Mar 14, 2022Liked by Nellie Bowles, Suzy Weiss

Thank you for posting this beautifully, challenging, hauntingly and yet also hopefully written post. I am an evangelical Christian steeped in the Jewish as well as Christian Scriptures. I pray for Ukraine, for its refugees, and for God’s / YHWH’s intervention.

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Israel is all that stands between another holocaust and freedom. For those Jews who do not support Israel, this passage from Mr. Aronson should convince you otherwise. “ In Kishinev, these lines aren’t a memory but a description. My Shema companion, his son and the others are traveling to new lives under the guard of a Jewish army, itself much of the answer to two millennia of dispersal and powerlessness.”

Thank G-d for Israel.

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As someone who is more pro-Israel than most Israelis, I’m sad to say that the Iranians and the Democrats have a plan where Israel will not stand in the way of the holocaust, but instead be the location of the holocaust.

But, you know, we need the federal government to provide free vision and dental and babysitting so you gotta break a few eggs. Just absolutely appalling.

Oh and Biden recently torpedoed the EastMed pipeline because it’s just a theme with these people. Disgusting.

When they declare that Jews are now white and then they talk about eradicating white supremacy, which white people do you think they’re talking about?

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The estimated cost of the EastMed pipeline is $7 billion; this sum could build 8 to 12 solar facilities (generation cost of $50 per megawatt) equivalent to nuclear power plants (generation cost of $148 per megawatt). It would eliminate dealing with natural gas cost fluctuations of $2 to $20 in the last 20 years. Plus, it would generate many good-paying jobs in Europe and help eliminate CO2 emissions. That’s what you call a win-win, creating good-paying jobs and helping eliminate the admissions of CO2.




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That’s tremendous science data.

So let’s say the nuclear power plant operates at break even, selling at cost. That means green energy, which allegedly costs 1/3rd as much, is coming in off the street, as a highly capital intensive business, and selling into a market that guarantees them 65% gross margins. That’s the same as the the most profitable cloud software companies that exist.

But green energy still needs assistance from the government. It’s more profitable than selling Molly on spring break but we need the feds to make this happen. Unbelievable.

It’s a scam designed for stupid people.

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If bullshit were a musical score, you would be the greatest composer in the world!

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Bullshit is produced at 1/3rd the cost of horseshit but they sell for the same price. We need a whole-of-government approach to assist and promote the bullshit industry.

Herp derp.

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Thank you. The first thing I thought of is that the same Progs baying for nuclear war with Russia are the very same people who want Israel wiped off the map. Be careful what you wish for...

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Dbn123; it’s shockingly unconscionable to associate Jews who don’t meet your expectations with bringing about another Holocaust. You’re wearing your self-righteousness like a badge of honor when it simply portrays intolerance of others who don’t think as you do.

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those who forget history are doomed to repeat it . . .

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Yes but you’re forgetting that historically people have not been as savvy and wise as 2022 Democrats. We should trust the science.

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Kevin, your comment goes beyond rabbit hole insanity; a worm must have crawled into your brain through your ear, giving you democratic phobia-itis!

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Ah yes, history, like where the right-wing conservatives were scapegoating the Jews and Social Democrats as the reason Germany lost World War I. In fact, the scapegoating was so widespread that the government of Germany investigated the charges. Did I miss where Vladimir Putin blamed the fall of the USSR on the Jews! Or where Vladimir compared the Jews to germs, as Hitler did in August 1920! Are you talking about where Putin linked monetary power and financial gains to the Jewish people as Hitler did! Or maybe how Vladimir Putin divided humanity into high and low races, exactly what history are you talking about?

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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Martin Niemöller; was speaking of picking off one group after the other. Exactly how does that apply to Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, and the Jews? Simply repeating a saying; is simplistic!

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No he’s talking about you being a Nazi. I know you want to get rid of theirs, but do you have an iron dome that protects you from feeling shame?

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Man I would love to see 1500 words from you on how we should wind down Israel the apartheid state. Would it be a transition like to green energy except switching to swords instead of windmill blades?


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God bless you for stepping up and helping. It tears at the heart to see the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

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“he cobbled together a living as a taxi driver, a mechanic, car refurbisher and salesman, a translator, and a tour guide. “I’m not sitting and doing nothing,” he said. “I must support everybody because I am the man in my family.””


So that would be the *actual* patriarchy, as opposed to the purely theoretical one.

Good to hear so many have stepped up to help. All the more necessary since we know Obama Admin Part 3 has zero interest in flying planeloads of these refugees to the United States. The percentage of refugees with western values would be WAY too high.

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He didnt say the woman does nothing. He simply takes responsibility for being a husband and father. Admirable. How anyone could turn this brave man's words to something ideologically toxic is ridiculous.

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Yeah you missed my point. It is admirable. The patriarchy is described as a bad thing where men receive all benefits, when for the most part it is guys working back breaking jobs to provide for their family.

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A sweet, inspiring story. I’m Christian, and I know that my faith is nurtured across the ages by the devotion of my Jewish forebears. My determination to live faithfully is inspired by contemporary Jews still living amid various degrees of enmity and persecution, wherever they go. Communism can’t abide any strain of religion because fealty to anything else undermines state control. My heart bleeds for these Jews, and I love them for standing up for their religious freedom! They help me stand up for mine - not in Ukraine or Moldova now, but, remarkably, in my own country with the American state incrementally suppressing Christianity.

Mr. Aronson’s article highlights another reason to hope and pray that Ukraine will fend off Putin.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Though I don’t doubt this writer’s sincerity, he presents only one perspective of the situation in the Donbas. It’s clear that that ethnic Russians in that region of Ukraine have resisted the de-Russification of their ancestral homelands by the Ukrainian government. His account, though, does support the government and media narrative that is being presented in the West. Unfortunately, however, that narrative is just as biased as this writer’s account. We in the west are not being provided a balanced view of the war in Ukraine. The omission of other perspectives amounts to deception. Here are just a few examples of that deception:


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Jeff - As it happens, I spoke yesterday with a man who’s visited Ukraine regularly, frequently, for 50 years doing missionary and humanitarian work. He has countless friends and contacts there. He was there just last week! I asked him about Ukrainians in the eastern sector, whether it’s true that most of them support the Russian invasion and would prefer to rejoin Russia in some form. He said it’s not true, that this narrative is Russian propaganda. Much of the population in the east has Russian roots and Russian is their first language, but most prefer living in Ukraine as currently constituted. Why? The reason is simple. They’ve gotten used to a free society in Ukraine and have no desire to live under Russian totalitarianism. Communism is officially defunct in Russia, but state power remains and these Ukrainians want no part of it despite their Russian heritage.

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Thanks, Mark. I think we can agree that it’s hard to know what to believe. I’m certain of a few things though. I’m certain that there is always more than one perspective on all events, and I’m just as certain that the msm is only providing one of those perspectives. I’m just as certain that until recently the msm depicted Ukraine as one of the most corrupt nations in the world. I don’t necessarily support the perspective of the Russian separatists in Ukraine. I’m just trying to demonstrate that there are, in fact, other perspectives.

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Thanks for your sensible reply. Two things can be true at once: Ukrainian politicians and corporations can be corrupt, and Ukrainians - most of whom are NOT corrupt - can deserve freedom from Russian domination.

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Absolutely. My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine. We are all pawns to at least one degree or another in a global power struggle. And right now the Ukrainian people are pawns on one the most dangerous parts of the elite’s chessboard.

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Thanks for the digging, and repeating the vital message that Government and MSM can NEVER be trusted. I know that in Substack-land this seems like an obvious point, but this is still an embryonic project, and that message needs reinforcement at every opportunity

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Yes indeed! Let’s not forget who made sure pro-Russian Yanukkvych was ousted: the same lovely Nuland who last week quite hesitantly admitted after several denials) that there were US bio labs in Ukraine (Rubio did not even press for information but only offered the leading question about any bio weapons discovered would be, of course, credited to The Russians!). Said bio labs contain hemorrhagic fever research. Interestingly, the Chinese virologist who fled China and rang the alarm about Covid (I wrote her name down when I listened to her discussion but unfortunately lost it) had also urgently warned that the next bio attack would be - wait for it - hemorrhagic fever, a far more lethal virus then Covid. MSM probably won’t be running with this story either!!

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Thanks for posting--the criminality is just right out in the open now, they don't even bother to hide it.

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Dr. Yan is the Chinese virologist who escaped China! FYI

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Well the ladies of the View think Tulsi, Tucker and Fox News should be investigated by the DOJ for even bringing this up. It's incomprehensible that after what the whole world has just been through people like that can still pander to politics and not be scared s^%# less about it happening again.

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I saw that and it made my stomach turn. I keep thinking my level of incredulity can’t be surpassed anymore, but behold!

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I confess I'm at a loss to explain the popularity of The View. I can't think of people less qualified to comment on current events. Sexist, racist, and classist--truly, the Trifecta--and Progs can't get enough of it...

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Outstanding article. It aligns with the email I just received from my spiritual director on the theme, "Stay focused."

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You speak of theory but you are taking action on the front lines so, much respect for putting yourself out there Cole! And giving those running shoes to that boy - beautiful!!!

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Sasha sounds like he’s between 18 and 60. I guess staying and fighting to protect his father and grandmother isn’t a thing for him.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

I’m not one for American-style contempt for the purely theoretical.

Considering the damage that's been done by the absolute commitment to 'Purely Theoretical' policies for COVID, Climate Change, and other leftist doctrine, maybe a little contempt on your part is warranted.

Regardless, thank you for the work you are doing.

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Loved this piece.

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To me this is kind of an odd thing that people do. war is hell, on everyone equally. why do we keep focusing in on specific ethnic groups? Everybody that’s fleeing war is dirty and hungry and having a hard time finding food. unless one group for some reason has more of a bull’s-eye on them than another and I just don’t get it. Although I suppose highlghting any individual highlights their culture. If your between a male 18-50 and a citizen of the Ukraine i’m looking at you wondering why you fled.

That being said I have always been very pro-Israel. It’s the one functional democracy in a region full of violence and tyrants. A true oasis.

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My paternal great grandparents were wise enough to flee with their three sons and daughter to flee a town not far from Kiev in the 1890s because of extreme poverty, religious discrimination, forced conscript into the Czar’s army and persecution from the locals. They made their way to NYC like so many other Ashkenaz Jews who knew they could not have normal lives in what was referred to as the Pale of Settlement. It pains me to see this history happening all over again. Oddly enough, my maternal grandparents fled Kishinev, the very same city where this essay takes place in the 1880s when pogroms murdered thousands of Jews. I’m glad they fled and migrated here never looking back at what was never considered home to any of them. Sadly, they were never considered Ukrainian or Russian or Rumanian. They were always seen as outsiders. I’m glad that some and hopefully many, will find their way to Israel.

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Light in the darkness

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Beautiful. Gob Bless You.

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B'H may you continue this wonderful work for our brethren

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