
“…Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel, which does not practice Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in its hiring practices….”

Best line in the whole essay.

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Leighton Woodhouse is an excellent writer. If you haven't checked out his substack, you should.

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Thanks. I will.

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I can just see the cartel bosses meeting and saying ‘I have noticed that none of us are women - and that is not OK - we should all step aside to make room for our sisters’

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There isn't enough trans representation in our organization.

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🤣🤣🤣great post

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The Cartels do in fact support left wing causes across Mexico. Social Justice orgs get massive funding from them. Cartels are basically syndicates, guilds. Mexican socialist movements are tied to revered outlaws that farmer led rebellions to take money from old wealth and redistribute it to "the people" (Pancho Villa). That spirit is in their blood and marketed as such in music and entertainment. Also the Cartels openly collude and collaborate with AMLO, who touts their community activism.

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But it DOES practice DEI. DEI means "don't hire white males or asians".

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(Banned)Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Really? Actually, I heard it meant "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion." WhIch is a standard white and Asians can fall under. You seem to be saying DHWMOA. Maybe we have different acronyms?

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Ahh everybody's favorite troll is back to pretend that poor reading comprehension represents his intellectual superiority...

What do you all think, is this person for real, or are they a troll intentionally making leftists look bad? Personally I think it is the latter.

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Latter for sure. But also a plain old bully.

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Eh, it's trying to be disruptive enough to cut into Bari's subscription numbers is my theory. It seems to not realize that the simple exercise of self-control allows one to just scroll past it and ignore the stupid.

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Probably right. On both counts.

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Just a plain a..hole Anthony don’t think troll, bot. Sometimes I think not even human. Watch the reaction now there will be a meltdown in its camp.

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Does "Comprof" go by another name ever? I met up with someone similar who admitted he found trolling fun.

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Did Matt Mullen change capes?

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I don’t think so at this stage under Comprof he gets maximum impact, when we really don’t take any notice of him/her, it might change its name.

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LOL Anthony. Perfectly said.

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And he's doing a great job; he's a hack.

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"Hey hustla, how’s the game treatin’ yah? Been a little while since I’ve seen you doing your Al Sharpton wrestling moves. Maybe you could win some hearts and minds if you explained how Honduran culture embraces diversity by granting black Americans a preferred customer status."

Nah. Comprehended 100% correctly

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Get thee behind me, Satan

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I liked your post. It made me laugh. I try to not answer this troll's rants.

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Metoo thought it was very funny

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(Banned)Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Why would I be interested in winning the hearts and mind of people like you, or people on this board?

And why are you speaking to me in AAVE? Are you trying to be funny or make some point? Black people do understand standard English, Spicy.

Interesting rhetorical take with the "black people preferred status" re: drugs use, though. Man, I had you pegged all wrong.

When you have something to debate again, let me know. You haven't had much luck so far.

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If you're not interested in "winning the hearts and minds" here, then why bother posting? Other than for comic relief, that is.

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It's impossible to "win hearts and minds" in an ideological echo chamber, so just here to expose the hypocrisy of Bari and her sycophants.

Y'know....like her attempts to cancel Kanye and Trump because they were having "tough conversations." She did right on schedule.

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Is AAVE the same as Ebonics?

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In some manner. AAVE is the linguistic approach/understanding that African-American Vernacular English has very specific and unique, syntactical, phonological, semantic rules, etc.

White conservatives, etc. prefer to call it "Ebonics" because it sounds more dismissive/insulting.

But at the root, both are referencing the same thing. Those that understand the concept, however, will usually make a distinction. Those that have a distaste/animosity toward black people in general will default to "Ebonics"

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(Banned)Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Because the article is about the issue of Honduran drug activity in SF. Plus, I had you pegged correctly from Day 1.


1. You've covered the "black people and drugs."

2. You've done your "Ebonics" bit.

Keep going, Spicy. You have many more spaces left on you "LiBRulS ArE THe REal RAcist!" Bingo card.

There's nothing you can say, that I haven't heard from people like you throughout my entire life....but who knows? Maybe you'll surprise me.

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While Cartels may not officially practice DEI they do support left wing socialist causes and NeoMarxist orgs "Justicia Social" in Mexico.

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True. Do you think concepts like diversity, Equity, Inclusion are inherently "socialist" or perhaps America is such an individualistic culture that those things are perceived as socialist?

Btw...actually....America does have a long socialist tradition....but only for some groups.

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The State forcing organization/companies to meet gender and race quotas is de facto idealogical NeoMarxist regulation of the private sector. Private companies have a much greater incentive to diversify than public sector so they don't need Government to determine what the quotas should be.

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(Banned)Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Interesting. Why would private companies have more incentive? It would seem that they would have less incentive, due to the lack of public/external stakeholder pressure.

If I have a private club/organizarion, funded by private money, how am I more incentivized, than if I am a public organization funded by tax dollars from the entire general public? (i.e. public sector)

Writ small, for example, private schools have more incentive to diversify than public schools?

IMO, it's interesting how a concept of having a diverse organizational workforce/employees became "socialist." In my experience, I've found it to be a tremendous advantage/benefit.

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If you are selling a product to as many demographics as possible it does not behoove you to discriminate. Companies will diversify as the market demands. Woman already dominate most white collar professions in Mexico just like the US. As far as ethnicities go Mexican companies will hire anyone who wants to work.

The Public sector by contrast is exponentially more nepotistic and unresponsive to markets. This is why Thomas Sowell supported public sector affirmative action. You may want to read his books. It will open your mind. Most Black Conservatives started as Black Radicals then grew out of the phase when confronted with the real world.

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(Banned)Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Ok...but the majority of companies selling goods and services are not private companies.

VERY familiar with Thomas Sowell - and his work - actually related to him (via 2nd cousin, marriage) have met him at several family functions, but that's another story.

So...might want to slow up a bit on lecturing on black political, social, economic theory, conservative or liberal.

Again...the majority of companies/organizations that sell goods and services are PUBLIC/PUBICALLY TRADED companies that have to deal with external stakeholders, so they are completely ingrained/part of the "Public Sector" I mean, do you think Nike is private? Coca-Cola? Microsoft?

So, that would seem to reject your thesis that "private" companies have more incentive to diversify. Which is what you said.

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I'm sure they do. Easier to keep people in line that way. They themselves, I assure you, are not Marxists in any meaningful sense of the word.

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No socialist movement or country ever meaningfully resembles the utopian vision of what true socialism is supposed to be. It is always led by thugs and Marx was merely a bigoted thug as well. All these variants are merely ideological slogans used to acquire power.

Cartels are "sindicatos" and much of Mexico is syndicalist, which is not so distinct from socialism. Cartels control the government in about 9 Mexican States. The line between syndicates and governement is similarly blurred in states uncontrolled by Cartels. Similar to Mussolini's Fascism but without a Nationalist glue.

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We're on the same page here.

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Good so if the Cartels control the goverment then Social Justice movements is just a way for Cartels to expand government power. It is no coincidance the Social Justice movements in Mexico are opposed to trade blocs, which have their own international courts. Cartels cannot easily control NAFTA companies.

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Nor does the cartel subscribe to ESG policies.

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Obsessed. Some variation had to be included by every writer I believe. Maybe it's contractual?

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The fact that you roam this comment section habitually, offering your weak brand of contrarianism, proves two things: your obsession to “be heard,” and your ignorance to fact that we don’t give a care what you think. But, these words won’t dissuade you because . . . you are maladaptively obsessed.

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(Banned)Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

And I definitely don't care what you or anyone else here thinks, as you have no value to me as human being, so your input/opinion is irrelevant.

But it's so sad....thought you people were all about "conversations" and getting out of "echo chambers" unlike all those "leftists."

The only thing that is "weak" is that you and your compatriots can never effectively refute my points/arguments, so you're left with nothing but ad hominem attacks and telling people who don't participate in your obsessive, fake moral panic "groupthink" to leave your cult.

Don't care if I'm "heard" or not just like pointing out hypocrisy from people like you.

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You use an awful lot of words to craft such a vacuous retort...

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Have you ever noticed how the left curses the US as being a racist police state and use other scurrilous adjectives to describe the US? Yet not once do they criticize other nations, like China, that actually are racist police states. The Dems love Islam which is populated with murderous, misogynists. Countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia and all African and gulf Islamic states who still practice slavery. The left plays kissy face with Islam. They love Islam, "the religion of peace", my ass!

Yet it seems they hate the US. If they hate the US so much and it such a shit hole of police brutality and racism, why don't the go to the workers' paradise like Cuba, Venezuela or China?

I bet comprof could give up his mop and broom and actually teach in Cuba. He could teach how to the hate the US in three easy steps and the best technique how to really clean a floor

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Lol. Nothing of substance. Again.

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The Tenderloin area, isn't that where you teach?

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I don't think comprof teaches at all. He may work at a university in the tenderloin area but his work involves a broom and a mop.

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Nothing of substance/value. Again.

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No. Wrong state.

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“And I definitely don't care what you or anyone else here thinks”

“Don't care if I'm "heard" or not”

These are strange declarations for one who posts multiple times daily on a discussion board.

I question your ability to process coherent thought.

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(Banned)Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

I enjoy pointing out hypocrisy. Such as, you - who post just as much as anyone. However, people engage me with their stupid arguments, inability to refute my arguments, and they are left with nothing but sputtering insults like yours - so the virtuous cycle continues.

I question your ability to process anything.

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You point out hypocrisy to a group of folks whose views you care nothing for.

That’s a productive use of your time?

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(Banned)Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022


1. People that equate blacks with drugs.

2. People who use AAVE/"Ebonics" with a black person in an attempt to be racially "clever."

Yes, "People like you," Spicy. Trash.

Man, I had you pegged ALL wrong. Lol.

Keep going....

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I'll certainly defer to your evident expertise on obsession.

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(Banned)Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

My obsessions are broad and far-ranging. You let me know whenever something else makes the "woke" list, ok?

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You'll be the first to know!

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Drug dealers come in all races, sexes, ethnicities, genders, star signs, sexualities, skin color, heights, sizes, weights, and any attempt to deny a protected class represenation within the drug dealer community is racist and bigoted.

The woke are boundless in their ridiculousness

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You left out political affiliation, religion, and species. What about the drug-dealing Zoroastrian MAGA Republicans who identify as alpacas?

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Crap, my bad. I apologise and will strive to "do better".

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When you do apologize, Bash, be sure to add you are doing so from what was Native People Land until stolen by Evil Overlords of Colonialism. No apology is complete without that.

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Oh God, you made me laugh. What a great post. Alpacas, beautiful. Now comprof has a new adjective to use.

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Identify as alpacas?? CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!! </sarc>

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May Mithra be with you.

Zoroastrians throw the bodies of their dead on outside metal grates so the vultures can eat them.

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Right. I read "genders" and thought: Yes, there must be an equal number of dangerous women drug dealers on the street as men? Of course, stats for violent crime committed by women are way up in the UK because they list men who identify as women - as actual women - indulging the fantasy as of higher importance than accurate crime statistics.

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Women don't make good drug dealers.

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That statement violates all of the DEI/DIE rules.

You will now be Unpersoned (Orwell) :-0

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Well....you're joking, but it's true.

Requires too much math.

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I was thinking about how men have larger more powerful bodies and a greater penchant for violence. I'm kinda thinking that if the drug dealers were exceptional with math they'd have higher paying, safer jobs.

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Even basic math is difficult.

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Thank God for the Democrats/Socialists! They are helping undocumented Democrats realize the American dream. Through hard work and determination these undocumented Hondurans, uh I mean poor downtrodden immigrant, entrepreneurs can realize the American dream. Anybody who can't see this is the left's favorite term, a racist.

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A true story:

A man, a yellow dog Democrat, washed up on a beach after a shipwreck. Only a sheep and

a sheepdog were washed-up with him. After looking around, he

realized that they were stranded on a deserted island.

After being there awhile, he got into the habit

of taking his two animal companions to the

beach every evening to watch the sunset.

One particular evening, the sky was a fiery red

with beautiful cirrus clouds, the breeze was

warm and gentle - a perfect night for romance.

As they sat there, the sheep started looking better

and better to the lonely man. Soon, he leaned over

to the sheep and put his arm around it.

The sheepdog, ever-protective of the sheep,

growled fiercely until the man took his

arm from around the sheep.

After that, the three of them continued

to enjoy the sunsets together, but

there was no more cuddling.

A few weeks passed-by and, lo and behold,

there was another shipwreck. The only

survivor was Hillary Clinton.

That evening, the man brought Hillary to the

evening beach ritual. It was another beautiful

evening - red sky, cirrus clouds, a warm and

gentle breeze - perfect for a night of romance.

Pretty soon, the man started to get those feelings

again. He fought the urges as long as he could but

he finally gave-in and leaned over to Hillary and

told her he hadn't had sex for months.

Hillary batted her eyelashes and asked if

there was anything she could do for him.

He said, 'Take the dog for a walk.'

Remember if you are a Democrat, you can't be judgmental about the man's sexual choices.

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It would be interesting to ask law abiding hard working Honduran immigrants if they believe the arrests of drug dealers (mostly Honduran) were racist. If these arrests made their lives better or worse. Maybe the do gooders lumping the good people with the criminals should ask them if they agree.

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(Banned)Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

There are no "protected classes" in America.

But I'm glad we're back to having "tough conversations" - Bari's piece on Kanye Las week....man....

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I live in a rough part of SF (8th and Market) and can confirm pretty much everything in this article. Due to SF sanctuary law there’s an organized system in which young Latin men are brought in to sell drugs. Most folks seem to believe they’re Honduran, I haven’t confirmed myself beyond a few cases. I can confirm there are a few of them on most corners, that I can see them actively pushing drugs on homeless folk I know, and that many are in fact underage. A homeless friend recently lamented she had bought crack from a 9 year old dealer. The system is organized: a woman in a car frequently comes by to drop of food for all the dealers at once. It’s extremely obvious who they are - look for a young man wearing a full balaclava with a backpack standing on a corner. Extremely sad we’re willing to sacrifice our city and frankly a lot of folks lost to dying slowly of drugs to our unwillingness to look something ugly and real in the face.

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And the sad truth is that the government and people could end this in a hot second if they had the will.

But they don't. And they won't.

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They deserve what they get. They have been voting for far left, nut case candidates for decades.

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I commute through Civic Center in SF (not far from 8th and Market for those not familiar and a stones throw to the Tenderloin), it is plain as day who the dealers are and who the users are. Dealers are the same ~10 probably teenaged, maybe early 20s, hispanic looking folks. They have nice clothes and wander around talking with each other when not selling drugs homeless and vagrants that pass through who all generally have the hunch. Because it's near the BART station, I often see cops standing around monitoring the area, but that doesn't stop drug sales from happening practically right next to them. They just don't care. These drug users then wander into the BART areas, pass out, relieve themself in what ever ways necessary where ever they want. It is literally a dystopian experience, but somehow it has been normalized.

Anyway, there is no way to solve the problem if we can't tell the truth about what the problem is.

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I am so grateful I brought my children to visit the previously awesome city before all this happened. There is no way I would visit now. Curious what tourism looks like these days. Can you share your perspective on that?

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There is still a decent amount tourism, maybe not what it was like prepandemic but a lot. I really don’t know why though. I would not spend money to go see that city. Heck it is hard enough to go see it in order to earn money.

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I think that if you are a tourist victim of violent crime the city of SF pays for your ambulance and hospital stay. So, it's all good?

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I was 15 the only time I was ever there. Still young and sheltered enough (in that era) to be rattled by the cross-dressers. My cousin (who lived in the nice part of Oakland) did the driving, and it was literally a mere drive-through of the city. I didn't see anything on that whole drive that I wanted to go back and take a closer look at.

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When you say police don't care, is it because they actually don't or because they have been ordered to ignore it? Thank you for sharing your insight. Hope you stay safe in your travels.

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Honestly, I don't know. I could see it being either that they are told to make drug arrests low priority and focus on violent crime or that the cops themselves just don't want to go through the trouble of a minor drug arrest leading to a ton of paper work and the suspect back on the street in hours.

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That is becoming a significant problem everywhere that Democrats control the justice system. In NYC, even violent criminals are often back on the streets the same day. There is no will to prosecute, because Democrats see criminals as victims (and have done so since the 80s), and now they have level of power required to refuse to prosecute.

What their ideology does not allow them to understand is that what you permit, you encourage. Criminals are not going to become nice people because we are so "kind" that we don't put them in jail. That isn't how human nature works.

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I’m curious. Are you thinking of moving out of your ‘rough’ part of the city?

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The only solution to this problem is to stand firm in your support of reality. It doesn't make a difference how much people scream, vilify, or criticize those who are telling the truth. Reality is reality. I don't understand why being called a name causes people — even people in power — to retreat from what they know is right.... But, it seems, we've abandoned any link to reality even in my field of biology:


Thank you for this very well-written, thought-provoking essay, Frederick

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“I don't understand why being called a name causes people — to retreat from what they know is right.”

It happens because from the evolutionary perspective human reasoning is not in the first instance aimed at truth; it’s a social competence aimed at solidifying our reputation in our group. For humans it’s not enough to hold correct beliefs. It’s essential to recruit others to collective action around held beliefs, because on the evolutionary scale humans need social support for survival. Calling the Mayor a racist threatened her ingroup survival.

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100%. Nice.

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FR, you're right. But truth (recognition of reality) in 2022 America is a scarce commodity. Truth scares the hell out of people in power (and supporters of some people in power, I might add..). They think we can't handle it. The mayor made a huge mistake in apologizing. She would have been much better off sticking to her knowledge of what is true and showing Californians exactly what she means and double down. Take the short term heat but gain respect and more power and support because of it. But she was scared about being vilified - and she got vilified all the same. She let herself get cancelled instead of showing strength.

Yes, the 'woke' are everywhere - but the mayor is the one who got it wrong..

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Spot on, Lee. Taking heat from weenies can be worn as a badge of honor, not shame, if handled correctly.

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Your essay was very funny and quite good!

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Thank you for sharing your lovely article, FR Prete. This is a scientific outlook:

"I’m always willing to change my opinion when I come across new information."

In current times I am not a woman or a mother but someone who birthed a few times - reduced to being defined by some of my reproductive parts while at the same time these "Transwomen" activists who really "are women" will coyly say things like "I am a woman! Why are YOU so curious about what is in my pants? Are you a perv?" They tend to be intact "down there" (why are we being so nosy about that?) and get off sexually on the world bowing to their Woman Face charade. This is sexual perversion and extreme narcissism promoted at the very highest levels.

But then, I am just a mere person with ovaries. What do I know?

It truly frightens me that Ketanji "Not a Biologist" Brown Jackson is a justice on our Supreme Court.

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Excellent article Pete. Prizewinning.

Which, fortunately for you, is a new toaster.

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I agree, but unfortunately it isn't going to ward off any new losses to silliness on it's own. Thank you for sharing. I'd think we have to be the majority but it just doesn't seem like it.

Our country needs to die on this hill or we've lost it. If they can get you to say such an untruth that a man is a woman they can get you to say anything.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

I think that's right. RGT/Transgenderism is not the goal but a tactic. As to people who lack competence - no one ever heard of Dylan Mulvaney before he recently transed and had an interview at the WH on Monday. "Biden Meets With Trans Influencer at White House to Promote Child Mutilation Drugs"


Our children are just the collateral damage in this game to create a society of emasculated liars for the purpose of power and control:

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” ― Theodore Dalrymple"

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This is why I say the Dems are not just moving toward Communist, they are running toward it.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

It makes it so easy to search on him though. Imagine if his last name were "Smith". :)

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Facts mean nothing to a fanatic.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

I agree they just rename everything so that the facts sound/present differently. Like, drugging & butchering children is "gender affirming health care". Doesn't that sound good? And, aren't we for it now?

I see this again and again in the news on all manner of subjects. The level of spin is dizzying. Anyone who disagrees is called names like NaziFascist so there is no genuine debate of facts. But, isn't the definition of fascism something along the lines of when Industry, Media, Government, Technology, Everything You Can Name - Pharma & Medicine - the Education Complex - all work together for the goal of power? And, we have Merrick Garland investigating concerned parents, a Supreme Court Justice who cannot say what a woman is... Yet, Democrats are saying - don't care about the state of the economy - you must vote Democrat or you are voting against Democracy! (Not that I think the Rs are that great but one can hope they will set some things right if in power - following examples of people like Ron DeSantis.)

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A thug is a thug is a thug. Bloods, Cartels, Taliban, all thugs. The San Francisco public defenders are worse in that they obfuscate reality to protect these wicked and evil men.

George Orwell noticed that the term “fascist” had lost all meaning and instead meant anything one didn’t like.

The same is now true for “racist”, and has been so for some time now, it’s just more obvious.

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He had quite the crystal ball didn't he?

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No, until recently Public Defenders gave necessary legal protection to the indigent poor. Constitutional rights guaranteed all of us in the Constitution. Until recently PDs offices were primarily CRIMINAL justice organizations, but are now SOCIAL justice organizations. The PD in this article says what all the sj types say. That doesn’t mean all of his associates March in lockstep with him, just as all associate DAs in San Francisco didn’t agree with Chesa Boudin on everything. ALSO although prosecutors are tasked with doing justice, the responsibility of defense attorneys is to represent their clients. So, if arguments you find offensive are persuasive win, blame the judge or the jury pool. For example, “gay panic” defense would never fly now but a good attorney would have had to use it if supported by the facts.

That’s said. Great article and Mano is just par for the course.

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The solution to any of this madness is to be a 1 issue voter on every ballot. I don’t even differentiate candidates or care to . At this point I check the “r” box without regard to the name. All democrats pander to this nonsense in some form and need to be removed from office

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You’re correct that Dems pander to this crap but too many R’s are just as weak and pathetic. We need more republicans like Kari Lake and Ron DeSantis- ones who couldn’t care less about being called racist and instead are willing to do whatever’s necessary to reclaim order.

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My biggest concern right now is that Republicans will get in office and then do nothing.

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You and me both. Covid proved how completely useless so many in the Republican Party really are. The only bright spot has been DeSantis standing tall and unafraid- I’m just praying another 5 or 10 newly elected candidates follow his lead.

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I’m sure they will even with the negative MSM and SM coverage. The Republicans who look likely to come in seem strong so it should be good for us PG

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I agree. And call me cynical but I feel like most of the GOP will gladly take advantage of a wrecked system of over involvement of the federal government. They can promise to "fix what the left ruined" while spending billions on more bullshit.

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It is a huge worry but I think one we should deal with after the midterms.

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And fewer like Willard the Rat, Cheney pere et fille, the Bushes and their various turncoat spawn (Nickie Wallace, Steele, et al) and the entire "Lincoln Project" of perverts and knee benders.

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deletedOct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022
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So you're saying the Lincoln Project isn't run by perverts? Funny because the facts refute you.

As far as apologizing for Trump, he needs no apology. Sure he was intemperate but America did very well under him and most people were prospering and free. Now under the senile imbecile you got elected, mortgage rates have quadrupled, inflation is at levels not seen in decades, political arrests and prosecutions abound, 4 million illiterate illegals have invaded our country with the aid and abetment of the Administration and war rages in Eastern Europe.

Funny how you now want to "go Giuliani on them." Even as Rudy is demonized. But you do sound like the UWS or West Village semi-commies who considered Rudy a savior after Dems had turned NYC into a cesspool.

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The most vacuous argument that R T and his alter ego comprof have is "You voted for Trump!!! Or the Orange Man!!!

We, doesn't that mean he/comprof voted for the ever senile, lying corrupt Joe Biden. Now how smart was that?

I say R T/comprof are the same because they sound the same, insulting but no substance. He/they need to get new material. They sound like a broken record, the same crap over and over again and they think that is a valid debate.

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LP not sure they the same, RT not as vulgar as Comprof, however, they both don’t bring any substance to this site but it’s a democracy we have to let them be, and I don’t think these two even voted, an America great again is not their agenda!

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I wouldn’t respond to RT. He suffers from TDS Bruce leave him let him be!

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deletedOct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022
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Your psychotic rant claims "Instead of Reagan bringing Russia into the European fold after the collapse of the Soviet Union, he and all presidents after him chose to fill the coffers of the MIC by expanding NATO. They just couldn’t back away from that cash cow."

Gorbachev resigned as president of the USSR in December 1991. Reagan's eight year term ended January 1991. So Reagan wasn't even in office when the Soviet Union collapsed. Your "factual" knowledge is only the beginning of your internally inconsistent delusions. And while we probably agree on the undue influence of the global corporatists, at least Trump -warts and all - tried to curtail the influence of the globalists embedded within our own administrative state. While Biden and his ilk are nothing but their pimps.

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You expect to much for California. Sadly golden state has become "The Woke Zone" where all reason stops, and progressive madness takes over.

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The polls have opened here today. Me and my wife are voting to keep Texas from not turning into California. Anybody who votes for the Dems/Commies is voting to turn their state into California.

I hope Gov. Abbot starts sending undocumented Dems to Maryland, the ever senile Joe's home state.

Sancturary cities proclaim to welcome undocumented Dems but when they actually arrive think, Martha's Vinyard, they can't ship them out fast enough and if they can't ship them out, they whine about how these undocumented Dems are overloading their social services. Well, they don't mind when the Dems send these undocumented Dems to overload the border states' social services.

We all need to vote to these miserable PC/Woke assholes out of office. They are destroying our country. If you don't believe me, just look at California.

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Close the thread. Defeat Democrats Everywhere. Remember that the best Democrat is worse than the worst Republican.

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Respectfully, this isn’t true. There’s good dems and good republicans and a fair measure of scumbags on both sides.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Your “good” Democrats have universally voted for policies which have produced hyperinflation and. supply chain shortages. All of them support open borders and Climate Alarmist energy policies which are destroying the economy. And they are afraid of enforcing the law, except against white people, lest they be called racists.

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Vote them out come Nov we very close now.

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I agree with this to a certain extent. However the Marxist/socialist/communist element, which I believe to be the greatest threat to the US and humans in general, festers in the Democratic Party. The ‘middle’ dems sit in the same room and negotiate and horse trade with these folks, as if they are deserving of any sort compromise.

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There hasn't been a "middle" dem since scoop Jackson and Walter Mondale and Hubert Humphrey. JFK today would be an R

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Well, there was one but she is now an independent.

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Give me an example where one Dem representative has not voted lockstep with the Dems on any one bill that Nancy Pelosi has brought to the floor of the House. Just one.

I agree with you. There are scum bags on both sides.

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Respectfully, it is true. You cannot be a Dem today without embracing what Woodhouse wrote about here. It's a rule because the far left base of the party is too influential. It's like trying to win as GOP while demeaning Trump. Very hard to do because far right base is equally influential.

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I would honestly like to know who is a "good" Democrat and why?

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I grew up Democrat. And I grew up in a state where Democrats had to meaningfully be good ones in order to get elected. But I haven't seen many good ones anywhere since I became at adult.

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Can you name the gods Democrats please?

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Voting Republican in California would be like re-arranging the chairs on the Titanic. Unfortunately, a fair number of Californians have realized this and have moved to my state so that they can vote for Stacey Abrams.

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She’s not gonna win. There is more former democrats (like myself) who flipped.

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I hope you’re right.

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Are you in Georgia?

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I have never voted for one party. Don’t even belong to a party. A few weeks ago I told my wife I’m simply voting R this year.

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You go Tony, think a lot of us are going Red some for the first time in the lives.

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Based on what I’m seeing, you are far from alone.

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Sniveling Leftist, I can't believe I have come to this but I agree . This mid-term I am voting straight R (a ticket I never voted for before) - I don't even care who the candidate is. I don't care if the candidate is "weak and pathetic" or has policy stands on which I disagree. I am a one-issue voter right now and that issue is: Get the Democrats out of office.

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Just yesterday I filled my mail-in ballot--straight R. It was so satisfying, like a delicious naughty transgression!

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Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed reading your post!!!❤️❤️

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Good article.

One could say the Sinaloa cartel is being diverse and inclusive: Mexicans and Hondurans are not the same thing at all. Also, is it possible the public defender is in the employ of the cartel? This is a very common relationship in Mexico.

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That's a great observation. A trusted friend in Tucson casually told me how the drug cartels have people in lots of political positions in the southwest. The advantage of having the public defender is obvious, and the vulnerability of US officials to the word "racism" is globally known as a way to manipulate Americans.

Don't ever think cartels are dumb. Unlike politicians, they have consequences for failure.

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They sure do! Talk about a performance review.

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Sounds like they'd do whatever the cartel asks, without needing to be paid. There's nothing more dangerous than a useful idiot.

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Their "pay" is for them and/or their family members to continue breathing.

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It certainly read like that

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That was one of my first thoughts Cynthia. How could it be anything else?

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It's possible that the person gets a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from labelling other people as "racist" and having the power to keep drug dealers on the street. That's twistier than just being paid off.

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In Intersectionalism, the Left and the criminals they perceive of as "victims" have discovered the perfect alibi. By hiring from a particular "oppressed" group, the criminals in charge can protect their entire organization (and their profits, which the Left would consider an abomination if anyone else were making them) by screaming "racism."

The Left's approach will never put a stop to the dangers faced by the non-criminals who live in these neighborhoods. The past 50+ years of Democrat-controlled cities has demonstrated clearly that the Left will always view the criminals as the "real" victims. This upside-down approach can never do anything but *promote* crime.

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I think you are right. It is also why they lean heavily on juveniles as foot soldiers. Even in the day when law was enforced juveniles always received special treat.ent.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Good point. If the dealers were white men, it would be open hunting season and the Public Defender wouldn’t care.

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I agree! For me you make sense of their nonsense. For those of you who watch "Stranger Things" your last sentence reminded me of the upside down, an alternate parallel universe filled with evil. Sometimes I feel that the far left progressives inhabit the upside down in our world.

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And we laugh to China, how everyone is ignoring reality.

We have literaly the same thing with extra steps in US. Woke left together with MSM and big Tech has brought us so far, that you are forced to pretend that things are not happening and that you cant trust your own eyes.

In China speaking truth against partly line will get you imprisoned and sent to reeducation camp. In US speaking against woke ideology will get you fired, called racist by MSM and big tech will make your life to hell.

In both cases your life will be ruined for simply stating obvious.

No wonder people are leaving Commiefornia, normal people are living, homeless and junkies are taking over. It already looks like third world, with slums where poor live sounding mansions of the rich elite.

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It’s worth noting that the Chinese are also a very large source of the illicit synthetic opioids such as fentanyl being smuggled into the U.S. They are feeding this catastrophe and loving every minute of it. It is also worth noting that when illicit drugs flow the other way, the Chinese will happily execute the perpetrator. They can point across the sea though and squawk to to their minions (with some degree of accuracy) about what a degenerate society we have become here in the U.S. I think that they probably view the leftist woke as useful idiots.

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It is equally worth noting - and repeating - that the Chinese government also is the source of the pandemic that ravaged the world. The crime of this Century and the perps have escaped without any consequences due to the globalist cabal that runs the West but admires the PRC.

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"...globalist cabal that rules the West..."


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One ring to rule them all...

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I’m not so sure it wasn’t an accident from collaborative research with the US

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It might very well have been an accident. The cover ups and deliberate spread of the disease, however, were no accident. And, whether due to malice or embarrassment, killed millions and wrecked the world's economies causing trillions of dollars of damage. At the very least, reparations are called for. Why that has not been done is the question..

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"deliberate spread" is the key takeaway here.

Remember, they kept our borders open by telling our female medical professionals that closing the borders was "racist"

This is the product of decades of mental conditioning of leftists. The word racism makes their hearts and minds bend the knee immediately, to anybody for any reason.

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Definitely there was collaborative research. Based on what Rand Paul uncovered, the research was outsourced there because it could not legally be done in the U.S. (although now I'm wondering how the hell it was legal for them to be messing with it in Massachusetts).

I am less certain it was an accident. It could have been (such things usually are). But the timing was too perfect for disrupting the 2020 election. Initially, I did not want to believe that anyone could be evil enough to unleash something like that on purpose. But the more I observe the behavior and rhetoric of people on the Left, the less faith I have that any moral consideration could stop them.

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Once I embraced “assume you’re being lied to, until proven otherwise”, my blood pressure went down.

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I am equally less certain. If the DNC could concoct the fantasy of the Russian hookers in the Steele Dossier and let America chase its tail for years over the collusion fairy tale, what wouldn't they do?

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That too.

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They also use TikTok and other social media to encourage and glorify toxic behaviors in American youth.

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That is the problem Social Media! Followed by MSM, we have to stop the cancer before we are all dead. Today What’s App went down, my first question was why? Are they already manipulating the midterms nothing would shock me.

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The Opiod War.

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The second opiod war as revenge for the first.

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I see a revenge factor in this one too. Even though the US was not a participant in the early one.

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Getting revenge against the West for the Opium trade that plagued China in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. My dad was a doctor in China in the 30s and he shot home movies of the opium addicts - lost souls with hollow eyes.

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While the opium wars and opium trade were abhorrent exploitations, I highly doubt that revenge is the CCP’s primary reason for supporting the current illegal drug trade in the U.S. I’m sure it does make for good propaganda at home, but you can’t convince me the CCP leadership really gives two shits about honoring the memory of their ancestors. I am sure they did take ample notes from history about how the drug trade destabilized their own country, and are applying those notes to their advantage with vigor. They definitely do care about China taking center stage as the ascendant world power, and so every little thing they can use to destabilize their most powerful adversary is on the table.

China has become quite adept at soft power plays. The drug trade is one of many.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

Cal, your comment makes more sense than mine does. The irony makes me think that getting revenge could be ONE of many motives. But you are right; the Middle Kingdom is quite adept at soft power plays.

On a different topic, my dad was with the Red Cross when they went into Nanking during the Rape of Nanking. Sometime after 2005, two of my co-workers who were born in Nanking gave a lunch time lecture about growing up in that city. Before it started, I went to talk to one of them. During our talk, I told her that my dad witnessed the Rape of Nanking. Her eyes got very big...she was shocked. She said that I was the first white person that she did not have to tell about this crime.

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That’s fascinating. China is quite an interesting nation with a very rich history. That is wild that your dad was present in one of their darkest hours. The blatant racist brutality displayed by the Japanese in their conquest of China (and pretty much everywhere else they swallowed up before and during WWII) is often glossed over in our history book. There’s definitely a reason the Japanese still feature as the villains in so many Chinese and Korean films.

Anyway, thank you for sharing about your dad. Sounds like led a pretty amazing life. Your post here is one of the reasons I enjoy the comments section of CS so much.

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Here is a Youtube video of dad narrating some of his home movies shot during the 30s. Sadly, he was in decline and he did not tell the stories very well.


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I think China cares about its culture which is why it does not tolerate the absurd things embraced in this country. Whether that is its primary reason for doing so or secondary to its stated goal.of world domination I do not know. But the Opium Wars were part of that culture.

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Yip the article is crazy and this post is even worse. It seems America is not on planet earth. Where to from here? The media hate us SM controls us and the current Government will do anything to get power and then stop at nothing to retain power. We are all in a desperate fight against this tyranny.

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My home state was invaded and trashed by Californians in the 90s and aughts.

Now I’m seeing NY, NJ, PA, MD, CT, MA and other NE state tags all over the place in the state in which I’ve resided for three decades.

Unlike my youth when we all thought the sane Californians were fleeing lunacy, I KNOW what the sudden influx means.

I’m moving ASAP.

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Interesting timing this morning in that immediately after I read this, a friend posted Proverbs 24:24 on Facebook.

“Whoever says to the wicked, “You are in the right,” will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations, but those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good blessing will come upon them. Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭24‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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To the people of San Francisco and California at large: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

- HL Mencken

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I couldn't help thinking that as I read this. The non-criminals in this neighborhood...how did they vote? Did they bother to vote at all? Unless they voted *against* politicians who would only give them more of the same, it's difficult to feel very sorry for them.

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Well, someone's electing these morons.

In New York City, pulling the D lever - regardless of the candidate - is in the DNA or maybe the water. How else does one explain - Andy Cuomo, Eliot Spitzer, Eric Schneiderman, Tony the Weiner, Sheldon Silver - and a host of other officials either disgraced or jailed?

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I don't know the specifics of how they voted for supervisor, but if you look at the map of San Franciscans who voted to recall the progressive D.A., you see that the recall was supported by the working and middle class areas of the city (other than the Mission and Haight Ashbury, which is where the woke hipsters live), while the wealthier areas were against it.

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So Democrats are voting for policies that harm poor PoC? Why does that sound so terribly familiar....?

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I wondered the same thing. But maybe it takes a generation (or two?) of misery and political promises that had to be broken - because they couldn't be kept - for those voters to awaken! "Now" isn't the end of time. Maybe SF's experiment in unreality is headed for a come-uppance based on Common Sense...

I get a kick out of the mention of Mencken, but I have a different twist on his views of democracy. https://joelelorentzen.substack.com/p/uncommon-sense

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My concern is that the hard working immigrant families come from countries of origin where this BS is the norm and will accept it here as well.

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We do well to distinguish between two related issues.

One is racism. All but a very few Americans believe discrimination based on race is morally wrong and unfair. There is powerful consensus on that, though it is being challenged by woke reverse discrimination.

The other is being called a racist. This has been effectively weaponized only because people fear social ostracism. I admire the powerful and angry-with-ironic-humor way both the queer community and rappers of the late 20th century took ownership of the epithets hurled against them.

The time has come for truthful people of integrity to do the same. We are not racists. Yet we can embrace being maligned and take our power back. We must not fear being called racist, we must not cravenly and dishonestly apologize.

We must not fear epithets. That is a developmental phase to be overcome during elementary school, not for adults. We must stand proudly and honorably in the face of name-calling, to counter cancel culture and the toxic elevation of performative victimhood.

When we do not let words hurt us, be aware, the sticks and stones are coming next. Malign, resentful, abusive hatred underlies woke philosophy, a love of power, not love of people, not a spirit of cooperation. We can not abdicate our own power in the face of toxic power, and we must take care to model humanism in return.

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It's taken a few decades, but I now believe, we should bring back racism. Racism works. Racism is efficient. Racism cleans up the cities, gets the right criminals behind bars, makes society safer.

Stop-and-frisk works. Profiling works. Tracking troublesome kids into special disciplinary programs works.

We need to stop with the namby-pamby hand wringing and apologies already. We're forfeiting our entire country to these numbskulls in the name of "equity".

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Hmm. A different take. Part of your reply has support, though I would include caveats. "Stop-and-frisk works. Profiling works. Tracking troublesome kids into special disciplinary programs works."

An argument on racial profiling being efficient can be made, but to me, this is a slippery slope. I agree that it seems illogical to me to be pulled aside by TSA for special screening. I fall into the visibly apparent demographic most unlikely to commit crimes. Yet I am willing to undergo it, objections to TSA aside. Suppose I were the same innocent person, inside the body of a person who fit the profile of a terrorist? I would resent being singled out, having it made clear that I am automatically a person under suspicion due to identity factors I have no power to change. No solution is perfect, and I support treating people who have not committed any infraction, are just going about their business, equally.

When I advocate losing fear of being called names, that does not mean I support calling names in return, like "namby-pamby" or "numbskulls." Just the opposite. I encourage people to set a better example, by treating people with whom we strongly disagree with humanity and dignity. Otherwise, what values do we stand for? We would be just like them, only on another side, accepting their concept that division and dominance are the way to go.

Power exists for a purpose, is not evil in and of itself. However, dominance is not the only way people use power. Cooperation is a very different kind of power.

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Law and order necessarily brings with it a certain amount of unfairness. Innocent black guys got picked up and questioned, black or Hispanic women would get followed around in retail stores... yeah life's not perfect.

But if you were to compare a society (term used loosely) where anything goes, where you or your loved ones could be assaulted or killed with impunity, versus a safe society where you and your loved ones could enjoy a relatively trouble free life, but some people were unfairly rounded up... which would you choose? Would you give your life, or the life of your child, for the cause of fairness?

Currently, we as a country are erring on the side of protecting the innocent, which necessarily means also letting some of the guilty go free. However this approach simply is not sustainable. Every major city in the country except maybe for Miami is currently experiencing a massive crime wave. It's no coincidence that every major city has become majority-minority and is being "governed" (again, term used loosely) by minority leadership with little experience or dedication to the very principles of blind justice which you espouse so idealistically.

Probably we as a country won't turn this around until a fresh generation of immigrants has gotten fed up with conditions that are worse and more dangerous than where they came from, and they start voting for Trump, Cruz, Abbott, DeSantis, Vance, et al, versus the liberal lunatics who are currently and visibly running the train right off the rails into the abyss.

Just my opinions :)

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And a brilliant opinion I might add.

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If random stop and frisk were confined to wanding for illegal weapons, I'd support it whole-heartedly. It isn't intrusive. No one with a concealed weapons permit would be penalized. If I saw a police doing it on a city street, I'd volunteer for it, just to improve their ethnicity stats.

It's the pat-downs for dope that I find intolerable.

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Say what you want about the “War on Drugs” not working but clearly it was doing something. With every new law legalizing/decriminalizing drugs and drug dealing the only thing society gets in return is decay and degeneracy.

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No fair. There are far too many other variables at work . . . e.g., a half-wrecked economy, thanks to the mishandled Covid-19 pandemic.

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oh yeah, the Drug War has been "doing something", for decades. The same way dry rot "does something" to a wood frame house.

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I can't believe that in 2022, people are STILL apologizing in this way.

Have they not been paying attention to what's been going on?!

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The charge of racism is thrown around so much, it really has lost most of its power.

The mayor apologizing keeps it on life support for a little longer, maybe that was her real intent,

if she said she was just stating facts and didn't apologize one of her favorite weapons would have been weakened even more

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She SHOULD have said facts are facts I'm not apologizing.

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My, my, my the Liberals are eating their own. The reality of the racial differences rises. I thought all of the minority groups strolled hand in hand singing a National Socialist song.

No opportunities so they deal drugs. First they break National Immigration Laws and now complain about opportunity. Keep your ass home and fight for your country and change it. No go North with the help of drug cartels to sell our dope in the land of opportunity and stupid lazy lawyers who milk the public by screaming racism because they can't compete any other way.

See they according to law should be arrested and deported. But California which in the 80's was so great is now a Liberal shit hole and all because people are affraid of two things. One is telling the truth. Two is they live in fear of being called a racist. So once again, play stupid games and get stupid prizes.

Great honest article. Keep them coming.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

All good points, but I would argue California's greatness ended after the 1950s.

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I am not even going to challenge the lawyer comment.

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