
“A Republican friend in New York—someone who shocked me when she first came out as a Trump supporter—“


I love how supporting Trump is the social equivalent of being gay in the 50s.

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New York is so loving and tolerant that you'd be attacked for wearing a MAGA hat - I know from first-hand experience which is why I moved out. Nukey Haley is bought and paid for by uniparty warmonger neocon DC Swamp donors, just like Biden. I have tagged their sponsors here: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/tag-the-sponsor-dc-swamp-donors-candidate

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Yuri if it came down to Biden and her, I’d vote for RFK Jr

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I do feel like that’s the real story here

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You were attacked for wearing a MAGA hat in NY. I was attacked for wearing a Covid mask in rural Wisconsin. Lotta loonies out there, Yuri, I wish they'd all calm down.

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Masks never worked Shane. Live without fear, follow the science.

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Masks are extremely effective for those wanting to avoid making awkward fake smiles to random strangers when you accidentally make eye contact.

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Or robbing stores.

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Or peacefully protesting in favor of as many dead Jews as possible.

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Zorro got a lot of mileage out of his mask : )

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Your comment has nothing to do with my point, Yuri, which is that attacking me for wearing a mask during the first year of Covid is the act of a lunatic as much as the act of attacking you for wearing a MAGA hat is the act of a lunatic.

I always live without fear. But I'm also not stupid, and wore N95 masks during the first critical year of Covid, because N95s properly fitted DO reduce one's chance of viral infection.

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Sorry that happened to you. I hate how anti-maskers give people that choose to wear a mask a hard time. People shouldn't be forced to wear a mask, but who cares if someone chooses to wear one or not?

Maybe next time wear a mask and a MAGA hat just to confuse everyone.

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Just wear a MAGA mask.

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Ooooh, MAGA hat and Covid mask. It would give both sides heart failure, which would rid of us their snottiness.

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I care if you are robbing me. or stealing or breaking into stores. which is where people wear masks. I also object to the burka

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“Maybe next time wear a mask and a MAGA hat just to confuse everyone.”

Lauren L, thanks for the levity. 😁

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---"who cares" is the question of the age----

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Good one Lauren!!

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Masks work. Mask mandates do not.

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I'd thump her; 666 would thump her. Congratulations, you've made things double dangerous. Your lift is broke down in the basement.

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Not really. The mask suggests that you are superstitious and fearful and depend on the Government to keep you safe, with no real proof that they care to. The MAGA hat says you don't trust the government as is.

Surgical masks are used in hospitals to prevent bacterial infection in open wounds. N95s are used by industrial workers to prevent chemical exposure to the lungs. While it is true that some spittle containing viri may be stopped by an N95 - the idea that mask-wearing would defeat the Covid virus spreading in the population was always a fantasy. If anything, it caused the spread to take longer and disrupt society more than it had to.

The people who died were going to die - because it was a bioengineered virus that preyed on those who were most susceptible. The concept of stop-the-spread was panic-inducing bullshit. The field hospitals were never used, the ventilators were never used, the navy ships were never used.

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Agree. When I still see people wearing a mask now, it makes me chuckle. Especially those pitiful cloth masks with gaps. Like, what exactly are they thinking?!?

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Do you think it's all right to mock, belittle, or attack someone who wears a mask for whatever reason they want? Same with those who wear a MAGA hat--OK to mock, belittle, or attack them because of it?

I don't. I would hope you don't either.

The rest is simply more Culture Wars, Battle of Covid, in which I have no intention of participating.

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Covid, as in the case of every other event of national concern to Americans, was seized, politically weaponized, and turned into a psyop. It successfully created hatred and division. Furthered the goal of mass confusion. Increased the citizens sense of powerlessness ("learned helplessness"). And, pipelined yet more tax dollars to the criminal financiers funding D.C. political grift and graft. Covid was a shakedown cruise for the fascist international globalist DNC/CCP/EU Davos machine. Ultimately Covid was an industrial installation world wide. Now every bad cold and flu calls for a Covid test ($$$$$). And, the psyop can threaten lockdowns and regenerate fear, suspicion and paranoia with the repeated managed threat of a new and "deadly"strain. It presented the opportunity to seize and further destroy American education, wipe out the livelihood of hard working middle class small business owners and turn crime into a revolutionary act. It is a construct. The fascist gift that keeps on giving. It's what they do. (Let your paranoia go and consider what they're capable of.)

In the aftermath, for the average American, who knows what happened? He or she, on the freeway two hours before dawn, working two jobs, keeping an eye out for carjackers, just feels lucky to not be living in a tent on a shit stained street. And that was the fascist goal from the start!! The American people are played for suckers. American treasure is looted. People die. Daily life in the Republic is further distorted and diminished. Worthy lives and careers are slandered and destroyed. And, the perps, as in '08 and every other time it has happened, are "gone with the wind."

The DNC/CCP/EU/Davos crowd fully intends to install a one world government and to do that they must bring the free citizens of the American Constitutional Republic to their knees. It's not something else. Shoshana Zuboff in her excellent book on surveillance capitalism observed that the big tech/bureaucratic surveillance boys have no moral center. They maintain a division that does nothing but test the limits of what they can get away with without public outcry. It's happening.

WE!! Are fighting to restore a truth/fact based national dialogue and live in a truth/fact based reality. Taibbi recently lamented the perps (my word) growing ability to block access to the truthful fact based resource material that would allow us to know it. Greenwald thinks Haley is a want to be Wall Street fixer. "We the people" are in a terrible situation. Trump or Biden? Or Haley? What ever happens the DNC, because of its alliance with the totalitarian goals of the CCP/WEF/EU Davos perps, its political weaponization of the DOJ, its willing perversion of, what should be, an impartial judiciary, and the willing alliance of DNC District Attorneys with Soros $$$$$ has to go. Do I need to mention their willingness to lie in your face, or under oath at a Congressional hearing without a flinch? ---- GOT CONSTITUTION?

"---they smile in your face. All the time they want to take your place. The back stabbers....." The O'Jays/'72

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I wore a disposable mask like clockwork for about a year into the pandemic. I used an N95 a couple of times but it made breathing so difficult I quit. I never saw either as a political gesture but as a form of common sense. That said, that whole time period was full of hyperbole and errant thinking. My son's first year of college was all online and he flunked a chemistry lab - imagine a chem lab being taught online! Someone explain that to me. At the very same time, his then-girlfriend was a freshman at the University of New Hampshire and leading a normal college life - living in a dorm, going to class. We went up to see her one Sunday during which time I made myself scarce. The college was unnervingly quiet and all the kids walking around outside wore masks. They'd cross to the other side of the road when they saw me coming, unmasked. I'm sorry, but by that point, "The Science" had pretty much demonstrated that COVID transmission was generally indoors and at close contact so... for the first time I saw clear evidence of the mob mentality that infects many collegians.

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Same; I wore an N95 the first year because nobody knew anything then about Covid, how it was transmitted, best ways to prevent it, etc. Everyone was spitballing, hoping something would work. I knew washing my groceries with alcohol was lunacy, so I didn't, but an N95 made some kind of sense. I wore it around strangers (such as in a grocery store or at a gas pump). Mask off otherwise. I haven't worn one in two years now.

But I don't blame people for wearing masks outside, in a car by themselves, or whatever during the Covid era---We the People got NO clear direction by anyone in charge of anything on what we should do to not get infected. The public health services took a gigantic hit in credibility because of that, which is sad beyond measure.

"The Science" was pretty on the mark throughout, even though it changed, as The Science does. But it never was transmitted properly to the public, which caused all kinds of anxiety among the public, and the political side lied through its teeth about where Covid came from (Chinese virus lab, not a food market) and so destroyed its own credibility on the rest of The Science. Politicians also lied about how long the shutdown needed to go on. I'm still angry about how much damage that lying caused the world.

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I love the chem lab story. "For my final exam, I dropped a Mento into a bottle of Pepsi, and Boy! did it make a mess!"

And totally cool bro Dad move to take a long walk while your son was studying with his girlfriend.

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I think the difference was/is that the anti-mask brigade was being shamed/coerced into accepting mandated masking and it pissed us the hell off. I would marvel at people in masks but would never think of berating one. Whereas my daughter was chased down the street in NYC by a middle aged white woman in mask and screamed at for “endangering” her. Which is about as irrational and unscientific as you can get.

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That witch-hunting of the unmasked was astonishing, and something I'd never dream of doing. Maskers should just walk away from the unmasked if they had a problem with the unmasked, no need to raise a fuss. But that would deprive the lunatics of their scolding fun.

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That's not what the Cochrane meta-study of masking said. I think it probably helps at the margin, especially a correct fitting N-95 mask as you say, but there are no RCT's with humans that support this.

Still, you shouldn't be mocked for wearing a mask any more than for wearing a yarmulke. Come to California - the taxes are great, energy costs are insane, and people where masks in their cars while driving.

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HAHAHA. I love mocking people who wear masks. I hate them for tossing them in parking lots. I ignore them if they talk to me or look at me..

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

I really like California, though living in Arizona suits me fine. Energy's still reasonable, taxes are low, no masks in cars that I've seen, and I don't have to see Gavin Good Hair on the news all the time :-)

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Wearing a mask to eliminate the risk of catching a virus is like trying to keep bees out of your yard with a chain link fence.

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It depends on the quality of the mask. Agree on the homemade loosey-gooseys; they wouldn't keep out a baseball, let alone a virus. N95s, worn properly, did a pretty fair job stopping the viri, but they were nearly impossible to buy for a year and the folks who did didn't know how to wear them properly. I had a stash before Covid hit--I wore them mowing the lawn to keep my allergies at bay--so I was all set. But most of the masks out there were pretty ineffective.

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I was repeatedly challenged by snarling leftist bints mostly while in supermercados. I quickly developed my excuse me but weren't you taught civility and manners? Immediately followed up by No? Pity. Well how about minding your business? Excuse me. As I walked away.

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The snarling scolds will be the death of us far faster than Covid. I despise people who look for reasons to be confrontational assholes when all they have to do is walk away.

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You are foolish. REad about the first pandemic and masks.

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If you’re referring to the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1920, you are correct that masks were both widely promoted and worn. However, that doesn’t mean they worked. Indeed, most were made of gauze. There is no evidence masks made even a dent in the spread of the disease but they did, like in 2020 to present, give those with good intentions something they could do that would make them more confident in stepping into public. Sadly, even today that has been the greatest extent of benefit of most masks, since most masks are either not medical grade or are worn improperly so that very little actual difference is made.

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I think Myrna may be referring to the theory that the majority of the Spanish Flu deaths were not actually from flu, but from bacterial pneumonia following flu infection, and how routine wearing of unsanitary masks like cloth or surgical masks can increase the likelihood of bacterial pneumonia. This was floated in a study released in 2008 by... Anthony Fauci.


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Actually studies show that surgical masks have some benefit and N95s even more so. The problem is that COVID is so infectious that their efficacy only matters if they are worn 24/7/365, which is impractical. That is why high mask-compliant areas faired no better than low-mask compliant areas. It took a while for this paradox to be understood.

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N95 masks are very effective for some things, not for others. Immunosuppressed people do benefit from them. I'll wear one if I'm visiting someone in a hospital where there are a lot of elderly patients.

Choosing to wear a MAGA hat, a mask, a kippah, a turban, a nun's habit, a dress if you're man, etc. is your choice in a free country and everyone else should just mind their own damned business.

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I told a coworker to get a Biden Harris hat and ditch the mask. They are equally effective in virtue signaling and as effective on COVID.

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That is a false equivalency. Being attacked for not masking is different than being attacked for your politics.

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Unless masking is and always has been political. Covering your nose and mouth with cotton is not some miracle intervention. It's a sign that you will comply with bureaucrats.

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Here is the science. No I don't think Yuri Bezmenov will accept it. He cherry picks studies.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37259934/ - "Conclusion: Face masks have a beneficial effect against COVID-19. Home masks are less protective than surgical masks or N95 personal breathing masks. Besides, the use of masks may elicit a false sense of security in people, which may lead to poor hand hygiene and violation of social distancing. Therefore, the necessary training should be provided to the public to increase awareness and encourage the right practice of using the mask, emphasizing the preventive effects of washing hands, social distancing, and using a face mask against COVID-19."

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37611625/ - "More studies found that masks (n = 39/47; 83%) and mask mandates (n = 16/18; 89%) reduced infection than found no effect (n = 8/65; 12%) or favoured controls (n = 1/65; 2%). Seven observational studies found that respirators were more protective than surgical masks, while five found no statistically significant difference between the two mask types. Despite the ROB, and allowing for uncertain and variable efficacy, we conclude that wearing masks, wearing higher quality masks (respirators), and mask mandates generally reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission in these study populations."

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35143470/ - "Always using a face mask or respirator in indoor public settings was associated with lower adjusted odds of a positive test result compared with never wearing a face mask or respirator in these settings (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.44; 95% CI = 0.24-0.82). Among 534 participants who specified the type of face covering they typically used, wearing N95/KN95 respirators (aOR = 0.17; 95% CI = 0.05-0.64) or surgical masks (aOR = 0.34; 95% CI = 0.13-0.90) was associated with significantly lower adjusted odds of a positive test result compared with not wearing any face mask or respirator. These findings reinforce that in addition to being up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccinations, consistently wearing a face mask or respirator in indoor public settings reduces the risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection. Using a respirator offers the highest level of personal protection against acquiring infection, although it is most important to wear a mask or respirator that is comfortable and can be used consistently."

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37057222/ - " In total, 9920 individuals from 14 studies were included in this study. In all settings, application of PPE or any type of masks was associated with reduction in risk of COVID-19 (odds ratio [OR] = 0.44; 95% confidence interval [CI]: [0.29, 0.65]; I 2 = 85.21%). In the HCW subgroup, the protective effect had a combined OR of 0.33 (95% CI: (0.15,0.73), I 2 = 82.61%). Six studies were found protective effects of wearing mask in non-HCWs (OR = 0.58, 95% CI: (0.31, 1.06), I 2 = 85.63%). "

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Nice collection of reviews and observational studies you got there.

Now do the 14 *random controlled trials* (the gold standard of scientific research) that were done on the effectiveness of masking outside of a healthcare environment for the prevention of respiratory infection that were done PRIOR to 2020--you know before all the scientific pressure for a certain result. None of which found a statistically positive benefit to wearing a mask in public.

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I'll repeat. Masks work. It's the mask mandates that do not.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

True enough, yet high-mask compliant populations faired no better than low mask-compliant populations. The paradox is explained by COVID’s exceptional transmissibility. The masks could work only if worn 24/7/365, something not possible. Of course, this was not understood early on.

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Thanks for this collection, Spartacus, it brings back memories of wading through all those studies trying to see what was what.

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You are being conned by dark money lying to you. Think about it. What better way is there to legally slaughter hundreds of thousands of Republican voters? You think Fidelity likes Republican voters?

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You mean the NIH formerly directed by the esteemed Dr. Michael Collins? That is the problem with the "expert" analysis including that of the NIH - it is ostensibly compromised. We know Collins was. We know peer review is not what it once was. I want meaningful scientific study. I just do not think that is what we have, necessarily, at this point in time.

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It was not "always" political but it was quickly made political. People started wearing or not wearing masks to declare sides. Efficacy became a secondary consideration at best.

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Masks were pretty good at creating a great set of conditions wherein pulmonary bacterial infections could be contracted.

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Masking was a medical precaution that became a political symbol. I agree it wasn't a miracle intervention, but I wore an N95 mask the first year--not the comply with the G, but on the chance it would block a virus or six that might otherwise get through. Nothing including masks is perfect, so you do what you can to not get sick.

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I agree. But the rationale for masking was health related. What is the rationale for demonizing someone for wearing a MAGA hat?

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The rationale was "turnabout is fair play." MAGAs demonized mask wearers as "libtard sheep obeying the gubbmint jackboots." Mask wearers in turn targeted MAGA caps as the Sign of the Stupid.

I found both demonizations pathetic, honestly. Mask wearers were just trying to not get sick, and that was one of the few easy things they could do. MAGAs wore their caps to show their tribal loyalty. Why bash each other over that?

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The mask became a symbol for working class oppression. It was a "flag" that could be rejected, and was. Wearing a mask is as, if not more of a political statement unless you are a physician or health care worker. But even there politics is present.

The mask was seized on by political consultants as a wedge issue, and exploited to exaggerate it. Vaccine garbage followed, killing more red voters than blue by quite a bit. If Trump loses this election it will be because of loss of all those fools. And yeah, failing to vaccinate is as idiotic as refusing body armor in a firefight in Afghanistan. It ain't perfect, but it will mostly save your silly life.

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Nothing like some good mask talk to start the week.

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Oh, god, this brought back bad memories of the bad old days, which was certainly not my intention!

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I’d like to see the data on how the shots- they aren’t vaccines- killed so many more people unwilling to take them. The efficacy for the general population was based on interesting data. Everyone I knew who took the shots also got Covid. With the same symptoms as people who did not. I am one of the only people who did not. My husband who had to take both bc of the idiotic feds demanding they be used a Guinea pigs (against the Geneva convention and is actually a crime against humanity) he is a very fit healthy human and has had Covid three times. I had it once. It made me tired. Fever a day. Appetite gone for a week. But I actually have real antibodies in my system made for me specifically.

Covid shots not the same as armor in Afghanistan- unless it has holes in it.

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You really are a quart low. Maybe you can find a vaccine for that.

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I disagree, Lynne. Masking was a much a political symbol as a MAGA hat, so attacks solely for the act of wearing them was equivalent.

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While masks were politicized the two were not equivocal. MAGA hat wearers and their proponents never mandated that others wear them.

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Zero, double nought, blank, sod-all chance of outdoor transmission. Nazi political theatre will get you attacked. This is not rocket science; and masks aren't science. Period. Water dropllets? Eyes. Think about it. Now do one.

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No one recalls The Red Sash of the Junior Anti-Sex League in 1984?

Both Red hats, and Masks are symbols of the opposing 'Junior Anti-Sex League' factions.

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Here is the science. No I don't think Yuri Bezmenov will accept it. He cherry picks studies.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37259934/ - "Conclusion: Face masks have a beneficial effect against COVID-19. Home masks are less protective than surgical masks or N95 personal breathing masks. Besides, the use of masks may elicit a false sense of security in people, which may lead to poor hand hygiene and violation of social distancing. Therefore, the necessary training should be provided to the public to increase awareness and encourage the right practice of using the mask, emphasizing the preventive effects of washing hands, social distancing, and using a face mask against COVID-19."

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37611625/ - "More studies found that masks (n = 39/47; 83%) and mask mandates (n = 16/18; 89%) reduced infection than found no effect (n = 8/65; 12%) or favoured controls (n = 1/65; 2%). Seven observational studies found that respirators were more protective than surgical masks, while five found no statistically significant difference between the two mask types. Despite the ROB, and allowing for uncertain and variable efficacy, we conclude that wearing masks, wearing higher quality masks (respirators), and mask mandates generally reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission in these study populations."

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35143470/ - "Always using a face mask or respirator in indoor public settings was associated with lower adjusted odds of a positive test result compared with never wearing a face mask or respirator in these settings (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.44; 95% CI = 0.24-0.82). Among 534 participants who specified the type of face covering they typically used, wearing N95/KN95 respirators (aOR = 0.17; 95% CI = 0.05-0.64) or surgical masks (aOR = 0.34; 95% CI = 0.13-0.90) was associated with significantly lower adjusted odds of a positive test result compared with not wearing any face mask or respirator. These findings reinforce that in addition to being up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccinations, consistently wearing a face mask or respirator in indoor public settings reduces the risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection. Using a respirator offers the highest level of personal protection against acquiring infection, although it is most important to wear a mask or respirator that is comfortable and can be used consistently."

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37057222/ - " In total, 9920 individuals from 14 studies were included in this study. In all settings, application of PPE or any type of masks was associated with reduction in risk of COVID-19 (odds ratio [OR] = 0.44; 95% confidence interval [CI]: [0.29, 0.65]; I 2 = 85.21%). In the HCW subgroup, the protective effect had a combined OR of 0.33 (95% CI: (0.15,0.73), I 2 = 82.61%). Six studies were found protective effects of wearing mask in non-HCWs (OR = 0.58, 95% CI: (0.31, 1.06), I 2 = 85.63%). "

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Yes & Phizer & Moderna said their shots were 95% effective. There are all kinds of studies supporting masks & vaccines which are complete BS …..bought & paid for. Masks provide zero protection. Maybe a N95 MAY provide minuscule protection if it is taped to your face however, then you also have to consider the additional carbon dioxide that you are consuming.

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You keep thinking that. You lose this election, it's because of all the dead voters misled by the codswallop you believe in. 50% odds ratio means half the chance. 40%? less than half the chance of getting it.

The vaccines work fool. You are being conned. They are effective. Very.

I rarely wore a mask. I didn't need one. My team made an excellent vaccine that didn't get the $1.5 billion required to go to the public, but we self-tested with it in March 2020. The investment banks didn't want too much competition, because that drives profits down. And they don't want "the best" the want "Good enough." That's what the country got.

All those stories you hear? Those are garbage. They are not true.

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all your reverenced articles are from the NIH and PubMed. all these agencies have been shown to provide false and misleading information to the public, which they were supposedly charged with supporting/tellikng the truth, regardless of the consequences.

Once the lie was created, there was no going back for those agencies and their messengers. it is rubbish and will remain so, and will be shown as such as the curtain is further pulled back....

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I'm curious about the vaccine your team developed. Did it require an endless round of repeated booster shots? Yes, my query here is personal and follows an MD visit on Friday during which I received my yearly flu shot (never had any issues whatsoever) and a pneumococcal vaccine. Doc said I had the first 2 years ago so I needed the second. I complied. I demurred on the Covid booster - I had my two jabs back in the spring of 2021 (I am 67.).

I am glad I didn't get the Covid booster because this past weekend was "The Lost Weekend." I could barely crawl out of bed on Saturday; we had snow all day here on Friday and I was unable to help my 72 year old wife shovel snow. Didn't feel all that hot yesterday. Today I'm pretty much back to normal.

Which leads me to this: there seem to be vaccines for EVERYTHING now, and no shortage of celebs (Martha Stewart, John Legend, et al) urging us to get more shots. I don't think I'm the only one to have a bit of spidey sense about all this - especially when the last few (my second Covid Moderna shot, my two shingles vaxxes, and now the last set) have made me positively sick.

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So Spartacus, you seem to be quite knowledgeable on the subject of masking and vaccines, and judging by your comment you were involved in vaccine development early on. My question is: after using your better vaccine back in March 2020, have you repeated w/ boosters (either yours or those available to the general public?)

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May 2020 CDC website published results of 13 randomized studies of mask effectiveness and active flu. The message- masks don’t do anything but somehow the next two years they were the most impt thing

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There was quite a bit of flip flopping going on including with Fauci in the early days. Once the complete psy op strategy was implemented they were all team mask. The fact that there are still people embracing it is a somewhat laughable & a very sad situation. The people driving alone with their mask on really need help as they are incapable of coming back to any sense of reality.

We already know Virus X is coming ( the establishment ) is already talking about it openly. Of course no MSM challenges anyone about this 2nd planned virus event. I wish people would wake up instead of saying “ isn’t that just a conspiracy theory “ ?

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Define “attack.”

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Verbal or physical aggression directed at or visited upon a person for the political "outrage" of wearing a MAGA hat or Covid mask. See: "Libtard Sheeple" and "Trumphole."

In my personal case, he, Trumphole, told me, Libtard Sheeple, to "take off your Covid mask, you're in a free state." When Sheeple declined, Trumphole repeated, with anger replacing amusement. Sheeple declined again. Trumphole said he would take it off Sheeple and took one step toward Sheeple, changing threat level from trash talk to criminal assault, at which time Sheeple put hand on gun inside pants pocket and declared, "That would be a mistake." Whereupon Trumphole judged tone, stare, and position of Sheeple's hand and decided his gas pump needed attention instead, whereupon Sheeple got in car, and left, The End.

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I agree that when it gets down to physical intimidation or assault that has no place in our country. I thought you might be whining about verbal abuse which clearly you weren’t. It’s funny how the political lines are so clearly drawn by a hat and mask today.

I grew up in WI. Im assuming you weren’t in Madison or Milwaukee being the liberal shitholes they are today.

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I love me some Wisconsin, having lived in Illinois most of my life but visiting your fine state often. I live in Arizona now, I like the extra freedom this state offers.

I was at a gas station near Baraboo. His initial "take off your mask, you're in a free state now" line was funny, and I laughed. It's after I said "no, thanks" that he turned into a bully and I had to, um, persuade him from going hands-on.

Covid bred a lot of bullies, left and right, didn't it? I wish this nation would calm down. We need less hassle in our lives, not more.

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Shane, I am posting this because I trust you to give your unbiased opinion about this article.

To start with, I believe John Kelly is an honorable man and is telling the truth. What he says is disturbing and as a veteran I find Trump's opinions on the military offensive.

It bears out what I have said all along about Trump. He is a self-serving megalomaniac.

I am a conservative and I am torn. Do I vote for a party that I think is actively destroying our country through far left bullshit, or do I vote for a man who is certifiably insane.

Here is the article:


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I don’t think Trump is insane. He just has the maturity of a toddler. But he is still the better option over Biden and his malignant progressives.

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I got this from a classmate of mine who was a Marine. Itrust hisopinion. It makes me feel a little better about Trump:

"I don’t trust CNN or the media.

They will do anything to see Trump doesn’t get elected again. Washington is totally corrupt and are afraid of him.

However, I was super pissed off at Trump for his stupid comment on Senator McCain years ago. However, look at we’re our military was when Trump was Commander-in-Chief vs how screwed up it is now. I think Kelly has an ax to grind. "

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seriously you believe a CNN article with John Kelly? IF a smidge of the things folks quoted re Trump, his entire staff and perhaps some family members, would vacate the premises. For every story re CNN, and all the others repeated, there are numerous that show a much different side of him that is never publicized by MSM. CNN = hacks

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I despise CNN but I believe Kelly to be an honorable man and if he did not make these claims, he could sue CNN into bankruptcy.

I believe Kelly.

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why does he not go to another reputable/conservative publication and make the same declarations? I think they may challenge his assertions and they prove to be "opinion and false"..

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Yuri, I hadn't seen "Nukey" yet. Excellent. Perfect descriptor. Thanks for sharing.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Wrong Yuri - upstate New York up to the Canadian border is quite reliably Republican.

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Its probably not inaccurate to say that The Finger is mainly directed at people who think it is directed at someone else.

We are not racist but we are VERY pissed at the idiots who call us racist.

We are not mad that Trump has been charged with crimes—we are after all the Law and Order party—but VERY angry both that the charges are clearly BS and betray a fundamentally corrupt System that the Democrats refuse to recognize because, for now, it favors them.

And the election WAS stolen. The best that can be said is that it is POSSIBLE a thorough and honest investigation of the sort not done anywhere would show Joe MIGHT have won; but I dont think there is any scenario where that becomes probable.

Personally, the people who piss me off the most are the ones who preach empathy and understanding but dont have an effing clue why so many people see in Trump a last hope of saving something that is being slowly murdered in plain sight by rich psychopaths and their corrupted henchmen and women.

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If you want to save America from "rich psychopaths and their corrupted henchmen and women"--an admirable goal I share--Trump is not the guy to do it. (Neither is Biden, but he never claimed he was going to drain the swamp and destroy the "deep state" and end corruption and all that.)

Trump talked a good tough game about draining the swamp and building the wall and keeping out the illegals and Bringing Back Our Troops and all; he was a master sloganeer and mesmerizer. But he never had the political skills, alliances, power, or vision to make any of that happen--he was too much Me Me Me to save the union like Ol' Abe. People poured their hopes and dreams of rescue into the wrong vessel.

The enemies of our society are still there. Biden will not slay them. But neither will Trump. Honestly, I don't know who has the chops to do it, or if corruption and psychopathy are baked into he system like all other nations' systems.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Trump never had the backbone. That's his problem in office. He's got a lot of good firsts.

- Trump is the first ever president to tell the public that the deficit doesn't matter because the whole point of a fiat currency is that we make as much of it as we need. Can't go bankrupt.

- Trump pushed through the Warp Speed vaccines. That saved our bacon. Dems made sure he couldn't get them to the public before the election though. And Dems claimed that accomplishment for themselves.

- Trump wound down, or refused to support stupid wars. But he didn't show backbone as much as he should.

Trump's Achilles heel? He threw everyone who worked for him that got in trouble under the bus. He would not protect them, over and over. When you don't protect your people and stand up for them you don't get their loyalty.

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Self loyalty is all Trump knows.

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Ditto all politicians.

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Oddly, not Nixon.

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The transfection aids aren't vaccines and have killed c.17.000.000 SO FAR, and injured many, many times that SO FAR. Don't be that idiot.

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That is complete horseshit. The vaccines have not killed people. You are a fool, conned by evil people.

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I'm not even sure I know what language it is you're trying out.

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Print all the money you need? Let's give three cheers for the Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe and Argentina. Or perhaps we should celebrate the latest burst of inflation in US.

And this advocated by Trump, in his own words, a lover of bankruptcy, which is another way of saying "Let's screw those who loaned me money in good faith."

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Your post and Shane's (above) contain a lot of really good insights. One quibble, though, is the one about protecting your people vs. throwing them under the bus. During my career (ugh, corporate communications....woulda shoulda coulda done something different when I was young enough to do so..) I worked with lots of odious people. I remember working for a big company at one point - commuting 75 miles each way to work, because those jobs are hard to find! - and we DESPERATELY needed help. With actual WORK, not sucking up to the higher ups. Our director (3,000 miles away) hired a person whose sole purpose in life seemed to be attending seminars, attending days-long corporate meetings with the honchos, preparing 80-slide PPTs, and coming up with new initiatives for the overworked minions. I joked with a co-worker once that "wow, if I were to want to hire a self-important egotist, that person would be my choice." I swear my co-worker repeated that and it came back to bite me. Kept waiting for self-important to get their comeuppance, but it never happened - as is universally the case, everywhere! (And note I'm not revealing the person's gender... 15 years later and semi-retired I still have deep wounds.)

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That's not what I meant, but yes, I know that type all too well in my career. You ever heard the joke about donuts? (Donut is an English slang for that type, all outside, no inside.) You want to shoot them, but when you do, it goes right through leaving them untouched and hits someone else.

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It sure ain't Haley

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deletedJan 22
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I agree with you that it's baked in. It's been baked in to every society throughout history, since people are people. Yes, a modern Eisenhower would be wonderful as our next president, but as you say, in the current political climate, anyone that good would be smart enough to stay the hell away from running in the first place.

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One of the first polls after the election showed that 36% of Democrats thought the election either stolen / corrupted....they're not all insane

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Interesting that you think the charges against Trump are BS, Unsaint - when in five states illegal alternate Electors were selected by GOP operatives under the auspices of the Trump WH between November 2020 and January 2021, after states' results were already certified. And of which, to the best of my knowledge, people have been found guilty in both Michigan and Georgia, with more perhaps to come. If a Biden or an Obama did that, there would be hell to pay. Trump may have done that, so there might be hell to pay..

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I think ppl question why it is obviously illegal when Trump does it but not when JFK did it?

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Where did I say that when JFK apparently did it it wasn't illegal? You expect me to side with him merely because he was a Democrat?

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Trump has done nothing illegal at any point, to the extent of my awareness.

Obviously questioning the legitimacy ofvthe election is legal: Hillary was still doing it in 2023.

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I find it quaint that you seemingly believe the standards being applied to Trump would be, have, or ever will be applied to Democrats.

Personally, I was happier when I believed in the Tooth Fairy.

But I grew up. It would be easy to say that cant be avoided, but I am reminded daily, as here, that adult reality testing is volitional and can be postponed indefinitely.

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The reality, Unsaint, is what I see. If the SC finds that a President is indeed not immune to prosecution for deeds performed in office, as I expect, and if Trump is tried - the case against him will or will not stand up in court. He is innocent until proven guilty. If you think the standards set for him are not the same as for Democrats, that's fine. And if a jury finds that true as well, they will acquit, and good for you. But there is a fair chance that the charges against him pass the smell test, and that a jury decides he acted in a criminal manner.

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deletedJan 22
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What is your concrete alternative? Mine is Michael Flynn in whatever role gives him the most authority.

To my mind saying we should vote for someone who works for and will continue to ratify the status quo because they are electable is playing the game so as to lose more slowly, but lose nonetheless.

Trump won in 2020, so he is obviously electable.

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The solution is to teach the public to stop walking around with political party labels on their foreheads. It's just as ridiculous to say "I am a Democrat" or "I am a Republican" as it is to say "I am an Oldsmobile". The parties are the cause of the problem in this country. When people are loyal to a party they sacrifice their ability to see clearly and think for themselves, and they give up their power to the party. Parties don't care about the people or even the future or the country, they only care about acquiring and maintaining power.

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Agreed. Voting for the only person who Biden can beat is a stupid move. And it's the short game.

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Enlighten me, Master, by sharing with me the long game I have failed to see.

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You can take Nocera out of the New York Times, but not the NYT out of Joe. Same with Bari.

This is all karma for corrupt Democrats who’ve tried lawfare against Trump.

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I liked his Honesty(?) podcast which could have been called Pandemic Lite. It was like something you would hear about on a late night TV ad: Time/Life presents: The Pandemic Years!

No mention of thousands of small businesses summarily closed, thousands being fired for not taking an experimental shot that didn’t stop transmission, students at extremely low risk from Covid thrown out of college. And of course “excess deaths” stats and an extraordinary increase in disability, both of which correlate temporally with the vaccine rollout, not Covid. Nocera of course finds space to mention Trump/ bleach but not Biden’s disastrous, mean spirited policies or the way his administration encouraged citizens to harshly turn on each other after he ran as The Great Uniter. Very biased and incomplete take.

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Still can’t believe when Biden warned all the unvaccinated a winter of death while he was wishing the vaccinated happy holidays

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Biden isn't cogent. His handlers are informing of us of things to come. They are monsters.

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Perfect summary. I didn’t even connect the author to the podcast.

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Just listening now. Good summary. My objection, however, is how he seems to take on the self-adopted mantle of authority on efficacy of the vaccine (boosters for the elderly) and of masks. As though Joe were an epidemiologist. A bit too much sanctimony for my taste.

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What podcast episode did you listen to? The one Moynihan hosted? Because many of those things were talked about....and have you read his book? I haven’t yet but just curious if you’ve read before forming this opinion?

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Yeah. Trump, blah blah. Middle finger, blah blah. Bannon barf barf. Barely touches her politics or positions. All trappings, no substance. That's Joe in a nutshell. Bari is wedded to all those a-holes that she used to work with who are utterly clueless about why the hell people would vote for Trump. People in Europe get it though.

I was struck that both Steve Keen and Phil Dobbie understand Trump and respect what he wants to do on this podcast.

Both Steve Keen and Phil Dobbie are Australians. Both live in Europe, so they don't have an axe to grind one way or another. It's refreshing to hear two bright people discuss Trump with real objectivity from outside of the US. They talk about how Rishi Sunak should pick up those positions.

https://www.patreon.com/posts/time-to-ditch-96794886 Yes, it's a pay for podcast, but it's not expensive.

Here is an older podcast about Trump that's free, but it's not as focused as this week's podcast is.


Steve is an economist that is very critical of current day economics. Steve has been right about most things. I wouldn't categorize him as either conservative or liberal politically.

Steve predicted the 2008 banking crash correctly. Steve is one of the world's experts in money and how it is created.

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He's claiming immunity, Mr. Trump. For all kinds of cool things he did while President. It'll probably get to the Supreme Court, three of whose members he had a hand in selecting. I don't think he'll get it from them, personally. They'll say he's not above the law. But if they did, that would give Biden immunity in arresting Trump right here and now.

Now that would be Democratic lawfare..

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The Noceras are part of problem. No será. Will not be. His name reminds me he's pretty much dismissable out of hand.

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Ha ha ha ha...I am still in the closet in some parts of my family and most all of my work🤣🤣🤣

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Reminds me of the famous quote from the New York socialite, “I don’t know how Dick Nixon won, no one I know voted for him”

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

That is a misquote of the film critic, Pauline Kael. What she said was:

"I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don't know. They're outside my ken. But sometimes when I'm in a theater I can feel them."

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Dripping with condescension and contempt for those outside her special world. She can “feel them” - as if we’re rats scurrying underfoot. Nothing’s changed in 60 years. And we’re supposed to be ok with people like that ruling over us? Our supposed “betters?”

Nikki Haley may be sincere in her desire to earn the votes of “everybody” but she’ll be a doormat for every beltway and Wallstreet insider two seconds after inauguration. And that’s why, Joe and Bari and well-intentioned friends at TFP, millions of Trump supporters don’t fit the stereotype you keep promulgating. Painting us all as angry white rubes might make you feel better about despising Trump, but you underestimate what’s really happening.

I am a woman, a city dweller in bright blue Minnesota, and I have a graduate degree from one of those major liberal universities. Some might even consider me erudite. And I’m not voting for Trump to be the pope or head of the Boy Scouts or the president of my alma mater. I’m voting for him to be a tough American president to stand up to an entrenched beltway and globalist mentality that has ruined the country I love with rotten leftist ideology, corruption, and an attitude that views most American voters - me and most of my friends - as rats scurrying under their theater seats. They can “feel us” but with the kind of uncomfortable contempt that wants to get us out of the way. Nikki Haley wouldn’t fight that rot, she’d mistakenly think she’s good or clever enough to compromise with it. And she’d be swallowed by it in a hot DC minute.

If you want to truly understand why 70+ million people would - and will again - vote for a guy who makes the condescending, contemptuous, woke establishment’s skin crawl and will be the most likely person to successfully reverse their agenda well, wait... there’s your answer.

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That's well-said, Sarah, and my sentiments too.

Yet I have to concede the point that Trump was often his own worst enemy, alienating people whom he needed left and right, spending too much time nursing grievances.

I'll vote for him again, and hope that Biden loses, but I can't be optimistic about how a second term will go for Trump.

In fact, I'll batten down the hatches.

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Understood and agreed, Steve. Trump, like all humans, is very much a mixed bag, with both beauty marks and warts. And maybe he has more warts than most, but I don’t think so; if we really saw behind the curtain of our heroes, I’m guessing we might be shocked and disappointed. It’s just that Trump’s warts get magnified incessantly to the level of a Looney Tunes cartoon so that’s all we’re supposed to understand about the man. The breathless gasps and sighs and pearl-clutching of the reporting makes everything he says or does into the population of the Ninth Circle of Hell. It’s supposed to seep into our psyches that he’s a bad bad man, a dictator, the ruination of democracy itself. The end of the world as we know it. Here’s what I see: He’s a narcissistic, bombastic bull in a china shop. Just what is needed to sustain the will and energy needed to take on the rot. Will he be successful? Well, that’s where he needs our prayers and some serious divine intervention. Let’s pray he’s sincerely open to it. Because the rot is beyond repair by just one man and his allies. As many people who are close to that rot are now admitting, it’s metaphysical. And the good news is that God has worked through deeply flawed and sinful men for many millennia. I could rattle off a dozen off the top of my head. And Trump is not so far gone that he can’t be used by the Almighty to get the great American Experiment turned back around. All things are possible, my friend Steve. If we don’t believe that, we retreat and therefore sign away the future to totalitarians who will rationalize every evil deed as the eggs that must be cracked to make their utopian omelet.

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Wonderful perspective Sarah. Really enjoyed both of your posts. I have always disliked the man because of his arrogance & crass manner however, if I had vote…. he would have mine. Anybody who wants to get out from under the WEF & WHO control is good enough for me. This coming from a long suffering Canadian going through the past 8 years up here under the narcissistic, fiscally irresponsible , morally corrupt & Gender delusional guidance of Trudeau.

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Yeah, right... Sky fairies won't save you, on account they only exist "living" rent-free in your head.

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I actually feel better about it. When he won in 2016 he had few options for support. Do not forget the entrenched Republicans in Congress fought him tooth and nail for two years until a few came on board because they realized they were at risk in their next election. Who in the public, including Trump himself, would have known the depths the FBI was plumbing? The FBI has become what it purportedly abhors. Now there is a pretty bright demarcation line and he has a better defined pool to draw from. It is up to the citizenry to elect a Congress that will work with him. Personally I think that is the unspoken fear of Trump - that with him at the fore it will be a down-ticket sweep. And that would mean, at least potentially, real change. So get ready. It is going to be a very bumpy ride. Zelensky just cut straight to the chase and canceled elections.

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I think the opposite. If Trump wins I want a Dem Congress. If it's Biden you would want a GOP Congress.

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Sarah, thanks for this comment, my sentiments exactly.

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I could have written this! I am so tired of people who work hard at having no clue being shocked when I defend Trump or his supporters.

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"Dripping with condescension and contempt for those outside her special world. She can “feel them” - as if we’re rats scurrying underfoot."

Don't take it that way. She is a vapid moron suffering from severe Dunning-Kruger. These people that say those kinds of things are no-one's betters, they are assholes living in a cocoon. They believe whatever all the lemmings in their tribe believe because they cannot or, most often, will not think independently because their perceived status depends on it. They are trapped, it is kinda sad.

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That, too.

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The vision your comment gives me is you walking toward Bari and Joe. They're thinking "she wants to tell us we nailed it." Not exactly--you walk up and head butt them like you were Jack F'ing Reacher.

Exactly--when even the right-of-center elites are disparaging Trump supporters, one has to ask just what the hell is happening. I'm left-of-center, and by November, the impossible could happen: the establishment and the DNC could continue to be so shockingly stupid that I could vote for Trump.

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Oh my Builttoill, you made me LOL. Thank you! The hubby and I just finished F’ing Reacher last night. You’ve just given me something that will legit crack him up - on top of this gem: https://babylonbee.com/news/wife-tells-husband-she-is-just-watching-reacher-for-the-sweaty-muscled-out-absolutely-ripped-plotline

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But Trump is stupid, Sarah. He cannot articulate. He has no interest in reaching out to anyone other than his base. He's vengeful, vulgar, vindictive, has little to no policy sense, thuggish in his mannerisms, insecure in his narcissism (remember that famous cabinet meeting with the cameras rolling as he had everybody stand up and extoll their tributes to him?), chaotic and incompetent in administration (his four years in office), has little to no understanding of our Constitution nor how voting system works in this country - and, icing on the cake, he wants no responsibility to try to unite the two warring halves of this country. All he wants is you, Sarah - and not me. Because he has never ever reached out to people like me, to try to change our minds.

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Lee, I can agree with you on some things. For instance, I don’t know you or your politics, but it is quite likely he is indeed not speaking to you or trying to change your mind, based on how you’ve articulated your view of him (the summary of which I interpret as him being the most ridiculous of humans and wholly irredeemable). He may have learned from experience that no one who truly believes all that about him is open to listening.

But I either disagree with or am underwhelmed by your other opinions on the man. I don’t think he’s stupid and I do think he’s been more right on policy issues than not (which puts me in the same company as Jamie Dimon recently - good luck to him at his Manhattan dinner parties BTW).

And as for vindictive and vengeful, well I believe there is presently quite an army of Democrat operatives that has him beat to the nines on that one. I don’t see any Boy Scouts in the ring.

He’s not an articulate politician and he’s no saint, that much is quite true. And that complaint falls on deaf ears of the tens of millions of voters who aren’t either. I don’t have to be one of those voters who prefers their politicians’ speech to be more pedestrian than wonky to appreciate where they’re coming from.

Likewise, I appreciate that you - and tens of millions of others - view him exactly as you’ve described in your litany of charges against him. That’s certainly exactly what I’ll hear on any cable show or from the self-appointed “protectors of democracy” in Bill Kristol or Fred Barnes bow-tie country club wing of the GOP - or anyone in the DNC. But as hard as it may be to fathom, not everyone shares the same lens as you and those millions. And that - despite all the incredulous, breathless gasps about anything and everything that Trump says or does from the smart set - does not make the people who will vote for him simply captured, ignorant rubes. It will be this very assumption that will ensure his reelection.

Will I go to his rallies? Nope, not my cup of tea. But will I vote for him over Joe Biden? Or Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama or whoever else the DNC machine spits out for our fealty? Why yes, yes I will.

And just wait and see what he does, if he is reelected. Perhaps he’ll be the brute you expect. But I don’t think so. Remember all those chants of his 2016 rally attendees to “lock her up!” Well, what did he actually do once he had power? Did he assemble the armies of government power to crush his opponent? He said, nah, leave it be - right there on national TV for all to hear. I don’t think he’ll spend even a smidgeon of the energy on his enemies as his enemies incessantly spend on him.

And with that, I imagine you and I will be two intelligent, well-educated, well-read, and thoughtful people who will just have to agree to disagree on many things. That’s the sacred stuff of a democratic republic - if we can keep it.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Good post, well thought out. Just getting to read it now. I can attempt to rebut you point by point, but all I’ll say is that even though I don’t quite think Trump is the existential threat to this country many believe him to be, I have huge misgivings on his inability to accept defeat, on his cravings for adulation, on his casual attempts to test the limits of the law, on his incessant daily drama of grievance and victimhood, and finally I find him to be intellectually inferior. Does this mean I am a Biden supporter? No. I do not want Joe to run again. I want more capable candidates from both parties to take things forward.

A thoughtful discussion, Sarah. I’m sure we’ll have more..

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That’s even better!

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Well put - we're all out of the closet now, especially since the mask had to come "off" or "on" in 2020, aren't we?

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

it has been patently obvious that Trump would be the Republican nominee, and was 50-60% likely to be president again, ever since summer 2021 polls showed him with little negative impact of Jan 6. Barring major surprises like significant health issues. I have saved a lot of time not bothering to read much coverage of the GOP nomination. It's all been a silly exercise with a foregone conclusion.

The effect you're describing is responsible for the widespread self-deception.

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Jan 6 was the natural response to the voting rule changes & gaslighting around COVID that cost Trump the 2020 election. The Trump steamroller in the 2024 primaries is the natural response to the voting rule changes & gaslighting around open borders & phony Trump prosecutions. Will history repeat in November?

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Don't forget that it was egged on by the unpunished street (capitol) theater that accompanied the Kavanaugh and Barrett confirmation hearings and the mostly peaceful St. Floyd of Fentanyl uprisings.

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Personally, I think the gaslighting that cost Trump the election was that he wanted to pretend COVID was a nothingburger. There were plenty of swing state voters who believed him that one could be quite cavalier, were later shocked as they watched loved ones die, and then voted against him. It was a theme in the town halls and in the focus groups.

Trump would certainly have won handily in 2020 if not for COVID-19, that's for sure.

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It has just been the press's wishful thinking. I mean there is 24/7 news. They have to say something.

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Supporting Trump really has become like farting in public. Its something you just don’t do in polite company, and you’re expected to hold your nose if it happens.

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Who you support politically may be the last freedom available. You should neither be ashamed of it, nor shamed for it.

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Well said. I agree!

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We fart in their direction deliberately anyhow. We want them to hold their noses: one less means of defence when we thump them.

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Haha i like that

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So I am farting away 🤣🤣🤣

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I don't read this quote as implying that supporting Trump is socially gauche, but rather that it was ideologically inconsistent with the political opinions previously expressed by this "Republican friend in New York". This, after all, is a basic premise of the article, that Trump represents a new kind of Republican, a champion of national populism that is almost a polar opposite from the neo-liberalconservative Republicans that came before him. Ironically, Trump is the RINO in this story, albeit one who rhino-ed his way through the old GOP and, in the process, remade the Republican name in his own image.

An observers expressing shock at life-long Republicans supporting Trump is less a comment on social fashionability and more a comment on ideological consistency. Had McCain or Romney been President in 2016, Trump would have run (and quite possibly won) as a Democrat, and it would have made just as much sense.

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Being gay in Gaza. FTFY. ;-)

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deletedJan 22
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"The American Society of Magical Negroes" is the film title of this, or any other decade. The most incredible lack of all awareness.

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Ain’t no way she’s gonna pull through

For better or for worse, whatever you think of him, Trump is the nominee

Either vote for four more years of the status quo (foreign wars, uncontrolled spending, open borders), or vote for the Orange Man

Trump 2024, baby

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There you go Ben in plain and simple English TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸We have got to get Brandon and his administration out of power they are destroying America there is zero leadership!!

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Biden has caused me to believe in America as never before. In spite of his incredible incompetence and toleration of open corruption, there is still food in the grocery, gasoline at the pump and civility in my small town.

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You left out millions of undocumented Democrats costing us hundreds of millions of dollars to support them. They came here illegally and now we must house and feed them?

Does that make you happy?

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Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars. Yet Americans come last. Ain’t democrats great?

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Of course not.

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Then why praise the man who caused all of this, Biden?

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I praised America, in spite of Biden.

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I took it to mean that he sees how great America is because it is still standing after everything crappy Biden has done.

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I'd try Remedial English classes; reading for comprehension doesn't seem to be your strongpoint. :-)

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Thank you for your kind words.

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Well, well. The blacks learned that the Democrats discovered another 'community" whose votes they can buy with taxoayer-funded benefits. So they threw the blacks overboard. No tears here. I've been supporting the black underclass with my tax dollars for 50+ years. In the highly appropriate words of Malcolm X, "The chickens have come home to roost." Loving it.

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That is a great quip - Undocumented Democrats! Spot on.

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For now, Howard, for now. But the farmers in Holland and Germany are the canaries in the coal mine. And if farmers and truckers have decided they've had enough, all the big cities and some of the suburbs can't even hold out for a week.

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...causing schadenfreude in Bumfuck, Arkansas. Who'd a thunk it? That word in Arkansas, I mean.

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Your comment at least credits Bumfuck Arkansans with recognition of the suffering of others. And demonstrates why the feelings of truckers and farmers are justified. They do not owe urbanites the fruits of their labors. Enjoy your bioengineered produce and lab-grown meat. You can produce those chemicals compounds down the block.

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Don’t think Howard has thought this through Bruce.

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Gasoline at the pump is double the price before Biden took office. It went up directly because of his policies. Groceries are all up something like 30% to 50% since Biden took office as well. About 200 Haitians were dumped into a motel in my small town, two or three families per room, and we don’t even know why they are there or what they want. All we know is that our taxes are paying for them, while local people are being squeezed out.

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and the never ending student loan forgiveness the tax payers are forced to cover now.

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Taxpayers who never went to college are in effect paying for those who have - keep voting for the Dem Grift.

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They started that up again. The vote buying machine. Down in the polls? Hand out billions in loan forgiveness.

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All true. I am just amazed how well we have stood all that.

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The sad part is that we have accepted it.

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If we knew how to make it stop, we would!

Let's make it stop. Now!

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It's "Putin's Price Hike"

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as Biden said.

But as we all know, the price of gasoline, diesel, & fuel oil more than doubled long before the war started... thanks to canceling pipeline, banning oil & gas development on federal lands, slow rolling of all drilling permits. The idiot basically sabotaged the oil & gas industry.

And not to mention, canceling the pipeline caused a Pennsylvania steel mill to shut down, idling thousands of workers, along with at least one refinery on the Gulf of Mexico.

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We've withstood it for four years but I don't want to find out if we can withstand it for eight.

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Surely Howard doesn’t want to find out either YM.

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Here’s what else is going on that clearly hasn’t reached your ears so I’d like to ask you about them.

I’d like to ask what you like about allowing millions of illegals to flow over the border? What do you like about fentanyl deaths by the thousands of our young people, overdoses and depression and homelessness in almost every city? What do you like about crime running rampant and criminals being released into our communities by politicized DAs to carry out even more crimes? What do you like about transing kids as young as 5, performing life altering surgery on 15-year olds? What do you like about women in sports being stripped of their ability to benefit from their supreme efforts by transgender men? What do you like about arming Iran by giving them billions of dollars to set the Middle East on fire? What do you like about our allies in Afghanistan being hung out to dry and our soldiers being left behind to be blown to smithereens on the streets of Kabul? What do you like about the scuppering of the Abraham Accords, the only chance to bring peace to the Middle East? What do you like about us destroying our energy independence and going cap in hand to despots for energy? What do you like about young people unable to find affordable homes to buy or rent? What do you like about the censorious nature of our government proven time and again by good journalists like Matt Taibi and Michael Shellenberger? What do you like about the weaponized DOJ? And on and on the list goes. It’s endless.

But perhaps you’re happy in your Biden bubble and don’t care. Who knows.

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Biden is Germany's Angela Merkl in drag.....look how well she did....and ask yourself why is The Right in Germany on the March?

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Good grief. When you don't get it; you don't get it. Do you?

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Get what?

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We are running on the fumes of infrastructure and normalcy laid in the past. Biden has nothing to do with it; in fact he is accelerating the downfall.

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So obvious but so seldom said.

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Albeit, groceries and gasoline are double now. And the civility is back because the Democrat stormtroopers stopped their crap, ie, Portland courthouse doesn’t seem to have any antifa troops night after night. It was just a temper tantrum by the D's the whole way through Trump's term in office.

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Biden's paper pushers and Mayorkas have allowed the undocumented illegals getting on planes where no id's are required. This is absolutely insane. Biden and Mayorkas have refused to enforce the laws already on the books regarding those who enter our country illegally and there are millions now waiting for the handout that our own citizens in need are denied. THIS is why Biden is not qualified to be our next President.

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I'm completely disgusted with Biden/Obama & all of their incompetent team, but I understand what Howard is getting at. I trust the American people to get up in the morning & go to work, and seemingly they are. We are surviving the lunacy of the DC politicians' policies that value all of us LAST, and their pockets FIRST. In a sad way, I'm glad they pulled all of the BS during Trump's first term, and especially during covid, so that regular citizens could really see them for who they are, vile and corrupt totalitarians trading their positions for grifted money from any corporation that'll pay. I'm not in the Burn-It-Down group.....more that Take-It-All-Back group. I'm very pro-Trump and I hope he absolutely cleans house starting on Inauguration Day. I live for leftist tears.

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An American who doesn't need Remedial English classes and can read for comprehension. Don't tell me, American education was relatively intact where and when you grew up! :-)

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Good point - if we can withstand 4 years (and may a merciful God forbid any more!) of Faux Joe, we can withstand anything!

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well, there IS food in the grocery store although it is very, very expensive. and there is gasoline at the pump, but that is very expensive, too, though it was super expensive about a year/year and a half ago. as far as civility goes, that really depends on where you live and what you dare say out loud in the company of others. of course, your mileage may vary.

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Baruch HaShem Howard, but I’m not sure if we get Brandon again for another 4 years we won’t be killing each other for the very items you have described in your post. Think seriously when you vote in 2024!

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For the first time in my rather long life, I'm seeing empty shelves in my grocery store.

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Me too. Supply chain issues? The Suez Canal is pretty much unusable. And Panama Canal traffic is way down because of prolonged drought. Seems the PC is fed by freshwater lakes and they are at very low levels.

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When they could have built a sea-level canal that didn't need all that through Nicaragua. But that would've meant Teddy couldn't steal the country.

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I spend some time in Costa Rica or at least did pre-Covid. The chatter then was about a new canal in Nicarauga. The drought was already in place so it appears some may be thinking ahead. The US Coast Guard is building a deep water port near the Nicarauga border on the Pacific side. On the Teddy front if you have never read The I.perial Cruise you should give it a peek. I know you know your history but it provides a different perspective.

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We've withstood it, for now. Ukraine has not, gaza has not, yemen has not - not that i'm for or against those areas, war is not the answer - we have not been provoked, but we can certainly step-in and shut that crap down, but FJB's handlers (and nukey hailey's) don't want that

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At first I too misunderstood your comment, but now I see what you meant. I agree, America is strong. That's why I'm incredulous why all these Democrats walk around saying "We have to protect democracy!" and "Trump will destroy America!" Seems to me the best way to "protect democracy" is to vote out the people who create inexplicable spikes in vote tallies in the middle of the night and use the justice system to pursue a political opponent. Those seem like pretty big threats to democracy to me.

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Well said.

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Episodes of "Get Smart", demonstrate how CHAOS works.

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What about RFK?

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Read his platform and get back to us. He's demented.

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I don't trust anyone with the last name of Kennedy. Womanizing drunks.

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Agree, Cat but if people take the time to read the lunatic's platform I' think they'll be appalled. When he calls for closet reparations and whines that police have to stop acting like occupiers in Black neighborhoods, you know the jerk is just another useless Kennedy with mush for brains.

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He's pro AA/DEI - deal breaker for me.

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He's useful if he can steal enough votes away from Bdumb to ensure a Trump win.

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add 'pervert' to that list :)

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I don't either.

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I laughed at your second two-word sentence! Sounds like the word we use to describe the one currently in office.

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Why do you think he's demented?

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Get back to me when you take the time to read his entire campaign platform. I was initially intrigued by him for his Covid views. But his platform is appallingly idiotic and racially divisive. Not to mention flat out stupid and demented. A few good ideas notwithstanding.

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Decent guy but his energy policies would impoverish the lower 80%.

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Given a choice between Dementia Joe and Trump's lies and attacks on the Bill of Rights, I'll take Kennedy any day.

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Name one political prisoner or anyone who’s rights he took away first time. Just one.

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Orange Jesus attacked the First Amendment by asking Congress to pass a law that would allow him to sue the news agencies for articles that wounded his oversize ego.

Orange Jesus attacked the Second Amendment (after telling us in the NRA, "I've got your back") by banning bump stocks by executive fiat.

Orange Jesus attacked the Second Amendment by asking Congress to pass a so-called Assault Weapons Bill.

Orange Jesus attacked the Second Amendment by asking Congress to pass a Universal Background Checks bill.

Orange Jesus attacked the Second Amendment by asking Congress to pass a Red Flag bill.

Orange Jesus had our backs alright, by slipping a knife in...

Orange Jesus also attacked the Fourth Amendment by signing the reauthorization of the so-called PATRIOT Act after promising to reduce the government's power, so yet another lie.

Just imagine Democrats holding both houses of Congress and Orange Jesus back in the White House. Do you really think your rights will be protected?

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Your name is very appropriate.

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And yet no one can refute what I said...

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Fiddling in his pants more like: he's a wanker. :-)

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Same here - he's the wild card of wild cards.

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He’s a fringe candidate, his main shtick is his vaccine skepticism, but I will say, he seems like a decent man overall. I’m just not sure what qualifies him to be the leader of the free world.

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Read up on how he treated his second wife. Mary. RFK, Jr was a heroin addict who proposed to his (pregnant) second and third wives while still married to the previous ones. Had some shady business dealings and literally kept records of the large number of affairs he had.

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This and free speech are why he pulls from Trump. But, his policies, outside of those, are to the left of Biden.

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Reportedly his former wife would have disagreed.

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Thanks for your input and kind words Terry. Hard to know who to trust nowadays.

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Read. Then you’ll know who.

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I just like to picture a debate: Biden can’t show up (his handlers won’t allow it), Trump won’t, so RFKJ will be there solo, articulating his positions in a thoughtful and respectful way. He has that going for him and the idea of normalcy has its appeal...

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Think about it....you only get to vote for president of the United States 15-20 times in your life.

Voting for a 3rd party candidate may make you feel good for 5 or 6 minutes, but face reality......you've thrown away a vote that comes along only once every 4 years.

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What bothers me is all the non-voters out there including millions who would likely vote Republican. If only a few thousand of them had registered and voted in '18, '20, and '22, the country and the world probably wouldn't be in such a huge mess.

We'd still be in a mess, though. You can't erase $30 trillion in debt overnight.

But the economy under Trump, at least until the corona virus lockdowns, was white hot, with record tax revenue pouring in. If we could have kept up that momentum for a few more years, we might have gotten this debt problem more under control. So frustrating.

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Not true. That's Dem and Rep propaganda speaking. They collude to convince everyone that there's only two choices.

If enough people vote their conscience instead of choosing the lesser of two terrible evils, then we could finally get a leader this country deserves. Voting for the candidate you think is best for the country is never a wasted vote.

If people were more loyal to the country than their stupid political parties, then we'd be in far better shape.

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In theory, you're right, but in practical reality, it's never happened and doesn't look like it will anytime soon.

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I think Trump would certainly show up to a debate with Biden. I think they could give Biden enough drugs to keep him awake and semi-alert for three hours.

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I suspect that the status quo will get worse if democrats win again. They will feel emboldened to grant citizenship to the illegals, use law-fare more egregiously against every and all critics, spend more newly printed money, etc. Trump is the asshole we need to get them out of the swamp. But he needs a majority in the House and Senate to make any real headway. When Biden reversed Trump on Day 1 with some 25 executive orders, he was exactly the dictator that democrats want us to fear in Trump. It can only be worse if Biden wins.

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Not surprised really that TFP and corporate news continues to blow smoke up Haley’s butt. She’s their last hope standing in Trump’s way. Engaging in leftist wishful thinking journalism that has Haley winning the nomination is not nearly as absurd as their passionate desire to see Liz Cheney switch parties, but until the last votes are tallied in the coming weeks bringing her campaign to an end, we’ll have to suffer through more “Go Nikki” pep rallies in the press. Never mind that in a world with no Trump where she was the front runner, they would be merciless in their criticism of her.

They don’t want Haley to be president. They only want her to beat Trump. They’d still choose any Democrat over her if it came down to it on Nov. 5th.

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I think Biden and Haley are two sides of the same coin.

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Wooden nickel. Chuck it on the fire.

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I agree. Both bought and paid for.

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I will vote for Haley. I voted for Trump twice but if he is the candidate I will vote for Biden.

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Please consider voting for the best candidate IYO regardless of party. If enough people do that, we can bring some sanity back to government. The Dems and Reps collude to make you believe there are only 2 choices. Help fight it.

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Thanks JGM. I am an independent so I will try to vote the candidate that espouses my feelings. There are pros and cons with both Biden and Trump. With Haley if she is elected we won't have to be concerned with congress going after her children like they have been with both Trump and Biden.

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Trump for controlled spending? Really?

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At least he recognizes that the well can run dry.

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He will only believe that after he's run it dry. His fiscal record is awful.

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Could he really choose tucker for VP?? Please tell me he won’t.

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Elise Stefanik (good lady from New York) is a potential Trump, VP choice


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That’s a great pick!

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Having listened to Tucker closely for the last ten years or more, you could do a lot, lot, worse. "Tucker '28 for 48th" has a great ring to it.

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I think that is an example of that middle finger thing.

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This exact line of thinking is what landed us in this mess in the first place

If you haven't yet, I highly recommend giving the Dean Phillips Honestly pod a listen. I am a registered independent and I found myself fervently agreeing with nearly all of his policy points

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Haley won't win the primaries, I agree. But she'll attempt to stay alive, imo, simply to be standing going into the GOP convention in July. There is a real possibility Trump could be found guilty in one of his trials. Will Republican delegates formally nominate a convicted felon (even as he appeals) in trying to win a national election in which he will need a sizeable portion of the independent vote to win? His base is not enough for him. Will Republicans take the chance, or go safe and take an untainted Nikki Haley as the nominee?

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Which foreign wars have we been in for the last 3 years?

Biden has many problems, but being to forceful with the military isn't one of them

We never should have left Afghanistan like that.

We should have got Ukraine the weapons they needed sooner.

And we should have taken a stronger stance in the Middle East a lot faster instead of letting Iran continue to attack us through proxies

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Nikki Haley is a dumber and—I cannot believe this is actually possible—less likeable version of Hillary Clinton. I live in New Hampshire, and despite the Haley campaign’s plastering signs all over our roads and flooding TVs with her annnoying ads every 5 seconds, the only people I know who support her are Democrats. She’s funded by Reid Hoffman and Co., for God’s sake, so any idea that she’s a conservative has to be thrown out the window. She’s a warmonger (“We should call it the Department of Offense!” she screeched) who will adopt any position her paymasters tell her to. There’s no fucking way I would vote for her—she’s not sending my kids to die in Ukraine, that’s for sure. I cannot wait to watch with glee as her campaign goes down in flames. I’ll be there when the polls open on Tuesday to add my voice to the throngs of Granite Staters who feel the same way.

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No one is less likable than Hillary Clinton.

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Kamala Harris is a close second!

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I actually much prefer Hillary to Kamala. At least Hillary is intelligent and has relevant experience, whereas Kamala is a blubbering idiot who has a giant fake smile plastered on her face all the time, like a dishwashing liquid model. And Hillary is pro-Israel and pro-West, who knows what Kamala would do if she had the power, regardless of her husband's ethnicity.

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Add Nancy Pelosi to that list - she's like fingernails-on-a-blackboard

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Her cackle still haunts my dreams

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That’s what I thought. I’m starting to reconsider that position.

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Gretchen Whitmer is right up there too.

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Oh right! Forgot about her. She’s not quite as awful, but she’s still young. There’s time for her to catch up.

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I'm from Michigan and can attest to the fact that she's just as bad as the rest

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She's a Hillary wanna be.

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Kamala bc Hilary is able to sound coherent

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That is for sure. She had it made and blew it.

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Not yet anyway.

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Excellent local insights, thank you. I didn’t realize Reid Hoffman was backing her, the slimy never Trump RINO crowd was bad enough.

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Not kissing Trump's ass doesn't make you a RINO, it does mean you have a spine thoug

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Sounds good, ok

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Love your comment, Bumom. I suffered through the entire article even though I knew from the title - "Is There Any Way in Hell Nikki Haley Can Stop Trump?"- that it would not be a real article about what politicians might and might not accomplish. If the people promoting Haley had wanted a real alternative they'd have promoted, rather than suppressed, DeSantis. Maybe the strategy of the Democrats teamed up with the Corporatist Republican war monger old guard - is to convince us that Everyone knows the Orange Man is Godzilla.

In reality, I think many (even plenty who voted for Biden) are a jaded about Jan6 accusations, Russiagate, etc. and think Trump might turn our suffering country around.

DeSantis made a gracious and on-the-ball (as always) withdrawal speech:

""It's clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance," he said. "They watch his presidency gets stymied by relentless resistance, and they see Democrats using lawfare to this day to attack him. While, I've had disagreements with Donald Trump, such as on the Coronavirus pandemic and his elevation of Anthony Fauci, Trump is superior to the current incumbent Joe Biden. That is clear.

"I signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee and I will honor that pledge is my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear, or repackage formed of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents. The days of putting Americans last of kowtowing to large corporations, of caving to woke ideology are over.""

Yeah - the WSJ is all in for Haley... I do not think our country would suffer from the Gender Medicine and Pharma and Education craze to the giant extent that it does if it were not for Corporatism. Frankenstien is horrifying and it is only one person made from dead parts. "Gender Identity" harms untold numbers of intentionally confused children, teens, young people, and the mentally disordered. If we cannot conserve our nations daughters - what good are we?

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I have an idea. Next time someone calls you transphobic, tell them no, not a fear. The term transnauseated suits you better. Because a Frankenteen is an intentionally warped version of their actual self. Shame on the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex for promoting this assault on our confused youth.

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Really well put, Rob.

Also, shame on all politicians who support the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex in their promotion of this assault on our confused youth, fellow transnauseated American. And, let's not leave out the educational-industrial complex which promotes the assault on young minds with Gender Unicorns and the like. The mental component comes first.

This is a paragraph from today's Pitt by a parent of a son:

"Being demoralized means losing the ability to distinguish real from fake and true from false without appealing to authority or an expert. When parents are being told that, they not only don’t know their kids, but also can't know their kids, it is the first step of brainwashing. According to Robert Jay Lifton, a psychologist who studied brainwashing and mind control, the first two stages of brainwashing are assault on identity and shame. While our children are undergoing the process of thought reform online, parents are exposed to the same brainwashing forces by the society at large. However, it is even more destabilising when the assault on identity and shaming come from the sources we have grown to trust, and when conflicting information is presented as facts. Mothers know best, but mothers also don’t know how to parent ROGD kids. Mothers know best, but they are not allowed to think about their child’s potential AGP, as this is incestual and thus shameful. This all leads to weakened beliefs and values, to the feeling of helplessness and to the heightened need to consult with the gurus of the movement.”

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Insightful. We are just beginning to understand the depth of subversion inherent in the insanity of the last few years. Let's keep our foot on the gas.

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I didn't like her to begin with but she had been running negative ads against DeSantis in Minnesota for a few months. Really negative horrible attack ads. I have yet to hear an ad from her saying what she is for. WW3 is my guess.

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Thanks for the input. I often say she IS Hillary with an R by her name. Same insincere laugh. Same I-am-impressed-with-myself-and-you-should-be-too rhetoric. Plus I think she was really stupid to push DeSantis, and more importantly his supporters, into Trump's camp.

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You may not like Nikki, but she is not dumb.

And as much as I despise Hillary, she is not dumb, either.

But your statement clearly is.

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Read carefully—I said she’s dumber than Hillary, which is to say she isn’t as intelligent (and it does not imply Hillary isn’t intelligent). I just said she’s not as smart. And she isn’t.

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She can’t be worse than Hillary, no one is. Except maybe Kamala. But that’s because she’s intellectually vapid and mostly inebriated, poor woman.

Thanks for the insights by the way.

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NH will be begging for Trump after 8 more years of DNC.

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In IOWA, Haley's base was independents & Democrats & other assorted RINOs

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One on-the-ground observation here, to make of what you will: I run the same route every day in my affluent NH neighborhood. The same few houses festooned with Ukraine flags or sunflowers with blue ribbons, etc. at the start of the war are the ones now with Nikki Haley signs in their yards.

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Not surprised - when did Dems become warmongers?

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Civil War, anyone? I’m no historian, but I think they started it…in South Carolina, of all places.

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You knew this article was a fail when Nocera used the sad trope of Trump wants to be a dictator. How trite…

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We had four years, maybe Nocera can list all the examples of how Trump acted like a dictator. It is pretty easy to list all the times the fascist Democrats used the power of the state during that time.

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It's the same broken record over and over. I'm so sick of it

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Yes, and “instigated” Jan 6th. These people all drink the same Kool-Aid.

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That's where I stopped.

I'm done with people with TDS.

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For me it was the headline. Didn't even read the article. Just jumped straight to the comments section to get all the news I need for the issue. Thanks everyone!

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The main reason I stay subscribed here is to read the comments.

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i did the same, the commenters and comments are the best part of TFP!

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We should get PAID!!!!

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That was my New Year’s resolution for Nellie’s TGIF column. Skipping straight to the comments significantly brightened my Fridays.

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I stopped at the headline + author. I've never agreed with any of his pieces.

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I suffered through. You are wiser than I am. It was a painful contortion of reality.

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And backs it up with a link to a PBS article accompanied by a photo of the fair and balanced Jan 6 committee! Good grief!

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That’s some brutal echo chamber journalism there. Oof.

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I expected better from TFP.

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I wish I still did.

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Seriously! Because Trump can just burn the Constitution, dismiss the Supreme Court, and ignore all legislation. Even Biden hasn't been able to do all that.

I love TFP, but I really wish they would get some more diverse political voices on their staff. People who cite PBS and think the Jan 6 Committee was anything but a dog and pony show will never be able to objectively assess what motivates those who disagree.

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What makes you think they want to? Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

These people are no different from fall down drunks who only think that they drink "socially." They are delusional. They are Matthew Perry. Until the populace provides a second intervention, and maybe a third...

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I really like the intervention analogy.

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I know. They rail against the woke, but will for sure vote for Biden again. What is the point?

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We have a current president who ordered the DOJ to list parents going to school board meetings or people who prefer traditional catholic mass as potential terrorists. It recently came out the FBI were tracking transaction records of people who bought bibles or other religious texts. People on the lawn filming J6 are now facing up to 20 years in jail, while people who burned down police stations serve 4 months. Various justice departments want to take Biden's political opponent off the ballot to prevent an election from happening.

Dictator? We got got one.

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Now required to register every small corporation (essentially those not already regulated) and identify stakeholders by name, address and other information. Info will be abmvailable to IRS and laws enforcement. The required registration is with the same regulatory agency that used search terms like "Cabela's" and "Dick's Sporting Goods" to track down Jan 6 "insurrectionists".

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Did Nocera actually say that? Ha, they all read from the same playbook. Not a curious bone in their bodies. I couldn’t read the whole article, boring and overly long. Windbag came to mind.

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He needs to be invited to the parties, don't you know.

One doesn't get a Davos badge by supporting MAGA. Watch the defenestration of Jamie Dimon begin...


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It’s actually The Grauniad. The joke in England is they can’t even get their own name right. Horrible and hate filled publication with little regard for actual truth, only “their truth”.

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But he did add “on day one”

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In my mind it was a fascinating comment and critique of our current system. As usual with Trump it was superficially understood and it was deliberately twisted. Our current accepted habit of allowing the President (both Republicans and Democrats) to issue EXECUTIVE ORDERS on DAY ONE is very much like a dictatorship!! Trump is correct he will be a dictator on day one, just like all recent Presidents.

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Exactly. Obama said it out loud: “I have a pen and a phone”.

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The question in people's minds is will he still be a dictator on day 2 and going forward, and no one knows the answer to that.

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That’s the trope the Dems are hoping will get traction- they are craven - Trump wasn’t a dictator during his first term but was rather besieged by The Deep State and Nancy Pelosi’s dogs.

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Jamie Diamond, Chamath Palihapitiya---two democrat billionaires, and Lionel Shriver, democrat author, have recently, a little begrudgingly, but still, acknowledged that Trump achieved a lot, America was better, and he’s the only guy who can solve the border crisis. When you get influential lefties saying this, you know minds are changing.

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Too bad they had to install an idiot in the White House to methodically destroy the country, before they realize this.

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Believe me, I regret my vote..

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I think they were too blinded by the opportunity to drain the government coffers again to care.

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“Jamie Diamond, Chamath Palihapitiya---two democrat billionaires…have recently, a little begrudgingly, but still, acknowledged that Trump achieved a lot”

I think they see the handwriting on the wall and are trying to make nice. No one, especially bail out billionaires, likes to be on the wrong side of “retribution”

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That is an interesting thought. I think it's called hedging your bets.

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Reflecting on the past few decades, it seems more like the elites/donor class support whoever they think will help their bottom line. The way they often 'hedge their bets' by donating to candidates in BOTH parties gives away the game that our government is a duopoly uniparty.

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It’s been going on since the late 1800’s; it’s why WW1 went in so long. Elites who have no national core; just self promotion and gains.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

There's actually a deal in the works between the Dems/Biden WH and the GOP on said border crisis in an agreement which would feature Ukraine/Israeli aid. Guess who's against any deal? Trump..

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I am highly skeptical that they are changing. The public soul-searching rings very hollow to me. It is why welcoming all the newcomers into the fold concerns me. Leopards and spots you know.

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I think they know who will win and are hedging. Those are the same people who know what the stock market is going to do because they have enough money to make it happen. I believe there is not enough money on the planet to get Biden elected again and that is why I still think "something" is going to happen before the election. Newsom has been quiet lately.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

The stock market is algorithm driven. And I agree about a surprise or surprises after the Dem convention.

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I always fling that super rich people stock market comment around. I have for decades lol. Us peasants are forced to invest in the stock market if we don't get a pension because we are on our own. I have been in my job for 34 years and have had a 401k the whole time and I'm still two years away from having enough for a good retirement. The biggest problem is health care before you are 65. Sorry for the biography but I thought it was pertinent. I think the surprise will be right before or during the convention. I cannot see Biden being able to win even against Trump. I think Democrats absolutely know it, but it is too far away from the election to make a move. It will make them look bad so the surprise will revolve around their convention.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

I agree with your election scenario. I am thinking terrorist act maybe. Followed by martial law. Fear seems to work extraordinarily well. As for the stock market I pretty much view it as gambling. I have tinkered enough to know that my trades are not a priority and would be sacrificed in the event of a crash. I embrace capitalism and the idea of the stock market but I think it is being manipulated by corporatism. By which I mean the professional business/widget class. Remember when Fords were produced by a company with a CEO experienced in producing automobiles? My husband and I have done well in real estate but that is risky now as well. Meantime inflation reduces my worth daily.

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Wow so I was thinking a health thing lol. Martial law would end the Democrats chance of winning anything for a while I would think. Not impossible though. The stock market is gambling to some extent but I do not have a choice. It has taken me 30 years of studying it to believe I know what I'm doing. It is heavily manipulated but there are long term patterns and in the end at some point earnings do matter. The biggest mistake I think people make is not knowing the stock market looks at least six months ahead. The really scary part of the stock market is that most trading by big money people is done by computer meaning that if the market starts going down and hits their trigger point, then all their stock gets dump at once. You used to have a week or two to figure out what is going on but now you must be positioned correctly all the time or you will miss out on making a lot of money or you will miss out on saving your bacon lol.

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Lionel Shriver could be a bell weather for change. However, she moves countries when she doesn’t like the scene before her. She writes from Portugal now.

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I hear it is very nice there. "Free" healthcare and all that.

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Nothing is ever free is it.

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No. It is not. Only the simple-minded believe anything is.

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Biden is steering us toward World War Three, national bankruptcy and total forfeiture of our sovereignty.

Next to him, Trump’s a saint. I’m voting for Trump.

As for Nikki Haley, she’s a lightweight, no obvious qualifications to be President. Two years as U.N. ambassador then quitting rather suddenly. A couple of terms of governor with no major achievements. Wants to (somehow ) force us all to use real names online, and she wants to keep the war going in Ukraine. No thanks.

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After age 85 you get to use your real name, because you don't give a shit about what happens to you anymore.

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Get to use and required to use it to access the internet are two entirely different things. Particularly in light of a very obviously weaponized justice system. Terry is right about her - the willingness to jump on requiring use of your real name indicates one of two things 1) she acts without considering unintended consequences, or 2) she is comfortable with collecting information on.citizens, and others, exercising their rights to free speech. Neither are good.

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Maybe she could use her real name and her husband's real name🤔

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Nikki’s real name is Nikki Haley. Her husband is Michael Haley. Her middle name is Nikki. What on earth are you referring to? You sound like Ann Coulter.

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Our financing of the slaughter of the Ukrainians and Russians is an evil, cruel episode in our foreign policy.

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and the release of frozen Iranian assets to finance Hamas, Houthis, and other terroristic groups. Unbelievably stupid.

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But, if you want perpetual war and an even more intrusive security state to "protect" Americans, it's a sound game plan.

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Yes, we're well on our way to becoming a smaller, weaker version of Communist China. The CCP is laughing in their boots at how we copy their every move: social credit scores, arresting dissenters, spying on the opposition, weaponizing of every government institution....

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Thanks. Hard to keep up with all the evil, sick things this administration does.

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I'm actually not against people having to use their real name. It would go a very long ways to fixing the hate and trolls on the internet. I don't think it is constitutional for the government to force it , but I wish the companies would do it on their own.

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It's unworkable. There's no way they can truly verify a name. Facebook requires your real name and phone #, and they demand a picture of your drivers license + phone verification. But anyone can mock up an image of a driver's license or other government I.D. for example. And they have literally billions of users all over the world. So it would become USA users are verified & use real names, and a billion or two international users can just make up any name they want. So many things wrong with the idea.

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I think it is a good idea. Anonymous posting has been a bane to this country. Social media overall has been bad in my opinion. We can just disagree. I'm good with that.

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I like Jordan Peterson’s idea--- 2 separate spaces, one for verified people, one for anonymous

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Yeah that is where I got the idea from.

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Or perhaps people just stop using social media and go out into the world and have conversations with real humans. I CHOSE to get off all social media in 2015 and I’m doing just fine. Making people use their names to use the internet would be like being asked for your ID when you walk into a mall or store . Why would you do that?

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

While I agree with you, the younger generation grew up with it. It would be like cutting off an arm for most of them. I'm sorry it is not going to happen. You would make people use there real name so that trolls would think twice before posting their bile. Too many bad people are hiding be behind fake names and profiles. As far as showing ID at a store goes, that could happen if crime gets bad enough lol.

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Funny how she doesn't use Nimrata. What ever happened to ethnic pride and the beautiful multicultural mosaic? Diversity is our strength!

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Although ... trump had even fewer qualifications going into office in 2016

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40-50 years of real estate investment, deal making and negotiations, running a multi-billion dollar corporation, construction projects all over the world... That's not nothing!

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Agreed! But it’s not exactly political experience either. It’s not uncommon for presidents go from governor to prez. Ronald Reagan comes to mind. :)

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In addition to being governor of California (sixth largest economy in the world), President Reagan was the president of the Screen Actor's Guild. I'm sure you learn a whole lot from that.

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Decades of managing a global real-estate and resort development company.

Decades managing global beauty pageants.

Decades running a global organization that has over 500 different entities and over 20,000 employees.

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"As for Nikki Haley, she’s a lightweight"

But, but, but...she has a vagina!

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Is it active?

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I think she's determined to screw us, just not in a manner that requires a vagina.

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I think she does a lot of whoring lately, but more of the political variety. But who knows? Maybe the recent reports from the Daily Mail about her marital infidelities would suggest whoring of another kind entirely.

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In other words, she's similiar to Trump and many in Congress. You can't have two standards, one for men and one for women. There's a difference between whoring and infidelities. Whoring involves money and/or gifts for services rendered. Let the one who is pure, cast the first stone.

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From Merriam-Webster:


1 of 2


ˈhȯr ˈhu̇r

plural whores

Synonyms of whore


somewhat old-fashioned : a person who engages in sexual intercourse for pay : PROSTITUTE


offensive : a promiscuous or immoral woman


: a male who engages in sexual acts for money


: a venal or unscrupulous person

She’s a whore.

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This is disgusting. Don’t like her, fine. But you don’t have to be so offensive in your response.

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I don't know Haley and can't comment on whether or not she is a "venal or unscrupulous person." At any rate, I'm not going to vote for her unless she's the Republican candidate (slim to no chance) running against Biden.

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And she wears heels. So she gets the trans vote too.

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Re bankruptcy. Seven trillion $ debt under Trump. Seven trillion $ under Biden. Debt? Whose debt?

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I am a woman, and HALEY is NOT who I would want as the first female president. Actually I prefer Tulsi Gabbard.

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I was thinking of her as a possible Trump V.P. Anyone else?

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What about the Lt Governor of VA - Winsome Sears???

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

I like her but I think she needs more experience. I see a bright future for her in national politics though.

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She's an unknown. The only way Trump beats Biden, (a stretch in any case with all the haters) is with a solid, popular VP pick who brings with him/her MANY votes. Haley seems the logical pick, in spite of her warts.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

If Haley is selected as Trump’s VP then this voter doesn’t pull lever for Trump.

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I hear you. But I think it all comes down to the VP pick, whoever it ends up being. I'll take a Haley VP and a win, over a non-Haley VP and a loss. It has to be someone who brings as many votes as Haley would.

But wouldn't you love to see that Haley - Harris debate? That alone could seal the election.

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If Trump picks Haley he’s playing Russian Roulette

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You, and me, and maybe millions of others, too. Plus, then the CIA would go all in on knocking him off. He would be signing his own death warrant.

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And you'd risk 4 more years of this disaster?

You're naive beyond your years.

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The issue is Trump has to pick a VP that "the swamp" hates nearly as much as him. Otherwise, he is assassination material once in office. The not so subtle call for one went out with Alex Soros already (picture of a bullet hole and 47).

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Ain't gonna happen.

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I can't stand Haley. She is WEAK

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So was Kamala

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What about Kristi Noem of South Dakota?

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Who Haley??? Not for me.

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I like it. The military experience too.

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I don't think Trump will choose anyone who ran against him as his running mate. Also no one who would compete with him for headlines (so no Marjorie Greene). Noem seems like a real possibility.

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Stefanik of NY is my pick.

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Tulsi says the right things, but she's a lightweight. With Trump's age we need someone who is ready to step in with governing experience, seamlessly, like DeSantis or Youngkin.

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Practically every VP is or ends up being a lightweight lol. I would like it to be DeSantis myself.

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Elise Stefanik

Tucker Carlson

Vivek Ramaswamy

Ron DeSantis

Tim Scott

Stefanik could flip NY from Blue to Red - Upstate is already there, and downstate, the Hamas bullshit is giving people a reason to jump ship. If Brother West pulls enough of the D voters away from Joe/Kamala in the Bronx and Queens... look out.

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A born and bred NYer here and I can tell you Stefanik will not flip NYC and that's who makes or breaks NY elections.

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Brother West and RFK will pull people away from Brandon, and the Jewish community will defect to Kushner's Father in Law. Book it.

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Tim Scott and Elise would be good. Or Christie Noem.

Cicely is a grifter. Tucker is a tv personality.

Ron wouldn’t do it.

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Well, count George Santos’ NY seat as a Loss for the GOP...

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I love tulsi! That would be brilliant. Just not tucker. Please not tucker

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Who wouldn’t? But she’s not on anyone’s ticket. And she lacks name recognition to run independent.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

I do believe she has name recognition. She is a very strong possible candidate and I believe once she got out there, many would like and support her.

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Totally disagree. She represents everything America First folks are completely opposed to. Unless she can get A LOT of Democrats, Independents and RINOS- and therefore utterly disrespect the entire movement- she doesn’t stand a chance.

But that’s absolutely the goal. The utter destruction of MAGA.

I don’t think she can do it, because the deep, abiding enthusiasm is for Trump.

I believe this bunch loathes us so much, they are willing to burn the whole thing down. Make no mistake, if Haley is somehow able to force her way in, thwarting the will of the base, it WILL result in epic failure for ALL Americans.

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I agree. I think it is a two front battle - for control of the Republican.party and for control of national.politics. For four years. Not a lifetime as opposed to the Prorecessives.

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You’re all having a fun time here, venting and fulminating about Biden and Nikki Haley but get real: which do you want more? Biden is AT WORST even money against Trump (and that’s before he actually starts campaigning and before Trump is very probably convicted of several crimes) while Haley is universally polled to beat Biden easily. You might like Trump’s schtick but he’s a loser, and is bad for America and definitely bad for the world. And finally, I’m gobsmacked how so many of you do not support Ukraine - is it because your cult hero is against supporting them because Zelenskyy declined to corruptly investigate Biden? Ukraine deserves our total support because 1. It’s a reflection of our best values but more importantly, 2. It’s in our selfish best interests that Russia loses. If Ukraine goes under to Putin, look out for autocrats trying it on against the U.S. all over the world.

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The Ukraine mess is as much Russias doing as the US and NATO and Europe.

NATO was NOT supposed to keep adding members per the agreement with Russia. They did and kept on going. Europe has no backbone. Europe does not and has not paid its fair share into NATO and has been happy the US is basically the purse of NATO. The US continues to be the guard for Europe while France and Germany argue about who’s in charge. Where were they when Putin was signaling his desire to move west? What did EUROPE DO with crimea? They virtue signal in Davos but DO NOTHING to signal they are willing to protect their own continent.

Poland I believe is the most outspoken- perhaps bc they don’t want a repeat of USSR. But France? Germany? Italy?

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I see Tulsi as a VP choice for now. I think Trump needs to pick a very specific candidate to pull voters away from Biden. And it's NOT Haley.

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I think she is doing what few do anymore. Building her name recognition slowly and surely. With skill IMO.

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I'd vote for her because she's HOT

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But it takes guts to run. Tulsi doesn't have them, at least not yet.

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It's possible she knows she's not ready or maybe it's because she has seen and experienced the venom of politics,

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“Everyone knows that the typical MAGA voter is white, rural, and working class…”

People really have a tendency to go all Pauline Kael whenever Trump’s name is mentioned, huh?

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Trump Derangement Syndrome is as real as the flu virus

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Pauline Kael “ Nobody I know voted for him (Nixon) after he won 49 states

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dont discount other folks besides "white", the groundswell of realization to Bidens ineptitude, is massive, you just wont hear of it on MSM at all. Nothing they do will support or tell the Trump story.

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I think that was AaGs point.

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His base may be that.

What I don’t like is the inference that that is somehow bad. “The educated folks know better” is the inference.

Really, not many ppl know much in depth about their political choices and most operate on assumptions, incomplete knowledge, emotional/gut reactions, tight paradigms, and stereotypes.

…of course everyone who comments on here is not included in the above. 😉

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I'm from one of the most liberal cities in America, college educated, and I have a white collar job at a well known corporation. I do not like personally or as a leader, but he was effective with policies. He has my vote.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

This was a good read. I’ll just say that Haley is “leading Biden in hypothetical polls” because the Democrat media establishment hasn’t turned its guns on her yet. All the nice talk about reaching out or Being a President For All Americans would go out the window if Haley somehow became the nominee. The media would quickly christen her the “first woman of color to be the reincarnation of Hitler.” Her rapid increase in net worth would matter all of a sudden (despite Biden being far shadier and richer). College classmates would swear she used to say the N word. Etcetera.

Don’t kid yourself about unity. They did it to McCain, who before 2008 called the media “my base.” The media hates Republicans: politicians and voters alike. Thats why we hate them and love Trump. You either get that or you don’t.

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The "Sikh face of white supremacy". Of course!

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

lol that’s perfect. If it hasn’t been seriously alleged it will be soon. After all, and as the author notes, she recently failed to recite the left’s simplistic catechism that the civil war was entirely about slavery. So she’s already Mussolini and on her way to being Hitler 🤡

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Suddenly it wouldn't be "racist" to mention her birth name.

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Yes- if you recall already, when she was looking like the likely nominee (ca. 2021), the left started calling her Nimrata and a race sellout etc.

Later, when she became the palatable Trump alternative that all stopped.

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I don't know, she's one of them. I'm old enough to remember 2004 when the establishment loved Goerge W. Bush and Democrats were the out-party. I think the deep state would be thrilled to have an establishment Republican nominee so they could switch sides, stop apologizing for Biden, and pretend something has changed.

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They have TDS. They are nice to anyone else.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

“ Everyone knows that the typical MAGA voter is white, rural, and working class.” Do they now? That arrogant, inaccurate, racist and elitist stereotype would be at home in the New York Times, but should be beneath The Free Press. How disappointing.

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Ironic too in that the NYT just ran an article indicating that college grads are shifting support to Trump.

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This is a FREE press.

We want differing views....doesn't mean you have to agree with all of them.

Would you rather a CANCEL press?

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Gee, sorry 234 if exercising my freedom of expression using my full name on The Free Press upset you. Can I assume therefore that you agree with the writer’s racist and elitist stereotype of at least half of American voters?

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I'm not the least bit upset.

If you choose to use your full name, go for it. I choose to remain anonymous.

Yes I agree with you about the writer's racist, elitist remarks....I skimmed and didn't pay attention to much of it, but I'm ok with TFP airing them.

Personally, I'd like to see more views from liberals. I don't think Bari meant for this platform to be dominated by conservatives, which it has become.

If we only hang with like-minded people, there's not as much chance to learn

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Absolutely. I am a moderate and I have no use for party politics. I want good policies and am a true believer in America first. But count me among those tired of the sniping and nastiness on BOTH sides. I want Congress to do its job, a president who’s not crazy and a free press that refrains from taking editorial stances in its news reporting. And I’m tired of billionaires buying the news

I guess what I want is civility and forums where people can express their opinions and exchange ideas without cursing at each other and calling their ideological opponents names because we think differently. A free exchange of ideas.

I want to see more variety in the comments. And that requires that we, as adults, stop insulting those who don’t agree with us.

You can have a position without being brain dead to opposing observations.

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I don't normally agree with you all the time. But I am now..

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Haley would be worse for America than Biden. Her victory would represent a victory for the elites in DC. She’s basically the next iteration of George W Bush, and if she defeats Trump, she and her crony friends would further entrench the status quo.

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Worse than Biden? Dude, you're out of your mind........

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I am guessing that what he means is the people who pull Biden's strings will also pull Haley's strings so the snowball rolling down a hill that is our country will increase pace toward disaster.

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As in people who think they are getting a different type of governance would be lulled into a false sense of security. When really it would just be continued rule by career bureaucrats.

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Laura and Lynn are correct. Most people are unaware that the democrats and republicans in the establishment are actually in agreement on the worst things.

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You couldn't be more wrong.

Start with the border.....you think Nikki is going to keep it open?

You think she's going to keep all the gas & oil R&D leases cancelled?

Think she wants student loans forgiven?

Think she's going to have her strings pulled by Obama, Rice, and Jarrett?

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You are missing the point. You are thinking in one year bursts. I’m thinking about the long term future of this nation and our current trajectory. In that regard, Haley and Biden are the same person. There are MUCH larger issues than those you mentioned.

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Not sure there. I'm no big fan of Haley, but she sure sounds far more intelligent than Trump when she speaks. If that's being an elite - we need more of them.

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I’m pretty sure I didn’t use the word elite. I may have. I believe I used the term establishment. I’m not talking about how well spoken or educated she is. God knows Trump could use some manners and polish, but I don’t care nearly as much about that as their respective entanglements with the corrupt establishment that’s ruining this nation.

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Um, yes… very seriously… the establishment isn’t just made up of democrats. The swamp has blue and red gators and Haley is one of them. A very serious arguement could be made that our freedom is just as at risk under Republican rule as democrat rule if the have ZERO intent to stop the corruption. Haley is deeply entrenched with the intelligence and defense communities.

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Biden is that puppet today but his senility has made it all a bit too apparent. This is why they now need Nikki Haley

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Vivek was right when he called her Dick Cheney in heels.

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It’s like some of these people don’t realize they are in in this together. It’s about their power, profit, and influence, not serving the people. Cheney, Bush, and others are taking the nation in the same direction as Biden, Newsome, and Pelosi. They keep us arguing over less significant stuff, nobody does anything about it, they take turns spending money irresponsibly, and nothing changes. Haley is the status quo.

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All this ink spilt on Haley: why aren’t you reporting on Robert Kennedy Jr who is polling ahead of Biden, Trump and certainly Haley in all major polls. Why is media—legacy as well as substack repudiating an interesting and popular contender?

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A teenage crush on a Kennedy has never worked out well. You could end up trapped underwater with nobody to save you...

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Or killed by a golf club

Or date raped

Or if you're unfortunately unlucky enough to marry him, he'll drive you to hang yourself.p, then won't even let you RIP and will dig up your grave to rebury you to a neglected plot with an unmarked grave.


Not sure if even Putin is this vindictive to need to punish the already dead.

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Or sexually shared with buddies in a pool by the former President JFK.

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Good one, Bruce!

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A worthless 2nd sentence.

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Say her name.

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Mary Jo Kopechne (sp?)

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Joe Nocera?

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RFK Jr. had the audacity to question the mighty pharmaceutical syndicate from which the MSM receive 70-80% of their advertising revenue. Do you think that they’ll ever do anything but run hatchet jobs on him?

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Which is why he's running a trailblazing campaign via independent media, podcasts, social media... basically, everywhere BUT legacy media. In today's world, it could be the winning strategy.

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Do you really think Biden will debate Trump? I don’t think that’s going to happen.

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Can’t wait until the debates. I think it will be the first time that the vast majority of likely voters will be exposed to his common sense. Although the MSM will pounce on any misstep like the hyenas that they are.

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*IF* the corrupt duopoly even allows him to debate. That's a very big IF.

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Do you think the two parties will let him debate?

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Yeah but did he do do before or after the vaccine injury left him with that voice?

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Way before.

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What isn't said is often more important than what's not, eh? I write for Children's Health Defense Canada's EMF sector FYI.

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We are fighting wind farm cables landing on Kennedy's beaches and running in his roads to an electrical substation containing 125,000 gallons of dielectric oil in top of our protected sole source aquifer. And one of our concerns is EMF for the cables encased in concrete. Any resources on that form of EMF. I would say we should worry more about our sole source aquifer that supplies 250,000 full time residents that if an oil spill happened would be a Flint East Palestine combo.

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The cooling requirements for offshore wind sub stations draw in cool ocean water that becomes heated and is expelled. What is the effect of that on the offshore fisheries and ecosystem?

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Ours use dielectric fluid on the substation I believe. Not ocean water.

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"EMF" -- Every Mother Fucker?

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Good one...electromagnetic field is more like it.

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Thanks for the input KTon. At first blush I would imagine that those cables could emit a ton of dirty electricity at the transformer site as they need to convert AC to DC (most solar and wind power inverters do this). There are filters you can get for transformers.

As far as the cables being encased in concrete, is there a link you can send me? Could be okay, but tough to know.

Why are you concerned about the EMF for concrete-encased cables?

Here's an article I wrote on dirty electricity FYI:


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I will get you a link. I have many emails to sift through. I will check out your link. So funny how Kennedy is enviro but wondering how he would view our sole source aquifer not even being reviewed by the EPA for the Clean Waters Act and the Sole Source Aquifer Protection Act because no federal funds are being used. It's like if you don't need fed cash, go ahead, build. No need to protect the citizens left with hundreds of millions of infrastructure that could ruin your water. Could we be Love Canal 2.0? I thought we had government to protect us (insert sarcasm).

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I hear you on the emails...too bad we don't have government help with that too (: Feel free to email me at info@thepowercouple.ca to keep in touch, as sometimes I lose track of comments. Glad to offer any insights I can. Thanks for sharing and for your question.

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He isn't polling ahead of anyone. Where are you getting that from?

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If he was a Republican we would be inundated with glowing stories about Kennedy...you know, the same thing they’re doing with Haley currently.

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Have you read his platform?

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Yes and it is frightening. He is left of Biden.

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As long as we are talking about dictators---Biden just forgave more billions in student loans, AFTER the Supreme Court struck that down.

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Yep! The president is now in open defiance of the Supreme Court as his party works on a strategy to restack it.

While Democrats baselessly accuse Trump of being a dictator, president Biden is making explicitly illegal declarations to give money to his voters.

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Well, as Andrew Jackson said when displeased with a Supreme Court decision, "Marshall made his decision. Now let him enforce it." Seeing as how the SC couldn't even find the Dobbs decision leaker, I doubt their army is up to the task.

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Don’t forget his bypassing Congress to send more lethal weapons to Israel. A stark about-face from the party that loves regulation.

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"Why in the world is Nikki Haley holding a rally in the middle of nowhere?” a talking head asked Katy Tur during her midday MSNBC show..."

Why in the world would anyone listen to someone who watches MSNBC and Katy Turd? At midday, no less? I'm with Bannon. If Trump decides to pick a woman, Tulsi would be the one.

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Elise Stefanik, please! She demolished Claudine Gay.

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What about the Lt Governor of VA - Winsome Sears???

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I expect Sears will be running for governor, since Youngkin is term limited.

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She was born in Jamaica.

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Ok, yes. She’s terrific.

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She’s awesome. And it wouldn’t leave a Republican shaped hole in an important position in Congress or state government.

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Nope. The press spin will make your head spin when they accuse her of racism in her “diabolical GOP orchestrated witch hunt” to remove Gay from Harvard.

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She did. But she serves an extremely useful.function where he is. It will take not only a motivated President but a functioning Congress as well.

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Elise Stefanik would be great.

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I’d rather Trump just pick a highly qualified person who would balance his wacky personality. Pence seemed to be that person in 2016; people said, OK, Trump’s a bit crazy, but at least we can fall back on this guy who seems very solid and mainstream. Probably Trump‘s going to pick someone like him again, though obviously not him given his attacks on Trump.

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Highly qualified being somebody who will agree with him all the time? That’s all he wants in his administration and for his voters. Everybody with any intelligence has already been fired or is a “loser.“

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This is a Democrat talking point.

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Famous Democrats like John McCain, Rex Tillerson, Jim Mattis, Mike Pompeo, William Barr, John Kelly, and Mike Pence, in addition to Nikki Haley. Most of these people were voting Republican long before Trump was.

Most cabinet positions started out with an intelligent and independent minded person and ended up with a kiss ass. This is why, as a Republican, I think Trump is the RINO. If it’s not about him, he doesn’t care. No higher loyalty to Republican ideals.

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There are two Republican parties. The old union-hating, country club set and the Reagan Democrat working class conservatives. Given that the Dems are now the party of the globalist, elitist lunatics, we need a Republican Party that stands with working Americans. Screw the country club set.

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Bruce, I almost always agree with you and share your general point. What I don't want is four more years on Dem control. I want to take the best path to victory, and don't believe that is Trump. I voted for him twice and don't have TDS.

He ignites the left, has less support today from independents, and might have lost a vote or two from the right. His base is being very vocal, for good reason, BUT, we gotta win! I will likely vote for Trump if he is the nominee.

All that aside, I believe Vivek or Desantis were the most qualified to get the best job done for America, but oh well.

If Trump were to get elected (I obviously strongly doubt he can), I pray it is not a vengeance tour.

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Like he said. Democrats lol.

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Not really. Anytime with a modicum of intelligence and awareness can see that it’s true.

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Because all the people on here are robotic, white, rural Trump lovers who agree with all he says, right.

Isn’t that what all you robotic, predictable Trump/MAGA haters say, while mindlessly trumpeting the MSNBC, CNN, NYT talking points.

I mean if we’re going to stereotype, let’s be even handed about it.

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He is. Which makes his cabinet and VP choices gold mines. FWIW I think Abbott will run in 2028. ICBW but I think a Trump victory in 2024 will unite and pave the way for like-minded candidates. Without re-education camps and prosecutions for his opposition.

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Gotta be someone who can win in 2028

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No one votes for the VP.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Glenn Youngkin

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I had not thought of that. He is term limited. It's a possibility.

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trump learned alot in the first 4 years.

Balance sanity, dignity will not be in the job description for his VP.

I envision 8 more years.

He will start working day 1, while dictator for that day, to argue that two terms means two consecutive terms.

Hold on, this is going to be even more disruptive than Biden so far.

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I hope you are kidding. It is clearly spelled out in the constitution.

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That there is nothing that allows the President to suspend the Constitution because he/she doesn't like the outcome of an election?

Now he wants complete President immunity????

There is no unbiased Constitutional interpretation that I have ever seen that allows either of these.

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Trump is asking a court to recognize his immunity claim. That is the way it is supposed to work. He was seeking court input in connection with alternate electors too. The Dems are not using courts. They are using law enforcement and prosecutors to manipulate the criminal justice system.

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He is not getting immunity. There has been debate on whether or not a President can pardon himself. We might find out the answer to that. His legal team put in a motion arguing for immunity. That is what lawyers do. Doesn't mean a judge will rule in his favor. Take a breath and watch what is actually happening. There are checks and balances in place.

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Did you not see that is exactly what he is advocating for the Presidency.

I am taking a breath.

And keeping up at the same time.

Not really that difficult.

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Good idea and while we are at it, take a deeper breath and wait for not only the USSC but also the jury verdicts.

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I'd love for Tulsi to be VP, but I think Kari Lake or Kristi Noem are more likely.

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She'd be an absolute fool to run with him. She can easily wait the four more years to make a decent run for office. Why get tainted for no reason? Everybody Trump touches turns to trash..

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Given her waffling answers on gender issues (what is a woman?) and on immigration, I certainly hope not. It is as if she is trying to say the least offensive thing possible and play it both ways. Have some principles other than I just want to get elected.

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We’ve all seen this type at our jobs. People who aren’t particularly good at the work, but put tremendous effort and excel at posturing and sucking up to people in power. They often go far, but accomplish little of value.

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Her waffling on gender issues was the thing that cemented me against her. Unlike others here I was willing to keep an open mind. But her refusal to be straightforward on this convinced me she is absolutely bought by "Jennifer" Pritzker, just like Chris Christie is.

"Jennifer" Pritzker is always looking for a Republican candidate to back. After he turned sour on Trump he bet his horse on Christie. I wouldn't be surprise he placed his next bet on Haley after Christie dropped out. Nothing else can explain why she waffled on this.

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I have to be blunt: when Nikki announced after Iowa, after finishing third, that "This is now a two person race," I thought, This is just like listening to Karine Jean-Pierre, or John Kirby, or Alejandro Maorkas. She finished Third. There are three people!

I am exhausted from liberals turning the world upside down, from telling blatant lies, from -- OMG Making It Up!! I don't care that it is now in fact a two person race. That was not what Haley declared a week ago. Which leads me to Trump: his fantasies and exaggerations are almost comical but we have gotten used to them, like a pointless halftime show at a college bowl game. Why did Haley have to go there?

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All valid replies. But I was force-fed this idea that Haley was different. I'm as realistic as the next person about politics. I guess now I'm free of the conceit that she's unique. So it turns out, we don't need a female president. What difference does it make?

One thing I would like to get back to, though? Can we please have a white male heterosexual press secretary in the next administration?

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22

Well, yes. If Biden wins again you most definitely can have a white male heterosexual press secretary, and he'll have long hair and wears a dress and calls himself a woman and a lesbian.

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But of course!

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While he is way too intelligent for a press secretary, I would love to see Vivek do it for just one day.

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Bc she knew desantis would lose big in NH and she is going to carry momentum. Nothing wrong with saying it if you’re right.

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Except when it looks like you don’t know 19 is less than 21.

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Except now it is a two person race. Maybe she has foresight?

Only Trump supporters would think she’s a liberal.

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No, they think she’s part of the swamp and a war mongerer. What are you reading?

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Actually she's Mitt Romney in a dress!!

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No, Haley is not Mittens. Mitt Romney is a private equity pirate. He stole his fortune "legally" by getting loans to buy companies that had big pension plans. Then he took out loans using those pension plans as collateral for capital improvements. Then he waited 2 years and a day, and he paid himself the amount of the loans. Then he dumped the companies, leaving the taxpayer to pay the pensions.

Mitt Romney specialized in destroying companies by using barely legal trickery to destroy the lives of working people and stick the Federal and State governments with the bills. The amount of his fortune is almost exactly the same as the amounts in the pension plans of the companies he wrecked.

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I wasn't talking personally, I was comparing them politically.

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This article on Haley didn't say anything about Haley's politics. It was 100% horserace bloviation.

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Her and Mitt have the same policies. Hence the reference.

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She is much worse than Romney.

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I mean, Ron said he would stay in through the SC primary. People say optimistic things in campaigns. When they get in office and lie, then you’ve got Biden, Mayorkas, KJP, and pretty much this entire administration.

Plenty of stronger reasons to dislike Haley.

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Get in office and lie.

Don't all politicians do that?

Particularly the last administration?

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First they lie to get into the office, then they keep lieing in order to maintain "credibility."

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