally existed that wasn’t from the liberal perspective and somehow that was a problem, hmm…

The one reason above ALL else that I’m here is because I genuinely believe it’s far better to get the news as straight as it can be reported. I got a sense some time back from seeing Bari on shows and then her amazing resignation letter from the Gray Lady that she was genuinely interested in providing actual journalism to her readers. Even though I’m right center I still much prefer to allow myself to decide on how to feel about any topic/story. I also love reading the many diverse opinions of what I feel is a community of the sane and rational to get different perspectives and to find common ground. Our country is in desperate need of ways we can find common ground IMO and that too I put much blame on the media for whipping up division, partly because of their own biases as mentioned but I also think it’s also from greed. Controversy has always sold better compared to shiny happy people (not sure what that says about us as a society but it’s true). It’s very sad commentary on what is a powerful influence.

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Well put! Annoyed that I must be part of union that uses our dues to support by 90% the democratic party.

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Also very true. I grew up in a Teamster household and my stepdad was staunchly Republican and despised who his union supported politically. Sadly, some unions are actually pushing an agenda that undercuts their own members by embracing illegal immigration. Once good paying blue collar jobs have been taken over in large part by illegals willing to work for much less. Unions that are supporting illegal immigration should give their members great pause as to the actual worth of their union IMO.

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I don't think that we're any wiser now to leftist rhetoric - the media outlets have changed radically (and I mean that literally) in the last 2-3 years. I used to listen almost exclusively to CBC, Canada's version of NPR, until the end of 2019. And then it became an endless barrage of guilt for white racist colonisers' historic sins, hectoring about climate change, adoration for our Prime Minister, and vilification of anyone with a different opinion.

It really wasn't this bad even 5 years ago. One journalist who was a prominent face of the CBC, Rex Murphy, is now considered a "far-right" ideologue for supporting the truckers' demands to drop vaccine mandates and for casting doubt on the "215 indigenous children's graves" when not a single body has been dug up in over a year. He is also mercilessly (and hilariously) critical of Trudeau and the entire Liberal government. But he hasn't changed at all - his former employer went hard left and a lot of its faithful listeners are eating its dust.

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No, they have not changed in a long time. Only your awareness has changed.

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Awareness is what’s important.

Awakening is good.

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

One pill makes you larger

And one pill makes you small…

I agree and I do sense there is a growing groundswell of this happening (thankfully). But is it too late to matter I sometimes wonder, are the die already cast? Have we crossed the Rubicon? Hope not but we have to keep waking folks as quickly as they can be if we are to have a chance at restoring the absolute greatness of our nation.

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Oh Rod I could have written this exact thing. I happily sent my $$ to both NPR and NYT. Until I saw the light of their slant and censorship. What a shame they can't be fair.

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Thanks. Totally the same here. I donated every year, and volunteered at fund drives, enjoyed it and felt part of that community - no longer, but not so much because my views have changed, but because as you say, of the extreme bias/slant and censorship. That whole episode with the Biden admin trying to start a “misinformation” dept (secretly) says a whole lot about how far we have come with an elite group (and again, a term I never would have used before - I was so against it, but now I totally get it) thinking they are the chosen ones to determine what the truth is

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I have had the exact same experience over the past 3 years or so. I too was a donor, pledge drive volunteer, etc. After awhile, as the level of bias became more and more extreme I just couldn’t take it anymore. It’s hard to remember exactly what the final breaking point was but I think it was the MSNBC reporter saying that the BLM protests were “peaceful “ while a huge explosion of fire and violent chaos was on the screen, live, right behind him. After that, I knew I had to disengage from the left wing brainwashing operation. I felt so naive for letting myself get pulled into all that. Many independent journalists and authors helped lead me to a different place. Common Sense newsletter has been a big part of that process for me. It’s been such an interesting journey for me. I’ll always be grateful to Bari and her whole team for helping me.

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Ann, the peaceful protest claim you mentioned was such a watershed moment for the American people. Now we can add the WH PR rep KJP saying that no one is walking across the border during a conference. WHHHAAAAATTTT? The Republicans should show the fiery protest and her border claim in upcoming ads. I wish so badly Peter Doocey had said "Just to clarify YOU are saying on XYZ date that no one is walking across the border. Correct? Thats what YOU KJP personally think?" I mean everyone has seen the streams of people now right? Is she the only one that doesn't watch tv? What does it say around the world when migrants are given a virtue signaling handshake welcome and then the officials walk around the corner to a podium and publicly curse TX and AZ for sending them there? Mayor Bowser said the other day that TX is turning DC into a border state. Seriously? This is the fault of TX? Do you even hear yourself? It is the definition of hypocrisy and two faced behavior. I am dismayed it took me so long to catch on to NPR and NYT.

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I also still can’t believe how long a fell for it. The vast majority of my friends (I live in a super woke American city) are still completely embedded in the progressive left wing cult. After worming my way out of the cult, listening to them all rant and rave has become a really bizarre experience. Their fave topics are , almost always, the patriarchy mumbo jumbo and the whole systematic racism thing. They are just obsessed. And don’t even get me going on the gaslighting falling out of KJP’s mouth every time she’s on the podium. It’s really just unbelievable to watch.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Rod - like you, I swore by NPR, but stopped cold turkey three years ago because there was no longer any balance in their reporting. The went woke. Also lost all respect for the NYT. God bless Bari and Common


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And don't forget The New Yorker. I subscribed for many years, enjoying the interesting subjects and the quality writing. But during the 2016 presidential campaign, their Trump Derangement Syndrome shocked and repelled me. Every cartoon was anti-Trump. It was like a club. Did not renew.

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Yes - Harold Ross is turning over in his grave. (BTW - James Thurber wrote a great book about him - My Years with Ross - he wrote for the New Yorker as did E.B. White.)

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I loved David Remnick early stuff and his book Lenin's Tomb is a fantastic read. It was disheartening when he went Trump deranged and ignored how Trump policies were an incredible threat to Putins power, instead he used his name and knowledge to push TDS.

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Everything you said....word for word, me too! ( substitute CBC for NPR as im canadian)

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That is why I subscribe to Bari's Substack. Lately, however, she seems to be subtly reverting to NYT standards. They say the people under stress revert to their previous norm, so I will see if this reversion is temporary and whatever stress (becoming a parent?) is involved relieves itself.

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Per left-wing media guidelines, right-wing people always only ever "allege" and "claim" things, while left-wing assertions are simply true.

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That is an interesting observation, I'm going to have to look out for that.

And I remember enjoying This American Life podcast as recently as a couple years ago but it's like adult Sesame Street now. There always has to be a "lesson".

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LOL. He just neglected to mention that 12 jurors, one trial judge and two appellate courts also said that Gibson's "had been falsely accused." Just an oversight on his part, I'm sure. Or maybe he really believes that the college would shell out $36M to anyone who simply says it's been falsely accused. I can't wait to just say that and collect my $36M. Heck, I'd probably even settle for less.

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Dropped for more or less the same reason, hope a lot more people cancel their subs.

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Articles from the NYT pushing the benefits of phalloplasty for children were enough to set me over the edge. I canceled my subscription and will never go back.

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Yep. David Leonhardt is the number one reason I cancelled my subscription as well.

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I hope they stick it to Oberlin.. they deserve every single penny.

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I hope they figure out a way to destroy Oberlin. They are pure evil.

Oberlin professors push patently false conspiracy theories--for example Jewish families own "every central bank in the world" (see)


We can do our part by making sure we never hire Oberlin graduates. Even if you're not in a position to make hiring decisions, if you ever have to interview an Oberlin graduate, give negative feedback.

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Congratulations! But what took you so long?

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Mark Thomson

The NYT’s coverage of Walter Duranty should have given you a clue but perhaps you’ve never heard about that. I assume you weren’t born back then and that you were in short pants when it covered Hillary Clinton’s fallacious allegations of Trump-Russian collusion.

The NYT has not been a reliable source for news for at least 85 years. And perhaps forever.

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Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for gushing over Stalin's Russia.

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Glad you dropped it. I have never had a paid subscription and wouldn't spend a dime on that apparatchik rag.

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I have never understood a run for profit news outlet like CNN, MSNBC and the majority of print news being blatantly partisan. If you are far left like the NYT is, you lose about 40% of your readers who are conservative. CNN is trying to stop the bleeding by moving to the center but their reputation of being a left wing rag precede them.

Just give us the news down the middle without expressing your political beliefs and let me make up my mind. Give us all the news not just the news that makes your political opponents look bad. Is that too much to ask?

Air America was a radical left wing radio rag and it failed miserably. For some reason FOX news has thrived. It has gained viewers where left wing rags have failed. It makes me think that even though the left hates Fox some of them must be watching it.

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I caught that too. the NYT just refuses to admit this was all a sham that destroyed lives.

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I dropped mine closer to 30 years ago, including Time magazine, NYTimes, The New Yorker, listening to NPR (other than Car Talk and Prairie Home Companion when they were still around), even Scientific American, Science, and JAMA. All—journals especially included—had started to get weird and become ideological loudspeakers rather than sources of information and entertainment.

My suspicion is that, at 75, I’m probably older than you are, so I likely had a chance to see the shift over a longer period. You would have started seeing it around the time I gave up on it, so we operated from different baselines. That about right?

I’m asking this non-rhetorically, trying to get a handle on what makes people like you and me finally throw in the towel on something. My baseline started in the 50s. By the late 80s it was already becoming clear that these publications no longer represented my thoughts or even thoughts that had any resonance with me. They had become offensive. What was your baseline, and what were the tipping points for you, if you recall?

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

Hi Joe. I also loved Car Talk and PHC, was very sad to see Garrison get treated the way he was, caught up in the me too wave. Your perspective seems broader than mine was. I say was because I feel my view is much wider now, that I see now that my view back when I was so close with NPR and the NYT my eyes were a bit closed to alternate views. You may very well be correct that those sources were as biased then as they are now and I just didn’t notice, but I also feel that they have certainly become very noticeably more so over the last few years, mainly as a reaction to the shock of the trump election. I am very thankful for the substack community, for Common Sense, for a new non-biased way of receiving and sharing information, and for the folks who, like us, see how damaging the bias and gross hypocrisy is, and work so hard, and do such an excellent job to shine a bright light on it

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Thanks. Pretty much verified what I’ve been thinking.

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So this Kiwi website wasn't deplatformed for causing 3 suicides or an attack on a church, but when they harrassed a trans-activist, they got the boot? Isn't this just another example of corporate wokeness. We have a problem when we let corporations decide who can say what.

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Yip Greg President Trump was banned for a lot less than these grotesque sites.

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Also, once they start, they don't stop. Too many people were cheering when Alex Jones was deplatformed, but once they set that precedent, they can censor whoever they want.

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It is kinda fishy. I was never a member but I recall going on there and seeing a comment encouraging someone to harm themselves and then seeing that comment swiftly removed and the user suspended. It’s a mean spirited place for sure but they seemed to adhere strictly to US law.

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It's not called the Victimhood Olympics for nothing, with different gold metal awarded each week. Woe be to those still weeping for *last* week's winner of the most oppressed metal and not properly mourning *this* week's one. You need a program to keep up. Or is it programming?

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It’s programming.

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Good point but, even so, better late than never.

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Omg - perfectly on point

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Received my Gibson’s baseball hat and will wear it proudly as a reminder that we little people can still take a stand. So happy to hear that Oberlin will finally pay for its abuse of power. Too bad the individuals at Oberlin responsible cannot be held for their actions, but hopefully institutions set up for teaching and learning will take a lesson in truth and accountability now (who am I kidding?)

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

According to the Honestly segment, even current Oberlin students boycott Gibsons. They believe the “perceived truths” of prior students who claimed the Gibson family was racist.

How about the three black kids who shoplifted and started this whole mess pay some sort of restitution, along with the Oberlin leadership who ignited the protesting? No. The insurance pays. No personal responsibility.

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I looked them up and the young man who shoplifted comes from a very wealthy family; he's a graduate of Andover; one of the women attended private schools and the other was a scholarship student who was due to begin her studies at Oberlin in the fall. No apology from them or from Oberlin for the heartache they caused the Gibsons.

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You could actually hear the class difference in the police audio of the arrest (in the podcast). The student with his Andoverian intonation, “I’m terrified because I’m a black man and you’re the police” and the officer with his more plain spoken, middle America accent baffled by his behavior.

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So a rich kid decided to steal something he could easily have bought, and everyone is supposed to feel sorry for him because the police were called? Seems to me that thinking you should be able to get away with stealing because of the color of your skin is a whole new kind of privilege.

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So oppressed. So very, very oppressed.

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hahahah. he cried like a little girl

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The witch hunt never really ends....

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Thieves are now glorified.

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Perceived truths have amazing persistence power. The accepted narrative becomes unassailable - overriding common sense or irrefutable evidence to the contrary. I almost feel sorry for these Oberlin students, until I realize they will someday join the workforce and bring their poisonous beliefs with them.

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I once enjoyed Dr. Phil. He said perception is reality. As he is a psychologist I can see how that would be true in his line of work. But it has seeped into the mainstream. The public arena has been invaded by people with altered(?) alternative? realities. IMO this is aided by virtual reality.

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There may end up being some tertiary karma to be meted out by the insurance company. That they had to write such a large check does not go unnoticed by the actuaries. Nor does it not impact any future premiums -- if the policy is not cancelled outright. Insurance companies are like elephants. They never forget and you don't want to be caught underfoot of one.

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I like "tertiary karma" and quite right about insurance. Actuaries exist so that the policy holders don't come out ahead.

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NC..."The insurance pays"...thru the people.

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how about they work there as "security". minimum wage

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Don’t be despondent the winds of change are coming Elizabeth!

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Well put. To quote Arthur Clement Hilton,* the courts might say to Oberlin, “Now let us see if you can learn as well as we can teach.”

* From The Vulture And The Husbandman, a parody of The Walrus And The Carpenter. Written as “Louisa Caroline.” ;-)

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The parting speech snippet sums up our current situation nicely. Her majesty was always a symbol of England for me (I was born the year of her coronation) and archaic as the institution is, the queen represented a small amount of stability and civility in a world increasingly bent on self destruction. The trials of her family mirrored that chaos, but in the public eye, she remained steady. I genuinely felt bad for her having to give up her afternoon martini, at the age of 95.

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Bober - same here, 1953

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While some may scoff at British royalty, I think she personified a type of dignity and grace we all could use more of in our leaders. The Queen vs. AOC. The Queen vs. Michelle.

Speaking of Michelle— she chose a dour expression on her White House protrait. Perfect. Our first black first lady chooses to portray her legacy as she chose her words—-for the first time, I am proud of my country—to convey a disdain for America.

It will be interesting to see what Gibson’s does with $36 million.

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I don't get the hate. It's been nearly 250 years since we broke away from Britain, and in the years since, they have been some of our strongest allies, bound to us by a common language.

Whatever one may think of figurehead monarchs, Elizabeth has borne her duties with a grace that few people can match. Hating her because of the circumstances of her birth...isn't that a Leftist thing now?

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I have come to expect hate from the anti-haters, fascism from the anti-fascists, violence from the guardians of the peace, propaganda for journalists, etc. On some level they must see the hypocrisy. But I guess they feel that a lie that furthers the revolution is greater than the truth or even consistency. They're so tiresome.

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Nicely phrased. You give it a sort of poetry.

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There is no "revolution" only pathology.

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Leftists are leftists because that's how they get their narcissism high. Self-righteousness needs a sinner to look down on

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Tiresome, yet marvelously effective. Or destructive, depending upon one's point of view.

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It's a power shadow. They're unable to accept and carry their own darkness so they project it en masse on others. It is how Stalin, Hitler and Mao were able to manipulate their way to power: Useful idiots.

The J.Peterson example that we want to see ourselves as a hero fighting the Nazi's never accepting the possibility we could have just as easily ended up a prison guard at Auschwitz is a good example of how people are subsumed by ideological utopianism. It explains the emotionally charged airball irrationality of their arguments and the immediate hate and "othering" of anyone they see as a threat to their group. They're frightened children. Accepting that I'm dealing with a crippling pathology has helped me remove the emotionally charged confusion that we all experience in reports on and encounters with "woke".

The willingness of the Democratic leadership to willingly, politically and financially exploit these Americans for political power is reprehensible. Proof in the pudding is Scranton Joe painting half the Nation as an extremist threat. It's crazy and it's crazy making. It is literally madness.

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they are literally saving democracy and the planet, it justifies everything.

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To see the hypocrisy requires self-awareness. No need to say more about that point.

As far as hate from the anti-haters goes, read Andrew Pessin’s book, Never Green. Pretty hard-biting satire.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Yes, that is a thing now out of the Left. Another thing I have seen up close and personal is that certain types of 'success' is a felony. Working hard and winning at the capitalism game makes the Left furious. Except if you run a social justice 'foundation' and buy mansions, that is.

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"Hard work" is a white supremacist term

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LOLOL..thank you for the reminder.

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And math is racist, unless it's ones and zeros

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Well, everyone has known soreheads just like Michele Obama. I had a brother like that; angry at the world, but angriest of all because the world took no note of it.

Making a pilgrimage to Gibson's in mid-October. Two of their hats are winging their way to me now - one for me and one for my traveling companion. I can't wait to meet these people and offer support. Americans are slow to anger, even slower to fight, but the time for "This can't be happening!" confusion to end is well past. Roll up your sleeves, ball your fists, and give better than you get. These wokesters, socialists, communists, and other nincompoops, counterfeits, and psychopaths are trying to destroy everything that makes life worth living. It's time to take off the gloves and wade in.

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I am seriously considering a trip across the country to visit Gibsons in person. I spoke with Lorna on the phone about a week ago. I needed to leave a message for them because I had made an error when I typed my address for my order. I was shocked when Lorna answered. She sounded tired! We had a good laugh about a few things. She said she had a huge number of orders to get filled after the Common Sense story was posted. I said told her not to worry about rushing my order, I’ll be happy to receive it anytime that it arrives.

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My old friend and I just went to a steam convention today, and when I got home, guess what? My Gibson's hats were in my mailbox! They are high quality and adjust to fit even my big-headed friend. We're ready.

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Agree. It reminds me of the story here at CS about Lia Thomas. The interviewed parents didn't like it or feel it was fair but didn't want their names used out of fear. If we all stand up it won't be so scary.

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Special place in my heart for anyone who uses the word nincompoop. It was one of my grandma's faves.

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It's not original. That is from an old newspaper article in the 1970s that I kept in my files. The article referenced a new Texas law which, in trying to rid Texas of sex shops - yes it was THAT long ago - forbade more than two identical sex toys under one roof. The Texas article noted it as proof that the Texas legislature had the "greatest number of nincompoops, counterfeits, and psychopaths ever gathered under one roof."

A good friend was a newspaper editor in West Virginia at that time and was always in a battle with the West Virginia Legislature. He reported on the Texas law, and his final line went, "We'll match our nincompoops against their nincompoops any day."

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That is hilarious. I love a day I learn something. Have a fine weekend.

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If I were Gibson’s, I think I’d also be selling slingshots with “Gibson’s” inscribed on them. Kinda like the one David used to beat the spread against Mr. Goliath a little while back.

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Mine are off Jim ready for Battle!

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Distain is the perfect word to describe how the loathsome Obamas regard the country which worshipped (and still does) and enriched them. As Candace Owens asks, "Where can I get me some of that 'oppression'?"

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re: Candace. Classic. I knew that "institutional racism" was dead and gone when I realized that one particular Southern white boy's highest aspiration would be for Candace Owens to marry one of his sons. Of course, she'd have to marry down, so forget that ....

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martas vinyard insta cheap, I can see why Obama is angry.

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Great clip of Trump and the Germans laughing. Bet they aren’t laughing now.

Of course anyone could have seen that Europe was tying a rope around its neck by making itself dependant on Russia for energy. Anyone except the European leadership genuflecting to the green gods.

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I don't understand why anyone in government, here or abroad, views single sourcing as a good idea. Having a mix of energy sources makes sense. If one is unavailable the others still are. If anything good came from COVID, it should be that relying on a single supply chain for ANYTHING is a very bad idea.

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Anyone who has ever run anything from a multimillion dollar corporation to a single household understands the principle of multiple supply sources. Why the Germans lost sight of this is baffling.

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half of them were on Putting Payroll and the other half are green fanatics. Apparently importing fossil fuels is better than using your own.

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Yes, they are not laughing now.

How prescient of a Trump to call this.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

He called lots of things, including, to paraphrase, they aren't after me (Trump) they are after you. JBs chat with the blood red backdrop and soldiers in uniform confirms that. In his mind I am evil and an enemy of the nation. Unfortunately he is the president, I am merely a citizen.

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Yup, but Trump also could not discipline himself and that was his downfall. A more disciplined person would still be in office, protecting us from the loons on the left. Sad too, I really supported his economic and foreign policy accomplishments.

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I agree. But I think his biggest mistake, which lead to his downfall, was Fauci leading the covid respinse team. Trump got played, IMO.

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Good call.

Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump many times and informed his audience (Bill has a news caste four nights a week) that Trump said he wanted to fire Fauci but did not because of his concerns about the political fall out. Trump smelled a rat, the good street fighter that he is.

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I think there is substantial evidence that the election was stolen. I am not also certain that 'discipline' is the word here; I felt that he was too disciplined and failed to remove those in the administrative state that undermined him.

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Lynne - "he is the president, I am merely a citizen."

Made think of Psalms -

I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked

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Good point and I agree. But in the view of the current administration and its supporters I am merely a citizen. Actually according to the speech with the red background and soldiers, I am an enemy.

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Attempts by the Democratic machine to criminalize citizenship angers us all. They are the definition of what was once called the BIG LIE. As intended it scares me. When I think through it my gut feeling tells me, that like all illegitimate regimes, the unconscious realization of their own moral bankruptcy leaves them terrified. Political theater like J/6 and a decade of manufactured hysteria tells me that WE remain the real power.

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They don't want us to be citizens; they want us to be subjects.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

The insanity of it all. Meanwhile, the strongest La Nina in memory here in Western North America is creating all the weather headlines needed to keep the end-of-the-world climate change hysteria going full tilt regardless of the fact that even if the US went "net zero" it wouldn't make a significant dent in the upward trajectory of CO2 concentration (hello China and India!).

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In conjunction with the Cali heatwave I read that the highest temperature "ever recorded" was in 1913 or 14 in Death Valley. I don't think there were enough evil cars in use to have caused that. Plus "ever recorded" is, at best, 150 years.

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I have to admit I felt a tinge of schadenfreude when I first saw that clip this week.

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If you do nothing else, please listen to the short message from the late Queen at the end of Noah's piece. And ponder the corruption and self interest that has taken over our own public life. As well as the trashing of traditional values and our own beautiful nation and its history that is the common currency of the left and its media toadies. As her Majesty noted, what is needed now is a special kind of courage to stand up to the lies - and the people that tell them.

As the UN Commission on Human Rights (imagine that) recently noted, there is one nation on Earth running concentration camps. It is China. So when you buy Nikes, or Apple products or bank at Chase or watch the NBA, just remember the sort of low and cowardly people you're supporting - I'm looking at you Jamie Dimon, LeBron James, Tim Cook, John Cena and all the others carrying water for evil. Especially our pretender President - firmly in China's back pocket. For if treason doth prosper.....

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I think that message should be broadcast on a continuous loop for all to see and hear, especially students of all ages.

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Very. Well. Put.

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Thank you. Maybe I'm over-caffeinated but isn't it time to call out these rent seeking cowards who prostrate themselves to our enemy for wealth and power?

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It's impossible to be "over-caffeinated".

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Tell that to my dentist!!

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Not to be confused with being over-ethanoled"

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Heart button not working.

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Past time IMO.

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Her message was indeed both inspiring and chilling. I fear we are already past the point as a nation to recover what we have surrendered.

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Queen Elizabeth - queen of duty

Lori Lightfoot - queen of self righteousness.

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Mayor Beetlejuice!

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Poor Beetlejuice. The physical resemblance is uncanny but the Keaton character was at least darkly endearing, whimsical and funny. Lightweight is none of those. She is inept, incompetent, dictatorial and vicious. In addition to being hideously ugly. Who votes for these creatures?

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Well said . To answer your question, Democrats.

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The people who are paid to!

The iconic Bears are moving out of iconic Soldier Field to a suburb. Next up the Cubs and Wrigley Field. Chicago is Detroit.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Bruce, Lightfoot was the best of a terrible lot; her main opponent was Cook County Board president Toni Preckwinkle, who really runs Chicago and nearby suburbs. And who is doing a fabulous job running it into the ground.

Also, I know people who knew Lightfoot from her time as an assistant U.S. attorney, and regarded her tenure there as reasonably competent. Her becoming mayor of Chicago is an amazing example of the Peter Principle in action.

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Chicago: the birthplace of the Democratic Machine.

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Massive voter fraud has been endemic in Chicago for 100 years or more. Maybe that answers your question.

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When I die, I want to be buried in Chicago so I can continue to vote.

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🤣🤣🤣Republican I hope although looking back on 2020 the Democrats stole everybody’s vote including the dead they have no shame!

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A close friend lives in Chicagoland - my little jab is when election day comes, I remind him to vote early . . . and often.

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I always ask residents of Chicago, "Does the sound of gunfire keep you awake at night?"

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🤣🤣wish I could see his face

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Ah yes, did not G K Chesterton say much about the “democracy of the dead”?

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I live in Texas....on the border in a town that was famous for a bit around this time last year (Split Reins?)

Seeing the Mayors of sanctuary cities come unglued over a few hundred "temporarily displaced travelers" is highly amusing. There are that many and more here every afternoon at the local bus stop waiting for the next bus....in a town of about 35k population that the vast majority is already below the poverty line.

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I too live in Texas just outside of S.A.

We are bussing these undocumented Democrats to the wrong place. We need to be sending them to the ever senile Joe's home state, Delaware.

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Yes - to his neighborhood.

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but the optics of sending them to DC is amusing...them getting off the bus with the Capitol building in the background.

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Why not Mexico City? Or Monterrey NL?

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What I want to know is, where do all these people go?

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Some are bussed elsewhere and out of Harlingen (about 350 miles down the border from here) there are daily flights to other parts of the country.

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You made me chuckle. Thanks.

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I am groot.

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What’s wrong with me that I didn’t see that before you pointed it out?


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I do find it fascinating that the sanctuary city is shipping immigrants out of their county. Who's the racist now?

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It's only racist when White mayors or governors do it.

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A more stunning contrast could not be imagined.........

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Lori Lightfoot - Queen of doody

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I am deeply disturbed by the use of the term “special master”. This relic of a racist past must be purged from the legal lexicon.

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For those without a sense of humor, yes, this is sarcasm.

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You must not have received the memo - humor is dead. Henceforth it will be used to identify the opposition. I hope this (my comment) is sarcasm.

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It is almost impossible to convey sarcasm through the written word. They is no tone of voice.

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There are a lot of no sense of humor people here!

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Should we change the name of The Masters golf tournament just so we can be politically correct? How about we change the name of the main hydraulic break cylinder from master cylinder to the great big cylinder? I could go on and on but I won't.

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Seeing real estate brokers backpedal now and call it the "owner's suite"

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Has that somewhat famous "Master of My Domain" Seinfeld episode been scrubbed from the Intrawebs?

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now you're just giving folks ideas

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Lord of the Manor, Queen of the castle, king of the county

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Primary suite also elicits a wince.

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I am a realtor.. yes "primary suite". like a place for a primary kid..I kind of like Domain of the Mistress

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Oh my gosh, dying laughing!

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I suppose it’s only a matter of time before we get a woke replacement for masturbate. Any suggestions folks?

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I would answer you but I have gone blind and broken out in pimples.

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That was one of my late father's favorite jokes may he Rest In Peace. "Jimmy, don't do that, you'll go blind!" "But mom, can I just do it until I need glasses?"

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Back in Catholic grade school, we were told us was a sin to ‘touch ourselves in an impure way’. I was prob eight and had no idea what that meant. Lol.

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The priests, on the other hand, had no such restrictions.

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Old joke from the 70s (probably before then):

Q: How do you get a Nun pregnant?

A: You dress her up like an Alter Boy

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But it is a very cheap sin (at 1:10):


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Well that got me really LAUGHING OUT LOUD. Hilarious.

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I hate to admit it but by eight I was already doomed to hell.

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Lol again!!

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non-birthing and birthing person's self gratification.

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Being an old fashioned guy, I'll go with a couple of classics:

"Choking the Chicken" and "Flicking the Bean"

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Flogging the Bshop

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Um…maybe Doug was pulling our chains.

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#MeToo. I mean, where is the stolen land acknowledgement?

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Last week, one of the local Portland OR news outlets reported on another homeless camp "sweep" where an enterprising homeless individual refused to move, declaring that they were indigenous and were occupying "stolen" land. Haha, hoisted on their own woke petard!

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There are lots of college campuses out there just ripe for repossession. They admit the land was stolen. Says so right there on the big granite plaque. Knowingly in possession of stolen property. Museums are "returning" stolen antiquities. Time for the universities to return the stolen land. They can still exist as a virtual entity and charge $80K a year for on-line subscriptions.

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I just realized USC needs to change their mascot because the Trojans had slaves probably.

I’m not going to research it but I’m sure the Trojans engaged in some non-SJW activities.

Also gotta rename the condoms. Plus it’s kinda racist to use condoms anyways. Condoms likely invented by The Whites and are patriarchy adjacent.

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Kevin - "USC needs to change their mascot because the Trojans "

They could keep the name and make their mascot a condom :)

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But "Fighting Irish" is OK?

The fine university where I received my undergraduate degree was forced to change their sports nickname by the SJW's on campus because it was politically incorrect. ENGINEERS.

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Did they think it was Engineers like ‘injun’ like Injun Joe???

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now called the cabooses. or is it cabossi

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Did you go to Lehigh?

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Go Mountain Hawks (or Turkey Buzzards).

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Slavery was rampant in the ancient world.

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If the USC Trojans are problematic, I suppose the same could be said for the Michigan State Spartans?

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I am crying laughing

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OMG I forgot MC Hammer. Master of Ceremonies is violent speech. Should change it to just Hammer.

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Oh, for God’s sake. Not all uses of the word “master” relate to slavery. Jayzuz, get over yourself hater.

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Jayzuz, whatever that means. The term “master bedroom” has been purged from the real estate and building industry. It’s called a “primary bedroom” now. It’s time for the legal industry to follow suit. It hurts my feelings to hear this hateful language.

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recently I've been hearing "owner's suite"

need to ask what to call what would have been "kid's bedrooms"

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Which of course is so hurtful to buyers who have no children...

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If a childless couple is looking at a house with multiple bedrooms - they're just being oppressive

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it means Jesus

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(pretty sure that was sarcasm ...)

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As often the case lately, went over my head.

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I think it was a joke...

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Dean is trying to be funny

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1st no sense of humor today!

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All western languages are relics of racism. #banallwords

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In today's climate, that is the price you pay for being a non-birthing person

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Smart move to keep your head down and run out the clock. You worked too hard to waist time in non value added activities. Just keep making the company you work for money and you will be fine.

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when you retire shout out the name

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Wokeness is winning, not because it is powerful or popular but because corporations cower to it, immediately. Good job.

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Corps - publicly traded ones - are pansies. Really (I'm not telling you something your do not already know) they care only about not creating an avenue for folks to shame them. It'd makes sense for folks to shame them - online and in person - when they do stupid woke shit.

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I doubt Netflix telling Wokies to "kick rocks" was because of a moral stance. They were painted into a corner of producing boring content nobody wanted and they were losing money. These bullies don't want equity. They want to burn everything down.

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All this negativity about The Monarch and the Queen. Here in the USA, get a government job and you are set for life. Departments, committee and sub-committees, ex-military consultants (paid big bucks), CDC and NIH (how many employed there alone?), and on and on. Great benefits and retirement benefits. Paid for by us. And there’s still billions to fund whatever war is raging. God bless the Queen, God save the King. While God is at it, please save us too.

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That's an extremely good point. We have thousands of politicians and bureaucrats living high on the taxpayers' dollar. And the Left wants more.

Queen Elizabeth, on the other hand, has been making a point of shrinking the number of royals being supported by government.

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Not only the left. Everyone seems to be wanting a place at the government trough. We have an FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, TSA, etc. A private industry would have consolidated these long ago into a Department of Security or something similar. It would have more employees than any of these agencies individually, but far fewer than all of them put together.

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think that was somewhat the intent of Homeland Security, consolidate all the three letter agencies....then the bureaucrats got involved.

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It has been quite a week. I wasn’t familiar with Gibson’s vs Oberlin until listening to the honestly podcast. It was very unsettling, but I was happy to hear Oberlin finally “agreed” ha! to pay. The last thing I needed was to learn of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. She was a steady force in the world. I was never a follower or fan of the royals. To me they were just part of the cultural tapestry of life. But I admire QE’s dignity, strength and loyalty. To inherit such a heavy burden of responsibility at such a young age is unimaginable.

I don’t mind getting older but I do dislike how life becomes increasingly unrecognizable and the struggle to have faith in younger generations. It’s difficult to maintain optimism.

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Much that is wrong with our politics can be traced to the fact that so many people are unaware of what they should be aware of and instead "aware" of what left-wing institutions promote.

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I recognize your user name from another site. I went by MacNcheez. I think you were a member, If so hello again. :-)

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When I read the distressing story by the suffering Gibson widow, I immediately looked up the email address of Oberlin’s president and wrote her, Oberlin lost fair and square. Pay up now as it’s your only choice to begin to restore Oberlin’s reputation.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

I’m not that familiar with Oberlin or their reputation. I know they’re private and very expensive. I know they have a strong history of progressive values.

But it’s going too far, not just there -everywhere. Administrators have no back bone and are scared which results in more harm than good to ALL.

Why? They know their positions and salaries are inflated and they want to cover their collective asses.

Academia needs to be gutted and overhauled.

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"I have one foot in politics and the other in gaming, which means I spend half my time with the worst people on the internet, and the other half with gamers."

Best line of the day!

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“The messages, all from 2006, include Masters—who was then 19 years old— defending 9/11 conspiracy theories”


Kyrsten Sinema is a Senator from Arizona.

In college Kyrsten Sinema promoted a campus appearance by Lynne Stewart who was literally 100% convicted of providing material support to terrorists; namely Omar Abdel Rahman, who tried to blow up the World Trade Center.

I was listening to John Podhoretz and Noah Rothman of the Commentary Magazine podcast shitting their pants because, based on these college bulletin board comments from Masters, they think that Blake Masters has a good shot of taking over the United States and becoming a Herman Goering type figure.

The Commentary Magazine conspiracy theories about the threat of Blake Masters and right wing evangelicals are ironically even more psychotic that the “jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams” shit. They didn’t mention that Kyrsten Sinema did PR for the 9/11 hijackers in college because their job is to pretend to be conservative while helping Democrats.

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Equal standards do the Left no favors.

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he needs to change his name to Blake Primary

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"This has been painful for everyone involved" says Oberlin, in the manner of a mass shooter saying the same as he's hauled off to death row. Even now Oberlin admits no wrongdoing, acting as though it's in the right.

If "social justice" wasn't Orwellian, it'd be Oberlin that the activists burn to the ground.

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Pretty good, Mr. Blum.

"[Queen Elizabeth's] successor, King Charles III, will control only 14 realms plus the U.K. "

Pish-tosh. He won't "control" a thing.

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If I was any of those "Realms" I would use this as opportunity to get rid of Monarchy and British Royal Family. Just thinking having to call Charles King would make want to switch to Republic ASAP.

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Buckingham P was surrounded by "ordinary Brits'. wanna bet there was at least ONE extraordinary one there

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