It’s important that serious, mature and intelligent Americans acknowledge, compliment and reward those politicians willing to tell the truth, take moral stands REGARDLESS OF POLITICS. if we all play the game, then we all lose, including the country we bequeath to our children and grandchildren.

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Well said, Mr. Glickler. I agree. Each of us has the responsibility to do the hard mental task of judging individuals instead of lazily lumping them into categories and then throwing out or embracing selected categories. We each earn our own stripes. Peter Savodnik wrote a good and fair article and I'm delighted to hear of one principled stand by one politician. Both the writer and the subject have shown courage.

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If judging the ability to take a moral stance against barbarism and atrocity is a "hard mental task" then cheerleading would surely earn a Nobel prize for physics.

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The bar is low these days

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The task itself shouldn’t be hard, but saying it out loud against the mob is certainly not easy these days.

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And yet nearly all Donkeys and some Heffalumps gave mealy-mouthed pablum answers. It shows how little are really principled.

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that is true for normal groups.

soviet communists or german nazis or american democrats are not normal groups. they are far outside the bounds of morality.

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Is that like “gee, hah, woah” or is it like “woah is me, the truth is now public”


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What I mean is the difference between nazis and Soviets and the Democratic Party of America is obvious. Your comment strikes me as histrionic.

One can dislike the Dems without jumping to the tired “nazi” trope.

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slavery, racism, kkk, jim crow, more racism, castration, murder, war, genocide what's not to like about dems?

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Well said, Andrew. And what you wrote is just about as brave and unremarkable as saying Hamas is bad. Courageous, mature and intelligent stuff there. But then, any five year old would say: "It's bad to kill babies on purpose!"

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It's far more important that serious, mature and intelligent Americans acknowledge the towering unfitness of politicians - usually Democrats given the rapidity with which the sociopath Santos was taken down - for office. Fetterman is patently brain damaged. Biden is patently impaired cognitively and irredeemably corrupt. Pretending otherwise renders one none of the above.

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Biden and Fetterman 24 ... it’s a no-brainer!

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I wholly agree Biden and Fetterman are not fit (mentally, physically) but I'm willing to give Fetterman props for doing the right thing while he's there and even though he's a D and I vote R.

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Fetterman is all there with his coughdrops; the damage is to his speech and how he gets his thought out; not the thought itself. Frankly you are just being an ableist bigot at this juncture. Jack it in; you are better than that.

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Aping the lexicon of idiocy now?

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Sorry, pal. You are out of rope.

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You can't possibly be talking about moral stands by suggesting democrats are anything other than what they are and always were. That's not happening. They've never had a moral stand about anything, ever.

Fetterman acted just exactly like republicans have always acted.

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And? Is that bad?

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what fetterman has said? no

what glickler has said? folly

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No political affiliation is needed to take a moral stand. In fact, omit the word 'moral' and it would be wonderful to see anyone in any position in government to take an HONEST stand, and wander out of the party lane.

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That’s irrelevant, Lee. The reality is democrats have no moral basis and haven’t for many decades. Wishing and hoping doesn’t change reality and neither does trying to change the subject

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Where in my reply to you did it indicate that I was only referring to Democrats? Relax.

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Like voting your own party's speaker of the house out of office? What was your opinion of people who took that stand?

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Hi frog! Was that directed to me? I thought it was blunt and honest since McCarthy lied straight in the faces of his own party three times before the first day was over.

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This right here is why I signed up for the FP.

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Leadership like this is so rare. Today I posted this about failed leadership.

It starts . . . We mirror our leaders. They are one-sided. They over-simplify ambiguous problems to place ownership of the problem on someone else. They take ownership of a singular tactic that their social media followers will amplify.

This is a lost opportunity. . . Click here for more: https://open.substack.com/pub/comradity/p/failed-leadership-is-the-cause-of?r=2pvmq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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So the fact that Fetterman is behaving like a normal decent person, ON ONE ISSUE, changes everything you thought about the man. He's behaving like every Republican congressman by recognizing brutality for what it is. How virtuous! What strength of character! Mostly it clarifies how morally compromised the Democrat left has become, when they can't separate themselves from their pro-Hamas wing and call October 7 what it was: a genocidal atrocity against Jews.

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Wow, are you sure The Free Press is the kind of coverage you want to pay for? Man, Savodnik didn't say that Fetterman should be President. He didn't even say he should be a SENATOR. This article was an acknowledgement that Savodnik had misread Fetterman, not that Fetterman is right on every issue.

The reason I subscribe to The Free Press is because I expect to be challenged, to find opinions different than my own, to recognize that sometimes issues (and people) are complicated. Nuance is a word that at TFP I thought was both unspoken but understood, something to not reject out of hand.

Is it not possible, Jon, for a person to be right on one issue and wrong on every other issue? And if it IS possible, do you have a problem with acknowledging that one point of commonality between you and the other side? In the opinion of this Boomer, the current tribalism is the worst thing that has happened to my country in my lifetime, and I come the TFP to avoid that, not reinforce it.

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Well said. But it's maddening that because Fetterman finally said something unremarkable AND right, Savodnik is so shallow it changed his whole perspective on the man. Fetterman will likely continue being what he was before--a dishonest Dem politician.

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I understand what you mean about an entire view being changed by one example but It think this case is slightly different. The reason it changed Savodnik's whole opinion is because his fundamental view of Fetterman had been that he was a fake who would never take a stand that could hurt his political chances, no matter what it was about. You're right about this being an extremely low bar, but Savodnik never would've thought Fetterman could clear it. And that throws his entire view of the man into question

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Ok. You might be right

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Thank you very much for considering what I had to say. Agree or not, it gives me hope

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Me too.

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actually Jon Deur, I just started a paid subscription due to your willingness to change your mind,.. it's so rare,.. I had no opinion about Fetterman and just happened to read the article and wanted to observe the level of comments as an indication of the magazine,.. I don't think I have ever seen anyone budge in their opinions,.. and not just online,.. though i probably should stop reading on,..

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Not sure why Savodnik makes no mention of it, but Fetterman also took a courageous stand against Bob Menendez.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023

Actually his stand on Menendez is MORE courageous. The media is hopelessly for open borders. Much harder to buck your own party AND the media.

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Be careful, Jon. The last I heard Fetterman was opining that asylum seekers should be stopped at the southern border - that indeed there is a major problem down there. I don't think that's dishonest. It's the opposite.

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I had forgotten that. Still too early to tell if he's courageous

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His stand may be common sense and obvious. Some even use a 'no-brainer' pun here, but what is important for me is that he went against the mob. In the present world of democrats, it is an unforgivable crime because they mostly move and act like a monolithic mass. The world has changed and turned upside down. Therefore, calling things for what they are, especially when it is so unpopular it can potentially turn the rage of mob against him, is rare and brave. I still think the US Senate is not a place for people who are physically and mentally challenged by a severe medical condition. But we should give him his due. I do respect him for standing with Israel.

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Jon expressed an opinion different from yours and the author's.

Jon thinks the nuance is that Fetterman doesn't deserve lavish praise and attention for something conservatives would take for granted.

Isn't that the conversation you want?

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Lavish praise and attention? It’s one single article by a publication whose entire beat basically is calling out liberals for their hypocrisy and cowardice.

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Wow. I thought it was saying hey buddies we might have gone a step or two too far and need to rein it in because you know MAGA!!!!!

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“Is it not possible, Jon, for a person to be right on one issue and wrong on every other issue?

Talk is cheap, especially when you consider his audience of 434,000 Jews in Pennsylvania. If Fetterman is so PRO Israel, why hasn’t he gotten in Schumer’s face about de-linking Israel aid from the Ukraine/Israel/US Border funding bill that he’s sitting on? Is it because doing so would cost Ukraine aid? Is it because Fetterman likes an open US border?

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Savodnik himself left the impression he was wrong on all fronts about Fetterman by not saying otherwise. Plus I read it again and it appears Savodnik is giving him a pass on other issues because he is so grateful for the support of Israel. And there has been problematic behavior including chasing POC down the street with a shotgun if I recall correctly.

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Problematic in what respect? 95% of the time that would be reading the situation correctly. I'm no fan of US Law Enforcement; but I've yet to see an "L.E.O. kills Black" incident that hasn't been righteous - despite what egregiously daft and bigoted juries might find.

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I am with you on what I think of as George Floyd syndrome. But reportedly private citizen Fetterman chased a couple of black guys down the street brandishing a shot gun. That is a no-no. Even in stand your ground states. You don't get to give chase.

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Ten years ago and the chap in the incident "Miyares wrote that Fetterman had "lied about everything" that happened during the incident, but that he had "done far more good than that one bad act" and "should not be defined by it", and that he hoped Fetterman would win the Senate race." You don't appear to have a client, Counsel. ;-)

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This is how I read it.

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Anmif, another breath of fresh air in the comment section, thank you and agreed!

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And so say nearly all of us!

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Well said, sir. I think you made my point better than I did.

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He’s behaving like Republicans on this issue despite the fact that he is making his progressive colleagues and followers very angry with him. Republicans are following the party line and get no such blowback.

Despite disagreeing with most of Fetterman’s policy opinions, I’m inclined to give him credit and admire him for going against his fellow progressives to take this moral stance.

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from what I've heard, he is also calling for Bob Menendez to get held to the same standards as George Santos. Sounds reasonable.

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This article should be titled, "This is How Low the Bar Is"

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What a joke. This writer has the acumen of a kindergartner, and the moral backbone of a jellyfish.

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No use talking to you.

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Thanks Orah, I do believe my response was too harsh. My frustration caused me to overlook the crux of the matter. As a conservative I have always supported the Jewish state without expecting reciprocation. I will continue do so regardless of the political affiliation of Jews or Christians. It does hurt and confuse me when conservatives who supported Trumps election were labeled as Nazis by his opposition. I could not write an article like this without looking at the peculiar nuances of the politics. Without meaning to, this article demonstrates the ensconced attitudes within our respective cultures.

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I understand that right now, there exists the need to see every issue as belonging to one side or the other. If you express an opinion that is not shared by the group that you belong to, than you get ostracized I do not believe that this wolk/ progressive generation will be remembered well by history. So, Fetterman, a progrssive broke rank in his public support of Israel. You have to give him credit for that. One must be grateful for any public leader who speaks up against the odds.

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Fetterman isn't just a "progressive"; if you look back at his record he is pretty much "Mr Average Sane American".

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Sorry. Wolk/ progressives will not be remembered well...

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Why? Because he dared to speak the truth about this fawning, obsequious trash?

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Drift away

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I thought the same thing when I read this. Funny never a glowing write up for republicans or a benefit of the doubt that they could just be “good people” on the right. No, immediately they were cast off as evangelicals playing politics. While I applaud Fetterman for standing up for this one issue, I can’t stand him on every other issue.

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If you’re looking for “glowing write ups of republicans,” there is no shortage of publications committed to just that. The Free Press as I understand it (I’m a recent subscriber so correct me if I’m wrong) is run by classical liberals committed to holding the left accountable for it’s many hypocrisies. That is their beat and I suspect that’s why so many republicans love them. It’s interesting that publishing one single article praising a Democrat for fearlessly going against the grain and risking his career in the process is so triggering for many of the readers here.

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Do you really think Rachel subscribed to read the glowing write ups of republicans? Kind of a straw woman you set up, isn't it? You are probably right about the reason there are republicans on this site. I would put it a little differently. They miss honest reporting and are willing to support it regardless of its political leanings. They admire respect for the 1st Amendment. They are appalled by the cancel culture and new racism of the progressives. Also, if we have these important things in common with a bunch of democrats, maybe they will say worthwhile things on other topics for us to consider. Perhaps they will view us similarly, but even if not, what's happening here is worth supporting.

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Only a “liberal” would mansplain what a publication is about after subscribing two weeks ago and then scroll the comments for an opinion they don’t like to immediately tell that person “go somewhere else and subscribe.” You can’t make this shit up!! Thanks Captain Obvious for your in depth analysis. I’ll go right to Fox News for all my information from now on! lol

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Yeah I had to scroll really hard to find comments like that. 🙄Tribalism is on full display here! You’re seriously whining that this piece isn’t a “glowing write up of a Republican” and then taking offense at being told there are plenty such write ups elsewhere? And btw I am a woman how dare

you assume my gender based on my name alone! 😉

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Well welcome to Free Press. don’t take offense that people are pointing out right side bias, the left won’t disappear with such opinions. No whining- just writing 🤓

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Thank you for the welcome Rachel, genuinely. I’m happy to be here and not the least put off by some spice in the comments. 🤞🤞

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Hey! He's a newbie. Be nice! Or as I just corrected myself, she..


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The triggering comment is a tell. You will do better here if you avoid it in the future. Assuming you hang around long. You also fail to understand that for many (most?) here it is a package deal - TFP articles and commentary.

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Yes Lynne just going to write the same thing! Free Press readers aren’t “triggered” it’s called opinions and debate.

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I am doing just fine here but thank you for the advice.

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Oh. I see. You are just trolling. 😴

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Ok now im confused - maybe you could help. We’re not allowed to use the word “trigger” because it gets in the way of the respectful exchange of opinions. But calling someone with a different opinion a troll is ok?

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I disagree he is sensibly offering a dissenting opinion. Comp prof is the only true troll here.

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I understand what the paper is about. I’ve been a subscriber since the beginning and I’m not “triggered” just pointing out the glaring difference.

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It is triggering the Trump cultists who if Trump defecated on the stage it would because he was playing 4 dimensional chess.

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Gollum, Bari Weiss is a self-described progressive. Surely, she is not the only one.

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She’s a progressive who seems committed to the ideals of classical liberalism (free speech and what not). I wish there were more like her!

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I like Bari Weiss too, but per Wikipedia: "Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism which advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; and civil liberties under the rule of law, with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech." My understanding is that today's "progressives" are not usually very keen on "free market and laissez-faire economics".

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Todays progressives are not keen on any of those things for the most part, it’s true. I’m not sure Bari’s stance on the first few terms there but she definitely has a commitment to political freedom and freedom of speech which are the hallmarks of classical liberalism as I understand it.

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I agree with you, Dave. The current cleavage or rift in the Democrat party, on full public display now due to the Israel-Hamas issue, is between classical liberals like Bari (who believe in mostly free markets, free speech, free and independent press and judiciary) and Progressives (Bernie Sanders, AOC, et al) who believe in none of those things.

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Classical Liberal might be where the path they are on ends; but a lot of the time TFP can't be told from NYT. Bari left the NYT almost solely because of that rag's anti-Semitism and Nellie because they are partners. There are not many articles they put up where I don't highlight some piece of woke or progressive garbage they still seem to be shilling for.

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There is no "triggering" here. We debate freely and enthusiastically - which is unfortunately missing in today's culture.

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Welcome to FP. There is no "triggering" here. We debate freely and enthusiastically!

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You're not wrong..

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The way I read the article it seemed to me that Savodnik's point is less about defending the man's views and more that for the first time Savodnik believes it's possible that some of Fetterman's views might actually be his own views rather than whatever he thinks will play best for his political future

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So you stand by Senator Melendez?

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he also went after Menendez really hard

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Ah. I forgot about that. Good for him

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As a general rule, doing the right thing when the people in your "tribe" are telling you not to is more admirable than doing the right thing when everyone in your group is also doing so, yes.

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Give the guy a break. He is on the right side of this issue. Praise when praise is due.

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I agree with Savodnick. The easiest and most politically expedient thing for him to do would be to back Hamas and enjoy his next four terms in office. Instead, he did the RIGHT THING and stood by his CONSCIENCE which is more than I can say for Regressives (I mean Progressives). My initial reaction was that he backed Israel because he's Jewish. Stunned (and even more impressed) that he's not!

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The author on Fetterman: "I was wrong. I mean totally, indefensibly, unbelievably wrong."

The author is not talking about one thing, but his whole view on Fetterman. Fetterman sounds like every Trump voter when it comes to Israel, great. What about the other dozen important issues?

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You've a mouse and a browser. FFS!

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Well if this is his hill to die on, he should be commended for that.

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Jon, both parties have "wings" and both are morally compromised.

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Yes. Of course. But only one party is ever held accountable by the prevailing media narrative.

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Was Fetterman's motivation to support Governor Murphy in getting his wife into the senate seat ?

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The charge that the election was rigged was just reinforced by a poll showing the magnitude of corruption and criminality in the mail in ballots And then there's the dark money, the media coverups, the finger on the scale by the FBI and Justice Department. But no, move along folks, nothing to see here. If there's a repeat in 2024 , Jan 6 is going to seem like a Junior League tea party.

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God forbid if the results are the same our country is finished!

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Your ignorance is showing. You ought to tuck it in.

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I was and I do not think I am mistaken. I stand by the comment.

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You spot on Lynne!

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deletedDec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023
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I take ownership of the comment. It is not a judgment just an observation.

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Just curious. You say you do not support progressive party lines, but do you generally support Democrat party lines? Many liberals try to separate themselves from the more radical members of their group

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So many commenters here blinded by their own tribalism. Forget right and left, forget policy for a moment. What Fetterman is demonstrating with this issue is integrity. When you go against the tide of your own party to stand up for something you believe in that’s integrity. It’s a breath of fresh air in todays polarized climate.

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I share your take.

I would only add, for the benefit of several prolific commenters here with whom I’m usually aligned, “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” This can apply to both the author and Fetterman.

A scale fell from the author’s eyes. And he’s pointing out that Fetterman doesn’t have a particularly repugnant blind spot many on the left possess. These are good things. Are we unable muster up a tiny little “attaboy”?

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I think there are many "attaboy"s for Fetterman. He certainly gets one from me. My issue is Slavodnik.

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Thank you Gollum. There is a quote/story that has been attributed to a few people, and I will paraphrase (you've probably heard it): "If you put black ants and fire ants in a jar together, nothing will happen, but if you shake the jar, each type of ant will believe the other is the enemy that caused the disturbance, and they will start killing each other. This is also true of society. When members of a society are so violently opposed to each other we must ask: Who is shaking the jar?"

I do not think the vast majority of Americans are really that far apart in ideology. I think there are many folks profiting off of keeping us in a constant lather over everything, and it is THAT which is keeping our country in a state of perpetual gridlock. We can't continue to keep at each others' throats. We can only move forward by trying to work with those whose viewpoints may seem at first to be counter to our own.

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He gets credit for this. I was shocked. I probably don't align with him on anything else so my enthusiasm is very limited.

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Read up, you might surprise yourself. As Saint Margaret said of Gorby "This is a man we can do business with." Except Fetterman isn't nearly as wed to daft as Gorby was.

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Yes, I’m surprised by his stand on the Gaza-Israeli war, but that’s because no newspaper, magazine, or television show ever conducted an in-depth interview. Fetterman made statements such as, “I want everyone to be able to lead a union-way of life”, and not one journalist asked him what that meant. Never during his senate campaign did anyone ask him serious questions and demanded serious answers. It was, therefore, impossible to know who Fetterman was before he was elected or who he is now.

One moral stand doesn’t prove he should be a senator. It just proves he’s better than I feared. And that’s not saying much.

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I confess. I was surprised. I had dismissed Fetterman as Bluto Blutarski come to life. Turns out he has principles and the courage to defend them. It would appear that we have all become conditioned (programmed?) to arrive at black/white, simplistic conclusions about people and events based solely on what will drive the most eyeballs and clicks. In other words, a mob, easily manipulated. Another demonstration of the need and success of The Free Press, I think. Thank you, Bari.

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If only Mr. Savodnik had actually interviewed him for the article rather than depend on Tweets and news reports. Perhaps we’d learn more about Senator Fetterman to more fully inform us about the senator.

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Who's the bigger joke - the brain damaged Fetterman or the sychophantic Savodnik? Not even a hard call.....

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Savodnik has generally been very good. He is not a sychophant.

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In the media's defense, they didn't ask the questions because in their inspired collective wisdom they knew he couldn't utter a coherent sentence.

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Weird that, I get who he is just from his Wikipedia page; nevermind what else I've read and heard about him. You and the majority of everyone else are just as wilfully ignorant as the Wokists; Dimocrats; and Leftieloonies a lot of the time.

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Glad to see Fetterman & Shapiro representing PA with courage

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If being able to stand against barbarism and atrocity on a scale not witnessed in our time now equates to "courage" we are really in a bad state. Pennsylvania needs competence, too.

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I was thinking the same thing, but then realized that they have changed the definition of courage.

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'The Daily Wire' just gets bigger and adds more strings. Fetterman's record speaks for itself. Whatever you think of either gentleman (Shapiro became too much for me several years ago); they are more than competent at what they do. Your viewpoint might be a little borked in the same way as the Wokist viewpoint is.

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Fetterman in the Senate makes as much sense as Caligula's horse. But of a piece with a discarded Republic, and empire ruled by a mad man and a servile populace restive only when denied bread and circuses by their masters.

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Fetterman's words are important. It takes real courage to go against his party like this. I'll remember that. I hope he continues to recover.

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It's very likely this is the last time he goes against his party. You do realize how bad his party must be if coming out against antisemitism is controversial?

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

Well, I'm over a month late reading this story, but I see he's now speaking against the (mostly insane) party line on the border, so chalk up two instances.

I have to confess that, throughout his campaign and first year, I thought he was nothing more than a trust fund doofus. Not sure what's behind the recent switch -- it could be he's settled in to his Senate seat, or perhaps he's coming back from the stroke -- but whatever it is, I give him credit for speaking out. Three-quarters of the public opposes the Administration's border policy (i.e. opposes not having a border), and at that point any legislator should have doubts if he/she cares more about representative government than his/her own party and/or seat.

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I support his stance on this issue, but one issue should not change how a person feels about a political representative. There are many other issues and what are his views on those? It's the complete person and what he or she stands for that is important.

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This is true, but having the courage to stand firm in one’s convictions when it goes against the party line shows courage and integrity, which sets him apart from the majority of US politicians on both sides of the aisle.

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It's good that Fetterman took his stand. But it certainly doesn't qualify for a profile in courage. It clarifies the moral ignorance of his party

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It takes exactly zero courage for republicans to condemn Hamas because that’s the politically favorable position for them. Now, calling out the antisemitism of the far right trump supporters who chanted “Jews will not replace us” - that would have taken courage and very few republicans did so at the time.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

No but it takes real courage to say that there must be fiscal restraint. Republicans doing so are being treated egregiously by Democrats and the legacy media. That is THE pressing issue of the moment. If this nation cannot regain fiscal equilibrium all of these other issues will be moot.

Edited to fix typos. Yikes!

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In my view it doesn’t take any courage to support an issue that is popular in your own party. It takes courage to go AGAINST your party when your convictions demand it. And that is true whether it’s a conservative speaking out against the fiscal irresponsibility of the Trump admin or a democrat loudly supporting Israel.

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That is true. Where are you on the Republicans calling for fiscal restraint? Or Republicans opposed to more money for Ukraine? Are they likewise courageous?

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You're right. It takes zero courage to condemn Hamas.

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It *should* take zero courage I totally agree with you there. But in todays upside down world where all but 10 countries in the UN want CEASEFIRE NOW and expect

Israelis to just go on living next door to a terrorist organization committed to killing every last one of them that just isn’t reality. The reality is unless we have more liberals willing to loudly take a stand against the woke ideology that sees Hamas as freedoms fighters, the future is looking grim indeed. So why not acknowledge fetterman’s integrity in going against his party and risking his political career? That’s more than most politicians on either side of the aisle would do.

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I don't think you and I will agree on this

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They were not Trump supporters. Those are federal agents and holiwood extras, hired as “provacaturs”. Why should real Trump supporters do something so utterly contrary to Trumps position in favor of legal orderly immigration of persons who are vetted for criminal and terrorist activity, and who have skills that will make them useful and productive new citizens. We do not need any immigrant who is willing to break our law and insults Americans with racist accusations. They should be summarily ejected without recourse.

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Jon, as much as I disagreed with another post of yours (to which I've already replied) I definitely agree with THIS post 100%

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You hit the nail on the head. The Democrat left is usually strong on easy issues, where it's easy to say one side is BAD and the other side is GOOD. They are not big on nuances like incorrect, mistaken, false, misinformed, ignorant--all the descriptions short of BAD, EVIL, RACIST. The complete person is not as important as his stand on an individual issue. Their vision is limited.

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I think their ability to reason is limited.

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You've a mouse and a browser, use them. What looks like deliberate ignorance is nowt to shout about.

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You've a mouse and a browser, use them. What looks like deliberate ignorance is nowt to shout about.

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Nowt? You like your comment using nowt so much you posted it twice?

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I was wrong about Fetterman as well and I knew this even before his latest stand for Israel. Fetterman at some point in last months said that we as a country should NOT be selling land or property to the Chinese (CCP)and that we need to buy (take) back that that has already been sold. I wholeheartedly agree.

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You weren't wrong about Fetterman, you just agree with him on an issue.

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There are several issues now which definitely should make everyone take a second look.

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Awesome to see someone write, "I was wrong. I mean totally, indefensibly, unbelievably wrong," especially without following that claim with, "*But.....*" Credit where due, both to Fetterman for the clarity of his position and also to Savodnik for his admission of error.

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You are not wrong about him... Fetterman happens to have moral clarity or a spine on this issue.

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Peter, I appreciate your transparency and willingness to admit your misjudgment of Fetterman, it's sorely needed among us all in these uncivil times. In Philly, where I grew up (I live in suburban Philly now), we pride ourselves on our "lunch pail" work ethic, connections to our diverse neighborhoods and communities, vigorously protecting our own and ability to sniff out frauds when they are among us. John Fetterman immediately passed the "sniff test" with me when I went to one of his rallies and saw first-hand a warmth beneath a gruff exterior, genuineness, compassion for people, commitment to his values of decency, fairness, and a moral compass that I admired. He's the only politician that I feel proud of--that's not a high bar these days but it's a breath of fresh air and hope when we most need it.

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I give up. Now we know how a brain damaged guy got elected to our Senate.

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I disagree on this one. He is from.Pennsylvania and at least bothered to check the guy out before he cast a legal ballot. Much better than folks around the nation sending money to Georgia to influence that election, for example. Or my personal.peeve Robert Francis O'Rourke, identifying as Beto, and hosting parties funded by Soros and Sam Bankman-Fried at college campuses in Texas to turn out the "Vote Blue No Matter Who" vote.

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There are many brain damaged guys and gals in the Senate and the House and in the whole administration.

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Agree, albeit not clinically diagnosed as such.

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There was a time when elected representatives voted and conducted themselves in a manner consistent with their principles and not solely along party lines. There were conservative Democrats. Even socially liberal Republicans. No more. It is all party politics. Refreshing to have a throwback at least on this one issue of Israel.

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I disagree. Fetterman is displaying what should be common sense, that the side which takes woman and children hostage is ALWAYS AND ALWAYS WILL BE WRONG. His stand says much more about what the democratic/leftist party has become.

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When I saw Fetterman's response to the atrocities in Israel, I was both surprised and grateful. Like a child witnessing their parents fighting, I was begging for it to be over, but it’s not. We are witnessing a biblical war that began centuries ago. It’s refreshing to see a man take a stand and not back down. Morality does count.

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Let's not give the guy a Nobel yet although admittedly I don't follow anything else JFed has said or done during his short tenure. We're talking one issue here. Seems like a simple attaboy would be sufficient here and then see how the remainder of his term shakes out.

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Is this a joke? Fetterman's stance on Hamas's butchery is the proverbial stopped clock. Even mildly retarded people are capable of discerning right from wrong. The mere fact that Fetterman has the right stance on Gaza doesn't elevate him to even minimal competence. Instead it stands as a stark indictment of the absolute idiocy and mendacity of so much of our business and political class. Savodnik is a clown. Bari, we're not paying for abject swill

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The main champion for Israel among elected Democrats is a guy with brain damage.

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Biden is hardly a champion for Israel.

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