I will ask again: why are you rooting for Joe Biden? In my own view, none of these polls are honest, but if they WERE: why? He plainly doesn't know what day it is or where he is. He makes no decision. The evidence is strong and growing that he has taken bribes from Ukraine--to which he has diverted a hundred BILLION dollars or more on a war that could have been prevented at the outset, and ended again over a year ago. He takes bribes from China, which is a global rival with whom war is conceivable and on some accounts even likely.

Our border is open to every terrorist and member of every foreign military on the planet. If China wanted to attack us, they could have armed battalions on the ground all over our nation, ready to enact a detailed plan instantly. So could Iran. How is that possible? How does anyone support a President who has ordered our Border Patrol not to enforce our laws?

And I don't think any morally sane person can watch the videos of Joe Biden creeping on little girls and not get a little sick, particularly knowing that he took showers with his eight year old daughter.

Where are your standards? What can you honestly say you stand for? Working class Americans? Working class black Americans? Not if you are adding ten million competitors for jobs and social services.

Global warming? Global Warming is a bad joke that all people with integrity and actually effective educations figured out years ago is as fraudulent as COVID. It's a scheme for money and power. It has no scientific validity of any sort, and this has been obvious for at least 15-20 years.

Who all of you were when you were young was understandable: you were naive, gullible, idealistic, and surrounded by indoctrinators and indoctrination. But you are ten years or more down the road. Is it not time for you to wake up?

Trump is probably not the genius he says he is, but he is really smart. He is not a rapist--that would be Bill Clinton and Joe Biden--and his chief qualification is that he actually wants rank and file, normal, non-monied, non-elite Americans to succeed.

Who, nowadays, is a Democrat when you know it is the party of the arrogant rich elites, who don't give a damn about most of us?

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Remember, if it were discovered that Joe had dead bodies of children in his basement, he would still be preferable over Trump. This is the unthinking, uncritical insanity of the left.

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I got this from a friend:

"That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”

I simply reply, “I'm not voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement 401K and the stock market.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over again to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration.

I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.

I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.

I’m voting for continued peace progress in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.

What are you voting for?"

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That’s right. Voting for sensible policy choices rather than any particular flawed human being.

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Jeepers, that’s a lot to be voting FOR - no pressure.

Can’t I just say I’m voting AGAINST 💩 💩 head?

😉 I’m really voting FOR President Trump and your list 😉

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Just did a screenshot of this response- LP, tell your "friend" , THANKS!!

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How is that possible? I have spent close to two decades trying to fathom it, since waking up from being a moderate Democrat, which was actually reasonably defensible in the post-Clinton era.

We have literally entered schizophrenia grade delusions and hallucinations. Who is being helped by this psychosis? What nameable human good is being furthered? The groups they claim to be helping keep getting smaller and smaller, all while the groups they are hurting grow to include substantially every American making less than $250,000 a year.

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There are none so blind as those who will not see. Two of my three sisters and one of my three golfing buddies is pro-Biden. I can't fathom.

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Well, you're stuck with your sisters, but it shouldn't be too tough to replace a golfing buddy.

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Not after 40 years. He's a good friend. I forgive him his ignorance with respect to politics.

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In retrospect considering what the Democrat Party has become, Bill Clinton wasn't too bad a President. (He's a horndog, sexual harasser and maybe a rapist, but he didn't sniff little girls or shower with his daughter, and anyway I'm talking about his presidency.) He passed welfare reform and a strong crime bill. With a GOP Congress, he balanced the budget. Inflation was under 2%, we had borders, he supported Israel, and he didn't advocate mutilating children.

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Agreed. He would be a huge improvement right now. But not Hillary. He is a LOT smarter than Hillary, and strange as it is to say—since I do think he is a rapist—more honest.

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If Hunter were Trump's loser kid, the left and their minions on the press would be all over it like flies on cow flop.


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Insanity on the left is nothing new. I should add arrogant insanity. They are nutz and proud of it

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"If we...."

It's always "if we" with you people, isn't it?

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Would a Weimar liberal with dead bodies in his basement have been preferable to HItler?

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I guess you think so. I would pick NEITHER.

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I am going to append a story from George Faludy from his memoir "My Happy Days In Hell". He commented in passing at one point that nobody he knew who studied Latin ever became, or at least remained, a Communist. He said there was something about the rigorous logic of that language, how everything had to come together to work, that made the lies of Communism simply impossible to accept.

If you want to understand Communism from the inside, the second half of that book is a good resource. It is the worst person in your school, the dumb one everyone hated, being given the power of life and death over EVERYONE. That is Communism in a nutshell. Like Nazism and Fascism it appeals to the ignorant and unintelligent sadists in every society for a reason. They get the chance to get even with the world. That is, at root, all Communism is: a means for venting viciousness.

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The ideology of envy.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Those who grew up with Latin (amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant) will understand. Those who didn't, won't, cetaris paribus.

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I often wondered how Roman children ever learned to speak correctly.

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Languages are not difficult when you learn them from the cradle. Skilled use of language is something else again, which is why grammar (along with logic and rhetoric) were the first subjects Roman boys learned (yeah, Roman society was a patriarchy in ways that should make feminists ashamed to use the word about modern society).

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No argument re: "common" usage; in which I suspect much could get by naturally. I suppose that I should have said "write" rather than "speak."

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No one learns to write without education.

But notice that the ability to speak (and write) well, using logic and persuasion, was the most important thing to Romans in educating their sons.

FWIW, there are languages that are far, far harder than Latin. English really made things easy for the common speaker by dropping cases. The only hard parts of spoken English are irregular verbs (holdovers from the Germanic Old English) and the plethora of tenses that we have at our disposal. And of course English spelling is a complete mess.

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Then you need to be reincarnated as a Roman boy.

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When people choose stupid over free thought; there is nothing you can do. They are like the walking dead. When the system falls further apart and everyday life is a struggle, it will still be somebody else's fault. Seriously, you can not fix STUPID!

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"Why are you rooting for Joe Biden?"

Your question is not directed at me and I'm most definitely not rooting for him. But i can answer your question about the polls. They are real. Most libs think Republicans are evil. Nothing you pointed out matters. Republicans in their minds are always racist. That's their original sin. Second, they're against abortion rights (ie no abortions allowed at all) and want women back in the kitchen, even if women must die, they won't care. Thirdly, Trump! Trump wants to end Democracy. He's a dictator!

Yes, the honestly, truly, believe all of these.

Yes, you can blame them for being ignorant and won't read or think for themselves and I agree. But I've said before the GOP and conservatives have to share some blame for this too, but they won't listen either. Reasoning like you did in your comment doesn't change minds it never does and that goes both ways. Pointing fingers most certainly never change any mind but that's the only thing conservatives are happy doing including the ones commenting here. Saying "I told you so" and "it's your fault" does not win votes or win people over.

Conservatives don't speak to the disillusioned liberals or even those who left the Dems to make a case on issues the disillusioned libs care about. They don't ever defend themselves when Dems accuse them of being racist or sexist, or make a case why it's not true. They then laugh when Trump makes crass jokes that sound racist or sexist, and that confirms what the liberals even the ones who don't want Biden believes about conservatives and Trumpers. They're happy just playing to their base. They are just as vindictive even against their own who they deem RINOs, so they would disdain anyone who don't come crawling to them too. That's why the disillusioned libs stay voting for Biden, who what they see as the lesser of two evils.

So I'd turn around and ask, why can't you understand that?

For the record, I'm not defending the liberals. I truly hate their politics to my bones at this point. My comment isn't how I think either, I'm just telling you what they think.

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In my own mind, they suffer from clinical delusions. What in your estimation could ANYONE say that would make a difference? If the sky was on fire and the streets running with molten asphalt, and they would still be blaming Trump, what could any honest and decent human being say or do to bring them back to sanity? I'm open to ideas, because other than speaking the truth clearly and regularly I have none.

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That's the thing--one of the reasons Conservatives don't speak up is because there's absolutely no point. As a moderate, I speak up only to offer a dissenting voice to delusional Leftists, in case someone who is unsure about Leftists is listening. But I never for a moment expect any Leftist to listen to anything that doesn't reinforce their ideology.

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The Trump part I agree is lost cause, but the demonization of conservatives preceded that and conservatives never fought back against it. Often they silently condone the worst fringes on their side, so that's what I'm talking about. To start they can come up with a message, any message at all in fact, on why they are the party that lifts up minorities, and why Dems are the real racist ones by being racialists and their racism of low expectations. They need to do a lot more outreach to minorities and amplify messages of the likes of Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, and Coleman Hughes. The Dems have blacks in their bags from over 50 years of investing in speaking to them. Why conservatives think they can win minorities votes without doing the same is beyond me. I'm not talking about playing the race card. I'm talking about outreach. They do that with their base demographics, so why can't they do the same with minorities? They ceded the minority votes long ago to the Dems, perhaps due to racism in a different era. But now they still cede them for no reason but it being too much work, or some dumb idea of not playing the race card.

And the they let the most extremes of their anti-abortion fraction run the show. I get it that some of you are anti-abortion as a matter of morality but as long as your sympathy lies with your extreme fraction over women who want choice, Republicans will continue to be seen as anti-women. We can debate and reason whether this is true or not but the perception of conservatives and Republicans as anti-women won't change.

Both of these issues are at the top for liberals, even disillusioned ones. They prioritize these over all the other issues you brought up. They're also highly emotionally charged so reasons won't win over hearts. That's why they still vote Biden. You can disagree with their priorities but it is what it is. The question for Republicans is whether they want to be right or win votes beyond their base.

There's no correct answer. Just an answer of what the party wants to do.

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I think a lot of urban blacks are seeing the Democrats prioritizing illegal aliens over them. That is a huge problem for them, and likely to lead to very large shifts in very short order.

Historically, the way I would put it is that Republicans have not pandered to the black vote. We have not promised, each and every election cycle, something like a winning lottery ticket and a relaxed float on Easy River. Why? We are not LIARS. We have standards. We promise--and of course I am speaking very generally and in full awareness there are a lot of crooked Republicans--what is possible. Less spending. More freedom. Lower taxes. Those sorts of things.

Republican policies help everyone. They help black people too. Black neighborhoods, when Trump was President, were doing as well as they have ever done. Labor participation rates were at record highs and businesses were opening right and left. Then COVID was engineered, and Trump got out-maneuvered by people in his own administration. But I think his logic was sound: win the election, which he did, and then sort it out. I don't think any of us ever thought that much cheating was possible; or that the American people in general would be stupid enough to buy all the BS the Democrats peddled about the election, or about Jan. 6th. But they were.

At the end of the day, it's always possible to improve messaging, but you can't fix stupid.

And as far as abortion, Trump has already said that a moderate position will be a key element in his campaign. He has rejected both Tim Scott and Kristi Noem for being too hard-line. He is going to campaign on a 14 week nationwide ban, which is pretty damn reasonable.

What you are in the end asking is why we have not dealt better with inveterate and talented liars. The short answer is that it is hard to fight people who can make the truth appear to be anything they want it to be and get away with it, over and over, over long periods of time, without consequence.

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To your points about blacks and minorities, great. Don't tell me, I'm not black for one and for two you're preaching to the choir. Now take that message and go blast it to the blacks and minorities. Have conservatives done that? No. Even you here already gave up with, oh well the Dems are better liars so it's futile. If conservatives won't do the hard work to win over minds even when things are this bad with Biden, and they're just going to say oh well the Dems are better at it, then perhaps the Dems deserve to win, since "they're better at it."

But no. They're better at it is only half the story. People here are always saying "they voted for this" to Californians and blue states. Do you ever look at the ballots for local races in blue states? Often the lower offices, like the races for AGs for example, the D candidates run unopposed. Republicans don't even run any candidates. Dems win those lower offices by default. I heard AOC is running unopposed in the next election. So who are the Dems stuck in liberal places supposed to vote for when there's no R candidate on the ballot? Occasionally someone will enter the race as "R" but inevitably they're absolute whack jobs and loons. I know because I really really tried not too long ago. I wanted to kick the D Senator out of my state. But the person running on the R ticket literally sounded crazy on her website. Clearly it wasn't someone backed by the GOP. Last year I heard a podcast episode interviewing a black woman who ran as a Republican. She was exactly the kind of good candidate the GOP would want. She explained how financially costly it was to even get her name onto the local county ballots. But the GOP gave her no money support. She wasn't complaining BTW, she didn't complain at all. She was very positive and explained it's just the GOP philosophy that entry level candidates need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. She was a single mother too, and even though she lost, she said with hard work she and her campaign did raised fund and won 40% of the votes, which was an amazing feat in her very blue district. She said this shows the blue voters could be won over. A few weeks ago on another podcast I heard about another local level politician who entered politics as a Republican, but changed to D not because of philosophy, but because he realized that in his blue state (forgot if NY or CA), he would never get anywhere without being a Democrat. So as an aspiring politician from his state, he switched party, hoping he could go from there as a moderate D.

The system is rigged, and I'm not even talking about interfering with elections. The two parties have over the years ceded regions and territories to each other by combination of gerrymandering and giving up. They're basically running the government like criminal gangs, with an unwritten agreement to territorial lines. That's why disillusioned voters never really hear the other side. The other side don't put in the work to reach them. And when some outlier disillusioned voters do see through the blinders, often they have no real choices to vote for. At least not on the local levels anyway.

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deletedMar 25·edited Mar 25
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This current system of cultural power--a really strong one--has a vested interest in not letting anyone get into power who can take it down. That includes Trump and RFK. Follow the money.

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"They suffer from clinical delusions..."

The "Ukraine-Biden Crime Family" and "QAnon" crowd has spoken.

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Respectfully ( and fondly because I know you do not embrace those values) you are defending those who identify as liberals but are just Democrats. You start out talking about their false beliefs about conservatives (Republicans) and then blame Republicans for not defending themselves better. I tried. It got me nowhere. In part because the folks who preach nuance and context are receptive to neither. Abortion is a classic example. The accepted dogma is that Republicans oppose abortion. But everybody, every Republican at least knows that is not true, and no Democrat will hear it because that flies in the face of what the Democrats are selling so it gains no traction. And all of it flies in the face of the FA T that because of Congressional malfeasance there is NO FEDERAL ABORTION law for a President, any President, to enforce. But JB said in his campaign speech at the State of the Union that the Supreme Court was about to see the power of women. It is so incredibly, incredibly stupid if true. It is a flagrant appeal to emotion. And emotional people do not make good decisions. So now I am in the Ron White You Can't Fix Stupid section. Nor will I waste my resources trying. I have one vote. I will use it to vote against all.of the things Unsaint Finbar describes so eloquently. I hope y'all do the same.

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Man, I really don't have time to get into the weeds on abortion this morning. But I'll try only because you're worth it but please know I'm typing quickly and might not be covering all my thoughts.

Also, I think the issue of race is very different and I definitely think black and minority voters are ripe for the taking if conservatives do a better job communicating. And I'll point out here I wasn't "blaming Republicans" as in they're entirely at fault. I said they share the blame. And I say this often only because I desperately wish they would do better so the Dems won't be able to continue taking us over the cliff. I don't say this because I hate Republicans generally.

As for talking to Democrats about abortion, I don't think all of them are unpersuadable. Whatever else faults Nikki Haley has, her message on abortion did persuaded some Democrats. During the primaries I saw many disillusioned Democratic women who said they would vote for her. Of course the reason is also she's not Trump. But these are Democrats who also would not have voted for Bush II either. I don't doubt that you have talked to many who are in fact hopeless, but IME it wasn't the case. It is still not the case now that Trump is the nominee. I have seen even radical feminists who are dead set on not voting Biden for many issues from DEI, immigration, but most importantly, the crazy trans issue destroying women's rights. There are many women who are not ok with that and they do know what you said about abortion rights, that it's not the president who gets to decide state rights. Not all of them can bring themselves to hold their noses and vote Trump, but many are going to sit out the election, vote third party, or write in protest votes. That is not going to help Biden. I think you are talking to the ones who are unpersuadable, but I see the discourse within Democratic spaces where those voices are silenced by the Dems, and the Republican side don't want or care to give them credit or recognition either. You have to go to where they talk to see the seething anger.

On the issue of abortion itself, you know I'm pro-choice. I'll tell you even so, I have always always found both parties' leading advocates to be dishonest when they talk about this issue. They're so fixated on pushing for the maximum they want that they're never willing to discuss anything beyond the far sides they want to talk about. I think if someone would finally for once say what they won't say, it would really resonate with a majority of people because it would be so wildly authentic. So what aren't they talking about? Real life experiences of how people are navigating life. The Democrats would have us believe women are still living in the 50s and 60s, and conservatives want women to go back to the 50s and 60s. Some fringes probably do but it's not true. Nobody says out loud that women today have a lot more financial independence, that extra-marital sex no longer carries the same stigma, and pregnancies out of wedlock no longer carries the same stigma, and birth controls are widely available. So abortion rates should go down. But it's not enough to just then indict women as being solely irresponsible if they get pregnant. The talk needs to extend to how unwanted pregnancies are not good for women's mental health. That women, especially young women, are better than getting impregnated by men who aren't worthy of them in the first place. And casual sex combined with carelessness is bad for women not because it's "immoral", but because ultimately it's painful and hurtful to women who go through these bad hookups that only benefit men. There are some GenZ women who are now questioning the drawbacks of the sexual revolution, like Mary Harrington and Louse Perry. I don't agree with them as someone from an older generation who know the value of the hard-won right to birth controls and freedom to enjoy (responsible) premarital sex without stigma, but I also recognize this is something their generation needs to question and sort out for themselves because they're now dealing with a different dating landscape and men than I was dealing with. Whereas in my generation girls and young women were given bad reps for being "loose", GenZ girls and women now get a bad rep if they don't, like, have sex on the first date. Even worse, they feel they must give out to men they barely know and this generation of men are all raised with sex-ed by violent porn. After all that, if they got pregnant due to accident, pressure, inexperience, irresponsibility, or some asshole slipping off the condom by stealth--whatever you name it, well ok now abortion is the solution. The honest talk needs to go into society caring about girls and young women, letting them know they're valued and worthy and the current way of dating and sex needs to change. The Dems won't talk about any of it. It's all about rights. Republicans won't talk about any of it either. It's all about "but the life of the unborn!". Sorry, but the right of the unborn is not the message that will change their minds. I know that upsets a lot of people here but it is what it is. But a different way of talking about women than the Democrats, one that will get women to listen because it goes to what's hurting them, might.

Check out Mary Harrington and Louse Perry if you haven't already. I think they're both on Substack. Also Freya India. She's Brit so she's not talking about abortion, but she reveals a lot of what GenZ women are experiencing and care about. If Republicans want to reach women, they can start there. These young women have already amassed a huge following. (Louise Perry was one of the guest in Bari's first frou frou live event on women's rights.)

Then again, my observation is Republicans, ie the politicians and media talking heads, aren't interested.

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"It is the worst person in your school, the dumb one everyone hated, being given the power of life and death over EVERYONE. That is Communism in a nutshell. Like Nazism and Fascism it appeals to the ignorant and unintelligent sadists in every society for a reason." I read this somewhere.

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Maybe I did too. Unintentional plagiarism is always a potential problem for people who have read a lot.

But it's true. That is the main point.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

It was you

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It's certainly an argument I have used often.

What is amazing about all the Collectivisms is the overall level of intellectual mediocrity. The dumbness. The stupidity. They are very good at manipulating people. They are very practiced at lying, and subverting and destroying. But at the end of the day, there is nothing left. There is no end game. None of it is for anything. Nothing is built. Everyone who survives is an amoral bully and uncreative imbecile.

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It is truly stunning! All of it serves to destroy itself and everything it touches. When you can't do...take down the ones who can. Mediocrity is an understatement!

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Right. This system is "eating its young"--which will bring it down eventually.

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You wrote that in an earlier post in this thread. She quoted you verbatim. An hour later and you can't remember you did it. You drunken old fool.

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He's an alcoholic. He can't remember from one minute to the next what he's said or to whom. You correctly quoted verbatim what he wrote several posts earlier in this thread and now he can't remember doing it and thinks he read it somewhere. Even when you agree with him, he's pathetic.

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And you are a dog with a bone.

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I don't really understand your reply to me.

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IOW They don't think -- They feel.

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Yes but I'm going to be fair there. That's how a majority of people vote, left or right. A lot of support for Trump is also because his fans love him. Also historically people often vote because of name recognition, not a deep dive into issues. Most people don't have the time to look deeply into candidates. Many are also not deeply interested in politics.

That said, given how bad things are, I think more people should start thinking instead of feeling. So you're right on that.

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I am surprised this post by QX didn’t get more replies as it lays out perfectly why this election isn’t a runaway for Trump. Trump and his base would rather “own the libs” than win just like in 2020. The failure to reach out to those without the full MAGA ideology is going to cost Trump again - and even if he does win he is doing so much damage to the Republican Party that he will have a Congress he can’t work with when with a just a little political common sense he could have both houses of Congress and the WH.

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I am in the Trump.base. "Own the libs" is a Democrat/Progressive talking point/strategy. It has nothing to do with why I, or anyone I know, will vote Trump. I will vote for policies, not personality.

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I think this is because of Trump's Achilles' heel, his narcissism. He loves the attention of an adoring crowd, so he prattles to them to feed his ego. He is much more balanced in a Town Hall and in personal interviews. I found that his actions are in line with what he says in a formal interview environment.

He would be wise to lay off the rallys and focus on interviews, but I'm not sure his ego can handle the lack of cheers from his adoring supporters.

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deletedMar 25
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Visiting areas with a lot of minorities would be a start. When Hillary began her campaign for the NY senate, she did a "listening tour". Yes, it was a political ploy. But it worked. Yes, there would be a lot of skeptics at first, and Dems would have a field day and most libs will think Republicans are insincere. And I'm not even suggesting Republicans should do something as campy as a "listening tour". But they could start by inviting blacks to talk about issues that matter to them, and then offer why the conservative way is actually the way to help them succeed. BTW, it's not even a narrative. In terms of meritocracy and economics, the conservative path in fact is the way that can help them get ahead. But Republicans simply do not make the case. They really don't on the establishment or media level. And the Dems' so-called support for minorities is a freakin scam. There are so many ways the GOP can take them down for their scam if they want, but the GOP never does. Now, decades after the Civil Rights movement and with DEI, the scam is ever more obvious and the Dems' scam is ever more hollow. In fact it's so easy to expose them as real bigots and racists. Yet we don't hear conservatives talk about it. Conservatives are so stupid about this issue, they don't even know how to take the ball and run with it when the ball's been handed to them on a silver platter.

Trump kind of touches on it, which to his credit is more than what the GOP establishment has ever done. That's why some black voters have been swinging to him. But it's not enough. He's an excellent communicator in some ways to the white working class. But he doesn't really speak to minorities and his way of communicating isn't a winning strategy to that demographics the way it is to white rural and working class voters. Maybe he can pick a VP running mate who can do that. I'm not seeing anyone on the horizon though. No Tim Scott hasn't resonated. Having heard him speak during the primaries, I don't think he's a great communicator either.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

I think Dr. Ben Carson has been a very good surrogate and well spoken.

I would like to hear more from VA Lt Governor Winsome Sears.

More from FL Rep Byron Donalds ........ etc.

And, whatever happened to Alan West ?

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Ben Carson has been so wrongly demonize. TBF he wasn't the best politician and sometimes said things that was easily taken out of context, but that man is crazy smart as a brain surgeon. And he wasn't a loon. I don't know much about Winsome Sears and would like to hear more from her too. But the Dems already casted her as crazy because she's a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment and gun rights. Don't know much about Byron Donalds. He's not that experienced yet. Not sure where Alan West went. Got old maybe?

I thin the change will start not with the politicians though, but younger black thinkers. Aside from McWhorter and Coleman Hughes, I've been seeing some on Substack and started following them because it's quite interesting to see what they're saying.

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deletedMar 25·edited Mar 25
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I'm not going to pretend I know whether going into minority areas will work or not since I'm not a political strategist. But I did read an article not too long ago where the reporter went into black communities and found that most of them actually don't vote because they know the Dems don't actually care about them either. They stopped paying attention to elections. I would say further my observation is the Dems don't actually go to their areas much either except around election times. They mostly take their votes for granted because they think, "where else are you all going to go?"

You do hit the nail on the head though. I don't mean Republicans should go there and talk ideology either. They should talk about bread and butter issues. But the important thing to start would be someone even going there and sincerely talking to them. No one is doing that. People feel unheard and ignored.

It's more than just working class issues IMO. Republicans can point to how decades of Democratic policies have failed them, and their policies though benevolent on their faces, in fact keep them down. Point to real stats of Democratic policy failures, and why conservative policies and principles actually will actually lift all people up. None of this is new and I'm not the smart person who thought of these. Thomas Sewell have been saying what needs to be said for years. The boomer and GenX generations of blacks weren't ready to hear it because they still bore the history and memory of the Civil rights movement and even segregation. But the later Millennials and GenZs have no memory of that. It's why they're not as loyal to the Dems, and why slowly some are moving away. I don't think the Republicans are capitalizing on the change nearly enough.

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Last night I watched (fell asleep too) John Oliver. He did a bit on Mark Robinson, the first black Lieutenant Governor of NC. The first part aired a clip of Trump comparing Robinson to MLK Jr. Oliver then called Trump's comments racist (they weren't), and then proceeded to demean Robinson in a clip of him speaking at a black church. The congregation was clearly supporting Robinson. Somehow, it's racist for Trump to compliment Robinson (granted, it was odd), but not racist for Oliver to demean an entire congregation of black churchgoers. The hypocrisy is insane.

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The Dems have always done that. They've been doing that since Clarence Thomas. But it's not a good reason for Republicans to throw up their hands and throw in the towels. Eventually this tactic will fail. More black men from the younger generation are bucking their narrative. And they're articulate and intelligent, and "normal". Guys like John McWhorter and Coleman Hughes are eventually going to break through and blacks will start listening to them over douchebags like Oliver. It'll be harder and harder for the likes to Olivers to brand these younger black men who are absolutely normal as "crazies".

The shame is the Republicans are so slow to capitalize on Democratic racism and call it out. They had a good chance when Biden was looking for his VP. 50, 60 years since the Civil Rights movement and so-called Democratic support of blacks. They've had half a century to support blacks and black women. They should've had their pick with a line of black women to choose from. The anemic choices exposed how hollow their promises are. They never did give black women chances to advance. It was all lies. But the Republicans totally missed that. And conservatives were too busy having a ball decrying affirmative appointment. What they should've done was call out the Dems for how much everything they say were and are lies. They've done no better than Republicans when it comes to advancing black women.

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You watch that pos??

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I think it's important to listen to people you generally disagree with.

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That sounds like mental torture to me. I'd be throwing the remote through the TV. It could get very expensive.

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Well, I usually fall asleep... Occasionally, he is funny and does stories that are less political. An episode about the Dollar Store comes to mind.

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I like how no MAGAs think Democrats are evil and/or racist.

This discussion board is clear evidence of that.

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"If China wanted to attack us, they could have armed battalions on the ground all over our nation, ready to enact a detailed plan instantly. "

China doesn't need to attack us. Our politicians are destroying our country quite nicely for them.

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Although I too am concerned about Joe Biden's mental acuity (which is STILL better than Trump's), my main reason for not wanting to vote for Biden is because he values men's rights over women's rights with the transies. Trans rights are men's rights. Trump *doesn't* support them but he's too stupid and criminal to vote for. Maybe I'll write in Lyndon LaRouche. A dead crazy is better than a live crazy.

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It would be interesting to explore a world where Joe Biden is smarter than Donald Trump. I suppose it would be like finding an attic from the 1700's, filled with all sorts of strange things I had not even imagined existed, covered in dust, and not thought of by anyone for a long, long time.

But yeah, I'm going to go with the guy who knows which way to walk on the stage, can speak coherently without a teleprompter, and who spent his life transacting difficult deals in a very hostile market.

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Neither will I, nor will I vote for a guy with 91 criminal charges against him and some extremely serious ones involving national security. At least Biden won't launch a nuclear war.

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I must have been in the bathroom when Trump started all those nuclear wars during his presidency.

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For the sake of others, I am going to point out the OBVIOUS fact that the greatest risk of nuclear war comes from the Russians, and the greatest risk of it happening comes with the policies Biden's people are pursuing, which amount to nearly open and direct conventional war waged by our troops against Russia, all within the context of a NATO that has grown to include all of Europe, less a couple nations, in which is patently an anti-Russian coalition.

If you hate the idea of nuclear war--and you should--then Biden is the worst possible vote you could cast.

And that Trump has been charged with a large variety of nonsense is obvious. But if you think Biden is smarter than Trump, all I can tell you is not to eat Tide Pods.

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Okay, fair enough. But if you think Trump is not a serious risk for starting a nuclear war, I would counsel you the same. Because none of Biden's classified documents were as high-level as Trump's, and we don't know who he shared them with to impress them.

So: Don't vote for *either* candidate if you don't want to die in a nuclear war!

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Given how effectively he fostered peace--among other places the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula--what makes you think Trump is a threat? I think he is opposed by the Military-Industrial Complex--which by the way is a term coined by President Eisenhower, who was a Republican and former 5 Star General--precisely BECAUSE he is insufficiently pro-war. We spend some 700-800 BILLION a year on "defense", and this is actually mandated by our membership in NATO. NATO creates a minimum defense expenditure.

These people need bombs going off. They need bullets fired. They need massive construction projects caused by things being blown up.

At this moment in time, the Democrats are by far the bigger threat to peace. We have people in the Republican Party, like Nikki Haley and Lindsay Graham who are also pro-war, but Trump and his supporters have seen through all that BS and are sick of the lies, the trickery, and the pointless sacrifice of American soldiers for nothing.

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So, if a Republican prosecutor came up with 100 criminal charges against Biden, would you vote against him? Are you going to let partisan lawyers determine who you can choose?

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You don't make sense.

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This reply is showing up under Unsaint Finbar and It is not for him. Finbar makes sense! Is TFP doing this deliberately.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Well, what's the greater threat? Destruction of the country from nuclear war, or destruction of the country from wide open borders? I'll take my chances with the guy with 91 (bogus) criminal charges.

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Does the sheer number of charges against him.give you pause?

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"Although I too am concerned about Joe Biden's mental acuity (which is STILL better than Trump's)"

In what world?

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This one. Compare the way Trump spoke twenty years ago to the way he speaks now. Total word salad.

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Not the one I live in. The federal government is tasked with two things in the Constitution. Border security and defense. Biden has abandoned both. More accurately, whoever is making the decisions, because it is not Biden, has abandoned both. Which means we have government by unelected, unaccountable decision makers.) It is insane. But hey, abortion!!! student loan forgiveness!!!! Ukraine!!!! saving "our" democracy!!!!!

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Wokies and MAGAs *do* live on different planes of existence than those of us in the reality-based world...

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Everybody's reality is different. The problem, as I see it, is everybody thinks their's is the real one. Which you illustrate beautifully. Attacking/critiquing/minimizing those who see things differently does not seem to be working though.

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I have some advice for you Grow Some Labia, Grow Some Eyes and Ears

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and a cerebral cortex

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Yeah, agree Joe has built his own fortune by grifting off the public and any political pressure he can apply and managed to produce chaos on everything he touches. A guy who has a crack head son who jumped his dead brothers wife. Thinks sniffing others is good and has all of the qualities anyone could want for a true criminal enterprise. Got it. Smarter than Trump (who I am not a fan of).

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At least Biden doesn't want to f**k his own kid. I don't care what Hunter Biden did. He isn't President, nor has he declared his candidacy.

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Actually, he probably does and perhaps even did. He took showers with her, and as an adult she is a basket case who is addicted to sex and drugs, like Hunter.

And the cocaine they found in the White House was almost certainly for Joe himself.

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The Trump White House was awash in drugs too. So, which set of junkies are *you* voting for?

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Is there really a comparison between Don Jr and Hunter?

And Trump himself doesnt even drink and never has. Biden craps himself in public, gets lost on stage and doesnt remember his sons death. He has also more than once said he was running for Senate.

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Eye roll and heavy sigh.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Your comments are helpful only trying to process how someone can defend the person who abandoned 13 Marines in Afghanistan, clearly took bribes from China & Ukraine (even Bill CLinton would have shot down those spy balloons), leaves the border open then apologizes to the scum who raped & murdered Laken Reilly, etc........a long, dark, continuous road that leads to Armageddon.

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Edit to Laken Riley, please

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He doesn’t know how to edit. You’ll have to explain it to him.

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Biden showered with his daughter when she was a child. Serms a little suspicious to me.

No HB is not president but it appears he is/was the vice president's agent.

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Oh, an Ashley Judd fan! Is that you Nina? Eight years older, but just as ignorant.

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I know these are rhetorical questions. But I begin to suspect that none of what you ponder matters to the powers that be here at TFP, rather it is about building a brand. IOW it is about money. Pay for our so and so! Buy our merch! Subscribe to our [spin-off].

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The polls might actually be believable. Fear mongering works with weak minds and on the whole, we get the politicians we deserve.

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And it's only going to get worse - remember the young democratic staffer who was getting shagged in the butt in the Senate hearing room? Remember that he posted that he wanted Joe to spit in his mouth? SMH The democRAT party accuses Trump supporters of being in a cult, but as with everything else, that's just projection....

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Herr F. — While I agree with most of your comment, global warming is real and scientifically-based. https://science.nasa.gov/earth/climate-change/greenhouse-gases/the-atmosphere-getting-a-handle-on-carbon-dioxide/. However, I agree that it is not the “existential threat” that the Democrat fear mongers are pushing. As with most everything Democrat these days, “it is a scheme for power and money.”

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I've been doing that "debate" a long time. Here are a few facts.

First, there is no scientific basis for the claim of CO2 staying in the atmosphere for a long time. We don't know. We have had no way even to begin to make measurements until perhaps the 1960's. The postulate is a guess lacking validation.

Second, it is well known by everyone in that world that the effects of CO2 are inversely logarithmic. Every doubling matters half as much. We have had many doublings over the Earth's history, and at this point a nearly infinite amount of CO2 would do nothing.

CO2 can only absorb about 12% of the spectrum of energy being emitted into space. BASIC logic would tell you that if it is already absorbing most or all of that, then it's not a major player in global warming.

Question, though: did you know that CO2 only absorbs a small percent of the spectrum? Have you ever thought about it? Has any article you read ever mentioned this? If not, why not, do you think?

Third, the Earth has been covered in ice and devoid of ice, all long, long before humans. Everything in between is within the realm of natural variation.

Fourth, there is no evidential basis for claiming our time is unique. The ice cores and soil samples they use to try and estimate past temperatures have resolutions of perhaps a 1,000 years at best. Anyone who says we are warming faster than ever before is either ignorant or being a willing dupe in unscientific lies.

Fifth, were this whole thing formatted as a properly scientific hypothesis, it would predict differential warming in the upper Troposphere, which is where CO2 has its effect. It has almost no effect at surface level. Water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas there. This differential warming--which would be CO2 absorbing its frequencies and thus warming faster than the air around it--would show up immediately on long term and highly accurate satellite measurements. It doesn't. There are ZERO signs of differential warming.

Ergo: Global Warming is the global political scheme is appears to be. And NASA is as corrupted by big money as the NIH and CDC. They support this whole hoax by fabricating temperature data that tells the cover story the people pushing this nonsense need. They do it by intentionally putting thermometers in unusually warm places, and by using statistical methods assuming warming to estimate temperatures in the large masses of the planet's surface they are not actually measuring.

We may not be Babylon, but we sure have a lot of whores, many of them cheap.

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To be succinct: Global warming or climate change is 1% earth science, 99% political science.

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One More Thing: Not one of the "models" can account for the Medieval Warming -- which caused them to call it GREENland. None. And if you model an't replicate the past, it has nothing useful to say about the future.

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Also, the now-famous "hockey stick" graph is manufactured by cobbling together two different methods to show temps--the second one was the fake current temps and was used when the tree-rings didn't show the desired warming effect. There is TONS of money behind the move to discard real scientists and to replace them with "interdisciplinary" so-called scientists who exist to terrify people about global warming.

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Please read “Unsettled”. The author, who has serious science credentials, digs into the data used by UN panels and exposes how misinterpreted and misrepresented it is.

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I've been doing that "debate" for something like 20 years. I started my blog to do it once thoroughly. Actually, here is that piece: https://moderatesunitedblog.com/global-warming-12/

I wrote that 16 years ago. Its been through some weird formatting changes I don't know how to fix, and of course most of the links are broken.

But it has stood up over time, just as the predictions and claims I made with regard to COVID have since I made them in the summer of 2020.

Science is science. Bullshit is bullshit. If there is a path, you can find it. If there is no path where you were told one was, then someone is lying, and it's not usually very hard to figure out who. Ask Cui Bono, and boom you know.

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My suggestion about Unsettled wasn’t directed at you, sorry if it came across that way. I thought I was replying to someone else.

I like to cite this book because the author was also a science advisor to Obama, so that ought to make him credible to lefties.

And he just took the data used in all those IPCC reports and dug into them. He shows how those data say something very different than what is reported in the summaries, and how we are all being fooled.

Very powerful.

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Unfortunately, that's been true for many years. The conjecture was tenable perhaps as late as the early 2000's, but it's been obvious nonsense for at least 15-20 years. Al Gore--the Nobel Laureate, as you likely recall, who won for his work on Global Warming--predicted ice free poles by 2015.

But people have been narcotized. They have lost the ability to demand even basic honesty and integrity. If the System tells them to forget those predictions, they do. Most would not have remembered them anyway. Most people seem to live in an eternal media driven Present, where yesterday is forgotten entirely. No absurdity is impossible in such a world, and of course Joe Biden may as well be the emblem of hallucinatory Absurdity taken to the extreme, fed, grown more, than erected on thousand foot pedestal, to which all are asked--for now--to bow.

No. Just shoot me or put me in jail. I'm not going to live by obvious and utterly indefensible lies.

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The left are using "weather change" to push their agenda and profit off it.

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Dr. Judith Curry on last year's UN Climate Report: "Not only has the IPCC increasingly taken on a stance of explicit political advocacy, but it is misleading policy makers by its continued emphasis on extreme climate outcomes driven by the implausible extreme emissions scenarios. With its explicit political advocacy, combined with misleading information, the IPCC risks losing its privileged position in international policy debates."


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NASA is no longer a reliable narrator on climate change--across the board. Just like the FDA and the CDC are not reliable narrators about covid or the covid jab being "safe and effective." Follow the money. It is a scientific fact that temps lead CO2--and that CO2 does NOT lead temps.

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The better question is why would his businesses NOT receive money from foreign governmemts for providing business services?

The people we need to worry about are those who become worth many millions of dollars on $200,000 salaries and after starting from nothing. You know, like Biden, the Clintons, AOC, and many others.

Its quasi miraculous how easily you turn mountains into molehills and molehills into mountains, and POSSIBLY evrn do so sincerely, although its hard to see how that would work outside of true clinical psychosis.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Lol. You have justification/excuse for everything.

Trump got paid by China and Russia while he was POTUS.

Actually, the better question is: why aren't you outraged, hypocrite?

Molehills into mountains? That reminds me. How is that Ukraine-Biden investigation going? You know, the largest international crime syndicate ever run by a dementia patient?

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Comer is preparing indictments fir when Trump is President. The evidence is there. Bidens DOJ, obviously, would not indict him if he murdered a child on national TV; and at this point he would have to be impeached—which they can possibly do—and convicted by the Senate, which is impossible, because they are crooks too, who value power and money alone and could not care less about the law.

If LOL were an argument you would be a genius. But you know, typing LOL really isnt that hard. Is it?

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

"If, if, if" - it's always "if" with you people.

Really? What is the evidence that is there?

LOL works great. Your arguments/claims are always laughably ridiculous.

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Its funny: saying someone has mental problems, which I will do here, is really not useful. To the precise extent I am right, you are incapable of changing, and anyone who needs to be told that is unlikely to be able to see it.

But my arguments are sincere, well crafted, and factually tenable, even if some sets of facts are open to interpretation. A serious, well meaning, decent human being would admit this, while providing meaningful arguments (ie not LOL) in support of their own views. In contradistinction to the silly games I often allow you to draw me in to here, that would be useful.

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Posting link to documentary explaining the climate scam.


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I agree with everything that you wrote. You make sense.

We are living in a world that doesn't make sense and it has made me very unhappy.

Unfortunately there are people who are so miserable that they want to destroy the United States.

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This response was to Unsaint Finbar, his first post. I don't know why it shows up here?

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It's a "Human Factors" thingee. If one is entering a thread through notice of a "like" or "comment," it's more "natural" to enter a reply as parallel rather than subsidiary. In a long, multi-level thread it always becomes difficult to figure out who's doing what to whom. And when you add in that there are three different orderings in which both writer and reader may be viewing the mess -- it gets kinda Katie-bar-the-doorish.

Be well.

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Castle-- good policy is to address the writer you are responding to. At least then they (and everyone else) knows what your comment is about!

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I very rarely see someone addressing the writer they are responding to.

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Having same problem. A glitch in the system?

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deletedMar 25
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Which is why the classical education story is so important. It is helpful to know what democracy means when you want to discuss it. Then you can move on to the concept of a republic.

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Re: Jennifer Sey: kudos to her and every other sane person with the ability to influence the fight against the morally indefensible promotion of men in women’s sports. Perhaps the pendulum is beginning to swing back toward truth and reality: men do not become women. Ever. Not with wishing, not with grotesque makeup, not with disfiguring surgeries. THIS IS MENTAL ILLNESS—NOT human rights.

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The position must be no males in female sports. It is wrong to engage on discussing pre vs post pubertal testosterone levels, or the pre college vs college and professional sports. No Males in Female organized sports at all levels. We need to keep in simple and clear. The trans ideologues are being shown as liars and hypocrites with the WPATH files and all of Europe finally acknowledging there has never been any data to support the “ gender affirming model “ for children. We should not be engaging in discussions about the differences between males and females. Everyone knows the differences. They are ridiculous , to argue the details is what they want. No males in female sports

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It should not be surprising to anyone that most men feel even more strongly about this than the inclusiveness infiltrated women cohort. I’m actually surprised how few fathers have managed to stay out of trouble that could put them in jail for just protecting their daughters.

In retrospect, the strategy is clear, break up families, push the men away, attack women and girls.

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Could not agree more.

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Read the Substack for parents of "trans" kids and their comments and see how many families this mad ideology has broken. Or may be that us the goal, to destroy families. https://www.pittparents.com

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It is one of the nihilistic goals of the Marxist left

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XX or XY. Seems simple to me.

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It should be simple: A coroner presented with an unidentified "trans woman" corpse would have no way to identify it other than as a (possibly mutilated) man.

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i like to say, if you are in a fire, die and are burned beyond recognition, what would the forensic autopsy results show? your dna will show what you were born as and not what was in your head.

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Andrew Sullivan can flat-out write:

“The younger generation — the most fucked-up and miserable of our lifetimes — knows everything about white supremacy in bird watching, but they have no idea what basic manners are.”

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To solve any problem you need to acknowledge the problem: Democrat policies over the last 70 years. Establishment republicans = democrats.

Drugs = homelessness? Democrat policies of Chinese partnership and open borders.

Education going to shit? Democrat policies of woke and race.

Everything. Democrats run everything and everything is failing. They just passed a spending 'bill' of $7,000,000,000,000 of which 30% is new debt and NOT ONE F*CKING PENNY IS SPENT ON AMERICAN CITIZENS...

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Can't talk about the cure without talking about the cancer. This is the inconvenient truth the FP prefers to ignore. Why?

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Because they were part of the problem and can't acknowledge certain things. Personally, if they acted like Sasha Stone their readership would triple. Go back to her first few substacks...


She admits she was part of the problem. Or Naomi Wolf.

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They are Democrats and believe they should be true to the party. I know many who say they will vote for the Dem Party no matter what. Fools!

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Minor note… they did not pass a spending bill for $7 trillion (count those zeros again you may have missed one.) Biden put forward a proposed budget as has been customary for presidents to do. It in no way has been passed by congress. Okay continue.

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It was a hit job from the very beginning. Christine Blasey Ford's own "witnesses" could not verify her story, so why is anyone paying attention to her now?

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Not just that, they affirmatively refuted it by saying no such party ever took place.

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Keep the positive stories coming, people building things. We all need to hear more of that.

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I love the idea of featuring those who build. I also favor shaming all those who embrace " you didn't build that".

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No, no, no....we just pretend 'you didn't build that' was never said...memory holed. Don't look at the smoldering garbage heap of bad policies and bad results. Time to move on instead of complaining.

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I am a cancer survivor. I don't get the secrecy about Kate's diagnosis beyond first needing to tell the children. I absolutely don't get the secrecy when it comes to Lloyd Austin. That you are in shock, been there done that. But after you get over that you have cancer, so what if other people know? Besides these are very prominent people (and this privilege comes with obligations whether they like it or not) and by mentioning their diagnosis they may prompt others to go and get checked and hypothetically save a life. Where is the horror in that?

I wish them both and anyone else who is in this battle GodSpeed.

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Nonetheless, they chose not to reveal their disease, and we should respect that. I was particularly appalled at an NPR reporter who, when talking about the doctored photo of Catherine and children, concluded that it destroyed all trust in the Royal Family. That’s the same NPR that ignores the daily stream of lies and gaslighting from Biden and his administration while constantly painting him in the most favorable light with their so-called “experts.”

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Well I don’t put much stock in anything that comes out of NPR. They are so despicable is many ways.

Now we are just going to have to disagree about Kate and Austin. Kate because she is part of the royal family and they owe honesty to their nation and Austin should have at least told the President. He is in charge of our nations armed forces after all. It is our protection that is paramount not his privacy.

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100% agree with you RSL

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

With Kate, it’s none of my business. I’m an American.

With Austin, it IS my business because we pay that affirmative action hire who seems to be an affirmative man to Biden and no action at all. If he wants privacy, he can resign.

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That Austin is still Sec of Defense is an outrage. He went AWOL and should have been relieved of duty and treated as any AWOL is treated.

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I lost count of the Biden administration’s outrages since his being “elected.”

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He bears the Great Shield of Woke. Not happening.

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Why aren’t the Republicans demanding his resignation? He committed a crime and has no honor. He deserves no empathy

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Republicans do not much of anything and do it very badly. I wish that I knew why.

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It’s the uniparty

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I'd go a bit further: A nanosecond spent contemplating ANYTHING about the British royals is a nanosecond wasted.

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Not everyone is you. Nobody knows me but I care about privacy a lot and I would not want to announce anything about my health to anyone. It's nobody else's business. Lloyd Austin didn't have to announce his specific illness but his going AWOL was unforgivable as the the Sec of Def. He should've properly notified the WH and Congress of his need for absence and had someone else in place as command. That's what I and all of us should care about. And if his illness might be so grave that it would affect his job, than yes we have a right to know. Or he could keep it private and secret and resign. The man has done none of this. He has no honor.

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No you are right not everybody is me. But I am also not a public figure, head of state, living off the taxpayer dime in charge of representing either the UK or US. When you are born to or choose a privileged life there are obligations.

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The royals are some of the most independently wealthy people on the planet. Stunningly wealthy. Whatever they get from the UK taxpayers is a pittance. And apparently endorsed by said taxpayers.

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They actually get more than a pittance. You can start with security. In fact, one of the big issues with Harry is that the UK is refusing to pay for his security when he goes back home and that is the excuse he is using to not bring his children over to see their grandfather who is ill. Their staffs is paid for by the Uk taxpayor as well. The upkeep of their homes does not come out of their pockets either. Its why Harry and Markle had to reimburse the UK government when they no longer lived at Froggmore for all the renovations. Another ex: when one of their castles caught fire (I forgot exactly which one it was), the UK taxpayer, not the royal family, paid for all the repairs costing in the tens of millions. But they get to live there and the monarch gets to bestow who lives where on the property not the PM or any other faction of the Uk government.

They are the Heads of State of the United Kingdom. They are not private persons.

Some are born to that privilege and it is a great privilege, which also comes with responsibilities. Some choose it, like Kate did. There is a reason that Markle and Harry are so derided and disliked in the Uk, not because they left but because they abandoned their duty.

With privilege comes duty.

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My dad did not want people to know and my mom blabbed because she was so upset. For him I do not think he wanted people to see him differently. That was his prerogative. Everybody should get to make their own call.

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I agree. But your dad is also a private citizen. Kate and Austin are not and they have different obligations that come with the life they have chosen. I hope you dad is doing well.

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Thanks. He did survive his cancer and subsequently passed at a ripe old age. He was a lucky one who got to go on his own terms In his own home. Point taken about Austin for sure.

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Cancer is neither contagious nor a result of immoral behavior. There are few reasons for a private person to hide the diagnosis, and none at all for a public person. As you say, knowing that a public person has cancer is likely to make people take the possibility of cancer more seriously. It may also help those who have cancer to feel better understood.

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On the classical education movement. Hey hey ho ho,DEI has gotta go. Maybe the Stanford professors need to go take a look and make it a field trip for all of their anti western civ kiddies

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I have told my son he has no worries about his children. STEM students, can think logically, make their own decisions after asking intelligent questions, and refuse to run with the liberal jackal pack. This for kids still in High School, Middle School, and Elementary School. My reasoning is this: The competition is being so dumbed down and made into none producers and whiners, that others will easily rise to the top of the job market. So some optimistic outlook there.

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Monica Lewinski was a mere awed youngster, wowed by being attended to by the President, when her behavior - BJs under the Lincoln Desk for Bubba; cigars in the woo woo for him to later sniff - was revealed, against her will. She has tried to "come back", with mixed results.

Christine Ballsy Ford vol-un-fucking-teered to expose her teenage behaviors (CHOOSING to hang at a party with teenage drunks). She thought her memory was important for America to hear. In service of Bork-ing a Republican SCOTUS nominee. Even if something happened, there were so many holes in her story as to make her testimony incredible. Who has not paid for her narcissistic indulgence? The Democrats who brought her to testify on camera. "Who turned her trauma into a political football", Kat? Democrats. A decent respect for civility and for, well, decency would have counseled to keep her away from the hearing. Her hippocampus is warped. She needs to go away.

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Good for Sey. I hope she gives others the courage to stand up for common sense.

There are 5.2 million registered Republicans in California. Sure, they're a minority, but that's a lot of people. I'd love to hear more about how they deal with living in such an authoritarian "progressive" state. We've seen how small numbers of motivated activists can influence politics. Maybe they are ready to engage, starting with public safety.

Commenters from CA?

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About all I can say is, it's not easy tolerating the madness in Ca.

You must concentrate on things you can control; how you spend your free time, who you socialize with, family, etc. We don't talk politics much because we all agree Ca. is a lost cause.

When we do it's at the national level, looking for a splash of color in a grey, dark, cloudy world.

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We move to Mexico to escape the insanity. I’m so disgusted and disappointed in our once fair state that leaving is our only recourse. Thankfully, I’m really not a “ Californian” because I would be ashamed but a military brat transplant back in ‘72 when Reagan was our governor…..things deteriorated soon with the likes of Gray Davis culminating in the worst of all Newscum. And be warned, “pretty boy” has aspirations.

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I wish Jennifer Sey the very best in her endeavor. The fact that cowardly, mediocre male athletes can compete against women is abhorrent and should be fought every step of the way.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Even if the SAT is getting easier, the teaching profession isn't attracting the brightest and best.


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On the Andrew Sullivan story about public “music”, otherwise known as NOISE….I agree 💯 with his comments. Few things in public irritate me more than being forced to listen to other peoples crappy music or their entire phone conversation. People of all ages have no manners anymore or any respect for others.

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Anyone here started watching the 3Body problem on Netflix? All you need to know what is coming is just about few minutes from the beginning of episode 1. Crazed masses are conducting “struggle session” with an esteemed professor of physics denying all common sense and screaming nonsensical slogans. How do you brainwash masses? Slowly and steadily. We are witnessing the insanity. Everything we consider normal is abhorrent to them. The old mummy pretending to be a president who represents everything what’s wrong with this country is hailed as our savior. Unfortunately this is not a sci fi novel. It’s becoming our life. Unfolding live and I feel helpless. And btw. Growing up in a communist country I also took Latin

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I feel terrible for Kate as a fellow mother, and I agree people should give her privacy. Unfortunately though, I think she had no choice but to make a statement once the Palace absolutely bungled things by releasing that weird photoshopped image (and blaming her for it)! At the very least, the Palace needs to hire a real PR team.

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