I listened to the last episode with interest, particularly the vignette with “Noah” a trans man. One cannot help but be struck by the connection between young women suffering gender dysphoria and anxiety/depression. Does no one understand (on the left) that all of these young transitioners are on meds? That there is no mentally healthy young person with gender dysphoria? And that transitioning does not cure the anxiety/depression? As I listened to Noah saying how “he” would have killed himself if not allowed to transition I thought to myself that this person has severe mental illness and has been deluded by the current social contagion. What makes me angry is the “health care professionals” behind this scam profiting from the mutilation of our young women.

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The teenage suicide gambit is as old as humanity itself. My teenage daughter has threatened suicide over not getting the latest iPhone. As a parent, I can't simply dismiss it, even though I know instinctively that it's an idle threat. She's now 18, and so far so good, but these are the things that keep parents awake at night. Throw trans ideology into the mix, and my wife and I walk on eggshells all day long.

I want to know two things:

First, where were all these suicides when I was in high school (too) many years ago? In my three years attending, between 4000 and 5000 kids passed through those halls, and I can think of only a single suicide, and the poor soul exhibited no signs of gender dysphoria.

And second, how can the medical community justify permanent alterations to the brains and bodies these children when it is the medical community that tells us the human brain isn't fully developed until 25 years old? I've yet to hear a medical professional address this, and I'm disappointed it was not brought up in this otherwise stellar podcast.

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Per my comments above and what others pointed out, it is ONLY those with concerns or objections that can be considered to have a bad position. WE are the ones who must face the accusation that WE are wrong. Our society only rewards those who consent to the popular opinion, who consent to surrendering to the "feelings" of others.

Your comment above resonated with me as I, too, thought "Oh, the old 'danger of suicide' as the ultimate horror-to-be-avoided, when such threats are as old as adolescence. Like children kidnapped while playing out in their yard, our over-reaction to a statistically rare occurrence that is shared breathlessly by our modern communications miracles does more harm in the long run than the matter itself.

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Follow the money. The billionaire Pritzker family profits from trans drugs. Name, shame, sue, and punish all doctors who do harm to children: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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And not just the Pritkers, but the equally evil Strykers, Rothblatts and other "trans" and "trans-adjacent" billionaires who make their fortunes from the healthcare industrial complex. These sick, money mad monsters have used their ill gotten gains to capture every institution in the US and around the world -- schools, universities, medical associations, hospitals, mainstream media, governments. The list goes on and on.

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David, your perspective, to me, is incorrect. It is intellectually honest for all to consider the possibility that they are the ones in error.

However, if we are the ones raising the objections, the onus should be on us to provide a robust explication in support of the points that we are making, at least to the point that our position might be plausible.

I do no know enough about the gender dysphoria issue to be a reliable spokesman for any position.

I do, however, have a disquieting sense that much of this is the fad du jour for the current crop of teenagers trying to find the hot buttons of the adults to assure that they are as uncomfortable as the teens are themselves...The on-going cycle of kids-to-adults-to-parents-to-kids since Adam had his rib-ectomy some twelve-to-fourteen thousand years ago.

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L.K. - astute observation. I should have said that the question should be asked of all parties in a discussion. I certainly take into account the fact that I can be entirely wrong about things I believe, and believe in. I assume it, in fact. Such circumspection seems sadly lacking in many lately, in all areas of the socio-political realm.

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Given that society today's society that children be kept on their parents health insurance, isn't some of the stuff going on considered to be child abuse?

Come on folks. at least think your positions through and be consistent in your applications of moral imperatives

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They aren't called "quacks" for nothing! This "profession" has a looong record of being stupid in face of the evidence and attracting the authoritarian personality, sociopaths, and psychopaths.

Obgyn has always had stupid and wrong ideas about women; Psychiatry has always lurched from one bollocks to another. How long did it take to convince them to WASH THEIR FUCKING HANDS? Covid; stomach ulcers; SIDS.

In the latter, when they actually got around to examining the physiology of a baby's throat, they found it practically indistinguishable from that of a chimp. Babies literally can't talk because they have an undescended larynx and most SIDS happen in the perilous period of the changeover.

If your doctor says it is raining, stick your hand out the window to be sure

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My brother is a physician (urologist), and from comments he's made about some of his colleagues, I suspect he would largely agree with you.

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Two comments:

1. Years ago I read an article that said the most unnecessary operation was a hysterectomy. Which tells me money over science. What ever happened to "First do no harm."?

2. I saw a list of the professions that have the most sociopaths. Number 4 was preachers, which didn't surprise me at all and number 1 was surgeons which also did not surprise me. (Here is a revised list: https://www.businessinsider.com/professions-with-the-most-psychopaths-2018-5)

You have to take the two statements above with a grain of salt Anybody can write a column and have it published. However, I believe them to be true.

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I am going to take a different tack on this segment with JKR.

In a free society where you value free speech, nothing should be banned or burned. I don't care how offensive it is. It may be offensive to you but to someone else it might be a scared truth. If you don't like something don't read it. Even as disgusting as it is (in my opinion) an essay calling for sadomasochistic violence should not be banned. Of course some sickos who read it might act on it but if they are that mentally unbalanced, they are probably going to do something violent anyway.

Freedom is a dangerous thing. Where do you draw the line? We have all sorts of laws that define that line between absolute freedom and what should be curtailed. However I would rather live in a free society warts and all than under a brutal dictator like North Korea or the CCP or any of the socialist countries.

The left, with their PC/Woke tyranny, puts pressure on the 1st amendment daily. We need to fight the Democrat woke assholes tooth and nail. or we will slip into tyranny.

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Not much has changed for those who resist dogma since the Roman Inquisition tried and found Galileo guilty of heresy for daring to state that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe. I wonder how long it will be before burning at the stake is re-introduced as punishment for the “guilty”.

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This reminds me of when I severed a tendon in my finger. When they wheeled me into the O.R., Pink Floyd, Brain Damage was playing. The lunatic is on the grass. I thought that this could be good! Or, this could be bad! I was just bummed because I couldn't listen to the whole thing.

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I still remember just how painful my version of that surgery was!

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I’m embarrassed by my profession. Pediatrics. Totally swallowed the propaganda

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My sister tried to commit suicide 3 times when she was a teenager. Now she’s a beautiful woman, almost 80 years old, who lived through that horrible time. By the grace of God society wasn’t supporting her to transition into hell.

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Yes, Where are the mass child and teenage graves of kids from the 1700s who did not have "gender confirmation" medicine?

We need a National Millstone Act.

"‘Texas Millstone Act’ Would Prohibit Gender Mutilation Procedures for People Under 26

As more people have been taken advantage of by greedy physicians, the Texas Millstone Act would help protect innocent people from these life-altering procedures."


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Writing as a physician and neurologist, my knowledge base of the relevant science says your facts are indisputable.

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deletedMar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023
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You seem to be discounting the sea-change in information delivery that we have seen over the past six decades.

We have seen the demise of the weekly news and opinion magazines like Life, Time, Newsweek. We have watched the local newspaper shrink from five sections to five sheets. We have seen the Sunday paper read become a thing of the past. TV news is now a 24/7 firehose of "breaking" news that is neither breaking or news, but it is breathlessly delivered to assure that we are sucked into turning the sound off for the ad blocks. We have the internet delivering firehoses of firehoses of information we cannot possibly all absorb, that is if we had any inclination to absorb it. We have iPods and Walkmans that provide us with a connectivity that causes us angst should we ever get beyond the reach of a cell tower that can provide in our hand just about anything in the knowledge base of man.

There's no way a family can compete effectively without ultimate-level of parental tyranny.

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deletedMar 28, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023
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What you write, RT, reminds me of the Russia Hedrick Smith observed in the 1970's...A superior cabal that controls all of the levers of society with a busy hive or teaming anthill underneath going about life, fairly successfully, in spite of the omnipotence of the omnipots.

See: Hedrick Smith, "The Russians"

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I was struck by that too, and how, in making his case he listed the ways he indoctrinated himself. Particularly that he rewatched buzz feed videos of trans men over and over. Maybe one way to find out if anyone these days is “truly trans” would be to see how they feel after a 90 day internet break.

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He also seemed to have been powerfully influenced by a therapist who apparently introduced the idea that he might be trans to him in the first place.

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Yes! I thought that too. Another way to see if a trans identity lasts—simply don’t go the gender clinic route. Don’t give it oxygen to grow and flourish. That’s how I’m doing it with my daughter.

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When this happened to my daughter, I locked down the internet so fast. Then I started introducing her to other friends who were not obsessed with this trend. It took over a year, but she desisted and is fully back to herself.

Godspeed to you and your family.

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How old was she at the time?

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Just turned 12

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Good luck to you

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Always remember that in every "therapist" hides "the rapist."

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This is a very insightful response, but it’s not trans health, it’s all mental health. Every parents first response to mental health issues should be to get their kids off devices, outside, and exercising. The same thing they should have done for covid. The issue is almost every parent involved is also highly medicated and disconnected from natural reality

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Chores, high expectations for grades and plenty of time outside playing served my kids well.

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I'd add one thing - service - and I'd expand the definition to "serves all people well."

Adults need goals and objectives, acts of service, and healthy play just as much as children do (perhaps different quantities and different definitions, but the fundamentals are the same).

I think the service aspect, and a willingness to be served, are such a huge part of this, as well. So much healthy ego is developed by understanding how you can help those around you and by understanding how those around you can help you. You get those two things right, so many other things fall naturally into place.

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How true.

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He actually referred to it as “researching.” He did his research on Reddit and YouTube.

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I had some of the same responses to Noah and I share your fury at the health care so-called professionals who are exploiting young people's pain. But in all fairness, Noah did freely acknowledge that he has severe mental issues that still exist even after his transition. I was actually quite struck by Noah's obvious intelligence, his sense of fairness, his willingness to consider both sides of the debate and ability to discuss them. For instance, he was perceptive and understanding about his parents' initial reluctance to support his transition, appeared to understand that their feelings were grounded in love and in greater life experience than he had, and wasted no time denouncing them as "transphobic" as many would. He even tried, though not very successfully IMHO, to be kind and fair about Rowling herself -- although he still deeply fails to understand her. Make no mistake, I think what has happened to him is a tragedy. But nonetheless, his observations were well worth listening to and I'm glad he was part of the podcast. Neither side should close itself to trying to understand the other side!

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Articulate and likable both. But Noah is 16 years old for gosh sakes, and he only recently transitioned. Let’s see what he says in a decade or two with real life experience under his belt. Since when do teenage minors become the voice of a community?

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I know, Sea Sentry, I fully agree. Since listening to Noah, I've been thinking about the distortions in teenagers' perceptions of time. Noah said at one point, with such touching confidence, that while he knew transitioning might be a mistake for some people, it had "turned out" to be the right choice for him. This, at barely 17, only a few weeks after his "top" surgery, when his surgical wounds must still be healing and nothing can possibly have "turned out" yet in any way at all! He believes with such faith that "enough" time has passed to know he chose well, while unintentionally revealing that, in fact, he has no comprehension at all of the years of time and experience that lie ahead of him before he will grow into a full understanding of the ramifications of his adolescent choices. So heart-breakingly naive.

And this, of course, is why, until very recently, no one thought teenagers were capable of making life-altering medical decisions! It will be the greatest scandal in modern medical history when our society finally faces up to how it happened that the medical profession so suddenly and so fully lost its grip on foundational precepts like "informed consent" and "First, do no harm."

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You're so right, Catherine - the medical community is going to lose a lot of public respect in the fullness of time when the "First, do no harm" template is superimposed over the lives of maimed adolescents, many of whom will one day look at their adults and say "where were you?"

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Frankly, I am disgusted with some of the medical and psychotherapeutic community who have pursued Gender Affirmation with such enthusiasm. It's like a Gender Affirming Industrial Complex.

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I hate to think money is a factor. Maybe it's ideology. Or both. I really don't know.

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Of course, money is a factor. And not just a factor, but the factor.

If you're a young doctor with half a million dollars in student loans, you don't dare speak out against the Tranny Industrial Complex. Because if you do, you'll lose your job, possibly your medical license. And you'll never work again.

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Sixteen?! Oh my god. I thought he was in his 20s. When I think back to who I thought I was at 16, and compare that to who I became by the age of 25 ... holy moly, big difference.

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No kidding. I was clueless. Well, my wife might say I still am.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Hi Sea Sentry,

I agree with your statement but cannot "like" it because of all the male pronouns.

We cannot help anyone or right our society with fantasy language, IMO

It does a kindness to no one.

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That's OK. I'm a bit confused about the whole pronoun thing myself. I took a stab.

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Thank you for the stab. It's a great comment and adds alot to the conversation.

As a parent on PITT I am trying to bring reality back to language as I think language is so important. A recent PITT article ended with:

"“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell, 1984"

This is my view of "using pronouns:

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” ― Theodore Dalrymple" "

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Very well-said, LM.

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Yes, I agree about Noah. I powered through that segment, because I think one has to reasonably acknowledge that there are indeed people who truly suffer from this condition. Noah does seem to be that rare example, but then again, who knows what happens when the microphone is put away and Noah goes back to his life? What happens when Noah is 30 and realizes that producing offspring is no longer an option? If indeed Noah survives into his 60s without regrets, he will be an outlier and not the poster child for a radical, surgical treatment for depression in teenage girls.

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If memory serves, the 'top' surgery had been performed less than a month before the interview was taped. That doesn't seem like a sufficient amount of time to be able to make a judgment as to the success of the procedure when it pertains to the individual's mental health.

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I agree with you about Noah. But later that day, I read about a trans woman who was featured in United Airlines ad that showed her as happily transitioned and successful in her job as a flight attendant. She’s 25. She just committed suicide. She apologized to her many fans and supporters for letting them down. 😢

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Such a tragedy. I only know of the cases I read about, but mental issues seem to accompany or precede transitioning for at least some.

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I had a close friend who was schizophrenic. They was intelligent and insightful about many things but still a total nutter you wouldn't trust to tie their own shoelaces. They think their delusions are reality. Noah is sick; probably incurably so now the "well-meaning"; the "professional"; and the malevolent have got at them.

The only thing to understand about the otherside is those in charge of it are nihilists and simply evil; that they are preying on the incompetent and the majority of the people involved are "Ordinary Germans".

Your grandparents knew you didn't sit down and listen to the fanatic teen killer in 12th SS Panzer Hitlerjugend; you shot him in the head.

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It is not only bad for the girls who "transition" but it is dangerous for society. We seldom hear about female mass shooters but the Nashville killer, Audrey Elizabeth Hale, was likely on Testosterone. Roid Rage is a thing.

"Noah" may feel differently even just a year from now when she will only be 17.

See Chloe Cole and Layla Jane Lawsuits against Kaiser in Oakland, CA. They regret what was done to them.

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The doctor who prescribed testosterone to Audrey Hale should lose his medical license.

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Yes and Helena Kirschner described the rage she felt on testosterone that led her to cut herself.

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It’s a small thing, but I just flashed on teenage girls’ obsession with boy bands, back in the day. Does anybody remember that? So you’re going through puberty… and then you start filling your mind with trans videos online.

And now you become what you desire. A cute, rebel boy.


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I was one of those girls. I was pretty certain I'd marry Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran. I still have my scrapbook. And you nailed it. Nowadays I'd want to BE him. The irony is, no one wants to look like George Costanza, but that's what testosterone does to you.

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Yes. I know of one f to m who used to be a perfectly presentable teenage girl with an attractive face and figure. Now less than ten years later, she looks like George Costanza. No. Actually, she looks worse than George Costanza. Compared to this woman, George Costanza looks like Brad Pitt.

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I’m can’t really blame them, though. Like, would you rather be Harry Styles, and have people heap praise on you for doing unremarkable things like wearing a dress or being nice to gay people? Or Taylor Swift, and have people speculate that you’re pregnant whenever you gain a few pounds?

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

I like the direction in which you’re going. But I have to say – since when is speculating about a beloved, talented, brilliant person who may be pregnant a bad thing? I know it’s personal for her. I for one could not bear children. And being asked that — and having to field the question gracefully — was painful. But mature, famous people accept that fans will be fans.

Women have an unbelievable power to create new human beings. It comes with a burden of “ adoration, speculation, castigation“. Women are up to it. I was up to it. Women are strong. They’ve endured much worse. This trans-gender attack on women is right up there with the most violent that I’ve ever come across.

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I don’t think most people - famous or not - want their bodies SO closely scrutinized that people notice a change of a few pounds. And most not-pregnant women don’t want people thinking they look pregnant. I’ve got two kids, and while I wouldn’t be offended if someone thought I was pregnant, I wouldn’t be very happy about it, either. It would just remind me that I’ve got an excess of belly fat and should lose around twenty pounds.

I’m sorry you couldn’t have kids. My parents had a lot of infertility problems - I’m their only child - and I’ve heard about how tough it was for them, especially when people said “reassuring” things like, “Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll happen soon.” No, it didn’t, and wouldn’t have at all if they hadn’t had the money for a lot of fertility treatments.

Honestly, I didn’t really feel powerful or strong being pregnant. I didn’t dislike it, but it made me anxious, and being a mother comes with all kids of pressure and social judgments that being a father doesn’t. Mothers are “bad mothers” if they’d rather not breastfeed. Fathers are “incredible fathers” if they’re physically present, financially contributing, and change some diapers.

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Wow. I’m gonna be 68 years old and I have no idea of all the things you’re talking about.

I feel like a sham. Like I’m talking about something that I don’t know. Thank you for understanding, but more than anything thank you for explaining some of the tough realities of motherhood. I owe you.

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Thanks. Don’t feel bad - I didn’t realize a lot of this stuff until I had kids. I thought that except for pregnancy and breastfeeding, my husband and I would have basically the same role in relation to our kids, but I didn’t realize that other people wouldn’t view us that way. Including the kids. Did you ever watch the early ‘90s show “Dinosaurs,” where the baby dinosaur referred to his father as “not the mama”? (If you didn’t, don’t worry, you didn’t miss much.) Babies and toddlers are like that IRL. Mama is the supreme omnipotent parent, and everyone else is “not the mama.” (The baby dinosaur used to smack his dad with a frying pan because he wanted his mother instead.)

There’s so much pressure, which some women can shrug off and others can’t so easily. I didn’t particularly like breastfeeding my first kid, but I did it for fifteen months because it was “the best.” Then I figured that I had to do the same for my second kid, or else it was “unfair.” Only I really needed to be back on my regular psych meds, which I couldn’t have while breastfeeding. I ended up having a semi-breakdown, voluntarily spending time in a psych ward, and - wait for the completely insane part - declining to go back on my regular meds once I went home, so I could keep breastfeeding. Because what kind of mother doesn’t want to sacrifice so her kids can have “the best”?

The healthy kind, as it turns out. It’s really been a maturing experience, because I realized that I actually do get to pick how to raise my kids. I sort of subconsciously thought before that my job was to “follow the rules” all the experts set out, like putting together Ikea furniture. Connect this with that and tighten the bolts and you get a well-raised, healthy child. Only it doesn’t work that way. I’ve started to see a lot more nuance in life since having kids.

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I know a girl who went from being a fan girl of a boy band to going "ftm" herself.

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don´t forget young boys as well , can´t see how loading young people with hormones can end with good results , teenage years are hard enough with natural changes , boosting things can´t be good . Like boosting horse power in cars with NOS , sometimes things explode . How Doctors go along with this shit is unreal are they educated or indoctrinated ?

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Not sure – I think these doctors are getting paid by the big medical system, regardless. They’re gonna get paid whether the client list swells (because of these damaged kids) or not.

I think the problem is, at least with the doctors that I know personally, they have to go along with the Board or lose their licenses. So: No doctor’s talking to another doctor and disputing it.

The only hope is that the powers that be in the medical community will stop this.

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indoctrinated and out for profit

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Makes you wonder what the left would give into just to polish their SJW status. What if a large group of people suddenly decide they identify as having one arm. Then what if they say will commit suicide unless a physician cuts off one of their arms? Are we just supposed to do whatever people say without any scientific basis whatsoever? Gender dysphoria is a medical condition and should be treated as such, with compassion and all the understanding we have of mental illness.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

I agree with you 100%, Miguel. I think that describes where our society is right now.

People who actually have gender dysphoria (a tiny number) should be treated with compassion and all the understanding we have of mental illness. Then, there is this huge cohort of kids and teens who have picked up a cult narrative. They are uncomfortable or whatever for lots of reasons including puberty and they have learned to say they have "gender dysphoria" and make demands. They make adults jump around and call them new names, etc. They have a lot of power. They do not fathom the track they are on or just what a messed up place they will find themselves in someday. It is so wrong that this has become a political cause with Biden declaring it the "civil rights cause of our time". How useful for him.

As Dr. McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, has said:

"Another subgroup consists of young men and women susceptible to suggestion from "everything is normal" sex education, amplified by Internet chat groups. These are the transgender subjects most like anorexia nervosa patients: They become persuaded that seeking a drastic physical change will banish their psycho-social problems. "Diversity" counselors in their schools, rather like cult leaders, may encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery. Treatments here must begin with removing the young person from the suggestive environment and offering a counter-message in family therapy.

Then there is the subgroup of very young, often prepubescent children who notice distinct sex roles in the culture and, exploring how they fit in, begin imitating the opposite sex. Misguided doctors at medical centers including Boston's Children's Hospital have begun trying to treat this behavior by administering puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous—even though the drugs stunt the children's growth and risk causing sterility. Given that close to 80% of such children would abandon their confusion and grow naturally into adult life if untreated, these medical interventions come close to child abuse. A better way to help these children: with devoted parenting.

At the heart of the problem is confusion over the nature of the transgendered. "Sex change" is biologically impossible. People who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder."


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McHugh wrote the above in 2014 and mentions Boston Children's Hospital.

Today there are at least 100 "gender" clinics in the US who "treat" children. See https://pitt.substack.com/p/why-is-this-happening-and-who-can

And we have First Female Four Star Admiral Richard Levine (likely a fetishist who has not "fixed" himself down below) who promotes mutilating children as "life saving medical care" high up in government. There are no long term sound studies suggesting that any of this is life saving. And, where are the mass graves from before we had such Frankenstein treatments for kids?

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well said. It's incredibly sad.

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The porn industry has so successfully co-opted feminism that Progressives aren’t allowed to question the obvious impact that porn has on society in general and young women in particular. Even when contemplating it in their own minds they can only get so far before they begin to look for another explanation. The same critics who rave about thin models in clothing ads see nothing damaging about porn.

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Yeah, what happened to the feminist anti-porn movement? Where have you gone, Catherine McKinnon?

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The pop singer Billie Ellish, talked about how her porn addiction that started at age 11 destroyed her brain and gave her nightmares, because it was so violent and messed her up when she started dating.

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Forgive me, Deb, but anyone who describes her life in such a fashion had a lot more going on than just a porn addiction that should have been addressed.

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I personally don't know any of her songs. She won like five grammys at 18. I'm sure she had a lot going on just living in the music world. She's probably 21, 22, now. My point was that a lot of young people look up to her, and she's using that influence to warn others of how porn can warp their minds. We seem to think it's just a male problem. But it's also a female problem too.

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The trouble is the "obvious impact" doesn't show up in research to anything like the degree it should if there were an "obvious" problem. Two wrongs don't make a right and right-wing nonsense is no improvement on left-wing lunacy. Get bent.

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So true, Cynthia, so true. "Healthy and chaste"--what a concept.

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Don't be silly, they aren't exposed to it for the very most part at all and those that might be not insufficiently to be influenced in the way you describe. Swapping from one load of unevidenced bullshit to another isn't very intelligent or helpful.

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You are wrong Mr. Stephen C Watson. I was influenced by pornography at the ripe young age of five. I can only speak for myself, but that happened in 1960 – Today’s youth don’t stand a snowballs chance in hell.

I don’t know what kind of social studies you’re talking about or research that was never proven. But I am a living testament to the psychological scars of pornography.

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Interesting comment. Thanks Cynthia.

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Women are watching it too. Maybe not to the degree of men but they're out there.

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something wrong here I agree with RT 3 times one page I need to roll 2

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Hey RT - astute comment. Sounds like Romans 1:21-32.


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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

I agree that the series is very good, measured, thoughtful and thought-provoking. But I resent, if that is too strong a word, the fact that it is only Rowling that seems to be the one asked "What if you're wrong?" Megan was so gentle and affirming in last week's interviews but never once did she display the temerity to say to the subjects of her interviews "But what if you're wrong?"

I see this unilateral approach to be highly indicative of a prior assumption, that only a person that is offering objections is the one that might be wrong.

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David’s point exactly is my one major qualm with the excellent series. The kid glove treatment for Noah and other trans interviewees stands in too stark contrast with the tough questions Rowling is asked. I’d love to see Meghan (or anyone at the FP) address this disparity indicating preconceived notions; it goes after all to to the heart of journalistic ethics, which Bari c.s. value and aim to restore.

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Keep in mind that Noah and Natalie are very young and not public figures. JK is a very successful, well-supported public figure who has chosen to take on this fight. These facts alone could explain the disparity.

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Natalie has 320000 followers on instagram and 1.65 million on YouTube, so pretty public and successful and should be able to answer hard questions.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

no excuses ...sorry. be prepared to defend your position.

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Unfortunately, when I ask that question of those who dissent from the opinion of J.K. Rowling, I tend to just get shouted down, and blocked. I also never get an honest answer. Every journalist I've seen try to do this has met a worse fate. Simply put, if you're going to get anything out of them they need to be handled with kid gloves. J.K., on the other hand, is basically asking to be challenged.

I resent this, too. However I recognize that it's a consequence of this movements practices, and tactics, and not so much the failing of any journalist.

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You can't logic with fanatics and you will never change their minds.

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I had that thought as well about Megan, but as a clinician, I also know that mentally ill people (who are unstable) are over reactive to any dissent. So if you want to coax anything out them or get them to follow instructions (like take meds/attend therapy), you have to treat them like very small children. Great point!

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Not too strong at all, David--we are right to resent that there has not been far more pushback to the gender identity insanity that has taken over the culture. It is a catastrophically wrongheaded idea that has been allowed to flourish because it is so rarely challenged directly.

And Gender Identity Theory is another one of those Really Bad Ideas brought to you, in large part, from the really dysfunctional folks in today's higher ed.

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That’s a really good point.

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Megan had to be gentle and affirming in her interviews, and dare not question the interviewees "rightness." These people are fragile and suffering from a certifiable mental illness. They can't handle too much reality without breaking down.

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Brian, I must say, I think the "fragility" of the interviewees is, to a large extent,learned behavior, if not outright fakery. By always appearing to be on the edge of a nervous breakdown, they can control the group dynamic... kind of like the "transition me this minute or I'm going to commit suicide" gambit. Pathetic.

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I'm sure you're right. It's also extremely immature, which is something that seems to be common among this crowd - a refusal (or inability) to grow up, take responsibility for their lives and live in the real world.

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The spoiled brats who are willing to act out have been getting their way for about forty years now...it's learned behavior.

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I thought the same thing, David

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I think it's a fair question because Rowling has the audience and power, while most of those who disagree with her do not. For example, I would be fine with an interviewer asking Donald Trump or Joe Biden "What if you're wrong?" but wouldn't want that question asked of an average person on the street giving their opinion.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

I always smile when people from a fringe opinion say they just want "dialog". Like Inigo Montoya says, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." What they mean by "dialog" is that we listen attentively and respectfully whilst they say their piece and at the end of it, we unquestioningly agree with them, down to every jot and tittle. I hardly call that a dialog.

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you keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.. one line from a brilliant film. also never get involved in a a land war in asia.. see how that worked?

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

...but only SLIGHTY LESS WELL-KNOWN IS THIS: Never go up against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line!!

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Anybody want a peanut?

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Again,David, on the nose.

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Sorry, but I disagree. The doctor's pushing transitioning and making money off of it don't have power? The political actors that use this issue to gain votes don't have power? The TicTok influencers that get thousands of views don't have power? Even then, yes I think that the average person in our society should be challenged in their beliefs. Respectfully and with honesty, but challenged.

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Bunk, Scott D. The "audience and the power" these days is with the gender identity nazis. Only someone of JK Rowling's immense cultural power and prestige can stand up to them. And even she is in peril. So you can give up the "poor little powerless us" routine.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

You are mad mate. JK hasn't succeeded in getting anyone sacked; in getting anyone seriously injured and the perp let off an/or lauded. JK hasn't ruined tens of thousands of lives and families. That is power and you are an idiot.

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You had me agreeing with you until the last sentence. Did you really have to call him an idiot just because you disagree with him?

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it is a question that should be asked of anyone all of the time.. it sort of is THE question..

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really , would Bi-det be able to answer ? Trump-et would give an answer you might not like it or agree with it but he could answer the question

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When I first heard about this podcast, I was afraid to listen to it. I love JK and the Harry Potter series and I was skeptical that it would be fair to JK. I was in no mood to hear an "objective" piece explaining why there are two sides to every story and maybe JK is talented but the other side has a point. Was I wrong. This podcast has surpassed my expectations in the breadth of topics covered and voices heard, particularly with respect to the history of mid-to-late 20th century social movements. I was not expecting that. Best of all, there's the voice of JK herself, for whom I have more respect than ever.

This podcast did something else that was invaluable. It attracted a curious audience who thought they knew what the trans issue was about, more or less, on the sole basis of their trusted liberal media but no investigation on their own. I have some very liberal family members who are woke by default, and they had no desire to challenge the "trans kids" and "trans women are women" tropes that they absorbed in their desire to be good people on the progressive side of the issue. They listened because they were curious, because of Harry Potter, and in spite of JK. Their assumptions have been shaken up in a gentle yet profound way. Once a crack of light gets in, there's no going back. There's so much harm being done to women and children through transgender ideology's applications in medicine and politics. We still have a long way to go. Giving people permission to think is the first step.

Kudos to Phelps-Roper...and to Bari Weiss for making it possible. On behalf of an adult human female named JK Rowling, one of the great literary geniuses and warriors of the modern era, thank you.

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Yes, JK, she's the real deal. And I'm not even a Harry Potter fan.

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I give JK huge props for getting this generation of young people to embrace a book that is the thickness of a cinder block...would not have thought it possible..

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May I suggest the mostly ignored but obviously needed, Chapter Eight: "What if J.K. Rowling is right."

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No what ifs.

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Or how about a Chapter that addresses the detransitioner’s world?

I’m wondering if J.K. might ever write that tragic, courageous tale?

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This series has been nothing short of FANTASTIC! Well documented, heart breaking at times and most importantly thought provoking. We’ll done Megan and team!

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Yes, really beautiful podcast. I'm looking forward to hearing her answer her critic fans directly.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

TLDL. Sorry - even in retirement - ESPECIALLY in retirement - I simply don't have the time to listen to every podcast vying for my attention, largely because of the lack of a reliable method for vetting them. This is one I especially want to examine, but as a policy I never listen to any. Can we PLEASE have a transcript?

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I save podcasts for when I am driving in the car. Of course this only works if you spend time driving! Just a thought.

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I regularly take long drives - four hours is typical, but I listen to e-books on topics of specific interest.

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This one is worth your time.

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Yep. That's what they all say, and that's the problem ....

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Please take the time to listen to the podcast. So much would be lost without hearing directly from Jo and Megan. You will not be disappointed.

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I rarely listen to podcasts and get annoyed when people like my sister want to start a conversation around "what podcasts are you listening to these days??" (ugh). I fully intended to ignore this one too, but when episode 3 went up I thought I'd listen for 10-15 min and see what the fuss was about. It drew me in immediately and I listened to all 3 episodes back to back and was annoyed to have to wait a week for the 4th! What I do is put in my AirPods and listen while I'm working in the kitchen or doing other housework. AirPods were a game changer for me, I'd never sit down this long with wired headphones on and just *listen* to something.

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As an added benefit, my house is much cleaner now for the same reason!

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I'm just curious--what's the functional difference between a podcast and an e-book? Aren't both just listening to a person speak prose rather than reading it? Or does it need to be a written document that is later read orally, rather than a conversation between two people "off the cuff," so to speak? I'm genuinely curious!

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Brains process voice differently than reading. Different parts of the brain. It is much easier to "convince" someone of anything by voice than by reading, probably for a number of reasons. One, you are trapped in it's flow. When reading you can pause and think, cross-reference with other information, back up and reread, it can be very non-linear. Two, voices have qualities unrelated to the content of the words. We are more easily persuaded by pleasing voices, or voices with complex dynamics, or even deeper or more melodic voices. The auditory processing part of the brain is much older in terms of evolution - more primitive. Less "reasonable".

I almost never listen to podcasts for many of the same reasons Jim Wills stated, but also because I have seen myself convinced of things at times based on documentaries that I later backed away from once I'd had the time and bandwidth to think about it more.

I have listened to several of these podcasts (while driving) and the are interesting, but I too want to read transcripts.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

For one thing, the deaf can read ebooks. But it's blindingly obvious why Bari won't give us transcripts. She can't monetize them. She has paid commercial breaks in the podcasts. There you have it in a nutshell.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

One problem for me is that with books I have a way of vetting them - book reviews, topics of interest, books I've stuffed in my iPad for later listening, favorite authors (VDH and Sowell immediately come to mind, and their books are long enough to use up otherwise lost driving hours.) The podcasts are more difficult to decide among, and there are ongoing dozens of them. As Mason said to Dixon, you have to draw the line somewhere.

Addendum: (HT to Joe Horton) Books-on-tape, Audible type stuff are carefully edited, and I never miss a word; podcasts are free-flowing and occasionally I miss something important. It's very tough to go back and replay a section while driving - not to mention dangerous. You never have to do that with an e-book. Thanks for the question; I really hadn't thought about it.


Having said all of that: actually, there are so many complimentary comments on this series that I think I'll give it a go. I'm visiting my brother over Easter, and that's a 4-hour trip each way. Appreciate all the encouragement; I love the interview-er and the interview-ee anyway.

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Perhaps you can weave in episodes to your e-book listening. I agree with Giovanna that in this case, hearing the voices adds to the experience. We are all rooting for you to give it a try and hope you agree we haven’t led you astray!

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Don't doubt that it's a great podcast but time is the most limited quantity anyone has. Need transcripts.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

I am crying out for a "trans:" cript. I read The FP in the early morning and give myself an hour or two just to concentrate.. podcasts are "cast' aside as I cant concentrate on the topic. the dog barks. the tv is on.. the phone rings. PLEASE let us do what we learned to do in school. READ.. ps. you cant just go back and reread a pod cast. or just cut and paste a relevant section for your friends

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I'm not a fan of podcasts either and prefer to read. I feel my comprehension is far better when visually engaged. But a couple of my favorites "bloggers" are only on podcasts so I gave it ago. I discovered it is enjoyable to listen when reading is impossible, for example during exercise, walking or driving. And I discovered listening to some voices is rather nice! And yes others grating!

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Transcripts don't have commercials. Podcasts do. There's the reason for the podcasts.

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So what? Fast forward thru them.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

I wasn't objecting to them. I was pointing out the probable reason when there are no transcripts.

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Update! I found a transcript of today’s episode (at least partial) on a website called therowlinglibrary.com which I will attempt to link to here. I am not sure if there are transcripts of the previous episodes or not.


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Thank you!!

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I’m with Jim here. Additionally, though, seeing the words somehow makes the information more concrete to me. It’s not uncommon for me to miss a phrase here or there. It’s about 100x easier to make my eye go back than it is to rewind part of a podcast.

I listened to the first one and I admit it was really quite good. Rowling is almost as good a speaker as she is a writer, which is far from a disparaging comment since her writing is so good.

Perhaps transcripts could be done as a book—a potential source of revenue for TFP. I’d buy it.

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Excellent idea. Moi aussi.

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Being hearing impaired, I never listen to podcasts. But I do read transcripts if I can find them. So, ditto to Jim's request.

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You raise an excellent issue. Having both formats would be ideal.

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Yes, the absence of a transcript often keeps me from diving into podcasts that I might otherwise embrace.

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Symptomatic of the "don't quite get it". The point is made at the beginning of the podcast about the great similarities between social media and oral culture, and promptly missed.

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Wrapping up a unit on the critical importance of liberty of thought and discussion, as well as the perils of the power of the majority (after reading Jeremy Bentham, Alexis deTocqueville, and John Stuart Mill) -- this series is so good, and so on point, that I am going to open up the option to my students of using it as a catalyst to a deep dive into these broader issues. Sometimes I feel like I could simply use TFP as an essential textbook.

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PS -- it is rare to find such thoughtfulness and balance in the media today. Many thanks and kudos to Megan Phelps-Roper for being a remarkable, intellectually courageous voice in the wilderness. gb

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And I am sure I would love to be a student in your class! Kudos to being a great teacher.

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Events in Nashville as well as previous mass shootings involving trans people justify transphobia. As I posted elsewhere, this IS a psychopathology. Anyone able to amass weapons for the purpose of killing kids is mentally ill, and that extends to mass shooters who are trans just as much to those weren’t trans.

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Totally, and now it is being claimed that we’re at stage 7 of 10 for trans genocide. What a victim narrative. They have their own holocaust fantasy.

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These people wouldn’t know real hardship if it bit them in the face.

It definitely is a “Holocaust fantasy,” which is truly delusional but makes a weird sort of sense in the context of “a man is a woman” delusions.

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100%. I had to watch it for myself to see the absurdity.


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that was crazy making

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so appreciate i'm not the only one who endured it. lol.

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That’s 15 minutes of life I’ll never get back!

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😂 you and me both!

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Good point. It does NOT EXCUSE or in any way make right but Jews were conspicuous in their support of and very over-represented in the upper reaches of Bolshevism and other Socialisms. This small but vocal and conspicuous minority of Jews were arguably the proximate cause of the Nazi hate that lead to the genocide visited on European Jewry.

If genuine transsexuals get caught in the crossfire and targeted for harm and abuse in a major way, it'll be because of a similar unfolding. Again, THIS DOES NOT EXCUSE SUCH BEHAVIOUR OR MAKE IT RIGHT.

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That was the excuse, not the cause. An important distinction. Jews are the eternal convenient scapegoat for any group with a grievance.

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Umm that’s antiSemitic.

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I'm Jewish and it is a valid explanation for the myriad forms of antisemitism over the centuries. To claim that a small vocal group of communist Jews was the cause of the Holocaust is historical revisionism, as that was merely the most convenient excuse to justify the persecution. There is a reason that antisemitism has been called the oldest hatred.

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It's the Victim Olympics.

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Comparing yourself to Jews during the holocaust is gold medal worthy 🏅

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

As the Harry Potter books were coming out, we were raising our three children in a church and school community where they [the books]were questioned for their content. As fans of Narnia and Lord of the Rings, we ourselves were somewhat ambivalent; we saw them as engaging fantasy literature. Our children went on to love the books, and we all enjoyed the movies (and revisited both with delight when we had a 4th child yrs later). We would consider ourselves “fans,” but not really the go-to-a-Harry-Potter-conference kind of fans. I say all that to put in context that after listening to this podcast, I NOW could hardly be a BIGGER fan of JK Rowling. While she and I would stand on different political aisles, I am blown away by her strength of character, her determination to and investment in understanding both the issues and her own heart, her intelligence, her courage, her integrity and her wisdom. Her compassion that is consistent with the Truth about human flourishing at every level shines through above all! If I were given the chance to say something to her, I would try to articulately convey all that and the high level of respect I have for her. I would finish with the hope I could one day be more like her and exclaim a resounding, “May your tribe increase!” Thank you a million times for this fabulous series, Megan! You are a treasure as well!

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The end of free speech. I guess the anti-Rowling people can’t counter her arguments with their arguments so they are burning her books. I saw one of the movies , never read any of the books. This abuse of free speech makes me want to buy the set in protest. Wait until the anti-free speech people start having their speech trashed.

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Buy the books in support even if you don’t care to read them. Being unable to destroy the career of someone who disagrees with them is the greatest thorn in the side of book burners. I bought a book from that Christian baker guy who keeps getting harassed and I have no desire to read it at all. I just bought it on principle.

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Bought a t-shirt from the bakery at oberlin! 🙌🏼

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Yes! I did the same thing. I wanted them to know that there were people who supported Gibson's bakery and felt terrible about what happened.

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Yes. Diversity is so important to trans activists etc until it comes to diversity of thought.

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They don't read history, so it their minds it could never happen "to the useful idiots" I mean them.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Burning books is idiotic but how is it an abuse of free speech? Idiots are also free to speak.

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Reading comments here I see many listeners have expressed concern about Noah and rightly so. He is barely out of childhood and his mind and body not yet fully developed.

He said his transitioning journey began at age 13 and was helped along (or exacerbated) by internet posts from other trans people and by his therapist. As a 13 year old he really didn’t stand a chance.

There is a three part documentary made in Sweden call Trans Train: Sweden’s U Turn on Trans Kids you can find it on YouTube. It is a quiet and understated documentary where older trans people talk about how they felt that the medical intervention they received was not necessary or helpful and many conclude they were just coming to terms with being gay. They talk about their reduced life expectancy due to all the hormonal treatments and they talk of mental, physical and social consequences of unnecessary surgical intervention.

And as JK Rowling so eloquently put it if she is wrong the only thing she has done is hurt people’s feelings but the trans side has a lot more to answer for with the mutilation of children.

It might have been good to have some detransitioners too but I’m not complaining and I thank the makers for this thoughtful series. It made me weep.

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I have listened to chapters 1 through 6 so far, and I am looking forward to hearing Chapter 7 on the commute home this afternoon. This podcast series is exceptional. The depth of nuance is truly impressive. It has me thinking about the trans issue in new ways. The production value is extremely professional. Thank you, TFP for supporting this thought provoking content. And thank you, Megan Phelps-Roper, for your work. Your neutral/unbiased approach to this reporting is an inspiration. You give me hope that the wider media may one day be redeemed.

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Ah! I love the theory of the woke mobs yearning to destroy everything and everyone so they can live their miserable ugly lives in absolute destruction but have the joy of saying, look at me, I am such a good person. Only the stupid buy someones product (in this case books) making money for the person they are hating and then burning them. Take that you rich person, I just showed you. Yeah, nice showing just how stupid you are.

Let's be honest. The entire LGBTQXYZ issue has been hijacked by socialist fools looking to destroy that very system which gives them their freedom and liberty to be idiots. You just have to admire such sheer stupidity and ignorance. Hopefully, soon they will all get bored and go back to Grandmas basement.

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What's funny is much of the time, the Ls, Gs and Bs don't really agree with the rest of the alphabet. It's like lumping all people of Spanish heritage under the Hispanic or Latino category. They are not all the same.

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It was a hostile takeover.

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Very good and important point. When I lived in NM at a dinner I mentioned Latino heritage to the host. She was nice and told me, I am Spanish and there is a difference between Spanish and Latino!

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They most likely shoplift the books or sign them out of libraries.

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Never underestimate the power of stupidity...

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Hijacked? When you look back and query the bios you find it was knee deep in commies from the beginning. The same goes for any wave of Feminism, and the Civil Rights Movement. It is difficult not to find any left/"progressive" cause not glommed on or infested in this way. It is also difficult not to find that 90% of the "genuine" activists are FBI/Special Branch moles.

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The best podcast series I have run across. I believe it was the 3rd episode, discussing Tumblr, was simply fascinating.

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I think what surprised me the most is how Megan has approached this, I assumed (hoped for) a barn burning take down of TRAs and how bad they are instead what I got was a well well nuanced take on an unbelievably divisive subject, well done Megan!

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It is only "unbelievably divisive" if your brain has slopped out.

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You haven’t been on twitter recently 🙀 wow no common ground there

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Twitter remains a sewer for the most part

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Not sure who to credit but best description I've ever heard. Twitter is best understood as a cage match, LOL!

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We have been listening to the podcasts. In bending over backwards to show both sides, you interviewed a 16 year old transgender individual. I’m sorry, but while articulate for his/her age, a 16 year old simply doesn’t have the life experience to weigh in comprehensively on a subject like this. Furthermore, his/her response to Rowling’s concerns about the risks to women and girls was basically to say “you’re attacking us.” Couldn’t you find an experienced, adult transvestite who better understood the nuances and spectrum of human behaviors, such as that exhibited by Rowling herself?

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

You make a good point. It would have been helpful to hear from a transsexual adult, a person who transitioned years before the term became "transgender." Transsexuals don't relate to the concept of gender. They know that biological sex is real, and they know which sex they are. They view their gender dysphoria as a medical condition that was addressed through medical means. The ones I've heard speak on this issue, such as Buck Angel, Corinna Cohn, Miranda Yardley and Blaire White, oppose the transitioning of children and support women's right to safe spaces in prisons and the level playing field in sports.

But I also think there's value in hearing from today's indoctrinated 16 year-old transgender person. This person represents hundreds of thousands of people in that age category, and it's instructive to hear what they believe and how they view the world. They live in an altered universe, in more ways than one. They are much more numerous than reality-based transsexuals and will have a much bigger influence on gender policies going forward, including eradicating women as a class and transitioning children at as young an age as possible.

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You're right. These young people, while perhaps inexperienced, are a huge cohort of human beings, and many might say Noah represents their viewpoint. Their community is more digital than tactile. I don't know what society will look like 100 years from now when/if that becomes the predominate form of human interaction.

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Sea. Your interaction with Beeswax is one of the reasons I love this substack. You both made points and were respectful of each other's opinions. Thank you both.

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Thanks Awilson. I am impressed with the caliber of exchange on this site as well. Would that respectful dialogue were more common throughout our society.

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Sadly, Tim Curry is no longer with us.

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Love to hear from Frankenfurter

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the hell it is

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He’s still alive, according to Wikipedia.

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So he is. I feel for the "death hoax" last year. Whelp - now I'm wondering about Lou Reed ...

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