Thanks for giving them this platform. The increase in crimes and violence in this country against Jews has gone mostly ignored by this administration because no one wants to talk about WHO are the perpetrators of this violence. Woke politics means we can’t discuss it, so it goes ignored.

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Who are the perps in USA? I think I know that in Europe today it’s mostly Muslim immigrants. But the mass shootings here seem to have been carried out by whites.

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-mass shootings aren’t the every day violence and btw there have been plenty of black and Muslim mass incidents here - NJ? But the media amps up the white supremacist incidents and downplays the black and Muslim because they are part of the woke-protected. BLM aligns with the Palestinians because they see them as non-white and see Jews as white. You have entirely made my point for me - thank you.

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Thank you - I was thinking the same. This article focuses on white supremacists but it’s open season on “visible” Jews in NY to a much higher degree, every single day. We just can’t talk about it because the perpetrators are seen as victims and therefore sacrosanct. And Jews are seen as higher in the power hierarchy and therefore can’t be victims. I thought this article might bring that up before the end, and even then barely mentioned it, so I guess woke wins in the end.

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Asians are in the same position--too high in the power hierarchy. When there was a spate of anti-Asian hate crimes a few years ago, the media tried to spin it as White Supremacy on the rise, but it turned out that the perpetrators were black, so the story quietly went away.

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Thanks for bringing this up. I wrote about how both Asians and Jews were being attacked and ignored by the left, for Tablet:


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I agree. It is ongoing though.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023


"Violence against Asian Americans is in fact a diverse and majority-minority affair, with the 2019 Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report showing that 27.5 percent of violent criminals targeting an Asian victim are black and only 24.1 percent are white; my own analysis of a set of more than 100 recent high-profile cases reaches similar conclusions."

In other words blacks, despite making up only 12% of the national population, somehow commit hate crimes against Asians at a higher rate than the white majority.

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Just stop it. Once again - MOST PERPS ARE NOT ARRESTED NOR PROSECUTED. Stop Re-posting the same misleading and biased statistics 🤣

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Comprof is the resident troll. Ignore him.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Stop it? Why should I allow you to promote fraudulent claims unopposed? "Most" and "majority" is simply factually incorrect.

The only one exhibiting bias and misleading commentary is you. And no emoji changes that.

But please provide your data/info of all the perps that are not arrested/prosecuted, although you are quite certain they are "the ones" commiting the "most" or "majority."

I knew this thread would go down this road very quickly. Spicy!


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Blacks make up 25% of the population in NYC and 12% of the country as a whole. At a national level given their small percentage of the population it would be surprising if they made up a majority of hate crime offenders.

Are they overrepresented though? Absolutely.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Fascinating. Not talking about "overepresentation" though, are we?

Nope, the language/claims around here is "most" and "majority." Is that factually incorrect? Absolutely.

Knew this thread would take this turn quite quickly. Spicy!

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Disproportionately, antisemitic violence against Jews is perpetrated by blacks, especially in New York and New Jersey.

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And in California, the great majority of attacks on Asians, most of them elderly, are committed by blacks.

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You look white in your picture.

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of course you would say that. I am olive skinned - as though that matters AT ALL. my hair is naturally black but i dye it lighter brown. You keep making my points for me. thanks so much.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Of course I would say that. I have vision. No. When you're in public, people see a "white woman." White women don't have naturally black hair? I'll have run that past my wife.

What point exactly are you trying to make, Brammy? :)

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this is my last reply to an obvious troll.. When i'm in public, people see a JEWISH WOMAN. period. Run THAT past your wife. BYE troll.

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Most of the anti-Semitic violence in the US is perpetrated by blacks though the article did go back a quarter of a century to try and frame it as white supremacy.

As for your false belief most mass shootings in the US are being carried out by whites, it is because the progressive press media buries most mass shootings by non-whites to create a false narrative to aid in creating a mass surveillance state.

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Comprof is back, sigh, citing an article about who gets__arrested___. I guess he has missed out on the news that DAs have become very selective about prosecutions and police in response regarding arrests.

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He's also ignoring the fact that his own statistics show that blacks commit antisemitic crimes at more than twice their percentage of the population.

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But were not talking about proportionality, are we ;)

We're talking about your claim of who does the "most" or "majority"

I knew this thread would go down this road quickly. Spicy!

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Per capita. Yep. Sorry to hurt your radical militant leftest feelings.

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I guess I missed your data on that. Sigh.

Yep. Black folks commit the most hate crimes against Jews in America.

It's time for Asians, whites (Chrisians & Jews) to come together against the true enemy.

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There's a reason that homicides are the gold standard when examining crime rates: some percentage of other criminal activity goes unreported. In a place like SF shoplifting for example may not be called in on a regular basis because reporting it to the police is pointless.

On the other hand it is much tougher to get rid of a body.

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Oh...so now we've moved to shoplifiting.

Do rate, proportionality, etc. have any bearing on "the most" or "majority?"

Yes or no?

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Again, blacks make up only 16% of the population in NYS.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Again, irrelevant. What aren't you understanding?

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That blacks commit crimes (including hate crimes) at a disproportionately high rate? That seems crystal clear to me.

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You don’t understand math, statistics or crime and how to look at data very well do you?

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By the legal definition of mass shooting, the wide majority are gang related and about half of the violence happens between black Americans, who are roughly 500% overrepresented in USA violent crime.

Saying that out loud can get you branded as a racist, so be careful with Truth that Offends.

But I think what you're referring to as "mass shootings" are the terrorist style senseless shootings of peaceful public places. This should be referred to as terrorism because that's the entire purpose of it, and those incidents follow the general racial makeup of the country more closely.

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Unfortunately, there seems to be no shortage of anti-Semites on either the right or the left, or among both blacks and whites.

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If you use the definition (by violence org) of 4 or more people shot or wounded in a single event Chicago had 12 % of ALL mass shootings for 2022. Chicago makes up .09% of US population . Out of these Chicago shooting 90% was a Black shooter who usually shot other Blacks

source US census and Heyjackass chicago crime data

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Such as? Links?

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The problem is that about 60% of the country is white and 12% black. Whites are committing fewer shootings than would be expected given their share of the population and blacks are committing more.

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Slaw, it is fruitless to use simple logic with people like RT and Comprof; they are immune.

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So your own admission, you disproved your own point. Interesting.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

I'm not sure what you're trying to say, if anything, but here is the data for NY state - https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/stats/reports-analysis/hate-crimes.page

In NYS, blacks make up <16% of the population and about 45% of all hate crime complaints. Jews are estimated at 11% of the population in NYS, but anti-Jewish bias makes up 43% of complaints. When it comes to actual arrests, blacks account for 37% of anti-Jewish crimes.

I think we can conclude that Jews are disproportionate victims of bias attacks and blacks are disproportionate offenders of these attacks. At the same time, we can recognize that most Jews will not be attacked and most blacks are not attackers.

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What a refreshing display of statistical analysis and linear thought.

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And if they are..and are in NYC, the enforcement system just lets them go and not prosecuted.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Again, blacks commit all crimes (including hate crimes) at a rate higher than their share of the general population.

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Again, irrelevant to "most" or "majority" re: hate crimes.

What aren't you understanding?

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Exactly one person made that claim in a completely different thread. Isn't it kind of suspicious you seem intent on "debunking" that in a completely different discussion where nobody even brought that up?

What I am claiming is that blacks commit all crimes, including hate crimes, at a rate far higher than their share of the overall population. Are you disagreeing with that? Yes or no?

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Most perps are NOT arrested - thanks.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

And blacks are about 13% of the population. That being said I am very dubious of stats these days.

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Which is why they don't commit the majority of anti-Semitic hate crimes.

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The reality on the ground in New York City, Newark, and a few other urban districts that are heavily populated with Black Americans, Orthodox Jews and Asians is that gangs of mostly young black males are routinely assaulting Orthodox Jews and Asians. And by "assault" I mean physically attacking them, out of the blue, for no reason other than their appearance and the fact that the blacks outnumber them. This disgusting behavior is seemingly ignored if not routinely excused by the mainstream news media, who are much more eager to report the rare instances of white males victimizing blacks. These statements are based on years of observation and countless reports, police and FBI statistics, video footage, and personal experience. Hand waving and bland dismissals of the problem are most unhelpful.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

The reality on the ground, is this:


I get it. It's time whites (Chrisrians & Jews) and Asians to work together to fight the real enemy.

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Aww....that was easy.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Lol. Oh...well, let's go with 100% not "most" then ok?

I wondered how long it would take before "the blacks" were part of the discussion. This thread is spicy!


Thanks ;)

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Again, blacks commit all crimes (including hate crimes) at a rate higher than their share of the general population.

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And yet Jews vote overwhelmingly for candidates that favor disarming the public and attack the 2nd Amendment. A conundrum.

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Not the more orthodox Jews. As the article says, there is a divide in the communities.

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“Jews vote overwhelmingly for candidates that favor disarming the public and attack the 2nd Amendment”

Not only that, I suspect more than a few Jews also endorse “progressive” DAs like Alvin Bragg in NYC, who release violent criminals and prosecute victims who defend themselves, like 61-year-old Jose Alba, the bodega clerk who was violently assaulted and killed his 35-year-old attacker with a knife. The fact that his attacker had a rap sheet with 27 prior arrests, including assault made no difference to Bragg. If Srula Chaiton or Mushka Lowenstein were forced to defend their congregants, I can’t help but wonder who would be charged first, them or the assailant.

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The left has an affinity for criminals. To the left they are victims of an unfair society and we all know how the left loves victims. They side with the thugs and ignore the real victims of crime.

It puzzles me how anyone can vote for the rainbow and unicorn party. All of them vicious nut cases who claim to be the compassionate party and curse anyone who disagrees with them.

If you don't believe me just look at that squirrel comprof. He won't debate you but he sure as hell will curse you.

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I like keeping that troll around because it displays the power and utility of truly "free speech", something that the more "progressive" sites do not allow.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

NYC 'enlightened' Jews is an aberration, literally. The same in LA. Peace and prosperity has blinded them to life truths and they prefer to live in an imagined Pollyanna. Their parents and grandparents must have shielded them from reality or outright lied about their experiences outside of America

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This has always been a mystery to me as well. Same with blacks. An urban single mom trying to make a place for her family and who wants to defend herself runs smack dab into the anti gun left.

In my experience with the Jewish community, I have found that mainstream Jews really don’t like Orthodox Jews and vice versa. Mainstream Jews are embarrassed by the insularity of the Orthodox and the Orthodox are dismissive of the Mainstream Jew’s lack of any actual religion.

The mainstream think they are safe from anti Jew hate because they are not as easily visually identified as the Orthodox.

Sadly I don’t see the CPA down the street suddenly starting to pack but I hope I am wrong.

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You’ll see a similar discord between American Left-leaning Jewry and the Israelis. The Israelis are brash and outward about our right to survive and fight for who we are. The left leaving America Jews prefer to hide in plain sight and “pass” for white. My bias here is that I’m an Israeli American, but I stand by what I see :)

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Totally agree. As an Israeli friend once told me- there is nothing like an existential threat to keep you focused on the right priorities.

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Am Israel, I call them soft Jews we don’t need them, they running from themselves, let them keep running Israel has their backs as well!

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The article points out that anti-gun are only the Reform Jews in America. The rest, from Orthodox to secular, are pretty much for self-defence knowing from the quite recent events of 20th century that not a single nation will stand for them other than themselves and now Israel.

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I have never understood why Jews vote for the antisemite party (Dem/Soc).

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It’s a enigma wrapped in a mystery!

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Religious Jews overwhelmingly vote GOP and conservative

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It beggars belief at times.

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Our entire system is structured to force any third or fourth or whatever parties into the existing two. We may need to restructure how we do representation unless something changes.

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Good for them! My church here in NC has a volunteer security team for every service, and someone, at least one, is packin’. We never know who, but it makes us feel a little bit safer.

I would invite these threatened Jews to rethink where they live. The Bible Belt may be Christian, but that type of Christian feels a deep affinity with Jews. That carpenter guy....

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The soft Jews don’t give a shit about Israel.

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Sad that it comes to this but kudos to these women for stepping up!

Interesting that they took the steps that they did instead of just claiming victimhood. A lesson we all need to remember.

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We all wring our hands and twist our pearls about the exploding crime rate, but we can stop it and we can stop it the same way we can scotch the gun-grabbers: vote, and vote with your head, not your heart. Vote for candidates who will Just Plain Enforce The Law - not candidates who promise some kind of social justice crusade to prosecute (or not) based on race, ethnicity, a bad childhood, or a fart crossways. Just follow the law. And I would say to Jewish voters: when you go to vote, wise the F up. Your ultra-liberal voting history is a big part of the problem.

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The more observant the Jewish person, the more right-leaning their politics. This article didn’t go into it but I would imagine, when pressed, many Orthodox Jews would agree with you. That would have been worth exploring here once we are looking behind the wig, as it were.

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I was born and raised in NY, LI. You were, Irish or Italian Catholics or Jewish. There were never problems and all of us were friends in school. After HS, I went to work at a hospital. That’s where I got my first inkling of people looking at Jews differently, a little on the negative side. My future FIL was a big wig banker in NY, my mom worked for lawyers. I came to believe any dislike about Jews was envy or jealousy as they were the Indian chiefs, Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, CEO’s. I remember hearing from someone that a Jew was asked, Why are you all so smart? His response, we have been studying for thousands of years. Shouldn’t people emulate, instead of hate? My mom graduate HS, was a legal Secretary her first job was on Wall Street, my dad never finished high school, was in construction. But we did ok. Looking back it’s funny to recall what my mom told me. When she worked on Wall Street, all those rich Jews owned stock, so she started buying stock. She said, I had no idea what stock was, but if that’s what they do, I’m doing the same. I now live in mid Florida, I recently heard there is a group, I believe in Miami, called Jews for Glocks. Cleaver I thought. And you can bet they are all seniors.

In today’s world, not having the means to protect yourself boarders on crazy. Look around, your government can’t and in some cases won’t help you, the criminals are protected, certainly not the victims.

Look at NY,CA, IL to name a few. People are nuts, I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone.

Oh, took me 20 years at night to get an AA while working and raising two kids alone, but they both have Masters degrees. Emulate don’t hate.

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You may find this interesting regarding the why. It is about humans in general but I found it fascinating. It was in Rob Henderson's substack the other day.


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When seconds matter the police are only minutes away. Being trained to use a firearm and being responsible to insure no third party can gain access especially children is necessary.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

Good for these women and Magen Am! Actually here in Seattle you almost never see the police. So no, the police are not "minutes away". Since our most recent mayor was elected, I hear sirens on occasion, but numbers remain way down. The council has yet to restore the original budget to pre-BLM riot levels. And surprise, with anti-police attitudes, recruiting efforts aren't going so well despite rather novel job ads. Kidding you not-- last November, I heard a loudspeaker announcement at the SeaTac airport touting the benefits of joining the Seattle police force!! HA! I wondered if the HR folks were hoping to attract job candidates "fresh off the boat" (first time Seattle visitors) somehow ignorant of (much of) this city's disdainful, woke attitudes toward police.

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My point is that even in the best of circumstances, police are minutes away when seconds count. Everyone should take heed and follow what these young women are doing.

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i think accidentally i deleted your comment fixing a spelling error. I understand...yes seconds count..

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I'm not Jewish, but God bless Magen Am!

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Wonderful role models. Every Jew should know how to defend himself or herself and those around them.

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How about “every person” should know how to defend himself or herself and those around them?

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The problem is simply that the woke liberals would rather have crime and fear as the norm. By destroying the rules of society and weakening the laws they hope to be able to break the country. Remember that they ultimately want you to obey and comply with their rules and offering you safety and security after they destroy it is the game.

We have all of the laws needed, the problem is the POS politicians and DA’s that want to destroy the system. Plus thank O-dumbo for the real start of hate crimes. Where do they happen and who commits them?

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Uh, that's O'BUMMER!

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Mass shooters are cowards. They have never attacked a school with signs present stating armed personnel on the premises trained to take action against threats. See John Lott, Jr., national expert with non-Woke statistics. Protect your schools and churches now.

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Schools that post signs stating that they are "Smoke Free, and Gun Free" are just inviting problems. Better to have NO signs that to advertise your vulnerability.

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And IMO that means with like weapons. The teacher who survived the Uvalde shooting said the active shooter drills made him and his students sitting ducks.

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Bravo to those Jews! It is a shame that the Jews in our country are facing such unreasoned hate. For far too long Jews around the world were targets of hate and scapegoats for national failures, but, as a nation of immigrants, Jews have found a refuge and peace in the U.S., until now. Why? I can only think that the success of Jews in mastering the business culture through education and hard work has made other, less successful groups envious and suspicious of Jews. That and the stubborn resistance of Israel to the constant threats to its existence has favored a distorted worldview of Jews among certain groups, including radical nationalists and malleable college students who think Jews are obstacles to world peace. While I hate to see the spread of more guns in the U.S., Jews have an absolute right to defend their communities, and they are far less likely to use guns to commit crimes. These brave Jewish women are serious about training and accuracy in gun handling, something that many Americans ignore. So, again, Bravo!

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As well as the successful Asian Americans. Jealousy turns to hate.

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Sadly, what the haters don't understand is the time and effort it takes to be successful, especially when you arrive in the US with nothing but determination.

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Which is the problem with constantly preaching to folks that they are marginalized/oppressed/discriminated against. That breeds resentment. Resentment breeds hate.I think American exceptionalism is a good thing and the foundation of it is that "[Y]ou can be anything!" Not everybody will succeed but everybody is capable of it.

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Right! The elites in charge are actually trying to take away the barriers that require hard work. Somehow they think that hard work is a thing to avoid instead of a thing that makes you stronger and more capable.

I just read about a group that wants to remove mcat scores and grades for access to medschool. Because it will definitely be better for us all if our doctors aren't good enough to pass tests and do well under pressure.

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Are you saying that the Jews have brought the hate on themselves by "constantly preaching" about being oppressed and discriminated against? I don't know where you live, but I'm hard pressed to think of a people less likely to complain or preach about being oppressed. You, on the other hand, are showing a thinly veiled streak of antisemitism with your remarks.

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I think she is more talking about the victim class that has become the focus these days. It is part of the reason we keep digging deeper and deeper for some aggrieved class of people to belong to so we can be special.

From my limited perspective, I wouldn't put the average Jew in that class. They may mention that they have bad things happen. But their response tends to be overcoming those bad things rather than wallowing in it, as this article shows.

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There is a big difference between reporting the facts of antisemitic attacks and complaining about antisemitism. For most of history, Jews of the diaspora have tried to keep a low profile in the countries to which they migrated for the very reason that they were generally not welcome. The Jews who migrated to America were largely the victims of European and Midde Eastern pogroms and Nazi extermination camps, so they had plenty to complain about if they so chose, but they didn't. They worked hard, learned the language, and sent their kids to school. And they were discriminated against by the WASP society. The Jews in America have been instrumental in the equal rights movement for all races, and have worked quietly for social justice. As a group, Jews are a positive benefit to the U.S.

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No I am not saying that at all. I do not think of Jews as being hate-filled. I am referencing those who engage in hate offenses. Which is pretty obvious from.the comment.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

This training is awesome! Jews, especially women, need to defend themselves. I am donating to Magen Am https://magenamusa.app.neoncrm.com/forms/donatenow

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Excellent article. I cannot fathom what it is about some people that makes them hostile to people of the Jewish faith. I know it’s a problem with a long history, I just don’t understand how it persists across generations.

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Success breeds resentment. Add to that a group of people who regularly remind people they are different, and this kind of thing happens, sadly.

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I don’t disagree with what you say, but that cohort which begrudges others their success have a wide field to resent. To focus so intently on Jews is irrational, albeit historical. We have in our lifetimes the horrific “never again” example of the Nazi persecution of Jews, yet here we are, with that same persecution rearing its abominable head. Do we learn nothing from history as human beings?

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No, most people don't learn from history. Because they didn't experience it themselves. And schools tend to teach them horribly. I hated history through all of school because it was just name and date memorization. It wasn't until years later when I watched videos by people who cared about the subject matter that taught about why these things mattered and gave context on how and why they happened that I realized how important history is.

When some people hear about the atrocities of the past they simply assume that modern compassionate people would never do such things...and then we do them again.

As for the wide field of resentment, yes they do. But Jewish folks stand out. They are overly represented in fields that give them public notice (entertainment in particular) and culturally they seem to remind people more often of their 'otherness'. By that I mean that a Jewish person is far more likely to tell you that they are Jewish than, say, a person of Irish or German or English decent. And then they have sects like the Orthodox that also wear different clothes, and have different words for things. Add Israel to the mix. I also think the fact that 'Jewish' can both reference ethnicity AND religion, so you are stacking 2 potential biases.

Also, Asians, lets say, are reaching that point. They are less and less seen as 'minorities' because of their success. Top universities are discriminating against them (just like we did in the past with Jews). When Hollywood talks about PoC, they are including Asians less and less. And I promise there are communities that treat Asians poorly. My memory tells me that during some riots, Asian businesses were some of the first hit because of the neighborhoods' envy.

This is all speculation. And I certainly don't think it is ok. But populations have a habit of doing this, across history. Humans don't like when other humans stand out too much, good or bad.

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Re teaching history I am beginning to think that it cannot be a one and done thing. Do an early, age appropriate introduction. Then reinforce it with expanded information as the student matures. I always loved history but I know many who hated it. I liked to read though and could visualize my reading.

And I agree about wearing your heritage on your sleeve and then lamenting g that people notice your history.

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I think the issue is that in many schools, history is a throw away subject. In HS my main history teachers were the basketball coach and a woman that just made us take notes off the overhead every day and then take a test.

Teaching history well means more than knowing facts. Just testing is easier if you just have kids memorize names and dates. Sadly, this goes for a lot of school. If you don't have a learned teacher who cares about the subject, history, literature, art, etc can be very shallow and dull. So many of the subjects I disliked in school, I love now because I have access to videos and essays from people who love the topics.

What is sad is most of the few historical dates I know didn't come from school. The whole reason I remember 1776 isn't because of school. It is because of the Muppet Babies cartoon :)

In an ideal world, we could all be as different as we want with no negative impact. But humans are NOT ideal. We evolved in a very different environment than we now live, and things like this are our natures butting up against our compassion and reason. We can overcome it, sure. But some people won't. And right now, some of those people are considered part of a protected class, so they get away with it.

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Very true. Oh how I wish I knew how our time will be perceived historically.

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Don't dismiss the hate directed to anyone with epicanthic folds! Asian directed hate crimes are just as pernicious as Jewish directed ones. And guess which minority group perpetrates these crimes out of proportion to their demographics!

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Excellent observation.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

As someone who was born and raised in a very ultra-Orthodox family and community (though no longer part of it), I never met anyone who carried a gun.

While I like this story overall and am happy that community members are taking steps to protect themselves against rampant antisemitism, especially in progressive areas, the gender angle is either ignorance or clickbait. The idea of ultra-Orthodox women as subservient, home-bound, and restricted as compared to men is largely a myth promoted by radical feminists and groups they control, such as Footsteps.

Those inside those communities recognize that while every aspect of men's lives, including their schedule and dress code, is tightly controlled, women have more freedom. Long black pants, white shirt, white undershirt, fur or black hat, woolen Tzitizis, Kippah, black coat, black shoes etc. are required of men. Women wear skirts, shirts, and shoes of their choice as long as they cover knees, elbows and neckline, and a head covering if they're married. No need to wear four layers of clothes of the exact right color, fabric and dimensions like men. And men are required to spend their time studying, learning, and praying, unlike women, who have no such requirement.

For those familiar with the ultra-Orthodox community, it would be a much greater surprise if MEN were allowed to change their dress code to carry firearms or take breaks from their studies to attend security courses and practice target shooting.

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I was raised, and still am, a relatively secular Jew, but have had extensive contact and deep relationships with both Ultra Orthodox and modern Orthodox Jews. The misunderstandings about the role of women in these communities amongst the conservative (religiously, not politically)/reform/secular Jews is at best ignorant, at worst actively hostile.

I’m not surprised in the slightest by this article. Orthodox people, including the women, are some of the boldest people I’ve ever met. They are unabashedly Jewish and proud. Wish I was raised amongst them.

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Every traditional woman of every race, creed, religion or ethnicity I have ever known was strong. I don't think they get caught up in the rhetoric they just do what they think is right.

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What a beautiful piece.

Sadly, In New York State, Mushka Lowenstein is not allowed to protect her temple.

Another "photo-op law" brought to you by "Progressive" Democrats

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New York is demonstrating that its government detests law abiding, responsible people who work, worship and provide for their families. The state is devolving into a lunatic asylum.

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A paradox no? You do not need to protect yourself, we will do it for you via law enforcement. Followed by law enforcement is inequitable and thus not allowed. Keep those taxes flowing though. The inevitable result is a severely restrictive state for all.

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