DEI is about revenge not justice.

If this continues there will be a tipping point and it won't be pretty.

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It is a race hustle. Billions for free. Jobs for life. No possibility of being fired. In this case you can harass, belittle and destroy a person with zero consequences. Real power. Meet the new boss.

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It is a Maoist struggle session. Millions died this way during the Chinese cultural revolution. Now they have returned under DIE, ESG, and “Progressivism”. Here is what Ivy League struggle sessions were like 20 years ago, they’ve only gotten worse since then: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-groom-commissars

If you want to see what happens to a country that has embedded DIE resentment in everything, South Africa is a sad case study. Lauren Southern's "Farmlands" is a harrowing hour-long documentary.

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He sounds like he was a good guy. Do you notice how they have to say he was a good progressive, not a bad conventional person? And "in an interview with The Free Press a few months before his death, voiced concern about transgender students being bullied." This proves his progressive bone fides I suppose.

Transid kids are not bullied in high school. Everyone beams at them and pretends it's great. This gaslights them. If other kids (and teachers!) were honest - suggesting they didn't think their classmates might really somehow be born in the wrong body, the teens would more likely drop it and move on to something else sooner - before they are medically hurt with hormones and the like. I say this as a mom whose girl ROGDed in high school. She thought everyone was fine with it except parents - which is a clueless lack of understanding of others who kept their mouths closed or celebrated. I am not saying I am pro-bullying but we need to allow for a little more candid honesty on this topic as well as on others.

Remember when kids all made up lightly insulting rhythms about each other's last names and everyone rolled with it?

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What does any of this have to do with the article? You literally took one line from the article and took it in a totally different direction. I think you may be obsessed with trans people.

Are you a trans person in high school? Are you a teacher at a high school? Are you a student at a high school? Please enlighten me how you know that trans kids are not bullied at school? I don't know that they are but, this seems like a pretty ridiculous blanket statement to me. They are certainly bullied by many state legislators.

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They are bullied more by the medical community than anyone else. Bullied into medical & surgical treatment for what would probably end up being outgrown dysphoria or homosexuality. And bullied by the trans community itself, which instantly withdraws all the love-bombing the second a kid displays an inkling of doubt.

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Exactly. "Gender-affirming care" is really "Conversion Therapy" for gays by another name.

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Loving Mother has a trans child (I believe), so I can understand the 'obsession' as you so aggressively put it. Perhaps a more gentle tone would be helpful.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Thx, KNP. Actually, I am not convinced there is any such thing as a trans child. Gender Ideology goes back to Dr. John Money who experimented on and abused a pair of twin boys who both wound up committing suicide. I recommend Dr. Grossman's new book 'Lost In Trans Nation".

My daughter RODGed (took up a trans id) in high school. Now she is a busy young adult - unharmed medically - and mostly back to her old self again. It was a horror show for the family for years. There is a lot going on under one "trans" umbrella. Right now the biggest one is teen girls who have something like cult anorexia promoted at school. Then, there is a tiny minority of mostly men who have a psychological disorder we call gender dysphoria these days. I do feel sorry for them and I would not know the best treatment. Many of those people even regret their euphemistically named "transition". Then, I'd say there is a whole lot of fetish and narcissism. McHugh explains the categories:


Transexual author Cohn has some words:


And, trans is mega profitable - synthetic hormones were always a drug looking for a market: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/us-sex-reassignment-surgery-market

Lots of bad actors make money or political points off of it. Biden declared it the "Civil Rights Movement of our Era" including transing 8 year old girls. He needed a phony civil rights movement. Everyone has rights - even the confused. And, we should all be able to voice our opinions.

Anyhow, this Thefp piece is about a lovely sounding gay man who committed suicide after his reputation was attacked with DEI. The ideology surrounding gender is on the DEI/DIE grift bandwagon. He seemed to feel that he needed to show his progressive DEI bone fides on this issue even as he raised his hand regarding another DEI issue. I think that is worth mentioning.

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The resentment in South Africa started almost a century ago and the DIE resentment is just an extension of the previous misery. It's going to take some time to heal SA, and many more people are going to be hurt along the way to that healing.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

31 May 1910. A Unionist government won the Boer War; the following Liberal government promptly began four years of "negotiations" that lost the peace. What the racist bigot "Kommando" couldn't win with the Mauser our witless Whitehall handed to them on a piece of parchment. Contrast the politics and government of Cape Colony with the travesty that followed. A LIBERAL British government gave blessing to the DISENFRANCHISMENT of tens of thousands of loyal people who had been able to proudly say "Cives Brittanicus Sum!". I'm not saying the Cape was paradise - far from it - but it was a DAMNED sight better than the Heart of Darkness of the Congo; the Hun genocide of the Herero; or the "Xtian" Boer republics. Now? Another communist shit-show; courtesy of the USSR taking up "The Whiteman's Burden" (Does anyone read Kipling and in context?) by default.

Edit: NOT exactly a Conservative govt; I misremembered. My Bad.

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It's all in perspective and depending on which side one falls. Taxation without representation and the appropriation of land does lead to bad things.

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The Thirteen all had legislatures; judiciary; and executive. Parliament was exceeding it's powers; as It would do again two centuries later over Rhodesia. This is why the US won and Rhodesia lost: in 1776 enough of the Lords and Commons KNEW they were up their own bum on the issue that when it turned into a world war we let the US go and got back to the proper business of settling Franco-Spanish hash.

Score-draw in North America; but we STILL won the Cup. God being an Englishman and all that. :-)

The taxation, legally wrong and unconstitutional though it may have been, was to PAY FOR the DEFENCE of North America. Boot on t'other foot and the USA spends decades whinging about Europe-in-NATO/OTAN NOT PAYING FOR ITS' DEFENCE. Yanks are screaming funny.

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I enjoyed that.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

The problem is that there doesn't seem to be the possibility of a peacefully agreed upon end point at any stage (can't comment on SA which has a very different history to countries like the US, Canada, Australia, U.K., New Zealand, the Scandinavian countries) which is the result of nursing resentment for hurt done decades ago to your 'tribe' and seeking revenge and power as opposed to seeking equality before the law. The vast majority of 'whiteys' in countries mentioned above want everyone in their countries - particularly various groups who have suffered historically - to have a fair go. Unfortunately, stories such as this one are becoming more and more common, there is the uncomfortable feeling that children are being brainwashed and emotionally manipulated through the education systems and a fair outcome seems to be further and further away.

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Maoism. That was my first thought too.

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I recently read a more detailed account of "struggle sessions," in China and this is claerly the same type of event.

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Check out Thompson’s credentials on the KOJO (Cujo?) website. TL;DR: There are none listed, other than a bunch of other companies she’s scammed.

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How sad!

If you are a Conservative, or I should say, everyone except the WOKE Left (and their MSM propagandists) have come to expect this sort of horrid, shaming treatment.

What is ironic is how often we are seeing the WOKE Left “eating their own” and how shocked those being destroyed are for being targeted.

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‘What is ironic is how often we are seeing the WOKE Left “eating their own” and how shocked those being destroyed are for being targeted.’

This, reason, and truth are the foundations of my hope.

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“no doubt drawing on his (Bilkszto’s) own experience teaching in a predominantly black high school in Buffalo, New York, he said: “We’re a far more just society.”

Ah, the musing of an enlightened, virtue signaling progressive who enabled the very mob that destroyed his illusion of what justice is in a "just" society. I’d say “Bilkszto’s "harrowing, two-year descent into an ordeal of public shaming and isolation” was justice, the kind I call poetic justice.

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Well, that is a very dark comment to make about someone who took their life because he stood up and voiced his opinion. Remember the Free Speech concept? Shouldn't a citizen be able to have a voice without their personal and professional life being trashed?

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Maybe I missed it, but did anyone tell Mr. Bilkszto to shut up? In fact, Kike Ojo-Thompson said, “I’m going to leave you space to tell me what you’re doing right now”. But what did the “devout progressive” do when given the chance to defend the “free speech” concept? He shut up like obedient progressives do so he could remain in good standing with the mob.

In case you haven’t noticed, free speech has been under assault for years and its devout progressives that are doing the assaulting. Their tactics may vary, they may even include castigating it as “a very dark comment” when someone points out the obvious. But unlike Mr. Bilkszto, I won't just shut up.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

So Mr Bilkszto started to speak, trying to make his point that students are harmed when you send constant messages that they live in a white suppressor country and Canada had advantages over USA. He was cut off by the facilitator, then started to speak again when a third voice (male) started to chime in. After being basically shut down and humiliated in front of his peers, was told he was wrong in no uncertain terms. Based on the article he was no run of the mill educator but someone sought after due to his track record. He was likely aware this could cost him dearly unless he remained quiet.

There are a lot of "tough guys" in this forum and many others. Tell me you would stand and publicly fight in a gathering of your peers regardless of cost. Many of you speak of people, your fellow citizens and neighbors, with differing opinions as if they are vile scum of the earth. May you and your family never suffer the consequences of the hatred you espouse.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

I understand the source of your contempt for this man. He was obviously troubled and weak to be so sensitive to the opinions of imbeciles. But I still feel that this is too strong a position. You will find very little courage and strength of character in any modern educational, governmental, or medical bureaucracy. The strong, spirited, and independent thinker is not welcome and has not been for a long time. He was shamefully needy of public approval and I wish he could have been worked through that. But I am not going to drag a dead man. He was decent, he needed strong support from those of us more combative against these vicious scoundrels running these destructive race hustles.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Not to get too political here, Timothy - but the syndrome of 'shutting up' fits perfectly the see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil of so many GOP challengers to Trump - so fearful they are of the MAGA's enthralled with him. (Good standing with the mob, in your words..)This is not only a 'devout' progressive disease.

Don't you think?

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THE NEW CULTRE FORUM has a six part series on the rise of Western Culture (about 40 minutes a section) you might enjoy. Good food for thought.

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Shouldn't a citizen be able to have a voice without their personal and professional life being trashed? Yes they should! But, those days are over, and this is the new reality. I think they call this, Hoisted with his own petard.

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There is no right to not be offended, at least in the US. It's not clear to me from this article if the verbal criticism Mr. Richard Bilkszto was subjected rose to the level of defamation, maybe harassment. I admire he had the "balls" to speak up against this DEI commissar, something clearly not easy for a "progressive"...I wish he had chosen to continue to fight the good fight.

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Yes! Absolutely! but there is not much satisfaction in that realization.

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I think we can be both sympathetic to someone who clearly suffered and also acknowledge that he subscribed to many of the ideas that led to his downfall. I'm not going to cheer about it... and it seems like he was probably well-meaning - unlike the DEI grievance peddlers - but that doesn't mean that he was totally innocent.

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Based only on this article and not knowing anything else about Bilkszto, he doesn't strike me as someone who was some canceling, woke SJW field marshal. It only tells me he was a gay educator who sympathized with trans kids, and he was probably of a liberal persuasion as most teachers are. But that doesn't mean he deserved what happened to him. It seems that whenever there is a story in TFP about someone not anti-woke who loses their professional reputation, livelihood, and now their life, there is an unseemly callousness about it on the comment page. Some of these folks are certainly less sympathetic than others. But I don't cheer anyone's downfall, even those I may not agree with--unless they themselves are an active part of the woke cancel-culture.

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When DEI advocates state that people are complex human beings and not archetypes, then I will have some respect for them.

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It is dark. Dark does not mean wrong.

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It shows total lack of compassion for the man and his family. Basic humanity.

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not any more

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You are grossly unfair, his beliefs were sincere. His colleagues were cowards. These presenters are thugs. Biblical justice would be an apter fate for them.

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Unfortunately, sincerity doesn't make something true, but treating another human being, whatever their beliefs, like he was treated is shameful. That woman has a stone for a heart.

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Anyone who refuses to defend free speech is a coward. Since Mr. Bilkszto refused to do so when it mattered, I include him in that group.

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You're very brave... with another man's reputation and life.

He spoke up. As an American, I would agree that Canada has been more racially just than the U.S., and Canadians should be proud of that, and he was right to point that out.

Maybe he thought—incorrectly—that someone else would stand up for him. Or maybe he was just so shocked and stunned that he didn't know how to respond.

By all evidence, he lived a life of service to others and according to his convictions. He was tormented beyond his ability to withstand it. He didn't deserve that.

Aim your bile at those who truly deserve it. Your attitude toward him is callous.

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it seems to me that the principal did defend himself, but had no one else supporting him as an employee of the schools. if anyone showed any support, they were shut down. very one sided overall.

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He was afraid. And rightly so.

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I'm sure you'd be the brave one in Tiannamen Square then? Easy to be brave behind a keyboard, cowboy.

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We all remember the BLM leaders openly bragging that they are "trained Marxist's". Well, they are. I agree that it is vital the citizen defend free speech but few among us are as capable as say James Lindsay in taking the totalitarians on. Part of their ploy, as illustrated in the article, is to hide behind reasonable social concern then, distort the reality. The point is control, not solution.

The American Department of Justice, our intelligence agencies, our educational system and our Congress and Senate are compromised. What we're fighting with subscription journalism is the totalitarian control of the American national dialogue by financial gangsters intent on the overthrow of the American Constitutional Republic and the enslavement of the American people.

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He was a VERY reasonable man who was fair and just to conservatives too. Was upset by the woke - but engaged politely. Always was. I'm from Toronto - and knew of him before this. Your comment is frankly as disturbing, if not worse, than what the woke did. To be quite frank - you sound like a psychopath.

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“He was a VERY reasonable man who was fair and just to conservatives too. Was upset by the woke - but engaged politely. Always was. I'm from Toronto - and knew of him before this”.

Your detailed description of Mr. Bilkszto would indicate that you knew him well. Was he your friend? If so, it begs the question, why didn’t YOU intercede on his behalf before he killed himself? Did you even try? If you didn’t, some might find your failure to do so a disturbing flaw in YOUR character. One that can’t be whitewashed by labeling me a psychopath.

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What you say is 100% true, and the truth can sometimes be very harsh. Maybe THAT is why he killed himself. Maybe he finally realized that he helped build the monster that destroyed his career. I will NEVER believe that the United States is racist. This is one instance where a few rotten apples DO NOT spoil the whole bunch.

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He was a true believer. He was just in Salem in the wrong say. So to speak.

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Loved your quote, Timothy ;)

It applies to everyone, right?

You are really bitter, angry fella. I'm sure for no reason at all.

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Put the tinfoil hat down and take your meds. If you can’t remember the schedule for your meds, have an orderly help you. But make sure you take your meds on schedule.

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Compost was chortling over the man's death elsewhere in the comments. No meds could bring back what was never there.

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It follows from above that you believe those in the #MeToo movement that attacked men, made some false accusations and did some public shaming is just "poetic justice."

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Kevin Spacey just got cleared from the accusations made against him during the firestorm of #MeToo attacks. Thank God he had the fortitude to go the distance with the lawsuit and not succumb to suicide. Also a gay man, unjustly accused, but who knows, protected somehow from going down the dark hole of depression. It’s entirely possible that this gay Canadian man unjustly accused of being an anti-black racist would have won his lawsuit and been publicly cleared. The tragedy is that he didn’t live long enough to find out.

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The young man accused by "mattress girl" was found innocent and "mattress girl" was found to be a fraud. Yet, the accusations and character assassination continued until he left the university. He later won a settlement from the university for damages but his reputation remained destroyed. Spacey was/is a great actor, but few of us have the wealth and social position to maintain a fight of the duration he did. The poor professor must have been experiencing unimaginable levels of depression and sorrow.-but that is the point of shaming, shunning, social isolation and exclusion.

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I don't have an opinion one way or the other on individual legal cases where I didn't sit on the jury and hear the evidence or follow the streamed hearings, but I do find concerning the early charge on a 14-yr-old male. Gay men and women can rape too. One thing I do give credit to the #MeToo wagon for is that it seemed that most of the women named names and didn't just attack "MEN." Then there's the one who made a fool of herself with her description of her night one-night stand with Aziz Ansari. This isn't like back in my early days where any women alleging rape, unless it was a white woman accusing a black man, was attacked for her character, her dress, etc. I can even remember hearing some state "he probably did it" but she shouldn't have said anything because it will ruin his career. Then there's the ones who keep females jumbled together in a mental dumpster because women are all of a hive mind bent on destroying men.

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Try reading my post again, sloooowly. Maybe then you'll understand that I believe the exact opposite of what you said.

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Try writing cleeeeearly.

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Bingo, pay the man.

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Enjoy your life, Timothy. It’s going to be a doozie.

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It sounds like I remind you of someone you know. I hope in a good way.

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People like that need to be personally sued. If you run any kind of business, and you create a dangerous and harmful environment particularly related to how you run your business, I think there is cause. And idiots like KOJO don't just make a mistake, they double down on their responses to it, like war speech, against a simple good man asking a question. It think a court would find that they are using their business and power position in a harmful way, and award to the plaintiff. Religions and cults will not stop on their own, never, or even with public opposition. Legal recourse needs to be demonstrated and commonly available. These DEI programs are the very definition of racism, and are as threatening and obvious as the KKK. Moreso in some respects, with the funding and blessing of some assinine corporate boards and CEOs.

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It appears that crazy woman named her “institute” after herself, which should’ve been a clear indication of egotism and grift.

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As Jason Whitlock, an American sportswriter calls it, the Racial Gold Rush. Shouldn’t DEI be called DEE- diversity, equity and exclusion? The ideology focuses on excluding those who hold different ideas.

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DEvIl but DEE is good too

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Yup, my s.o. is dealing with an untouchable person at work right now. He's considering changing jobs over her. She's made people cry.

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The lawsuits will be expensive, as they should be for this type of intentional infliction of emotional distress.

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I would add that no black person can speak for black PEOPLE, in general. A black person living in Canada does not magically know what the lived of black folks in Buffalo are like.

The whole thing reeks of infantile magical thinking.

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And, when a black person raises their hand and says, "uhhh, I don't think I agree with that over generalization..." they are savaged, and silenced with racist and bigoted names.

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Especially from suburban white women who know what it is black, poor or both.

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Ridiculous comment. Racist and overgeneralized.

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Put the tinfoil hat down and take your meds. If you can’t remember the schedule for your meds, have an orderly help you. But make sure you take your meds on schedule.

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When responding to Comprof2.0, one should recall the advise in "RIlla of Ingleside" He should be left severely alone.

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Sounds a bit like Groundhog Day. You may want to think of something less repetitive to insult with.

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No individual, black or white, can know the “lived experience” of another individual. So while Ms. Thompson is reaming him a new one for not “knowing” what it is to be black, she is presuming she knows what it is to be white (supremacist or otherwise). This is blatant hypocrisy and ruins their whole argument. Lumping people into groups based on singular, immutable characteristics is intellectually lazy, although, apparently, profitable.

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Thats the problem, isn’t it? If you want to oppose racism at the level of principle—and we all should—you don’t replace one bigotry with another, but learn to treat people as individuals.

This may be apocryphal, but I read somewhere that MLK Jr’s quote about judging people not by the color of their skin but the content of their characters is not inscribed on any of his monuments.

I would love that to be a lie, but based on what I see every day, it sounds highly plausible.

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well said

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That was going through my head as I read her screed.

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$7625/hour. prob some profit in there somewhere. ; )

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Ms Thompson has an honest inkling of what it is to be Ms. Thompson.. She does not know what it is "to be black" in general. She probably likes to surround herself with her own docile whiteys, because other black people would be harder to silence when they tout their own personal opinions and experiences. If I were the betting sort, I'd bet she declares other black people to be "the black face of white supremacy" and "not really black" on a regular basis. I wish someone had called her out on this. Poor dead man. Tragic.

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Unless selected to speak for a group, no one speaks except for themselves.

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But, as we've learned on the FP, white people can speak on ALL black people.

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Put the tinfoil hat down and take your meds. If you can’t remember the schedule for your meds, have an orderly help you. But make sure you take your meds on schedule.

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Comprof, utterly insane in thinking if not in psyche, has, in a previous thread with me, claimed to be in academia--either as a grad student or a faculty member.

And the worst part might be that that wouldn’t surprise me if it were true. Most colleges are now the exact opposite of what they’re supposed to be, pumping out ideologues instead of intellectuals.

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Ideologues? Try lunatics. Seeing who passes for a professor and academic these days: One at SUNY even went after a reporter with a machete--and didn't lose her job! The lunatics are running the asylum now. I'm convinced that the only qualification to teach in higher education these days is to be the biggest freak possible. The same as it apparently is to serve in the Biden administration.

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We all know he lives for trolling

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Nah. Live for fact-checking and pointing out hypocrisy.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Why am I "utterly insane in thinking, if not psyche?"

Every prediction I have made on here has come to pass.

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only thing you predick is the past Conny

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You pay money to troll? Wow.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Yep. Massive amount of money every month. Super expensive. Think it's $50 bucks a month. Wow.

Trolling? Nah. Fact-checking and pointing out hypocrisy and/or lies, I can understand why you would consider that trolling.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

It's insane how transparent they are in projecting onto others what they are really about. Racial supremacy.

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Hey, America's been cool with that for 99.9% of its existence.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Which is why non-white Asians have been more successful than whites for a very long time now. It must be white supremacy that makes Asians so successful. What else could it be? White racists are such subtle people. They discriminate in favor of Asians in every area of life.

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This article offers no useful argument. It suggests that the emphasis on education and culture for Asian success is false because the true cause was the stoppage of discrimination. Come again? There's no more discrimination and THAT explains Asians outperforming Whites? At the same time, of course, we're going to blame the other discrepancies on discrimination etc. This is the kind of garbage that props up the fraudulent industry the article describes.

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Sorry, 2 articles being referenced, could have been clearer...

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Put the tinfoil hat down and take your meds. If you can’t remember the schedule for your meds, have an orderly help you. But make sure you take your meds on schedule.

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Put the tinfoil hat down and take your meds. If you can’t remember the schedule for your meds, have an orderly help you. But make sure you take your meds on schedule.

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so how the hell were YOU able to make a good living and set to retire at 52 ole Conjob ? And it is not 99% of itś existence ? a bit much Iĺl admit the south was no picnic but then again nothing is perfect I can remmember in Quebec in the late 50s no jews or dogs allowed on the beach or hotel could not move into certain areas of Montreal shit happens get over it . Seems you have being so comfortable and set to retire . Come on Conny you can do better even though you are an a$$ breathing crater brain

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He's not set to retire, it's all a put-on like the rest of his faux comment-board persona. For all we know "he" is a white liberal suburban wine mom. He sure has enough time on "his" hands to post prolifically on TFP. No one "set to retire" early would have the leisure time for that.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Actually am. Have property in Costa Rica and Panama. On track to retire at 58 and my son's college is already 70% funded.

Have plenty of time because I'm not a manual laborer, have made good decisions, don't have to punch a clock and have saved and invested wisely.

For all we know? Gee, you must have missed my months-long posting of my picture. Lol.

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yeah i saw the Huggy Bear pic

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Not 52. On track for 58.

Because my father who lived in segregation and was among the first handful of black students to integrate the University of Alabama, explained to me VERY clearly what America is and is not. Made sure we had "the talk" re: police, etc.

Unfortunately, I didn't listen and had a life-changing experience.

Nevertheless, He made syre I had no "rose colored" glasses, even though he served this country in the military. Because the U.S. military is not America.

America is every man, woman and child for themselves. And he made clear that you will be the last one hired / first one fired, so you have to be twice as good as your white peers.

Also taught me to speak fluent Caucasian and develop the skill to read "between the lines" and to ignore any smiling white faces and to instead stay focused on their incremental actions, constantly be looking around corners and develop an A plan, B plan and C plan for what may happen so that you are never caught flat-footed.

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POOR Conny I retired at 42 you be slow

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Good for you.

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Yeah, just like every other country on the planet has been and often still is.

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Yeah, so guess America isn't "exceptional," after all.

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it is if a clown like you can suckceed

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Nah. America gave me nothing/did nothing.

It's every man, woman and child for themselves. That was explained very clearly in orientation.

My father just made sure I had no rose-colored glasses on, that's all

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Put the tinfoil hat down and take your meds. If you can’t remember the schedule for your meds, have an orderly help you. But make sure you take your meds on schedule.

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Off course it is: it is exceptionally daft.

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Nah. It isn't. On both counts.

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Good one, Comprof!

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Exactly how far the “not pretty” goes is almost as big of a concern to me as DEI, BLM, etc. It seems extremely dangerous to denigrate and anger a majority population. I just wonder how the young white boys they are currently emotionally abusing in the schools are going to react when a charismatic sociopath looking for foot soldiers comes along and tells them actually their whiteness makes them better or some such equally stupid and lethal garbage. It is so so dangerous what these psychos are doing.

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My son is 26 now. In college they held seasons every year telling the athletes what will happen to them should any student accuse them of sexual assault or “harassment” of any kind. Instant suspension for at least one semester and they’re off the team. That’s just for being formally accused! Now, I know some of his friends from that team and they all said it was ridiculous at first but later it makes them avoid being with any woman they don’t know well in private. If a woman shows any sign at all of disliking men in any way she’s a potential threat. That’s not ending well. Young ladies complain about their loneliness and young men aren’t even sure of they should hold a door, pay for a date or speak to a stranger at all. That’s why there’s a declining birth rate. That’s why they’re unhappy. And they’ve figured out why and who did that to them. They’ll change it, eventually.

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That is so very sad. My heart breaks for the younger generation. By way of contrast, I’m visiting Poland right now and they still have a very healthy society here in terms of relations between the sexes. I don’t know the official birthrates, but there sure are a lot more young couples with children everywhere. The men open doors and behave like gentlemen. It’s a breath of fresh air.

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Italy is like that. Outside of Philly it is more normal too. Even so, my grandchildren (15, 17, 19) do get anonymously reported for misgendering (sic) and oddly they think it is no big deal because they’re not punished, they just have to go see the principal. I tried to explain why they should freak out over an anonymous tip lie but, nope, that’s normal for them.

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Acceptance and apathy are important steps on the way to submission.

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if anyone is accused "anonymously" of misgendering, they should demand to confront the accuser, that is basic law, at least it used to be.

IF your grandkids let it happen, those teen accusers will keep doing it, and perhaps in other situations. These young accuser must be willing to face their audience.

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I believe that fertility rates in Italy are very low.

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I just came back from 2 weeks in the American South. And (aside from the insanely hot weather) it was quite nice. None of this hyper-progressive cultural nonsense.

Now I'm not saying there isn't a bit more open racism down there vs here in the Northeast but in a lot of other ways its quite relaxed. And Savannah (where we stayed) is an absolutely gorgeous town

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Open racism in the South? Hidden racism in the Northeast

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Thats true actually

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Oh please. Get over yourself. All people have racist instincts. We have to work hard to overcome them.

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it is nothing like it as back in the 60ś a trip down south back then was eye opening , I could not believe what I saw and heard

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I can see that. For sure.

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The grass always looks greener on the other side of the pond. Google fertility rates in Poland (and other countries in Europe for that matter).

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It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s not great…I’m just looking around and seeing more kids than in the cities I’ve been to in the States. Not a scientific measure :) However, just the feeling between the sexes is obviously much healthier. We are literally listening to a very popular song right now from a “Men’s Festival”…a festival celebrating masculinity. It’s not a gay male festival. Women are welcome but the focus is on celebrating the great things about masculinity. Never could happen in the States right now.

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Nice! I am glad women are welcome. I assume Polish men don't mind being benignly objectified a bit by adoring ladies. :)

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What I see is it fell off a cliff almost immediately after they joined the First World. The data is distorted by a lot of Poles now being my neighbours and having their kids on the NHS. China just joined the First World; predictably their birthrate is tanking too.

Brush up on your Spanish; DeSantis will be President... of a Greater Mexico.

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I need to move there.

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It’s a lovely country :) My wife is from here.

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Probably the most civilized country I have visited.

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The logical results of feminism. There were plenty of women in the 60's who warned that women would rue the day they decided to make lives for themselves by "competing against" instead of "cooperating with" men.

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as usual no balance , the old days back 30 years a student athlete could and did get away with anything at all , theft rape whatever as long as they were good for the team . So now any hint of misconduct is hell for them . one day we will find balance , hope it comes about before any more lives are ruined

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The birthrate thing is what happens when your country graduates to the first world. "Windrush" and "Wetbacks" preceded Feminism and the Sexual Revolution by about twenty years.

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These "antiracist" people are doing more to breed new white racists and neo-Nazis than David Duke could possibly dream of. All the George Floyd protests/riots accomplished (besides destroying minority neighborhoods) was to make those already inclined to be racist even more so and make those inclined to be non-racist have to struggle to remain so. It does make them sitting ducks for a Hitler-type figure.

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One either judges based on skin pigment and other superficial characteristics (racist) or judges based on character (non-racist). There's nothing anyone can say or do to turn me into a racist. The other glaring problem is that the riots were filled in some areas with white Progressives, while others with a mixture of races.

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well said

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That jackass Richard spencer has said he loves wokism because it results in people accepting almost all of his premises (racial essentialism, races can’t understand each other and are in conflict, whitey is responsible for everything, etc.). All he has to do then is convince people to feel good rather than guilty about being white. Put more humorously in case you haven’t seen it: https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg

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Love this...cracking up! Yeah, big fat racist woke and white supremacist jerks agree on TOO much smh!

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

A big part of the problem is the white people who are a part of this scam. It is very difficult as a white person to push back when both white and black people are calling you a racist white supremacist. The white people don’t learn until they say something that gets them attacked - there was this guy who was described as a progressive until he said the wrong thing - and there was the guy in a previous FP article who describe himself as progressive until he wrote the wrong thing in a Seattle newspaper. Wake up white people - someday they will come for you too. This isn’t about not being a race bigot - it is about protecting yourself from aggressive anti-white racism and outright government-sanctioned discrimination.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

While I am no fan of Donald Trump, it was his Department of Education that tried to change the star chamber treatment of men through statute, and regulations. The trump Education Department actually leveled the playing field and gave men who were most certainly falsely accused a chance to actually defend themselves and clear their name.

As soon as Biden assumed office, he immediately changed everything back to the unfair, uneven, draconian way it was. Because feminism. And equality.

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It was Obama and his education secretary, Arne Duncan, that took away due process for men on college campuses. Two men, not "feminists." It was Trump and his education secretary Betsy DeVos that restored those rights. Now back to 2 men in charge, Biden and Cardona, who once again removed due process.

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There are plenty of college-educated men who are feminists (often they're the loudest ones.)

And I rather doubt that, using the current definition, Betsy DeVos would consider herself a feminist.

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In my book there's only one definition of feminist and that's one who believes females are full citizens under our Constitution, or in the words of Britannica, "the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes." The label feminist has been attacked from the very beginning, trying to make it a dirty word, and labeling female organizations that have additional beliefs and goals beyond the above britannica definition as "waves of feminism" is a tactic used to try and generate hostility and sink female advancement. I've heard the bashing for over 50 years and I've been told there's no need for feminism, and yet look where we are with Big Trans going after women and children, and Progressives going after male college students. I don't know if Betsy DeVos calls herself a feminist of not, but due to over a century of feminists fighting for self-determination and full citizenship, DeVos was able to serve in the Trump administration and fight for due process for male college students.

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So you're a 2nd wave feminist who wants to stop there. Unfortunately, feminism as a movement, based in John Stuart Mill's ideas of liberalism, can't stop. Liberationist ideologies have no logical endpoint. Human existence itself is a mass of barriers to our individual autonomy and self-fulfillmentm, but feminism will always see such things as unjust oppressions and will therefore always have bogeymen that must be eliminated by any means necessary.

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I need to add that it's because of "feminism" that Betsy DeVos was able to be appointed Ed Sec, and imo she was better qualified and much more effective than the 2 men that bookended her.

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And we know he has never crossed boundaries.

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"It is very difficult as a white person to push back when both white and black people are calling you a racist white"

They're no different than playground bullies. Take out the one with the biggest mouth and the rest will back down.

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Love your comment!

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

What exactly do you expect white people to do? As a white progressive, I've always strongly opposed this public shaming approach, well before I became a target myself (just a couple of days ago). But speaking out against this ideology or standing up for targets does not work - you are simply shut down.

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I was race smeared when I was in graduate school in the 1990s, in front of the entire faculty and student body. No one came to my defense, but at least I defended myself. Several white people screamed at me that the person who called me a racist had to be right, because she was black. Some colleagues whispered to me that they agreed with my objections, but that was the only support I received. I will never forget the way the lies and mind reading made me feel. That was the moment when I turned away from the academic career I had worked for years to realize. I guess in the long run this woman did me a favor, because I never would have survived even a semester in the belly of the beast.

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I should add that this experience was nowhere near as severe as what this poor man went through. But I think it's something simular. It didn't affect me as deeply, in large part because I had already seen others subjected to the viciousness and because of that, I was not a member of the tribe.

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Katerina, you and a whole bunch of the rest of us are going to have to grow a pair and speak out and resist this insanity....there are many people of all races who oppose what is happening. So long as we cringe in fear, we are helpless.

Speaking as somebody who has been down this trail of race smearing.

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The problem is that it literally costs people their careers. And in this case, his life.

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Yes, speaking out against the DEI madness can cost people their careers. It did mine, to some extent. At some point, it may begin to cost some of us our lives. But resist we must.

RIP Richard Bilkszto. Long live his memory as a martyr for freedom of speech.

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Safety in numbers. People won't have fear if more people start fighting back. It takes guts to be the first. There will be a snowball effect. It's like with the Harvey Weinstein allegations: No woman wanted to be the "only one" going public. Once a few started to, there was an avalanche.

I cringe every time yet another public figure "apologizes" for speaking the truth. Stop apologizing! The mob can't shame and cancel literally everyone all at the same time, there'd be no one left.

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Quit being a progressive, it is their ideology that’s the origin of all of this. The people fighting back are conservatives and traditional liberals. The progressives belong in the dustbin of history. The most hateful people in the world.

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I'm pretty much done with sympathy for white progressives who whine when the revolution they cheered for decades finally decides to eat them.

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It's not really anti-white racism, it's anti-people. The Progressives are going for blacks and whites. When everyone figures this out, we'll be able to band together regardless of race and fight this miserable ideology.

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This is the problem - the victim here was thoroughly socialized into the whole mindset, even though he rejected the latest iteration - wokeness. So when they turned on him, it hurt bad. If he'd been deeply integrated into a conservative church, or the federalist society, or maybe hockey-lovers-of-Canada (??) it wouldn't have hurt when these cultists turned on him. This is not to blame the man - he sounded like a great guy. But I say this as a warning: don't let your heart get caught up in nutty crowds.

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Lol....you missed/didn't get it, did you?

Nah...I think you did ;)

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Put the tinfoil hat down and take your meds. If you can’t remember the schedule for your meds, have an orderly help you. But make sure you take your meds on schedule.

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Nothing will ever change Compost's beliefs. No med is powerful enough for that.

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What are my beliefs?

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they change on the hour

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“So your job in this work, as white people, is to believe.”

This is the root of it. I’m supposed to “just believe” any nonsense that comes out of these people’s mouths?


If one cannot make a logical, factual point I’m not obligated to believe anything whatsoever regardless of the demographics of the speaker. End of discussion.

If blacks can and do make literally everything about race, the same approach is available to every other demographic, including whites. Like it or not, the aggressor sets the rules of battle and the resistance must fight by those rules.

By what rational standard can anyone in the DIE racket stop every other racial group from using the DIE approach?

The blowback to this idiocy is going to make the Civil War look like Romper Room.

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Whites (some) and blacks (some) are already making everything about race.

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That was a fantastic last line ! Excellent writing

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Good post - but the blowback won't be a Civil War, imo. What it will be is a setback, and a severe one, for the very equity academia and DEI Blacks are striving for - as Whites in their anger turn their backs on their demands. The pendulum has swung too far left, and slowly but surely as the pushback becomes publicized (as it is now) the pendulum will slow, stabilize and swing back towards the middle.

But don't quote me.

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I desperately hope you’re right about the blowback not being a hot war.

No one in their right mind wants Civil War 2.0 but there are a lot of people who think that risk is a benefit.

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I doubt opening fire is coming. More likely is two American types of states and, in 20-30 years, possibly, secession.

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"If blacks can and do make literally everything about race."


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Put the tinfoil hat down and take your meds. If you can’t remember the schedule for your meds, have an orderly help you. But make sure you take your meds on schedule.

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The irony is that Compost DOES make everything about race in these comments. If no one makes a comment on the subject, he will make a comment about waiting for someone to make such a comment. Meds won't help. He's obsessed beyond the reach of any drug.

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But you made it about race in your comment above. "If blacks can and do make literally everything about race." The Progressives who scream RACE! incessantly come in pale and dark varieties, as do those who are fighting Progressive ideology.

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I did not make that comment.

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This is exactly the point I wanted to make. Thank you for saying it boldly and succinctly! A huge number of “white” people (the definition of which is ambiguous) are perfectly amenable to “doing the work” of fighting on-going obvious AND subtle forms of anti-black (or anti-any-race) racism both inwardly and outwardly. However, the “anti-white racism rectifies anti-black racism” bullying by the DEI-minded trainers is the same as asserting “hate cures hate.” Martin Luther King, Jr. is rolling over in his grave!

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Martin Luther King, Jr... was a communist; and practically everyone around him. I'm afraid you were glommed on long before McCarthy had put his pants on. We all have been.

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Yes, I logged on to say that Leftism is a means for GENERATING enemies for people whose emotional imbalances require them to hate. Christianity, for many, served and in some cases still does serve that role.

There is a “religious” impulse to shared spirituality. This impulse prevails and is predominant in many if not most Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc.

But there is also an impulse to shared anti-social and violent behavior, which I call, after Murray Bowman, triangulation. It is a means of identity formation through opposition. It is a psychologically obsessive and emotionally rooted dialectic, us versus them.

Identity politics, then, which turns its actual practitioners into personality-less drones at the theoretical and often practical socilal levels, is nit about PROTECTING anyone, but is simply a means of joining a hate group that guaranteed at least social violence under a banner that screams “Morality or else!!!”.

And it just hit me—this is the main reason I post, that the dialectic is INTRINSICALLY conflictual in conception and design. There are always enemies at the theoretical level. There are no continuums.

I would say the French model of revolution, which is Communism, is dialectical. The Anglo-Americal model, which is in principle and in general until recently in oractice Liberal, is a continuum.

I find that idea interesting. I will write things sometimes and say “Hmmm, I agree withbthis fellow.”. I of course know that fellow is me, so that particular absurdity, among many others, makes me laugh.

This is not a funny topic, and we are in dangerous times, but if soldiers and doctors and cops can laugh so can I.

I need to be productive today so I’m putting my phone away, but will be back tonight.

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Intrinsically conflictual - yes, as illustrated by Thompson's racist accusation that Canada is a "bastion of white supremacy".

They need to exaggerate and glorify the racism to keep the industry going. Can't sell salvation until people are convinced they're sinful!

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It's a tautology. Where the shoe is on the other foot in South Africa, it is a bastion of black supremacy. Because majority. That woman, she be derp.

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She drove someone to suicide. I think she is more than Derp.

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So if Blacks get to call the shots in SA because they're the majority, why is that not the case in white majority countries? Never made a lick of sense to me.

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Well stated and written!!

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No mate; Gladstone's was the last Liberal English government in the sense you mean. Our "betters" have been flushing us down the bog since 1906.

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The 'tipping point' cannot come soon enough.

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I think we have reached the tipping point. I find myself thinking things I never would have thought two or three years ago. Take a look at all the parents pulling their kids out of public schools and you see the tide turning away from DEI and "woke" ideology and towards free speech and competence.

I saw a video of a store owner aggressively defending his merchandise against a looter today (with a baseball bat no less) and found myself thinking "good for you". Two years ago I never would have had that thought.

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I’ve tipped already. What an inward looking, wicked bunch of bastards.

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You are precisely right -- revenge by those who have been handed apparently unlimited personal privilege. And, ironically, DEI is also about subjugation and oppression by this privileged power elite, incendiary enough by itself without the accelerant of Progressive addiction to fear, guilt, groupthink and fragility.

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I’ve been saying that for the past several years. It’s not about equality. It’s about demonstrating that they can become oppressors too and you will shut up and like it. Revenge, as you say. Their tactics are manipulative and they know that weak, intimidated progressives (conservatives too) won’t speak up for others who might lose their DEI bona fides.

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Y'all may need to apply Hanlon's razor here: never attribute to malice what may adequately be explained by stupidity.

The problem with the hard-line ideologues of the far left is not that they are intentionally evil, but that they are suffering a catastrophic failure of imagination coupled with supreme confidence in their own rightness and righteousness.

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Evil occurs when enough people in a society believe they are morally correct to enforce their will on others, and with the power of group-think amplifying these ideas. Think about your favorite destructive cultural movement from history -- was it malice that drove it, or a lot of people who thought they were doing the right thing?

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well said

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"Arrogance is worse than ignorance"... Einstein

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$61,000 for a man's life and reputation, and still unrepentant. There is a special place in hell waiting for those types. Forget which circle Dante said was reserved for liars.

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No. It’s about money.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

No self-respecting person would ever adhere to any ideology that says that you do not get to have an opinion on a subject because of the color of your skin or any other immutable physical characteristic. Imagine being told "your job in this work, as white people, is to believe" and just nodding your head in silent agreement.

I am so thankful I jumped ship from progressive ideology several years ago so that I don't have to live my life in silent self-loathing. It's wonderful being able to think for myself and take pride in who I am because of how I live my life and what I mean to my friends and family, without shame or guilt for my gender or ethnicity. I would pity the people who think their job is to "just believe" if I didn't find them so pathetic.

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"you and your whiteness"

Such naked, unabashed racism, and she gets generously paid for it with education funds.

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Paid, with taxes raised largely from the white people who are being denigrated.

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Is “whiteness” actually a word??? I guess it is because it just autocorrected me on my APPLE IPAD…

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I guess you haven't read White Fragility.

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I have dozens of copies on my bedroom dresser to hand out to

my friends and family when they come over… 😀

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Kidding aside, I really would like to read it - I just don’t get why America gets such a bad name when a half million Americans died to eradicate slavery. Okay - I do know my Reconstruction history, but I believe that acknowledging the struggle to eliminate slavery was a white-on-white war and the practice of slavery literally goes back to the cavemen. I go to mass every morning with the goal of making myself better and hoping that I can express my gratitude for all that I have and, in spite me way, leave the world better than I found it for my daughter.

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Honestly, I didn't make it past the intro and the first page, because the first page claims, "whiteness doesn't exist, but to deny its existence is to make it more powerful." That was one of the most profoundly stupid things I've ever read in a book, and I put it down and thought, I can't do this.

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Nothing about this is "progressive". Call it for what it really is: Leftist, racist, and Maoist behavior whose only goal is retribution and control.

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Actually it is. "Progressive" is a commie buzzword used to flank us. Always has been.

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Well stated, Robert!

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Sad weak people.

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My thoughts EXACTLY.

I wonder if anyone in Bilkszto’s family has the gonads to sue for libel, harassment and wrongful death... but then of course their would likely be juries comprised of pathetic, self-loathing, weeping Canadians who'd likely find in favor of that KOJO grift institute.

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IT takes money to sue...And the lawyers take the lions' share.

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Lawyers either get paid up front to litigate or take a cut of the recovery (usually a third) if not. Why are lawyers the only profession expected to give away their knowledge, skill and time?

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The bad rap for lawyers comes not from their hourly rates. They are surely entitled to such.

But the rub comes in the ancillary costs that they charge for that are scheduled as "expenses". These frequently meet or exceed the usual one-third contingency fee that represents the earned rate. These "expenses" come off the top before the attorney's third is calculated, and are paid to cover the work of the juniors in the firm that actually do the heavy lifting.

The above is why I always insist that my attorney work on retainer. It's a business deal, and if the lawyer doesn't like the terms, I can always get an equally competent attorney elsewhere. There are a lot of them around the courthouses that would gladly have the business.

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There are costs, expenses and fees. Fees are for lawyers and can include fees for junior counsel and paralegals. Costs are usually charges associated with courts and their clerks- filing fees, service fees, etc.. Expenses are usually paid to third parties - court reporter's, expert witnesses, travel expenses, etc.. Your contract should always spell out what you will be charged for. Generally you should expect to pay a retainer for legal fees and a cost deposit. In virtually every state the unearned portion of the retainer and the deposit must be kept in an attorney trust account and drawn against as used. Many companies are happy to write off attorney's fees and so maybe do not carefully scrutinize their bills.

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Devoid of any semblance of humor too

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Well said. The guy questions an assertion -- probably feeling like he should defend his country and well-meaning students and teachers who dedicate their lives to education -- and the response is a round-house punch, followed by additional piling on.

This is a learning environment?

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sadly, kids are being taught to accept the most insane "truths" without resisting. Its called compliance in a totalitarian age.

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It is the exact opposite of a progressive ideology. Don't be fooled into supporting the equally pernicious ideology of the maga-moron far right out of entirely justified revulsion against this regressive, authoritarian, fake-progressive ideology.

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Please sue these horrible people into oblivion

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My thought exactly - I hope his family can find a way to continue the original lawsuit.

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I hope Free Press continues to report on the legal proceedings of this case. I’d like to hear the resolution.

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This might be the one thing to stop this (and the trans social contagion).

And it's truly f'ed up when you are reduced to looking to the personal injury lawyers for deliverance.

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In 1911 Booker T. Washington wrote: “There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Today’s DEI hucksters are corrupt avatars for that “class,” and resemble nothing so much as the brown shirts of Germany.

“Diversity is our strength” is a cynical fiction. Our strength is a unanimity of purpose, a communion, as it were, of different peoples united in helping elevate each other. Our strength is undermined and sullied by those who would Balkanize us on racial lines while reaping a profit from that very enterprise. The obsession with race is misplaced and dangerous.

DEI needs to be dismantled. It is the very definition of structural racism.

E pluribus unum.

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Vivek Ramaswamy speaks to this at every interview he gives. He is impressive.

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“If you ask me, the best measure of the health of American democracy is actually the percentage of people who feel free to say what they actually think in public,” Ramaswamy said in the campaign-launch video. “And right now we’re doing abysmally.”

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Agree. Very impressive candidate, I hope more people become aware of him and support him.

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Lady in the Lake, Yes! Be sure to read Bari's interview with him.

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Did, and shared. Excellent.

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If Ramaswamy would put his money on the free speech sounding words he espouses, and actually tell his competitor Donald Trump why he thinks he's the much better candidate for this country, then I'll share your enthusiasm for him.

“If you ask me, the best measure of the health of American democracy is actually the percentage of people who feel free to say what they actually think in public,” Ramaswamy's words..

But he hasn't actually said in public what he really thinks, now has he..

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Bari's interview with him, published yesterday, was excellent. I shared it with several of y friends.

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Yes yes yes! And so many white teenagers today scramble to become the marginalized so they can “speak from lived experience” against the “white supremacy.”

They ruminate upon and magnify any flaw to fit in to the glorified oppressed category and by the wayside falls all their potential to actually make a substantial difference.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Appreciate the Booker Washington quote. I'll keep that one for further use.

Just a side note: is Kike Wahoo-Jones, or whatever it is, her real name? Or is it just a made-up thing like Ibram X Kendi, nee Henry Rogers, or Whoopee-Cushion Goldberg, nee Karyn Johnson?

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I have the good fortune to live near the Booker T. Washington National Monument. The collection of his writings is eye-opening. He was truly a Renaissance man.

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Thank you, Lady, for your post! It is spot on!

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Excellent comment! Thank you.

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In fairness to the time period, there were plenty of grievance mongers on the other side. Nothing happens in a vacuum and both sides of the grievance mongering need to be hoovered up.

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While this isn't entirely untrue, it's rather misleading to suggest that you can obtain nearly as much success complaining about being a straight white (or Asian) male in modern society than these people can about being "marginalized". You won't get hired for DEI jobs, you can't keep a job despite bad performance, you won't ever be celebrated as a hero.

There's maybe a spot for you somewhere between Steven Crowder and Sydney Watson where you can make some money online by getting donations, but it's a rather crowded space. More productively, there's a burgeoning business of "anti-woke" entertainment products (see: Sound of Freedom, ISOM), or some up-and-coming "vice signalling" businesses (see: Public Square, Patriot Mobile). I feel like most of that that stuff is going to be de-banked and/or shut down by AI within the next 4-8 years. Tech/media/finance companies have been going out of their way to prevent it from reaching mainstream audiences.

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I never suggested a comparison. I was responding to the BTW quote. He had his view on how best for blacks to improve their position in society, while other black leaders of the time believed in a more aggressive approach. Both had their pros and cons. I would add that there are many jobs where a man or woman of any color who doesn't bob their heads to the Progressive talking points will not get hired or will be fired. We're all in this together. If one "group" and any others who speak up about it are being tarred and feathered, all groups are a possible target.

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Sounds like the Democratic Party

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Beautiful summary of what is right and true.

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I live in Canada, and hear very little about this in the media. Thank you for covering this Supa, Ari and FP. I work for the government, and every day walk around on eggshells, worrying that I might say the wrong thing and lose my job. It can happen to anyone.

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Sounds like Russia!

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The only mainstream newspapers that have covered this tragedy are National Post and Toronto Sun. See a pattern here?

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rebel news true north cover these subjects

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You "work" for the government; it is a job only in the sense being a KZ camp guard was a "job" in Nazi Germany. Worse than that; you've been deluded into being your own gaoler. Do you want to die on your feet or live on your knees?

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Sir, this is a Wendy's...

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But if you're expecting a tax refund - who are you gonna call?

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DEI cultist Kike Ojo-Thompson sounds like a modern day Jim Jones.

And just like the BLM movement, DEI will be proven to be a huge grift. Unfortunately, b/c its now infected the universities and board rooms, the con will just take longer to be realized & rooted out. But without question it will end up eating itself from within....

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Jim Jones was an outcast living in a hidden enclave in Guyana. Ojo-Thompson openly and publicly wears a bright shiny crown bestowed upon her by a bleating mass of woke, fearful extreme leftists who have tremendous power and acceptance in modern society. For now.

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for a time jones was part and parcel of the san fran political scene and allied with milk.

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Jones was allied even more closely with Mayor Moscone, who appointed him to the local Housing Authority Commission (of which he later became chairman!)

Personally, I don't think the People's Temple and DIE are too strongly comparable. One was a cult of personality feeding the ego of one man; DIE is a widespread revenge+guilt grift operation infiltrating nearly every aspect of professional and social lives of Americans, in the process making lots of people money.

I suppose the two are alike in that somewhere, way back in their origins, there was some genuine desire to Make a Better World®. Both movements got strongly and strangely perverted, in the end providing the exact opposite of their purported aims. Jones seemed to be quite insane, possibly believing in his own sanctitude, by the end of his run, while I feel that a lot of DEI "experts" are just cynically playing the game for personal advantage.

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This is cults of personality, plural. Feeding the egos of maybe a dozen or two men and women. It isn't Mao; it's a Politburo.

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Yup, Jones was a very popular progressive in SF.

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Daniel Flynn has written a brilliant book about this, entitled Cult City.

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DEI Tldr: pay us for training sessions and hire a full team of us full time, OR you will be accused you of racism. The cherry on top is that these sessions actually make the issue they claim to support (reducing work place racism) worse…

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Onos, you are exactly right!

The DEI “brown shirts” are spreading racism & hatred, while being hailed as “beacons of light”

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You would think it would be rooted out. But there is a lot of money to be made. None of these programs are meant to fix anything, it's all about perpetuating the grievances. From homelessness, drug addiction, poverty, or, obesity. Now they want to fix loneliness. All this is about keeping the money flowing to the NGOs.

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Evans, I pray you are right!

To think that here, in the United States, this is happening to Free Speech! Plus, our “racial hatred & divide” is now being pushed by the Left. The once Democratic Progressive Party of “tolerance and acceptance” is now the Party of “hate, intimidation & intolerance”

It’s no wonder longtime Democrats are saying, “I didn’t leave my Party, it has abandoned me”

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And don't forget the immutable scars on peoples' lives that it will leave behind. And the worst part is that the offenders will shrug their shoulders and say "Well, we MEANT well..."

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As long as there are enough of us who refuse to drink the KoolAid

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What do you call someone who hates someone else on the basis of the other person's skin color? Do you need more information to answer the question?

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Q: What do you call someone who hates someone else based on the color of their skin?

A: A DEI Trainer

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Perfect answer. Love it

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What’s a six letter word that means DEI trainer?

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grifter, damn that's 7.

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Bigot. Damn, that’s 5.

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Ojo-Thompson could just as well be a German in 1930 talking about the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles and reparations and assigning blame accordingly.

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Or maybe using the phrase "your jewishness."

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Don't worry, that's next. She's already thinking it, but the waters aren't warm enough yet. Make no mistake: part of this ideology is intense jew hatred.

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As a Jew and former democrat I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the progressive Jews I know who bend over backwards to echo the tenets of anti-racism. If you’re right they will be blindsided one day when they see the target upon their chest. “But I’m on your side!” They’ll shriek. Like that dude who got a bottle through his window for giving the thumbs up to the BLM rioters.

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Sadly, you are correct. This article is about a proud, and devout progressive who found, even with all of his progressive credentials and beliefs, a target on his chest.

And all of his, "friends & colleagues" willing to take a shot at him.

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I have a friend from a wealthy and very progressive Jewish family, descended from generations of wealthy American Jews, who proudly told me that he “can’t be too far left because there isn’t anything far enough left to be satisfied with.” He lives in an exclusive apartment building in a unit that cost him a couple million dollars (not NYC so very spacious) with a cabana by the pool he paid $60k to “own”, a Tesla, etc. He is so far removed from the reality of ordinary people that he doesn’t even understand white people, much less black people (at a dinner party he told some Australians that EVERYONE in the US goes to college and I had to correct him and tell him that about 40% of people in the US have no college at all - his family all have Ivy League degrees). This guy refuses to even listen to you try to explain the antisemitism underlying BLM and DEI. He literally says “I’m not having this discussion with you.”

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Ugh sounds about right. I really think this whole equity movement brings out the worst in people who already have trouble with honest self-reflection.

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sounds like my NYC cousns

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A hall of shame list of those aggressive progressive useful idiots should be made..Jon Stewart, Michelle Goldberg of the NYT and Ezra Klein come to mind.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Randi Weingarten,and the ADL guy who changed the definition of antisemitism to exclude those “without power”.

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history repeats they never learn

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Ironically, Critical Theory is the loved child of the Jewish communists of the Frankfurt School.

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Nice sentiment, but you lot turned out to be so bloody naive and easily taken in.

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When I hear of university courses with names like “The Problem of Whiteness,” what I think is: “the problem of Jewishness.” And I shudder.

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I noticed that Muslims are now white supremacists too, after standing up against public school indoctrination. So too an Hispanic town electing a Republican mayor. This is clearly a race war and obviously all opponents are white or “acting” white. I wonder what the plan is when pretty much everyone figures that out.

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Any time the mod gets aroused, anyone in their way stands to be plowed. Right now it is Kill the Boers. Next, the White Supremacists. Eventually, if history is any indication, it will once again be the Jewish people in the crosshairs. I hope some of those surging fun sales being reported are to the Jewish community. “The first act in conquering a nation is to disarm its citizens.” -Adolph Hitler.

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Yeah, autocorrect. MOB. GUN sales.

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Not yet, they would use "your zionism"... DEI supremacists know what gets you cancelled and what doesnt..

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Right now. But, they also constantly try to move the goalposts closer and closer to crazytown.

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Nailed it.

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How is it that no one has commented on her first name, which is literally "Kike?" Can you imagine any other racial epithet that would go so unremarked upon? This is who heads up a DEI firm?

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I thought exactly the same thing. Wow.

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This fellow sounds like a wonderful, caring, sensitive guy, but while those are admirable qualities in times of peace, they are lead weights in times of strife. He might have looked to his fellow Canadian, Jordan Peterson, as an inspiration for stiffening his spine. Standing nearly alone, every day Peterson meets toe-to-toe the haters, the lazy DIE - NOT DEI - sorehead grifters with silly made-up names who have nothing to offer except their own anger. He is constantly calling out the communist love-child of Castro who now runs the place, and all the other lunatics, counterfeits and psychopaths of the Woke era. He has what Napoleon called, "two o'clock in the morning courage." Get some, Bub.

You cannot give an inch. You cannot second-guess yourself; you cannot split the baby - and most of all you cannot ever apologize. Yes, this is a tragedy. It always is when bullies win, and if you kill yourself, they win. Courageous men stood together in Colonial America; they stood together in England in the summer of 1940, when defeat seemed inevitable, and they prevailed. We can prevail against this lunacy, too.

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True, but Richard Bilkszto was no lightweight. He would've overcome many times of strife as a big city principal. What seemed to be too much to bear was being ostracized by his own. That's too much for anyone which is why solitary confinement and exile are the most severe punishments. What lesson can we draw from this tragedy? Yes, JP has some great insights on courage and self discipline, but he also has family and moral support from faith and friends. You can't do it alone, nobody can, which is why we need more solidarity in our struggles against this far left ideological takeover. I say this as a teacher who will soon be heading back to face this battle myself in a hyperpoliticized blue state district. There's no organized opposition, and the young activists are vicious. Google Erica Faginsky- Stark or Doreen Cunningham to see what happens when you get on the wrong side of the new Puritans in Massachusetts. Richard is not the first victim of their reign of terror, but let his tragic example be a catalyst for we the people to unite and fight back.

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Thank you, Brigid, for your post! And your courage to stand against this WOKE Left insanity, while teaching in a Blue State!

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Yes, Peterson also has money. I think he said he pulls in about $150K per month. MONTH. You can stand up to losing your job when you pull in that kind of dough independant of a corporate, government or academic employer.

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Appreciate it. I'm in. Let's do this!

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FIRE, join

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FIRE is great for academia but they don't seem to have much interest or presence in K12. I've emailed them a few times with no answers. If they do have resources or advice, many teachers would love to hear about them.

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You are 100% correct, but well-meaning progressives like Richard consider Dr. Peterson to be a "far-right conspiracy nut" and would never read or listen to him. Progressivism is an insidious mental disease, and Mr Bilkzto had a crisis of conscience when "his" people turned on him.

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Sadly, this is probably true. He saw himself as one of the good guys, the moral select. His worldview crashed when he became the target.

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He needed to channel a little Highlander. The last time the wolf came to the door....I ate him.

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That's what I'm talking about!

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You're right, Jim. Except that Jordan Peterson, of whom I respect and admire, is totally media savvy, has millions of adherents across the globe - and can get out in front of the pestilence thrown against him by putting up coherent and cogent arguments for everyone to see., mocking his opponents.

Our sensitive guy didn't have that platform and found himself vulnerable with the lack of any visible support. Very sad.

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"I do not say, my Lords, that the French will not come. I say only they will not come by sea."

Admiral John Jervis, Earl St Vincent’s quip in a letter to the Board of the Admiralty in 1801, on the likelihood of a French invasion and effectiveness of the Royal Navy’s blockade of the Atlantic Coast.

And Boney had not one, but two fuck-off battlefleets to his name. The later corporal had fuck-all to begin with and half of that was a the bottom of Norwegian fjords before Guderian could say "Panzer, Marche!".

There is a whole load of bullshit spouted about "The Spitfire Summer" (Bullshit in itself); most of it by the addled drunk and legend in his own lunchtime in Downing Street. That... thing in the shape of a man did us far more damage than any Hun scum could ever achieve.

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I think you may be lost or responding to another article…

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How bad does this need to get before it is stopped?

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Apparently, worse than now. Sadly.

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I attended my first "official" DEI session at work a few weeks ago and was sick to my stomach afterwards. I was labeled an awful, entitled, white male boomer by the young, angry, black presenter just by virtue of the color of my skin and my hair (both white).

There was no sense even attempting to argue that my grandparents were all immigrants from Italy who worked like dogs as laborers and servants to get ahead in life, and who proudly studied hard to become legal American citizens. Obviously - they never owned slaves. Or my dad, who worked long, hard hours in a foundry after fighting bravely for our country in WWII, how he scrimped and saved to meet his promise to help pay for a portion of my brothers' and my college tuitions. Or how my brothers and I all worked multiple jobs while in high school and college to pay for college tuition and expenses.

DEI says that because we're white, we were entitled. Period. Boy, it didn't seem that way growing up.

Although I'll be retiring in a year or so, I was implicitly forbidden to say anything during the meeting, or run the risk of ruining my good standing at my company and in the industry where I've worked full time for almost 45 years. So I sat quietly during the session feeling more and more despondent.

For a lot of us, that's DEI in a nutshell.

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Bravo e forza italiani! "Whiteness" is a fiction used to lump people into the oppressor group regardless of actual circumstances. My Irish grandmothers worked in factories all their lives and there wasn't a "fragile" bone in their bodies, but we're not allowed to talk about white women any more. Not even the suffragists who were attacked and jailed pass muster. "First they came for the white men" will be the way we tell this story someday. What will it take for Americans to fight for our Constitution?

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You can’t argue logic with these people. The only thing you can do is walk out- middle fingers held high.

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You went through your first commie struggle session. The whole point was to demoralize you until you inwardly accept what they say. No one wants to feel terrible all day. Easier to accept it’s true. Luckily you will be out soon. Make sure you help those left behind!

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I don't say anything either. A couple more years and I can retire. Speaking up will absolutely cost you your job.

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Those with families and obligations will find it hard but there are still things you can do outside of work to defeat this cultural Revolution which will only lead to greater misery and harm. Inoculate children grandchildren, post on message boards, vote out the party supporting DEI in federal govt and elsewhere! Support people who did take the big step, get involved in school boards, libraries churches and spread the word against this neo Marxist Revolution disguised as DEI. NO ONE HAS THR RIGHT TO TRAMPLE THROUGH YOUR BRAIN LOOKING FOR “cognitive bias.”

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Thanks for the pep talk lolol.

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I am not as close to retiring as you are, but I wonder... would I have the courage to stand up to such a presenter? I worry that if I don't stand up, then I'm just keeping my head down, "until they come for my head," to quote another commenter in this article. If people who are close to retirement can't stand up, who can?

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A friend who is an executive at a publicly traded midsize company watched the anonymous comment boards get shut down entirely after just one good question - “Why are we being told this?” Although they cut 20% of their workforce they then started an “innovation” group with 40 entirely black females no older than 35. That group has done nothing at all in a year. Zero. That kind of DEI overhead is going to be felt, but less so than the lack of motivation, drive, innovation and actual work by the now-maligned white staff. All you can do until you retire is non-violent non-confrontational non-cooperation. So do that. Let it burn.

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Sounds like ageism to me!

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To get a sense of the pervasiveness of this horrible rot, just read the comments to stories and editorials in the New York Times and the Washington Post.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

I unsubscribed to The NY Times over five years ago after being a 40 year subscriber. I would not have that propaganda sheet in my house. It is obscene. There are myriad other places today to get unexpurgated news.

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Me too. It was the comments that made me sick. How can so many people be so horrible?

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And why do we have to keep asking that question over and over? To name just a few, we have the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, the Holocaust, the McCarthy hearings. Now it’s DEI and “transphobia.” We may not burn people at the stake anymore, but the same impulse to destroy someone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy remains; I suspect it’s a remnant of our days in the caves, when belonging to a tribe meant survival.

To quote a favorite cartoon of mine:

“Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. But those who DO study history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everyone else repeats it.”

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it's often easier to keep one's head down , for a while at least till they come for your head

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Don’t forget Mao Cultural Rev and leading up to it, NK, Pol Pot, French Rev and on and on

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Remember 'Fight the Power' from the 60's - voting Republican today is to do just that.

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So sad, so true

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Except McCarthy was, it turns out, right. In fact he's proven to have not known a quarter of how deep the rot was. If he had, the crap that led us here would like have been strangled in its youth.

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Because they think that they're safe. But, as this story shows us even the most loyal advocates have their own day of reckoning.

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May they all figuratively go the way of Robespierre.

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because they believe they are saving the earth fighting racism and are forces of progress

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The footsoldiers and korisne budale maybe, your X Kindi's and D'Angelos? Communist nihilists and/or grifters who know exactly what they are doing. Tens of millions of dollars didn't just drop out of the sky at their feet and you don't rack-up half a dozen mansions by accident.

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Let this be a reminder to me. Be in strong community, for support, to be a support. Our world is so fragmented and forces are trying to bring their breaking point to our lives. We need to be together more, hug more, listen more. And continue to hold our values as sacred and one another as sacred. These forces can't win. Love and light wins. That is the message for me. I can't speak for anyone else.

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we need a way to respond with a "thumbs up"

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The DEI and BLM and LBGTQ$ folks are all cowards hiding behind their paper shields of sanctimony. They will all crumble in the face of truth.

No one owns a monopoly on feelings and events that all humans have felt and witnessed.

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Do not be afraid?? No one stood up for this guy! He got eviscerated in the public square and everyone just piled on or turned away. This could happen to anyone, so of course everyone is afraid. The only thing that will stop this insanity is a bunch of very big lawsuits.

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They were ALL afraid. That’s why ALL of US must stand up when this happens. If one person would have stood up for this man in that meeting, many others would have followed suit.

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What scares me is that kids like mine are indoctrinated to believe these lies without knowing the history. They think everyone is a homophobe and a racist if they dissent. There are millions of these kids and they will be the ruling class very soon. Without the ability to question, because they’ve been taught questioning is phobic, we are in deep doo-doo.

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Mrs Miller, you are so right!

I have 4 grandchildren living in NYC. They, having been raised by my very liberal daughter & s-i-l, live in a bubble of WOKEness.

A couple yrs. ago, my oldest granddaughter (18 at the time) said to me, “Honey, I love you so much, and you are an amazing grandmother, but you are racist! I know you don’t realize it, but you are. You are a Southern White woman, so you need to be aware of it”

Let me just say, I generally do not engage in these sort of discussions, simply because I know they are young, yet, and my relationship with them is more important than alienating them. What’s more, I know who I am, and the direction of my moral compass. I always try to lead & teach them by example.

However, this discussion couldn’t go without being addressed! Well, YES it could have 😐😊!

When I disagreed, she told me my “wrong speech” was dangerous and was just a reiteration of my not being aware I was racist.

When I finally said, “Let’s just agree to disagree” she said, “HONEY, SILENCE IS VIOLENCE!”

When dealing with the WOKE Left, unless you agree with their ideology and narrative, you are damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

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what did your granddaughter say when you called her a racist? Since, I assume, she comes from your lineage.

IF she said yes granny, I am a racist, then you ask, what are you going to do about it, get a tattoo?

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Yes, Richard, we had that exact conversation! I told her she had my White Southern blood running thru her veins, too, and she agreed! Admitted she had to be racist, too, albeit unwittingly, but, “Honey, I’m aware of it and don’t deny it! I’m making amends and spreading the news”

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I relate to this. I’m still trying to get my progressive loved ones to watch the documentaries Uncle Tom 1 and 2.



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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Who told her it was ok to speak to her grandmother like this. If you don’t nip this in the bud she will struggle session you and then go no contact. It is imperative that she pledges her first loyalty to love of her family and actual

Human beings over crusades. Show her the documentary about the son who turned his own mother into the state apparatus to be executed. History uses people then discards them!

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Yes we are Mrs M. They dumbed down the curriculum, brainwashed the best and brightest and the oldest of them are in positions of leadership and authority in every sector of economy, gov, education, media, NGO NFP, higher Ed, law etc. what parents should be very fearful of is when they turn on you. Today there is no state apparatus to do that but they might go no contact on you.

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No contact is my biggest fear. Maybe worse than a beard and double mastectomy.

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What a choice! I have inoculated to the best of my ability. We have declined admission to schools with greatest concentration of woke and privilege. The cognitive dissonance is too much for the most conscientious of the younger generation leading to poor mental health.

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exactly, it's amazing but all it takes is one ally to change a room dynamic and make others start to think

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Be the brave one in your group.

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Being brave has gotten me kicked out of multiple groups ;)

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Me too! Haha, get it? Me too? Anyway, while I wasn’t officially expelled, although one man tried to make that happen, the group rewrote their bylaws so that if anyone else created something akin to a “hostile environment” or “not acting in the spirit of the organization” they could be voted off of whatever committees they were on and banned from committee membership. And this is a group of basically all white senior learners. If you question the group think and worse, if you spell out logically and with proof the flaws in the group think, they will hurt you as much as they are capable of. No cogent dissent is tolerated. Unfortunately this nastiness is human group behavior and isn’t limited to progressives or DEI issues. It can happen in the HOA or the Condo board. If it’s humans it can happen.

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I wouldn't join any club that wanted me as a member. ;-)

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Fear is their biggest weapon

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Fear is understandable, especially when your livelihood & reputation are at stake! Lawsuits are helpful, if you win. But, Susan, many Judges & Juries are part & parcel of the WOKE Left cult! And the MSM (propaganda arm of the cult) will never report on anything except the Left “wins”

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"We must hang together or surely we shall hang separetely," --Franklin. That being said, I will have a tough time being the first person to say at a struggle session, "This is wrong."

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Please keep in mind that not all LGB people support gender ideology and do not wish to be associated with TQetc,

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Of course. This is why more of the LGB’s must speak out against the trans madness.

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Some of us trans people are speaking out about the "trans madness" too!

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The LGB Alliance was formed in 2019 in the UK, in part to do just that.


The case referred to - Mermaids v LGB Alliance - was recently decided in favour of the LGB Alliance. But the attacks - against any organisation that does not support gender ideology - continue.

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And then they get accused of being homophobic, etc. Even TFP fell for the Left's lie that groups like Gays Against Groomers are homophobic.

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NONE of what we are about is why Bari walked from the Times. They attacked Israel and the back of her head said "Pogrom! FFS RUN!". But for 2000 years of pogroms, she'd still be supping the full-fat Kool-Aid. As it is she has only gotten to the Diet version and The Stupid is still in charge about 70% of the time.

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That is a like asking the same of assimilated Muslims; only more so. They are an even smaller minority. Nope; it is for US, the 70-80% MAJORITY, to turn and give battle.

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Right. Not all groups are monolithic. I see a lot of pushback (not in the mainstream press, they’re all in) from LGBs on gender ideology. They detect and detest the madness.

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I see a LOT of LGBs who are standing up and saying that the trans insanity and the attempts to normalize pedophilia (MAPs = "minor attracted persons") are something they do NOT support, and in fact are very much against.

Lesbians, in particular, have been savaged by the Trans Rights Activists. If a lesbian doesn't want to have sex with a "woman" with a dick, she's an evil transphobe. There have been rapes.

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This whole trans things is probably one of the most anti-women things that has happened in my lifetime. Notice you pretty much never see women who transitioned to men in all of this. It is almost all Men2women transitioners pushing this.

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My friends & relatives who are Gay feel the Trans have hijacked the LGB’s years long struggles of being accepted and left alone to live in peace. Most I know refuse to accept the “Celebration” of LGBTQ, etc., etc, alphabet Pride Month, and would not go to the Pride Parades.

Of course, now the Trans are saying THEY are merely pushing for acceptance the same way Gays & Blacks have. “It’s OUR time”

A really big difference is the violence!

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Trans itself has been just as much hijacked; glommed onto by THE SAME kind of "activist" who has glommed onto every Minority/Civil Rights/Social Justice cause since at least the Rooseveldt era and probably since the Wobblies, if not before. You now have to put all those "causes" in scare quotes because they were ALL metastisised by Leftist subversion.

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Yep. I hate to admit it but I’m a transphobe myself…well…not actually but technically according to the laws of New Society which dictate that since I prefer women that aren’t identifying as such, I might in the near future be charged with a felony hate crime. And apparently the feelings I have and will hurt are immeasurable. Hmmm…to think me, an old nobody on a fixed income has that level of influence. Wow! How intoxicating!

I’ll probably be considered a Nazi as well by the Grand Masters of Rightthink. I’m gonna have to update my résumé.

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Yes, but those need to stand up and be counted!

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There are some progressives, like Bilkszto, some LGB. . . People, some Democrats, some Ivy League professors, etc. who think it makes sense to voice honest opinions that don’t fit the projected narrative. Social media, trans activists, DEI trainers and Covid dictators cannot survive if we all push back and support those who do, even if we don’t agree with the position of the push back.

The danger is that better dictators will not drop a nuclear bomb on the slight push backs, just enough to shut them up. Bilkszto might have been a good DEI supporter if he had been gently redirected to the evils DEI is addressing and the indoctrination into the greater evil of Canada had been moved down the road.

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Crumble and be jobless. The whole industry will collapse and they’ll have trouble getting work. Who wants a loud mouth, bully working for them?

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(Love your username. You got to go and dig them holes!)

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I agree, C.M.! I would feel much more hopeful if our country was under leadership, and a President that didn’t kowtow to this WOKE Left insanity.

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This is an incredibly heartbreaking story but sadly one all too common. As a parent, I have attended these DEI school sessions. My husband and I were the only ones challenging the orthodoxy and we received nasty grams. Our 8th grader at the time was told to sit out from these sessions when they brought them to the classroom. I had it out w the Head of the Middle school. (Turns out that they can’t handle dissent or any pushback whatsoever, relying on their feeble trope of “you are racist if you don’t repent) The more negative feedback we got, the harder we fought, ultimately leaving the school. The school received a lot of negative press (it was a private jewish day school) and our satisfaction is that the revolt has seriously harmed the school- enrollment is way down…perhaps too “down”. We moved to another state and another school, one not indoctrinated with DEI only to find that the board hired one of these NAIS/ISAC DEI recruiters. (The accreditation bodies need to have a reckoning) Back to battle we went and successfully installed an internal candidate who will be amazing. One of us now sits on the Board of Trustees. At a local high school (again private but this is happening big time at public schools where another son attended), a pronoun savvy interim head of school was just announced. Back to the battle field. My kid sister has disowned me because I dare to challenge. The Free Press has been a respite amongst the battles. We are becoming more vocal on LinkedIn to showcase how business DEI also needs attacking as you all heard on that audio. And guess, what….most people agree its garbage but aren’t in a position to speak up, yet that’s what we all must do. Perhaps this is why Vivek Ramaswamy is gaining so much in the polls. He’s unafraid of attacking this and talking about the censorship that is happening now in the US. Free speech/free press - this alone is the hill to die on….

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You realize the biggest push backer is Ron DeSantis. He’s actually changed things, not just talked about it.

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Yep. I'm genuinely confused by Bari and Nellie's disdain for DeSantis' "culture wars." All he did was keep this crap out of schools. So many FP articles focus on how toxic this ideology is in schools and society a whole, yet they are upset about the only politician doing something about it.

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What you must remember is that Bari and Nellie seem to still be captured by the left. they just don't agree with everything they are doing (partially because it impacted them). They are not that different than the person in this article except that they fought back rather than crumble. But they haven't changed their pov. They still seem to hate Conservatives. They just have a bigger enemy at the moment.

At least that is how it seems since I joined.

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What I have noticed is that Bari and Nellie recognize that msm is biased and then they form opinions about conservatives that have been planted by those same msm people. It’s as if they just can’t resist the brainwashing. However I am grateful and admire their efforts. Sasha Stone is much more discerning.

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I'm a huge fan of both, but I rolled my eyes when Bari mentioned "book bans" during her interview with Ramaswamy. It's okay to be wrong, and we all have our biases.

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And they have a child now.

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I agree and I’m torn between these two….

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Ron DeSantis was in the Navy and served in Iraq. If China does indeed invade Taiwan, I want someone with DeSantis' experience as Commander-In-Chief.

Same in case Ukraine-Russia gets worse.

It's too early for Vivek.....maybe a cabinet position to gain experience.

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I could even see him as VP, simply because he would be a good person to go out and speak, as he would do so honestly (at least it seems so). It would add legitimacy to what the Pres did, because the VP would be less of a cheerleader.

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Vivek has a significant understanding of exactly who China is and who Ukraine is and shared this understanding. Still waiting for DeSantis....

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The Chicago Contrarian website has covered similar issues with private Jewish day schools in Chicago, as well as in "elite" private high schools with tuitions higher than a fair amount of colleges.

Good for you for speaking out, no matter the financial or personal costs.

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It seems odd to me that a Jewish school would buy into this garbage, with the persecutions Jewish people have suffered over the centuries. I don't understand for what they feel they have to atone.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

KOJO is just a race-baiting, shakedown outfit. This industry was started in the 1960’s by the Rev. Jesse Jackson and his ‘Rainbow Coalition’. Rev. Al Sharpton continued the grift and even works at it today. Notice how both grifters use a religious title which is helpful in showing folks how pious they are, but in fact Jackson is an adulterer and Sharpton refused to pay his millions of dollars in taxes. KOJO, Jackson and Sharpton have never worked an honest days worth of work. They are shakedown artists preying on sensitive people. They should be shunned.

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In an article about standing up, here's some. Jackson was a participant in real racial reform and the MLK civil rights movement.

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Much has changed in 50 years

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