Batya has hit the nail on the head here: it is GOOD to be unpopular with evil people.

That is a very bracing concept. It's worth reminding myself of that every day.

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Plus, the best revenge is living well. These antagonists will drive themselves nuts, gnashing their teeth in ignorant outrage. With just a little intellectual distance, it is easy to see how irrelevant they are.

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Totally agree.

She covered the entire situation (and threw in the woke issue and MSM) absolutely perfectly.

I stand with the Jewish people, I am pro-Israel and I am pro-Zionist.

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": stand with the Jewish people, I am pro-Israel and I am pro-Zionist."

And we deeply appreciate it, CH. It takes guts to do that publicly.

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I admit I did hesitate and then I thought...why? Why am I even hesitating at all!

Thank you Shane for that boost!

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You're very welcome, Crazy Hair. Our exchange is a timely reminder that most people are of good will and if we don't support each other when the other is attacked, the viruses win.

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My only hope is that a photo of every protestor is taken, a file is made, a description is attached and it is posted so that everyone can see it.

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There are a couple of groups I'm aware of who are dedicated to doing exactly that. Canary Mission and StopAntisemitism post video and photographs daily.

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There is also a group on Instagram called HonestReporting. Today they even reported that there were reporters from CNN, NYTimes, the AP, and Reuters embedded WITH HAMAS as they attacked on 10/7!!! This means they had prior knowledge and even participated.

I know. I could hardly believe it myself. It needs to be independently verified, and if proven true by multiple sources, action needs to be taken.

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I saw that, and I'm anxious to know if there's any truth to it.

From everything I've read, the attack was kept very need-to-know until the last possible moment, in order to keep it a secret from Israel. So it seems unlikely that the reporters who are situated long-term in Gaza would have been told in advance. It's possible that their sources just said, "Come with us and film this."

But the longer between the moment the reporters knew that an attack was going to occur and the moment the actual attack on Israel civilians began, the greater their culpability would be for not trying to alert Israeli authorities. We may never know how long that gap was, because I'm sure the reporters will never confess culpability.

The other thing to consider, though, is that it's very possible that these reporters are people who are 100% sympathetic to Hamas. I know the one of the NYT's local correspondents is an open fan of Hitler (interestingly, the NYT doesn't seem to have any problem with that).

But what we do know is that none of these reporters has yet come forward to say, "The footage of the attacks is real. We were there." Instead they seem to be fine with remaining silent while people claim the attack never happened at all.

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Right. I stopped reading the Times years ago. I grew up reading it. But whatever it was before, the quality of reporting has gone down the tubes. It’s just another leftist rag.

The Democratic Party has become a shell of its former self. Liberals like myself fit better in to the moderate Republican side these days. That’s how I feel.

And it’s the AP too, and Reuters. And the far right. Thank G-d for people like Bari Weiss and Batya Ungar-Sargon.

Be well. ☮️❤️🇺🇸🇮🇱💪💪👍👍

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It is true but they were “contractors” -- after Israel surfaced their own videos crossing “embedded” with Hamas they were fired.

Bit you’d need to believe NYT et al are stupid to buy their spin that they didn’t know.

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The "contractor" spin is irresponsible. The NYT has been working for years with an Islamist "contractor" whose pro-Hitler sentiments were openly known. This, while the NYT promoted inaccurately calling American conservatives "Nazis."

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Man I am so torn on this. I do want people to get their comeuppance. But making lists and trying to use them to prevent people from living...that seems like a thing bad people have tried before.

I think I will just choose to treat people decently until I witness them give me a reason to do otherwise.

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You should not be torn, but if you are, there is little hope anything anyone else can say would have the slightest effect. You appear more concerned with the response than with the crime.

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I care about the crime, but punishing a crime on a societal level also concerns hopefully preventing the crime in the future. The left love to hold things against people forever. there is no redemption to them. No matter how long ago you 'sinned' or if it was even considered a sin when you did it, you will be forever tainted by it. If there is no redemption, there is little reason to stop sinning.

I however believe in forgiveness and repentance. If Bud Light were to come out and somehow convince me that they truly see the error of their ways, then yes I am going to give them a chance to prove it. Because I don't want to live in a world where once someone screws up they may as well double down on it.

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“Liora Rez, a refugee from the Soviet Union, founded StopAntisemitism in 2018 to expose bigoted behavior toward the Jewish people and Israel by using social media.”

Head of online campaign to identify antisemitism says doctors, dentists openly ‘spew hate’


Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html.

It isn’t enough to stiffen the spine; it is time to make sure everyone sitting in their comfy moral loft supporting genocide is unemployable.

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A thousand Amens!

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Yes - when these attacks first happened, I didn’t know how to offer support to Jews / Israelis so I started leaving comments on different sites. I used similar words to Batya: NEVER cower, do NOT falter. What ever is happening in a military conflict is not your decision to carry. I have said this before: maybe it takes a non Jew like me to see the obvious - Israel is a TINY country that has managed to build a thriving, productive, HUMANE country. Jewish communities are safe communities (when not a target, sadly) because they reflect the values of the society that built them. Same for other safe communities.

Be proud of your heritage - you absolutely have a right to feel safe as college students in N America calling for release of hostages. It sickens me what happened at Concordia university in Canada which is my country. No one was seriously hurt but the very sickening part was the craven response by the administrators. I know many Jews may feel that they are number one targets, but as other writers at the FP have pointed out, this wave of anti-semitism is a reflection of the degradation of North American society. Appeasement and cowardice are never a winning strategy and NEVER ends well for the cowards.

Which there are plenty of now in this crazy time we suddenly find ourselves living in, giving in to the most irrational and aggressive pushes against western norms and values. The same cowardice and silence by others in the face of anti-semitism will happen again in the face of other targets being attacked. It’s not looking good once new targets are sought. In the meantime, stay strong, Jewish friends and stay proud. Never again means something.

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It amazes me how much childhood advice (that I didn't believe at the time) was lifetime wisdom. My dad would tell me not to care what the jerks and bullies at school thought of me...why should I care what bad people think of me. This is a way more serious version of that. But as far as one's feeling of inner worth, we should never let bad people make us feel bad or bring us down to their level.

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Thank you for another powerful piece. I’m an embarrassed UMASS/Amherst alum. That an anti semitic attack took place on campus is not surprising. Amherst is probably the wokest town in the country. In 2020 UMASS had an anti-Semitic event on a Holocaust Remembrance Day. Last week a number of students were arrested for refusing to leave the administration building. They were protesting Israel for engaging in genocide against Palestinians. Though I went there nearly fifty years ago I still know the typical UMASS student immature party animals who love to join mobs. Weak minded, ill - informed people are perfect targets for woke brainwashing. Before October 7 many of these students. probably thought Hamas was an English Football Club. I’m not Jewish but my wife is. She is terrified by the hate across America over the past month. I know Israel is strong and will prevail. But the hate is not going away. There will be a next time. Good people need to stand strong by Israel and Jews everywhere in what is becoming a scary time.

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Where are the PC/Woke thugs? How come they aren't condemning these horrific acts of antisemitism? They condemn conservatives all the time. People lose their jobs because they said or did something 20 or 30 years ago. For example, look what they did to Paula Dean. She lost her national televised TV show for a remark she had made 20 years ago.

The Woke thugs must be asleep, taking a nap. Today these Marxist Woke dip shits aren't awake when it comes with the violent, racist, antisemitic assholes.

Where are the DIE administrators and counselors that all these lemming like universities proudly parade around to prove are they aren't racists and everybody is included and not discriminated against? Apparently, everybody except Jews, whites and Asians are protected by these DIE morons.

DIE administrators are nothing more than a dog and pony show, window dressing. If they were for real, they would be at the campus demonstrations with photographers and a bullhorn telling these rioting racists thugs to disperse or be expelled from the university for being racists.

How would you like to bet that all of these antisemitic scum vote Dem/SOC. Which brings me back to asking how can a Jew vote for a Dem/Soc? Maybe Nellie and Bari can answer that question. It's like that cartoon I mentioned the other day of a bunch of chickens carrying signs that say, "Chickens for Colonel Sanders.".

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So you're in favor of censoring any people or groups criticizing Israel? Because, as we know if we read this site, criticism of Israel is equal to antisemitism.

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That's not what he said. At all.

If you're going to criticize someone's points -- which is your right -- you should be accurate on those points. He said nothing about censorship. Nothing.

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I wonder if “Builtoill” is Comprof2.0 in disguise.

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Don't think so, 666 I don't get likes from. Whoever this is stupid in another direction.

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I kinda see what you mean. But still....

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My thought exactly, Buttoil has poor reading comprehension skills.

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I think yours are poor here. See my response to Jim above.

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I asked Bill a question. He went on about weak-minded, immature students and how easily they are brainwashed. So I asked a natural follow-up question. Pay attention.

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You ask a question predicated on something he didn't say. Your question was presumptive... a Strawman ... and disingenuous.

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I said they are ripe for indoctrination. I said nor implied anything about censorship

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I know. Deflection .. "whataboutism" ... common tools when they have a weak argument or no argument at all.

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Hi Bill, thanks for chiming back in. And thanks for answering the question.

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You’re welcome

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Censorship aside, there is a nuance to the "criticizing Israel is equal to antisemitism" statement. No one says criticizing Israel is antisemitic; plenty of Jewish Israelis at this very moment are criticizing their government. What is perceived as antisemitic is the onslaught in the tens of thousands marching for the rights of Palestinians when such massive protests have never occurred after past govt actions that have decimated Arab or Palestinian populations, except if that govt is Israel. Where were the protests when Saudi Arabia was waging a massive campaign of slaughter against Yemen? Where were the protest when the US murdered hundreds of thousands of Arabs in the ME. (yes, there were a few protests but nothing that even comes close to what we are seeing now.) Where were/are the protests regarding the ongoing civil war in Syria waged by Syrian president Bashar al-Assad (supported by domestic and foreign allies) in which hundreds of thousands of Arab civilians have been killed? Does anyone even know that Pakistan just kicked almost 2 million Afghan refugees out of its country? Of course, I could go on with many examples. Why did the pro-Palestinian protests start and gain massive traction before Israel even began a campaign against Hamas post Oct 7? Why is it only Israel that the hate is reserved for? Why is it anti-Zionist, not antisemitic to pull down the posters of the hostages. Why are there no protests to release the hostages and turn in the Hamas criminals who committed this barbaric act? (I am exhausted.) Yes, I know some believe it is an oppressed/oppressor narrative but it looks to be more than that. It looks to be antisemitism.

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Very well said, memento. I'm sure tens of thousands of Lefty McLeftersons were out in force on October 8 protesting Hamas's massacre of 1,200 Jewish innocents and kidnapping of 200 more. I'm sure tens of thousands infuriated L McL's went back on the picket lines when they read that Hamas tossed a Jewish baby in an oven and set it on "bake." The only reason we didn't see those protests is because the media decided en masse not to show them . . .

. . . or maybe because those protests never happened, since the Leftys thought what Hamas did was just fine, and hey, babies gotta bake for Social Justice, amirite???

Calling these people diseased is an insult to disease.

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Shane, I posted this yesterday. I hope it doesn't make Buttoil feel unsafe::

For Christ's sake! They are neither liberals nor progressives. They are left wing neo-Nazis.

Here is another thing. If one of these vile swine calls you an Islamophobe, say, "Hell yes I am an Islamophobe and you should be too.". Islam is the antipathy of everything I believe in. Every Islamic country is a brutal dictatorship. They are misogynist who murder women and homosexuals, They torture and murder dissidences. They practice slavery. They slaughter non-Muslims and any Muslim that is not of their sect. Sunnis murder Shias and visa a versa. Islam is a brutal murderous religion so yes, I am an Islamophobe. If they have their way, they will convert the world to Islam and if you do not convert, they kill you and not in a very pleasant way.

Only the deluded loony left, in their own perverted way, worships Islam.

Why any Jew still clings to the Party of Evil is beyond me. Maybe Bari and Nellie can write an article on "Why I am still a glassy eyed Democrat."

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"For Christ's sake! The are neither liberals nor progressives. They are left wing neo-Nazis."

Redundant, since Naziism IS a left-wing movement.

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Yeah, but the ignoramuses on the left think neo-Nazis are right wing racists, when they are the Nazi racists.

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You hit the nail on the head. Arabs and Muslims are slaughtered every day to the sound of crickets, but not when Jews can be blamed.

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Straw man. It’s not “criticism” to beat up and threaten people, it’s not criticism to rip down posters of kidnapped children, it’s not criticism to scream “Gas the Jews”, it’s not criticism to bullhorn “From the river to the sea”. You know that though, but you’ll pretend you don’t.

Practice some honesty before posting.

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We are critical of the Evil people who think it is cool to destroy Israel because it is a Jewish state, the only Jewish state in the world. The only democracy in the Middle East. People can be critical of things, we don't all agree, but what all good people should agree on is that No One has the right to call for or to cause the death of people due to their Religion which historically always the Jewish religion, always. People who support terrorists are themselves terrorists and they lie about what happened because deep down in their souls is a flicker of humanity telling them that terrorism, barbarism, using innocent civilians and children as shields, raping women, burning and beheading babies, kidnapping innocent children and adults and seniors, etc, there is just too many atrocities to write, deep down they know it is wrong. So they cannot take seeing the truth or the posters of the kidnapped victim or face the truth of the Evil Hamas terrorists. They would rather be cool and this generation thinks being Evil is cool.

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Perhaps you could show where, in Cribben’s paragraph, he calls for censoring anything. I’ve read it now three times and I can’t seem to locate it. Please enlighten me.

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Jesus Christ, you guys need some reading comprehension training. He did not say that, but based on what he did say, I asked a natural follow-up question to see if that is what he wants. I haven't seen a response from him, so we still don't know if he's in favor of censorship, or not.

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Looked a lot more like an accusation than a question to me. We read just fine. If you meant to write that as a question, you failed.

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Did you have English class in school? When one puts a question mark (?) at the end of a sentence, it is designated a question. So, no, I don't think you read just fine.

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"So you're in favor of censoring any people or groups criticizing Israel?"

My reading comprehension is sensational, since I've written for a living for 50 years now. My verdict:

This is not a neutral "question." It's a direct accusation ending with a question mark. An accusation Cribben did not earn in any way given what he wrote, and yes, I read his post three times to make sure I didn't miss anything.

You accused him of it, own it.

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Maybe it is because you are not perspicacious and didn't really understand what he was saying or maybe you are just another glassy eyed, left wing loon who hates anyone who disagrees with you.

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Do not give him anymore attention. Just throw a tomato at him when he is out marching with those who celebrate an attack on sleeping and defenseless children and their families and a group of young people celebrating life. His semantics are boring and his intellectual posing us showing!

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Did you have to look up perspicacious to make sure you were using it properly? C'mon, fess up.

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No, it has been in my vocabulary for some time.

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If you are going to troll, at least try to be good at it...

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No, he is in favor of prosecuting people who commit hate crimes against Jews, such as assault and even murder. He said nothing about censorship.

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Two dumb comments in one post! Good job.

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Please copy and paste any comment that you see as simple criticism (as opposed to demonization or delegitimization) that anyone suggests is "equal to antisemitism". Stand behind your words "as we know".

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He said nothing about censorship. Or do you feel he should not be allowed to criticize you or other antisemites?

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Dumbass. Read the comments above. And you presume I hate Jewish people because I asked if someone bitching about anti-Israel protests wants them censored. I asked a reasonable question. And you have concluded that therefore I hate Jews. you're worse than the idiots applauding Hamas.

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Denying Israel’s right to exist and treating it different from other countries is antisemitism. Wake up.

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But that's not what I said. Go back to sleep.

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These days, for all intents and purposes, such criticism IS anti-Semitism.

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I am also a UMass alum and I am disgusted. I will not donate another dime to the school.

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They don't call it Zoo Mass for nothing. The best thing to ever come of there was the Pixies.

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Julius Erving

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"She is terrified by the hate across America over the past month. I know Israel is strong and will prevail. " Yes, Israel is strong; American Jews appear to be a bunch of snivelling complaining cowards. What are they doing besides whining? Have they even joined together to form Jewish organizations on their campuses, and then joining up with all the Jewish organizations other campuses?

If not, why not? Is victimhood of the Left, where most Jews resided, the only thing they know? Ye Gods, get a pair.

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What are you talking about my wife and I are in our seventies. And we do contribute to Jewish charities.

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I was talking about all the Jewish students on our campuses who don't feel safe. What are they doing about it--or are they waiting for someone else to do something about it I would not count on the traditional Jewish organziations of the Left if I were them; I'd start my own.

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This reminds me of the Charles MacKay poem, the one which Margaret Thatcher was supposed to be keep beside her bed.

No Enemies

by Charles Mackay

You have no enemies, you say?

Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;

He who has mingled in the fray

Of duty, that the brave endure,

Must have made foes! If you have none,

Small is the work that you have done.

You've hit no traitor on the hip,

You've dashed no cup from perjured lip,

You've never turned the wrong to right,

You've been a coward in the fight.

There are some enemies people should welcome and that includes Hamas and its apologists. Far better for them to break cover and reveal themselves than to remain hidden, undermining in the shadows.

Keep fighting the good fight and realise that you have many allies, like me who stand beside you.

(I loved the thought -- not if Egypt has anything to say about it)

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Wow ….. thank you for sharing this poem.

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You are v welcome. It has become one of my favourites in recent years. I'm so pleased it spoke to you as well.

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Thank you. The first image that came to mind was the woman’s voice behind the camera last night, recording the New York public “defender” who ripped down posters of abducted women and children.

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Loved every word of this article. Made me feel a little more hopeful, a little less alone. I really hope you're right, in predicting this movement will fade away. Watching students of the Ivy League marching in support of Hamas, with hatred contorting their faces and their voices screaming for our annihilation is utterly chilling. They make Charlottesville look like an SNL parody. Are they our future leaders? CEOs? Doctors? Lawyers? Lawmakers? If so, our country is already lost. We need to fight "antiracism" with everything we have. Western civilization depends on it. But how?

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Making a mistake that all Ivy League college students are anti-semitic is a mistake. This is a loud, but small part of the student population. The protest at the Ivy League School I drive through every day had, at most 20 student protestors. The administrators and the professors that are pushing this are destroying their own movement. Already we are seeing push back from donors..............which is what they are really scared of.

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I agree. This is not happening at all of the colleges and universities in our country. There is the appearance that it is everywhere because of all of the social media and news sites. My daughter attends the University of Alabama and my niece attends Auburn University...no protests have occurred. I know that is anecdotal but I believe it’s the case at most colleges.

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Not the Ivies. Their endowments are GIGANTIC. They simply have too much money to care. And people still care about their career and prestige, so the donors will keep coming.

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Really? And what actions or words have the non-protesters who are not anti-semitic done or said in support of those being attacked? What finger have they lifted in support?

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We begin by not censoring people. The best way to find out who people are and what they believe is to let them reveal themselves, and that's exactly what they're doing, no matter how abhorrent. The problem is that when people tell you who they are we make excuses for them and don't believe them. I say believe them.

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I think you missed the point: just because people are saying (because of free speech) things that we may not agree with does not mean they should be censored.

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This person didn't say anything about censorship, either.

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I suspect that Builttoil is a bot. 🤖

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Thank you

As a non Jew I plan on doing the same and take every opportunity to call out antisemitism and misguided information. We must stand up against this erosion of our heritage and culture and stand with Jews across the globe.

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Same. Just had an argument with someone I love and finally my answers boiled down to one refrain: October seventh.

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I am old. And I am deeply, deeply disturbed by the apparent return of hatred and profound stupidity that I thought was pretty much done by the decimation of the sub-moronic nazis 75 years ago. Clearly, I have been naive. Batya, holler!

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Only part of this article I would push back on is the belief that students will grow out of these beliefs. We have no evidence to suggest that students will grow out of this; pro-terrorist ideals are not the same as the communist theories spouted by undergraduates 50 years ago. I do not believe these ideas about Jews will dissapear when the people behind them turn 30, or 40, or 50. Nonetheless, a stellar article.

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Now the Qur'an is front and center of the hate. 50 years ago they were shouting and touting for the PFLP and Black September, who put Marx front and centre. It is a change of emphasis; the content as a whole hasn't changed. Just because you put on a different jacket doesn't change the man underneath the jacket. As I keep pounding on: this is the same enemy as two decades ago; two centuries ago; and two millenia ago. It morphs and seeks another way, dropping its early incarnation with "No True Scotsman" bleatings.

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I think it is important to realize that many of these students are being misinformed about the history and dynamics of the Israel/Palestine conflict. I know that I was as a college student 20 years ago. After graduation, will they actively seek out different sources to have a more balanced perspective? I have my doubts, most people are too lazy, and once they form an impression, many don’t go back and revise. Maybe they won’t go to protests as they get older, but i think it will erode the popularity of support for Israel in the future.

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Yes we do. There is a mountain of political science evidence that as people grow older they moderate their views. Their political viewpoints move to the center, which means they become more conservative as youth is always more anti-status quo thinking their cohort will change the world for the better...........

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But here we have contradictory evidence. The teachers, professors etc. are complicit in this movement. They are more mature and highly educated, yet they cheer the students on. It is chilling. Most college students are over 18 and considered legal adults. They are responsible for their actions and I for one do not support the myth that that are typically rebellious. It is more than that this time. Chanting for the DEATH of any group of people is over the line.

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Again, those chanting on college campuses are generally a few dozen. Of course the teachers/professors are complicit but it is the administrators that created it by demanding certain people not be hired in favor of women and minorities. When ideology reigns in hiring this is what you get.

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I don’t understand why you say “those chanting on college campuses are generally a few dozen.” Do you mean a few dozen colleges or a few dozen students. I have been following the reporting of this movement and it’s national. Not just a few “New England Iveys”. I’ve seen reports of anti Jewish demonstrations at state universities and even local community colleges. I’m not trying to overplay my concern. I understand your point that it partially developed from affirmative action hiring policies. However, it seems you are trying to minimize how geographically widespread it has become.

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It doesn't matter if it is on every college campus, it's still a very small minority of students............public universities have tens of thousands of students on campus.........generally much larger than the private universities. The protest at U of Michigan for example was reported to have several hundred participants (not all of them were students). But the U of Michigan has 50,000 students.

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Even if it is only a small minority of students, I am still concerned by the message they are supporting. Can you imagine if a "small minority of students," were marching on campues for the KKK, dressed in white pillow cases instead of these silly face masks.

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Not to go all Godwin on you, but how many Nazis did it take to put Hitler into power? Do not underestimate the potential of a small number of true believers.

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Agreed, but the teachers and professors are credentialed idiots.

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All of them? What’s the sample size of the study on which you base this conclusion? Or is this just what you need to believe to sustain your own narrative about who’s out to get you?

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You’re right, some are not idiots. Instead, they’re cowards.

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unfortunately i know plenty of people who are over 65 (and even 70!)- who are still drinking Kool-aid daily, and toeing party line. I think the Hamas atrocities gave them a pause, but they are back to blaming israel for being the "oppressor"!

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And Ayatollah Khomeini was how old? Pelosi is how old? .... I am how old for that matter. One 'plane. One Bomb. Once. That's my 'moderate' manifesto for dealing with Tehran. My 'moderate' manifesto for students? Take 'em 'round back for a good kicking.

Xi, how old? Putin, how old? Netanyahu, how old?

Moderation; tolerance; etc. All very well .... But. Ill servants in the Now when immoderate; intolerant enemies are bent on rolling right over you. And it is ALWAYS Now. Fuck that for a game of soldiers and the horse it rode in on.

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Yes. No.

No one should cower, Jews or anyone else. But you can’t ignore them and think they will fade away. That is naive and dangerous thinking.

In America, buy a gun, carry a knife and defend yourself against anyone who touches you. It’s not going away. It is part of Marxist plan. An essential part.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

Train in personal defense. A firearm is next to useless unless the wielder is intimately familiar with its safe and prudent operation. Once trained in mechanics then the next question concerns the will to take the steps to execute the operation under duress. Deploying and utilizing an edged weapon even in self defense is a very personal task. You're close enough to the subject to smell the breath and you'll be stepping upon body fluids in short order. The mind is the weapon. Once one understands that then any tool readily at hand is lethal or no implement at all. Guns aren't magical.

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Wait, who are the Marxists with this plan? The white people who may threaten or make feel unsafe black, Hispanic, LGBTQ, etc. people? Or the supposed antisemites who, by criticizing Israel, make Jews feel unsafe?

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The people who are susceptible to the ideology that feelings are more important than facts, that sense is more important than sensibility, that are convinced they are on the side of what is right and what is good, despite all evidence to the contrary, these people are indeed also susceptible to violence to achieve what they think is their moral good. You are naive to not have seen this in the George Floyd riots and the historical upswing in antisemitism. Jews have always been the canary in the coal mine; what starts with Jews never ends with Jews. I’m starting a Krav Maga self defense class tonight. Thank you, Batya, I echo your thoughts in this piece.

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White males were early victims of this in hiring.....................starting in the 1980s and really heating up in the 1990s and 2000s academia ignored existing labor laws in limiting white males from the hiring pool. In 1 generation the proportion of white male tenured professors has dropped from 75% to 39%. You can't get that fast of change (in an occupation that confers life long employment) without significant (and illegal) preferences given in hiring. Jewish men were lumped into the white male category and I personally heard folks directly demonstrating bias against them in hiring. During the hiring frenzy of the 1960s and 1970s Jews were hired in a disproportionate manner because they were the most qualified. The vast majority of my professors in graduate school (2 institutions) and those in the Boston Consortium (7 elite Boston Universities that allowed graduate students access to courses and professors at those 7 universities) were Jewish. Most of them have now retired and were replaced with mostly white women. This level of anti-semitism could not have occurred before 2010 as Jews were ubiquitous in the upper levels of academia. What we are seeing is a direct result of affirmative action which mostly benefitted white women in academia.

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So, we should enter white males into the Victimhood Olympics?

When I was in grad school in philosophy, back in the ‘90s, a classmate of mine looked me in the eye and said, “White boys don’t get to be victims.”

At the time I thought: “Why would I want to be a victim? Who aspires to that?”

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No, that is not what I said. Just recounting what happened and the results! Bad policy is bad policy, no matter who is hurt or who benefits.

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@brammymia great answer

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A good start. An accurate observation.

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Dude, if you think I'm a bot, why do I see you liking so many of my comments?

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Bots aren't necessarily inherently incorrect😎

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Will you stand with me when I am vilified for being a white make conservative? Will you stand with me when I am called deplorable? A “clinger”? Will you stand with me while they call me a Nazi for wanting America to be great again??

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This New Deal liberal says: yes

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Sure thing, though I might also ask you to clarify what you mean by "great" . . .

(I'm a university professor, after all, with a background in philosophy, so I will go on asking questions! Thing is, I ask even more pointed questions of those who play the victimhood game, or think only in terms of oppressor and oppressed.)

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Great question. I’m sure there are varied answers but here is mine:

1. Economically strong with an effort to re-shore our industrial plant. Be self sufficient for critical production. Must deal with our debt situation as well

2. Control our border. Facilitate legal immigration. Stop illegal immigration

3. Support small businesses and do not subsidize corporations/big business

4. Smaller more limited government

5. Enforce laws. Jail criminals

6. Revitalize our inner cities.

7. Robust mental health services including inpatient for those that need it

8. Have cordial and warm relations with all countries that we can. Be actively involved in world affairs for PEACEFUL ends. No more wars

9. Severely curtail/eliminate the security state: CIA/FBI

10. Strong support of first amendment and against all forms of censorship

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My exceedingly conservative brother would add:

0. Figure out how to talk to one another, again.

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Love and pride of country!

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Boy, Madjack, you really ARE conservative! So, not to disagree about your list, how about:

1. Ending budget-busting tax breaks for corporations and the super rich (FYI, the top 1pc pay 60pc less tax than they did 40 years ago);

2. Adding to, not cutting, the IRS budget so it can adequately go after egregious tax evasion, mostly by the donor class;

3. Boosting the EPA, not attacking it, so it can protect our waters, our oceans, our food sources...

4. Honor our military for their sacrifice and service, don’t threaten to kill them for standing in the way of your attempted coup, or deny female service people the rights to reproductive services enjoyed by everyone else;

5. Get real about the scandal that is the US health system, where (to give just one example) the US infant mortality rate is worse than Kazakhstan’s.

I’m just getting warmed up, but should probably stop here...

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Now THIS is the piece that needs to circulate far and wide. Stand up and do not cower to the psychotic insanity that’s infected college campuses. Thank you for your courage and stay strong. If you’re unpopular, you’re doing something right!

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Totally agree. I saw video yesterday of someone heckling a poster-tearer and she really got to screaming and I thought, girl, this smirking idiot isn’t worth the damage to your vocal cords. They’re irrelevant clowns who think tearing paper gives them power. They’re in kindergarten and there’s no point in raising the decibel level.

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Yes! well said. We do not kneel or bow to anyone except the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, Rock and Redeemer of Israel.

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And as ended the story of Mordechai, who also refused to bow: Layehudim orah v’simcha, v’sasson v’kar. Ken tihiyeh lanu.

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Hear hear!!

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And yes, the enemy wants to feel alone. They will scream and magnify their voices whether they are to make you feel isolated.

But the truth is, if you are a Jew— you are NOT alone.

Off campuses, many Americans stand with Israel.

Take heart, We stand with you.

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Who is that enemy? Who has been the biggest purveyors of division? Who are the entities at the forefront of all this division? Who are the entities screaming white privilege, and systemic racism every chance they get? Who are the entities who say men can become women, and vice-versa? Who are the entities who think pedophilia is just another sexual identity? Who are the entities that think how you identify yourself makes you perfect for any job, even though you're not qualified? Who are the entities who think lowering standards at every level, will make people smarter and not dumber? You can make your own decision of who those entities are.

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Yes, I think you and I agree about who this enemy is.

If there was any doubt before, who the enemy is became clear when they celebrated Oct. 7th.

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I must confess, I have a sneaking desire to force all those silly little boys and girls et al to watch the hours of torture/ snuff films if they want to graduate. Watching a little girl being raped until her pelvis is crushed, an Asian worker having his head hacked off with a garden hoe, a baby burnt alive in a kitchen oven - all while the butchers are screaming "G-d is great" - are worlds more educational than gender theory.

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Brava! Well said!

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