Apr 18·edited Apr 18

As a depressing followup to yesterday's comment, here is the top comment on the Washington Post article on Berliner's firing:

"We're at the point where NPR, which I would characterize as pretty objective for the most part at the national level, is being presented as this flag-burning, far-leftist institution. What were considered moderate stances a few years ago are considered liberal now. The media bias has shifted so far right."

Imagine being so ensconced in your bubble that you think national media is shifting to the right. Imagine thinking sex-change surgeries on demand for minors and open borders are moderate stances.

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The Washington Post comment section and NPR readership are no different from the red guards. Mao is objective, everyone who disagrees with him is the far right. Live look at the NPR newsroom struggle session as CEO Katherine Maher denounces Uri Berliner: https://twitter.com/yuribezmenov22/status/1780916278602940456

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Brilliant 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Scary is the word.

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Pure gold Yuri......pure gold.

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A perfect example is our very own Compfool 2.0

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I posted this a couple of days ago. Watch the video until the end. I wonder what spin radical left wing spin compro would put on this:


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Jeeeeeez…. No wonder I can’t get a word in edgewise with some of my relatives.

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WOW Yuri. Brutal. Well done!!!!

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Been watching that series (3 Body Problem). Really good.

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Once again Yuri, spot on.

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😂😂😂😂 spot on

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You win this months Internetz.

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So that's actual footage right? Not hard to believe, at any rate.

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Excellent !

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I am sorry but Uri is so right. And he has the courage to do the right thing.

I have been a solid listener to NPR since I moved to the US in 2013. Even donating to their fundraising campaign.

I stopped donating in 2022 after many guests were super left wings and NPR was not presenting a counter point of views or at minimum some basic facts (eg police crime on black, white racism, etc). I stopped completely listening to NPR since January 2024. Some of their reporting on the Israel- Gaza were awful and showed a complete lack of understanding for this region.

When you stop using data and facts and you run on emotions, you get NPR today.

So yes, please defund that platform.

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NPR was far-left from its founding. Read here from 1993: https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics/how-do-i-hate-npr-let-me-count-the-ways/

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From the Chicago reader article hit it right on the nail head

"Circle-jerk journalism, when reporters interview reporters."

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This was a terrific article showing nothing has changed. Thank you.

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"When you stop using data and facts and you run on emotions, you get NPR today"

which of course is the acronym for it's correct name - National Propaganda Radio

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National Palestine radio

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'Nnoying Progressive Retards also works.

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The joke of it is that there's no such thing as "pretty objective" where the legacy 'News' industry is concerned....never has been in fact. The 'News' media doesn't even NEED to make things up in order to tell its tendentious story. It just needs to pick out from the events minestrone which bits it 'likes' and which bits it suits the Narrative to leave untouched.....which murders matter and which ones don't etc etc. The internet for all its faults (and Substack in particular) has given people who really want to educate themselves about some current issue the opportunity to do so which was virtually impossible in the heyday of the legacy 'News' industry. If the will is there (and the time and the patience)....therein lies the rub.

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The sin of omission is also a lie.

Just like the soft bigotry of low expectations is also racism.

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Deflection, blame others, and conspiracy theories are the norm for the woke fools.

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I guess that’s the point of the bubble. You don’t know you are in it.

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Submerged in an ether of propaganda. Many of those making the propaganda are submerged too.

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I don't read WaPo. But I do read the NYT, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the majority of top comments ("Reader Picks") all trended towards agreeing with Berliner. Many were (like myself) long-time listeners who heard something go wrong with NPR starting, unsurprisingly, in 2016 or thereabouts.

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By subscribing to this left wing rag, you are financially supporting this propaganda mill.

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The NYTimes Readers Picks section is always a good way to gauge the country's temperament. It's almost always in direct contradiction to the NYTimes Picks section which is what the editors pick as the best comments (ie the ones that agree with the article's standpoint). You'd think senior editors would see this discrepancy and shift course but they seem way too scared of young staffers and social media mobs.

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Bari Weiss being the exemplar…hence The Free Press

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Oh, it started long before 2016.

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Exactly, Elizabeth. NPR was always leftist. It became radical leftist with the arrival of its messiah, Obama. Today's iteration was predicted and predictable.

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As a long-time listener and financial supporter, I ended both after Nina Tottenberg’s imperious, condescending coverage of the Clarence Thomas hearings. Well, that and my slow-dawning realization that the supposedly non-political quiz and comedy shows I loved to listen to on Sat mornings were, in fact, political - laughs bought at the expense of only one part of the country and one political party.

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If NYT readers think NPR is too biased, it must be true.

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They don't actually think this. It's just a lie for extremely gullible people that don't read outside of the MSM.

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These morons on the left are so delusional, they wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass.

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The WaPo is really not much better than NPR these days. The ultra woke Taylor Lorenz and Felicia Somnez fiascos in their newsroom were the final straws for me. I canceled my WaPo subscription and put that money towards a Free Press sub. I am keeping the NYTimes for now but diversifying my other news sources: WSJ, the Spectator, Free Press, etc.

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Also try Taibbi’s Racket, Shellenberger’s Public, Sasha Stone’s 4th turning.

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Maher’s earlier tweets, linked from The Free Press the other day, are just the icing on the sh*t-storm NPR cake we’re being fed.

The comments give me hope that witty and free-thinking people exist.

That she wrote the tweets in the first place makes me wonder how her supporters add value to society, feed themselves, and divest their privilege.

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All left-wing people are unreliable sources, by definition.

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God! I pray the WaPo is right about, "The media bias has shifted so far right."

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Your prayers will fall under, "unanswered prayers".

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Wow! Our divergent nations are very far apart.

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Sure, sure WaPo and the economy is great too, we just cannot see it. They actually think that we are stupid

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They won't be beaten back until there is a major crisis that will disrupt the lifestyles of the elite. Nothing of any consequence will happen until then.

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Introspective progressives are always good for a belly laugh, if not for much else.

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Immense respect to the Free Press and Bari Weiss and the absolutely courageous and important work the people here are doing. It’s good to see that courageous is contagious.

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Kudos and respect to the Free Press and Mr. Berliner. So refreshing and restorative to see the ripple effect of your powerful words - and that change is actually possible. Keep aiming at Goliath with that slingshot David! You got this

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I read "You got this," as "You got tits." Truly I did, and I loved it. It sure fits.

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You have a lofty imagination.

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Aw, ya seen two ya seen 'em all. And lofty isn't the applicable direction -- unless you're really, really short.

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Bari — Please hire Uri.

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Yeah. How bout let’s pump the brakes on that one.

Maybe Bari could hire a centrist from the midwest or deep south first. Someone like Walter Kirn who actually has a clue what is going on with typical Americans. Uri is a brave man no doubt and I commend him for his honest reporting. That said Barry doesn’t need anymore east or west coast laptop class elites writing for the free press. Just my 2 cents.

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Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn, America this Week is a treat. Worth subscribing to Matt for that alone. Last weeks show on NPR was hilarious.

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Taibbi has assembled Maher’s tweets, oh my, hard to imagine such idiocy is rewarded with a CEO job.

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Yeah! Sounds like Harvard material!

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I have posted before asking Bari to ask some of the posters on this BBS to write an article to TFP.

There are several I would recommend.

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Imagining of one of Kevin Durant’s scorched earth posts puts a slight grin on my face.

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Do you mean Kevin Attila the Hun Durant?

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The one & only.

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Evans, how about you?

I suggested yesterday that TFP pick up Uri, half in jest, and got mixed reviews. A lefty mugged by the reality of his own team can see things in a whole new light. But I think TFP should invite you and pay you. And Finbar too.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

There are many excellent commenters on these threads. I say we just support their substacks!! Having said that though, there are only so many hours in a day to read this stuff - no matter how good it is. So it would be nice to have the writers consolidated! Like Evans and Yuri and Graham and others I can't recall.

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I hope that’s a joke! 🤣🤣🤣

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I'll raise you five, Evans.

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Amen to that thought they need to be exposed to more reality from the real people

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Uri can pretty much just start his own Substack now. Everyone who pays attention knows who he is. Not a bad gig to be on his own.

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For readers who just seek information and to handle the analysis thereof themselves there are so few other options.

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Uri is in part responsible for what has happened at NPR—after all he’s been there for over 20 years and said/did nothing.

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Maybe Matt Taibbi could pull together some of Uri's posts from the Obama years. I suspect Uri wasn't too concerned about "truth impaired" presidents back then...

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Bari, “please hire Uri” and REPLACE OLLY with Uri!

Just sayin’

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And the huge breaking news out of Scotland is that the Scottish NHS is falling in line with NHS England in the wake of the Cass Review. They are banning Puberty Blockers and will no longer prescribe cross sex hormones (gender-affirming hormones) to those under 18. This is the Sandyford's actual announcement https://www.sandyford.scot/sexual-health-services/gender-service-at-sandyford/gender-young-people-service/

The BBC (and others) appear to have missed the 2nd paragraph. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-68844119

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This is the Guardian's report on the move. Note the change in editorial direction. The term 'trans children' is not used once in the report (which is balanced btw) https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/apr/18/scottish-gender-clinic-pauses-prescribing-puberty-blockers-to-under-18s?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

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The problem is that doctors should first do no harm. You don't prescribe drugs that cause irreversible changes, let alone cutting off breasts and mutilating genitals unless the evidence that such treatment is beneficial is crystal clear. The Cass report says such evidence is weak at best.

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Sorry, Bob, but cutting off healthy breasts and mutilating healthy genitals is NEVER "beneficial." Treat the diseased mind -- not the healthy body.

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I agree. But the AMA, APA, other professional societies and many of their members say so-called gender affirming care is not only acceptable but required for minors and adults with gender dysphoria.

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They all follow the activist group WPATH which gives US medical associatsion and greedy doctors cover for Frankenstein medicine.

WPATH has been exposed by Michael Shellenberger's WPATH files - not that we have seen any movement in the US as yet.

"A new report exposing dangerously pseudoscientific surgical and hormonal experiments on children, adolescents, and adults



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All true but Shellenberger's disclosure of the WPATH files has been covered only by a very limited group of media, including TFP. It has not been made known to the general public.

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I refuse to adopt their gaslighting lingo, so I say "sex-denying damage"!

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And Frankenstein medicine. Next, girls who "don't need them" can give their wombs to men and it will be totally good for a baby:



"Children’s Hospital Gender Program Navigator Touts Uterine Transplants for Trans Men from 'Live Donors'"


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It’s obviously child abuse wrapped up in leftist pro-trans language. This is the stupidest lie I’ve ever seen or heard of in my life. Sex is binary. You are what you are and every cell in your body is male or female, and they’re NOT interchangeable. For the umpteenth time, thanks Obama for “ fundamentally changing America.” We sure appreciate it.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Good news - but a big problem in the US is that girls make an appointment to get synthetic testosterone - a Schedule III Controlled substance - for their 18th birthday. They make a decision to take something permanently destructive before they are even 18. Then, they look forward to what seems to them to be making a step into adulthood. And, they are encouraged. It should never happen like that. Plus, if you are 18 and you go to the doctor to request body parts be removed - should a doctor just do it because you are 18? Did this work for NXIVM?

Doctors need to restore "Do No Harm" and follow evidence based medicine instead of listening to WPATH which just declares everything "evidence based" as if that makes it so. Let's just call it Kindness and Understanding and it will be true!

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I read that Sweden is ignoring the Cass Report and lowering the age for interventions( ? Surgical ? Hormonal manipulation) from 18 down to 16

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I have not heard this. Until this morning, it seemed like Scotland was going to ignore/take their time, but they have fallen in line with the Cass Recommendations.

In light of Cass, it would be interesting see Sweden's justification if they actually do this.

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Thus far The USA is ignoring the Cass Report and the WPATH files. If something is brewing behind the scenes... I wouldn’t know. There are lawsuits in the works but those are cumbersome and does nothing in the immediate term to stop the dangerous practice of transing minors.

There is some noise to demand that American Psychiatric Association remove their ridiculous “ textbook” that pushes the GAC model as the “ proven” method for GD.

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I suspect it will stop in the US if the medical malpractice insurance companies decide the risks are too great. How can you quantify the risk of getting it wrong when it includes sterilization? How can a young person under the age of 25 (as that is when the brain stops maturing) give informed consent?

It all depends on the insurance companies appetite for risk, giving the weak to no evidence problem which Cass uncovered.

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I'm almost 70 and my brain is still maturing.

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86, and same here.

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That is the goal. The option is stagnation. Yuck.

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It will stop when hospitals and doctors are sued to hell and back as is richly deserved. I’m on the lawyers’ side this time, which is saying a lot coming from a medical household.

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Fingers crossed 🤞

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That's kind of at odds with their position on COVID. They were the most rational and evidence based country in the world when it came to the Fauci virus.

This liberalization of child abuse seems to be 180 degrees from their COVID position.

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From the site:

Waiting list update

For the Young Person Gender Service, we are currently allocating appointments to those referred during the following period:

June 2019

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There is a huge problem with the backlog but it may have saved some young people from irreversibly damaging their long term health.

Hopefully now, Scotland will take a more holistic view of the situation. It remains to be seen what they do on the question of 'social transition' within schools. Will they follow Cass or not?

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It would be interesting to know what the kids on the waiting list are doing? And how they are faring?Any suicides? Any of them more at ease with themselves as they were born? Etc

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They need to do this research. I believe in England, the waiting list had significantly decreased, thus implying that certain people were coming to terms with their gender non contentedness. It is the lack of research particularly in the 12-16 female cohort which is worrying. Apparently they now make up 75% of those seen according to Cass.

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The information is there if someone has the will and support to chase down these kids and talk to then and the parents.

Here in the USA I wonder if the mal practice carriers will be the entity that shuts down these practitioners, rather than the government and the Boards of Medicine(The Boards exist as separate entities in each state. They issue the licenses to practice and hold tremendous power. It’s a sad commentary that it might take the capitalist system ( insurance cos looking at their potential losses) to stop these dangerous , unscientific and unethical practices.

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Malpractice carriers are reactive not proactive. So they will do nothing until hit with a few verdicts. And the 3rd party for profit health insurers see profit in this. Lifetime profits. Profit and do no harm motives are fraught with conflict.

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It is sad that common sense might arise from (s very small subset) of the capitalist system? Breathtaking. That system, to the degree that it is allowed to work..... never mind. You be you.

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"it may have saved some young people from irreversibly damaging their long term health"

Excellent point. The notice made me wonder about the backlog for other types of medical care.

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There are waiting lists in the UK for a number of procedures, including mental health care. It is why some people go private. They are working on bringing down the length of time on waiting lists. The NHS is v good for emergencies etc. It can take longer for routine procedures and the length of time one has to wait can depend on where you are in the country.

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And who you are.

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Same thing in Canada.

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In the UK violent crime statistics for women are way up - because they list men who "Identify" as women in the stats. There's also a problem with young women on "T" becoming violent - at least in the states. In the past such girls/women might have suffered mental health issues but were less likely to become violent:

"Facing Audrey

Could your child become a shooter’s victim? Could my child become a shooter? Parents of trans-identified kids demand “don’t keep us in the dark.”"


Now, there's Ye who was stopped: https://notthebee.com/article/trans-student-arrested-for-plans-to-shoot-up-2-maryland-schools-wrote-129-page-manifesto

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Yes it is why the Women's Right Network and other feminist organizations are campaigning for crime by trans identified males to be recorded as male crime. Prof Alice Sullivan has been at the forefront of complaining about bad data and the reasons why we need to know biological sex.

And yes we need to know if trans identified females on "T" have a greater propensity towards violence than females not on "T"

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Synthetic testosterone not only permanently damages the girl - it is also bad for society to pump young women full of it. When given to male athletes it can make them violent and their bodies and minds are used to having some "T" - unlike with girls and young women.

I bring this up because we've had a second "Audrey Hale" in the US. This time she was stopped.

"Trans student arrested for plans to shoot up 2 Maryland schools as detailed in 129-page manifesto. Here are the excerpts that have been released."

"An 18-year-old female student from Rockville, Maryland, was arrested on Thursday for planning to shoot up two local schools. The student identifies as transgender."

"Pg 2: As I walk through the hallways, I cherry pick the classrooms that are the easiest targets. These ones are close to the entrance and have windows in the doors. I need to figure out how I'll sneak the gun in. Maybe a duffel bag will work. I just hope security doesn't stop me."

"Pg 3: 1 have also considered shooting up my former elementary school because little kids make easier targets. And, I run the risk of getting attacked or tackled midway through with high schoolers. "


We need to know all about Hale and Ye including what "controlled" substances were in their bodies and what kind of indoctrination they had.

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Thank goodness the student was stopped.

I suspect the research on cross sex hormones is on par with the puberty blockers. Gender research was notorious for weakly evidenced research even before the Cass Report. Some of this is because the numbers of trans identified people is historically small. For example, a paper on how to treat geriatric trans identified males with dementia was based on one person. (hint that person became distressed as the dementia progressed as they forgot they had transitioned). Interesting but you can't reach any conclusions. The data should be there except the Gender Clinics are notoriously poor at record keeping and follow up, particularly of those who desist.

There is now going to be an independent review into cross sex hormones. I suspect by the same team who did Cass. And hopefully we will find out what the risks actually are for that new cohort -- females who decide at puberty that they wish to be seen as men. Previous research will have concentrated on middle-aged males. The NIH since 2016 has said that biological sex must be considered in any medical research.

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Thanks for posting this info. It’s a big win even if the media are downplaying or silent about it. Of course they are just going to make this quietly go away. They cannot possibly admit how devastating and damaging this horrible treatment has been. Now if the US would just follow suit, but that will take more time and tragedy I fear. Texas did make the giving of sex hormones and puberty blockers to minors illegal, but some docs in the largest children’s hospital there kept giving them illegally any way. They got caught. Haven’t had time to research the whole story, but of course the media is going to call it right wing BS that Texas denied these poor gender confused youth these toxic medications and name the law breaking docs as heroes.

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I’m so torn on the Chicago story. On one hand, these people seem like they should be first in line to be deported out of our country at the first opportunity. Chanting “Death to America” should be an automatic forfeiture of citizenship.

On the other hand, Dems have sown the wind and will reap the whirlwind, and I’m here for it. The idiocy of having the DNC in Chicago is just too perfect. I’m looking forward to massive disruptions. I’m still not sure if the Democrats will try to mollify and court the votes of these disgusting people, or if they will try to crack down and J6 them as threats to their power.

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It will be interesting to see how the party leadership reacts to this planned repeat of 1968. They can't crack down without looking like evil supporters of law enforcement, but they can't afford to allow this kind of violent chaos to be associated with the Democrat brand so close to the election. Particularly since this violent group is openly anti-American and antisemitic.

Seems like they are truly between a rock and a hard place.

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I think their biggest problem will be making sure Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are actually in the convention and not outside chanting “death to America”.

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Not just Tlaib and Omar: every single member of “the Squad” and all progressive Democrats. They all believe that; the question is whether they have the integrity to join the violent leftist mob outside the convention and show the world who they really are.

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I am old enough to remember 1968.

In some parts the Democratic Party of today is a direct result from those activists from the sixties. They are still pushing communism and are a mixed bag being anti war. At least in 1968 their anti war cause was in good measure against the draft which ended in 1973. The difference between then and now is back then the activists for the most part we’re angry at Washington about the involvement in Vietnam but this group claims to want the all encompassing end of America.

Mob mentality, the madness of crowds and dogmatic rhetoric is never, ever a good thing.

And chaos is their collective goal.

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At what point is this a true conspiracy? Oath keepers put in prison for 20 plus years for less in your face planning.

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Truth! I am not sure conspiracy is the right word though. Would we call what Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Mussolini or any dictator did just a conspiracy? The old saying to the victor goes the spoils. And, history is rewritten. That is exactly what is happening right now in front of our eyes. The witnesses to all of those dictator’s’ atrocities are dying off now.

Here in America we have allowed a generation maybe two to believe in many distortions or outright lies about our history, what a woman is, bias against all white males, bias against Christians, rural America, bias against the value of family, bias against freedom of speech, bias against critical thinking,meritocracy, rule of law, parental rights, the constitution, sovereignty, wrong-think.

Obama claimed he wanted to transform America.

One of his mentors in Chicago was Bill Ayer’s of the weathermen who through their Marxist activism created chaos and violence at the 68 democratic national convention. And, in other acts of domestic violence as well.

Bill Ayer and his wife entered academia, and others of their ilk and have been influential in extremist anti-American theology for over fifty years. They got a protege in the presidency in 2004.

I would perhaps call what we are witnessing today a transformation of America from our founding ideals of free thought, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Nothing to me being done appears to encourage the pursuit of happiness.

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Some parts? I see it as a complete takeover.

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Lol, I can’t disagree.

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Yep. And I can't wait to sit with a tub of popcorn and watch the shitshow at that rock and hard place go down.

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I am curious if any would be worried that said violence might be inflicted on THEM.

I am willing to bet they move it due to 'safety' concerns.

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Hmmm, this could be the perfect opportunity for the DNC to dump Old Joe . The secret service can just drive up to the protesters, tell Joe they're his supporters, open the door, and let him wander around.

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“Mr. President! Look! They have ice cream! And cash!”

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To which he would reply "[M]y favorite things."

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Pritzker holds too much power. I don't think he'd allow it to be moved and considering he's always a name thrown around as a viable Presidential candidate how will the DNC handle a pissed off Pritzker?!?!

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My guess is they'll nominate Michelle. Or even Hilary.

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Lord help us but you are probably correct- not that I like Pritzker either. However the Pritzker's are way up with the trans movement so they still weld power in the DNC.

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And HOW will Biden & the Dems bring ALL these voters back?

I’m guessing they’ll make more anti Israel promises + remind these anti America haters how Trump will only try to “Make America Great” again!

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They might move the convention, but that would look weak.

I doubt that any of them would actually ADMIT that they are fearful of violence from fellow Democrats. Indeed, I suspect many of them are delusionally sure that these people would never actually harm THEM.

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But they are cowards. That is the basis of the J6 hysteria and continued hunt 3+ years later for participants. They were terrified. AOC feared for her life. We are in essence controlled by cowards.

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How conspiracy theorist is it to wonder if they might try to blame Maga or fabricate some other threat that they are then reacting to?

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Celia, they can always “plant” some MAGA Red Hat wearers in the crowd. There, fixed their dilemma!

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Jussie Smollett can help with that , he has experience

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Which is where they belong.

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Happy New Year!

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

My favorite (least favorite?) part is them chanting, "From Chicago to Palestine, protest is not a crime". That's just not even close to the same thing. Protesting in Chicago (even violent/disruptive protesting) might get you arrested. Even whisper dissent in Palestine, and you're dead or missing.

Edit: fixed the quotation

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Cognitive dissonance is a feature, not a bug. To be on the “right side of history”, you must accept multiple contradictory views. If you think too critically or question too much, you are excommunicated. Over time, this creates a solid core of true believers who by their nature cannot reason their way to a position, and therefore need to be told what to think by their leaders. They can and will be wielded as a weapon against society, and will happily play their part because of the delicious righteousness that they feel even while calling for the death of a whole race of people. To paraphrase Douglas Murray, the barbarians are already inside the gates and we are wondering what their pronouns are.

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Brilliant analysis!!

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OMG this jumped out at me too. The utter lack of awareness of these morons is astounding!! I literally LMAO reading that. Please Please Please. I WANT them to go to Palestine, Iran, UAE, just ANY of those places and TRY protesting. Just try. I'll buy them the flight ticket myself.

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yeah, it's like they have no concept that some countries have really punitive and harsh justice systems. I really want to yell at them like a teenager, "That's called the real world, honey!"

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Calling them teenagers is giving them too much credit. More like toddlers.

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Since so many feel they have the right to rewrite history, perhaps they decided the 1968 convention was actually held at Burning Man. This location was picked for Obama anyway.

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Let them protest. Maybe it will wake more people up to what Democrats are about.

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I was thinking this will precisely get more people to vote Trump!! Haha.

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I have been reading a blog put out by members of the Chicago PD and the officers are so concerned for their own safety and livelihood that many of them might just stand back and let the riot take its course.

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It would be incredible poetic justice if the DNC is invaded by rioters in antifa gear and keffiyehs because the police they demonized for years decide they have had enough. Extra points if the national guard is called in.

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Police care most for their pensions.

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They should. Not like the nutty libs in Chicago will ever thank them. Why they're even still working there (or SF, Seattle, Portland, etc) is amazing to me.

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What do you want to bet, the Democrats WILL HAVE NATIONAL GUARDS everywhere AND put up a fence?!!

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To further muddy the waters: a lot of these “Hamas supporters“ are being funded and organized by Obama’s friend Iran.

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They will install Michelle Obama as the candidate and turn it all upside down. 🙃

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Honestly, if MO is smart at all, she'd decline. Accepting the nomination means she'll have to answer to THESE people.

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Michelle doesn't want to work that hard.

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Biden has proven it’s not necessary ☺️

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

I thought it poignant that after TFP highlighted “safety” as the arbiter of decisions in two stories yesterday, they present this story in which Chicago leadership is hand-wringing over safety concerns while (it seems to ME) forgetting to consider principled reason in how to approach this situation.

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IDK why these people just leave if they hate America so much. No one's forcing them to stay here.

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Because they want to destroy America, and they can't do that by leaving.

Also, they are too lazy to make the effort required.

Most importantly--as many of them discovered in 2016--other countries don't want them. Most nations have immigration rules that are far more strict than ours. If you're an American with nothing to contribute to their society, they won't let you in.

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And we mustn’t forget, most Middle Eastern Countries throw Gays off buildings & stone Women who dare show their arms!

THAT won’t go over well for these anti America protesters.

I wonder if a lot of these college kids could even locate Iran on the map.

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they will not have to find Iran , Kanada in 30 years will be Iran north

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I really hope that peaceful counter protesters show up with lots of Liquid Ass. I also recommend reading the reviews of the product on Amazon.

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Either response won't bode well for them. What would also be interesting is how many people will be avoiding Chicago this summer in order to not be around this chaos?

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Remember who was elected in 1968, based on a “law and order” platform? Let’s have a rerun of that Chicago DNC.

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deletedApr 18
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Strange bedfellows, indeed. I wonder what Marx would make of what he hath wrought. Either way, I’m looking forward to the chaos. This looks to be a FAFO election season.

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If the president of Columbia admits that its students are deficient even in spelling, why would any sentient parent waste almost $100 grand per year?

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Apr 18·edited Apr 19

Woke academia is a welfare program for glorified dullards who have no worth to the private sector. They can’t make it in the real world, where people actually have to compete via their economic value. There’s no other place for them to ply their trade but these scam universities. It’s no surprise the students, most of whom are idiots to begin with, are borderline illiterate.

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The students were NOT “idiots to begin with.” The current educational system made them that way.

Children are empty vessels. It’s what we pour into those vessels that creates the sludge.

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A distinction without a difference.

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Fair point.

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Even if meant as a joke, not a particularly good look for the head of a supposedly elite school to suggest that her students can't spell the word 'folks'.

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I guess this means Columbia sux!

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Were you an attendee? lol (like folx) Good one!

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Nope - Georgia Tech…or as we said in the old days, white collar trade school.

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So we see those that hate Israel, hate the US. Shocked I say, I am just shocked...

"Ashkenormativity" is a thing btw...it's practiced by antisemites-antizionsist saying that Israel is a colonial settler state created by white Jews from Europe ignoring that more than half of Israeli Jews are mizrachi (also generally ignoring that all Jews genetically are middle eastern, but that's a different issue). It is the antizionst-antisemite who laments that they should have used Yiddish as the language of Israel instead of Hebrew, because that was the familiar Jewish language. It is the antizionst-antisemite who thinks that all Jewish food is brisket and kugel. It is the antizionist-antisemite who thinks that the only Jewish history that is important resolves around the Jews of Europe and they couldn't tell you what the farhud was or how many Jews were expelled from Arab lands . It is the antiziojnist-antisemite who thinks that living as a dhimmis was better than living in enlightenment europe for Jews.

Using the term folx, I am going to assume (yes I know the joke), is the same as using the term latinx. It shows an extreme mental disorder.

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There is no daylight or difference between the hate-Israel and the “Death to America” mob.

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Mr. Berliner, best wishes to him, says, "I respect the integrity of my colleagues," but that seems kind of aspirational. Perhaps "integrity" is a word carefully chosen to denote that, in a way, intense commitment to the cause they believe is righteous - to the point of prioritizing it over what was supposed to be news reporting - is admirable.

Of a man who believes he can fly, we might say, in the interval between the jump and the splat, "I respect his integrity."

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Loved the "flying splat" line, and your respect.

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2004 attended 2 day Conf at Columbia related to film Columbia Unbecoming which was NOT made as a documentary but as a sort of Diary for students dealing with anti Semitic/anti Zionist professors who had nowhere to turn when Jewish orgs like ADL were failing to understand anti Semitism coming from the LEFT.

20 years on full blown crisis w critical mass of Muslims controlling academia.

Columbia Unbecoming (2004) https://youtu.be/KLzfegav40U?si=lqP_wLZ49Duam7KQ

Would appreciate BW address this sordid history

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Thanks for linking to this. Columbia is a cess pool of antisemitism. Yesterday’s hearing was just for show. The unauthorized virulent pro Hamas pro terror rally was taking place in front of Butler Library at the same time. It went on and grew in ferocity all night long.!

There was a beautiful pro Israel demonstration somewhere close by with no hatred or “ anti “ anything rhetoric. Israeli and American flags, songs of hope and solidarity.

Hatred of Jews is the sickness and it runs deep at Columbia.

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Remember when NYC was viewed as a Jewish city? Before long even bagels may be deemed a vestige of white supremacy.

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Legend has it that they were created in 1683 as a tribute to King Jan Sobieski, in gratitude for repelling the Turkish invasion of Austria. So in addition to their crimes of being white and Zionist, bagels are inherently islamophobic.

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Jesse Jackson’s bit on SNL, where he made fun of himself referring to “Hymie, Hymietown”, as an example.

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“I am resigning from NPR, a ONCE great American institution where I have worked for 25 years,” he said in his letter to CEO Katherine Maher.

There fixed it.

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If every company and university did the same as Google, the country would be in a much better place:

“Google terminated 28 employees Wednesday after a series of protests against the company’s contract to provide the Israeli government and military with cloud computing and artificial intelligence services. The news comes one day after nine Google workers were arrested after staging a sit-in at the company’s offices in New York and Sunnyvale, California.”

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The most surprising thing about this is that there are (or were) 28 Gaza groupies who actually had jobs, even if it was in the tech sector. But I’m sure getting fired from Google for occupying your boss’s office in support of Hamas will be a real resume-builder for them.

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Kip some of them.have jobs in the White House and intelligence agencies.

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True. And terrifying for any rational American.

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That was awesome. “We encourage our employees to occupy, burn down, and loot other buildings like they did in 2020…but not ours.”

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That made my morning. Thank you.

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Richard, Google is Left Wing biased, but perhaps that was your point.

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Google was also one of the first companies to shut down its DEI department. I’m hoping it means their moral compass allows them to make unpopular decisions that are the right ones to make.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Wait a minute, I remember dems hammering away on the topic of tariffs being terrible...terrible like Trump. Now I'm to believe that tariffs protect American workers and goods from being undermined by cheaper imports? Ok, thanks Joe.

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And now they want to build a border wall too, I swear in another month Brandon’s campaign motto is going to be “make America great again“

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

The Babylon Bee nails it as usual:

Biden Unveils Official Campaign Slogan 'Death To America'


WASHINGTON, D.C. — After workshopping several potential slogans with Democratic focus groups, the 2024 Biden campaign has settled on "Death To America".

"This is what the Biden Presidency is all about," announced President Biden as the campaign banner was unfurled. "Death to the Great Satan!"

According to sources within the campaign, Biden began considering the slogan after hearing his supporters organically chanting "Death To America" at his speeches. "Nothing fires up a Biden crowd like calling for the violent destruction of the United States," said campaign manager Steve Roscoe. "It's like how whenever Trump needed to juice the crowd in 2016, he would start saying 'Build The Wall'. For Biden, it's 'Death To America'. That really sends the crowd into a frenzy."

After weeks of considering alternatives such as "Allahu Akbar" and "From The River To The Sea", Biden chose "Death To America" for its inclusive messaging. "It's a big-tent slogan that encapsulates the heart of the Democratic Party," explained Roscoe. "Maybe you want to bankrupt America through entitlements - death to America! Maybe you want to murder the next generation in the womb - death to America! Maybe you want to brainwash children into a suicide cult that amputates healthy organs - death to America! Maybe you're an Islamist terrorist that want to literally bring about the deaths of Americans - death to America! Everyone who wishes the destruction of this country is welcome in the Democratic Party."

At publishing time, the Biden campaign had reported excellent sales across the Middle East of their new "Death To America" t-shirts.

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The dem/Biden shitshow......

Don't, Don't, Don't...Joe Biden for President, 2024.

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Make America Great Again Again!

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The media will be insisting that Biden came up with that phrase, probably citing as evidence 1970s classified documents stored in his corvette.

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He also wanted to build a wall but SUPER ULTRA MAGA stopped him.

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Yes there’s been a number of recent moments where something that was denounced not long ago is embraced. There’s some kind of mass amnesia issue. But even the tariff flip flop surprised me, given the widely negative reporting on that topic that was used as the symbol of trump’s arrogance and ignorance of economic and foreign policy. I don’t know what the “right” answer is, I just see the flip flops and wonder how so few notice.

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Exactly, mass amnesia. That's what propaganda is meant to accomplish. The Biden cabal/msm had to disparage every single thing Trump because his policies were on the right track and he managed to do it despite the hamstringing of the bureaucracy. The comparison of policies and their results couldn't be more clear.

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Just Joe PANDERING for votes!

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Shame on NPR.

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I doubt they feel any of that. More like self righteousness.

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A group of 50 (unnamed) employees sent a letter to Maher, demanding that she "rebuke" the "factual inaccuracies" in Uri's article.

Yup, their self-righteousness knows no bounds.

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They’re bummed he quit, I bet they had an intense struggle session planned for him.

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Some weapons might have helped make their point

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Oops! I read that as (unarmed). But my point is still valid.

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They're terrified of guns. But maybe they could have made their point by throwing a few Molotov cocktails at Maher's office.

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re: disrupt the DNC. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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The anti-American extremists planning to "disrupt" the DNC are no one's friends but their own. But I don't think many of us are going to cry about the Democrat-on-Democrat violence.

A more accurate maxim is this: Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

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I’m just hoping to see a repeat of 1968: cops in a democrat city beating the crap out of loony leftists. But they’ll probably let them burn shit down like 2020.

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Yeah, the cops aren't allowed to stop real crime...and wokists already said that violent protesting is perfectly fine. So it would be a bad look to actually try to sick the police on them...especially since I doubt the police would want to put their reduced numbers at risk.

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I'd like to loose burly cops on demonstrators, and it looks as though Columbia University did just that a couple of hours ago. I hear that a hundred pro-Hamas campers were taken away in buses, zip-tied.

I don't understand all the girls screaming hosannas to the mullahs and imams. I don't understand it at all. Would full burka and wholesale cliterodectomies cure them of their love of all things Islamist?

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Reminds me of my dead older brother. He used to say that he loved watching prizefights co's nothing brought him more pleasure than watching two black guys beat hell out of each other.

... and the great thing about watching Antifa go after the commies is that no matter who bleeds, it's a good thing, and the publicity will hurt them in November.

The Normies had better toughen up. The Democrats are not only going to do anything they can to keep The Orange Man out of office, they Are Doing It Right Now. This ain't play.

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It will at least be amusing to watch Chicago’s clown of a mayor pratfall on the world stage when his progressive supporters riot. I lived in Chicago for 20 years, up to a few years ago. Couldn’t be happier to be out of that leftist hellhole. Place sucks now.

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Please, follow correct use of pronouns." Never interrupt your enemy when he or she is making a mistake."

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For these Chicago folx it’s gonna be “…when ze/zir is making a mistake”

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Don’t forget zee, zou…and all that other bullshit.

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If Trump is smart he should spend the days of the convention playing golf. He's probably got something planned to create a contrast, but the less distraction from the coming shitshow, the better.

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Good advice. Which I bet he won’t take.

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I need to stock up on popcorn

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You probably will have to watch Fox. The Democrat media just won’t show it.

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YouTube will.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

I don't know about my friend but I am enjoying the show. The chickens are roosting.

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Love when the snake starts eating its own tail

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Yeah, that "river to the sea" shite is a breath of fresh air, it is.

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Uri Berliner's observations and the fallout makes top of mind for me something I have now wondered for several years: what is the need for a taxpayer-funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting and NPR in today's media environment? It began in 1967 but a lot has changed since then. NPR clearly does not provide unbiased and balanced information (which would add real value), so what sets it apart from all of the privately held and biased news and information sources we have today to the extent we all should pay for it through taxes? Asking seriously.

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deletedApr 18
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Radio signals, maybe, but since 1967 there’s been this invention, y’see, called the interweb or some thin’, and I heered thatchoo kin git news on that that thing ‘n’ even chat with kinfolk on these hyar thangs called chat rooms! Oh, and yew kin git TVs that have color on ‘em! Oh, damn - didjoo know that Cronkite was dead?”


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Protest at the DNC. Hell yes!!! I am all for that. Chicago is already a crap hole and you might as well jump on the destroy Chicago bandwagon. After all, the people you might put out of work are the lower wage earners who need the job. But typical of the destroy because we hate it but have no idea of how to create anything better even close to what we have. Great plans, nothing like a room full of absolutely useless, stupid, cowards who are passing out masks, idiots being used by rich white dark funding people with their own agendas. Useful sheep and lemmings, nothing more.

NPR seriously needs to go. Uri has told the truth, but now our useless cowards in Congress will do nothing and keep funding PRAVDA, ops, I mean NPR.

Omar would quickly recognize Liquid Ass, after all it is pretty close to the perfume she uses. Said a friend.

Let's say Donald had an affair with Stormy. So he would have paid a pro versus a street walker under the control of drugs or a pimp. Clinton can be a perv and Joe and so many others, but, if, if Donald paid a pro, who the Hell cares? The real story is the perversion of the Justice Departments in America becoming the strike force for the Left. Yet there is so little talk about that.

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It is a Constitutional crisis and the real threat to the Republic.

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I hope that Berliner's resignation will be a wake up call for all those who tune into NPR.

But why did it take him so long to do this. He was past of it. Does anyone remember Juan Willians? Review what happened to him for uttering a few unapproved of words.

Let's not make a hero of Berliner. Twenty-five years is a long time to figure out the truth and then finally have the balls to admit and leave.

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He’s retirement age. Nice to go out a hero.

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Yeah, exactly- I think he made sure he was pension eligible before turning on his conscience.

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why did it take him so long to leave ? $$$$$$$$$$$ nothing more nothing less

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I mean it’s good to call things out, but ya it’s like a Soviet waiting until 1991 to call out Stalin or something, better late than never but it’s not like everyone didn’t already know. If I had interviewed him for a podcast I would have been ravenously interested not in what he’s calling out, but how he lived with himself for the decades prior without doing so. How does a man lie to himself for so long? How did that feel? That sort of thing.

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