While Do No Harm's mandate is laudible and sorely needed I fear that universities and other insitutions don't actually eliminate the race requirements once legally challenged, they just stop saying the quiet part out loud, at least for now.

I also fear that the majority of the author's peers do not actually share his viewpoint. I used to assume the same about my friends and colleagues, but the more I dare share my real opinons these days the more isolated I feel. Every year I feel a bit more like the woman, the last real human, at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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100% spot on. Just like with the affirmative action case now before the supreme court, which will block universities (Harvard and Yale) from discriminating against mostly Asian and white kids with top scores on standardized tests, the universities have already eliminated the need to even submit an ACT or SAT score because they don’t want to be hemmed in by their desire to discriminate against those they want to discriminate against for DEI and “equity” purposes. Black and Hispanic kids do not do as well on standardized tests, nor in school for that matter but the schools want to continue to recruit unprepared students to be in the highest ranks of academia so they can show how virtuous they are.

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Exactly. Once the Supreme Court ends race-based affirmative action this year, colleges will still find a way to discriminate. Working-class Asian and White kids won't even stand a chance anymore. Standardized tests were the one way any poor kid could compete with richer ones on the same level.

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Garry Trudeau once drew a very funny Doonesbury comic strip about the academic success of Asian students. Here is the transcript:

Jennifer: National Merit Scholar! How do you do it, Kim?

Kim: I don't know. I guess I just study.

Jennifer: No way. I tried that once. You've got some edge.

Kim: Edge? Like what, Jennifer?

Jennifer: Some genetic edge. Getting good grades is a racial characteristic, isn't it? An Asian thing?

Kim: You won't tell everyone, will you?

Jennifer: I knew it! You guys are some sort of superrace, aren't you?

Kim: We mean you no harm. We seek only computers for our young!

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Well said.

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You are not isolated and reading these articles and comments remind me I'm not alone. There's an army of us fighting with whatever weapon is available, whether that be the pen or talking to people one-on-one. I thank God every day for the writers and journalists who lead us and give our army a gathering place to rejuvenate to share information, tactics and ideas.

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We shouldn’t be naively optimistic about returning to normality. The CRT crooks have fully captured the leadership of every major organization in this country, including the civil service. Notice how pretty much EVERY voice that goes against them is somebody either retired after a honest career or having already achieved a high status from which it’s not easy to completely throw them out, or journalists who have had to migrate from MSM to Substack. In a few years nobody will have a honest career anymore, and the old distinguished voices will be gone. A grassroots political movement might be the answer; reading niche publications like the Free Press is soothing but not enough.

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I'm not aware of any on here who are naively optimistic. I'm certainly not and reading the Free Press and other pubs isn't "soothing" but is, instead, like sitting in on an operations brief in a war room.

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Let us not give The Free Press a pass. They, too, can be co-opted by people with hidden agendas

They should have our support as long as they earn our trust.

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Say That again.....😎

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I agree with you-yes they could do this in silence. Is there a follow up plan to check on whether they are actually complying once they have dropped the race requirements?

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I do not know your age but educational institutions are based on post modern philosophy. All studies now except maybe STEM. If you are unfamiliar with it, read up so you will understand what you are facing and how to confront it. That is not how I was taught and I kept wondering WTH??? Having a rudimentary understanding gave me some answers. Post-modern my arse. Might as well call it Back to the Stone Age. Or worse.

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I'm a retired civil engineer. Wokeness has I filtration the humanities courses (24 to 30 hours, depending on the school) in most, if not all, STEM programs. I saw the eesukts before I retired.

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That was my thought, too: what's to prevent these institutions from engaging in these practices under the radar?

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So "Trust but verify" is in order.

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Noticeable delusional thoughts in many younger persons. Cease interacting with them. Losing friends is the cost to sanity

Ask any recovered Addict


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I retired in 2017, pre-Covid. However; I believe that if I were working today, I would face the same situation that you describe. Many of the younger people in the work force were not taught to think critically, but to "get with the program ". This was revealed by "remote learning" during Covid, which many parents discovered actually was remote propagandization

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Many people are merely sheep, willing to do whatever they are told by others is the right way to think and behave. They will do anything to be perceived as "with it". This phenomenon describes why so many are ready to reinstitute segregation in the name of equity...g.

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And of course, they would criticize the Germans who went along with the Nazis. When they are going along with the woke.

As the Roman historian Sallust said, "Most seek not freedom, only a fair master". Unfortunately, masters are subject to Acton's law, power corrupts.

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In ten years, if I require the needs of a doctor, I’m going to be more than hesitant to choose one who is black or Hispanic. Five years ago, race of my health provider would have been nothing but incidental (well you have to be smart to get into med school right?) Instead, I’ll likely question their background; was he a DEI initiative graduate or did he get through on merit.? Well it’s my health and I can’t take the chance that he was pushed through med school because of his ethnicity, so I’m going to select the Indian, Asian or white doctor because given how skewed the admission requirements are against them, they must not only be bright, but likely top of their class. At the end of the day demand for good doctors should correct progressive garbage like this. Someone once commented (I apologize I can’t source it) that professional sports is the last place where meritocracy prevails. How bloody sad.

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023

Professional sports are the only place that meritocracy reigns because 70+ percent of the athletes are black and our DEI proponent friends don’t want to acknowledge that. I’d love to see a lawsuit against professional sports and college teams that discriminate (rightly so) against short Jewish kids and skinny Indian an Asian kids.

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They feel they have to find something, and the best they can do is that there aren't enough black coaches. Very weak especially in the case of the NFL considering the lengths it goes to in seeking black coaches out.

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I will take the same measure but.....you aren't going to be able to look at the pathologist that reads your reports, the radiologist that reads your MRI, or meet the anesthesiologist until you're strapped to the operating table.

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That’s a good point, but I fear it doesn’t go far enough. Because of the DEI initiatives, not only are medical schools admitting less qualified students, but the curriculum also is changing. I suspect overall standards and difficulty of courses will be watered down so that more of these less able students will pass. In addition, valuable teaching time will be allotted to DEI/social justice subjects, decreasing the breadth and depth of actual medical topics covered. This is particularly worrisome as medical knowledge has increased greatly over the past decades but overall time in training has not.

Unfortunately, then, the safest thing to do in the future is to avoid all younger medical practitioners, regardless of race. After all, who wants a doctor who wasted valuable learning time on how to ask for patients’ pronouns?

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May 3, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

You could also add to this list that professors with knowledge and expertise in the fields are getting kicked out of schools for “violating” DEI policies. Watering down the scientific rigor and complexity in instructions with CRT and the rest of nonsense will bring the medical science to a new low level. It is the disappearing of merit in selection of both students and teachers. Expect the worst outcome affecting every single one of us.

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If they are going to pull this nonsense then yes I will use every means at my disposal (and I'm blessed with resources) to ensure quality care. And as horrible as it sounds (God I can't believe I'm even saying this) those docs will not be black/of color (ill go with my fellow Indians. God knows we produce enough doctors lol). What else can I do? This is my health. Myself, my family, my pets.. people I love. We come first.

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This change in curriculum and focus extends post graduation, too. I currently witness first hand how one of the largest pharma companies in the world spends an absurd number of hours discussing DEI. It is literally to the point that they barely do any science anymore.

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This is absolutely happening. Today's med students can tell all about discrimination, the 200 gender types and how the world will end due to climate change. They are creating SJWs, forget treating diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

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It was probably me that said it. I even wrote an article about it:


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Thank you!!!!!!!

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They may not allow you to ask those questions calling them racist or they may not answer them at all. That is what I think will happen as people figure out they can no longer trust any doctor. I will be going to the oldest doctor I can find lol.

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Thank you for saying it! I could not help to think that when I finished the article.

Nowadays, we look at reviews for doctors before making appointments, so there is some help in avoiding the unqualified without only going by race

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My elderly (same age as me) Jewish doctor retired. I now have a tough, no-nonsense woman doctor from Nepal. I don’t worry about her intellect, knowledge or skin color. She’s a fine doctor. The real pity is that - down deep - because of the choices by high schools, colleges, universities and medical schools, I’m questioning the competence of our American minorities. I find my own attitude strange, because my orthopedist and dermatologist are older Black American men. It’s the younger ones that I find myself questioning. I didn’t want this attitude; but, it’s there.

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An excellent point. And one that should eventually reflect on the med schools which value race over merit.

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Unintended consequences. Agreed.

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I was about to post the exact same thing.

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I’ve had those very same thoughts regarding my choice of physicians… but the scary thing is that we can’t know who is piloting our plane or who engineered the bridge we have to cross on our daily commute!

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Unfortunately, ten years from now DEI may have completely dominated the U.S. medical profession, and we may be stuck with universal government run single payer health care without private options, in which case doctors will be assigned to patients based on considerations of equity, diversity, and the perceived needs of society (but not the preferences of the patients themselves). But perhaps it might still be possible to escape this regime by playing medical tourist, assuming one could find some place in the world where health care hasn't yet been taken over by wokesters.

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except unfortunately where males can claim to be trans- women and compete against biological females.

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First, a giant thank you to Dr. Goldfarb for taking this on. I'm truly amazed at how fast this condition (DEI infection) took root. The fear of being called racist, and what I think is the real desire to help these communities has allowed a DEI apparatus to form and take root in nearly no time. I also couldn't help notice the parallel at Penn, where in the name of "inclusion" they have allowed a man to pretend to be female, and ascend to the pinnacle of women's swimming. There is something rotten at the top of these organizations, namely weak leadership without the courage to stand up to a mob.

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As an RN I am profoundly grateful to you Dr Goldfarb for taking up this fight!..my eyes to the corrosion of the medical profession were opened during Covid. Having worked through it and having family members hospitalized because of it I tell everyone I know that never in my life or time as an RN did I see the government tell doctors how they could and could not treat patients! And in many places with the risk of losing a license! This is all government doing..destroying everything they give money to, and therefore can over regulate and control! Keep fighting the good fight!!

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A truism - when you practice "political medicine" you're practicing politics, not medicine.

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As a supporter of Do No Harm since I first learned of its existence a few months after it was launched, and now honored to be regarded as a visiting Fellow of DNH, I agree with Dr. Goldfarb that physicians must be on the front lines in pushing back against illiberal, often explicitly racist, and simply wrong efforts to achieve some misconstrued, ill-defined "equity" to society in general, and medicine specifically. Many physicians are clueless regarding the capture of medicine by radical advocates of critical race theory, which underlies all DEI programs and policies. I only hope it is not too late. After thirty years as a Fellow in good standing of the American College of Surgeons, I was banned for life from engagement with my fellow surgeons on the ACS discussion forums for objecting to the installation of DEI/CRT inititatives in the ACS. My ban was enacted in clear violation of the rules and bylaws of the ACS by a leadership that has been captured by DEI zealots. I am fighting back with a petition for reinstatement of my rights and for the right of all Fellows in the ACS to be allowed open and uncensored discourse on issues such as DEI/CRT. Please read and sign my petition. https://www.change.org/ACS-petition-reinstate-Bosshardt

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Thank you for speaking up. Race and sex discrimination is present in hiring of surgical residents. Now I understand why this is happening.

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Peter, I never in my dreams imagined that one day my induction into the ACS would lead to this. It just shows to what depths our culture and organizations, including the ACS have sunk. That the ACS leadership would cancel a Fellow in good standing, using fabricated reasons and in violation of the ACS bylaws is so outrageous that I would have had difficulty believing this could happen until it happened to me. Please sign and pass on my petition. Thanks! Rick

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Richard, I’d like to talk. Pbilling@transformweightloss.com.

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I will email you my cell phone #. I will be free later this afternoon, say after 3:30 EST and about the same tomorrow. Evenings are OK too. Rick

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Doc, are you suing? Can you? Btw, it’s not just ACS. Our societies in radiology are completely inundated with this stuff. And 90% of the time our patients are in shades of gray…

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BB, I have been working on publicizing my situation so that people will know what is happening behind closed doors in professional organizations like the American College of Surgeons, which have been captured by woke ideologues installing critical race theory in the guise of DEI. I have not ruled out legal action. And, you are right. Most people do not fit neatly into a particular racial group and not everyone thinks only one way because they are of a certain race. A good example is Larry Elder, who loves to refer to himself as the "black face of white supremacy."

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Don't get me started on Barack Obama. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt early on but ultimately hated everything about his Presidency. While Biden is a bumbling fool (and always has been), Obama was sneaky and smart. Obamacare was, and is, a scam and the goal was never the uninsured; it was total Federal control of healthcare. I was always infuriated by his smarmy condescending attitude that he knew best. He was a racist and a globalist, not an American patriot. Say what you will about Trump; he was pro-America and believed in American exceptionalism. Obama did not. I believe if you go far enough down the line of who is controlling Biden, you will find Obama.

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I am in total agreement. Obama is in his third term, so it is imperative to get Biden and Dems out before he gets a fourth term to, as Biden’s new slogan says, “finish the job”. Meaning destroy America as we know it.

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I donated $50 and signed your petition Dr. Bosshart. I saw your comment on donating to Do NO Harm and I will donate to that as well.

Pls ask The Free Press to keep us updated on your case.

I'm very sorry for what has happened to you and what is happening to our nation in general due to this poisonous ideology.

Best of Luck to you!

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Thank you! I believe we are in an ideological battle for the soul of our country. If progressives get their way, the America we know, and our founders intended, will cease to exist.

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I got major pushback when I wrote comments against a DIE committee for the Academy of Family Physicians. Myself and about a half dozen other commenters warned about the association of DIE and CRT to Marxism. Our medical societies are being hijacked, and of course the Academy of Peds and Academy of Psych are all in on Gender Affirming surgeries.

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The ACS is now all in, as evidenced by the willingness of the leadership to install radical changes without any input from the general membership and silence those, like me, who object. That alone gives away the illiberal nature of what they are doing. They seek quotas of underrepresented minorities and simultaneously claim they will not have to lower standards to do this. Gaslighting. My own society, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is almost certainly next. They have already bought in to the gender affirming bullshit without much resistance. The discussion boards on the ASPS web site are still pretty lively with respect to this so there is some hope.

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I’m in for $50. Happy to support your cause.

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Hi Sherry. No donation needed, although my retirement account could use a little boost. If you do want to donate, do this to Do No Harm. All you need to do for me is sign and pass on the petition to as many friends as you can. I am especially looking for physicians and surgeons. Asking them to include MD or MD, FACS after their name if they are in the ACS. Thank you very much! R. Bosshardt

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I also signed the Petition.

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I did donate to Do No Harm. That is what I meant. I have friends in the Medical Community and will pass the Do No Harm info along to them and all my friends. You are doing great work. Thank you.

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Sometimes I feel like that turkey in the 1941 movie, Sargeant York where Alvin York (Gary Cooper) gobbles, the turkey lifts its head and gets it shot off..........

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Is it racism, communism, totalitarianism, or fascism that are destroying the Western meritocracy that has created the best outcomes for humanity this planet has ever seen? Or is it ABSURDISM, a force-fed ideology in which rationality is purged from conventional wisdom? When the solution to race-based hiring is to legally require more race-based hiring, when men can have babies, when gender is a personal choice, when resisting the surgical and chemical mutilation of children is a crime, when teachers decide that drag queens playing dress-up are role models for children, when the world’s elite fly in private jets to berate plebeians over their carbon footprints, when everything that reason, evidence and consistency leads us to is “wrong”, you have the perfect weapon for defeating individual initiative and reasoning because, after all, who wants to always be “wrong”? Absurdism is a cancer eating the soul of reason and enlightened individualism.

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May 3, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

One of the possible answers is that the Western civilization has moved past its peak. It is over the hill and on a decadent stage and is self destructing at an amazing speed. It is on a brink of the fall, and fall it will, just as other great civilizations did. This Substack is simply chronicles of our world sliding down into non-existence. When they find records of our dialogue, they may be amazed at the wonderful and harmonious world we lived in, just as we admire Ancient Greece and Rome.

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It certainly feels that way. Likely the Greeks and Romans were just as smug and complicit in their own downfall and the ruination of their children's futures. The parallels are terrifying.

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If true it is a result of post-modernism.

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See Lysenkoism.

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Another crackpot theory that killed millions. Today we have a pandemic of crackpot theories, including Critical Race Theory, Diversity-Environment-Inclusion, Gender Fluidity, Anthropogenic Climate Change, Pedophilia renamed "Minor-Attracted", progressive Jew-hatred, Woke censorship, mandatory mass vaccination of children against a virus that poses close to zero threat to them, "Gender-Affirming" mutilation of children, math is racist, merit is white supremacy, equality of outcome, and the list goes on. Absurdism has overtaken reality.

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Took me a while to recognize that you are talking about Trofim Lysenko. Didn’t know there was a term. Not many people caused as much harm as him in the history of the world and world science. Millions literally died, but also so many talented Soviet scientists could have made discoveries and benefit the humankind instead of rotting in GULAG. Isn’t t it telling that he is becoming popular again? Looking back at the Soviet history, we thought it’s fanaticism and idiocy would never be repeated. Or should we say Idiocracy? Isn’t it what we are witnessing?

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Thank you for a great comment.

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Look...I haven't ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AGAINST men having babies as long as they want to rear the child to adulthood.

I DON'T WANT to be expected to pay for the medical miracle that gets him there or for the fallout if it when he decides it was a rotten idea!

Edited to correct auto-correct!

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Among all the sober and realistic comments in this thread, this is the first delirious one. What are you smoking?

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Delusional much?

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Thx Sir

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DEI is sabotaging everything it touches. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are false premises...

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DEI is the gateway to mediocrity.

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For all the other culture war content that gets spread about, I think the average person still vastly underestimates the impact of it on medicine. If you are a physician who needs to be employed to practice (as many do), you have to do whatever your employer says. If your licensing board or specialty certifying board imposes requirements, you can't get out of them. If CMS or the Joint Comission imposes requirements, you have to meet them. It isn't a question of what your average doctor thinks. All of them can be brought in line forcibly, by many different methods.

But as to what the average doctor thinks, understand that medicine requires many years of education and training. The people who write for the NYT or who run censorship operations at Twitter or who staff Title IX offices, by and large are not old enough to be attending physicians. When that generation takes over the medical profession, the real effects of its miseducation will become apparent, and they will dwarf any sort of "institutional rot" that has happened thusfar.

And if you are a patient who goes into the emergency room, you can't pick another doctor.

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Yeah. It’s insane. I am an NP and I sat and listened to privileged doctors in training talk about how bad they have it. These are people at a prestigious institution- meaning they should be educated and intelligent. And everything they said was lines from the indoctrination playbook. There was no critical thinking or debate.. it’s all “truths” that they hear. Medical doctors are trained to think critically and do their own research before opening their mouth. We are a Society of victims... The Dems read the playbook on mass movements... I am reading “The True Believer” right now to understand all this more bc it just gets more shocking each day

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Doctors are highly credentialed; there's a lot of opportunity for bad education to sink in without countervailing experiences. It's very hierarchical; when someone of a higher level than you tells you something, you go along with it. It's very insular; doctors generally don't spend a ton of time talking with people outside of medicine.

The downstream effects haven't fully hit yet, but this is way worse than some newspaper going "woke".

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Yes. 100%. We (my physician and Nurse, PA, NP colleagues) often talk about how many doctors maturity is also stunted because they are studying and doing intensive medical residency and fellowship all through their 20-30s and aren’t getting a lot of “normal” life experience through jobs, travel, socializing, etc. Surrounded by the same type of people.

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They’re stuck in group think. If they waver, whac-a-mole hits them. Institutional control hinders ingenuity and entrepreneurship. Many physicians are afraid to deviate from protocols. They forget medicine is a practice and there are many ways to treat diseases. When it comes to woke ideology, many fear losing their employment if they speak against it.

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Yes. I agree. I felt it too. I worked in the Bay Area at a prestigious institution. I have since moved. It was crazy. Doctors cried on the job when trump got elected. Then for the last election attending physicians brought cupcakes that had blue frosting and donkeys on them- as if we all agreed politically. But I agree with you.. I know this is the case. I fortunately was able to leave for a few years to take care of my kids. Happy to not be a part of medicine right now. Learning more watching from the outside and reading/ hearing multiple views of the world.

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Another great review of todays Mess and the Upcoming catastrophes

Push back Now!

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You're right, I'll mitigate the risks as best I can but yes u can't control all of them.

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DEI practices are profoundly ignorant of cause and effect. Sorry to say, when I see a DEI badge on an email signature my first thought is: LOW IQ. LOW IQ narcissists are pushing this. It's all about how "good" the narcissists are, and not about truly helping PWAW -- the acronym I'd like to get going for People Who Aren't White.

The only way to help a certain faction of PWAW is to hold them to the same standards as everyone else. Why, you might ask? Because when you put a certain faction of PWAW into positions that require exactness, discipline, and cause and effect thinking, and they're not up to par with these traits, they destroy everything they touch, which perpetuates the very racism the "good" aim to cure.

Or DO they? Narcissists will often effect situations designed to convince their prey that there's something wrong with them. So when they make doctors of the ineligible to be doctors, they are encouraging them to fail. And by nurturing failure, the narcissist white people behind this juggernaut will remain pleased with themselves. After all, they need to be superior, and they need PWAW to be dependent on their "goodwill."

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Don't you find it hilarious that the hated "colored people" of Jim Crow days has morphed into "people of color" or more laughably POC or BIPOC? Sort of like a snake eating its tail?

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After BIPOC, next up is URM: "underrepresented minority". They're lumping together Whites and Asians now.


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Sorry about that.......

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"People of color".......Bruce, also look at what Harvard was doing to the poor yellow people (yellow is still a color, isn't it?).....thankfully SCOTUS has fixed that.

I notice Democrats are the only people who smugly and with self congratulation utter the phrase "brown people" with not an ounce of self-awareness or sense of irony.

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"People of color" good, "colored people" bad.

How comically Orwellian do our leftist friends have to become before we demand they don foolscaps and grimace and parade like monkeys? Oh, forgot they're there already.

Happy Fourth, George.

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Same to you brother.

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I suspect that you are right about the architects of these policies knowing what the end result will be. As always, activists who thrive on other people's suffering MUST make sure that suffering is never actually alleviated. Solving the problem would put them out of a job.

Why else would every Democrat effort to "help" black people actually make their situation worse? Johnson's War on Poverty is directly responsible for the disintegration of black families, with all its attendant ills, by encouraging black women to raise children in government-supported poverty WITHOUT fathers in the picture, generation after generation.

It's all about power and control. The Democrats didn't change their minds in the 1960s; they only changed their tactics. Scratch a Leftist and you find a racist.

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Great example. Destruction of the black family is the #1 construct of much suffering!

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Exactly. The goal of any civil rights movement or organization should be to shut itself down someday. In this light, viewing the current landscape tells you everything you need to know.

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The terrible thing about DEI programs in medicine is that they perpetuate stereotypes. If you knew that admissions to all medical schools was color-blind, would you have any concerns that a medical specialist assigned to your care was from a minority group? No. Everyone had to meet the same tough standards to get in and earn the MD after their name.

On the other hand, if you know that your specialist got in to medical school only because of lowered standards for minority candidates, you might be very concerned. And rightfully so.

Work on improving elementary and high school education for disadvantaged kids so that they can get into medical school on merit! Lowering standards is pernicious and will lead to more senseless deaths and bad medical outcomes.

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Correct. It is impossible for Equity to produce excellence. It must lower the standards to achieve it's aim, and therefore is destructive of everything it corrupts.

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I’m a PENN med graduate who also completed a residency and fellowship there, a total of ten years! I was well trained, and the near absolute meritocracy of the institution was legendary. We had many minority and women faculty, trainees, and professors. Not enough in the surgical specialties but that was not due to any institutional prejudices.

The institution Dr. Goldfarb describes now is foreign to my experience, and saddens me tremendously.

They just got hit with a $183 million verdict in a “bad baby” case. Maybe that’s what it will take, if indeed that case revolves around incompetent physician care, to move the needle back toward educating excellence and advancing merit over some social ideal that doesn’t exist in human disease and injury.

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"Call out discrimination done in the name of 'equity' and 'anti-racism.' Recognize that the majority of your peers may share your views, even if they stay quiet."

And, my friends, isn't it also time to call out silence in the face of insanity and true racism for what it is - cowardice? Do not stay silent. We are losing our nation and our society to madness. This is a leftist plot, the purpose of which is not to make America a just place, but to weaken America. To divide us and foment race hatred. The people behind it hate our nation. Treat them like the enemy they are.

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Bruce, I submit that silence by the medical practitioners as the COVID pandemic and the public health establishment rolled out encouraged many of our fellow citizens to lose respect for the medical profession. There has been much overblown criticism of the pharmaceutical companies and the mRNA vaccines but, for sure, the vaccines have become progressively less effective even as governmental and corporate demands for widespread administration doubled down. There is no excuse for not being engaged in the many issues that involve our practice and our so-called representative organizations like the AMA and the AAP.

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Liberals are directly responsible and should be openly mocked.

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Yes! Push back however, often!

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as the other commenter highlighted, eliminating discriminatory policies won't necessary lead to actual elimination of discrimination. The way to achieve your goal would be to demand full and extreme transparency of the execution of such policies. Just like discrimination against minorities is hidden in black boxes, so is discrimination against others.

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023

Funny you should say that. Over forty years ago, the affirmative action push delivered to my medical school one Dr. M.A., alleged nephrologist and kidney transplant surgeon. In those days we were still learning about transplantation, rejection, and anti-rejection drugs, but kidney transplants had become fairly commonplace. Dr. A., who was black, was the proud graduate of an HBCU - historically black college/university medical school/residency, and seemed to be a pleasant-enough fellow.

The problem was that as time wore on, this transplant specialist's success rate with transplanted kidney's "taking" approached zero. His patients went to ICU after surgery and received close monitoring but always seemed to have stormy courses terminating with the loss of the kidney - and sometimes the patient themselves. As a third-year medical student, I just put it down to the difficulty of the process.

Then the Good Doctor undertook to teach a short class in "Fluid Balance and Acid-Base Chemistry." I signed up immediately, but was disappointed. His lectures seemed confused, disorganized, which I attributed to my being a green medical student, but over time it became very clear that he didn't fully understand the fundamentals of renal physiology - how the kidney regulates blood pressure, the body's pH, or regulation of body chemistry. In short, he didn't know enough basic science to do his job.

Ditching merit for some naive SJW goal is a loss for everybody - for those competing, those who receive services of SJW graduates, and the competitors themselves - put into jobs they plainly cannot do, only to suffer lifelong as the frauds they know they are. It's time - well past time - to fight back. I'm applying for admission in Do No Harm. Today.

addendum: done.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

That is a shocking tale. In a country that is not the US, I am aware of similar cases.

Such as a surgeon (neither white nor male) requiring assistance/supervision from senior colleagues more than 10 years post-certification. And the patients have NO idea this is required.

That this is known and tolerated is a disgrace.

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