JK Rowling is probably the most impressive public figure in the world right now.

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Yes. I really like Riley Gaines too.

There is no such thing as "misgendering", because there is no such thing as "transitioning" or "gender affirming care". You can cut the penis and testicles off of a man, but he remains a man. At a minimum he does not become a woman. You can cut the breasts off of a woman and try and build something that looks sort of like a penis, but that does not make her a man. I'm honestly not sure if they even attempt to build testicles. I'm not sure what they would even build them from..

There is nothing in the least morally wrong with this, but it's not unreasonable to view it as a psychological disorder analogous to anorexia, or the obsessiveness that makes the grotesque bodybuilders do what they do to look how they look. Most bodybuilders of that sort die young.

I don't care what other people do, if it doesn't hurt anyone, but when you start demanding I repeat absurdities as truth you are walking on the fighting side of me.

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I don’t care what other adults do as long as they pay for it with their own money ( not the way it is now) , stay out of female sports and spaces, stay away from kids, and stop ramming their pronouns( as representative of an ideology) does everyone’s throat.

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I do. There is no way to switch sex, and any doctor or surgeon offering to mutilate or overdose people on opposite sex hormones should go to jail. No hospital or practice should allow it. Malpractice used to be, and ought to be, condemned.

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I agree, except for the use of the word malpractice, which is used for either real but unfortunate mistake or accident , or worse negligence.

What the trans practitioners are doing is much worse. The knowingly lied about everything( suicide risk if child not affirmed, having any data at all to support any of their claims) to sterilize troubled kids, and turning them into life long medical patients. For them , revoke licenses ,prosecute and lock them up.

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Wow really changed your tune from being "okay with adults" doing their thing to "we should lock doctors up".

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WPATH admits that they perform operations and "treatments" on kids who are in no way capable to understand the longterm repercussions. In addition, WPATH has no authentic, peer-reviewed scientific studies to support their made-up, highly-profitable policies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2DEkBALrT0

The minute a person says they are a trans woman it means that they are male... the prerequisite is that they are male. The ONLY people benefiting from trans ARE the men pretending to be women. Everyone else is harmed. It totally takes away biological women's rights, safe places, and sports. It's ONLY predators who want to walk into female-only spaces, including the spaces of children.

So we are going to trade the safety of women and children in favor of these people who insist on denying their own physical reality?? Society is willing to pay that price????!!!!! Real women (you know, those humans with the XX chromosomes) need to put an end to this baloney.

Forcing me to call somebody by some weirdo pronoun or to deny a physical reality I can see, or to be tricked into believing someone is other than they are is despicable. Lying to people has never been considered an asset until now! When we deny reality... like the gaslighting that is the trans movement that is being shoved down people's throats... we create chaos, stress, and anger. I never liked when people lied to me before the trans movement, and I don't like it any better now.

Biological facts are being treated as opinion. XX and XY chromosomes are facts; and gender is not fluid. Gender is a synonym for biological sex... always was a synonym. The trans movement decided to literally change its definition and now wants us to believe that you can "identify" with any lie they can dream up. Where and when does the lying end?? Who is going to draw that line finally???

That anyone has gone along with it is Orwellian. "transwomen" are trying to gaslight the world.

True gender dysforia is exceedingly rare. The trans movement today makes a mockery of the people who truly suffer from this rare condition.

On verrrryyyy rare occasions I met a person who was unidentifiable but I gave it no more thought than when I met any other person. I merely thought they were not identifiable. Now I am being told that I not only have to honor them but I must obey their demands on MY speech with their ridiculous pronouns. Talk about an attack on my rights to reality.

Can we talk about how misogynistic transwomen (oxymoron) are?? PUHLEASE! Women of the Year going to men! Can the trans movement be any more insulting?????

The NCAA and the destruction of Women's sports. How absolutely misogynistic. Or trans women taking many of the "Women of the Year" awards! WTF! So a guy with a penis is somehow a better woman? Dylan M is laughing all the way to the bank btw.

I myself was NOT thrilled to walk into a women's bathroom while at a lonely rest stop on our latest trip, and two six-foot guys weighing about 200 pounds each came out of the women's bathroom sporting a ponytail and red lipstick and a sneer for me. That's all it took to make my bathroom unsafe.

Or the 50 year old pervert - trans woman "Melody"- who exposed his penis and nuts to a 7 year old girl in Canada. "Lia" Will Thomas.... University of WY pervert (trans woman) who watched women change in the bathrooms, on and on and on it goes... What about all the rapists and pedophiles claiming they are women so the can go to a women's prison. Can this ridiculous sh*t please stop???!!!!

Oh wait, that's right! Rapists and Pedophiles don't exist anymore because they really are just trans "women"... By definition, the trans movement means there are no longer protections for women and children. Let's take special note of the MALE pedophiles and rapists who were admitted into women's detention facilities because they decided they were female (despite their obvious maleness)... and guess what!?! No surprise.... they attack women in the jails and already there are a few who are pregnant from their fellow trans"female" inmates. As life isn't bad enough for these women, now they must also be attacked by rapists in jail???!!! If this isn't an all out attack on women I don't know what is.

Oh, gee, and let's not forget the virtue-signaling.... anyone just has to say "I'm trans" and suddenly everyone has to keep their opinion to themselves. Does the virtue signaling REALLY help the person who is lying to themselves?? Or does it absolve you from taking a moral position? Sorry... if you're a guy and you want to wear a dress and pony tail more power to you, but stay out of my bathroom. You can't be both male and female.

I'm sorry trans person that this choice you made for yourself means it's awkward for you to go to your biological bathroom or locker room, but YOUR choice should not make it awkward for ME to go to my biological bathroom or locker room. In the end, trans "woman" you still have a penis and nuts... well, if you didn't cut them off... but even if you did, you know... the XY chromosome business is still in effect. Sorry. A real friend tells you the truth.

btw, I identify as a realist. So, I hope you will all respect my right to be a realist.

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Kids are everywhere. Everyone has to go to the bathroom. Tran people do pay for their care (where they can, if conservatives have not banned it already). I'm trans and I don't care what you call me. Your comment makes it seem like we are only trans when we are at home. I don't stop being trans just because I went outside. I have 2 daughters that are awesome, intelligent children. I own my own business. I am active in my community. What exactly am I ramming down your throat?

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Ava, glad to see your back. I may not agree with some of your comments but I always appreciate your point of view.

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thanks Polecat. same.

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You sound absolutely wonderful. I don’t know anything about you other than what you just told me. I will message you so we can have a conversation.

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What the people on here don't understand is that this "truth" is not the norm. This shit impacts me every day. I can't go to my kid's school events, because my kids mom gets attacked by the other parents about me just being there. I have to receive all communication from the school as Adam because we are afraid that teachers are going to treat our kids differently. I can't even get out of the car...

Someone referring to me as Ava or she/her is about respecting a fellow human being not about shoving it down your throat. Where has all the empathy in the world gone? I treat every person I meet as a person with value until they give me reason not to and I'm met with nothing but hatred for being different. it is so frustrating.

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I fear you are being asked to pay the price for the aggressive, violent and genuinely misogynistic behavior of some trans activists who, I suspect, have little in common with you.

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"Someone referring to me as Ava or she/her is about respecting a fellow human being not about shoving it down your throat." That's all well and good until people start going to jail for 7 years for disagreeing with you.

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Ava, which “ truth “ is not the norm?

I want to understand .

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Not sure what "kids are everywhere and everyone has to go to the bathroom" means. What are you implying? Because children are everywhere we should accost them? What??? Because people have to go to the bathroom we should throw women's safe places out the window? Sorry.... REALLY can't agree. Be a trans all you want, but don't invade my space and don't invade my kids' safe spaces and kids' psychological spaces.

If I come off p*ssed as h*ll, I am. Oh my word, I am sick to death of the attack on women and children. and sick to death of the persistent denial of reality and the promotion of unlimited lies.

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Who said anything about accosting kids? The original comment said, "stay away from kids". Are you telling me anytime a kid comes in my vicinity I should leave?

If gendered bathrooms are about keeping people safe, then I would argue it is much more likely that I am accosted for using the men's bathroom as a trans woman than the chances of you even encountering a trans woman in the bathroom.

And I am not denying reality. If anything, I am trying to share what my true reality is. It is also pretty rich to get a comment about being "sick to death of the persistent denial of reality" from someone that can't type hell, or pissed, and has the avatar "God Help The World".

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There are increasing numbers of encounters with trans"women" using women's bathrooms and locker rooms...and of course in sports... hence why I am sick to death of it... plus the thousands of gender "treatments" and surgeries done on underage kids which is truly criminal.

Listen, if you are a guy who wants to dress like a woman, etc... go for it.... it's a choice you made. If other men aren't thrilled with it, gee, I'm sorry about that. But guess what, the ladies aren't so thrilled either. Don't expect us ladies - XX chromosomes - to want to have you in our bathrooms and locker rooms and sports... and definitely, keep this ideology out of schools.

So again, you have not answered what "children are everywhere" and "people have to go to the bathroom" means. Yes... ok. Your point in regards to trans is ______?????

btw, not sure why typing h*ll and p*ss is "rich" but it is a politeness thing that folks use and I appreciate as well. If you don't like it, ok?? Not really anything to fight about, but noted. ;)

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You may not be, but your fellow trans people are a mob, bullying and ramming their ideology down people’s throats.

If as you claim you’re a decent sort, go call them out, they’re the problem.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

All one needs to do is check the dna. Not particularly difficult except for leftist Democrats who feverishly screech that we must "trust the science." And then ignore most actual science.

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Riley Gaines has lately been wearing a t-shirt that says XX not equal to XY.

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Riley's courage is more than the equal of Ms. Rowling's. Not least because she has far fewer resources and is an active athlete taking on the hierarchy.

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Looks, brains, courage and athletic talent. She's my hero.

I wonder what yellow dog Dem parents of athletic daughters think about their daughters competing against men. I bet these lemmings will still vote Dem/Soc.

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Well from the ones I know, they support it. The women truly believe since they played sports against boys in their elementary years and fared well, it means men are not inherently stronger than women. Now my guess is, if teen girls started joining varsity football and the teen boys gave them the same treatment on the field there would be an uproar from the various injuries to the girls.

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Riley Gaines and her colleagues on swim teams across the country should have walked out of the pool at the first appearance of a biological male swimmer setting up for an NCAA competition. Let the biological male swim alone if he insists on competing with biological women. And yes, I know what is at stake for these women and I feel for them. But the entire spectrum of women's sports is at stake. There will now be men competing against women in golf, tennis, softball, you name it....they will be there.

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All it would take is one season of women boycotting and this all would come to an end.

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I'll put them on the same plane; Rowling is calling the Scottish government out and daring them to walk their talk. Gaines, unfortunately, is only, figuratively, jumping up and down trying to get attention - the corporate media ignores her with the hope that she'll just fade away. The NCAA is doing the same; they won't change until real women refuse to compete in this farce.

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If you think Gaines is 'jumping up and down' soley to get attention, you are highly, highly misinformed, and never stood up and fought for a principle you believed in. Consider yourself privileged.

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She and I think 7 other actually female swimmers are suing the NCAA.

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Rowling has "F you" levels of money and is essentially "un-cancelable" no matter how much the terminally online leftists hate her.

Ironically, she shares the same views as them on 97% of all issues.

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Please... Riley Gaines has plenty of resources. She has been adopted by the cultural right. She has turned her situation into a cash cow that far outstrips what she would have seen as a competitive swimmer.

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Please back. Riley was just a college swimmer when she took the stand. Brave girl. If she's been "adopted" by "the cultural right," that was after the fact.

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She was going to be a dentist, for pete's sake. But instead, she went to work for a non-profit because she was passionate about the subject. I'm sure she's just raking in the cash. Listen to her Joe Rogan interview

She didn't sound nasty at all. But you sure do...

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I thought your profession of respecting all human beings was real. But apparently it doesn’t apply to Riley Gaines because you don’t agree with her. She’s just a shill according to your post.

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I don't think it's a "not equal" sign. It looks like just a hyphen. It's a new line of sportswear. https://www.xx-xyathletics.com

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It is a new clothing line founded by a retired athlete:


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Not the shirt I saw. In any event, XX is NOT equal to XY.

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I had that (boys are different than girls) by age 5(?). Didn't know anything about chromosomes, But KNEW girls were different. Vive La Différence!!!

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“I’m not a biologist” 🤡

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Yeah, she now sits on the Supreme Court.

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I stand with J.K. Rowling and Riley Gaines. My heroes. Would like to see some more high profile men and women join the cause to protect women and their private spaces.

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There are many many Many things I don't Get. In the last couple of years near (AT?) the top of my list is this Transgender Athlete thing (Actually the whole Transgender "rights" movement). Why are Democrats apparently willing to die on the hill? It just make no sense to me.

This is one of those 90-10 issues. 90% of voters want one thing and the Dems support the 10.

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NOW (National Organization for Women) the female arm of the Dem/Soc Party, has just come out in support of men participating in women's sports.

To me it means they have once again shown they are a bunch of radical left wing assholes, proving they are loyal left wing ideologues, who could care less about the rights of women.

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It's logical, given their lunatic premises.

I actually did a post on Moral Relativism this morning, the gist of which is that the essence of the project is always saying Yes to the New Thing. Feminism was the New Thing at one time. That's when NOW was created. Now it is the Establishment, Trans is the New Thing, and the faithful disciplines of the Always Yes movement now have to say yes to it too, even though it contradicts, openly and obviously, everything they said they valued and were fighting for.

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They worship ideology over all else which makes them hypocrites.

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That’s, couldn’t care less about the rights of women, LonesomePolecat.

NOW is exactly as you describe, they speak for no actual woman.

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I used to read Ms. magazine in high school (graduated in 1977). All feminism was at the time was that women have the same life choices as men. That was all it was as I understood it. Then it turned into All Women Must Work At Fulfilling Careers (not jobs), and stay at home moms were suckers. And THEN it turned into All About Lesbians. So yes, it is about the newest thing and not about women at all.

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I hope a great deal of money is set aside to pay for the looming class action suit of the future which will take down all doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, universities, schools and institutions who will have participated, encouraged or inspired this massive unconscionable “hoax” of Dr Mengler magnitude on the guileless, impressionable youth of this timeframe in history. Destroying healthy tissue and organs as well as mental and psychological health is criminal and evil. Sanity will prevail thanks to people like JK.

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Agreed....there are a few lawsuits starting. I hope it becomes a growing trend to sue every so-called medical professional as well as those in mental health who are perpetrating this abuse.

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Then, we need a museum about this Mengele era, or no one will believe it happened and it will just happen again with the bad actors being that much more clever and underhanded & quiet about changing the laws & language using what they learned from this time around.

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If you listen to Mengele Dr. "Marci" Bowers it does sound like he enjoys his work way too much. Maybe he gets a sexual thrill from it?

Total ghoul.

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Let's hope so.

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The Thalidomide of our time

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I just read an article over on Spiked from a Trans woman. He basically admitted that for many men wishing to transition it isn't really that they think they are a woman, but instead that they have such a fixation on womanhood that it becomes a fetish or obsession. This is why some trans women feel the need to hyper-feminize and how they become so agitated when questioned or told they look like a man...you are attacking their fantasy.

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Well... It is at least morally gray to cut off body parts when they are healthy and the person's mind is disordered/confused. It might well be that there is a tiny tiny percentage of people for whom this is the way to go - but "medicine" is super cavalier about this in a way that it would not be if the person's psych disorder led them to want a hand chopped off. I think that is because there would not be so much money in it. It would not create a life long patient or give doctors that feeling of playing Frankenstein Sex God. Being careful and slow is now considered being a mean "gatekeeper" and does not fit the business model which is drug, chop, and do not even keep track of how the patient does long term.

No attention is given to the fact that the female cohort has skyrocketed. Shouldn't that raise questions?

And, Walter Heyer can tell people something about regret. So can Corina Cohn. Then, there was that flight attendant who committed suicide. And, lots of female "detransitioners". Isn't that an antiseptic word?

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I appreciated this sentence from today's PITT which is by a girl who "identified" as a boy for awhile:

"There are countless reasons why a young woman might want to transition, but most of them involve avoiding normal human struggles."


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They can and do create little skin flap testicles.



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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

I love that a person going tanning and curling their hair doesn’t make them black…but a guy slicing up his penis and using it to fashion a fake vagina makes him a woman #LiberalLogic

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And he doesn't even have to go that far. Crazy world.

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True, just put on some mascara and skirt and it’s “CALL ME MA’AM!”

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You might even get a sponsorship!

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I'll be honest: I'm not going to click on that because I don't really want to know!!! Whatever it is is fake. That much is clear. I think if we all start using "cosmetic surgery" in lieu of the Orwellian lie "gender transition" it would help a lot of people, not least the kids who probably would not be participating without a lot of propaganda and lies told by adults who don't actually mean well.

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I saw - to my everlasting regret - a set of slides that demo the surgery. A fake penis constructed from layers of skin taken from the forearm. Didn’t see any fake ball construction. The peepee works only with the addition of a semirigid rod or inflatable balloon. And “works” is a stretch. Vaginas from inverted pee pees. No orgasms in either case.

There is a guy, a MD in Oregon who happy calls him/itself a queer surgeon. Has a machine that slices off the head of a penis before inverting it. He’s got purple hair, of course. Folks have life long issues with this from splitting open seams to infections. Grotesque.

This Oregon guy should be at the head of the list of defendants in a modern Nuremberg trial of our Mengeles.

There needs to be a reckoning.

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Haha fair. It's a letter to my daughter advocating for smart shopping in case she gets to college in the fall and decides to medicalize her fomosexual identity.

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I don’t know that, if I were in your shoes, that I would let my daughter go to college. I think I would rather send her backpacking in a third world country with a boyfriend. I’ll be praying for her.

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The college is actually less progressive than her high school, which I would have pulled her out of if I'd had support from Mr. Miller. To not allow college would be to destroy what relationship we do have and in this culture is no guarantee that she would be safe from gender ideology. She is also boyfriendless and the last person who would go backpacking. It's a lovely fantasy though--one I've had myself--and I appreciate the concern and prayers. 🩶

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They could use marshmallows.

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That was horrific! Oddly enough, I searched Google yesterday for photos like these and found very few. It's like Google is burying them. I wanted to see for myself what is happening.

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I took them myself--screenshots of paused YouTube videos.

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Wow. You've put together some incredible information and some visuals of what would have been impossible for me to imagine. I began to get faint as I looked at the pictures. I'm going to make a copy of this (and also your link) to pass on to my daughter if or when her daughter (my granddaughter who, at this time is only seven) decides she wants to begin "the transition." Thank you, Mrs. Miller.

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Thank you! Appreciate your comment. 🙏🏼

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WOW! That was graphic. Yuck!

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"Most bodybuilders of that sort die young."? Data? Arnold would disagree. So too Lou Ferrigno and many others.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

It's very common that the bodybuilders die young. Heart failure in the late 30's to 40's. Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger are old school. As Arnold said, at most it was just a little anabol back then. Now it's extreme. Steroids full-time, hGH, insulin, etc..

What happens now is endocrine shutdown, so they can't stop. It overloads the heart, and GHRH declines as normal. So they have a version of what killed Andre the Giant.

Add to that the near normalized use of cocaine in workouts to allow pushing beyond your heart's capacity and you have modern top tier bodybuilding. Humans who can build like that without drugs are exceedingly rare.

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Most is a subcategory of All. Maybe with a deeper dive into the data I would amend that to many. I am simply referring to the manifest fact that they are obsessed with their bodies, with being big, and that they cannot be too big, even if most of them are way past gross, and way past being able to do any useful human activity on a sustained basis.

And Arnold did have to have open heart surgery, presumably to repair the damage all those steroids he took did to him.

I'm talking about the guys in Flex, if that still exists. They take insane amounts of HGH, Testosterone and who knows what else. They pump endlessly, eat 500 grams of protein daily and obsess in front of mirrors like pubescent girls.

Done in a healthy way bodybuilding is great. I am low key a bodybuilder myself. Even the tans are great way to boost Vitamin (or hormone) D. Most people age better with more protein.

But I'm thinking of guys like these: https://fitnessvolt.com/bodybuilders-passed-away/

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

“ I'm honestly not sure if they even attempt to build testicles. I'm not sure what they would even build them from.” It seems from Michael Shellenberger’s release of the WPATH files that your uncertainty is shared by the Doctors performing these surgeries! Mercy!

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I suppose they could "build" them with plastic and rubber. Since everything else is fake, why not make them the equivalent of breast implants?

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Here you go...problem solved: https://www.yournutz.com/

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LOL. They look a bit like Al Capp's Shmoo.

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The problem is that the law is on the books. The police used judgement not to arrest her, the certainly could have and claimed to be upholding the law. Judgement can be bent by the will of a mob. The left does this all the time. Presently, there is enough outrage that they cannot arrest her. As time passes this can swing. The left wins by pushing the boundary, when it recedes it never goes back to where it started. They pick up inches. Eventually we will all be in the gulag

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I really don’t think so. I think we’re nearing the point where the average person realizes there’s a LOT more of us than there are of them.

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It’s not about the numbers. It’s about who has the power.They do.

The majority sees the lawfare against Trump for the foul totalitarian tactic that is( including many who never voted for him) and yet they have the power and yet he is spending millions of dollars and so much time being flogged by them publicly. We , the sane have been unable to stop the farce.

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I read the Telegraph and have been following JK Rowling's comments for a while. It seems to me that the Scottish National Party which is the party in charge right now may have overstepped its bounds in the voters' eyes. They have been accused of corruption and the leader is rapidly becoming a person whom many dislike. Their laws are so squishily non-specific that any one of us could be arrested for our comments here based on whether or not we intended to offend or hurt someone or if we did hurt or offend someone if they say so. The Scots are losing their freedoms and quite honestly, I hesitate to go there because you can be arrested for pretty much anything you say if someone wants to complain to law enforcement.

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Remember during Covid when de Blasio asked New Yorkers to send pictures of people violating the lock-down? People just starting sending thousands of d*ck pictures. That's what should be happening in Scotland.

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Cynthia, Go! It’s a beautiful country full of lovely people. Visiting the Highlands every few years is like therapy. Avoid July-September: the midges are murderous.

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I talk to everyone and I'm NOT politically correct. Would the police go after me?

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We haven’t reached the boiling point yet, and I hope we don’t.

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Scotland has no Bill of Rights. Ours is worth fighting and dying for.

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Boiling point means what?

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To me it means that if Trump is convicted and imprisoned, and that will bring us to the brink of civil war. Even if proven guilty as charged, his most ardent followers will never accept that verdict and will go ballistic.

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I'm not sure, but I think we will know it when we see it. I doubt I am alone in hoping that we can hold out through November to begin to right the ship, at least in the US. My gut says that if and when we do reach the boiling point, it will be in some way related to the flood of immigration swamping the West.

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I don’t hear anything about overturning the law ….. I hear about choosing not to enforce it. Yes there are more of us in private. But fear of losing one’s livelihood will keep most people in private

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Praying so….

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They are aware that if they arrested Rowling, it would create a huge backlash and be bad PR. But they can arrest and harass common citizens without the resources or reach of Rowling and there will be no mass backlash.

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She -Rowling - encouraged other women to do the same get arrested then she’d post and point to the hypocrisy.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

The problem with RFK Jr is that he's batshit crazy about vaccines and has killed thousands of kids second hand. Personally I think he's crazy. I worked for nearly 2 decades on vaccines. They work.

Transgender "medicine" is beyond horsesh*t, it's become an evil pack of sadists, pedophile criminals and sociopaths joined up with drug addled men furious because their fantasy world isn't real, rather, for most it's a miserable, broken existence as an ersatz person, that reveals itself to be a terrible mistake, an impossibility that just cannot be done.

The promised land of transgender is a burnt emptiness.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Meh, vaccines are mostly BS. Sure, they “work”, except they have these unfortunate side effects. There’s a famous paper from the 1970’s or so they used to teach in Med school, which demonstrated that all the childhood diseases scourges were down 95% before any widespread vax adoption. So basically, sanitation solved this problem, not hacking the immune system.

And that’s where I go with all this. Is the human immune system so weak that it’s incapable of working on its own, thus needing pre-disease hacking to carry out its function? On intuition alone I think that’s horse poo and I’ve felt that way since I was 17.

Vaccines are a clever idea in theory but in practice the immune system is immensely complex and does not always react as expected—hence why we have to use “adjuvants” to even get the things to produce an immune response. So, now we see skyrocketed auto immune disorders post-1960 and allergies as compared to the pre-vax era.

If you live in a sanitary country, the fact is vaccines aren’t really worth the squeeze. Don’t give them to your children. Take a little risk with the diseases of measles and chicken pox (which are extremely rare anyway, in unvaxxed areas too), rather than have your child get an autism diagnosis. I ultimately think vaccines are the awareness and wisdom test for our time.

The day they remove immunity from liability, is the day the lawsuits start and this scourge of sorcerer medicine starts to end.

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There have been outbreaks of measles in recent years in two communities that shun childhood vaccinations. Measles has an R value of 16, making it the most contagious of common viruses. The outbreaks did not do more damage because most people are vaccinated. When I was young, in the 1950's before the measles vaccine, measles was fairly common, at least in suburbs of NYC, which certainly qualify as relatively clean environments. So no, sanitation did NOT solve the problem of measles (nor the problem of polio, you may remember).

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Fortunately, you are reciting mostly myths. Be curious Leon! Stop parroting statistical garbage like “R” values.

The true intellectual take is to survey the academic scene in medicine and notice all the p-hacking, positive result bias, replication crisis (50%+ of landmark medical study results being non-repeatable, per J Ioniddes’ work), and the economic laws at play—medicine is a cartel protected by law, so it suffers all the problems of monopoly. It’s just not reliable so you must use discernment and careful judgment.

As for measles, generally it’s not dangerous, and yes, virtually all mortality went away in sanitary conditions, pre widespread vax adoption.

Polio is a more “interesting” case. It too was reduced to almost nothing (sub-5% of cases as compared to 1850 or some year like that) pre-widespread vax adoption. But then, the vax itself caused Polio cases, called something like transverse myelitis, which caused an uptick in the 50’s in cases. And we have researchers like RFK to thank for provably exposing that the authorities in the 1950’s knew this. They knew all about it. But kept it mostly quiet anyway.

Be curious and read more widely sir!

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You are simply incorrect. I have a Ph.D. in science, and know how to evaluate data.) Polio terrified all parents in the 1950's. Where is your data for its occurrence in the 1850's? Please provide a reliable source of data (not hearsay) that I can look up online. And the contagion of measles was known before the rash of fraudulent science. Yes, it is generally not dangerous, but it is dangerous frequently enough that we do not want it in our lives. The same could be said for seat belts, yet we (properly) mandate them.

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My sister contracted polio (in 1953 before Salk or Sabin). She is walking today, and not in calipers or an iron lung, (or dead) only because our mother forced the crying little kid to do endless occupational therapy to restore function to her legs. Leon is right. RFK Jr is not only wrong but dangerous, as dangerous and discredited as Andrew Wakefield, the purveyor of lies about the MMR vaccine and spurious links to autism.

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Tell that to all the people who didn’t get smallpox or polio.

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Perhaps you can enlighten us as to how the aluminum and mercury adjuvants added to vaccines, and whose purpose is to hyperstimulate the immune system are perfectly harmless. Or why the childhood vaccine schedule has crept up to over 70 shots isn’t excessive and that there is zero chance of any side effects from these drugs. Or why the massive financial incentive for big pharma to create new vaccines to be placed on the vaccine schedule doesn’t create a conflict of interest between corporate profits and the health of our kids.

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Oh for goodness sake. RFK has killed no one. People have free agency to get a vax or not. Most, like the traditional ones such as polio, are widely accepted. The new mRNA versions, with so many reported side effects, short, limited testing period and limited efficacy, are rightly viewed skeptically, especially after we’ve been lied to by governments and health organizations promoting them. .

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Free agency? Parental rights to make medical decisions for their children are being wiped out legally across many states. And in Maine children cannot go to any school, public or private or online, without being fully vaxed according to the federal schedule. Docs won't write exemptions as they work in companies not in private practices. If the don't obey, they risk their jobs. Docs are being hauled into state medical oversight boards across the nation for standing up to Big Pharma in various ways and are having their licenses taken. Meryl Nass in Maine is a great example. And now Maine is going after homeschoolers by using the federal "Community School" legislation already in place. The covid vax was MANDATED by the federal gov't for many people--and businesses followed that move. Work, pay bills, raise children, eat--or lose your job? That's not a real free choice for many, is it?

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Ah, but if you’re an immigrant here illegally it is A-OK if you don’t get the vax, and the Biden Administration and Democrat-run cities will give you lots of taxpayer funded aid without any vax requirement.

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The media has furthered a myth that RFK is blanket against all vaccines. But when you listen to him articulate his position, he is not "anti-vaxx" for most old-school vaccines like polio, and he claims his kids got all the major vaccinations. He is rightly wary of Big Pharma and expresses concern for the way an ever growing number of vaccines are pushed through the approval process without (what he claims) adequate testing.

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He is not anti-vax

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True, but it makes good copy for the left to keep saying that. They are scared to death that Joe may lose.

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An honest question for you and all those like you who say something to the effect of "RFK Jr. would be a viable candidate, but he's 'batshit crazy' about vaccines:" why does that matter AT ALL?

Suppose for a moment that he's elected, and he moves himself with his batshit crazy vaccine opinions right into the White House. And then he proceeds to cut the federal budget by 40% and pass unprecedented tax breaks to individuals and businesses. He rolls back all the restrictions against energy, allows drilling in remote parts of the country, and energy prices plummet. Gas reaches $1.50 per gallon in California. The cost of groceries slowly trickles down 30%. A new Ford Explorer goes from $50,000 dollars to $38,000 dollars, enabling a dual income middle-class household to get that new vehicle they need. Using the power vested in him as part of the Executive branch, he enforces the laws of the land and actually enforces border laws, deporting millions of people who have crossed the Rio Grande during the past 2 years. Adding that he's sympathetic to the freedoms of consenting adults, he nonetheless takes steps to counteract the "evil pack of sadists" who are pushing gender ideology on *children*. And he proceeds to do seventeen more things, some of which you may approve of, and others you may not. And at no point does he do anything to change the way vaccines are made, distributed, or consumed in this country.

In other words, he doesn't campaign on, enact legislation against, or even comment on, his wacky vaccination views.

Why do you fixate on this one issue, especially since it won't have any actual effect on your life? I'm assuming you're an adult who has already received vaccinations as a child, and unless you honestly believe that as President he will issue edits to ban longstanding vaccines from American soil, which will affect future children born in this country, why do you care? Do you honestly think that's a possibility? I've listened to him speak several times, and he's never mentioned vaccines once. The only people mentioning them are people who don't want to vote for him. The only charitable reason I can come up with as to why people like you say this is because you think it's *indicative of his general fitness to discern the truth.* After all, if he doesn't believe vaccines are safe, what ELSE will he be woefully wrong about?

If you don't think that who we already have in power today is ten times more wrong about hundreds of more impactful, more important, more dire issues than vaccines, then I don't know what else to say.

I'm an atheist, and I'll gladly vote for a Christian politician who is going to execute the duties of his office faithfully and protect my individual rights and secure my personal freedoms. I don't give a DAMN what sort of fictitious supernatural entities he worships.

The tone of this comment got a bit polemic in the end, and I apologize for that. It started as an honest question, and it remains so. Why do you harp on the vaccines, if you otherwise think he'd be a good president?

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Bobby is a Democrat as shown by his VP pick. If he wins, he'll have a Democrat Cabinet and probably a Democrat Congress. With that combo, there's little chance he'll change many Biden policies.

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You may want to watch Tucker Carlsons interview with Steve Kirsch. Unvaccinated kids are in general more healthy on all metrics than unvaccinated kids.

Kirsch is not a medical specialist, but he is very smart and has a very analytical mind that has made him rich.

And at this point, can you really blame those of who tend to mistrust the Establishment?

These COVID “vaccines” are pretty clearly an unmitigated disaster that is still unfolding. Dr. Pierre Kory treats vaccine victims and Tucker has an interview with him as well.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

If you haven't listened to his interview with Michael Nehis, I think you will find it very interesting. It adds a different layer to COVID sars 2 virus and the vaccine.

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Just did. I had actually started yesterday. Scary scary stuff, but I just ordered a lithium supplement. They sell it on Amazon, at least for now.

I’m going to do a blog post on it. It is highly significant that the military mandated the jabs.

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As someone who suffered and continues to suffer from a vaccine injury let me know where I can send you my medical bills.

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Can you explain what you mean when you say you worked for nearly 2 decades on vaccines? I would love to get your perspective on a few things.

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I made vaccines suitable for humans to: Ebola Zaire, hantavirus, WEV, EEV, Covid-19, measles.

I also developed gene therapies.

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The science of vaccines is elegant and wonderful.

Giving big pharma complete immunity from any and all liability not only for existing vaccines but for any future vaccine they will produce in 1986 ( when there were only 3 mandated childhood vaccines) was a colossal error. The number of vaccines jumped , the length and quality of safety testing decreased dramatically( as anyone studying product safety could predict) . There is no reason that babies should be getting hepatitis B vaccine for example.

Big pharma has captured the FDA(/regulation is the weaker of the two mechanisms we have to try to ensure product safety) and is failing to do its job. The covid shots are further proof of that.

The term anti vaxxer is applied to anyone who even dares to ask questions of big pharma- FDA. It allows them to dispense of the reasonable concerned person as a nut.,

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

And this is what I hear RFKJ going after: Big Pharma, NOT vaccines. I always hear OTHER people saying he’s anti-vax, but when I hear him talk, I don’t hear that at all! Did I miss something?? (That HE said, that is…I tend to agree with your last sentence, Disa.)

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I’ve had the same experience. With no pre conceived opinion about RFKs stance on vaccines , I watched many long interviews. He is indeed asking the tough questions about big pharma and the FDA. He has not attacked the science of vaccines. He vaccinated all of his children. I’ve not read his books. But I have yet to have anyone who dismisses him as an anti vaxxer show me what he said or wrote to support that claim.

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The vaccine immunity part is a bit more complicated. As I understand it, Big Pharma was going to quit producing all vaccines because they didn't produce much profit. Those resources would go into stuff like Viagra, a huge profit generator, and other drugs that would rake in the dough.

Government, alarmed by the prospect of no vaccines being produced, gave them immunity and guarantee profit if they kept producing. They did, of course, the profit incentive being met.

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"Giving big pharma complete immunity from any and all liability ... was a colossal error."

Manifestly incorrect IMHO. The organized tort bar that targets every drug coming out of our pharmaceutical companies and the pseudoscientific experts that assist them in finding product "defects" should be under investigation for RICO violations. Without this protection, the number of vaccines would have dropped since 1986.

RFKJ is an ignoramus who is leading all the anti-vaxer fools in this country over the cliff.

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We will just have to disagree. You did not address my specific points

1- that since that blanket immunity was issued not just for the 3 mandated vaccines at the time but all future vaccines, the number of vaccines as jumped dramatically

2- the amount of time to safety test these products plummeted ( from FDAs own website)

3 There is no health justification to mandate man6 of these vaccines in the first place for example, hepatitis B for babies? They are not at any risk for hepB

To call RFK an ignoramus is an ad hominem attacks and dies not address the legitimate questions.

I’m no fan of lawyers in general but liability lawsuits are the most effective mechanism for companies to even care about safety.

The reason the pharma companies were given the blanket immunity in the first place in spite of earning money in th vaccines, they were losing in court from vaccine injury cases. Instead of looking for problems in the manufacturing process , they threatened to stop making vaccines all together and lobbied for immunity for vaccines past and future.

No other class of drugs have that. Don’t forget the bar for safety should be much higher for a vaccine than a drug.

Drugs treat someone already sick

A vaccine is given to healthy( mostly young children) who may or may not ever become infected with the agent the vaccine is supposed to protect from.

Instead they lowered the bar for safety testing.

I am not an anti vaxxer. I am a scientist( immunology) and the issues are very real

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Torts law exists to seek redress for wrongs. To condemn its practitioners is shooting the messenger. You will miss them when they are gone and your only protection is federal agencies captured by those they regulate. Oh wait. We already see the effect of that.

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Aside from the myocarditis issues with the Covid vaccines, what do you make of the recent study showing the mRNA vaccines caused people to start producing random proteins, the long-term effect of which has yet to be seen?

I think RFK makes a lot of good points about vaccines, and I don't take issue with ones like Ebola or Hantavirus since I haven't looked into them. My main concern based on where I am in life is the childhood vaccination schedule. The fact that the CDC now recommends C19 vaccination beginning at 6 months is a perfect demonstration of the capture of the health agencies by pharmaceutical companies and related lobbyists.


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How about the use of DNA plasmids to manufacture the shots, after the “ safety testing” was done on batches made without them? These questions are not about the concept of a vaccine but about the unholy alliance between big pharma and the government agencies that are supposed to ensure safety. The more powerful mechanism of product liability was taken way by fiat

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And just like that, the vaccine guy goes away…

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You are instantly the most interesting person in the room. Have you ever written about your experiences?

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Courage!! We all need it. Speak the truth in love

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Most impressive? Perhaps a bit hyperbolic, although no argument that Ms. Rowling's courage is laudable and an example to all who want to flip the bird to leftist authoritarians.

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He said public figure. Name another public figure right now who is arguably more impressive. Honestly, try it. I can't think of another more honorable.

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Riley's pretty public. There are many others. Not to take away from Rowling's courage - and the cowardice of Scottish police - because that public act of defiance is what we need much more of. Stand up against lunacy.

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Yes I'll give it to Riley Gaines. But let's face it. When the only other public figure we can name is Riley Gaines who is fighting the same cause, I think we can pretty much agree that we're living in a sad sad age when all the so-called leaders and heroes and what have you are freakin lame. And it's no longer hyperbolic to say Rowling is the most impressive. She and Riley can share the honor in my book.

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Elon Musk

Riley Gaines

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I thought about Elon Musk too but he's impressive not for being honorable, but for being a visionary and an unbelievably successful businessman. So I don't think he's in the same category.

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Ironically, one of the few ‘with balls’ to stand her ground

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Certainly the bravest

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She's a modern-day Mandela.

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What is impressive about it? She is a bully.

She is right that people should not be arrested for being an asshole, but in showing her point she has shown that the things she said in the podcast were bullshit.

I grew up reading her books. I have followed her on twitter for some time. I have listened to the witch trials podcast the FP released last year. I was convinced at the time that I listened to the podcast that this was a caring woman that was simply looking to add a voice to people that unintentionally felt that they had none, but over the last several months she has radicalized. All of the talk in the podcast about caring for real trans women has morphed into an extreme hatefulness that deserves to be cringed at not celebrated.

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All gender dysphoria humans have a right to live their lives in security and privacy - you too, Ava. What they do NOT have any right to do is to force their views on anyone else, especially not on children, and even more especially by advocating for lifetime body-altering drugs of surgical mutilation. If they do that once they are adults, and they pay for it themselves, that’s their own business. And Ava, speaking the simple truth - that biological males are always males, whatever they choose to call themselves - as JK Rowling does, cannot be hateful or aggressive, by definition.

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JK Rowling is indeed a hero and champion of Free Speech. This anti free speech bill in Scotland was written by the Islamist pro Hamas head of government in Scotland. He is on video stating “ Scotland is too white”. The barbarians are in the castle.

We have to support JKRowling and Elon Musk in this battle for freedom of speech which is the only bulwark against the totalitarian regimes who seem to be winning at this time

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William Walllace died fighting for the freedoms that Humza Yousaf is taking away as the new Longshanks: "The trouble with Scotland is that it's full of Scots."

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Makes ya wonder who’s voting in Scotland to put such a dude in place?

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They have a multi-party system. Which means that different parties must form coalitions with each other to win. So each party's core principles are compromised to some extent. But what it creates is compromised government. Literally.

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It's not a recognizable 'Scotland' (I am 30-35% Scottish ancestry - my folk were filled with common sense, serious and hardworking...)

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Thst is the way I feel here too. Maybe because I am likewise of Scottish descent.

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A good argument in support of our (mostly) two-party system.

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It’s the sneaky cynical alliance the islamists have with the trusting left. The only thing they have in common is Jew hatred. Islamists are not tolerant of anything but they have figured out how to use the tolerance of the left to grab power. By the time enough ppl wake up it will be too late.

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They didn’t vote him in: the SNP, in its usual Leninist fashion, appointed him to replace Nicola Sturgeon when she was forced to stand down when charged with corruption. The next election can’t come too soon!

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I've been to Scotland. I know Scots. I liked both. I must now conclude, however, Scotland is a stupid country, and too many voters in Scotland are idiots.

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RemovedApr 3
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A bit extreme. But we can start by removing the protection of the First Amendment from that Satanic death cult and treating it as the Dark Ages fraud that it is.

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Spoken like a true jihadist.

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All Stalinists must hang. All Maoists must hang. Etc. There are some whose existence is a genuine threat to my life and way of life. I've got no problem dealing with them on their own terms.

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If you think every single Muslim on the planet is a genuine threat to your life then you have become what you despise.

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Then let them disavow Jihad, fight against their co-religionist believers, and do so publicly.

I have no intent to kill non threats. But would happily kill those who threaten. With nary a concern nor regret.

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“Killing with nary a concern or regret” is not an attitude that will bring forth the type of liberty you are presumably hoping for. To me it sounds like eliminating one totalitarian belief system and replacing it with another.

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Please please please do not sing that "mostly peaceful" song. It is bs bs bs. And you know it.

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Certainly not! My thinking about Islam - as well as Christianity, Judaism etc - is like Christopher Hitchens. None of these religions are peaceful, Islam least of all.

But I can’t believe disagreeing with a statement that all Muslims should be hanged is getting pushback on here.

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Apparently most of them ARE peaceful. If there are a billion Muslims and they were all Hamas, we would all be dead by now. We aren't.

Calling for the hanging of all Muslims is a blood libel akin to calling for the hanging of all Christians because a Christian blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City.

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I’m getting close to that but still clinging to the hope that some moderates exist , have modernized and don’t hate Jews and love jihad and subjugation and murder of all others

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Yes. A very just-post-9/11 perspective. I probably had it too. We were told not to hate muslims after that. That we should examine our navels to try to understand why they hate us, that such was the real question. Yet the nihilists have killed innocents throughout the world ever since.

We walk through metal detectors each time we board an airplane. Not because Episcopalians are wearing sneaker bombs. We protect large crowds not because Catholics are wearing suicide4 vests. And we've built a massive security apparatus/state not because atheists are plotting the overthrow of our country and the subversion of our freedom.

I held some wary tolerance of muslims ever after 9/11. Then October 7 came. Gazan citizens joined the Hamas murderers killing, raping, committing all manner of horrible acts, including during months of capture of Israelis. My views have now fully "evolved" to realize that Islam is a savage ideology masquerading as a religion so as to get the sort of tolerance the West gives religion. Any who hold to it is my enemy.

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When they tell you they are….believe them.

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"not because atheists are plotting the overthrow of our country and the subversion of our freedom."

I was with you up until that point. I think that's exactly what's happening. Or more specifically, the "atheists" have actually just adopted woke as a religion, with a variety of different denominations (trans, race, sex, etc) under the same umbrella. But the goals are the same.

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No. I'm an atheist and as a conservative Republican, don't fit your narrative. But the corpse in the White House, a supposed Catholic does. Woke grifters are represented in every religion.

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I too am a conservative atheist. We get to the same place from different starting points. You perhaps believe that rights come from God; I believe that they come from our nature as rational beings. I don't care to delve any more into the metaphysics of it, but atheism as such is not your enemy. Collectivism, however, certainly is. One does *not* need to start from atheism to turn worship of the collective into a new woke religion.

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"atheism as such is not your enemy. Collectivism, however, certainly is. "

Congrats! You win the Explainer of the Day!

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Islam is as Nazism after WWII; the atrocities committed in their name takes away any legitimate credibility they might have had.

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The ideology in the source texts of islam never changes. It is hate.

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I vividly recall being told in the kitchen of the Silicon Valley dot.com where I worked by a young Stanford grad in late 2001 that jihad had nothing to do with violence; it was all about “internal struggle.” That’s what the bien-pensants were saying at the time.

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They are still saying it . It was a lie then and it is a lie now. They say one thing in English and a very different thing in Arabic.

They are becoming bolder now so even in English now they are shrieking for death to the jews in Teaneck NJ , in NYC , in DC , in London. They are aggressive and full of hate and Qatari money .

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And they follow the Koran; my friend read it in Arabic.

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The internal struggle interpretation of islam is true of sufis, most of them at least. They call it itjihad. And it's known as the sufi heresy. I have read the sunni fatwa about the sufi heresy.

Ayatollah Khomeini said of it, "Those who think islam is not about war, know nothing of islam.

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It takes courage to speak out against the mob.

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I simply do not trust adherents of that cult. I don’t want any more in this country. I wish them well.

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Wishing them well is how they are seizing power all over the West. They use our tolerance against us .I can’t wish well on those whose mission is to kill me , my people, Israel and the USA and all of western culture.

It’s part of Islam and unless they can figure out how to modernize and renounce their love of jihad and violence ( the UAE is doing this) they are the enemy. It’s not islamophobia but a rational feat of their openly stated objectives.

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I have one of those “Coexist” shirts that have bloody bullet holes all over it and it says “You can’t Coexist with people who are trying to kill you.”

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Disa, Islam has not had its Enlightenment as Christianity has, where God evolved from a literal truth to a metaphorical guide, and the Bible was treated (except for evangelicals) as not only a great work of literature but as an inspiration (especially the New Testament), admittedly after centuries of Christians slaughtering each other and Muslims in the Crusades and Jews always. So for them, the Koran is still literally true and must be obeyed and, just like the Old Testament, it’s not hard to find bloodthirsty calls for violence against unbelievers in its many passages, which ISIS and Hamas do not hesitate to quote to all Muslims. And because all are members of the Umma (believers), they are all adjoined not to condemn a fellow Muslim, even for the atrocities of 9/11 or 20/7 or 7 October, even if privately appalled by them. And so we get the pious claims that “Islam is a religion of peace”. Until Islam has its own Enlightenment as Christianity did, we will suffer more “7 Octobers”. Will it take 300 years of bloodshed for this to be achieved as it did for Christianity? It’s a sobering thought.

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Why should the rest of the world be even pretend to be “ tolerant” of these ppl of the Quran ? The openly preach, believe in hatred and violence against everyone else? It’s one giant death cult.Civilization as we know it may not hav 300 years in the nuclear era. When Iran has a nuke , those ayatollahs will use it.

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They’re rare. Even with the moderates, there’s usually a “Yes, but …”

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Israel: immediately admits responsibility for accidentally killing a handful of civilian noncombatants, and profusely apologizes.

Hamas: launches sneak attack on defenseless women, children, and concertgoers, raping and mutilating them.

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Also don’t forget the celebrations in the streets by all of the poor innocent civilians. I saw many videos of defenseless little lambs dancing and singing around the twisted bodies of their victims. To say nothing of the “civilians” that actually crossed into Israel on 10/7.

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You mean the civilians who had work permits and jobs on the kibbutzim—thanks to the naive good will of the Israelis—who then drew maps for Hamas? Those civilians?

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Yep, those innocent civilians. The ones being callously murdered wholesale by cackling, hook-nosed Jews.

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I may not have a hooked nose, and I didn’t exactly *cackle* when I read about the strike in Damascus. More like a pleased snort.

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Aaron, you seem like a decent, rational dude. My apologies for my earlier rant at you!

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😂 all good, thanks Mr. Man

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“the celebrations in the streets by all of the poor innocent civilians”.

Bada bing. Recalls the Palestinian celebration’s following 9/11. Other Muslims. Hang ‘em.

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I unequivocally condemn those who perpetrated the October 7 attack. And the singing and dancing around the victims of said attack was shocking, sickening, grotesque. However, I have a most difficult time accepting that every civilian in Gaza---every single one---celebrated this outrage and is deserving of whatever is coming to them.

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I'm not claiming that every single civilian was complicit or is deserving of death, nor do I want Israel to kill those civilians, even the ones celebrating. The point is that this is a clash of two cultures, only one of which is currently under a legitimately existential threat. And for some reason, a shockingly high number of people in the West are taking the side of the culture that produced those dancing and singing "civilians". No reasonable person can claim that the culture that would produce people that behave in that disgusting way is the moral equivalent of a liberal democracy like Israel.

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Understood. Thank you for your response.

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Every single one is not deserving of the horrors of war being visited upon them. But many? most? are because they support Hamas. This is Hamas' doing. It can stop the madness at any time. And is supported both there and here for not doing so.

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I'm still waiting to hear the world's explicit outrage on the October 7th massacre, and the continued abuse of the hostages in Gaza.

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And brags about it on Go Pro videos.

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Insert “they’re the same picture” meme from the leftists.

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Supported by the overwhelming majority of Gazans.

All muslims must hang.

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Hamas can end the suffering in Gaza very quickly by surrendering. I agree with Sen. Fetterman that Hamas is fully responsible for every death and every hardship. Cowards attack peaceful communities and music festivals,and cowards hide behind civilians and in hospitals. And I agree with Hilliary that the Palestinians have been offered an independent state several times and have always turned it down. Biden’s approach of a cease fire and separate state is untenable. As Robert Gates, defense secretary for both Bush and Obama has noted, Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision.

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“I’m currently out of the country, but if what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.” - JK Rowling

Her razor sharp wit is such a rare pleasure in todays increasingly dumbed down discourse.

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The only reason they decided not to charge her is because of the outrage it would generate if they did so. And outrage of that size might succeed in changing the makeup of the lawmaking body that made the law in question.

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Significant that she put out the statement that if they arrest anyone one else for breaking this new “law”, then they must arrest her also. Tyranny works best when it’s hidden in secret. What J.K. is doing is forcing them into the open. She’s a very courageous woman, with a deep sense of right and wrong. She’s very ready and willing to stand with, and to support anyone with much less financial means to fight this new draconian measure of compelled speech.

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Unfortunately, she is only temporarily delaying the enforcement of this law. Once things quiet down a tad, they will start prosecuting people who aren't famous, whose comments are just different enough from Rowling's that they can claim "it's not the same."

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It is ironic that Rowling agrees with the woke mob on 97% of issues but this is the one that puts her on their "must cancel" list.

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Because she states the obvious!

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You’ve written something I can agree with. Wow.

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FFS.....had no idea Ollie was from the UK. It (his reporting) makes much more sense to me now. All this time I just thought he was one of those milquetoast elitist DC journalist that never left his flat unless he was out to pick up a fat free double latte from Starbucks. Come to find out......he's not even one of us.

On the Israel/Gaza front. Honestly, I don't have the bandwidth to even attempt figure out this clusterf*ck. They'll have to either work it out amongst themselves or bomb each other into oblivion. We're 35 trillion in debt, our southern border looks like the Boston Marathon on the daily and a few hundred other issues right here in our own country that need desperate attention. Sorry world.....Uncle Sam's AMEX is maxed out at the moment.

RFK Jr may have a screw or two loose, but he spits truth bombs regularly and has the receipts to back em up. Don't believe me, have a look at the CNN interview he did this week where he told the reporter Biden was a bigger threat to Democracy than Trump. The look on her face as they broke for a commercial was that of a pig looking at a wristwatch. It was pure gold.

JK Rowling is a stone cold beast. That is all.

Finally, you've got better odds of catching on fire than Biden beating Trump in Florida.

Now its off to work.....y'all have a great day! :-)

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Junior's appeal is in calling out the worst excesses of the government/corporate fascist cabal. His platform, however, is abysmal and his running mate is comical.

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yeah.....hard to argue with you there. his VP choice is a who's who of who the hell is this.

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Her “skill set” is marrying rich men.

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I don't care for her but this isn't fair. She grew up with nothing and became a patent attorney. Being a patent attorney is no joke. That's not some bullshit law degree. She had to have a STEM degree of some kind aside from her law degree. Then pass the very hard patent bar in addition to the regular bar exam. 90% of lawyers don't have the brain it takes to get a STEM degree or pass the patent bar. She then practiced for some years.

But of course, even being a patent lawyer can only get one so far. Marrying an ugly Google co-founder gets you to a whole different level.

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Junior should’ve chosen Noted Philanthropist McKenzie Scott (don’t you dare call her Bezos’s ex-wife!)

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Why would she want the job?

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

I just think junior would want her bc she has more money than whoever is the lady he picked (not gonna bother remembering her name). Pop quiz: who was Hillary’s running mate in 2016? Romney’s in 12? Kerry’s in 04? Who were Pat Buchanan’s Reform Party running mates?

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I'm sure she's worth every dollar that she's donated to his campaign.

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Fat free double SOY latte.

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My thought as I read that bit too.

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I've never been to Star Bucks, but I've stood outside and looked at the prices for a cup of coffee. My favorite coffee shop is in Bangkok, where they roast their own beans grown on their plantation and there's a box by the front door where you can pay whatever you want. The coffee is delicious and the box is always full of money.

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I love this. The only time I have ever graced Starbucks with my money was once in an airport before a very early flight. It was not good. But I am a coffee snob I guess. I drink Monteverde from Costa Rica from Texas Coffee Traders. They too fresh roast the beans and have a stake in the plantation. Fabulous places.

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Just to brighten your day another smidgen. That new $1,200,000,000,000 spending package (you know the one to keep the government functioning) contains a provision for $380,000,000 for border security. In Jordan, Egypt, and other Middle Eastern nations.

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I remember on election night 2020, the leftist Biden supporters briefly showed their true colors and became quite angry and racist towards the Cubans who voted for Trump in Florida.

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Re: Florida, I just can’t comprehend the people whose vote is determined solely by the desire to be free to kill unborn children at will.

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That’s because most women do not frame abortion “ as the desire to kill unborn children”.

The failure to comprehend that there are good people who do not see it the way you do is why this is such a controversial issue and why Republicans lose many elections that they would have otherwise won easily.

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I know they don’t frame it that way, and I fully understand the “pro choice” argument to the extent that I’d be able to defend it in a debate. There are certainly people that I admire and respect that hold that view, but them being good people doesn’t make them right.

However you phrase it, that’s essentially what it boils down to though, and the fact that so many discussions about the issue devolve to quibbling over terminology is one reason so little progress has been made towards consensus. That last bit is not directed at you specifically, Disa, just broadly speaking.

I think the main issue is that both sides end up talking past each other. The pro choice side says, “a woman should be able to have autonomy of her body”. The pro life says, “I agree, but that baby is not your body. It’s a separate person inside your body, and so you should respect that baby’s bodily autonomy”. Then the argument goes to the definition of when life begins, which gets fuzzier but ends up at the same place, which is that it must begin at conception because there is no other moment in development which makes sense to flip the switch from “cells” to “person”. But acknowledging that leads to some uncomfortable realizations for the pro abortion side, so they avoid and distract.

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment. My perspective comes from the Jewish perspective. Jewish law does not see the fetus as you do. The mother’s life always takes precedence. This from an ethos that treasures and sanctifies life, does not permit premarital sex, encourages young marriages and many children.And yet our sages recognize that there are times when termination of a pregnancy is necessary to protect the mother.Each case is handled with solemnity, privacy and caution.When others state categorically that they KNOW what the correct position is and seek to impose it on others, I am stymied that they refuse to even acknowledge that there are sincere well grounded moral views that are DIFFERENT. The country is too big and diverse to impose one view on everyone else.

Those who seek a more expansive position are not seeking to force anyone to have an abortion.

For what it’s worth I think abortion has to be available, safe, legal and private. I am open to a reasonable compromise. I find the term “ abortion on demand “ unfortunate does not represent most peoples view.

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I think you and I, and the vast majority of the pro life side, agree on situations involving the life of the mother. When I speak of abortion I’m referring to elective abortion.

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Life of the mother can be interpreted in many ways. I understand it more broadly than most in the anti choice camp. Elective is another word that is missing the broader issue. A pregnant woman who is carrying an unwanted pregnancy must have the freedom to consult with her drs , clergy etc and not have to engage the court system EVER. That is not only cumbersome, unaffordable foe most people , but takes TIME that pregnancy by its very nature, does not allow. Each woman who undergoes an abortion for whatever her reason will answer to God, the only arbiter of true justice in. this thorny controversial topic.

Republicans must win elections.It’s a shame to lose them over abortion. Neither side will ever convince the other on moral grounds.I plead for compromise that both sides will see as imperfect

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I appreciate your position.

However, in real life 99% of the women having an abortion use it as birth control or are pressured into it by the “father”. And very very few consult with their doctors or clergy, especially in the black community. That’s why many if not most of the planned parenthood facilities are placed in inner cities where blacks are the majority. To the left it’s a win win. They can say how compassionate they are to minorities while encouraging their elimination.

I certainly don’t know the answer. But I do know that republicans are stupid about this.

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I believe I heard that Trump is supporting the European-type solution of a 13-15 week elective permission for abortions. If so, he has taken away the Democrats' most effective weapon and will allow them to be pictured as extremist baby killers. To most sane Americans.

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The phrase “Anti-choice” prevents me from taking anything you write seriously.

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There is nothing Republicans can say regarding abortion that will change how they are perceived. Nothing. The truth is that post Dobbs there is NO FEDERAL LAW regarding abortion. As a result there is nothing a US president can do regarding abortion as there is no law to enforce or interpret. But highly emotional people do not let facts and truth sway them. My position on abortion is similar to yours with one caveat. But the disdain I feel for Democrats who willingly and willfully exploit the pro-abortion advocates is palpable. To me it demonstrates, yet again, their callous disregard for and willingness to manipulate their voters.The caveat is with your statement that no woman should have to seek legal approval and the cost thereof. That is not the way it works. There is no necessity to seek approval from courts. Even in the states that ban abortion. That was the whole point of the Cox decision in Texas. The states that have passed bans contain exceptions. The patient's qualification for an exception is a medical decision. The problem is apparently that doctors are timid about saying an exception is justified. Probably influenced by the for-profit third party entities in charge of medical decision making. In light of Cox the squeamish Texas Medical.Board is issuing guidelines. But I am curious. I am aware of the Jewish POV regarding abortion. It is my understanding that it has been held for a long, long time. So pre-Roe what did Jewish women do?

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As you said, "The country is too big and diverse...," and there's the key to the answer, right there.

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Disa: “safe, legal, private…and rare”. But how many of the anti-abortion absolutists have EVER been willing to help with birth controls?, and to say “life begins at conception” is a theological claim not a medical one. Go well.

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What does that mean, the mother's life always takes precedence? If having a baby is inconvenient does that count? Does not wanting to lose her figure a justification?

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Every Mother I know would gladly die for her child. Fathers too.

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Viability is the other place to draw the line at "when life begins". Prior to about 22 weeks, the fetus cannot live without the mother.

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I agree that’s a common one, but the logic doesn’t hold. If a baby can survive outside the womb (with lots of medical intervention), that means it’s a person and not ok to kill it? Dependence on another person does not change your essential personhood.

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No. Life begins at conception. That fertilized egg is human. It doesn’t magically turn into a plant or a puppy. There can be no biological scientific argument about that.

Viability is a different issue.

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The discussion must rapidly evolve to a compromise rather than arguing over things the two sides will never agree with

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Is a fertilized egg a chicken?

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Does a fertilized chicken egg become anything else?

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Only if it isn't scrambled

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I think quibbling over terminology is exactly the point. We don't eat cow, we eat beef. We don't unintentionally murder innocents in drone strikes, we have collateral damage. You get the point.

But your point is well taken. Calling things what they are is the first step in having an honest moral debate and arriving at whatever might pass as a consensus.

Candidly, if we are going to have abortions of convenience, I am in favor of drawing the line at the point where the fetus is paying for its own insurance and cell phone.

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you bring up a great point about cow vs beef. we refer to pig as pork, but chicken as chicken, fish as fish, shrimp as shrimp, and lamb as lamb... when i look up the etymology of the word "beef" online i find that it's from about 1300 and is rooted in french and latin but not much else about it other than we use the word "beef" in other ways (to have a "beef" with someone, something is "beefy"). your call out of terminology of language (murder of innocents/collateral damage) makes me immediately think of a song from 1992 that for most part, could have been written today: "television, the drug of a nation" by the disposable heroes of hiphoprisy.

check it out here, if you're interested: https://youtu.be/hD9pJzZ1XGI?si=25QDkLue_fGFBRxD

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Interesting music video. I hadn't seen it before but I enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Candidly, I was thinking about "Politics and the English Language," which long ago called out our tendency to euphemize uncomfortable ideas rather than confronting them on their own terms.


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thank you for the link!

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You, like nearly all no abortion never folks miss the biological reality that a newly fertilized egg as not a baby. notwithstanding the idiots on the Alabama supreme court might say.

That is biological fact and you rely on theological illogic to preach otherwise.

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Since I’m not a biologist, why don’t you enlighten me? When does life begin, as a biological fact?

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Yeah, you and Ketanji. Dumber than dirt.

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Just answer the question. When does life begin?

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

The problem is that to the modern left, being "pro choice" is no longer good enough for them. They must be "pro abortion". They now celebrate and promote what was once supposed to be "safe, secure and rare".

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I'm pro-abortion in that I am not anti-abortion.

Pro-choice and pro-life are euphemisms.

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I am Pro Choice

I am Pro Life

I am (personally) beyond needing to worry about an unexpected pregnancy

Many women aren't even aware they might be pregnant at 6 weeks.

I live in FL

I respect and admire almost all the decisions DeSantis has made during his tenure

Promote life- Promote Adoption- Promote help & assistance for an unwanted pregnancy

No abortion after the 1st trimester-12:weeks.

DeSantis really dropped the ball on this one

Will it ever impact my vote?

Absolutely not

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Any woman having sex and is 2 weeks late in getting her period should not be having sex and/or clearly needs a re-education as to how human reproduction works.

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Jen, a lot of women with irregular cycles might not become aware of their pregnancy until after 6 weeks.

12 weeks is a more reasonable threshold.

I am in FL and concerned about the issue

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So unprotected sex might not be a clue?

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Florida Supreme Court upheld 15 weeks.

I too live in Florida.

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Another Floridian here and I agree. And as far as not possibly being aware of a pregnancy at 6 weeks, that was my first reaction to the legal restriction on abortion…particularly if a woman has irregular cycles.

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Possibly not being aware? Go take a pregnancy test, they're for sale everywhere.

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Birth control is not full-proof. You saying women with irregular cycles should get pregnancy tests every time they had sex?

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

No birth control is foolproof. What is foolproof to avoid pregnancy is not having sex.

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As I said, if one has irregular periods six weeks is a bit tight. And no need to be snarky about it.

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Snarky? The anomaly is not the norm.

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As I said, if one has irregular periods six weeks is a bit tight.

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Nowhere in this conversation is the mention of personal responsibility in understanding their own reproductive biology and the results of having sex.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

I'm in FL. I like DeSantis too. I'm likely going to vote for Trump or RFK, and vote for the abortion amendment. We don't all fit into an ideological bubble.

I also hate how the anti-abortion extremists are forcing me to chose between abortion of a healthy fetus after 16 weeks, which is abhorrent to me, and extreme 6 week bans. The 15 week law was the most reasonable, common sense compromise.

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The real problem is that the govt. has involved itself in the abortion issue. The real involvement is the pregnant woman and the impregnator, who should be held legally responsible for the pregnancy and the financial support of the woman and child. That is, if she knows who he is. The choice of abortion or not should be between the woman and the man.

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R's could have prevented many lost elections if they stopped being such a boneheads and agree amongst themselves and adopt policies similar to some EU nations but instead they keep thinking the nation will wake up and say "Oh, let's do no abortions, ever. And while we're at it get those millions of fertilized eggs implanted STAT!".

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You are right. It is baffling. However to only be given a choice between 6 weeks and viability is polarizing and it makes me believe that is purposefully done. What happened to a compromise of 10-12 weeks? However, even if it is banned outright I still would NEVER vote Biden. That would be the old cutting off my nose to spite my face deal.

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I echo that pledge……NEVER Biden. He’s a puppet. So enamored with being President, that he goes along with whatever they tell him to do.

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I agree that some pro life politicians are getting out over their skis. I’d like to see abortion completely eliminated (usual caveats), but that’s just not where the people are right now. So do a 12 week compromise, save some lives on the margin, then keep making your case to the public.

As for voting for Biden, it would be more like shooting yourself in the head!

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"Viability" is 23-24 weeks. So it's not "up until birth" abortions like in California or Washington.

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Viability for American children is now around age 28 to 35, depending.

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Babies who have reached the gestational age of 40 weeks are still not viable after birth, except for their parent’s providing nutrition and warmth.

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I’m in my 141st trimester and I’m pretty much not viable without my wife…

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I don't support the short 6 week limit, but I think it is tied to the time that a fetal heart beat can be detected. So, in the minds of its supporters it is a rational compromise between never and -- what they believe -- is an evidence based limit.

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Very interesting. I did not realize a heartbeat could be detected as early as that. I guess that knowledge might make me adjust my own personal decisions(if I were of chid bearing age-but am not)-but I don’t feel that I could enforce my beliefs on someone else. I feel that compromise is essential and then we work from there. Who knows where we will be in 50 years.

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It was purposefully done. One of a couple of reasons Ron lost support. If you're going to craft a law at least do so in such a fashion that it could make some sense.

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Interesting comment

I have not noticed a lessening of support-but I have a small circle to draw from.

I do know that people were frustrated by his presidential bid and wanted him to focus on our state more

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It will be overshadowed by all the new Haitian arrivals. Immigration will be the biggest issue More people are affected by immigration than abortion

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

No matter, Democrats will be shouting ‘Abortion!’ from now to the election - one note and tone deaf

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Maybe if all pregnant illegal aliens are aborted, we can get a consensus.

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You would think immigration and the economy would be the issues people vote on but many vote solely on abortion.

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If that is the issue that all of our elections now revolve around, we are already lost as a nation.

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I never take joy in the death of other humans, except when it’s Iranian Quds Force terrorism masterminds. Good for Israel, going for the head of the snake. When Trump droned that pig Soleimani, the souls of 600+ American soldiers got a measure of justice.

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Gee you goes into a war zone, you takes you chances.

Joey is “outraged”. Ah give him an ice cream cone and he’ll be fine v

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Can he have sprinkles? The colors make him think he's a tranny supporter.

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Whoever marked the roof of that car unfortunately didn't know what they were doing. Those markings are really not readable from the air, and at night using IR they would hardly be visible at all (I doubt those are IR markings since it looks like they just took what they put on the side of the car and slapped it on the roof).

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I heard also that hamas had climbed onto the roof or bumpers o guess getting a ride. So maybe this kitchen group isn’t just an objective helping hand eh?

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Remember that food truck driver delivering aid to Gaza who was struck in the head with a rock by Gazans, forcing his truck off the road and killing him? Where was his headline? Oh—he didn’t get one because he was killed by Palestinians? I see.

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I love JK. I want to buy that woman a drink and dinner.

As for Iran, tough shit scumbags. Karma is a bitch.

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FAFO. Basically Trump's foreign policy.

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Fuck Around, Find Out! Props to Israel.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

I'm liking Javier Millei more and more.

And kudos to JK Rowling for using her celebrity in a way that's truly courageous. Most celebrities simply repeat what all the other celebrities agree with and call themselves courageous.

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Exactly, if it costs you in money or reputation it’s courageous. If everyone in your circle/industry agrees, it isn’t courage.

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Good for JK. Never backed down to bullies. You go girl!

I feel terrible for the aide workers and their families. But the fog of war is real. Israel acknowledged it and said there would be an investigation. Meanwhile, the head of the NGO has been blood libeling Israel from day one. Not surprising he is a Spaniard. Spain is one of the most antisemitic countries in Europe.

Iran is winning the war? Well only if the useful idiots in Foggy Bottom and the old Obama cronies in the biden administration have their way. I think the article is a little bit too pessimistic.

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Iran is 'winning the war' thanks to Joe Biden.

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No one is winning the war, thanks to Blackrock.

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Some are expressing more outrage about the accidental, regretful killing of 7 than the intentional, proud killing of over 1000. They're making such a big deal about the former because it gives them a chance to argue for moral equivalency between the two sides, which in the face of the latter is a huge win for them.

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It's why these losers latched on to the bogus story about the hospital in the very beginning of the war. They simply can't bring themselves to side with Israel and to acknowledge that Israel is the moral ones in this war. The fact that they had to feel bad for the slaughtered, raped and brutalized Jews was anathema to their world mindset and they need to find a reason to go back to hating on Israel.

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Joe Biden thinks Florida is in play for him because of abortion? No, it isn't. I have yet to run into anyone here that doesn't see Biden and his administration for exactly what they are: a fiasco. Nice try though with the article pimping Bidenomics as a winner.

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If I read that right, the point is the ballot measure exists there to allow a pro-choice Republican to both vote for Republican candidates *and* vote for pro-choice.

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The Florida Supreme Court allowed the 15 week limit on abortion. This abortion ballot issue will allow abortion up to birth, because, you know, women's reproductive rights are in jeopardy.

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Bad stuff can happen to a fetus even at eight months. There are times when late-term terminations are necessary.

You obviously are a never-abortion kind of gal. That's fine for you. Do remember that you are not the millions of other women who do not believe as you do.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Your are absolutely incorrect about your assessment. What bad stuff happens at 8 months that requires an abortion? Outside of death or some other fatal situation that has naturally occurred.

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Any number of fetal abnormalities that result in children without craniums, without faces, without limbs. They are fatal sooner or later, and terminating such a sad pregnancy is the parents' decision to make.

Just remember that many women do not believe as you do, and it's sheer arrogance to insist that your beliefs must rule other people's behavior.

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You don't read? Clearly not.

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How many Americans were among the Israelis murdered on Oct. 7? How many still are held hostage? You’d think yesterday’s errant, tragic drone strike was 9/11, Part Two, and Israel now our mortal enemy. As someone earlier this week noted in the comments, Israel had about two weeks to get the job done as that’s about how long our allegiances last. God help them; they’re on their own.

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None of those Americans are/were homosexual black basketball players with a cannabis habit. They just don't count

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Cannabis is not habit forming, the basketball player you are referencing is a Lesbian, not a homosexual, and she was caught with a gram of hash oil, not cannabis. Aside from those mistakes, you got everything else correct.

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Lesbian? I thought that term described a homosexual woman. Apparently it's someone from Lesbia, since you had to capitalize it.

Hash oil? You mean that derivative of the cannabis plant? And if it's not a habit, why would you take it into a country where it's illegal?

Aside from your mistakes, you got nothing else correct

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I didn't "have to capitalize it," I chose to for emphasis. You would have to ask her why she took it into Russia. Many people use it for pain relief, others to get high.

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JK rocks as does Riley. The truth on men and women shall set you free.

Iran, please! We have no fear. AOC told us about 6 years ago the planet would die as would mankind (not sure about women?) in 10 years. So we only like have about 4-5 years left, so let's go for it you shit heads. Especially since the majority of the ethnic population and your own people would turn against you. Yeah old man in cave really scary. Oh wait, that might apply to Slow Joe also?

Is it me or does RFK look better no matter what over a repeat of the last election?

The tragedy in Gaza plays out everyday in the Ukraine and the world and the bastion of human waste, the UN just shrugs and goes to lunch. Blame Hamas who refuse to end the goal of killing all Jews and refuse to live in peace. Don't blame the messenger. Sad? Yes, but happens everyday in the world. Trouble is, the world ignores Africa and other areas as it doesn't get the super, duper feel good peoples donations.

Latin America arguing? Why is that news? How many dictators, wars, and disasters? All seem to generate lots of money for the countries and yet, amazingly, we get all of their people fleeing. How about give every illegal $10K and ship their asses home and never come back or go to jail. Seems cheaper in the long run. Yeah, I know. I am a hard hearted, mean, super, duper, heavy weight, whatever the woke fools want to label me. Don't care!

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It never ceases to amaze me that the people who should be the supreme intersectional crème de la crème, e.g.:

1. black

2. often women

3. often Muslim

4. ACTUAL slaves

…are mostly ignored by those who choose what to put in 72-pt. type.

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RFK jr looks better when he is allowed to talk. An alternative I would consider rather than the twin clowns vying to be the chief clown.

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I see that the "adult" is back in the same manner that the adult diaper wearing Biden was proclaimed the "adult" who was back to save us from Trump. And then proceeded to open the border to a criminal illegal alien invasion, incite a war in Eastern Europe, ignite inflation, destroy the integrity of our energy grid and encourage the mutilation of children. So of course, he has only abortion to run on, which is the only issue of interest to genetically stunted low IQ voters. And which apparently resonates equally with Olly.

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But Bidenomics!

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Ahem. That’s BIDENFLATION sweetie.

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Putin's Shrinkflation.

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I curse Putin every time I have to buy a 52-ounce OJ bottle that used to be 59 ounces.


People stare at me but I feel better.

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The only thing "adult" about Biden is that he's wearing adult diapers.

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Wait a minute, adult diapers are a blessing, do you want poop everywhere. Where do live, San Francisco or L..A, or NY?

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