A society like the one being described can not exist as a society long term. Either Canada needs to move back to a system of equality under the law or they will cease to be a unified country. It’s that simple.

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We are experiencing the end of civilization.

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Not hyperbole. It’s nothing less than that.

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*western civilization

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It is a slippery slope on which Canada now finds itself. Once ceded, the high ground is difficult to regain.

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Not only is it that simple; vigilante justice will/is the response. Stupid, stupid people

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Gang culture is prison culture. Like the woke D.E.I. commissariat managing the class war for the globalist DNC/CCP/WEF, it divides people by race, identity, sex, power, the willingness to use violence for access and control of resources and the open manipulation/compromise of bureaucratic institutions and authority to reach those ends. It is the same psychology. Kindness, vulnerability and ignorance of the true nature of the game is weakness to be exploited, the individual is prey and snitches die. For instance, the ready availability of drugs in prison's speaks to the profitable interface between the inmates and the look the other way guards receiving payoff's to do so. In prison, as in America, Canada and Mexico money moves upward to power. And Mexico?

Assange and Snowden are merely object lesson snitches. How is the Solzhenitsyn gulag criminal running the prison yard with specific instructions to make Stalin's political enemies suffer any different than the car jacking/home invading/store looting/Fentanyl dispensing thug wandering the unsafe American streets and subway's today? For the globalist juggernaut the "citizen" is a threat and a sucker to be exploited and removed. Criminal thugdom serves the purpose. The installation of surveillance state fascism by totalitarian finance is well underway. You're already under house arrest. Covid was the practice run.

Hyperbolic and extreme. Maybe. But the dynamic is there. Thinking you can reason with the criminals on the next tier up is a definite mistake. The 15 minute city, the suicide net, the eyeball's behind the screen in front of you, the social credit score, digital currency and the biggest lie the world say no. This article is yet another report on symptomatology. The Davos crowd has already proclaimed Trudeau in Canada (and select elected American political leadership coast to coast) designated hitter's. You've still got a Constitution and a Bill of Right's. For how long?

We're building a new fact/truth based American national dialogue. The Republican Party is a least malleable. The DNC, without blinking an eye, in service to globalist fascist finance has held us in thrall to a lie for decades and undermined our every political institution. Doing nothing is a decision.

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From what I know of Canada, Gordon, it has never been a totally unified country.

The progressivism outlined in this essay is somewhat new, and will probably be accompanied by a backlash, pretty much following what's going on in the US. I don't see much difference between the two countries there - hell there is a movement for reparations to the descendants of slaves here (progressivism run amok..), and petty crime in many cities is going unanswered - so there is not much equality under the law right now right here in America either, obviously.

But politically, the country is not as nationalistic as America, and never has been. Quebec with its French speaking majority has had leanings of separatism since the 1960's, ebbing and flowing over the years - and now Alberta has a nascent separatist movement all it's own.

If Canada pulls itself apart, it won't be because black defendants are getting lighter sentences. In my opinion..

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The time for Direct Democracy is now. We no longer need governments that don’t actually represent us. A safe, limited form of liquid direct democracy is possible.

And what we really need is the tyranny of the masses to stop all of this corruption.

Like this: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/weaponized-direct-democracy-the-kryptonite?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Really? We need a bunch of morons educated in public schools making more decisions? Are you serious?

No fucking way.

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I have. Even wondering if we are transitioning to that. The never ending campaign cycle and never ending polling in conju.ction therewith is beyond tedious. My FB is flooded with candidates begging for handouts. Many in races I cannot even vote in. It is unseemly. On the other hand would I trust the technology at this point? No I would not.

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A brilliant statement , Ms. Millen, boiling down progressive lunacy to its essential and inherent self contradiction.

Yet the entire foundation of the Biden presidency rests on the self-destructive progressive ideal of pushing a grievance culture and inciting race hatred.

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I am tired of people calling these brutal asshole fascists (Merrium Webster : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control) liberals or progressives. They are anything but liberal or progressive.

Giving preference of one race over another is racism and that is what they are doing.

They want to control, by fiat. what we say and what we think. If liberal or progressive means tyrants, then yes that is what they are.

Why not just call them what they really are, brutal tyrants. They love criminals but despise the victims of crime.

The Dem/Soc disgust me. They are hell bent on destroying our democracy and they are doing it by perverting our legal system.

These DAs and judges are insulated from these crimes. None of them have been beaten, raped or robbed. Idealism is directly proportional to the distance you are from the problem. Open border assholes live in New York not the Rio Grande valley.

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Sorry to say this, but in order to show how not racist they are, they vote in the actual racists who are promoting black crime by not prosecuting it. Case in point -- the black kids on a joyride in a stolen car who hit a family, killed their one-year-old, and got off on a misdemeanor.

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I agree they are not liberals but they are progressives.

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Give me an example of one progressive thing they have done.

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It's only "progress" in their eyes. Just like eugenics and Prohibition. They have a fantasy utopia they are trying to progress toward.

I just call them Leftists.

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Luke 23:34

And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

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What are you trying to say here? Don't prosecute criminals and keep them off the street? Are you a Dem/Soc operative?

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What I am saying is don't expect me to support the program if I'm not told what the program is and I am not told what happens when it is shown that the program is a flop.

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The people making these policies KNOW absolutely what they are doing.

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He also said render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Which is what this conversation is about.

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Jesus was also WRONG when He said it. Jesus was wrong about a great many things. He never had children and had no idea what He was talking about in the realm of human interactions. Turning the other cheek is the act of coward and a fool, not a saint.

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Wow. If you're an atheist, Jew, Buddhist or Muslim this comment might make sense, even if it's wrong. But you capitalize "He," which only Christian believers tend to do. And if you're a believer, you believe that Jesus is God or the son of God, and as such cannot possibly be wrong and "have no idea what he's talking about" in anything in the known universe, even if he "never had children," because it is God who created children and who created the very humans who "interact."

If you do indeed identify as a Christian, I'd love to know how you think you would go about "schooling" Jesus Christ in the nature of children and human interactions.

This might possibly be the most bizarre comment I've ever seen on any comment board, ever.

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What makes you so bitter, sir?

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It's machine politics writ large. It's all about creating client classes that will serve as reliable bloc votes, while at the same time, harassing opponents until they move elsewhere. On the local level, Tammany Hall created it, and people like Tom Curley and Richard Daley perfected it. Once you have the client classes dependent on government preferences and largesse, all you have to do at election time is say "The Conservatives/Republicans/whoever will cut off your checks!", and you've got the election in the bag.

I remember looking at a newspaper list of precinct-by-precinct votes in Alabama after the 2000 election. In a precinct in urban Birmingham, out of 2200-something votes cast, the bulk were cast for Gore, with a handful of votes for third party candidates. Not a single vote was cast for Bush. I searched in vain for any precinct where nobody voted for Gore. I found one rural precinct with two votes for Gore, but only about 70 votes total were cast in that precinct.

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Think you have answered our voting problem, besides the rigging we witnessed in the last two elections Alabama.

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You guys are so on point today, how did we get here? Why did we and do we keep voting for this. It’s crazy stuff

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There's lots of blame to go around:


"We all need to read and promote The Transgender Leviathan, a 40 page report written for The American Principles Project1 by Pedro Gonzalez2 of Chronicles Magazine. Though written by someone decidedly on the right, Leviathan is comprehensive and fair, and it implicates people, corporations, and institutions across the political spectrum. It’s pure fire starting with its title page,"

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"People on the right" have understood the woke ideology for a long time. Unfortunately most people have not listened, and now it is likely too late to regain sanity.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Canada is really off the deep end on this issue - even more than the US right now.

Which is saying a lot:

"Proposed changes 'obviously' violate the 'key' point of Title IX: protecting women"


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Plus they are willing to help depressed people commit suicide. If you helped your terminally ill loved one commit suicide you would be prosecuted.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Including depressed teenagers. I think the laws in Canada support killing a depressed teen regardless of what parents say - but they will notify the parents it is happening... :-0

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Yes! People like Candace Owens and Larry Elders are disgusted that black people have been categorized like this. They’ve also pointed out what this article has proven about black and white discrepancies but so many want nothing to do with hearing: that the problem starts in the home and fathers need to be present. But instead, if you’ve had a rough childhood you’re excused and don’t have to pay the same consequence. Our country has gone mad.

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Ernest Gaines' novel A Lesson Before Dying explores this. The guy's lawyer argued that his client couldn't be expected to know any better and I think he may have explicitly compared him to a dog (I don't remember, I read it many years ago). The guy ended up on death row and the story is about his accepting responsibility and going to his death a human being (not a dog).

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That is mitigating evidence and has been used forever either to persuade a prosecutor not to bring a case or to argue that despite guilt there are reasons why a harsh penalty is not just. Really good defense lawyers are very skilled at presenting mitigating evidence.

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Stone raving mad!

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It's fascinating how the Left has managed to transform racism into something "good," as long as it is being practiced and administered by Leftists.

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The Left has defined black people as 'basket cases'.

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Democrats have not changed their minds about race; they have merely changed their tactics. Instead of pushing aside non-whites as "human weeds" and "inferior citizens" (as per Margaret Sanger), they figured out that--once Republicans made Civil Rights for all the law of the land--it would be more politically effective to publicly embrace the role of "white saviors," while ensuring--via counterproductive policies--that their victims would remain an underclass who could be counted on to vote for Democrats.

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Yup - The Democrats NEED blacks to vote for them otherwise they're toast - it called the "Democrat Plantation' - it's own special form of slavery.

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Brilliant. "Inborn disabilities." What other group of people would ever countenance such an abomination? Yet here are their "advocates" prescibing it into law. Perhaps next we'll see a resurgence in eugenics, as statistics bear out the inferiority of certain races. Is that what the woke desire?

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That is absolutely the next logical step. Inherently inferior, inherently incapable. Inherently in need of “great white heroes.”

It’s even more revolting than traditional racism - this is being done with every bit as much self-interest, but it’s also insidious as hell. The evil woke cast themselves as inherently superior.

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One of those "inborn disabilities" is one that I openly covet: A sense of rhythm.

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Perhaps a way can be found. If you're willing to pay reparations, maybe in exchange they will teach you some tricks....but then wouldn't you be accused of cultural appropriation?

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In fact, promoting reverse racism is simply making racism acceptable again. Black people in Canada are and will be a minority vulnerable to racism. If the “progressives” make it now acceptable that white people be treated effectively like roadkill by black people, sooner or later this will generate a backlash, and there will be far less of a restraint against this new type of racism, based not of ideas of “white superiority” but on resentment for being treated as lesser humans. This backlash is already brewing in the US, not only among whites - just ask Asians and Latinos. The “progressives” are effectively undoing all the progress in racial matters gained in the last five decades.

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I think you are right. It will be very mean times.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Exactly. What we're being told today is that black people are in fact a weaker, less intelligent, less socially responsible class that need special handling. It's really pathetic.

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I agree completely. This is an insult to our black brothers and sisters. This also hurts the black neighborhoods more than anyone.

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On average, blacks have significantly lower IQ scores than all other races and this is a measure that holds across time and space. So maybe, on average, blacks don’t have as much agency and independent decision-making capability as you think. The reason their IQ scores are significantly lower on average is due to their lack of inter-breeding with other human species (eg Neanderthals, Denisovans, etc) tens of thousands of years ago and so didn’t the mutations that whites and Asians did. It’s well documented but rather unpopular for obvious reasons.

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I don't know about any of that, but as a white person I have a feeling that if I went head-to-head with Thomas Sowell intellectually, he'd chew me up and spit me out.

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I read that research. Unclear how to talk about it and dig deeper in search for truth and answers in the modern society without creating a disaster…

The ethical digging could reveal solutions mutually beneficial for all races.

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Here is some of the objective research; David Reich

Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the new science of the human past

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"Insulting and demeaning" indeed, Cynthia -- as well as patronizing, patriarchal, infantilizing, and downright . . . racist. In the "reimagined" world that progressives have created for themselves (and inflicted on the rest of us), good is bad and right is wrong, and the most basic elements of civilization are turned on their head, upside down and inside out.

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Well said! It is very degrading indeed!

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Society will eventually compensate for a dysfunctional criminal justice system. That would include arming itself to self defend against acts perpetrated against them. It will be de-civilizing. People will make the choice that it is better to deter or survive an attack and possibly go to jail, than to be killed themselves. A return to the Wild West. That is not progressive but regressive. Utterly stupid.

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This is what happened in the case of the marine on the subway. He serves to protect our country, comes home, and tries to protect many on a subway. His life is likely doomed. Gotta make sure the criminals are protected first.

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

It is so interesting that there is no psycho-babble about a vet having "triggers". Vets from recent conflicts often do have PTSD from events that are truly very traumatic.

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It's already happening. See the recent subway incident with the marine and Neely

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Drifting closer every day to vigilante justice. Start with the progressive judges who enable the insanity.

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Yep. The shit show like the Jordan Neely mess is unfolding now in NYC as we speak.

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Which was at least a situation with threats. The cases of recent shootings indicate people who are frightened when others knock on the door or drive up the driveway. I think it indicates how unsafe people feel.

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That's a good point. We are transitioning from a high-trust society to a low-trust one. In the modern world, no low-trust society ever achieves success long term. Living in a low-trust society is too inefficient.

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If it wasn’t stupid, how would you know it’s progressive.

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There’s the old justice system, this new progressive dysfunctional one, and many commenters point to vigilante justice as a future one. Genuinely curious about where the thinkers are who are actually proposing viable alternatives, in a “transcend and include” kind of way....if you know please share so that those of us in the middle have something tangibly hopeful to sink our teeth into.

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My solution is a comprehensive rewrite and simplification of criminal codes to criminalize conduct which is universally harmful. No more possession of drug crimes; to the extent drugs need to be criminalized it should be on the manufacture, distribution and delivery end. That in and of itself would rectify much of the disproportionate criminalization of the black population. Give those people previously convicted pardons. We needed acts defined as crimes which result in death or bodily injury, the assaultive offenses such as homicide, kidnapping, sexual assault, assault and deadly conduct; I would include driving under the influence here and require injury or death in order to prosecute. We need acts defined as crimes which take or damage the property of others, such as theft, robbery, burglary, vandalism. We need to define as crimes acts which are against public morals and decency, including human trafficking, prostitution and more so the enabling thereof, manufacture/distribution of pornography, etc.. We should define as crimes acts which are a threat to public order like soliciting riots, making false reports, public/official corruption. We need to define as crimes financial acts such as fraud, forgery, embezzling. I am sure I have missed a category or two but you get my drift. No more esoteric crime like hate crime, whatever the hell that is, or failure to pay child support or interference with child custody (you laid down with him or her and made a child, you deal with it), or driving while intoxicated where there is no death or bodily injury resulting therefrom (the abuse generated in the form of probable cause for a stop in the name of DWIDUI enforcement boggles my mind and this is something else that has worked has worked against black people, cops use a swerve as an excuse for a stop just so they can check the driver out). For criminal.justice to work fairly and efficiently. What is defined as criminal must be easily understood and we are wa-a-a-ay down the road from.that. And the penalty should be swift and certain. We should do away with indeterminate sentencing and parole. Sentences should be shorter but served n full. Capital punishment (death or life without parole) should be an option but the occasions therefor need to be clearly defined. Probation should be available for first time offenders but only one time. People lament the judges, prosecutors and defense lawyers but I don't think many people understand what a big business the criminal justice industry is. Forensic everything from chemists to psychiatrists, to social workers. That's what that Canadian race report is. Somebody or many somebodies are getting rich off that and it is not the judges or prosecutors. And probably not the defense lawyer. You have ankle monitors some of which track alcohol use which cost hundreds of dollars a month. You have ignition interlock devices. You have many, many, many treatment, counseling, and rehabilitation programs that can be court-ordered. You have fewer resources available for or dedicated to mentally ill people though and this is somewhere meaningful change could be and should had. The system is collapsing under its own weight. Dockets for judges, prosecutors, and even some defense lawyers preclude in-depth analysis of the facts of any given case. Judges in my observation have pretty much given up being a force for what is right but rather have been reduced to hearing the argument/evidence presented by each side and making a ruling before moving on to the next case.

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Aren't you describing what's happening right here in the US? With our four hundred million firearms? No one trusting the police to protect them? Mass shootings? Canada has actual real gun control. No province up there allows concealed or open carry, or semi automatic weapons, or assault rifles. You need a permit just to transport your weapon to a firing range. Guns are for hunting, basically.

The Wild West? That's us..

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Great idea: let’s solve racism by treating racial minorities like children!

Everything is whitey’s fault and those poor black/brown people just can’t help themselves.

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The not-so-soft bigotry of low expectations. But the Establishment Left regards black/brown minorities as their territory, and they don't want those people thinking for themselves.

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Yip 💯 correct, what thinking person will vote Democrat.

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It’s clearer and clearer every day that no one wants to solve racism. Actually, quite the opposite.

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Exactly. If there's more racial animus, then which political party does that favor more? I wonder...

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Even when these minorities do end up in prison, they are often sent to minimum security "healing lodges" rather than actual prisons, behind bars. This should be a topic for Rupa's next article.

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Great piece Subramanya. I did a quick search and did not find any other US media outlets covering this. This seems to be a road paved to hell with good intentions in a nutshell and an undisguised attempt to racialize the justice system of Canada. What will the trickle down effects be as a result of widespread IRCA use and lowered convictions on real criminals? California may be the microcosm of similar racial justice reform but Canada will be the macrocosm! We are looking at the beginnings of a society on the brink of destroying itself.

What occurred to me as I read this was something John McWhorter talks about in his book, "Woke Racism," in which this type of well-intentioned thinking by social justice activists (and now the Canadian courts) - that Black people cannot be responsible for their own actions because they experience racism directly or are impacted by it through systemic racism - is actually extremely demeaning, belittling, and infantilizing. This "racial justice" thinking is actually the same thing that REAL White supremacists believe about Black (or Indigenous, or other minority) people! It is truly racist thinking to believe Blacks/minorities of all backgrounds and origins cannot reason or take responsibility for their actions.

Does anyone recall the reasoning that some Antebellum slave owners used to justify keeping slaves?! Their "reasoning" to justify enslaving people was that they were inferior, both biologically and intellectually. In other words, plantation owners believed Black enslaved people weren't smart enough on their own and needed to be enslaved for their own good, because otherwise they couldn't control themselves or their behavior. RING A BELL?! The IRCAs is a manifestation of this thinking and perpetuates the very racist beliefs that social justice activists think they're fighting. It would be hilarious if it were not horrifying.

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The reasoning that you refer to in Antebellum slave owners justifying keeping slaves due to their "inferiority" and "ignorance"

Is still being applied today (minus the chains and crop picking)

You may have heard of the organization doing it - The Democratic Party.

Example: POC are so mentally inferior that they cannot figure out how to obtain an ID to vote, they're giving promises of preferential treatment (and even promises of reparations).

I hate to sound alarmist but it looks like vigilantes is right around the corner if Canada (and US prosecutors continue down this path.

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Yup. 100pct. And my white progressive friends can't see it. Not even a little.

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Wow. This appears to be more straightforwardly racist than anything U.S. federal or state governments have done since the 1960s.

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Canada doesn’t seem to have the explicit banning of race considerations in a number of areas where we see them in the USA. Eg you can readily find academic job adverts explicitly open only to non white people.

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They don't have a 14th amendment.

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Were there slaves in Canada in the past?

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Not since the 18th century. But that's not the point. The 14th amendment prevented government discrimination on the basis of immutable classifications such as race. Without it our overbearing government could do just what Canada seems to be doing.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

I am sorry I don’t know the amendments by number. Nor do I know whether Canada has a constitution.

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He is referring to the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment, which guarantees the "equal protection of the laws" to all. Here, the Canadian government is denying the equal protection of law to white offenders who commit the same crimes, which would be unconstitutional in the U.S.

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ICBW but I think it does. Actually I think they have had several as the rewrite it from time to time. And Canada is part of the British Commonwealth and as such are subjects of the king not citizens of the nation.

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I’ll bet that 99% of Canadians have no idea that this is how their justice system now works. I didn’t.

There’s a role for compassionate justice in any system but it shouldn’t be based on race. But *anyone* who commits a hit and run causing death belongs in jail.

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agreed, there can be a consideration for mitigating factors for anyone who is "forced" into committing a crime, especially non-violent.

and like you, i worry that this is going too far. there is no excuse for allowing someone who fell asleep at the wheel and ran someone over to claim that "racism" made him drive away and hide from the police.

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Those of us that pay attention know it does. But it's basically buried in the news here. And too many Canadians don't want to think about it. And the young basically seem to be on board with the crazy train - or do so because they are so afraid of being labelled racist.

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I always had a vague impression of Canada being polite and generally sensible. It frightens me to see it take a sudden sharp turn into insanity- emergency powers to shut down actually peaceful protests, assisted suicide for the mentally ill and "mature minors," and now this explicit racism in the justice system. I find it hard to believe that most or even many of them are ok with all that. Do they not know, not care, or are they afraid to be the first to speak up? Can they do anything about it now? The thought crosses my mind that the latest attempt there at mass gun confiscation is at least partly intended to make sure that the people just have to sit there and take it.

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I'll bet that 99% of Canadians also didn't know that their government killed more than 10,000 people in 2021 through assisted suicides. I wonder how long the US would have to execute criminals at its current rate to catch up with that number?

Leftism is nothing less than a death-cult.

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The considerable majority of those patients were stage IV near death cancer patients. Most Canadians are very comfortable with that - as am I. The government is opening up MAID to mentally ill people though - and people are uncomfortable with that. As am I. There is a middle ground - and I find too many people choose one side or the other - and demonize the middle compromise position.

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Well said.

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Progressives have wrecked Canada and will continue to do so in the name of equity & reparation. Once they’re finished there will be nothing left of the nation but a pile of smoldering virtuous ash.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Are you Canadian? Why on earth was Trudeau re-elected?

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Because our elections are decided in Ontario and Quebec and both provinces are bought by the Liberal government to stay loyal. Trudeau ran on a promise of electoral reform in the beginning but as soon ad he got to power it was first past the post all the way. It’s a terrible system. He’s increased the federal govt workforce by 30% so has lots of loyal lemmings in Ottawa. Canada is in rough shape.

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Our reality is far worst than this. The four eastern provinces with a population of 2.5m elect 32 MPs giving them a voting advantage over the western provinces of 35%. The western provinces of 12m elect 108 MPS. The two central provinces total 23m and elect 200 MPs.

The eastern provinces have little to no industry and survive primarily off of seasonal revenue from fishing and farming and timber industries. They have at times needed government hand outs to survive therefor lean liberal.

The west is built on resource industries, large scale ranching and farming, timber and transportation. Moving everything from China to the east.

I cannot recall in my life time when the west sought help from the east. It has been more a constant push to be left alone. The west lenders to vote conservative.

This year alone the liberal left allowed over one million immigrants into a country of 38,000,000. They claim business has motivated the high surge. I don't know a single businessman who wants Chi Pings grand parents to immigrate to Canada. Over half on new immigrants are supposed to be extended family members. (could be wrong here)

Immigrants to Cananada receive government benefits for up to three years on arrival. Who are the new people going to vote for? Conservatives who want to restrain spending? Or the Liberals who are giving them the gift of citizenship and a cheque once a month?

Crime is out of control in my small city. The local FB Rants is full of petty crime events daily and the local police indicate there is nothing they can do because the courts just let the crooks out immediately. You're homeless or none white here, take what you want from anyone, anywhere, any time.

You’re a white teenage boy with a L on your car, you best be terrified anytime you see a cop on the road while you're driving. The white boys here know fear. Is that what the intelligentia want us to learn? To know fear daily? To learn to distrust before trusting? To hate strangers?

Well they are winning... Communism 101

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All solid points and explains the insane incentives to vote Liberal here. Funny you mention the L or the N - my son had a hard route to get that L whilst all his female peers sailed through the test.....have women really become that much better drivers since I was a kid? I’m assuming you are BC based.....

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Very much like us in America

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Trudeau actually lost the popular vote. But the vote distribution favored him. And much of the mainstream media presented the Conservative running, O'Toole, as far right when he was almost a leftist himself. I wouldn't want a loony toon Fox News equivalent - but I'd like a right of center news channel in Canada - and one no longer really exists. That's the problem to some degree.

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I'm not happy with FOX dumping Carlson, but they're hardly looney toons either. Any conservative outlet automatically gets branded as nutso, which is unfair and a major part of the problem.

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The first thing we have to get rid of in new authoritarian world is to stop buying into the propaganda about far right fear. It is used only to slander and dismiss a very large swath of people who are not extremist. It is a misnomer used against anyone who does not pay homage to the one party line. We can’t keep falling for that!

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The media and social media are all looney tunes

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Because he looks good in Black (face)?

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He had nice shoes.

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Trudeau leads a minority government. That is the Liberals did not win more than half the seats in the parliament during the last election, and received far less than 50% of the overall vote. The only way for Trudeau to govern is with the support of the far left NDP, led by Jagmeet Singh. They give their votes to the Liberals in exchange for policy influence, effectively moving that party even further to the left.

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Why are Indians so far left? Also, maybe this is good for conservatives?

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Most immigrants tend to vote liberal - but will vote for moderate conservatives too. The longer in the country, the increasingly politically diverse. The suburbs of Toronto, which are very immigrant heavy, voted conservative provincially and liberal federally. And did vote for the solidly right wing Harper prior to 2015.

Also, the leader of the far left NDP party being of east indian descent (punjabi sikh descent to be specific) does not mean that Indians are far left - anymore than Elizabeth Warren's existence doesn't mean white Americans born in the south are far left. Individuals are individuals.

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Certain ethnic groups are known for voting certain ways. Jews tend to be liberal. I'm Jewish and politically conservative. I don't mesh well with my tribe because of this. I also live in an area of NJ with a high Indian population. They also vote overwhelmingly liberal and I notice that Sikhs tend to be borderline socialist. Yes... there are outliers in every group, but what I'm saying is factual. The only ethnic group that tends to pull in a BIT more conservatives is latino.

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The most prominent Sikhs in US politics (Nikki Haley and Harmeet Dhillon) are Republican, and their shifting support towards Trump in the 2020 election was noted by many Indian publications in 2020. I can provide links - but I imagine you have Google to help you.

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It's not factual. You are neither Canadian or of South Asian background - and your knowledge of such matters is evidently sorely lacking. Canada and the USA also have very different dynamics. In the context of Canada - a plurality of jewish Canadians vote Conservative - as opposed to their cousins in the USA that tend to be left leaning (though with the expanding orthodox and ultra-orthdox populations, that dynamic is also starting to shift). In Canada, South Asians are pretty evenly spread out in their voting patterns for the three major parties, as well as MP representation in parliament AND their voting patterns in municipal, provincial and federal elections. All 4 MPPs in Ontario that are Sikh belong to the Conservative party. For the record, Jagmeet is the ONLY Sikh in the NDP party - out of 15 current members of parliament that are Sikh at the federal level.

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Not "virtuous" but sanctimonious ash.

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Anarcho tyranny. The media also distorts reality by only reporting on one type of interracial crime, but memory holing ones that don’t fit the narrative ie Chicago. Progressives are once again moving society backwards and many innocent people will pay the price in blood, especially in cities.

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Why call out Canada for being idiotic? You need look no further than New York City, where vigils are held for violent black lunatics who die when restrained by passengers whom our resident jackals shriek must be "prosecuted." Our progressive friends have given us race based law. Race based medicine. What's next? Either we have a color blind society or we devolve to tribalism. And, as been shown the world over, that tribalism ALWAYS devolves to violence and genocide. Isn't it patently clear by now that progressives are insane? And insane in a particularly destructive and dangerous way. Sadly, if they aren't brought to heel soon by reason and persuasion, the only solution that will remain is a very violent counter-reaction. Why? Because human nature is immutable, no matter what our progressives idiotically claim.

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These people never came out to protest when elderly people and Asians were physically attacked resulting in severe injuries by the mentally ill in the subways.

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Doesn't suit their narrative. They are sheep looking for self-esteem. Progressivism is an easy route to that.

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They actually try to blame that on "white supremacy," even when the perpetrators are not white (and they are usually not).

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May 8, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

In I Know why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou considers that her occupation of a house forcibly vacated by Japanese is fair, because of African American suffering. Executive order 9066 removing the Japanese from their homes, lands, and businesses was one of the most racist acts of the American government in the 20th century (edited for accuracy). Angelou never saw it as hideously racist and unfair just an opportunity for her to get great housing at a low price. It was eye opening to recognize who she really was!

Her ability to justify racism when it benefitted her was an insight into the victimhood pathology which is not to call out all racial injustices and seek justice for all, but to only seek gain for oneself without regard for others. It is better to strive for justice being blind rather than create a system based on victimhood that gives an advantage to some without consideration of others.

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I like your point but saying that the internment of Japanese Americans "was one of the most racist acts of the 20th century" is a bit overwrought and ignores the historical context. As bad and wrong as the relocations were, they pale next to the genocide of 6 million Jews, 20 million Chinese civilians, several million Armenians, several million Ukrainians, Rwandan Tutsis and Kosovar Muslims. Moreover, after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, there was understandable panic and the rumors out of Hawaii about 5th columnists didn't help matters. Was it our country's "finest hour?" Hardly but let's keep it in context.

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Thank you for the correction, it was one of the most racist acts by the US government in the 20th century.

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What does 'racist' mean in this context, though? It wasn't JUST to incarcerate the Japanese during WWII, but it wasn't a case of oh, we hate the Japanese, let's put them in camps. It was an overreaction to a political situation, but to call it 'one of the most racist acts' is also a bridge too far.

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Actually, if you really study the history, it was a hysterical overreaction to a political situation, which in fact was fueled by racism against the Japanese. There are ample historical records to show that. Let's not over correct the other way either.

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You can call Canada out whilst acknowledging the same insane thinking in progressive US cities. It all needs to be called out

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Generally, US progressive cities are more insane than Canada. The problem is that criminal law is mostly a Federal jurisdiction - meaning a liberal government ruins things for most of Canada - while a federal government in the States can't do that.

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Solid point. Yup Trudeau and his tribe have really done a number on this country.

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Reason and persuasion won't do it. Power will. Political and cultural power. It will take a generation at least to build that out.

My only hope is that things get SO BAD that it breaks the Democratic coalition of rich, white progressives and the urban poor. There simply aren't enough rich, white progressives (and their allies) to sustain this..

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Authorization to restraint does not mean authorization to kill

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What are you babbling about now? Mr. Penny was not a police officer.

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Lol. Still on that "color blind" mythology/fantasy.

Gee....why hasn't anybody thought of that before?

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Please tell us how you were victimized today.

You're an object of ridicule here because you're......ridiculous.

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why do you give him an opening? he enjoys sparring more than making sense.

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Two reasons. First, he's a human and deserves a modicum of respect and engagement, no matter how disoriented he is. Second, some benighted souls here still think he makes cogent points - points that lamentably we hear repeated by our witless media and most of the Democrat party - and it's important to dispel them with facts.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Lol. Never said I was victimized, but interesting that's always your assumption. Not very "color blind" of you, Bruce. ;)

Just said your fantasy is ridiculous. Always has been, always will be. It is impossible.

Lol. Yes, I will try to manage the ridicule from people I regularly own.

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"Never said I was victimized...."

Well, there you have it folks. Comprof denies his own world view.

You heard it here first. Systemic racism is a fraud.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

My worldview is reality and

not some mythological existence :)

Who said anything about systemic racism? You're not being very "color blind," Bruce ;)

Wanna keep going?

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Sure. And you just revealed that your "worldview" is not based on any personal history of victimization. So........

Talk about reliance on myths.

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Many people have but then racists thought it was a bad idea and started calling it a “myth” or a “fantasy”.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023


Oh, so it's "racist" to note that:

1. Something has never existed.

2. And will never exist.

Lol. Ok ;)

Yeah....maybe America and the rest of human civilization should have embraced that whole "color blind" thing from the get go? What a missed opportunity.

Plus, what are we all going to do at stop lights?

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America and the rest of human civilization??? Isn’t that stupidly redundant?

So what make believe data do you have they has never been color blindness in justice?

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

No, it is not, when you were discussing the "racists" ;) lol in America specifically, Steven.

Lol. No, no, no, Steven. You're not goinge to snivel and strawman your way out of this.

There has never been a single instance of colorblindness in justice? That's not the proposition though, is it? ;) But I'll play along. Of course there has been, Steven. Happens quite often in ethnically homogeneous cultures or where everyone involved is the same race, I'm sure.

So....just to clarify before we go any further. You think there is no legitimate data to show that justice in America has not been/is not colorblind? And that people have not all been/are not treated the same regardless of race, class, gender, etc.?

Is that the make believe data you're looking for?

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You can always find specific examples where Justice has failed and this is true for blacks, whites, men, women and any other sub group you want to create. This is true across time and across cultures and across ethnicities. It is not uniquely a United States thing. But there is scant evidence to say societal systemic bias currently exists in the US at anywhere near the levels racists like you imagine it is.

The primary data point for systemic issues is the fact disparities exist and the one and only explanation is society and it must be systemic bias. This mindless explanation robs entire communities of agency and belittles their existence. It removes responsibility for actions of members of their community and pushes the blame to outside groups.

Group collectivists love this idea because they can always point to a group to demonize instead of telling individuals they need to do better.

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Let's see now, you lived in a third world crap hole, father left and cared less. A country welcomes you and provides an opportunity for an education and a decent life. Yet you choose crime. It seems Canada should have provided the norms for what was expected. Maybe kill Mom and a brother, chase them through the country trying to kill them and then you have that good old home feeling. Why take advantage of the opportunities? Oh wait, it might be difficult, got it.

Probably 80 percent of the problems are created in the home. Mom sleeps with whoever and the guy moves on. No family stability, no one to provide guidance, faith, or moral direction. This is now becoming more of a norm for all races and attitudes of people. Simply it's drop kids and let them fight for survival. Then you teach them that they have been wronged by those who have had no part what so ever in their situation and you magically you have robbery, murder, theft, rape, etc. and it's just not your fault. But please get out and vote for your Woke Liberal Representative working on their own wealth and keeping you in misery. Just so stupid and it's like Ground Hog Day and keeps repeating.

According to the Liberal Human Rights Defense Center - Blacks are 13% of population and commit 33% of all crimes, Hispanics are 18% and 24%, white is 60% and 46% of crime. Now poverty is often cited as a reason and probably has a large bearing on that. Then you must blame the Governments that have spent Trillion's of tax payers dollars since the 60"s and gotten nothing for the cost. Crime impacts should be color blind and simply follow the laws. To forgive murder based on being a certain color is absolutely the start of a slippery slope in making society truly hate each other and the end results could be devastating.

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The Houston Chronicle ran a story over the weekend "exposing" the undeniable differential in school punishment between members of under-represented minorities and the white population. With no sense of irony or sarcasm, the authors presented the idea that more black youth are disciplined and expelled than whites as an indication of racism. They did not present data on sex differences which almost certainly shows an even greater differential between males and females. The level of willful ignorance in society and in the liberal press is just astonishing. It is as if no one paid attention to the televised reports of riots in Chicago and invasions of fancy stores in San Francisco and fail to notice the preponderance of black males on film!

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As John Adams said, "facts are stubborn things." Thanks for daring to speak the "inconvenient truth."

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One word: Asians. My crazy Asian parents would have thrown me out of the house for getting a B (they almost did). Family structure, rules, guidance - all of this matter. It's basic human development.

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No, there are Asian gangs and Asian crimes for all the reasond that there are criminals in all races. Your parents were good and provided you with all the discipline and love needed not because of their race but because they were good parents and people.

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"You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization -- including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain -- without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large." - Thomas Sowell

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"The requirements of civilization." Yes. The irreplaceable Thomas Sowell. Thank you for reminding us.

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When I was younger (20’s) I found him hard, unfeeling and…. Wrong. I look back now on those talks he did in front of congress and realize how uplifting, cognizant and correct he was at the time.

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Brilliant. Trust Sowell to make the essential point in a single sentence.

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“Correctional Investigator Ivan Zinger saying more must be done to combat the “overrepresentation” of minority inmates.” This seems to me like closing the barn door after the horses are loose. Rather than addressing the issue of institutional racism at the root, through education of children at a young age and during their immigration processes, we arm them for life with a get out of jail free card and raise them as feral children incapable of knowing any better. Wow…if that isn’t systematic racism, I can’t begin to imagine what is.

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Perhaps Canadians should rethink their immigration policies. It might be kinder to never open the doors of the country if it's such a racist hell-hole that immigrants are forced into lives of crime.

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That was my first thought. If his young life meant he was going to become a criminal, why let them in?

Mind you, I don't actually believe in that premise. But for the people who do, they should take their premise to the logical conclusion.

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So they don't get an education? I would doubt that's true. Do they have a parent? Does that parent read to them? Teach them? Do anything to ensure they succeed? Oh, but it's systemic racism.

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Waiting for legislation to help Italians victimized by Chef-Boy-R-Dee ads. Will I be able to rape, loot & murder & play the pizza card?

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Some of us just think retro representations are funny, unlike the anti-Aunt Jemima faction.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

Is that where the rape, murder and loot part comes in?

Yes, well aware that "some" of you find "retro representations" extremely funny and enjoyable.

Wasn't aware that Aunt Jemima was such a major issue, though.

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Oh the woke got to her pronto & decided that liking Aunt Jemima because she brought back childhood memories was racist. Like milk I guess.

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Hey, if you can't enjoy Antebellum South "Black Mammies," what hope is there? Didn't know that was such a deep, core memory for some people.

Was the raping, murdering and looting over milk?

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Re Antebellum South Black Mammies: a) you need to relax. and b) Yes, all those Democrat slave owners. I should definitely reconsider.

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Where've you been? PETA has declared milk racist. I immediately tore them a new one & took them out of my Living Trust.

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I wonder if race will be taken into account when the two children of the man that was killed go a shoot someone or rob some store because they need food? Will they be able to file a IRCA report and claim “victim”. Let’s all together now blame everyone else and everything else from our past for how messed up we all are. This way, no one needs to be accountable for themselves.

This story reminds of the drunk driver suing the bartender for over serving him.


The gambling attics suing the casino in ontario, Canada for “allowing” him to lose all his money.

Now we have the judges and lawyers speaking the language of victimhood.

If it wasn’t true, we’d think what we just read is total BS. Unbelievable how one can play the victim and get away with murder.

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Judges and prosecutors in the criminal justice system.have always spoke about victims. They are just changing the definition of who that is. I guess what is meant by the existing systemic racism is that it is a PUNITIVE system.

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People miss the fact that this is a concerted effort to create more racial tensions, and is fundamentally truly racist. In the US we have school systems that say, the Black people are not capable of the same educational performance as whites or Asians, and therefore implement Laura graduation requirements for them. I cannot think of anything more racist than this.

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Implement lower*

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there’s an edit function in the … BTW

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I see. I avoid apps generally and I am on the website which also has better functionality apparently. For some reason I can’t reply to Scuba Cat directly though.

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Not on the Droid app

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Do I intertwine crime with skin color? Yes, when I see a black guy with a hoody and pants around his ass I jump to “this person is bad news”. Just like when I see a white guy in a black hoody and black pants on a 85 degree day. Bad news. We all make judgements based on our experiences because we are human. You can’t take the human out of humans.

But laws and punishment should be the same for everyone regardless of skin color. Otherwise, it’s discriminatory. At work, if I disciplined a white employee more than a black employee for the same “behavior” then I think the union would have an issue. Canada is the leader in insanity.

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Your example is not intertwining race with crime. You are intertwining CULTURE with crime. Which we all do, across the world and across history.

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