I predict a Biden blowout, too. Polls are of likely voters who have voted before. But there's a different strategy afoot for Democrats.

There was a Rolling Stone article about the Democrats spending over $100 million dollars on lawyers, "fortifying," delivering mail-in ballots even to prisons, changing tons of election laws... Democrats are pulling out all the dirty tricks to harvest ballots. There's also been a startling rise in Amish voter registrations; even though the Amish do not participate in politics as per their religion, as well as a shocking number of voter registrations rejected due to people being dead... not that I would suggest there's anything untoward going on. No, sirree.

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What the actual f%$#?

Ann Coulter? The young turks? I don't care how many f-ing tickets you sell featuring the same old tired, stupid, often lying polarizers who have plied their trade for decades. That's just the usual suspects elite from the New York Times recycled.

What a betrayal of the potential of The Free Press. You want to do something meaningful Bari? Bring in people from this comment section. They are more connected to reality than any of those gasbag elite professional twaddle meisters with good hair.

What a betrayal.

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I agree completely. The country IS destroyed; the preventive period is over. NYC is flooded with illegals who are bleeding the city and state of tax payer dollars. In addition to the comfy hotels, drug dealers, human traffickers, rapists, etc. are squatting in homes and the owners can't get them to leave! In the meantime, our home grown mentally ill are still roaming the streets creating havoc and dying miserable deaths instead of getting help from social services. Yeah, I really want to hear why open borders are great.

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But nobody cared until the the "Abbot Express" rolled into town. Y'all have a handful compared to what Texas has dealt with.

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Keep in mind CA has been dealing with them for over 50 years as well.

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VDH says something like 25% of California's population is made up of illegals. I could say that simple enforcement of the immigration law already in place is the solution but immigration or otherwise, law seems to have nothing to do with actual American reality. Surveillance state operatives who bold-face lie to Congress without consequence. A captured and distorted DOJ that practices selective prosecution of citizens and political enemies. A running narrative threaded through every political conversation about the hopelessness of a DNC rigged electoral system. Supreme Court justices opining that the Constitution and free speech might be inconvenient to government rule. And now, as in Europe, the sudden appearance of surveillance state agents at the homes of American citizens to question them about comments they've made on social media. Go back to sleep. It's raining. What you're going to need is an umbrella.

Do the participants in a "like and comment" section believing or not believing any of this or having or not having an opinion about any of it make any difference at all to anyone that actually has access to the power that might change it? Outrage is available to outrage the citizen all the citizen wants to outrage but the clear message is that the reins of power are no longer in the citizens hands. The clear evil of unrestrained capital has plundered the world at the expense of human moral reason and dignity. Some things are not for sale so it is necessary to take them by force or destroy them. Free citizens of the American Constitutional Republic are on the list.

How long can you hold your breath?

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True. But now they are really needed to offset declining population for continued political representation purposes.

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It's more than that. I will break my normal "don't spam" policy and post this one again.

I think that the border policy is two things:

A. It is an attack on the Republican states. Note that the border with California is not where this policy is having its effect. The idea, I think, is to destabilize Arizona and Texas politically, and in classical revolutionary methodology, try to provoke over-reaction that turns the PR war against Republicans. Abbot's shipment of migrants to blue cities is an intelligent response to this strategy, and it is causing the blue states that elected Biden to have to deal with the effect.

B. Like Germany has in Europe, to deal with the demographic problem of too few young, importing them can work. The USA's situation is far better than Europe's is. Europe's imports are largely muslims from pretty strict countries and they don't want to assimilate. The vast majority of people from the south are Christians, and they, like the Chinese migrants coming across, do want to assimilate. They share our basic cultural values and are not wanting to overthrow our country. This demographic problem of age is an economic issue.

I note that in practice, most of the hiring of migrants is by Republican owned businesses, from farming and slaugherhouses to manufacturing and health care.

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Thought the same thing. You can take Bari and company out of the NYT, but you can't take the NYT out of Bari and company. The stain seems to be bleeding through the new veneer at The Free Press.

So if they wanted to make the debate interesting, they should have brought in people like Tucker Carlson or Dave Smith and have them face off with Bill Mahr and Jon Stewart.

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Bari and company stand tall! Bari is courageous, very brave willing to allow conversation with opposing views, very much like Elon Musk’s twitter without the billions supporting them!

I am grateful to both platforms!!

Being mean doesn’t help your point, conversation and messaging convoluted by bile.

Maybe there will be other speakers in the future, give them some credit!

Conversation, solutions and solving not hate filled one-liners!

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I’m very grateful for TFP. I’ve been a founding member subscriber from the beginning & don’t plan on canceling. That said I don’t think that there is anything mean at all about my comment. It’s not a far stretch to say that Bari, Nellie, Suzy, Ollie, and a great number of other contributors to the free press lean left. Many of them have openly admitted to voting & supporting Hillary Clinton. Hell…..Nellie worships the ground HRC walks on. The only centrist contributors that I’ve seen have been Walter Kirn And Coleman Hughes. I’m happy to listen to any argument to that but being observant & calling a spade a spade is not being mean IMO.

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Watching Coleman Hughes on Joe Rogan as I write this - fascinating. Here's something that will blow you away - they are watching an AI video of Hitler, with the text of his speech re-presented in English, and discussing how AI could affect political speech. How many of you even finished reading this before clicking onto that show to see what I was talking about (note: I did NOT equate either JR or CH to Hitler-lovers)?

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Smart qualifier at the end. These days even talking about the Nazis being knocked into the river by the Blues Brothers can cause some to break out in hysterics.

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I still got Bari as a socially neutral neocon. And since Hamas's attack, she has gone full-on Ariel Sharon. All her relatives seem like liberals, but not the smart kind who have figured out that Democrats ceased being liberal some time ago. The smart kind of liberals figured out that Hillary and her husband started the Dem betrayal of working people, then she made it worse by loving war--be it in Iraq, Ukraine, wherever. Smart liberals think Hillary Clinton sucks. I have no idea what Nellie's major malfunction is to see any value, much less something to be loved and admired, about the shrewish Hillary Clinton.

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I'm 80% conservative and 20% libertarian. (I've always been pro-choice.)

I bought a subscription to the Free Press a year ago to see what nice, smart, sophisticated lefties think about important issues.

Every time I go nuts after reading something delusional that Nellie writes, I calm down by reminding myself why I got involved in the first place.

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Mizzy very sensitive Evan!

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I didn't get any hate-filled sense of anything Evans said. He just made a good, simple point, that TFP sometimes seems to act like the corporate media they claim to oppose.

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That would be an interesting matchup, but the greater question is, how was the selection process decided/determined? Was it based on the speaker fees they could afford? Or, who would give them the time of day?

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"The stain seems to be bleeding through..."

Did you expect a perfect media in TFP? It's more good than bad and that's all we can expect.

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I don’t disagree with you. But that doesn’t give them immunity from criticism.

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Lol. You think Bari is a "leftists."

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No, Bari is far-right and Compost is center-right.




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Good one KD?.

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😂😂😂 Kevin have seen you for ages how have you been?

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Sorry, Kevin. The avowed Zionist

Bari "The Wall Street Journal" Weiss is not a "leftist."

And no amount of emojis will change that.

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I love the fact that some idiots think "Zionist" is a slur. The "Z" Word.

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“Lol”…..head back over to facebook simp.

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Our resident diversity hire is back for another ego boost.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

I'm a "diversity hire" because I'm not white?

Hmmm.....interesting perspective, Celia M. You kept up the pretense of "moderate viewpoints" as long as you could, I guess. But you people always reveal yourselves eventually.

Your comment says a lot more about you than it does me :)

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This moron never contributes to the conversation and like all leftists, the first word out of his mouth is "racist".

Click on his avatar and then click on the speaker in the lower righthand corner and it proves me right. "racist"

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

This "moron" has repeatedly owned you.

No, actually you're the one that is obsessed with race.

The avatar is 100% historically accurate. That's what is proven. :)

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I will when you stop making absurd comments, simp.

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That would be awesome to watch, but last time Stewart and Carlson got together, Tucker was left with some really bad bruising. These days, however, I feel sure he could hold his own.

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I was thinking that Evans of Firstsies (today didn't quite manage it) would be worth pulling in. We don't agree on everything, but Evans here does make sense most of the time. Get 2-4 headliners, and then people from the comments section.

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Tix would be cost prohibitive!

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I think Tucker and, say Tulsi Gabbard wouldn't be expensive at all. But those are not people that Bari and her NYT refugees know. I doubt they even came to mind. Hmm. My guess would be that Ollie set this debate up. Anyway, it's a reflection of where their minds are.

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If it were Tulsi Gabbard I'd make sure to stick around Dallas for the debate! I'm hoping I get a chance to vote for her- someday!

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I would have bought tickets to that debate for sure!

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"good hair" lol

In all seriousness, randos from the comment section are unlikely to sell many tickets. But yeah, we could do better than Coulter.

Meanwhile, the question seems fatally flawed. It's not really a question of shutting the border, but having a sane policy.

It ought to be common sense that a welfare state is incompatible with open borders. Unless your goal is to destroy the country.

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How about randos vs TFP staff?

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Among themselves the FP staff don't have particularly diverse opinions.

Also by inviting outsiders they have the ability to draw more people into the FP ecosystem.

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I think the drawing numbers is all TFP is really about.

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Of course, that is a need for any news organization. It is a business. My worry is that Bari has put herself in hock to investors to grow and they will demand that she sell out so they can take their profits.

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Of course they have no diversity. Bari proudly calls publicly for the end of all diversity and inclusion efforts.

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Why would you call everyone on this comments section, "randos"? The intelligence, understanding of issues, and ability to write clearly is arguably better than the same criteria for all of those announced "debate" names.

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I'd like to see Glenn Greenwald vs. Bari Weiss, one on one debate. Bari wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole.

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DING! DING! DING!!! You've made the very point I was about to, Craig. "Shutting down the borders" is a strawman. Most sane citizens just want our duly enacted immigration laws enforced. But that's exactly what Biden proudly proclaimed he would refuse to do when he ran in 2020. He promised that on the very first day of his presidency he'd commit an impeachable offense. Everyone who voted him was complicit in his anti-constitutional goal.

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Yip that is clearly the Democrats and Joe’s aim.

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I think that the border policy is two things:

A. It is an attack on the Republican states. Note that the border with California is not where this policy is having its effect. The idea, I think, is to destabilize Arizona and Texas politically, and in classical revolutionary methodology, try to provoke over-reaction that turns the PR war against Republicans. Abbot's shipment of migrants to blue cities is an intelligent response to this strategy, and it is causing the blue states that elected Biden to have to deal with the effect.

B. Like Germany has in Europe, to deal with the demographic problem of too few young, importing them can work. The USA's situation is far better than Europe's is. Europe's imports are largely muslims from pretty strict countries and they don't want to assimilate. The vast majority of people from the south are Christians, and they, like the Chinese migrants coming across, do want to assimilate. They share our basic cultural values and are not wanting to overthrow our country. This demographic problem of age is an economic issue.

I note that in practice, most of the hiring of migrants is by Republican owned businesses, from farming and slaugherhouses to manufacturing and health care.

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Totally agree, Spartacus. The four panelists —especially Nick—are my idea of hell. Please make them go away.

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"gasbag elite professional twaddle meisters with good hair". Perfect description!! ❤️❤️❤️

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I hear Bill Kristol, Al Franken, Keith Olbermann, and Bill O'Reilly are available. I'm sure they would have an equally stale view as well.

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They can't bring us commenters in to do a show because we don't sell tickets. No one except maybe a few TFP subscribers would pay to fly to another state to hear us talk.

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I would fly to hear Kevin debate not sure who though, it would probably be great comedy.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

As long as he doesn't debate about Atlanta....or anything else.

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Like I said, "No one except maybe a few TFP subscribers".

Kevin might be worth it for me too though.

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As long as he doesn't debate about Atlanta.....or anything else.

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Again, mix it up. Have 2 headliners, and then the rest are people chosen based on their ability to write intelligently here. That, many people would pay good money to see. Done well, it would be far more interesting and would be a media event because it is novel.

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The bottom line: Dems cannot allow Trump to win. They have so many more options, with Lawfare being most dangerous.

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I’m telling you guys a Democrat sweep is good. We have already driven off the cliff so the very best thing is for Democrats to be holding the steering wheel when calamity occurs so that voters can see who is at fault. Nobody knows who is at fault because of ‘moderate’ Republicans compromising for 25 years.

Definitely not Trump, and probably not even DeSantis, could turn this around at this point unless there is an event that crushes the Democrat Rodent Party.

The only way we are going to get permission to zero our entitlements and put water cannons on the border is if the Democrat Party is eradicated by a Black Swan that gets pinned on them. Just vote for Biden while cradling a trash can to vomit in.

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You might be right but I refuse to vote for the mentally defective idiot criminal creature we have in the WH now aka Biden. Never.

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Oh come on. Vote for Biden’s carcass!!!


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You mean the Walking Dead???

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Then how is he able to run the largest international crime syndicate in world?

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Because it isn’t a normal crime syndicate. As you would expect for Democrats, they don’t actually produce anything. They just sell Biden’s cadaver and his Rolodex and his signature to other criminals and foreign adversaries.

Biden doesn’t have to run a bunch of whorehouses and bookies. He just has to stand there in his dirty diaper.

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Right.....and when will this evidence of the normal crime syndicate be produced?

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So you don’t know what the word *isn’t* means.

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good to have ya back Kevin.

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We missed you Kevin. Was about to send out a search party.

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I've been thinking the very thing, can't quite bring myself to be part of it, voting for Biden and all, I'll probably sit it out. My only downside is I'm so old I most likely won't get to see the real Jan. 6th. What I'll really miss about that is missing seeing the faces of all those who no longer talk to me.

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Have been slowly deciding to do that myself.

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Nice to see you back, Kevin.

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Was worried about you Kev. Glad you are back.

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If only. Dems will forevermore use the de facto excuse of ‘blame Trump’ from here on out; it’s as if blinders have replaced their masks. Or perhaps supplanted them

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Only way to stop open borders, massive spending on handouts, etc is to vote Trump. Sitting out is a vote for Biden/Harris and I love my country, kids and grandkids too much to let that happen. If election is close, Dems will “find” boxes of uncounted ballots and pull out a “win”

We need to save our country

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Nope not cradling anything definitely not voting for those trash bag Democrats

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If six hundred and something thousand subscribers spent as much time in contact with and monitoring their elected political leadership as they do in contact with and monitoring their fellow subscribers?

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Once, the fed takes over with cbdc, there will be no going back

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Interesting theory lol

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I have always said, bury me in Chiago or Louisiana so I can continue to vote.

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But they'll have you voting for the Dems.

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My father voted Democrat for the first time in the 2016 election. He had passed away a few months prior to that.

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Exactly Cynthia that might be enough to resurrect Lonesome from the dead😂😂

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😂 too true!

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There is def something afoot- Marc Elias. The Dems are too calm. I’ve lost hope ever since the midterms I’m convinced the Dems perfected a cheating strategy. We are destined to become a failed socialist state like Venezuela with the left in charge.

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Yeah remember Biden’s day one executive order, the details of which have not been released, that directs all federal agencies to get out the vote?

“Oh hey our records show you’re on welfare here’s your ballot.”

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Yip spot on Kevin!

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“Oh hey our records show you’re on welfare here’s your ballot.” - Kevin Durant?

People on welfare should not be allowed to vote.

That's an interesting take.

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Even a stupid fat kid, who just spent 5 hours trying to put the round peg into the star-shaped hole, would not think that what you just outlined is the implication of what I wrote.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

“Oh hey our records show you’re on welfare here’s your ballot.” - Kevin Durant?

Then clarify the above statement and implication.

I'll wait :)

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These days they are acting like they don't even have to win elections anymore...

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God Forbid but you right - is Marc Elias still in charge of the DNC? The Democrats have captured everything in America from the media to our institutions it’s very sad and troubling!

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If that happens, all the Venezualian migrants will return home. Something to consider.

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I predict RFKJR gets 20-30% of the vote. Those will be mostly Dem voters who just can’t pull the lever for Biden and will never vote Trump. RFKJR is playing Ross Perot but to the detriment of the Dems this time.

GOP has finally figured out ballot harvesting is where it’s at, so if cheating is good for the goose……

Trump will win with 45% of the popular vote which will hobble his mandate. Congress will be split as usual and not much will change.

Our best shot was Vivek who would have really shook things up.

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I like Ramaswamy. But with his Complete lack of experience he would have been a deer in the DC headlights. I hope he gains solid experience before 2028 or 2032.

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He’d be a great VP choice, but I’m not sure if that’s on the table.

Would love to see him start taking an axe to the swamp as VP and just accelerate it as President.

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I am good with that. He has pharma experience so I like him at Agriculture, specifically the FDA. But I am.good with him almost anywhere.If Trump is elected I think he should put in place people who will clean house in much the way Musk did. Which would clear the way for the 2028 and 2034 elections I think. 12 years of trimming federal fat. Which would help the deficit without wrecking SS, Medicare & medicaid and legitimate safety nets, or the military. And as the markets are freed from the burdens of overregulation those former bureaucrats can ply their skills in the private sector.

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The pharma connection is red flags to the max. Odds you'd be setting a fox to guard the hen-house.

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He is primarily a financial guy with an emphasis in biotechnology. His company bought up patents for undeveloped drugs. He made a killing on one that ultimately did not pan out. While I like his attitude and demeanor he has a used car salesman vibe that I think experience will mitigate.

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Sounds logical and simple, right?

Too bad we have so many garbage people in this country who are more interested in plundering it’s wealth than keeping it great.

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Go ahead predict ….mail in ballot fraud is real

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The increase in Amish registrations is due to the work of Scott Presler, a great Republican.


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the amish are getting registered because the GOP is focusing there. There are a ton of X posts about it. They are fed up with Biden too

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How do we know about a startling rise in Amish registration? I don't know about all states where Amish live, but Pennsylvania's registration application form neither requires nor provides an opportunity to note religion. And Trump won Lancaster County twice already, so either the Amish do vote, and prefer Trump, or Amish don't vote and all other residents of Lancaster County prefer Trump.

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Democrats are delivering mail-in ballots to prisons for the next election?

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I don't think there will be a blowout in either direction.

However, if Trump loses expect another Charlottesville-Jan 6th mashup.

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This is possible but I think now that everyone knows you go to prison for ten years for marching, it will be more difficult for the FBI to orchestrate an event that looks credible since this time it will have to be 100% FBI agents.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

1. People went to prison for ten years for marching.

2. FBI Agents orchestrated Jan. 6th & Charlottesville.

3. Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler, Christopher Cantwell, James Fields and Matthew Heimbech were FBI agents.

Provide evidence for these 3 claims you have made, Kevin Durant.

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Hey Ollie & Peter.... let me fix the headline for you.

'The Criminal Illegals Who Are Gaming US Immigration Laws Are Hoping for a Biden Victory'

Also, “An estimated 7.3 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the U.S. since the start of Joe Biden’s presidency” is complete bullshit. Try more like 25+ million. The democrats have forever changed the landscape of this nation by allowing the flood of unvetted illegals into the country and bribing them with resources. Keep in mind that census numbers are recorded based on individuals. That includes illegals. The administration is pushing these illegals into red states to turn them blue. This is exactly what happened in California.

Key states are being flooded with new voter registrations with no ID. Last week Texas had 277,000 new voters register in a single week. Arizona had 40,000 and Pennsylvania had 38,000. None had photo ID. The fix is taking place in real time in front of our very eyes, yet everyone will be told that its all misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Oh.....and in this stories photo......the one with the tarps and garbage all over the ground.....yeah.....that's what's being imported into the country. Don't believe me.......just head down to the most heavily populated immigrant area of south Charlotte or just about any US city. It looks like Tijuana the morning after Cinco de Mayo.

Buckle up for the November 5th shitshow folks. The odds of it going completely off the rails is about 110%.

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It’s the long game; we’re seeing it unfold like never before, but it’s been in place for a very long time. Trump needs to win, but realistically he can’t. The left is not stupid and knows how to manipulate not only votes but voters. This is all to say absolutely vote for Trump if that’s your choice, but I’m truly both afraid and absolutely horrified that Biden will ‘win’.

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So now it's not just manipulating votes, it's "manipulating" voters, too.

Whew! Thank God MAGA isn't about that.

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Yeah, we have a fair and unbiased media and we’re flooding the border, using the courts and taxpayers’ money to persecute political opponents, censoring oppositional viewpoints, ad nauseum.

Just—stop. Please.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

"Just—stop. Please."

-No. Why should I allow you to spread buffoonery unimpeded?

So, once again:

Do MAGA/GOP "manipulate" voters? Yes or No?

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In answer to your question, of course each party manipulates voters. It’s the extent of manipulation and measures taken from the left that is mind boggling. But here we are; obviously you don’t agree, but to ask me to corroborate my statement so as to justify your premise that each side manipulates is my definition of buffoonery.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Oh, I have no doubt that you find being tasked with providing evidence for a claim is buffoonery. That's par for the course, on this discussion board.

A few days ago, Trump lied about meeting the family of Ruby Garcia. Lied about an election, etc. That seems mind boggling.

What is the "extent" and "measures" that are so mind-boggling?

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The Dem/Soc have admitted that they want to give illegals I mean undocumented Dems, pardons and immediate citizenship and get them to vote as soon as possible. They want to turn the US into a one party country and that of course would be the Dem/Soc party. One party countries are called dictatorships.

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You just described my former dwelling, a co-op in sunset park Brooklyn. Every Monday morning the park was just swirling with garbage after the weekend barbecues and volleyball games (which looked more like newcomb. 🤔) I do not understand litterbugs and I do not miss that city. "Tijuana the morning after cinco de mayo." Brilliant. 🤌🏼

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It is so odd to me. When I visited Acapulco in the 80s I went to a place called Sunset Beach just outside the tourist area. I had heard the sunset was stunning but the place was trashed - diapers, broken bottles . . ..

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Try Slick Rock near Visalia CA.

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"Key states are being flooded with new voter registrations with no ID. Last week Texas had 277,000 new voters register in a single week. Arizona had 40,000 and Pennsylvania had 38,000. None had photo ID." - Evans W

Interesting. Is there a source for this?

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Demented folk on X. Both figures have been refuted in detail by the respective REPUBLICAN administrators of such things in these REPUBLICAN states. You missed out on a chance to buff your own rep (or lack there of!) in these parts. Conservatives are no more immune to stupid than any other cohort.

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OMG Evan I’m to old for this what are my grandchildren going to do I’m really worried about them the most🥲🥲

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Evans, do you have a source for those numbers?

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Thank you, Evans W.!

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I would ask you Biden people a simple question: in what way is Biden improving the lives of most Americans? We can't absorb the 3-4 BILLION people who would come here if they could. Given that the strategy seems to be to import voters who will do what honest Americans won't do any more--vote Democrat--in what respect is this whole thing not a big FU to all working and middle class Americans? In what respect is it not a pretty blatant form of treachery to the duties of the office of President? How can you rationalize the destruction of America to support your Party?

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Well, this Easter I had the pleasure of hosting my family’s two bleeding heart liberals (my dad and sister) where I was told the biggest threat to our country is Christian Conservatives. So, there is no answer to your question other than - “But, Trump!” (orange man bad). TDS.

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Translated into my terms, contextual psychosis arising from completely failed individuation.

They are overgrown children repeating catechisms, in which the world is their church. They see what they are told to see, and don't see what they are not told to expect to exist. Their whole world consists in varied hallucinations, of both the positive and negative varieties.

And their hallmark is that they do not, because they cannot, debate. Like all religious assertions, their beliefs are articles of faith, and heretics are hated precisely because of the irrationality of the whole enterprise.

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Sadly, you hit the nail on the hear with “overgrown children”. They also both claim to be agnostic, even though my dad was the one who took me to church as a child, and my sister turned around and posted a bible verse on Easter. She failed to see the irony in her post.

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I'm full on atheist! Doesn't stop me telling folk I have no concord with Beliar. If "Scripture" were bollocks all the way down I doubt religion would still be hanging about. I'm not French, but c'est la vie. ;-)

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They worship at the altar of the Woke god.

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It's not just "but Trump". They have invested many years of propaganda in hate towards men, whites, Christians, and literally anyone associated with Republicans.

They're bigots. The Democratic Party are hatemongers. They're evil.

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And hypocritical

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I think you have hit the nail on the head. Trump is the trifecta of their hate.

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Yes, there is too much hate and they seem to think it’s only coming from the right. There are wackos on both sides, however the Dem side is cutting family and friends off due to political agreements. I told my husband after the 2020 election that it was a vote that had its roots in hate. The policies weren’t bad but they hated Trump. And it was a deep, visceral hate. Personally, I thought he was annoying and a whiny person, but I’m rational enough to see the policies were good.

The thing about hate that deep is it doesn’t go away just because an election is over. It gets attached to new targets. It was attached to people opposed to masks, to those not wanting an untested vaccine made with technology that hadn’t been used on humans, it attached to parents wanting to open schools, or wanted to go to church. Then those ideas were attached to being conservative, Republican, Christian who were the targets to be hated, it’s our fault, lock them up, refuse them medical care, they should lose custody of their kids, all those statements I seen. We became responsible for white supremacy, police brutality and the driving force of racism. The hate grew and expanded to Jews, who are being called war criminals, genocide drivers, colonizers. It’s still growing and the path of hate is not a good one unless something happens to change its course. It usually takes great suffering to change that course though. Hate leads to pain, destruction and death. Whatever the results of this next election, it still isn’t going to be good.

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Well said- if this election doesn’t have a decisive victor half the country will believe it stolen (and maybe that’s true, maybe not) and it won’t be good!

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Evil evil people!

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At Easter? Give me a break. This is like the people who buy Christmas gifts but do not believe in Christ. And they probably think Israelis are committing genocide against those innocent Arabs we now refer to as Palestinians in Gaza.

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Thank you Lynne a commentator with common sense it’s a rare thing in life.

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Thank you Skinny. You are too kind.

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Oh God it must have been a crappy Easter - I sometimes ask the wrong crowd to my Seder table for Passover. This year I have literally asked only my family on the center right. I think this Pesach will be for me a much more peaceful exit from Egypt than previous years

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

TDS is a disability- pity them

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Yikes! My hope is for Christian conservatives to save us.

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Or someone/something with good values. Of all the things that are a threat to the US....THE CHRISTIANS!!! OMG.

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This Be The Verse

By Philip Larkin

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.

They may not mean to, but they do.

They fill you with the faults they had

And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn

By fools in old-style hats and coats,

Who half the time were soppy-stern

And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.

It deepens like a coastal shelf.

Get out as early as you can,

And don’t have any kids yourself.

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Well, that's pretty fascinating. What are Christian Conservatives doing to our country?

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I don’t know, the conversation was over as quickly as it started.

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Is Orange Man not bad?

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The Progressive Left's true goal is the destruction of Western civilization. Whenever you wonder, "Why are they doing that?" all you have to do is remember what their endgame is and it will all make sense.

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It remains an utterly insane goal, even if it is pursued by rational and even ingenious means

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These people are true believers. In that, they are very similar to their Islamist friends.

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It is not insane if you are at the top. Even in the worst countries, the people on top still get access to luxury. Our elites are certain they will maintain power and access to wealth.

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Alexander Hamilton quote -

"When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.”

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Sounds like the two candidates for President.

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Yip it sounds like AH was describing Bill Clinton.

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List the MAGA/GOP policies that have improved the lives of working and middle class Americans?

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Tax cuts, repeal of Obamacare mandates, enforcing Federal law with regard to the border, sane energy policy, renegotiated trade deals, the Abraham Accords, and full support for law enforcement, within reason.

And I will ask you: how do open borders, vaccine mandates, a focus on DEI over readiness in the military, efforts to provoke nuclear war with Russia, revolving doors for criminals and a President who doesnt know what day it is or what office he holds HELP Americans?

Deflection in three, two, one:

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I will add that you somehow missed the problems created by opening our border to all of our enemies and adding 8 million mouths to feed.

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Do you know what deflection is?

And do you think links are arguments? Use your own words. You are a big girl. I think. Although if you were 12 that would explain a lot.

I will simply note you have no interest in defending Joe Biden. Everything he has done is a clusterfuck. HE is a clusterfuck.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Do you know what being owned is? Refute the articles/data that prove you wrong, Unsaint.

Here, I'll help:

1. There were no tax cuts for middle/working class.

2. Energy policy better/more under Biden

3. Abraham Accords have failed

4. Tariffs/trade deals were a disaster.

I didn't vote for Biden. Things seem to be going fine, though. My life hasn't changed one bit. Economy is going great.

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I do know what being owned is, and as a general rule the person claiming to have done so is trying to deflect from their failures.

If you had simply asked: do you agree that I can find links that support my biases, I would have immediately replied OF COURSE. Left wing nuts own most if the media. OF COURSE they have talking points.

Do this: pick one topic where you think Biden is strong and Trump is weak and we can debate specifics.

I will note in advance that OF COURSE you are ignoring the catastrophe at what used to be a border. Just grant that one to me and we can debate something else.

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It’s a shit show what’s happening here 🥲🥲virtually unbelievable

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Why the hell would you invite Cenk Uyger to debate anything?

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They are still actively promoting which tells me they aren’t selling as well as they thought. The first debate in LA sold out quickly.

I live near Austin and would definitely have gone if they had serious debaters. Why would I waste my time to travel to something I could see on cable news any day of the week? Not that I watch cable news.

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I love watching debates but couldn’t care less about this one.

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I really wanted to attend the first debate, but there was no way I could have managed it. This one, I could actually have gone to, since I will be in that area that week. But the premise and the debaters are not worth my time.

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Might as well have a debate on why open drug use, tents on our streets, and public urination should be allowed by law.

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True, it is a bogus premise.

“Should we abandon rule of law or follow it?” Should be the headline.

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Celia- are you going (to Big D) for the eclipse? I am, but have to get back to NY for work. Was interested in the debate, but not so much of late.

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My best friend lives in the eclipse zone, and it's been almost 6 years since we were able to visit each other--an unheard-of length of time for us to be apart, but between Covid and their move to Texas it hasn't been possible. The eclipse was an excellent excuse!

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Great!!! Enjoy it! Weather is supposed to be good! I'll be seeing my cousin-who I usually just see at weddings, funerals, or when the Berlin Wall came down! The eclipse is an excellent excuse indeed!

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It was cloudy but we still enjoyed it. We found a small-town park to chill in, had a picnic, saw the partially eclipsed sun a few times when the clouds thinned briefly, and thrilled as the sky got dark and then light again.

I hope you managed to have fun!

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When I saw the names, I thought this is an unserious debate.

Yes, “unserious” to quote Bari’s speech she gave.

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The resolution alone is unserious. Let alone the debaters. And they aren't master debaters, either.

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Masturbators perhaps. /s

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Jordan Peterson and Konstantin Kisin speaking together are in town the same week as Bari’s lame debate. Guess which event is sold out and which is struggling to fill a much smaller venue.

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Are those events really the same time...bat luck there. The JP and KK event is 10x more interesting.

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The same reason you invite Ann Coulter to debate anything.

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Money and eyeballs of course. But Ann Coulter has long thought about illegal immigration and it has caused her to totally turn against Trump. Her book “Adios America” is quite good on the subject, if one is open minded enough to read it.

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Good point, her name didn't even register with me.

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I’m sorry for my 18 year old daughter; her America will be a third world country.

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I feel the same way. We can't let this happen to our children! I put a pocket US Constitution in my two kids' stocking years back (they are 26 and 31 now) and my son (biochemist) loves it and cherishes it and is trying to spread the word; my daughter thinks it's antiquated. I tell her the idea of Freedom and human nature will never be antiquated and she's on TicTok, but at least she's a self-reliant adult, and still a free thinker, mostly. There's hope, but is there time???

We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Eventually it is the fate of all texts to no longer speak to us. e.g. "a well-regulated militia", the Founders understood that one way. Now you have to enter a long-winded explication or it is understood another or not at all. Constitutions are technologies and all technologies become obsolete and no longer fit for purpose over time.

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That's true, but that's why our wise founders gave the states the power to amend the Constitution. For people who say it's antiquated - what is their solution to a better government? The problem I see today is that we don't follow the original intent of limited federal government (10th Amendment). Plus, how many people wail about saving "our democracy"? Plato is old text but nailed some ideas about human nature that never change and talked about why democracies ALWAYS lead to tyranny. If We the People don't understand Why our founders established a Constitutional Republic, and not a democracy, we find ourselves where we are today.

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Or 4th World Dystopian Global member.

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That has happened already. Many of us don't want to see it.

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Why is it when Democrats say the Republicans had a chance to fix the border with that "bipartisan" bill, the people disputing it don't give more details regarding the flaws? I'm so sick of hearing the dishonesty that Republicans don't want to fix the bill because of Trump.

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Republicans wouldn’t sign the bill because it still allowed 5,000 people a day to enter into the country….the Democrats are insane.

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The Democrats are pieces of shit. The current migrant situation is 100% on Biden.

Thank God the Republicans told them to pound sand on that bill.

I think for most people what they want is

1. Shut border

2. Fix immigration

3 Reopen border

In a nutshell

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You left out "2. deport the illegals."

Then renumber.

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Deport them ALL. Far too many legals have gamed, or been enabled to game, legal immigration.

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4,999 a day without question. So 1.8 million a year. 5000 a day triggered a discretionary border closure. I am.pretty sure the cartels still math.

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Buried in that document were loopholes so that proscriptions could be overturned.

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I know. Classic bait and switch.

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We hear all the time from the Dem/Soc that our immigration laws are broken but none of them tell us how it is broken. If we enforce the laws on the books we could stop this flood in its tracks.

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Because every word they utter is a lie.

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Stop the flow rate is not the only solution. The fact is US needs more folks who will work. Two reasons- birth rate is too low ( happening worldwide) and Americans for the most part don’t want to do menial labor ( this happens in wealthier nations). At the same time, unless immigrants are willing to learn English and respect our constitutional system and the market economy, the Republic cannot survive. Vetting and laws enforcing assimilation are necessary. Most countries have far stricter immigration laws than we do. And laws are of little value if not enforced.

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Not really. The part about the 5000 distinguishes between detain, screen, and deport below the 5000 threshold and detain and deport above 5000. Which ignores two things. 1) that means 4,999 who said I'm scared would be allowed in and according to this article they all know to say it. Whether it is true or not. So that is 1.8 million a year. They will be in for years until their claims can be reached and investigated. Impacting US census data which impacts representation in the House of Representatives. 2) the very article you site contradicts itself with regard to the detain and deport above 5000 threshold. That is what Trump did and as the article acknowledges that policy ran afoul of the courts. I am weary of the if you cannot dazzle them with your brilliance baffle them with your bullshit approach and that is all your link is. Under the guise of fact-checking misinformation no less.

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deletedApr 5
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Thanks for both the info and your diligence.

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deletedApr 4
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To be fair that is also true of the people who actually vote on the bills.

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We have entered an era where no election results will be accepted by the losers, no matter what. Nor should they be, frankly. Our election system has never been audited and we really have no idea how it works. Elections will basically be decided in courts, both before and after Election Day.

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USA elections are no longer free and fair. Tactics start well before votes are cast. Suppressing important stories, sneaky censorship of social media posts. MSM the Public relations and propaganda arm of the Democratic Party

Election Day is now election season

Mail in ballots for anyone other than military and officials overseas is fraud

Cheating on Election Day itself including when elections are called

The USA is now a Banana Republic

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The USA is now a Banana Republic

Brought to us entirely by Democrats.

So yes, I despise them. Why should I not?

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They despise us so it is mutual.

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Worse, the USA is now the floundering daughter of Lenin and the German state socialists -- called "Progressives," there and here.

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I agree with you, but PLEASE in the future, differentiate between mail in and absentee ballots....the later perfectly acceptable, the former a foundation for fraud.

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Harvest season.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

The joke on the illegals is that Biden and his administration are turning the US into the same type of country they left.

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"An estimated 7.3 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the U.S. since the start of Joe Biden’s presidency. When polled, voters say it’s the issue they’re most worried about. And it could cost Biden the election come November."

Could? Biden is an enemy of America and if you vote for him, so are you. Let's stop fooling around on this. Most Americans are "worried" about illegal immigration because they realize that a country without borders, a nation where citizenry means nothing, is no country, at all. Let's not mince words. In addition to his corruption, imbecility and general incompetence, Biden has charted a path to the destruction of America. Therefore, Biden, who has presided over this, is a traitor. And if you vote for him, so are you. As is the entire apparatus of the MSM, which has lied and carried water for this insanity. So you're aghast at 60 Minutes peddling fantasy? Their lying and hysteria went on steroids in 2016 and never recovered.

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My 90 year old mother and frankly my entire family on my and my husband's side will vote against America in November. Well, I have a republican step-brother. Before I woke up two years ago I thought he was insane. Now I know otherwise. I'm steeped in voters against America. So depressing. Their arguments always boil down to either a) trump bad or b) I'm an idiot who can't think for herself. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Congratulations on not taking SOMA anymore.

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Option b) just really means "I do as I am told."

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Sadly, all my liberal friends care about is the abortion issue. Nevermind that the president won't have the power to dictate those laws anymore. But that is the only thing Democrats have to win them over, besides their TDS. And the TDS is STRONG. One of my friends repeated the Fine People Hoax to me this weekend when I outed myself as voting for Trump. Said her Jewish children are in far more danger from a Trump presidency than Biden. Huh????

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Does your Jewish friend realize that Trump's daughter converted to Judaism to marry her Jewish husband and raise their childern as Jewish?

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Facts to liberals are like the crucifix to vampires.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Exactly! Don't let facts get in the way of your delusion.

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I was totally aghast at her hysteria over Trump, remembering that I was one of the only friends of hers who contacted her to check in after Oct 7, and discussing the crazy pro Hamas protests on the campuses. I'm assuming she knows Trump's son in law is Jewish but yet...she blames any scary violence on Trump who has been out of office since 2020? This is how deeply embedded the TDS is.

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Toddler logic.

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The abortion issue is the big thing they rile women up with even though it’s a state issue now as it should have always been. People wouldn’t mind if abortion was what it was meant to be which is rare. The fact that this one issue over rides the many actual current threats to freedom, safety, and economic opportunity that is being destroyed under Dem leadership is crazy to me. What will be here for your current children at the rate we are going? The debt is unsustainable and the pied piper will come calling soon and our children will be the ones to pay.

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I know the lying accusation gets thrown around a lot. But Biden and his campaign are lying about abortion. There is nothing he can do about it because there is no federal law regarding abortion. Yet he said in a speech this week that on day one he would send a bill to Congress demanding abortion be secured. So why wait?

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Two points. First, given that women generally outnumber men, if states vote to restrict abortion, why are you blaming men? Second, Trump has indicated he's thinking of adopting the European rule of abortions til about 12-15 weeks. Will that take away the abortion issue from Democrats or will they just invent more stupid pet tricks?

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They will just invent more tricks. Trump has a reasonable position on abortion and the majority of people would be behind that. The media platforms aren’t going to discuss Trump’s stance on the issue though because it disrupts their narrative so these women won’t even know his position on the issue. They will just believe it’s an outright ban.

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He can't do that any more than Biden could authorize abortion up to birth. Congress would have to act either way. And they could have already done so but have not.

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Agree but it doesn't matter. The important thing is to announce a platform. Dems do it all the time.

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I think the smart tactic would be to say "I love you so I am going to tell you the truth. Dobbs overturned Roe because it said Roe was not based on a proper foundation. That only legislatures can create law. Congress - oh our shameful Congress - knew this. Nancy knew this and did nothing. Chuckie knew this and did nothing. Maxine knew this and did nothing. Little fat Jerry knew this and did nothing. Every Democrat stroking the forest of emotion knew this. And did nothing. The truth is that in light of that Congressional failure there is nothing that I or any other president can do about abortion. I can't expand it. I can't restrict it. I can try to bring Congress together but we have seen how improbable that is." I think that does a number of things. It places the true accountability on Congress. Which might generate Republican support in those races. Needed Republican support. Voters in what six states matter in terms of the presidential election but voters in every state matter in terms of Congressional elections. And much of what ails this nation is a direct result of Congressional failure. That is why we are currently ruled by executive branch dictates of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. And say what the Democrats will about Republicans being mean to each other the fact is there has been a struggle between the Cheney/Romney/Murkowski kind of Republicans and a new breed. And it appears to me the new breed has won out. To which I say good riddance to bad news. Plus it is a chance to establish that Biden and his campaign really are lying about abortion with easily verifiable proof. All you have to do is read Dobbs and part of the Constitution. You and I know that they have lied, exploited, manipulated and deceived about many, many things. But if the key for his base is abortion, truth is the strategy. The Republican platform, going back to the Roe decision has always contained a vanilla right to life provision. I think the last one addressed states rights but it was not fire and brimstone stuff. This year it should be we call on Congress to address the issue of right to life. What it means. What it does not mean. The voice of reason must be restored to the nation and Congress is the only entity that can do so.

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Ask you friends if Trump suddenly came out in favor of abortions on demand at any time up to the moment of birth, would they vote for him?

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I saw on MSNBC that Trump will be outlawing gynecologists.

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Thank you very much for your truthful comment about the president's inability to impact abortion. So very few seem to understand that.

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Even if that was the case, Trump is not anti-abortion.

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Traitor Joe.

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How does becoming “ the world’s greatest woman chess player.” meaningfully improve society?

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I don't know, when I was younger, I was quite the chest player! Oh wait, sorry, different chess. Although I totally agree with you.

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Exactly my thought.

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Because next week some mediocre (assigned male at birth) chess player, will declare himself female and rise to the top of the rankings- becoming both the top women's chess player, and the first transgender chess champion!

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But that wouldn’t improve society just like the greatest woman chess player won’t improve society.

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It is early in the morning and I have always been a little slow so I don't get your point about chess. Please explain.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Didn’t read all the way down?

First, Tyler Cowen announced the latest round of grants for the Emergent Ventures program at the Mercatus Center yesterday.

The scheme gives grants to “entrepreneurs and brilliant minds with highly scalable, ‘zero to one’ ” ideas for meaningfully improving society,

and every round of grants is an awe-inspiring, stereotype-defying list of young people doing awesome stuff. One grantee jumps out to us this time around: “

Candela Francisco, 17, Buenos Aires, to become the

world’s greatest woman chess player.”


I’d have highlighted or made bold the relevant parts but I see no way to do that on this site.

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Thanks, I did skip that part of today's TFP post.

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You haven’t missed much if you have skipped it don’t stress 😃

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You don't actually miss much if you skip it all. It is Olly when said and done.

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“Migrants” hoping for a Biden win? Migrants? Did the Free Press go to various immigration sites to interview legal migrants to get their views? No. Illegal aliens were interviewed and of course want to see a Biden win.

Words matter…or at least they did!

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Yes please let Biden win so he can make America into the broke miserable, hopeless, hell hole place I am leaving. After all, with the funny election rules (although the dead appreciate not being forgotten during elections) and handing out money to his buddies and supporters, he is working hard to secure the election and make the Presidency a start for single authority and control.

See if we come here and you take care of us and don't care if you work, the drain on limited resources is the issue. Eventually everything goes broke and starts to fall apart. Schools are failing, crime is crazy out of control, the gangs are coming with you, drugs freely entering, and the entire infrastructure is about to burst. It's very well known migrants send much of their money home or out of country, so skip the stupid woke arguments. Unfortunately for them and us, the country is going broke at a rapid pace and eventually you will have nothing and the help you are seeking will dry up. So please let Slow Joe win, as why not, euthanasia is now coming to help us out of our misery.

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And the saddest thing is how easy it would be to fix it all.

If only people weren't so congenitally retarded that they keep pulling that "D" lever.

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$34,000,000,000,000 in debt serviced at an estimated cost of $825,000,000,000 in 2024 alone. It has to be estimated because tax revenue appears to be declining and interest rates do not appear to be assured of falling. Do you think the newcomers understand the debt they are saddling their chdren with? Or is allowing them in a statistical trick to lower the value of the debt placed on every member of the populace? I mean if debt is x per every y where y is the population, don't you lower the value of x by increasing the population?

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Only if y contributes to x. When half of y pays no federal income tax, the math is turned inside out and the solution remains: the rich 'must pay their fair share'....an easy sell to y.

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True. But not to this y. Or to you. Or to many others. I know why the cheese is in the trap. But you get my point. It is a numbers game. Stats always are.

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You're absolutely correct in your thesis, but the reality is that when some inject equal outcome over equal opportunity, then factor the impossibility of taking something back from those to whom you have previously given, ie a free pass on taxes, the burden of responsibility is impossible to evenly share.

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Well that is the problem with the myth of all things equal. They never are. I think most productive people are okay with shouldering more of the responsibility so long as 1) their means of producing are unfettered and 2) they are not dictated an unreasonable amount of the responsibilty. But when half or more of the population does not share any of the responsibility a tipping point is reached.

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My advice:Bring back Suzy Weiss. Let Wiseman go on a permanent vacation with his young family.

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Please. That would mean he'd turn up on an English news site near me. It is only fair you keep him; we put up with enough of your crap taking over our spaces. ;-)

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The next time 60 Minutes presents both sides of a story it'll be the first.

That show is literally famous for practitioners of 'ambush journalism' like Mike Wallace.

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So true. I was involved in one of their stories as an attorney for a company being "featured" (i.e., attacked) and was shocked by their refusal to consider both sides of the story (hey, I was young and naive). Ed Bradley was the POS commentator in that story. Oh, well, at least it freed up my Sunday nights after that experience. Seeing clips on X of Leslie Stahl's various lies during her interview with Trump, however, did remind me of what tools they are.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn did a whole dissection on how Lesley Stahl basically lied right through her teeth with all her misrepresentations and misinformation on 60 Minutes on the Murthy v MS case on govt interference with social media to suppress free speech. The whole narrative was intentionally biased. MSM is truly rotten now. Even old guards like Lesley Stahl is no different from the pathetic elite schools bred New Red Guard. 60 Minutes like the NYT is all but a shell left. It's inside is all rotten and hollow.

Meanwhile Oliver Wiseman continues to feed us MSM recommendations. That has got to be the least worthwhile bullshit from this publication. No, Ollie. I don't read or click on any of them. Most are already old news by the time we hear them from you. Your substandard RCP imitation is lame.

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Well said. Tah.

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Wiseman & Savodnik, what a one-two punch. Biden men. One lies and the other swears to it.

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“The Left ruins everything it touches.” Dennis Prager.

We’re glimpsing the signs of this at The Free Press, where people on staff are subtly undermining Bari’s intent.

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Yes yes yes I hope Bari reads this comment section!!!!!!!!

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Bari cares about two things: Israel and abortion.

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And growing her list. Of those who read TFP. 600,000+ now; up from 350,000 not long ago. Fox's Dana Perrino plugs Weiss.

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I think she cares about responsible journalism; the trans and “gender affirming” movement - or Abigail Shrier wouldn’t have a platform here; and wokeness overtaking our institutions - lots of criticisms of that here.

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"An estimated 7.3 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the U.S. since the start of Joe Biden’s presidency."

Substack found a photograph of a woman with children which, sad as it is, does not represent the vast bulk of illegal immigrants barging across our southern border. For the most part, they are young, strong men.

Several young, strong men belonging to the M-13 gang, from Venezuela, in a Virginia jail on murder and other charges, recently stabbed and kicked to death a K-9 "guard" protecting his handler.

My first reaction is, stab and kick them to death. Alas for me, it's also my second reaction.

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