Just a couple of observations.

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"

That's from the U.S. Declaration of Independence. You may have heard of it. While only a few crazies - like some of the people you highlight - want to abolish the government, the indisputable fact is that the current "administration" - if you can call it that - is operating as a fascist regime, jailing its political opponents and their supporters and using government agencies as weapons against the People, and at a bare minimum needs reforms of the most serious kind.

I find it a little disingenuous for the author to point out a tiny group of crazies, implying that they are Really Dangerous, while blithely sweeping past the globalist elite - who plan global takeover through energy shortages and starvation of the masses via their silly "climate" policies and unfettered invasions of hordes of immigrants who hate their host countries - like, oh, say France for example. Perhaps the writer should get his priorities straight.

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Well stated. There are tens of millions of Americans who are rightfully suspicious of this government--we are currently watching a two-tiered legal system at work where protesters supporting “the wrong side” are prosecuted and jailed, and at the same time, certain citizens are permitted to enter private businesses and steal. Whatever they want, burn businesses to the ground and assault whomever they chose--and are not prosecuted. Even the current president’s son can cheat on his taxes and just get a flap on the wrist. It is propaganda to focus, as you say, on a tiny group of people who are not representative of the millions who are witnessing very open government corruption on a massive level.

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I came here to say the same thing. This article reeks of condescension without ever bothering to address the real and legitimate fears being felt by the majority. “Ha ha, some kooks distrust the government, have you seen their list of global elites and corporations they think are running the country?” The author doesn’t realize that we aren’t laughing with them.

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Once the name calling and labeling starts ( especially when it reeks of one sided bias and disdain), the author or speaker demonstrates why their "opinion" does not deserve respect. This is a case in point.

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It is the single worst article I have read on the FP.

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Totally agree!

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Even the silly article had to concede that the majority of Americans distrust their current government. So picking out a few nutcases is clearly intended to serve the interests of that government, not the people who distrust it. The author is just another fawning DNC sycophant for the status quo.

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80% of government-distrusting Americans is a landslide majority. Pretending the highlighted groups are some kind of fringey organization destined to wither away is typical journalism today. If one argues our government is trustworthy why then are they looking to corrupt the 1st and 2nd amendments-to name a couple-to foster an education system that produces barely functional adults, to mass produce propaganda to the useful idiots in media, to imprison political opponents, and to siphon money to powerful institutions and individuals? All corrupt regimes currently and in history have this in common.

Defending democracy my arse. It’s defending the money spigot of the chosen few. No wonder people fantasize about DC floating away.

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Remember that DNC e-mail that mused about keeping the populace servile and distracted? It was their playbook and their pals in the media are doing their level best to ensure it.

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We can thank Assange for this damning email that reveals everything anyone needs to know about the psychopaths running (ruining rather) our country.

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Elect Trump again. He’ll take care of it this time /s

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DC can’t float away, it has to be drained first. Perhaps rather than float it can just sink.

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If the windfall of gold the entirety of DC schemed to plunder arrives it just might!

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Yes, Bruce! But remember our MOST Popular President of all time tells us, “White Supremacist are the biggest threat to democracy”

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Yip more popular than our 1st black President - we living in strange times.

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It is more than distrust. It is a feeling of outright contempt for the hypocrisies on which they rely...

A requirement for Congress to vote on a matter of economic importance to the nation is met by bitter rejection by the president and majority leader of the Senate. It was insulting enough to have been caught in an audacious disregard of our Constitution, but to suggest that Congress follow the law was beyond the pale. But, of course, those in charge just couldn't tolerate being one-upped by the branch of government they couldn't control.

A minority (thankfully) of the Supreme Court, led by a Black justice who could not define what a "woman" meant, but wrote passionately that discrimination was the proper and only way to assure that discrimination can be eliminated from our body politic.

Again, a minority (thankfully) of the Supreme Court wrote passionately about how important it is to require, by law, someone to speak in ways that are offensive to that someone's religious beliefs because it is possible that not so speaking would be discriminatory, and that discrimination would be disturbing to the sensibility of the law.

Note, the record in the above case STIPULATED that the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act was DESIGNED to limit speech. One would have expected that distinguished members of the Court would understand the words "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech..."

But three of them didn't. And in a 69-page screed managed to show that little, certainly not logic, will stand in the way of their achieving their desired outcome.

Yes, there is an ever clearer sense that "the people", that great construct of Abraham Lincoln, are cut off from the important "of...by...for" promise of our democratic republic.

Count me as one with grave concerns for the children of today.

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"One would have expected that distinguished members of the Court would understand the words "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech..."

The blistering response to Kagan, Jumanju, and The Wise Latina was a tweet by a prominent law school professor, paraphrasing: the three justices' poorly-written and poorly-reasoned dissent is itself the perfect example of why Affirmative Action is a bad idea.

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I disagree only on the subject of Elena Kagan. She earned her chops sufficiently well to become Dean of Harvard law School.

The other two continually leave me shaking my dead in disbelief!

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And, if anything, you are being measured and restrained in the contempt with which you treat the dissents in "Students for Fair Admissions." Jargon and gibberish that makes one question how these Macbethian harpies got through law school, let alone were elevated to the Court.

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I'd rather not throw rocks when they have demonstrated their fulsome capabilities to throw rocks at themselves.

The decisions written by Jackson-Brown and Sotomayor show, full Monty, their lack of understanding of what the term "rule of law" means and how it might operate. Their insistence on offering rulings based on desired outcomes is a far greater threat to our democratic republic than anything I have seen in my lifetime.

But hey, any Supreme Court justice that thinks that Congressional approval on weighty measures is unconscionable just seems accurately to reflect the state of mind that the liberal and progressive in the politics of today.

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There is an old saying "99% of all politicians give the other 1% a bad name."

Did you find my book on Amazon?

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What's the title?

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I sure didn’t (and don’t) view these people as a ‘few nutcases’. They sound quite rational to me. If the author was attempting to convince me otherwise, he failed.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

I'm thinking how the GOP dominated Texas legislature along with its Governor (but not its corrupt impeached AG, remember him?) would look at these Texians. They might like this article - since these nutcases are in their state wanting to take it out of the Union (been there, done that), apparently going from courthouse to courthouse looking for money with fake ID cards. They look like idiots, right?

Any sane American could have written this hit piece..no matter of party affiliation. This fruit is hanging too low from the tree..

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Sure but people who claim that gender is fluid, no human is illegal, debt is irrelevant, the Constitution is a "living document," the seas will boil in seven years, and other such rubbish are perfectly normal?????

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And that is the entire Democratic party?? Come on. That’s like saying MAGA rules the GOP world. I know it doesn’t. Because I know you. There are deluded idiots in both parties. To me, progressives and the blind Trumpist populist GOP wing are two sides of the same coin.

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I would agree with you...BUT.

The entire Democrat caucus votes together. They all sing from the same hymnal. All the usual garbage and cant. All the support for Biden and a zeal to block any investigation into his criminality. Some Republicans, at least deviate from the party line. But few if any Dems do. They all lined up behind the laughable hack Hakeem Jeffries. At least the Republicans had defectors from the McCarthy coronation. So it's not really an equivalence. Sure for every AOC there's an MTG. But why are all of the Dems so comically odious. Schiff, Waters, Raskin, Pressley, Nadler, Omar, Cohen,....the list goes on.

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This is far from sane. It is, as the kids say, a nothing burger as fat as facts and analysis. It is a pot short at Texas. While Texas does have reasonably sane GOP leadership at the moment we have had our share of less than stellar Demoocrats. Like the less than lustrous Ann Richards who allowed Clinton and Reno to roll tanks in and set innocent children ablaze. But by all means, you do you.

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Our founding fathers had disdain for strong government. That is why they made three branches of government in order to moderate governmental power.

A quote attributed to Jefferson is "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

He also said, " "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." We have a tyrant in the WH now and the PC/Woke assholes are tyrants glorified and supported by the Dems,

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They also limited the powers of those three branches only to those enumerated in the Constitution, and reserved all other rights to the States and the people, themselves.

The extent to which our federal government no longer hews to the strictures of our Constitution is disturbing.

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We have tyrants in bureaucratic positions. The goon in the WH is just their pawn.

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But remember LA we voted for this, 8 million more, apparently voted, go figure it’s the sham and scam of the 21 century.

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I couldn’t agree more. I would go so far as to say that unless we end mail-in voting and do not require voter ID in every state to establish “one vote per person”, no Republican will ever sit in the Oval Office again.

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Such a terrifying thought LA, but nevertheless the TRUTH. If we don’t step up in 2024 to get behind the Republican nomination it will be the end of America as we know it. We have had a taste of the Democrats and Dr Fauci thru Covid and the lock downs. That lasted 21/2 years. We don’t need more evidence of the fascists currently occupying the WH. We have to vote them out. Mail ins and no voter ID is a license for them to continue the grift, and with a man who can’t string a sentence together.

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What concerns me is that many (most?) Republicans won’t believe “the steal” until Biden wins reelection. And even then, they may refuse to believe it—and then it just may be too late. If that happens, I can see the possibility of a national split between red and blue states, or some other configuration. I would not be opposed to that if there was one faction that supported the Constitution and free and fair elections. The Democrats are determined to install puppets and all sorts of restrictions/taxes/limits on citizens.

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Yip I had a fight with my spouse yesterday he said we won’t ever see a Republican President in the Oval Office again. If it was one man one vote maybe but it’s not we have the electoral college and he doesn’t think we can win the swing states. 4 July was my 45 wedding anniversary I felt depressed on the way home. But stranger things have happened Lee and I wish you a great 4th JULY🇺🇸🇺🇸

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The author probably thinks that half the Republican party is Qanon, too.

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It isn't? How come being a Qanon nut case is wrong but being a communist is OK? I have to admit I believe people who believe in Qanon are insane but people who support communism are evil and the Dem party is sliding into communism.

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QAnon is a myth. A bogeyman I suspect fabricated by leftists. Have you ever heard a conservative reference QAnon? faith in QAnon?

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I have never heard anyone EVER claim to be into this and I live in two red states. Or white supremacy for that matter. Who are these people they are referring to? It is nonsense.

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Ditto my experience.

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More like flying into communism.

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I know. I feel like I'm living under Stalin. It's totally, exactly the same.

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Good point...I think it’s actually something closer to 3/4.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

The writer said his article isn't meant to mock these groups. Then he devoted the rest of his article to mocking these groups.

The following are not Conspiracy theories - Pointless and endless wars funded by the War Pigs in Washington, a two tiered system of justice weaponized against political opponents, crushing school kids and small businesses with nonsensical COVID policies and out right Authoritarian censorship of anyone who doesn't regurgitate the prevailing Democratic Party line.

But if you believe any of these examples you are a "threat to democracy." Yawn... The good news is people are waking up to this bullshit we have been fed for far too long.

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You left out treating concerned parents as terrorists.

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Totally agree. And let's add sexually mutilating children. We can call it by the harmless pretend name of "gender affirming surgery."

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Again: The action's of the Democrat's toward Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger during the Congressional Twitter File hearing was a clear revelation that the report landed a blow. Mr. Musk would have had no place to turn if subscription journalism had not provided a place for the independent voices being supported through Substack and other platform's free of political distortion and censorship. A truth/fact based reality is a healthy reality. Living inside a lie is a crazy making illness. "Just the fact's Ma'am."

How irrationally paranoid and confused are the people placing their belief in a vast conspiracy to steal their freedom vs. the actual footage of a Davos billionaire declaring "..it is time for American's to accept limit's on free speech...." as, the MSM apparatchik Brian Stelter sits by and gloat's? Something is wrong, something bad is happening and everyone knows it. Simply put. This is a new age and it is time to shake off the blinder's. There is a machine in place intentionally built to scream over the top of human moral reason. It is there because (I hate being "one note Johnny") the leap in human consciousness created by tech has made the machinations of the world political/financial grift transparent to reality. The perp's are scared, dangerous and inept. Example's? Look through your windscreen.

Free people's around the globe are fighting the self-interested inept policies of the DNC/CCP/EU/WEF/IMF/QRSTUVWXYZ juggernaut. Capitalism and communism are dead because the capitalist and the communist killed them. The coconspiracist, 2008 looting and destruction of American lives and treasure, by criminal finance and a complicit D.C., opened the door to the final collapse that the perp's are attempting to manipulate and manage today. The surveillance state, 15 minute city, snitch line, etc. are all CCP modeled attempt's to buffer and disguise what is actually the avaricious greed and hubris of a would be monarchist/totalitarian world elite. As with King George. And now, as then, "we the people" suffer the consequences of the squabble's and foible's of an immoral would be aristocracy.

Damage resolute. A people trapped inside of fear and superstition, in a land built on the blood and sacrifice of their forefathers, denigrated and exploited by the representatives sworn to protect them. "Deplorable".

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You, sir, are a despicable bigot.

Everyone knows the term is not "DNC/CCP/EU/WEF/IMF/QRSTUVWXYZ", but. DNC/CCP/EU/WEF/IMF/QRSTUVWXYZ+”

You should be ashamed of yourself for leaving out such a descriminated class of individuals.

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Their nefarious actions go on and on and on and on. It never ends.

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Call it what it is: Child Castration. Then call Child Castration what it is:

Child Castration is Child Abuse.

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I still remember Biden denying that Antifa is real, as we literally watched them burn once-great American cities to the ground and declare their own autonomous zone. stating the obvious got you labeled as a white supremacist and Threat To Democracy, but all in the name of Unity, of course.

Jefferson would turn in his grave if he could see what’s become of us.

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I live about 60 miles from Mr. Jefferson's home, and until the tour went Woke (Sally Hemmings! Sally Hemmings! Sally Hemmings!) I went there every year. I always rode the bus up the mountain but walked down so I could pass by the Great Man's grave and pay respects. On my last trip I'm sure I heard him spinning like a top.

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However, Jefferson supported the French Revolution.

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Ah, the French have been revolting since the beginning of time.

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So? The darkness of the Mob Rule was afterwards.

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Yip we are waking up thank God!

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His priorites are elite wannabe. Hopes this will help get him in the doors.

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Very astute observation.

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Maybe someday Antifa or BLM or Jane’s Revenge or Extinction Rebellion or Just Stop Oil or the LGBTQ+ protesters will do something noteworthy worth looking into.

Until then, enjoy this article making fun of the working class enjoying BBQ.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

I’ve heard from press reports about these “Texians” on which the article focuses, but in 30 years of living in Texas I’ve never had to deal with them. On the other hand, I have to constantly deal with the out-of-control federal government, hellbent on radically changing this country with the thinnest of majorities, as well as with the overreach of local government in the Democratic one-party enclave I have to live, spending endless money on “progressive” causes, including printing two million absentee ballots for the 2020 election. The article has only the slightest possible reference to the loony conspiracy theories of the “progressives”, from “voter suppression” to “systemic racism”. This is simply New York Times Lite - choose as target a right-wind nuts group that everybody loves to hate, sprinkle some token references to what the left might be up to, provide no attempt to explain the phenomenon and call it a “balanced” approach. I despair more and more about any alumni of the legacy press or just current journalism graduates being able to provide true journalism.

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"But when a long train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security."

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The writer's priorities are straight--he wrote about a segment of society that needs some illumination so we are aware of it.

If you want to read about the "globalist elite who play global takeover thorough energy shortages and starvation of the masses," feel free to research and write that story. Offer it to Bari, and if she accepts, TFP will publish it.

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It is pretty much comic book caliber. These folks have been around for years in Texas. Off-kilter is not illegal. Very mediocre piece.

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This article ignores the legitimate movement for Texas to decouple itself from the Federal Government. The Republic of Texas Movement and the Texas Independence Movement are two entirely different entities; many 'ordinary' citizens of Texas aren't looking for a 'way around taxes' - they are looking for Texas to walk away from an abusive and tyrannical Federal Government, and if possible, for other states to follow Texas and do likewise.

We the People ARE the Government.


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When the Governed no longer consent, they have the right to become the Ungovernable.


Section 2, Article I, Texas Constitution (Tex. Official) THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION


Sec.A2.AA INHERENT POLITICAL POWER; REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.

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I don’t know if fascism is the correct way to characterize the current admin; Fascism refers mainly to strong nationalist and militaristic sentiments, neither which seem to apply to this current government, and a focus on a strong central leader figure instead of the will of the people. Also, who is the government jailing and what government agencies are trying to subvert the will of the people? I’m not trying to be an ass I just can’t think of any cases.

How do you know that there are globalist elites who are trying to take over through energy shortages and starvation of the masses? I haven’t heard anything about that either and food levels still appear to be stable.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

I agree about the use of fascism. But the government has jailed, or would like to jail, Assange and Snowden, the J6 rioters, Roger Stone, General Flynn. It also incinerated innocent children at the Branch Davidian compound. Maybe others were innocent as well but the children were for sure. Almost every survivor tried in the aftermath was acquitted. As for what agencies are trying to subvert the will of the people, essentially all of them, DoJ and its FBI; Health, NIH, and CDC; Education; Homeland Security and its use of Border Patrol; Treasury and its collaboration with the Federal Reserve (you have to be considerably gullible to believe inflation, interest rates, and the decline of the dollar happened naturally); Transportation; Agriculture; Defense and State. All of them are being used to implement policies a clear majority of US citizens do not support. That is classic subversion of the will of the people. The rationale therefor used to be it is the will because the people elected them. Any semblance of regard for that was lost during the Covid fiasco, the 2020 summer of riots and lack of accountability therefore, and the nail in the coffin was the 2020 election debaucle as a result of the FBI (in collaboration with other agencies) actively suppressing valid information pre-election. Nobody who cast a ballot for President in 2020 was PERMITTED to cast an informed vote. If that is not perversion of the will of the people nothing is.

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A thousand likes Jim. I wasn’t going to like or comment today, but after reading yours which is so true I just had to tell you - thank you!

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I deny the wording fascist when applied to the modern right; so I must be consistent here. The current administration lacks several key features of fascism: first, they certainly do not appeal to an overall nationalist sentiment. Second, while some leftist forces today do execute violent political pressure in the streets in a way akin to brownshirt fascism, this is not centrally directed. Though it is centrally protected, I will give you that, by lack of prosecution.

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When you used the phrase “the indisputable fact is that...,” I read “I firmly believe that... and I will broach no disagreement.” So, not being a gullible person who takes strangers’ statements about absolute truth at face value, I stopped reading.

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Good for you. You shouldn't waste your time. (although one COULD do his own research and make up his own mind, I suppose....)

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From the Catholic Catechism.... Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one’s country:

Pay to all of them their dues, taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.*[Christians] reside in their own nations, but as resident aliens. They participate in all things as citizens and endure all things as foreigners … They obey the established laws and their way of life surpasses the laws … So noble is the position to which God has assigned them that they are not allowed to desert it.* - The Fourth Commandment, CCC 2240

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

In regards to France, Jim - the 'unfettered invasions of hordes of immigrants who hate their host countries' happened pretty much from the '60's through the '80's as one of the residual effects of the French war in Algeria - long before any kind of climate change awareness, or even the word 'globalism' being bandied about as the Big Bad Boy (George Soros and all those rich Euro elite cosmopolitans..) here. Energy shortages and mass starvation have been staples of 20th Century life. You grew up with them as a kid and so did I. Nothing new there. And nothing new in hordes of immigrants causing chaos. It happened here in your parents and your grandparents lives. Wops. Spics. Irish. Jews. (Ah yes, them..) Was there globalization then? Americans despised all of them when they came over. Remember all that? Remember reading all that when we all believed what we read? I do. And I saw a lot of that too.

So global takeover? Nah - we've all been here before..No one is smart enough to take over anything. You're giving too much credence to the enemies you profess to hate.

Fascist government? That's what we (my friends and I) called Nixon's regime. He actually did use the IRS and the FBI to go after people. That's what we called Reagan's regime.. The senile dolt (he shares that with Biden..).

So are we in trouble? Perhaps. But it feels like shit because we're living in it. Generations before us have felt the same.

Otherwise, good post.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

It sounds like you are living in France (?) I'd like to hear more of your POV, but I think we are going to disagree quite a bit. That's OK, though - you can't learn anything by talking to people who agree with you.

The Old People where I grew up talked a lot about how the Russians, Poles, Eye-talians, Irish, DPs - "displaced people" came to West Virginia to work in the mines, lived in their own little enclaves, were poorly-treated by locals but worked their butts off and kept their kids out of trouble. (They did NOT, you will notice, BLM - burn, loot, murder.) Now you never hear any of their descendants referred-to by a disparaging name. The American Melting Pot works just fine; all immigrants have to do is buy into it. My experience with illegals here is that without exception they are grateful and love this country. Europe's immigrants, if the press is to be believed, don't feel that way. I think America is pretty accepting of anybody who works and stays out of trouble - at least that's been my experience in my seventy years on the planet.

re: starvation and energy shortage. I can only speak for myself, but neither I nor anybody I knew experienced either, so the idea that nothing is new is, I believe, wrong. The world is not there yet, but starvation and unaffordable energy are the globalist plan. We all remember Paul Ehrlich's "Population Bomb" and its predictions of global starvation by 1980; didn't happen, did it? Why? Because people are smart and they respond to problems with SOLUTIONS - like drought- and insect-resistant plants, massive fertilization via the Haber process for nitrogen fixation, drip watering (Thank the Jews for that one.) and dozens of other things. World population is leveling off, too, thanks to The Pill and the Toxic Feminist personality (had to get that one in there).

No, we unwashed goobers don't need the oh-so-smart elite to solve our problems for us. We'll muddle through just fine - just like we always have. It's always been the smarty-pants who thought they alone had all the answers who have caused all the world's problems - at least they did until we killed them.

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Those 'hordes of immigrants' above mentioned came to the United States legally and with mutual consent of its Citizens and their Elected Government. Legal Immigrants went through a vetting process to be admitted, had to renounce their former nationality then go through the arduous process of becoming a citizen of the United States, swearing to defend the Constitution and the Republic. They did not create Chaos - they became Citizens.

American did NOT 'all despise them'. That is a falsehood born of revisionist ignorance. Legal Immigrants received much hardship, but they were also celebrated in literature, films and song; Willa Cather's 'My Antonia', Laura Ingalls Wilder's 'Little House on the Prairie', Sinatra's 'The House I Live In' and Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life' are all contemporaneous testament to the American Public's general acceptance of Immigrants.

These unfortunate souls who are being trafficked by the Federal Government's Cartel Coyotes at the Texas Border are not immigrants - they are slaves. And their masters? The Cartels and their minions are a Mercenary Army, enabled and funded by an illegitimate Government to overrun and terrorise Legalised and Native Citizens of the United States.

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Which elites did we kill?

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If you have to ask the question, the answer doesn't matter.

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I don't seem to remember "wops" "spics" "Irish" or "Jews" stampeding through the streets burning the place down at any point in our country's history, and, had they attempted to do so, they would have been dealt with rather roughly by those from preceding waves of immigration who had sweated and bled to build the place.

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“Sovereigns try every way to skirt laws.” Kind of like the Biden Family.

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When you control the Just Us Department, your are the law.

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How have I not heard the "Just US Department" before ... That's perfect.

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Please use the right adjectives for the Biden family. They should be addressed as the Biden Crime Family.

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That made me chuckle. Thanks.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Fortunately, our courageous reporter ventured forth from the land of fine wine and enlightenment to document the customs of the primitive natives in their natural environment. Margaret Mead would be so proud.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Yes, right down to that concluding crack about wiping barbecue sauce off fingers. Is 'Great Big Honking Smug' a prerequisite in journalism school these days?

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"Is 'Great Big Honking Smug' a prerequisite in journalism school these days?" Yes, more or less. The job doesn't pay, and the elite schools that you have to graduate from to work at the big outlets are expensive. Only plutocrat spawn can afford it.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Yeah the blue bubble is strong with this one

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These type of stories are too common and an indication of TFPs failure to live up to its mission of providing a broad spectrum of

views and analysis. If it wasn’t for the comments section which they presumably ignore, TFP would be a much less interesting place to spend time.

Funny they feature the great Walter Kirn on the website’s banner of TFP contributors. Thus far his “contributions” are as rare as an honest politician, yet anyone who reads TGIF and listens to Walter’s weekly musings on “America This Week” would notice a huge disparity. Walter’s thoughts are humorous, well thought out and articulated and a contrast to the hurried glossing over, rim-shot humor vibe I get from TGIF. I don’t assume Nellie would bother to listen to ATW which is unfortunate. She could learn from a man both witty and wise.

The halls of TFP are reeking with the familiar stench of corporate journalism that most of us here at Substack were seeking to avoid. For that reason I too elected to cancel my subscription renewal.

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The Taibbi/Kirn podcast is my Sunday morning go to for sanity. (Managing a news organization is rough. I'm sure the Weiss girl's are fighting a hard fight. I'm hanging with them for now.)

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Here here. Perfectly stated.

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Hahahaha - great comment, Larry!

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A little more red meat on the grill broad brushed with that tasty emotional knee-jerk sauce specially imported from we gotta make deadline bubble land.

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Let's examine this in closer detail. The Black community is approximately 13 percent of the population. Of that if you listen to the so called intellectual mouth breathers like Jamel Hill you could say 10% of the Black community says they owe nothing to America and America was built by them. See lies are all dependent on who is telling them and what kind of attention they get. Need that 13% voting block?

The FBI says white supremacist is a major threat. Haven't seen any lately and if you are talking about the uneducated KKK, then I say you are sucking red pills. Heck, how many Muslims (1.1%) living in the US have allegiance to the US? How many South Americans or Latino as they are grouped, which is probably the wrong way to group them (19%) have allegiance to the US? How many young Americans (so called) would actually fight for America?

See the problem with this article is you immediately start making the people look like weirdos. You actually try and belittle the people with attacks versus examining the issues as they list them. Look at a few of the issues.

Does Tech and the super rich help control the world? Hell yes and it's going to get worse with AI. Look at Suckenbuurg, Gates, Kerry, Gore, and countless others and tell me that they are trust worthy and care about you. Has the government gone off course from its role per the Constitution? Ah yes! Do our elected officials grow rich and powerful while the average person/family suffers more? Ah yes! Does the average taxpayer have any say so over the taxes that are literally given away to cronies and favored groups? Ah No! Does the government worry more about special interest groups and their stupid demands like guys are girls and biology means nothing? Ah yes! Does our government think letting druggies sleep on the sidewalks or die on them, maybe crap wherever or steal as needed is compassion? Ah yes! Does reparations like 1.5 million per person make sense? No. In Calif and many other states, Asians were not allowed to own property until the 50's and last states repelled it's law in 2016. The LA China Town is not the original, the state took the property for a hotel. The only way there is one now is a guy was smart enough to start China Town through a corporation so they could own property to overcome the laws.

Bottom line is that all Americans have suffered n many different ways. The trouble is the government finds it very, very useful to keep the population divide and at each others throat.

See it's all in who is screaming the loudest. So do these people have good claims that the government is not acting in their best interest? Is this the best method? Not sure. But lets face it, both parties are controlled by elites and big money. So what are people to do? Think bout it.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Our globalist friends seek nothing less than a new feudalism. And keeping the "common folk" at each other's throats serves their interests. As do articles such as this. If only 1 in 5 Americans trust their government to do the right thing, something is seriously amiss.

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Re new feudalism: California's proposal to tax people who leave for 10 years after they're gone. Awfully close to serfdom, tying people to the land.

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i was intrigued by your comment so i looked it up. it appears that this proposed tax is only for people who make $30 million+. is there a newer proposal that affects the lower and middle class?

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Not yet. But any such attempt - no matter how limited in scope - is a huge step backwards toward an unlamented past. As Edmund Burke said: "Tyranny seldom attacks the poor...It falls upon the wealthy and the great, whom, by rendering them objects of envy, and otherwise obnoxious to the multitude, they the more easily destroy; and when they are destroyed, that multitude that was led to that ill work by the arts of bad men, is itself undone forever."

Yesterday, I came across this quote from Calvin Coolidge, which seems apt:

"If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."

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Great quote.

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"Look! People who don't like the American government believe in Lizard People!" Another garbage article from the "Free" Press.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Did you read it? I don't like the government either and while I would not belong to these types of groups I understand why they are increasing. We have a corrupt government.

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Of course I read it. That is my takeaway from this writer highlighting a VERY fringe group when legitimate massive issues exist within the American government. Fourth estate indeed. This is NOT journalism. It is propaganda.

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This writer has yet to impress me. The eve of the 4th seems an inappropriate time to run an article on a fringe group that though kooky seems relatively harmless. As with white supremacists I have yet to meet a sovereign citizen. They are not a threat to the Republic. The real threat is the crime family residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This space could be more productive by delving into their high crimes and misdemeanors.

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Amen and Amen! The entire D. C. Mafia!

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I think it highlights the fact that only 20% of our country trusts the government. We have "legitimate massive issues" that will not be fixed by the people within our government because most are corrupted by it.

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It highlights fringe people, using them as a distraction to draw attention to and de-legitimize all people who have issues with the government and label them all as "fringe" people. It's crap.

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Nailed it.

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Exactly. Count me among the 80%. I wouldn’t join this particular fringe group, but something’s gotta give. Now if the author could just spell “Thomas Paine”.

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My favorite author from those times. And favorite quote?

"I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace."

And this is why I am filled with both dread and hope today. I see what is happening now in France - completely ignored by the Lamestream Press - and I think, "We are THIS close."

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Extremely important quote to be reminded of. And a mixture of dread and hope echoes my feelings precisely. I find myself wanting some sort of…what? Action? Pushback? What will it take? I often wonder what the tipping point will be, or if we frogs will just sit in the water until it’s too late.

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It's almost a shame that Mr Paine is best known for the "give me liberty or give me death" quote. Very few people are that serious about ANYTHING. The man had serious brain cells and gonads such that I'm surprised that he could walk. And he had a lot to say.

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Dread and Hope are illuminating - a fear of what is here leads us to prayer for what may come. We are teetering on the precipice of an unfathomable world-wide Tyranny; beset on all sides by those who would shove us down the slippery slope into the abyss of eternal serfdom...

we must hold on to each other, and fight back.

Thomas Paine said "Let it come in my time"; this is the time, the moment in which we must choose whether to submit to slavery, or choose Freedom.

Choose Freedom.

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I missed that. What a clown. Ironic that Bari and company didn't even catch the misspelling of the author of the revolutionary pamphlet, the name of which Bari used to launch her publication. So, Bari answer this - why publish this garbage when there is real news to pursue? Getting a bit weary of this. What's going on with you?

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I cancelled my subscription about a month ago. I noticed a pattern, especially when reading TGIF, and it is getting worse. Bari cannot help but show her Old Gray Lady roots. She is still far left, although shw presents as not "looney" left. I had hoped for better, especially since when I signed on, the column was called Common Sense. Indeed.

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👏🏻 spot on well-deserved criticism that should be answered. Who picks these pieces and authors and why?

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Or better yet, maybe read him.

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The problem with our Government is it is not our Government anymore. They do not work for the American People; they are wholly owned by the Hidden Hands that hold their wallets...

If a Government is not Of the People, By the People and For the People, it is not Our Government.

Become Ungovernable.

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The article isn't the best written. But one of the take aways is that very fringe groups like this are growing because of people's lack of trust in the government.

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Yup. And the writer, instead of probing the

legitimate issues these people have with the government, chose to highlight "pulled pork" and social security card tax fraud theories. Garbage.

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No, it is not a garbage article. It is a different point of view.

I don't want articles that preach to the choir. If I wanted that I would go to a ultra conservative BBS.

I would love to see an article from one of Bari's glassy eyed, drool on their chin NYT liberal post a article here. That would get our hearts pumping.

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I must disagree. A "different point of view" has no need to so overtly denigrate the subject. Let the facts speak for themselves. This was a hit piece.

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I'll be sorry to see you go but I hope you find a BBS that only prints articles you agree with.

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Will you? I think I detect some sarcasm and a defensiveness at me not totally agreeing with your point of view. Kind of like a "snowflake"; did I hurt your feelings? I did not intend to, I just disagree. That was quite a snide remark. I never said I was leaving, just that I will no longer subscribe, (spend money) for the poor excuse of "journalism" on FP that is increasing every month. I enjoy reading all kinds of publications and the comments and the majority of the people on here are very respectful and thoughtful when they do offer an opinion. I stand by my assessment, despite your snarky dig. Have a good day.

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Polecat was quite sincere in his best wishes to you, in my opinion, and I'm a liberal.

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Really? To assume I won't read articles I don't agree with? Not respectful at all. And he did not "upset" me. If my skin was that thin, I'd never comment at all. I have read many of his comments and generally agree with his positions. The slam was unwarranted and unnecessary and followed by another egotistical statement; as if he has the power to upset me. Sorry, @LonesonePolecat, you don't possess that power over me.

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I apologize. I'm sorry I upset you.

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Sure, pick out a few disaffected and the nuttiest of them and single them out for ridicule. But you can't escape the fact that "[i]n 1958, around three-quarters of Americans trusted the federal government to do the right thing. Last year, just 20 percent believed their government “always” acts in their best interests, according to Pew." And when one looks at our government, is it any surprise? In a sane America, news of the FBI intimidating citizens, spreading false news and protecting the ruler's son would have led to a thorough house cleaning of that Augean Stable if not its complete dismantlement. A sane America would have howled for the head of the CIA director who spied on Congress. A sane America would have gathered with torches at the news of 89,000 new and armed IRS agents to harass our people and eat out their substance. A sane America would have taken to the streets to take down a government that appointed a "disinformation czarina." A sane America would demand a Justice Department that enforced the rule of law and equal protection But we are no longer sane. If we were, we wouldn't countenance a senile grifter as president with a freak show cabinet . If we were, we wouldn't have a Supreme Court where three justices are so ideologically blinded that they ignore the clear mandates of separation of powers and a color blind Constitution. Yes there is madness in our land and its author is the Democrat Party and their allies. So if a few vulnerable souls overreact and take extreme views of the madness, is it any surprise? The only surprise it that - with silly offerings such as Popescu's - Bari seems still tethered to the self-reverential and hypocritical liberal zeitgeist of the NY Times that routinely sneers at "flyover country," from their ivory towers in NYC as the streets below teem with filth, crime and depravity.

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I wish they would compare apples with apples. While it _probably_ means what it looks like it means, asking people if they trust the government to "do the right thing" is really a different question than if they think they "always" act in their best interest. Even if I thought they generally "do the right thing" (I don't) I would be very unlikely to choose the "always" option there. It's not the same poll question. If you asked the same group of people at the same time those to questions I bet you'd get very different percentages.

Anyway - I agree with your points.

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Agree. But consider the source - Pew.

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"Pew" - the most apt name in polling.

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At this point, I'm down with the lizard people running the show. Just sayin.....

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How do you know they're not?

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"But the sovereigns are symptomatic of a larger feeling in this country. In 1958, around three-quarters of Americans trusted the federal government to do the right thing. Last year, just 20 percent believed their government “always” acts in their best interests, according to Pew."


I see politicians as perpetual liars who do not follow the law. We have two systems of justice. Actually 3 systems of justice. One for us, one for conservatives & one for Democrats. Plus we have a DISHONEST media.

We have a serious problem and people are slowly getting fed up. Our government is supposed to be of the people and for the people and that is no longer the case.

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100 percent agreed

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Pew Research also showed that Democrats have a much more favorable view of every single government agency than Republicans. For example, 80% of Democrats have a favorable view of the CDC versus only 31% of Republicans. Democrats even like the IRS and the CIA! These are the real nutters I'd like to see profiled.


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“The FBI estimates there are around 300,000 U.S. citizens who claim no allegiance to the elected government in any form—and their numbers are rising.” Isn’t the FBI one of those lawless orgs? Aren’t FBI agents some sort of lizard people living in a lizard world? Isn’t Substack itself the result of the institutional breakdown of the legacy press? We’re all Texians!

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Yeah boy! I sure consider the FBI to be an authoritative source.... right up there with Little Adam Schitt.

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I'm wondering how many foreign (or domestic) terrorist plots have been stopped by the FBI while we were sleeping..but no one here talks about that. But that's ok.

If they are indeed lizard people, be happy they slither around unseen..

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Do journalists take classes in character assassination? Loaded language like “vent, angry, militant” and getting your subject to bare her soul and then contrasting her emotional statements with the seemingly shocking origins of her group are disingenuous tricks for controlling readers’ perceptions. This is the opposite of objective, does a huge disservice to the public, and is tearing our society apart by further destroying confidence in journalism. I’m losing interest in “The Free Press” as a serious outlet as the percentage of nasty and unprofessional articles like this one increases. I’ve been on the lookout for this trend since I realized that Nellie Bowles was the “journalist” who wrote the infamous NYT hit-piece on Jordan Peterson. I almost ended my subscription when I realized that, but after all she doesn’t run TFP. However, I’m seeing increasing signs that this arrogant and incurious attitude towards non-mainstream subjects is either part of the ethos at TFP or is so pervasive in today’s journalists that Bari is unable to find ones who aren’t infected by it.

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Thank you for that tidbit on Nellie!

I foolishly bought a year-long subscription when Bari stated this site, but cancelled that from auto-renewing a while ago largely because of the inanity of TGIF. To learn Nellie is the hack behind that hit piece is so telling.

I’m just ashamed I ever have that hack even a dime.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

To be fair Nellie did make a general statement about how she looked back on some of her journalism and realized she was “going for the kill” and it wasn’t a good thing. However, to my knowledge she has never apologized to Jordan Peterson. So I just watch with caution what is happening on here. I am wondering if since they launched as Free Press they are trying to angle their way into becoming mainstream left media to capture the cratering NYT et al market. Because I’m noting an increased number of articles that seem to deliberately to kowtow to the arrogant coastal elitist attitudes, rather than seeking to maintain an objective stance.

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same here , canceled auto renew and sorry I bought a few gift subscriptions

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Yikes! That fact about Bowles gives me great pause now.....JP is one of the greatest public minds on planet earth.

The class the journalists took instead was on Russell Conjugation. We are all susceptible.


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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023

Thank you so much for this! I’ve been searching for the language to describe this sneaky technique (or expression of subconscious bias) since 2016.

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YW. I generally don’t like to put other links in comments, but this one is just too good and too important.

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I'm not against reading that which doesn't agree with my world view - it's how we stay informed, educated, and sometimes even entertained.. But Free Press, you do yourselves no favors printing this crap you might think is "edgy" but is really, as with several other stories, just biased writing that shows us your own bias and ideology far more than simply an opposing or simply 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 viewpoint.

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Biden, AOC, Schumer, and the rest of the scumbag left wants to give away $430,000,000,000 of government money without the consent of Congress in order to buy voters and I'm supposed to care what a bunch of people who simply want to be left alone do?

I cannot understand why anyone wouldn't want to do what the government tells them to do all the time. Why don't people want to be domesticated and led around by a bunch of clowns with a 10% approval rating...what are they thinking?

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We used to think we could vote out the bums and restore government to some sort of sanity. But now do we even trust our election system? Mail in ballots, vote harvesting, $400 million from Zuckerburg, search engine results controlling what people know, and an electorate so brainwashed and dumbed down they believe the likes of AOC and Maxine Waters. Voting is no longer a remedy. I like the idea of redrawing state lines so eg, eastern Oregon secedes from Oregon and joins Idaho. Imagine Western NC without the lefty tri-state area.

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When the DNC says Biden will not debate... you know the outcome is already in. When Katie Hobbs refused to debate Kari Lake, I knew the race was already called.

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Even New York State without the lunatic asylum of NYC would be a sane and happy place to live.

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Well, I’d believe that if we had more than absurdly low number of people voting in elections.

I bet we’d have an astonishingly high voter turnout if every ballot had “None of the Above” on it as an option. Of course, no body would have an idea of what to do with the massive resultant majority…

Maybe make passing the citizenship exam on an annual basis as a requirement for holding office? Every profession, mine included (architecture) has a continuing education requirement for renewing licenses - why not make it a requirement for getting on a ballot?

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Please do not forget the unelected unaccountable bureaucratic/administrative state and the security state. This is who REALLY runs the country.

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A whole lot of Obama holdouts hung around D.C. for four years and worked for orgs such as Biden's Chinese-funded think tank, just waiting for a Dem president so they could get back into power.

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Bari - Where did you find this kid? Thomas PAINE, Oklahoma City bombing was in 1995, and we weren't fired because we were 'asked to get a jab' - it was a federal mandate. A government mandate, you know, like it was 1942 in Dachau or something.

I have been a public employee as a soldier and volunteer firefighter for most of my adult life, so I don't mean this for you wonderful folks at the ground level trying to do the job as best you can... Everyone at the state and federal level is just shy of evil in that they take an almost majority of your pay and waste it.

If you are trying to avoid the government at any level you are equivalent to our Founding Fathers.

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And hunter Biden is being treated just like everyone else.

Anyone who believes this government tells the truth is delusional.

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The tone of the article is patronizing. These are the people who are working class and are paying a larger percentage of their income in taxes. Their children won't have the funds or opportunity to attend private universities or even a good elementary education. These are the people who lost income during Covid rather than receiving large Covid checks from the government for not working. Why not understand their agony and motives instead of writing like a prince about unrefined serfs?

When Nikole Hannah-Jones introduced the incorrect and very fringe view of 1619, no one wrote about her footware and clothing. Why not quote how Nikole supports Cuba despite the regime's cruelty and lack of civil rights? Journalist fawn over Nikole or weigh each word written because of the backlash of being "anti-intellectual". How fun to have working class targets where one can write with acid about their clothes and ideas without ever digging into the why of their alienation.

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Absolutely spot on! But I like to give credit to tfp due to the fact they gives us a Both sides of the aisles view of our current culture clash if you will

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I personally am enthralled with Nicole's hair.

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Right?! You are exceptional! Can you imagine the author's descriptive comments if any person at the BBQ had that hairstyle. But with Nicole, hairstyle comments are off the table. Don't touch the Harvard crimson!

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Would her hair be an example of cultural appropriation?

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Perfectly stated.

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